Vernon Smith QC
Vernon Smith QC

The unfortunate death of Marcelle Smith who was the wife of retired headmaster of the Lodge School Aurelius Smith and who is the brother of Vernon Smith and Frederick ‘Sleepy Smith’ of the venerable Law Firm Smith and Smith has generate a distasteful public story.  Based on the documents attached we have a family feud which is fuelling serious allegations. In the interest of being balanced and transparent BU will post the attached documents to inform public discussion and leave the speculation to others.

308 responses to “The Vernon Smith Vs Marcelle Smith & Family Affair, with Court Documents”

  1. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    You ain’t no knucklehead though you are exhibiting a close leaning, with a noted propensity to be branded accordingly in spite of all your nicely expressed put together phrases. But, you finally get the point as you concede. Pity it took you 9 paragraphs and a pause in your dribble to get the main gist.

  2. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    So pieceuhderockyeahright at 6:05 AM, what are you saying. That the DPP should only have released dem after levying a bigger fine closer to that street value of $660,000; that they should be lost way on remand awaiting trial or what.

    BTW was that roughly US$200K or BDS$? Didn’t read the case but I’ll presume bds$ as you said ‘roughly’ like in a conversion. Either way its money and likely forex that they didn’t have before.

    Better to do it that way rather than the Singapore way and execute these drug tourists. We wouldn’t be able to handle that negative exposure as it would show up our legal system in flagrante delicto!

    So leh dem come, catch dem and fine dem up the wazoo!

    Not so sure wha to do wid dem locales dem…as I said the system is itself flagrante delicto …

  3. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    It is as I have said in my post at 1:52am. While all efforts are being made to find ways to earn forex (nothing wrong wid dah), keep tourist attracted (nothing wrong wid dah), and significant others in the money (every shite wrong wid dat), there is a gross neglect of that percentage of the Barbadian diaspora that are breeding grounds for social discord and violence, due, largely, to the crumbling situations that are their domestic environments. WWC, If you neglect the cornerstones that promote and build a good society, which is linked to the development of the ”intact family,” then what prevails are all the ills in a society that your social services will become completely overwhelmed and powerless to bring under control. You have a high price structural network, a burdensome support mechanism, no system that mandates a civic duty at 18 years to expose pent up energies to the rudiments of discipline through military service or other services to instill a sense of duty and responsibility. What you have are growing negative perceptions that cling to all that is wrong with Barbados. It is an already festering misconception of right and wrong that has no significant standout role models that the youth can follow and emulate. No early etiquette programmes that teach respectability and honour. What you expect, ma girl, the devil finds work for idle minds with idle hands. When you do not provide means for idle minds to be exposed to what is positive and wholesome than they will find pleasure in the perverted. After all, we have seen the decadence in the pleasure postings after the effects of the crop over or reggae on the hill sexual orgies with banks bottles and dangling doggies. We saw it with a young boy pelting bird in a sheep and a young child wukking up on an adult in skimpy underwear like he was a grown up while the crowd roared and cheered. These were all signs of the bigger troubles that were coming, troubles that the authorities sought to deal with by treating the canker sore and not the cause of it. That is what has been happening to Barbados over time, and the Democratic Labour Party and Barbados Labour Party,only made it worst with their negligence.

  4. If de country short on money and they fine the young Canadians instead of incarcerating them think of the money that is saved since the Bajan public don’t have to pay for their room and board. The Prison authorities are releasing prisoners (some say it is an effort to save money) but that’s another story. Those people were just “mules”, perhaps they squealed and disclosed the name(s) of Mr. Big (they didn’t get up one day and packed their suitcases with mayjane). If I was Mr. Big I would be looking over my shoulder for “Dudley do Right” because dem young tings when faced with Dodds must have squealed louder than a piglet getting castrated.

    That’s my view from the Sunny North, I look forward to “Bushy” expounding his opinion on women in society and “Bushy” does have a view starting with barefoot, pregnant and tied to the kitchen sink but I don’t ever want to speak for “Bushy”.

  5. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    You wrote:
    My Sweet Piece

    This is nothing new in Barbados. How many cases involving tourists resulted in the full weight of the law when compared to cases involving murder resulting in lesser sentences when a local kills another local? What about the situation where German-born B-jerk-man killed his son and was allowed to roam as far as overseas for medical treatment. Yet a father, who forgot his baby at the back of his car (an occurrence that happens worldwide with studies to prove it is possible for non-accustom activities that are not programmed into one’s psychy of everyday routines can be easily forgotten) was charged with gross negligence. Or, the father upset over a matter that struck and kill his own child while reversing was charged and placed in prison for gross negligence also. You really think, my sweet piece, that you or I could have bend over and ‘moon’ the exterior to any judge in Barbados without consequence? Barbados judicial system is going, gone, completely bunkers.

