Kammie Holder, Insurance Executive and Advocacy Director Future Centre Trust
Kammie Holder, Insurance Executive and Advocacy Director Future Centre Trust

Advocacy Director of Future Trust Barbados Kammie Holder has requested BU promote the following advertisement, and we do so gladly. We take this opportunity on behalf of the BU household to extend congratulations to Kammie […]and the hardworking team at the Future Centre Trust. We also pledge our unswerving support to the cause and will continue to assist in any way we can.

77 responses to “Public Service Announcement AGAINST 700 Million Waste-to-Energy Plant”

  1. @Bajan Yankee

    The button on the video to play is not working for you?

  2. Lowe: Urgent Option Needed To Curb Waste
    Published on September 25, 2015 by Julia Rawlins-Bentham
    Minister of the Environment and Drainage, Dr. Denis Lowe. (FP)Minister of the Environment and Drainage, Dr. Denis Lowe. (FP)
    If Barbados does not pursue a waste-to-energy option in less than five years, the island will have to look for a new landfill.

    This is according to Minister of the Environment and Drainage, Dr. Denis Lowe, who said it was against this backdrop that Government decided to pursue a waste-to-energy option for the island’s waste treatment in the context of an integrated solid waste management programme.

    “The public should understand that a waste generation forecast for Barbados was completed in 2005, and it suggested that by 2025, Barbados would be producing over 450,000 tonnes of waste per year,” Dr. Lowe pointed out.

    But, the Minister said the reality was that the Sustainable Barbados Recycling Centre hauled just over 355,035 tonnes of waste in 2013. “There is an exponential growth of waste driven by household consumption, business practices and tourism. With every tourist, there is an addition to our waste growth,” he noted.

    Dr. Lowe explained when Government undertook the programme to find a waste management option for the island, prequalification calls were made, but those calls did not initially lead to a potential proposal to execute a project.

    However, the Minister stated that Cahill later came forward proposing to bring financing and the most current technology to the project. As a result, the company entered into discussions with officials from the Ministry of the Environment and Drainage to determine whether or not the option could be viable.

    Dr. Lowe said after the company presented its portfolio of options, the Ministry of the Environment and Drainage, satisfied after months of negotiations and willing to entertain the proposed option for waste management, set about to execute all of the preliminary processes that would lead to the approval of an agreement.

    “What we have before us is a proposed project. Once this proposed project meets the requirements of the Environmental Protection Department, the Town and Country Development Planning Office, the Ministry of Transport and Works, the Department of Emergency Management, the execution of two town hall meetings, which has been done, and the final certification of the Minister responsible for Town Planning, then the Government can move to full agreement stage,” the Minister pointed out.

    However, he emphasised that if after a review of all the information it was determined by the Town and Country Development Planning Office that the project was not good for Barbados based on its technology, science, environmental and social impact, then there would be no project.

    Dr. Lowe further stressed that the proposed project was not one that required an injection of taxpayers’ dollars for its execution. Rather, he clarified that the prospective proponent came into the discussion agreeing to bring its own investment capital, and because of the high viability of the project, the recovery of its investment would be in the sale of electricity.

    Meanwhile, the Minister reiterated that Government was prepared to consider any option that allowed it to sustainably treat the ever-growing quantities of waste being produced on the island.

  3. Thursday, 23 July 2015 14:46
    Minister predicts Cahill plant will end landfills

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    Environment Minister, Dr. Denis Lowe predicts that the Cahill project for the construction of a multi-million dollar gasification plant in Barbados, will eliminate landfills from the island’s landscape in about ten years.

    He is also confident that there will be no negative environmental impact once the plant becomes operational, handling the country’s waste.

    Dr Lowe explains that Barbados is moving in this direction to get into the business of recycling in a big way.

    According to him, what is currently done here on the island is garbage separation and he says most of the recyclables are shipped out of Barbados.

    There has been strong opposition in some quarters to proposed construction of the gasification plan on the island. Most recently from Paul Connett, a visiting American academic.

    The Barbados Renewable Energy Association has also distanced itself from the Cahill project.

  4. Some serious back pedaling from Lowe today. I laughed my head off!

  5. Why could the minister not say these things when MAM and Kammie Holder were asking questions?

    I do not believe him.

