Vernon Smith QC
Vernon Smith QC

The unfortunate death of Marcelle Smith who was the wife of retired headmaster of the Lodge School Aurelius Smith and who is the brother of Vernon Smith and Frederick ‘Sleepy Smith’ of the venerable Law Firm Smith and Smith has generate a distasteful public story.  Based on the documents attached we have a family feud which is fuelling serious allegations. In the interest of being balanced and transparent BU will post the attached documents to inform public discussion and leave the speculation to others.

308 responses to “The Vernon Smith Vs Marcelle Smith & Family Affair, with Court Documents”

  1. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    Based on the documents, the family feud might have degenerated into something far more sinister.

  2. I am not normally at a loss for words but all I can say is Wow! Wow! Wow!

  3. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Is it no wonder Vernon looks like every existing second in his life is tormented and miserable while Gollop looks like an already dead and decomposing corpse, but still walking….what a pit of desperate slimy snakes.

    I would bet my last dollar that they both run into a church every Sunday, singing and hollering the loudest.

  4. @ Sargeant
    Boss… you better than Bushie….. who can only manage one WOW!

  5. Wicked!wicked!wicked! No wonder her children rushed back here as soon as they got the news! Think the investigators looked at this case from this angle? Should be interesting. Let’s see how justice really works in Barbados


  7. I’ll predict …the investigation will continue for another 20 years…and there will be NO JUSTICE for the deceased or her immediate relatives ! ‘That is how we roll !’

  8. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    My take away from this relates to Vernon Smith. He seems to be every bit as an arrogant and haughty as I thought of him after interacting on several occasions years ago… but be that as it may.

    How could two QCs brow beat a man like that who had already been deemed as legally ‘incompetent’ to manage his own affairs?… If they were challenging that competency ruling that is best achieved via a psychiatrist.

    Certainly shows that Bajan lawyers are pit-bulls once they sink their teeth in!

    Barbados old line family scandal in the main news … This has all the swagger and salaciousness of high crimes and misdemeanors that highlighted the case of the Astor family in US… As memory serves one of the sons actually went to jail for his financial hanky-panky re the multi-million$ estate of the relative with diminished capacity.

    It would certainly be the end days on earth if any such thing happened in BIM…fah sure. So we sit back and cringe at this soap opera…

    … and where is former AG Frederick in all this…is Vernon running roughshod over all others due to their advanced age/diminished capacity?

  9. I’ll predict …the investigation will continue for another 20 years…and there will be NO JUSTICE for the deceased or her immediate family members ! ‘That is how we roll !’

  10. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    We have been telling you all of the Crooks , Liars and Scumbags lawyers in Barbados and the book on the lawyers now want to say there only a few,? He an ass , Now Let ” Me get this straight’

    “Beatrice Jemmott -Henry “Massive Land owner in Barbados is Aunt to “Violet Agard- Beckles”, also Massive Land owner in Barbados Also the Aunt of
    Vernon , Fredrick ” Sleepy” Smith have to call Beatrice Aunt and his Crook brothers , the Smith’s were also involved in Land Fraud of their Aunt by selling as was said to Me houses and land on Cherry Ave Sunset Crest’ and having other real estate Companies rent out the houses to tourist,
    Darcy Scott is also cousin to Beatrice Jemmott -Henry as E.D Mottley over saw and witnessed of her land action on her documents over the years,

    The Nature of the Lawyers Smith hiding land in other people names and companies such as Leroy of CLICO , Jeniffer King of Sagicor or Dennis Lowe of Million hidden in his Mothers Bank account,

  11. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Violet….all of this happening now and so very public is a continuation of what the former Thief Justice David Simmons and others in the supreme court, allowed to happen to victims who went to the supreme court for justice over the decades.

    How ironic its being exposed within one of the same culprit lawyer’s families, how unfortunate for the lady Smith her husband who is helpless and unaware and the couple’s children.

    Why were the police so up front in allowing an incompetent and clearly nonfunctioning senior citizen to be interrogated by 2 attorneys, one his own brother, without outside, independent input….which jackass in the rank and file of the police force, friend of one or both attorneys allowed this travesty.

    Just imagine what they have all done and are still doing to other people when not even their own families are safe from or can escape the venom of greedy, unscrupulous and unethical lawyers..

