Leader of the Opposition Mia Mottley used the cloak of parliamentary privilege in her reply to the 2015 Budget and Financial Statement to accuse […] the government  – specifically Ministers Denis Kellman, Denis Lowe, Darcy Boyce and Minister Sinckler –  of entering a shady arrangement with Cahill Energy to build a USD700 million Waste to Energy Gasification plant in Barbados.  She referred to several documents during a lengthy prosecution of the matter which she promised to make public.

Mia Mottley also directed additional charges at Ministers Michael Lashley and Denis Lowe. She accused both of them of driving luxury vehicles registered to Trans Tech Inc, a company owned by Lloyd Brathwaite. She further accused Lowe and Lashley of approving questionable invoices for repairs to trucks owned by the Transport Board and the Sanitation Authority by Trans Tech .

BU will update an audio file of Mia Mottley’s reply to the 2015 Budget and Financial Statement very soon.

162 responses to “Mia Mottley Accuses Government Ministers of Entering Shady Arrangement with Cahill Energy and Trans Tech Inc”

  1. Denis Lowe’s alma mater


  2. I am confused about this “cell phone and sweet drink” tax.

    The MoF stated in his budgetary proposals that many people in Barbados have two or more cell phones. As such a “cell phone tax” will be introduced to raise projected revenue of $32.7M, some of which would be allocated to the MoE to assist with the national UWI tuition fund.

    Donville Inniss, and others, are saying these taxes were introduced to initiate behavourial changes, whereby people would, more or less, stop abusing mobile phone air time and drinking “sweet drinks.”

    I’m experiencing some difficulty in equating behavioural changes with raising revenue. Because if the purpose of the taxes is to curb the use of cell phones and people respond accordingly, then it is sheer madness for the MoF to suggest he expects the tax to raise $32.7M.

  3. Was surprised to hear the PM defending Carrington last night, a man found guilty of withholding monies from a client in the High Court. It was a very insensitive argument to make.

  4. @Artax

    If you listened to Lowe’s explanation there is cost savings to be had if the behavioural change takes place but of course this is medium and long term impact on the P&L.

    On 18 June 2015 at 11:14, Barbados Underground wrote:


  5. De Ingrunt Word Avatar
    De Ingrunt Word

    David, we all love this level of political theater… it’s free, has more character development/intrigue than a ‘Laff-it-Off’ production and surely has the wonderful Bajan dialogue, rhyme and humor like the best of a ‘Lickmout Lou’ presentation.

    But that is art imitating life.

    This is highest ‘court’ in our country with exalted members apparently imitating Mafia dons; so the former Attorney General needs to get beyond the drama show.

    She should have had those documents “which she promised to make public” already nicely copied and ready for distribution since last weekend.

    After all, she was in Canada, London and NY in the past several months meeting with Bajans and as far as I was told made clear references to similar matters at those meetings; she was priming long, long ago.

    So this reality show had its awesome buildup. Now we need that big viewer spectacle day when the big revelation is there for all to see.

    Documents on BU now from her team. Drama time dun.

  6. @ David
    Denis Lowe’s alma mater…
    Oh Shiite…
    Explains a lot.

  7. “She further accused Lowe and Lashley of approving questionable invoices for repairs to trucks owned by the Transport Board and the Sanitation Authority by Trans Tech.”

    We have been discussing these issues on BU for over a year.

    UCAL employees can verify that Trans-Tech Inc. is given preference over UCAL, relative to omnibus repairs. Workmen have stated that on some days they receive only one omnibus for repair, while Trans-Tech receives the majority.

    They have also expressed dissatisfaction with the TB’s willing to pay Trans-Tech Inc. twice the amount UCAL charges to fix an omnibus transmission, while owing UCAL millions of dollars. In some cases, they have to “re-repair” buses when they leave Kendal Hill.