    What do you expect? Have any of those people you mentioned ever contributed money to a political party? Don’t you know that illegally financing political parties amount to a get out of jail free card?

    In Barbados you can make a mistake that result in the death of your child, come clean and go to jail, but if you have money you child can die at your hands from a gunshot; you can make up an impossible scenario and walk free. The story that was related to the police about cleaning the gun could not possibly happen. No one that ever handled a gun could believe the story that was accepted by law enforcement in Barbados.

    I am sorry, I know that I am off topic but whenever I am confronted with the fairy tale of that little boy’s death, I her angry.

    Sent from my iPad


  6. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    We are always coming up with stupid solutions from other jurisdictions. The latest is a sex offenders registry. If a rapist’s name is in a sex offenders’ registry that would not stop him from raping. I am for a more permanent solution. I am talking about CASTRATION, and I don’t mean chemical castration. I prefer the use of a razor.

    Sent from my iPad


  7. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Caswell, surely you as a man who expounds well re precedent and understanding the English comprehension of life fully understand that the ‘sex offenders’ registry’ concept if implemented to the extent that it is in some US jurisdictions would be quite foreboding on the lives of anyone thereon…and I speak to those who got there due to simply misguided deeds rather than out-and-out sexual deviancy.

    No argument that it cannot and does not stop persons from raping or whatever they committed but that’s a dangerous piece of legislation if not handled properly.

    In some jurisdictions the Bajan school children caught in sexual acts would be tarred for life as they could be on such a registry…

    …but then again Barbados has a different mind-set to these type of things so maybe being on such a register would not presage the same pain and difficulties as in US.

    The case of 17 year old Genarlow Wilson in Georgia USA is an instance of how that registry can stain you when one should never be so painted (that is a case of a lot of wrongs but he would also end on the register and that would be his life-long burden affecting jobs and all aspects).

    I hope folks understand what being on such a list really means – based on current laws, that is.

  8. pieter pieper Avatar

    No wonder our politicians believe we have ‘short memories and limited attention spans’ ! We tend to stray off-topic so easily !

  9. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Once again, to the official BU self appointed TIme Keepers, when you come late to the party, you will learn that with any and all BU topics people will move away from the substantive topic sometimes so radically that you are unsure if it returns to the centre BUT, when it comes to the matter of murder, they WILL COME BACK.

    Rest your horses AND UNLESS YOU CAN TELL US WHERE THE DECEASED WAS CARRIED, BEFORE HER BODY WAS UNCEREMONIOUSLY PLACED IN HALTON PLANTATION, or any other substantive detail which, once uttered, would immediately coalesce all discussion around your topic, go with the effing flow and try not to direct the BU blogging.

    I doan know where wunn Johnny come latelys does come from.

    Menses talking bout sexual predators and deterrent strategies agains such crimes and you talking shyte bout politicians and short effing memories.

    Man carry yuh whatchamacallit yuh!!

  10. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    SSS….the society can now be honestly described as being deviant, as a whole.

  11. @ pudryr

    “Sexual predators and deterrent strategies” are indeed important, but are they relevant to the topic ? Are/were they at play in this awful tragedy ? Given the seriousness and need for the fullest ventilation of the topic at hand, should we allow ourselves to be side-tracked … a technique used very often by lawyers and politicians ? I think not ! Nonetheless, you are entitled to your opinion and your vulgarity ! I shall adhere to that old dictum, ‘Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise !’ Peace, Piece !

  12. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    We see persons who have been charged for murder being released on bail. We see persons who have committed murder,and in one case double murder, being released from prison before the time given to them by a judge and jury. In todays Nation we learn of a man incarcerated in Dodds for what Bajans refer to as “Cock Tax”, not being allowed to attend his mother’s funeral after she was tragically killed in a vehicle accident on the ABC Highway. The similar type of red tape that stopped me from attending my own mothers funeral .

  13. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @pieter pieper at 12:55 PM …you really can’t be serious. How can a tangent taken after 200+ comments on a blog be critiqued as you have! How.