  6. Tell me of any Investor who would be prepared to finance any venture unless it would be very lucrative to do so.
    For the Minister of the Environment to state that this proposed Cahill Plasma Gasification Plant will not cost Barbados is telling me that one of us is being suckered.


    Why would I plant a grain of corn if the effort only yielded one grain in return?.

  7. Mr. Minister Lowe , your environment is deteriorating , can’t you see your lips are black from speaking untruth and your heart is in disrepair, seek God

  8. There is one thing that is significantly wrong with Lowe’s climb-down statement and that is: at the end, he did not tender his resignation as a cabinet minister.

  9. “….. . Once this proposed project meets the requirements …. (Including) the execution of two town hall meetings, which has been done…..”

    Oh, so he is trying to claim that the town hall meetings requirement has been satisfied already, is he?

    Does this cretin Lowe and his nefarious band of brothers really believe the pathetic circus performance given by a drunken, incoherent Clare Cowan qualifies as a town hall meeting?

    What is this mysterious ailment he is being treated for? Dementia?

  10. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Dennis Lowe, a man who truly lives up to his name as a real Low life who have never seen so much money before, is willing to pursue a project that the executive of Cahill said, we can depend on the toilets that use potable water to feed our hungry monster. This real real cunt really thinks that he talking to ignorant people, except those who are supporting the DLP in this nonsense.

    The shite brings over the town hall meetings like they were some type of success or go ahead from the people to put money in his pocket. I have never seen a man so mean that his greed no longer needs obscurity. Wake up Barbadians, Dennis moving ahead with his project and want to fool you that certain agencies have the last say.

  11. “What we have before us is a proposed project. Once this proposed project meets the requirements of the Environmental Protection Department, the Town and Country Development Planning Office, the Ministry of Transport and Works, the Department of Emergency Management, the execution of two town hall meetings, which has been done, and the final certification of the Minister responsible for Town Planning, then the Government can move to full agreement stage,” the Minister pointed out.
    However, he emphasised that if after a review of all the information it was determined by the Town and Country Development Planning Office that the project was not good for Barbados based on its technology, science, environmental and social impact, then there would be no project.

  12. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    My Darling Suzanne,

    I tend not to share your belief that he will go ahead with this notwithstanding his exuberance and enforced alacrity based of his knowledge of his “being on the clock” and the commensurate acts of desperation to live it up before…

    Operation Barbarosa sheds some light on this matter. Historians claim that it was at this 1,000 km battle front that Hitler made that tactical mistake to take Kiev instead of Moscow a deployment of strategic forces that lost him 5 months and bogged down his army in the bitter Russian winter.

    That and Mussolini s invasion of Greece!

    As stupid as Stinkliar and Fumble are THEY WILL NOT RISK estranging international financial markets and the development agencies BY COMMITTING $700million dollars to a new and untested technology, NOT AT 2015!!!

    If it were late 2017 right before demitting office yes but to do so now would be the DLP s tactical Barbarosa in the face of 3 possble years of governance and their pensions

    Stinkliar will not sacrifice all his fist class trips to see the world much better than he did at CPDC for Denis ‘ tryst with and execution of, I nevah had a white meat yet however decidedly ugly. But then again black lips Denis ent far away from an orangutan heself

    Clare is the DLP s Kiev and they still want those pensions and 3more years to try a nex ting

  13. Have I misread minister lowelifes numbers 355,000 tons in 2013 = approx 970 tons a day
    The Cahill model is based on 450 tons a day of MSW and 550 of king grass
    Something is not quite right here
    If the 970 a day is real why do you need king grass ???
    Does anyone remember any discussions or public notices on requests for proposals for a waste to energy plant pre Cahill the miricale worker coming to the island to save us from ourselves???
    How does lowelife explain a binding contract versus” proposed project”
    The man is an idiot and a dolt