  8. Am I missing something …
    Is there an MOU on the plasma project or a fully executed contract ? The comments/ newspaper articles seem to mix and match on the topic.
    Was it won using a bid process or a single source agreement?
    The minister of finance has a duty to the people of this island nation to protect us from companies like Cahill coming in promising things they cannot achieve and then profiting by selling on a contract they had no intention of fulfilling to begin with and we’re just in it for the quick buck at the tax payers expense.

  9. Again, we would have to say that OSA’s comments last night were most poignant.

    This is a man who had a large role in getting us where we currently are. He has reason to be brutally honest, as he admitted.

    Notwithstanding, his is the kind of voice needed if we have to talk about change within public affairs.

    Certainly, the world has long been at the point where business as usual will be far less usual.

    And yes Sinckler’s budget, though fairly well structured, did not at all interface with central or new and emerging social-political realities. He has located Barbados behind the ball.

    The time has long passed for blaming OSA for not reforming the local economy. Clearly, structural changes must be made. The time for a continued reliance on old equations has gone. Sinckler has not been and is unlikely to be up to that larger, more creative, foundational, if you will, task.

    MAM, on the other side, has shown no more skill in breaking us out of the old political-economic cycle. These were two fairly young people with old minds. Whereas the old man OSA seemed more prepared to ‘re-imagine’ a new economy model.

    As most will know, we have had occasions to cuss OSA, to no end, and may do so again. This time however, for us He gave the only glimmer of light for an opening of Liberation’s Door, not that he should be now expected to play any leading role.


  10. @ Artax
    Not one shiite wrong with the sweet drink tax…..should be higher.

    In the first place that damn shit is not even mixed in Barbados; ..has ZERO nutritional value; ..distracts lazy people from drinking better alternatives – like WATER; ..and is KNOWN to contribute to diabetes and other chronic illnesses.
    Why the hell should those foolish enough to persist in drinking such shit not make preemptive contributions to their upcoming expensive visits to QEH?

    Stinkliar should also have increased the deposit on the containers to $2.00 each to help pay for solid waste management….instead of discouraging home ownership.

    There is NO DOUBT that Owen is the only sign of intelligence left in Parliament. However that mainly points to the particularly LOW level of intellect resident there….
    After being PM for a decade and a half, ….LOOK AT WHAT HE HAS LEFT US…
    Mia, Kerry, CLICO, CSME, suicidal Free trade treaties, debt, shiite courts, pissy Public Service…
    shiite man….
    ….wunna really listened to Kellman? ..James Paul? …Sealy? …Froon? Stinkliar?

    Bushie has to admit a degree of admiration for Mia for DARING to focus on corruption (WHICH IS THE BASIC, FUNDAMENTAL, AND ONLY REAL PROBLEM FACING BARBADOS) when she HAD to know that the response would be a spotlight on her OWN failures.

    This either means:
    1 …that she has turned a new leaf and is willing to confess her sins and do right from here on…(and Bushie has only admiration for such repentance)

    2 …that she thinks that the present level of corruption crosses some line such that goes into a different level which (unlike her’s, is unacceptable) – which is shiite

    3 ..that she thinks that Bajans are Brass Bowls who will vote OUT accused thieves while closing their eyes to the alternatives…. (which may be true….)

    4 …she is a glutton for punishment, …by opening her well-known past for public scrutiny.

    Listening to the DLP goats in the Budget, one is tempted to suggest that in ANY case, Mia is the better of the two shiite options….

  11. De Ingrunt Word Avatar
    De Ingrunt Word

    @ Artaxerxes you write with detailed and insightful analysis …”I’m experiencing some difficulty in equating behavioural changes with raising revenue. Because if the purpose of the taxes is to curb the use of cell phones and people respond accordingly, then it is sheer madness for the MoF to suggest he expects the tax to raise $32.7M.”

    As you surely realize this is an excellent pronouncement ‘full of sound…signifying nothing”.