  12. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    de pedantic Dribbler April 2, 2016 at 11:05 AM # @@@

    We never seen you before , but it seem you get the picture better than most on BU posting long talk and remember “Dont call no body Name” We have the names and the facts , we just waiting on the Police and crook Minsters to catch up now 25 years later hidden by all news media in Barbados and on the NET,

    Yes the other brother is a long time crook, All Family business running Barbados into the ground, No Clear Title to land , History removed, Banks leaving all in the CC Nations , Granada 3 branches closing down , This type of land fraud is key , No clear title deeds and no loans can be had unless you deal with CLICO -Frist Caribbean – CIBC are the same land fraud masters, Sir Richard and Sir COW,

    Madoff and Stanford have nothing on Barbados and the Judges on the Bench right now were rewarded for their role in theses crimes,

  13. NorthernObserver Avatar

    You should find the deeds and title for the Fontabelle property, occupied by the Godfather of lawyers employed by Beatrice et al.

  14. @DPD
    My take away from this relates to Vernon Smith. He seems to be every bit as an arrogant and haughty as I thought of him after interacting on several occasions years ago… but be that as it may
    My take away relates to Hal Gollop, the man has to have his fingers in every pie…….

  15. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    I was particularly surprised to learn from Gollop’s letter that Aurelius Smith was capable of instructing a lawyer in 2014. Maybe that resulted from one of those medical miracles that we hear about.

    Some time in late 2009 or early 2010 the Smith family had a family reunion at the NUPW headquarters. Aurelius was brought to the function and even then he was not aware of his surroundings. I tried talking to him but he was incoherent. I felt for him and could not give him the cuff I had for him from way back when I was in second form. I didn’t have the heart to hit a man who did not understand what was going on around him.

    Over the years, after he left Combermere for Lodge he would let me know that he remembered me. This time around he was not even aware that he was at NUPW, and four years later, he improved to the stage where he could instruct a lawyer. Nothing short of a miracle!

    Sent from my iPad


  16. @ Caswell
    …and anyone who could not remember you from Cawmere HAVE to be seriously ill…..

  17. This is an “I told you so” moment for Philip Nicholls.

  18. Since when does a brother have more rights than a wife to come into the lady’s house before calling ahead and ordering her around? And the gall to be insulting to the lady in her own home? This is beyond belief. Would he have liked if another brother had done this to his wife?

    Talk about unscrupulous, deceitful and greedy? At what point do these lawyers have enough……………..crumbs man, aint David Thompson’s death a lesson to all these a……holes? He grabbed all he could and when the cancer took over, all he coulddo is to tell his brother when the Lord ready for him, he ready…………………..

  19. The letter from Hal Gollop is galling!

  20. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Wow! Wow!

    The further we move towards 2020 it appears as if, notwithstanding all the advances in technology and science, we are moving to a place where people’s values and or morals are moving in a direction of X=0, akin to “He shall increase while I decrease”.

    A number of things jump out at me.

    The Embassy of the United States of America ONLY USES SPECIFIC DOCTORS whom it has vetted to confirm the documentation that accompanies permanent resident status to the USA.

    Their reasoning is that these well investigated doctors will not take bribes to compromise the visa medical records.


    While Deeds constantly chants about the collusion that has besieged Violet Beckles, it is time that ALL RECORDS OR LAND OWNERSHIP BECOME AVAILABLE TO AN OMBUDSMAN OF IMPECCABLE STANDING to stave off this matter of dying intestate with your papers in the lawyers hands, or suffering from the vagaries of Alzheimer’s etc

    In addition to the ombudsman there should be a core of impeccable doctors who can be relied on to provide such medical certification as would indicate the case of diminished capacity as seems to be being relied on here.

    In addition to which, said records being made electronically available to the police would render the Stasi Police sword of the party procedure wielded here to put fear into the hearts of the rightful representatives of the property into its rightful place.

    Those officers should not have been there in such a matter unless they were so ordered by the courts

    Sometimes when the person still “lives” figuratively speaking, the problem that the relatives have is to declare them legally incompetent. It is hard to effect such an action against the very loins, if you are speaking of parents, that brought you here or a spouse etc but, time proves that it can be the best thing especially when you encounter this type of situation

    House and land and money things that we can’t take with us, cause us to destroy things, which while intangible, we would be better off to keep, friendship, love, respect etc.