    How is ventilation or lack of seriousness re this lady’s death being disregarded by anything said whether it’s comment one or comment 260. The people who need to be acting are the DPP, Ms Smith’s family the BAR Association and related parties.

    Any and all comments here beyond the documents first posted are titillating gossip at the end of the day. Any further really useful ventilation since about post #1 would be a confession document!

    So as the ole-man said unless you have “any other substantive detail which, once uttered, would immediately coalesce all discussion around your topic” then please get real.

    Again to place your remarks into context…this is a blog where over 260 comments were made of varying degrees of common-sense and seriousness.

    To coin other more recent dictum: it’s possible to walk and chew gum. I am sure you can do that.

  14. pieter pieper Avatar


    Ad hominem remarks are useless, pointless, and senseless ! We are each entitled to our own opinion !

  15. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    In my humble opinion, the lady’s family need to take this to the wire, had she been a relative of mine, I would be making everyone involved very miserable, but that’s my personality… appears that people have become lawless because there are no boundaries set for those who believe they are untouchable.


    The accused needs to be tried as soon as possible for this heinous murder of a kind and caring lady.

  17. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    More importantly, the accused needs to be made to allocute, as is allowed in common law jurisdictions….and call the names of those who paid him to kill an elderly senior citizen.

  18. […] occurrence was the revelation of the court documents relating to the death of Marcelle Smith in an article on the Barbados Underground. The documents in my opinion pointed to a motive for her murder and the persons […]

  19. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @pieter pieper April 8, 2016 at 3:53 PM ——- Absolutely, “we are each entitled to our own opinion”. That is the entire point of blogging…everyone is an editorial writer.

    Are you being fair and honest in your role as editorial writer in stating the opinion at April 8, at 9:49 AM? Is that a valid remark after 200+ blog post ?

    I believe blogger Pieces is also entitled to his opinion – laced with some mild and friendly tongue lashing- but very factually strong

    It’s either ironic or hypocritical that you should sound off about going off topic and did not in the least offer any new and enlightening information with your post…off-topic on off-topic…doubly guilty you were…LOL

    Of course that’s just my opinion that you are standing on sand …and the claims of ad hominem are exaggerated.

    None here will solve this crime with our words…and all of us here want to see JUSTICE regardless of our words!

  20. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Pieter Piper

    I can understand your call to keep on the topic. I, too, on one occasion, on some other topic, lamented the fact that comments were way off topic. David, the blog master, politely told me that that he and others are good at multi-topic-ing. However, I see none of the comments that speak to the social ills in society as going way off base. In fact, they point to the very reasons why the crime against Marcelle Smith happened in the first place. My sweet piece pointed correctly to the fact that unless there is a significant revelation coming forth that could shed further light on the Marcelle Smith murder case, what more can be said that has not already been said. Amused has not offered any more information on his insights into this matter, and there is no further development besides the speculations and ND Ince’s talk of instructed to carry out the murder. The discussion is now focused on the growing disgust and festering defiance towards things moral that is now factoring detrimentally in the bajan society

    Caswell Franklyn

    I heard you and I hearing you. I think you know that we all know, those with money can purchase the best honey. B-jerk-man is one case that showed up the compromising position of the judicial system to justify tailored made facts under falsify legal jargon to make the pretense appear like the right type of justice was served. You do not have to be in the deal to know the deal was struck. Previous evidence concerning the rambunctious status quo individuals was only good for public outcry, the usual bull shit preliminary hearings, and a justification that placed doubt on the evidence leading to exoneration. You have the scam of the Caribbean century in the CLICO debacle. You have evidence that proved Leroy Parris to be a crook, David Thompson to be a crook, the Prime Minister of Barbados to be a condoner and sympathizer of crooks, whose only concern is that their behaviours have nothing to do with what they were able to achieve, and yet through all of this, the only people who are suffering, imprisoned mentality by the amount that they have lost are the disadvantaged policyholders. Not a boy have has been apprehended for the CLICO scam, and the judiciary of Barbados want us to believe that the law is executed in all fairness when it is pussyfooting with the Leroy Parris case matter by freezing his assets which we all know will soon be available for him to enjoy. On trust me, sexy Caswell, I know.

  21. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    As I said, you are ain’t no idiot, wellllll a little moronic with a twist of inflated ego, but no idiot. I starting to like you. Your views are contextual and provide for an alternative perspective even though your feeble attempts to do the psychoanalytical thing needs to do a Cahill.