    Excellent because it appeals to public distaste of the often uncivil use of cell phones and also to definite health concern of obesity from too many sugary substances and then links it to another public hot-button issue: university ed.

    But at the end of the day it is simply another tax on an easy target group being used to validate an ill-conceived (but required) plan to increase UWI tuition.

    You need to apply to the MoF…but then again from what you have displayed here it’s unlikely you would put up with the level of putrid effluence that floods through those offices.

  12. @businessman

    On what basis was the rule changed on the Housing Credit Fund to pay a 25 million dollar dividend to pay Preconco?

    Was this fund not setup to inlend to a value of 60,000 per loan?

  13. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Who is LLoyd Brathwaite? What are his connections?

  14. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Bush Tea

    “By their works ye shall know them…”

    Each of the four scenarios you present are sound reasoning.

    If Mottley has turned a new leaf and, like the newcomer Eddie Hinkson lisped as he passionately spoke of excising what is wrong, now wants to do the right thing, she will do so by her actions.

    All of the filth that she claims to have, let her use her newspaper, the Nation (where I have been trying to get a job with Vivianne for 5 years) and publish the so called evidence

    If this is a new page turned, PUBLISH IT!!

    She does not even have to make it appear that it is coming from her.

    Send it here to BU and let the fearless Blogmaster PUBLISH IT.

    But I fear that this is all bluster for the benefit of the House of Parliament because Mottley is no idjit so SHE WILL NOT EFFECT A HAMMAN move and build the very gallows upon which she hangs herself WHEN SHE BECOMES the first female Prime Minister of Barbados in 2018.

    @ Pachamama

    You are so right.

    Barring Owen, all of the others, Mia included, went the route of “let me show how corrupt you are OR were”

    There was nothing brilliant in either of their presentations that showed that, mindful of the glaring incompetence and corruption of this lot, as the party in waiting, we can expect brilliance and a viable alternative to the abject waste foopism that this lot have subjected us to, and will subject us to, for the remaining 3 years or dissolution of Parliament due to the untimely death of one of the DLPites…

  15. Stupse. It’s all about Sinclair…eff he din lose weight yuh din gine hear one word bout sugar and sweet drinks.

  16. Why do you think CS put Bjerkhamn on
    the board of directors of the Central Bank?

  17. Fact check.

    Was the housing(@ $540. per sq. ft. )MAM referred to bungalows or high rise apartments?

    Politicians make statements of fact but can sometimes “forget” critical details.

  18. @ Piece Under

    This is the same man who Barrow in 1986 (circa) called a neophyte. Of course, they were talking lodge business. Now the neophyte has become the grandmaster, the 33 degree Ma son, so maybe there is yet hope for the likes of Sinckler and MAM. The only thing is that they will have to spend the next decade practising their craft, pun intended, on Bajans.

  19. Sinckler did not put a foot wrong is his wrap up he tore poor Mia to bits. Why was she so quiet in the face of the rebuttals Sinckler reeled off in machine gun fashion. One can only surmise the revelations were bang on target. She conveniently selected a tiny part of the Cahill contract to tell us. Sicklair said she was untrue and brought facts to prove his assertions. The fees he said she received from Four Seasons make Leroy Parris monthly windfall pay packet look like a chicken feed. Did the BLP members sign an affidavit that stated Mia is a crook? What about the Crab Hill fiasco with her male clone Fatchild Jose Jose . The legal certificate missive from Sinckler must be answered although with the large number of thieves masquerading as lawyers it makes you wonder how many possess legal certificates.

    The private sector puzzles in that they are waiting on the perfect economic environment to get moving. Listening to McDonald brings home that point of view. Having said that we don’t need the private castor if the economic situation is perfect. The know it all private sector must take risks as do businessmen across the western world and back themselves to profit in the drive to get Barbados growing again. An area of concern is that both parties continue to give massive contracts to Bizzy, Cow and the Maloney car racer. Don’t we have people who look like us capable to execute some of these lucrative contracts? A diversifying away from the COWs, Bizzy’s , Bjerkaman and that minority would send a powerful message of proper redistribution of wealth in the economy and society.