    Nothing is going to come of this, the police will not incredibly, find who the murderers are as they did when, on stopping a man on a Motorcycle which was uninsured and unlicensed, the man fidgeted with his pockets, and consented to a search, whereupon weed was found.

    They would not be so crazy as to put a plastic bag with baygon on Vernon, or Gollop as they purportedly did with the poor black fellow from Ferniehurst.

    Well well often hints to this that one day, sooner than later, they will tief money fro the right person and all the constable #1300 ent going be able to save them.

    We may only hope that said constable might be there to record the particulars of their incident with equal alacrity as was accorded the late Marcelle Smith.

    Keep copies of your email, whatsapp hardcopies phone conversations secret meetings and upload them to gmail accounts, just in case.

    Hire no lawyer, Doctor, accountants or service providers who will not send you documents and agreed actions, in electronic copy, to your gmail address

    And, WHEN THE EF UP, as many of them do, send the information to BU.

    If the courts give you no recourse, let the court of popular opinion, give you its support cause you can bet your that people ent going to be flocking to Vernon’s doors given what is imputed

    The comedy now is that the tenant at the Clermont residence can justifiably say that, until this matter is resolves, they don’t know who to pay, a tief from a tief does mek GOD laugh

  21. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The current Ombudsman, Valton Benn, former magistrate is useless, he tells people who seek his help to go to the court, with his fake haughtiness.

    I know of one client who recently recorded all the bullshit the lawyer was spouting, lies he was telling about the cas uploaded it and emailed it back to his funky ass, that information can be used later to burn the colluding bitch……clients need to get serious with their deeds and other legal documents.

  22. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences


  23. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    NorthernObserver April 2, 2016 at 12:07 PM #

    You should find the deeds and title for the Fontabelle property, occupied by the Godfather of lawyers employed by Beatrice et al.@@@@

    We have the deed , they control the courts and the outcome of their land fraud.
    The Fraud Squad also have 80 to 90 % of our paper work but they are not moving? Maybe they will wait till COP Dottin gets back and he may charge all of them and we can see what the DPP Leacock wll do or not,

    They all know what we have, this why there is NEWS block on out information, this is what posted on Naked Departure
    Violet C Beckles
    April 2, 2016 at 3:08 pm



    Rate This

    We have been telling you all of the Crooks , Liars and Scumbags lawyers in Barbados and the book on the lawyers now want to say there only a few,? He an ass , Now Let ” Me get this straight’

    “Beatrice Jemmott -Henry “Massive Land owner in Barbados is Aunt to “Violet Agard- Beckles”, also Massive Land owner in Barbados Also the Aunt of
    Vernon , Fredrick ” Sleepy” Smith have to call Beatrice Aunt and his Crook brothers , the Smith’s were also involved in Land Fraud of their Aunt by selling as was said to Me houses and land on Cherry Ave Sunset Crest’ and having other real estate Companies rent out the houses to tourist,
    Darcy Scott is also cousin to Beatrice Jemmott -Henry as E.D Mottley over saw and witnessed of her land action on her documents over the years,

    The Nature of the Lawyers Smith hiding land in other people names and companies such as Leroy of CLICO , Jeniffer King of Sagicor or Dennis Lowe of Million hidden in his Mothers Bank account,

  24. Vernon Smith has been relentless, greedy, arrogant, abusive, rude in his pursuit of his brother, Auri’s, estate. Barbados is NOT the gem of the Caribbean it once was. The Barbados Law Society should show their worth and act NOW….

  25. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Northern….Violet been on here drawing parallels of the land thefts and it’s clear that this Vernon has a track record of stealing land deeds from family, if you notice, Violet was related to the Smiths, this been going back decades.

    It’s a family tree, according to what I read from Violet’s/Deeds posts.

  26. Halvern Golpsmith Avatar
    Halvern Golpsmith


    Indeed, this type of sordid affair – lawyer fraud/family estate fraud – is not uncommon around the globe. Greedy lawyers, greedy bankers, corrupt civil servants/politicians etc. etc.

    What is atypical here from my observation is that a woman was murdered around the time all this legal activity was going on. Looking at the documents above Marcelle Smith essentially closed out Vernon Smith from further fraud. Vernon Smith lost a battle. Vernon Smith does not like losing, generally, and here especially to a woman. He must have been hot red mad.