  22. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Ma Girl WWC

    The case to me so far is clear cut. I really do not think you need to find substantial physical evidence and a bonafide confession to see what picture the put together dots are painting. The family, as you rightfully said, needs to press the matter where the authorities might be compromised to do so. If they have any pass dirt on Vernon Smith they should throw it in the arena of public opinion to get it diced. sliced and chop up. If Vernon Smith and Hal Gollop are indeed the scum that many believe them to be no better way to draw them out of their protective environment than by exposing all that you know to be true about them. Other than that this case was finished at the apprehension and charged of Ince. That is a slam dunk fact in the protectionist order of the consortium of things agreed upon at the kissing of the rings and the chanting of strange sayings.

  23. @ SSS
    Perhaps a good start would be to ask Vernon’s wife what kind of person he REALLY is….

  24. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    oh lawd, @ Sunshine Sunny Shine April 9, at 4:26 AM …. I am both “a little moronic” and “with a twist of inflated ego” LOLL. Not in de class as the real BU maguffies fah sure.

    Anyhow, I’ll leave you to Pieces. You are a handful and more than a bit on top of that!

    And talk about back-handed complimentary slaps …, ” I starting to like you. Your views are contextual and provide for an alternative perspective even though your feeble attempts to do the psychoanalytical thing needs to do a Cahill.”

    You do love that take charge aura…LOLL. Not sure if I should say ‘thanks’ or ‘ouch’!

  25. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Bush Tea

    You would have to ask if she has an intact conscience sufficient enough to tell the truth.


    No, no, no, I really starting to like you. You write objectively, though, as I said, your pompersetting English skill set an attempt at doing the psychology thingie do expose an element of your inflated ego. Lord, ain’t nothing wrong with that. I have been called, Miss know all, a man pretending to be a woman, nasty derogatory person, slanderous, dangerous, wicked, all types of names. I take them as compliments because compared to some of the frauds pretending to be stand up role models of a citizen, those bad words are nothing to be compare to their type of nasty.

  26. @ SSS
    You would have to ask if she has an intact conscience sufficient enough to tell the truth
    You may well be surprised at how much incentive she has to be honest…

  27. @ Bush Tea

    I have dwindling faith in the human race and in particular little faith of so-called prominent people pun the rock. I would imagine Vernon Smith’s wife would unfortunately have enough nous of self-preservation to know which side of the bread is buttered for her and given she ain’t working herself, therefore needs to rely on the old man to keep on bleatin’ / stealin’ / murderin’ to keep paying those gym fees or whatever. i.e. little incentive. However, like you, Bush, we wait to be surprised. God help the victims of heinous crimes.

  28. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    SSS…Vernon’s wife was present when he picked up a chair and physically threatened Mrs. Smith, ss stated in the letter Mrs. Smith wrote when voicing her concerns about her safety. Smith’s wife encouraged him to leave the premises, as I said, if he had me to deal with, Vernon would have left the premises on a stretcher.

    I am sure the wife knows what type of idiot she is dealing with, she is the one have to live with him.

  29. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    I am not sure what picture you are painting of the wife. Is she afraid, subdued, a dependent who would suffer if she tells the truth about this old spiteful brute or simply a cohort in her husband’s nefarious endeavours? What is she ma girl?

  30. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Not sure myself SSS…but given what Mrs. Smith described, Vernon’s wife was lucid enough to pull the idiot outta there before he killed Mrs. Smith with chair, knowing he was trespassing.

  31. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Not only lucid, but level headed,

  32. Well Well
    It is clear to all that Vernon is capable of being the hooligan that he is and as he is portrayed in Philip Znicholls’ book.A bloody hooligan for an old duffer who should be home saving his breath to cool his porridge.Obviously his young wife is more level headed than the vagabond grandpa.

  33. How old is Vernon’s young wife?

  34. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    If this man was openly violent to Marcelle Smith, prior to her death, this simply adds another dot to already overwhelming matrix of dotte evience that is overwhelming. He along with all other parties identified must be interrogated.

  35. Heather
    Saw on BU mention of her at 61.

  36. How Vernon would benefit from Marcell’s death?Was a new will signed that he would not want her to contest?

  37. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    SSS..Marcelle expressed her concern to others that she feared for her safety, because of Smith.

    Gabriel…there are those close to him and are his friends who believes he omly postures, then there are those who believe Vernon tonbe truly dangerous.