  20. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    And you people on here want me to behave like a lady, stop cussing and speak more diplomatically to these stinking rats. I mean either bajans are complete idiots or this set of politicians calling themselves the Democratic Labour Party are at a higher level of intelligence too complex to understand. I hope they continue to pummel the asses of bajans right down to the point where these cunts would finally wake them up towards putting them out of power.

  21. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Barbadians are some docile ignorant bare talking shites. The DLP got all right to make you all docile asses suffer. Stupid, literate yet illiterate jackasses.

  22. De Ingrunt Word June 18, 2015 at 8:03 AM #

    “But at the end of the day it is simply another tax on an easy target group being used to validate an ill-conceived (but required) plan to increase UWI tuition.”

    Bushie implied I was being critical of the “sweet drink” tax and suggested it should be higher. Although I agree with him, I was NOT being critical of the tax but of the thought behind it.

    Let’s be rational and analyse these taxes, especially the cell phone tax. The MoF suggested many Barbadians have 2 or more cell phones and it is upon this basis, as well as funding UWI tuition fees, he sought to introduce the tax.

    So, they are essentially saying, on one hand, they are looking after our well being, and on the other, they are introducing the tax to assist UWI students.

    The supporters of the tax would have us focus mainly on the suggestion that applying such taxes will lead to behavioural changes, which would ultimately lead to less consumption.

    However, consuming less of a product would obviously affect the tax intake, and defeats the purpose of introducing the tax.

    This is the enigma of this situation.

    But if we look at the bigger picture, the government is actually admitting they were wrong to introduce the policy of making students pay tuition fees and are now seeking to implement corrective measures by applying the cell phone tax.

  23. The other issue to discuss about the mobile usage tax is that many Barbadiansa have a work phone and a personal, you have one for Digi to Digi and the other LIME to LIME. One cannot be simplistic in the analysis.

    On 18 June 2015 at 13:30, Barbados Underground wrote:


  24. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Right before our eyes and ears the politicians are confessing to their corruption and not one boy is moving a finger to investigate towards Dodds. And we get on here talk about Leroy Parris, whom we all know is going to live sweet on his thieving millions just like the DLP and BLP stinking ass rats. The only people I am blaming are the subtracted few from the 275 thousand loyal cunts that willing to vote for these parties just for a few crumbs. Barbadians are just plain ignorant and stupid is shite.

  25. David June 18, 2015 at 9:35 AM #

    “The other issue to discuss about the mobile usage tax is that many Barbadians have a work phone and a personal, you have one for Digi to Digi and the other LIME to LIME. One cannot be simplistic in the analysis.”

    If you are attributing this to my contribution, it does not make any sense.

    Remember, it was Sinckler who, in his presentation, suggested that Barbadians have 2 or more cell phones, NOT me.

  26. @Artax

    Not you, the politicians who glibly state Barbadians own 2 and 3 cellphones.

  27. All
    Why do we have to bring the discussions down into the gutter
    This is a wonderful vehicle for showing others we are an intelligent people who voice our opinions with dignity
    Let’s keep it clean and real

  28. The budget debate was a great segue to the Festival of Flesh, formerly known as Crop Over. The party has started. Fete fete on !!!

  29. We have this political class who do things based on the beat of their drum and to hell with the people. If Barbadians did not protest the solid waste tax would it have been amended? If the waste haulers did not protest the tipping fee as originally launched would it have been changed?