  14. You guys have been twisted from the start of this proposed project using tell tale and misguided information to sell a false impression of the facts surrounding the WTE and got intervention , Even at this present moment with BGIS information the opposer of the project have invoiced an untruth with statements to send a message that the govt has distant and walked away from the project even though Mr; Lowe states that the project still has to undergo necessary steps to be finalized
    From the get go the movers and shakers of doom and gloom have raised a dark cloud of negativity surrounding this project and suspicion,
    However from the conclusion of what Mt. Lowe stated the project has not be withdrawn and stages critical for the building of the plant are being looked into for consideration to move the project to a stage for finalization,

  15. In the opposers hell bent way of frenzy and to cease upon every moment to cause confusion and doubt, the response with the Top Headline article on BU which says “Public Service Announcement AGAINST 700 Million Waste-to-Energy Plant”takes the prize as the worst of the worst unethical news reporting on social media and news broadcasting a most unfortunate untruth which borders on slander and malice

  16. @ AC
    You are an idiot
    Stick to youre meandering no one is really interested in youre drivel you are quite the idiot for a man of letters.

  17. @mockingbird

    Ignore the distractions, have you not seen the other ac dry up and disappear?

    The open house sessions were specifically described that way to not offend the TP regulations.

    Then there is the concern expressed by former Chief Town Planner Lenny St.Hill.


  18. @MockingBird ..yet you read my comments which make you the bigger idiot

    the problem with you so called intellectual is that you can/t stand a person who removes themselves from being swayed in the direction you carved, you cant stand a person who refuse to read off that script that dictates and regulates a certain thought process
    Your responses to those who rather use a different path of direction is always predictable, IDIOT

  19. Consider yourself ignored forthwith.

  20. @Mockingbird could not careless STUPID JERK

  21. Dr. Lowe said after the company presented its portfolio of options, the Ministry of the Environment and Drainage, satisfied after months of negotiations and willing to entertain the proposed option for waste management, set about to execute all of the preliminary processes that would lead to the approval of an agreement.”
    Portfolio of options ??????
    Potable water Clare knows nothing about technology in this space
    Who and what proposals were proffered and where is the report on the rational of choosing “unproven ” scaled up plasma gasification as the best option for this island nation ???
    Lowelife is an out and out liar
    There was no selection process
    Even infrastar would not have chosen plasma gasification as a first choice ..
    Look at Air Products in the UK
    It’s still not commissioned and its the only 1000tpd plasma gasifier in the world todate .
    This is an exercise is back tracking and coverup ….

  22. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Why don’t you ask all the AC’s how much money they will get as the chips fall in place and the crumbs start to drop; because that is the only logical reason why cunts like these puppets refuse to see this madness for what it is.

  23. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    What does a dying man who knows that his days are numbered got to lose? The answer is not one shite. So my sweets, this DLP administration knows fully well that they do not stand a chance in hell in the next round of elections. Why not do as much now that can be done in the remaining time like committing to such a high price deal that would provide a nice draw back. I do know piece my sweets; these DLP bitches are nasty enough to go ahead with this project, regardless of its controversies and public outcry.

  24. mitchlans September 26, 2015 at 12:15 AM #
    “….. . Once this proposed project meets the requirements …. (Including) the execution of two town hall meetings, which has been done…..”
    Oh, so he is trying to claim that the town hall meetings requirement has been satisfied already, is he?
    Does this cretin Lowe and his nefarious band of brothers really believe the pathetic circus performance given by a drunken, incoherent Clare Cowan qualifies as a town hall meeting?
    What is this mysterious ailment he is being treated for? Dementia?

    The quoted claim by Minister Lowe that two Town Hall meetings have already been held show that either he is being deliberately misleading or he is totally ignorant and uninformed. Or a case of “incoherent rambling”. Both notices in the press stated that these were “Open House” meetings” . At St. Thomas Church in 2014 when a member of the public came to the microphone to speak and mentioned it was a Town Hall Meeting he was immediately corrected by Clare Cowan and told “this is an Open House because a Town Hall Meeting has certain legal implications”.