    Some dots are joining here piece by piece, just looking at all this shocking and surprising info that is spilling out on this affair. From Vernon Smith’s perspective Marcelle Smith disappearance would have been very convenient for him. That looks like motivation to me for more sinister action – having observed the man over the years. It is not inconceivable, all types of people across all social levels kill or organize the killing of other people. Heads of State sanction through their decisions to go to war etc. its (human) nature unfortunately.

    Has no one checked who got the man held on remand for Marcelle Smith’s murder Cheriss Ince out on bail? (he was out on bail when he was charged with her murder). Surely there is a court record for this available online somewhere, at least as should be the case? Oh, and didn’t Hal Gollop ‘QC’ represent Ince as a juvenile delinquent back in the day?

    Has the police investigation been correctly undertaken? Is the DPP even more asleep at the wheel than we already know?

    Something really stinks here.

    Oh and rumour has it, Vernon Smith has defrauded other siblings also, including even his erstwhile partner in law at the family firm, but he probably too embarrassed to admit it.

  27. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    So now the same lawyers as in Yearwood and Boyce headed by G . Dennis Clarke QC is the main Crook over there Who was also over at Carrington & Sealy with Ian Jessame who is also the head of some church Diocese
    At her “AVIDON “home in Black Rock Ivan as a boy played CHURCH THERE , Clarance Jemmott is cus to Beatrice Jemmott- Henry LATER WORKED with Clarance Jemmott at Carrington and Sealy , where he went for an operation at QEH and died 2 days later, Where Ivan took over the Estate in some part , as Ivan and G. Dennis Clarke QC start to cut up the Estate and rewrite the search files in about 1980 to print out by way of Computer to put in Alphabetical order. The print out they came up with only show less than 10 properties , when we found more , The list had no Plantation on it at all , Cleaned print out then sold to other law firms as Law and correct.
    Beatrice Jemmott Ledger was held by the same G. Dennis Clarke QC as to other lawyers question about who held it and also By Violet Agard-Beckles,
    Most of the deeds we found not recorded was by the same Law firms , Held in Safes or in a non permitted room at the Land Registry and the Archives.

    Since Barclay’s Bank and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce where many of the Deeds some held at first was taken over by Sir Richard and Sir COW now over at First Caribbean CIBC and now no longer Barclay’s where most of the Wealth was held,
    As this same crooks in these Banks handed over $100,000,000 Million to the DBLP government and talking about building a Port for more tourist ships and we feel its for KILL HILL waste energy Plant, now that is a lot of Dormant accounts for a bank to be holding , With the right papers none of them handed over any funds,nor did the Central Bank .More to come when Questions pop up,,, We can answer most of the hard Questions no one wants to print nor hear why the World Banks leaving , No Clear Title no investments,

  28. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    It’s becoming clear that all that land theft of deeds belonging to Violet Beckles and Beatrice Henry was stolen by a family of lawyers related to the same two ladies, it’s horrific, that’s why everyone, all the thieves in the supreme court, the land registry, the banks felt safe and untouched, until Vernon finally went to far….now all things will have to come out.

  29. @ Ann

    I agree with your post.

    How can a brother have the right to a brother’s property while the man’s wife is still alive and caring for him? He has no rights even if he got the brother to sign in the condition he is in and secondly the couple has children.

    Vernon Smith is also an old man, why is he trying to get his brother ‘s property? When he kicks the bucket, is he going to take everything with him? I had a so called acquaintance who every time she opened her mouth bragged about how much money she had and she flaunted her wealth. Well a good dose of sickness took hold of her and she has gone to the great beyond now……..and all I could think is that her end must have been so miserable because she had to go and leave the hundreds of thousands she used to bragged that she had…….

    You cannot take it with you…….stop the greed.

  30. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    re Vernon Smith does not like losing, generally,
    that is true true
    i was involved in a case that he get lick up in 2000
    he told the loser to appeal knowing how the courts work
    up to now the appeal has not been heard



  31. HAMILTON A HILL Avatar

    All I know is that our learned Attorney General not long ago assured all and sundry that where corruption is concerned this lovely land of ours has precious little to worry about.
    For all the usual sceptics like Bushtea, Piece and Caswell rest assured that Deeds is dead wrong, and our Government will leave no stone unturned in unravelling this sordid mess.

  32. Hamilton Hill Avatar

    I’m not blaming the government on this one, but the fact that major players from the DLP are involved here cannot escape attention.