  30. And what will the gate fee be to

  31. Sorry
    And what will be the gate fees on the Cahill plasma plant ????
    Who will benefit from this ????
    What will be the cost to the tax payer for the growing harvesting drying and hauling it to the plant

  32. King grass

  33. The fund paid a dividend to its shareholder the government. Not heard that any rules were changed.

  34. Defending the Cahhill shell company by saying that Bizzy Williams Companies that were established for Desalination, and garbage collection,sorting, recycling, is no different to Cahill setting up a new company is ridiculous. The CEO (Bizzy) has a long track record and owns and manages dozens of successful companies, employing hundreds of Barbadians. Cahill….not so much.
    Little can be discovered about this company, but for sure , they have NEVER built or operated a plasma gasification plant anywhere. We dont know who their directors are, and what their history is..yet they were given a $350 million US dollar contract, that was never put out to tender as it should have been….That is sheer madness or corruption, or both.

  35. Can anybody share information about the Housing Credit Fund and how it was setup to work?

  36. CEO ME Clare Cowan Toronto based no history
    John Robilliard Director Guernsey based
    Partner in Blenheim group who set the shell company up no accounts filed. on the surface Blenheim are a reputable firm

    Where are the local directors and local content ???????

  37. The question Barbadians should be allowed to discuss before the government moves with the heavy stick is how does plasma gasification fits our strategy of renewable energy/recycling as a SID. The government spokesmen can talk all over their faces, this is new technology and the PEOPLE have a right to ventilate and be heard on this issue.

  38. God’s Bible School and College has never had a doctorate program as alleged by Dennis Lowe Minister of Environment, so he could not have received his Doctorate degree from this college as he alleges.

    (513) 721-7944 (a call to this number 18th June 2015 verify they do not or have never had a doctorate program)

    You can contact our main line M-F, 8:00am – 5:00pm.

    God’s Bible School and College
    1810 Young St, Cincinnati OH 45202


    Is now looking to start a Graduate Program in 2015 at Masters Level.

  39. Did Lowe say he did his Doctorate at the Bible University? He said he did his Theology first degree.His Doctorate is in Theology?

  40. In his response to Mottley’s allegations, Michael Lashley referred to a letter written by UCAL chairman Sir Roy Trotman to then PM Owen Arthur in which he complained about the repeated failure of the Transport Board (TB) to pay the company.

    Any of UCAL’s employees can tell you that Trotman is a hypocrite.

    As the TB debt to UCAL reached current proportions, UCAL was experiencing cash flow problems as a result of non-payment and had difficulties in paying employees on time. The company’s employees sought representation from Trotman to assist them in obtaining the funds. He refused to assist and threatened to resign as chairman if they had decided to take industrial action.

    The situation pertaining to TB and UCAL is similar to the situation that occurred previously under the BLP, and Trotman responded by writing Arthur. The DLP yard-fowl that he is, Trotman has refused to write Stuart or provide representation on behalf of the company as he did previously.

    Last year, UCAL decided not to repair buses until there was word about the funds due from TB. The government responded by allowing UCAL to submit its wage bill to the ministry of finance, which subsequently released the funds necessary to facilitate payment of wages.

    UCAL employees are shareholders of the company and are eligible for dividends and bonuses. Because of the debt due by the TB, it is approximately 5 years that UCAL have been unable to pay these benefits.


    In March 2014, UCAL employees staged a 3 day strike because of the TB debt to the company, which prevented them from being paid on time.

    “Meanwhile, commenting on the future of UCAL, Richard Newton (shift foreman and director) said: “We are seeing no future for the company. Minister of Transport and Works Michael Lashley is saying that we should look for our own land and build a workshop and stop depending on the Transport Board. Lashley is also saying that UCAL is only guaranteed 30 per cent of the board’s work.” [Barbados Today, March 28, 2014]


    Again in September 2014, UCAL worked staged industrial action because of non-payment of wages. They were also agitating for the $20M due to the company by the TB.