  25. The sooner we get hold of copies of the signed MOU and Agreements, the sooner we will know just what Barbados is in for if this project is abandoned. That must now be the focus of our efforts. Enough of the lies, misdirection and treating of the people like mushrooms (feeding ’em shit and keeping ’em in the dark)

  26. Denis Lowe has no regard for Barbadians. He insults us by the latest announcement he makes on the waste to energy plant. He blatantly states, through GIS, that Cahill is “not a done deal”. What document did you sign, Denis?. If you signed a document, and insist on confidentiality, what were you bidding Claire Cowans to hide? You cannot seriously expect Bajans to believe you. Can you honestly say that you deserve to be a Minister? You and the others who signed the “confidential” document have given Barbados a black eye!

  27. It is assumed that the Opposition’s legal stars can move to Whitepark in the event more mis steps are perpertrated upon the people of Barbados.Lowedown is arrogating and abrogating via black lips all in tandem.I am convinced:there will be no Cahill WTE plant in Barbados.When you see certain hues in the audience in this country,the political class take note.Thats why Stuart just found his tongue.When you corner a rat,it jumps on you.

  28. I have not seen anyone comment on the two harvesters that have been purchased by the ministry of the environment to harvest the see weed from the actual shores. This was featured on the C B C News a few weeks ago. How will this impact on Beach Erosion.

  29. We have been assured by Chairman Neblett the seaweed harvesters are designed to minimize impact on beach life.

  30. Cahill is not a done deal.

    Signed agreements can be broken or renegotiated FOR A PRICE / FEE or through LITIGATION.

    If the majority of Barbadians LIVING IN Barbados do not want this WTE project to be built they can stop it.

  31. True or false ?

    The land on which this plant is to be built requires a “change of use” and must be approved by the Prime Minister on the advice of the Chief Town Planner.

  32. @Hants

    The transfer of crown land can only occur when TP approval is gotten.

  33. “Minister
    Pursuant to Section 18 (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act, the Minister currently makes decisions on all applications made for planning permission to subdivide or materially change the use of agricultural land of over two (2) acres, all applications for permission in respect of beach front properties as well as on appeals against the decision of the Chief Town Planner.”

    The Prime Minister is responsible for Town planning.

  34. The land is stuck between S3and S4 process and requires a survey and aa change in use and an official transfer of ownership to be then transfered to the project is potable water Clare. the investors if there any would make the transfer of the land to Cahill a CP ( condition precedent) of any deal being struck
    ” look for the cahill breaches of contract and this thing can be shut down “

  35. For those who are interested in Town Planning rules and regs.


  36. Mockingbird September 26, 2015 at 5:45 AM #

    Have I misread minister lowelifes numbers 355,000 tons in 2013 = approx 970 tons a day
    The Cahill model is based on 450 tons a day of MSW and 550 of king grass
    Something is not quite right here
    If the 970 a day is real why do you need king grass ???

    I agree with you.

    The Lowelife said that we have a problem with solid waste disposal and without this Cahill plant, we will have to find another “Mangrove” in five years.

    BU….follow me here……….

    If we do not have enough garbage to feed this monster daily, why do we then need it? And at such enormous cost and potential damage to the environment that we are trying to protect?

    So is the ultimate goal of this gang of four to put two local businessmen out of business for a person who operates like a loan shark?

    Where is our sense of pride in this year when these same dems have began to tout 50 years of independence?

    This just does not make sense to not even dompey or ac but they would defend it because it is “we party”.

  37. My prediction was that this CAHILL scam would have been the undoing of this the most shady admiinistration known to Barbados. I still wonder why the opposition has not yet employed more aggressive methods of exposure, so that all Barbadians get to understand that collective responsibility now entails four members only. That’s why F reundel Stuart needs to be removed from office. So that the wrong impression is not given, i’m talking about shutting the country down until the collapse of this admiinistration is realised.

  38. Serious backpedalling! Pity there wasn’t a hole behind him! And before you try to arrest me I didn’t say I would dig it.

  39. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Irrespective of all the $$ that is involved in our garbage issues and the various factions that want to control it, it would be in our collective interest to start a small pilot to facilitate the Waste Management policies of our cuntry, irrespective of Cowan and this scam

    The fist step is separation at source where some of the unemployed NCC workers who are interested could be contracted to drill four holes in front of every house in Bulbados to accommodate a bin for (1) food and compost inlets (2) glass (3) plastic and (4) metals


    Imagine getting the IMDb and The Global Environmental Fund to support a Separate at source national program where a device is outfitted wid an appropriate drill bit to augur into the eart and we just put some bins in to hold the respective materials

    Unlessing you is Owing Arfur de glass bottles etc are not going to require frequent collection but what we would have done is to preempt the issues of separation when the stuff gets to the land fill, created some much needed jobs for the unemployed, possible criminals in waiting.