    In a jurisdiction with a working police force, office of the DPP, attorney general’s office….yes, both Smith and Gollop would be investigated, questioned and interrogated multiple times, given the evidence build up…but, none of tgese functioning entities exist in Barbados, particularly when it’s one of their own the spotlight of suspicion falls upon.

    This child Jahan King was murdered, more than one child last year….and what are the police, DPP, Attorney General etc doing chasing down Naked Departure for blogging, trying to extradite and sue for talk. I would be pleasantly surprised if those 2 goons Smith and Gollop are questioned in the murder.

    Now you see what is more important to these pretenders for professionals on the island.

  38. concerned citizen Avatar
    concerned citizen

    @heather, It appears Marcelle Smith’s body was never meant to be found, based on where they eventually located it . It then took a while for it to be id’d.

    With that context ask your question again. What happens in the situation of a missing person and control of their estate.

    Since there is a court order granting a receivership which should be rock solid in principle. A missing person would no doubt complicate things for handling the estate.

  39. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The court order also granted receivership to Mrs. Smith’s son, who is very much alive, it was joint so it will not be easy, there is still a problem for those trying to overturn that order….this is worth keeping an eye on to see how far Smith and Gollop are willing to go…using their knowledge of how to circumvent the system.

  40. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    The movie-script nature of this matter does not abate ..does it.

    Is it mere happenstance, vitality or just the nature of things that two octogenarian plus brothers were married to much younger women! … Just an interesting tidbit that has nary a connection to the murder investigation…but the psychology of life is forever strange.

    The resolution of this case is a function of who wants it more…and it seems the establishment will win.

    The DPP has absolutely no long-term reason to want to get to the bottom of this otherwise he could prime the pump to make the accused’s life a future of joy and freedom in order jump start his investigation… but to do that he would destroy his and his family’s future of joy and complete ‘freedom’.

    Ms. Smith’s family unfortunately do not have the power surely and possibly the money to usurp the DPP’s intransigence and get the details needed to move this investigation to its conclusion.

    At minimum an experienced, external PI and a hacker would be needed. The former to establish the time-lines of locations for all concerned and the latter to find any pings and other stored details that defines where any concerned parties ‘crossed’ connection.

    @DavidWeekes surely you can recommend a few hackers who might do some gratis work for the Smith family…

    And of course pretend I am in my dementia state wid dat last one…as that is absolutely illegal. But den so is murder.

  41. Pedantic Dribbler

    Phones are strange things Pedantic. Men and women, show their character and fickleness by their phones. cars and the types of Computers.

    Some phones, being fitted with specific software are to all intents and purposes – impregnable, and computers too, unless (a) you get access to the physical phone and install certain hardware/software (b) get access to the person’s house to monitor those devices and (c) unless you had a court order, similar that afforded under the Terrorism Act 2015 of Barbados which David Commissiong has been fighting against.

    OR, and this is a category which seems by all accounts to be en vogue in some jurisdictions in the region, you have (illegal) access to people’s phone records

    There is a fellow here who “joined” BU officially yesterday who would be better positioned to speak to the software defined networking capacity of the various telephone companies and their capacities IN CONCERT WITH THE JRCC equipment.

    As an aside let me just speak to that JRCC equipment for a second. The party to whom this article is directed knows who I mean, and is expected to change their name after this observation.

    Hypothetically, a group of individuals get a few devices under a JRCC bilateral aid program “to shore up their capacities to deal with matters of national security.”

    Imagine this, little boys and girls, armed with devices that provide them capacities to effect continuous? listening regimens supposedly for national security but whatever the conditions the equipment would use varied “frequencies” across various media to mine information.

    Said group, enamoured of their new toys, starts to play their “games” but they demit office and are replaced by “a king that knew not Joseph…” also a toy lover.

    Again, and I am speaking hypothetically now. So the successors, not cognisant of, and not caring, nor obliged to care for the original remit, start to chart a different purpose/application for “the toys”

    So remember Dribbler we have a group there for 14 years, 3 of which they start to experiment with the power of the toys, in comes the “inheritors” who, both lacking any knowledge of the original purpose of the tools/technology and remit, AND lacking any intellect, accuse the former party of monitoring, and chart a similar path as puny as that of their predecessors, “monitoring their own citizens”.

    Back to your query/comment, De Pedantic Dribbler. Because the primary units of interest are billed phones (again for this assumption, i refer you to my original premise about egos and our attachment to these fickle “love of our lives”), it is entirely likely that a hypothetical trail of telephony transactional data i.e. who was called, and when, being on record, is traceable.