    The following excerpts were taken from the September 25, 2014 edition of Barbados today

    “Giving details of UCAL’s debt, Newton said UCAL owes the NIS $2,524,142.37; Inland Revenue $612,759.15; VAT $2,827,416.59; Corporation Tax $708,301.33; bank loan $86,479.02; and rental fees to the Transport Board $933,679.54.”

    “He further lamented that while the Transport Board owed UCAL, the statutory board was taking its buses to private garages for repairs.”

    “If you check you would see that the workshop is empty. Most of the work is going to Quality Care at Searles Plantation Yard, Christ Church, and TRANS-TECH at Kendal Hill, Christ Church, and most of the body work is going to L & N Workshop Inc in Cane Garden, St Thomas,” he said.”

    Where is Sir Roy Trotman in these scenarios?

  41. Here it is we have this JA Peter Wickham who admits he has no time for sites like BU yet these SOBs read every day, and if they are honest, will have to be admit we have been relentlessly prosecuting the issue of Cahill and other yet they ignore sites like Barbados because?


  42. Here is what is on the Central Bank website about the Housing Credit Fund.


  43. @David,

    I have read the online versions of NatioNews and BarbadosToday.

    It confirms my earlier statement.


  44. De Ingrunt Word Avatar
    De Ingrunt Word

    Why are we again wandering down this path of Lowe’s educational qualifications?

    Although the accuracy of his resume speaks to his integrity or lack of it, the focus with him must be the alleged $1M, the Transtec car and what must surely be another money trail related to the plasma gasification project.

  45. @Hants

    MAM must get marks like Bushie stated for starting the conversation about corruption in Barbados. What some of you are saying is that a person cannot pivot on any position. If she can prosecute this issue in the public domain the public may be prepared to treat her kindly.

  46. De Ingrunt Word Avatar
    De Ingrunt Word

    “What some of you are saying is that a person cannot pivot on any position. ” David fuh real!

    The entire BS lotta long talk that was started and ended by Min. Sinckler was all about ‘pivoting’. That is all political Hollywood to give the parliamentarians a chance to talk a lotta BS and show off to their constituents.

    The economic measures can be enacted WITHOUT this budget spectacle. We all know that.

    As Artax said above, this matter of Transtec has been in the public domain for over 365 frigging days …and you honesty believe that we “[should] be prepared to treat her kindly” because she comes and dramatize the alleged illegal behaviour for FOUR damn hours before a TV and radio audience.

    David, I must frankly say that I like your blog and you seem to be a proper fella that I would like in real life too….so dude in that friendly sense it behoves me to ask: have you been smoking over these last few days???? lol.

  47. Anthony June 18, 2015 at 10:12 AM #

    “God’s Bible School and College has never had a doctorate program as alleged by Dennis Lowe Minister of Environment, so he could not have received his Doctorate degree from this college as he alleges.”

    As I mentioned in a previous post, what would have impressed those of us who have legitimately pursued academic qualifications, was if the following documents were also presented:

    ………. A TRANSCRIPT from the university the goodly gentleman allegedly attended

    ………. A certified copy of his DOCTORAL THESIS

    ………. Documentation from the Barbados Accreditation Council verifying recognition and equivalency.

    In the absence of any of the above substantiating documentation, NONE of us are in a position to accurately determine if the “doctorate” is AUTHENTIC.

  48. @Dee Word

    Look at it this way: MAM has to establish her legacy and bona fides as a BLP leader who is on Arthur’s hit list. It is not unreasonable she has had to pick an issue that will resonate with the broad cross section of people.

  49. The conversation about corruption in Barbados did not start and will not end by the pronouncements of Mottley.

    We are amazed that some would still be seeking to lionize this ‘man’ on an issue in which she herself cannot presents clean hands.

    There is a misplaced sense of hope, that anybody within the political system could transform that very system, as wicked to the core that it is.

    This is ground we have covered before, many times, but political emotionalism never ceases to try to find some misbegotten hero/heroine. We guess it’s the time for the granddaughter of Rugged Mottley.

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