    We could even explore if the actual manufacture of the bins could form part of that project based on reconstituted car tyres

    De old man ent really care who run wid it but de benefit fuh me cuntry and I doan gi a shyte bout DLP or BLP Dem is boaf de same dufuses…

  40. Does the MoU states anywhere “subject to Town Planning or any other related approval”?
    A Town Hall meeting is only worthwhile if plans are other documents were made available before and are available during the meeting for public scrutiny–it is suppose to be CONSULTATION not a mere presentation.

  41. My money is on these numptys signing away every right known to man.
    Crazy lady and her London lawyers probably tied lowlifes lawyers up in Knott’s
    Giving them the sun moon and stars
    We are probably obliged to change our constitution to accomadste this fiasco.

  42. @ennuff

    To be clear
    The public notices and meetings required by law have not happened ….
    If we were to start today we are a minimum of 6to 8 months away from any town hall meetings
    This crazy woman or her figment investors have nothing and I mean nothing done on this project other than getting our idiot ministers to sign a set of unconstitutional contracts.
    This pennyless pityful pauper has led us in a merry dance for 18 months simply because our leader and his 4 minester fools don’t have a testicle between them .

  43. @RastaR
    You have read Due Dilligence’s reports.

    “This pennyless pitiful pauper….”.
    Really? Someone who can get a 1.5 million dollar (Can) loan, from an individual (well off, a former high up at Goldman Sachs, one of the biggest and most influential Investment Bankers on WALL STREET) on a six million dollar condominium, her home, living on Avenue Road near Bloor Street?
    Of course Ridgemount FS wants his money now, but still, Claire Cowan penniless? A Pauper? I think not

  44. @Alvin

    The family wondered if you were sick.

    Are you Cowan’s Accountant?

    We can only go by her tax returns.

  45. david why you have to lie right up front in alvin face, wuh only today u made a sarcastic remark in reference to a comment saying Alvin had disappeared.

  46. @AC

  47. @David
    Clearly she lied on applications for mortages and loans
    As evidenced by her tax returns !!!!
    And I’m sure ridgemount will show that in their prosecution of her . with stated income of 78 to 130 k $can you’re mortage approval level would be min 500k Max 1.3m
    The paperwork says it all she lied and used the government contracts as leverage to fool people on net worth

  48. @RastaR,
    What was the owner of Ridgemount’s profession? BASED ON DUE DILIGENCE’S REPORTS HE WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR LEVERAGING at Goldman Sachs in New York and also Hong Kong. Leveraging is a legitimate part of stock trading. Isn’t this what Massey did when they won the bidding war against Ansa McAl for the purchase of BS&T? Isn’t this why they sold off Almond? It was all part of the trade off.

    According to Due Diligence, she used 800,000 of the loan to pay off (or down) her mortgage, so she at least has that amount of equity. One does not have to be an accountant to understand this. How could she then be a pauper, and/or penniless?
    You people throw terms and phrases around just for the sake of besmirching people’s character. Avenue Road and Yorkville, is one of the most expensive pieces of Real Estate in Toronto. And what do her tax returns show? Most interesting of all is how Due Diligence was able to obtain from CRA the details of an individual’s “confidential” (not in the Bajan context of confidential; whereby everybody knows) returns. Hope the RCMP don’t investigate or some one will be in real serious trouble.

    Instead of attacking me, request truthfulness, honesty, specificity, and such things from your “errant” BLP and anti government contributors. Clearly the woman cannot be penniless and a pauper. There is no doubt she got a loan of over a million and a half dollars.
    Upper Canada college produces Prime Ministers and people who fill the upper echelons of Canadian Society. She moves in those circles.

  49. and guess what circles the BU intelligent moves with ,Sherri Veronica the blog mistress of salacious and downright nasty articles, wuh dat should tell u something,

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