  33. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Hamilton…blame the government and the opposition, they are all involved in the land theft and if a family of lawyers been stealing deeds from their own families for decades, just imagine what they have done and are still doing to the average bajan, who is unable to fight back.

    Look what happened to the Smith family member who dared to fight back for her own properties.

  34. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    Halvern Golpsmith April 2, 2016 at 3:09 PM #

    Beatrice Jemmott – Henry was murdered by eye witness accounts, By her stepson that she took up off the streets was robbing her , and they got in to an argument for small things he sold, and the Mason hit was put on her when the stepson was said to have slam the back of her head to the wall where she sat. 13th day of December 1985 . He was Power of Attorney for a few months and sold small land allowed by lawyers even after he was revoked .

    The courts and lawyers with help and no help of the Police have this place in a mess , and the BLP look to give blame to the DLP , The DLP knows 100 % what the BLP did ,but now the DLP want their turn at laundering land and money with the help of the UDC and NHC,

    This is why they use the word Acquired Land its so easy and never bring to the floor of the House, how much and who they paid? , Can never show a deed, When business come to Bim the Big boys know about Clear title, but still want to do business and they get it by way of Concessions up front , like Sandals . But to sell the land to people or Credit union will have to show a deed to be held until paid off, Even today after full payment made people still can not get a release to hold a Phantom deed in their hands , to use as collateral for home improvements, car loans or Education, This is why We were warning BARP and the older people about dealing with them and REVERSE MORTGAGE, as you can see all that is now dead , for the Banks once again want a Clear title, none can be had,

    As said before the only Person that can Clear Title land is Me , on and for many Plantations in Barbados. The Banks cant wait around for rules of law and History to be set right,

    Four Season can get going in less than 90 Days if the DBLP agree that We hold the Deed for Black Rock that is no were to be found in Barbados Library, Barbados Archives, Barbados Land Registry or even in the Books of the National Trust Fraud history Books,

    Along with many missing Plantations that was up to 491 now only 396 named in Barbados , But we also have the deeds and the names of the missing, going back to 1756 and names of the owners,

  35. pieter pieper Avatar

    “…now all things will have to come out”.
    I believe they will… perhaps in twenty years or more …when all the actors have shuffled off this mortal coil !

    I recall being compelled to study Religious Knowledge at school, and in preparation for the ‘O Level’ exam, our teacher, an Anglican minister, teaching us the Gospel according to St.Mark, seemed to place an inordinate amount of emphasis upon Jesus, as he taught in the temple courts. Jesus said, “Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted in the marketplaces, and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honour at banquets. They devour widows houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Such men (and now women as well) will be punished most severely.”
    Since the father, of someone in our class, was a lawyer, many of us thought that our teacher was ‘speaking in parables’. We were being encouraged ,in an oblique manner, to avoid the legal profession at all costs. One must therefore conclude that things haven’t really changed !
    On is compelled to wonder what Philip Nicholls might say about this most unfortunate sordid state of affairs, and his recommendations if any, with respect to the legal profession including the judiciary?

  36. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    Res ipsa loquitur!

  37. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    The thing speaks for itself but it doesn’t seem to speak to law enforcement.

    Sent from my iPad


  38. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    Constat, Caswell. Excuse me for speaking in Latin this afternoon! This revelation is shocking!

  39. Hamilton Hill Avatar

    Let me ask this foolish question. I f I may be so bold as to direct it to Journalist Extraordinaire Carl Moore. Carl ya feel dat were it not for SOCIAL MEDIA such delicate information would have reached John Public, or would it have suffered a fate similar to the stories that plagued the one known as DOGGIE? Please don’t cuss for I have extended the courtesy of not using a non de plume

  40. Hamilton Hill Avatar

    Forgive this foolish phone. It took an N for a M. Look carefully and you could see why.The whole country aimed for a King Kong and ended up with a King Clown.

  41. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    Prodigal Son April 2, 2016 at 1:09 PM #

    Since when does a brother have more rights than a wife to come into the lady’s house before calling ahead and ordering her around? And the gall to be insulting to the lady in her own home? This is beyond belief. Would he have liked if another brother had done this to his wife?