    To erase the trail of the billed transactions would be a herculean task, the more knowledgeable practitioner here can confirm this, since it would mean doing some interdepartmental collusion which, while possible, will mean exposing one’s hand to a few more Bajans and you know how we love to talk. Non billed phones present a more difficult proposition since, unless one is in the USofA and other jurisdictions, those dbfs are generally not kept

    I think that another blogger mentioned these phone call trails here earlier but remember Dribbler, this is not CSI Miami. What you are speaking about requires an expertise that does not reside in the island even though the I2 software that facilitates the analytics does, and has been here, for over 12 years. Even I have a working copy of that in my catalog

    You need to be careful Dribbler because, of late, citizens who hear of these oddities of wiretapping, when they speak out about it, are deemed “treasonous and sedition prone.

    It would seem that as said hypothetical parties seem bent on continuing down this path you see a pattern of “denouncing any person who has an opinion different to theirs” AND, in extreme cases, will reach out and remove that dissent, by various means alluded to in this article.

    I forgot to mention in my hypothetical story that all this transpires while, a sleeping public, euphemism for me and you, happily walk along, unaware of these things ecclesiastical, and continue in somnambulistic bliss, a bliss augmented by the annual, steadily becoming diurnal, Kadooment euphoria.

  42. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Like I said, this case is a done deal. The DPP’s office under the current stewardship of the Leacock man is a compromised office. There will be no further investigation beyond Ince to link the dots to who the true murderers are. The two controversial lawyers have protective covers and as long as that protection exist the investigation will end at Ince. Marcelle Smith is dead and the person that killed her is already behind bars. Case closed.

  43. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Yeah….so it seems, but karma is a bitch.

  44. De Pedantic Dribbler

    There is one more thing which might be of greater use in this investigation than the pho calls/text/data use.

    The transaction data previously mentioned during that investigation of the subjects would provide – number of calls, disaggregated by incoming/outgoing source, duration and time per call ), incoming and outgoing text messages disaggregated by sources byte count and time as well as ** of SMS and of course frequency, then, if you have a data plan, internet data connections – url i.e. site visited etc.

    But what is more useful is what is on the backend of this network, the geolocation data simply put, the route that you took, rather the phone(s) took

    Even if you don’t see anyone following you Dribbler, they know when you leave the house, where you are, if you are stationary, on the move, coming back home, more time to search, things like that.

    The cell towers data would give the police force additional information it they were to access the phone/phones in question by legal or other means.

    @ Mr. Jeff Cumberbatch

    I am not sure if this is the FTC of Telecommunications people’s domain and, while this may be hindsight as well, cellular phone companies should be required to keep both monthly paid or prepay phone data for a prescribed period of time as a backup, if so required.

    Preservation of that data, enforced by law would permit that, in the event of a forensic analysis demanded by law one would be able to do what this diagram presents AT THE FLICK OF A SWITCH


    The other link was nit specific to the visualisation that the I2 gives

  46. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    I want to ask a stupid question. Who is responsible for directing the police force to investigate any development further?

  47. @SSS
    Whoever is supposed to to be directing the police has fallen asleep at the wheel or missing. Perhaps that person does not know their job description.

  48. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    It is claimed, Heather, that Ince stated in prison he was instructed to kill Marcelle Smith. It is claimed that Vernon Smith’s, according to my girl WWC, wife had to prevent him from doing physical harm to Marcelle Smith with a chair. There is the provision of documentation that shows the lengths at which Smith and Gollop were willing to go in order to get what they were after. It is claimed that Marcelle Smith made an indication that she feared for her life. There is bitterness on the part of Smith to effect several strange moves to upset whatever hold Marcelle Smith had on her husband’s estate with Smith confronting the situation with an unscheduled visit or maybe visits with the police present. WHAT OTHER INFORMATION WOULD BE PERTINENT ENOUGH FOR THEY TO BE FULL-SCALE INVESTIGATION INTO WHAT PARTS SMITH; GOLLOP; THE WIFE AND WHOEVER ELSE; PLAYED IN THE DEATH OF MARCELLE SMITH.

  49. Analysis is one thing, just do not go down the atrocious road of that ‘other blog’ that posts libelous material without research or facts to support. Very dangerous road, we could say so many things with just as much (little) evidence to support, that would rock the boat, muchly.

  50. @Crusoe

    Thanks for your intervention Crusoe, we are aware of the agendas playing out here.

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