    @@@ This happens when they are laundering land behind the back of the wife , who seem not know what they were doing until her husband lost his dam mind and ask questions, Remember every thing is in other people names ask the MOF who holding his ill gotten gains? We have to check the mother of the Ministers and family business to see where these things are hiding,
    The Family need to go check their own deeds and see if Vernon Smith is that the Fraud deed holder of their home and other lands and houses ,who his WILL is made out to and by whom? If Smith makes a will like Sir Fredrick Smith did for his Aunt you know the family is in deep trouble,
    Remember to get around the CLEAR TITLE IN BARBADOS they have been moving land by land tax number only and using the bill to claim ownership .with no deed in hand nor recorded no where, But in the Office of the lawyer who made up the deed at the time ,Yearwood and Boyce is great at that and others,

  42. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    HAMILTON A HILL April 2, 2016 at 4:23 PM #

    All I know is that our learned Attorney General not long ago assured all and sundry that where corruption is concerned this lovely land of ours has precious little to worry about.
    For all the usual sceptics like Bushtea, Piece and Caswell rest assured that Deeds is dead wrong, and our Government will leave no stone unturned in unravelling this sordid mess.

    I see you got jokes that was funny, I still smiling . As you may have heard another down grade to CAA1 by Moody’s, Welcome to the PIT of land fraud ,

  43. This is so depressing.Ye gads!

  44. How could Vernon Smith have been collecting rent for a house for which he had no business in? Mrs Smith had to be a quiet pliable soul because there is hardly another woman in Barbados he could have done this to………

    He had no respect for his brother or his wife…….march into the woman’s house and ordered her out….. Are you kidding? His tail would have been pelted out of the door.

    By the way, does Hal Gollop have any principles?

    I knew something was not right when Mrs Smith went missing……… You heard nothing from him or Sleepy though I hear he is not right as well. Now we know, all was not right.

  45. Did the late Marcelle Smith live in Barbados 24/7 taking care of her 90+ year old husband?

  46. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Pied…alot of the information is already out there, the land thieves, lawyers, politicians, the former Thief Justice who are blood relations to many of the victims they stole from, rewrote wills replacing beneficiaries, or just forge new wills, it’s all well known.

    Because of the huge amount of wills Nicholls had to archive for Cottle Catford, I dont know how he could not know….his distinct dislike of “uncle” Vernon, as outlined in his book, tells us that he is well aware of the nasty things the Smith attorneys have done to others.

    Obviously they will all fade away and die without being brought to justice, but all their names are public knowledge on social media. Purchasing properties in Barbsdos is high risk because of the last 50 years of thefts of title deeds and land by those lawyers….that is for sure.

  47. Good Grief! What sordid affair! It is clear that we need a CSI team in Barbados. I agree with GP that the perp must be thoroughly questioned and his phone, bank account and those close to him looked at. I wonder if he will squeal?

    I was made to understand the man himself was warned not to go near the funeral. His absence was rather conspicuous I was told.

  48. @Prodigal Son. You are assuming that Aurelius Smith did not retain Vernon Smith and his law firm and instruct them to deal with the rents and property. Do you have proof to support this view, or are you merely indulging in speculation? Those in the know will tell you that to all intents and purposes, Marcelle Smith was living almost full time in California and had been for some years and I am not implying anything vis a vis the dynamics of their marriage, merely stating fact. If I were in my 90s and SWMBO was living practically full time in California, I would be most content to reside in a nice home.

    Also, I see that in obtaining her court order, the “learned” judge clearly did not notice that the late Mrs Smith had not served copies on Aurelius Smith. That is the height of impropriety on the part of the late Mrs Smith and of total incompetence on the part of the judge and Mrs Smith’s counsel, who had a right to ensure that it was served. I would also point out that for Mrs Smith and her children to be appointed by the court in the way that Alleyne has ordered, they would have to be resident in Barbados – and hey are not. But apparently Alleyne is ignorant of this fact of law as well.

    I agree that something smells to high heaven here, but it is not, I surmise, what everyone is rushing to judgement on. Time, as in all things, will tell. “Seniors abuse” is a term that might be alleged at some point.

    @Casewell. I am disappointed in you. I would have thought you would have had enough law to know these things.

  49. @Violet Beckles, I owe you an apology. There were many times that I thought you were crazy to be claiming half of the land in Barbados. I do not anymore. Your story must be told. I would gladly do the honours.

  50. @Amused

    Why would the papers not have been served on Aurelius Smith?

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