Clare Cowan, CEO of Cahill Energy
Clare Cowan, CEO of Cahill Energy

If there is ever a debate in Barbados to identify the Most Controversial Minister holding a Cabinet position in the Stuart government, Minister Denis Lowe’s name must feature. The latest question we have for the embattled Lowe – who still has to answer the question making the rounds about monies deposited to his mother’s bank account – is what are the up to date details behind the Waste to Energy Plant to be built at Vaucluse, St. Thomas.

In the April 1 BarbadosAdvocate there is a ‘teaser’ story about Cahill plasma gasification plant – coming soon. In May 30 Barbados Today story it reports  Government  has just signed a US$300 million agreement with the Jada Group of Companies for the construction of a plasma gasification plant. Does this mean Jada is building the Cahill plant?
Why the ambiguity, why must the electorate be left in the dark to guess next steps? Why the arrogance by Minister Lowe? Several months after the town hall/open house meeting at St. Thomas Parish Church we are none the wiser. This government needs to take the advice of the IMF technocrats, improve its communication with the public!

108 responses to “Questions for Minister Denis Lowe”

  1. It mussee did a mother’s day gift.

  2. Hamilton Hill Avatar

    Plumes of black smoke blanketed Barbados for days after the fire at B’s Recycling. Barbados heard from everyone but the Minister of the environment. Results from the air quality tests were promised, and? Garbage collection in Barbados continues to be a challenge. The waste haulers and this same Minister have been meeting, and the secrecy surrounding these meetings continues to be astounding. The person to whom he supposedly reports speaks of hearing noises. Yes Mr.Prime Minister Barbadians are stupid. Why else would they show more concern for CHARLIE CHARLIE as opposed to the wickedness of FUMBLY FRUENDEL? That’s where the disrespect and the dire consequences for our country are lodged.

  3. Hamilton Hill Avatar

    Try as best you can, your intimidatory actions will not frustrate the will of those who really care about this country. We know that the Omar Watson episode was the warning shot across the bow. We also know that were it not for the advent of social media, monies whether in a briefcase bound for foreign shores, or deposited into some dead family member’s bank account, we would have been in the dark.

  4. When a country has sunk to the level where people like Lowe can continue in positions of authority after episode upon episode of accusations of fraud, incompetence, poor performance and disrespect for the people… becomes clear that Pacha is right after all about the need for total revolution.
    If the people are too “brassy” to do what is needed, wunna can be assured that mother nature will do the job for (to?) us instead.

    Karma and the spiritual laws are irrefutable and unstoppable….

    Classic example….
    Those UN soldiers from Nepal went to Haiti and via their unhygienic practices, spread cholera among those desperate people.
    In the face of clear evidence, they pretended innocence …. just like Fumble and his gang continues to do in Barbados after CLICO….

    Then mount everest was shaken…..
    Now they can do with some help from Haiti….
    Those with ears to hear will hear.

  5. If they don`t talk to the people we can expect civil disorder in short order

  6. are-we-there-yet Avatar


    Glad to see that you’ve taken up this question after I flagged it on BU 2 days ago. I asked Due Diligence then for any info he might have had or could get on the subject but I think he didn’t see my post.

    imho, this is just another instance of the expression of the contempt that the Government has for the public and their recognition that they can do anything and get away with it. But that is just for now. The FIFA events may well be a signpost to their futures.

  7. The latest disgrace for that arrogant son of a very wealthy mother is that government has reportedly run out of rat poison, so the already overrun areas, aggravated by his Ministry’s utter failure to collect rubbish, are now getting out of control. It is further reported that the Hastings boardwalk is now heavily troubled with rats. Oh what lovely stories the alleged influx of tourists we have had will be able to take home to their families and friends.

    But what, if anything will we hear from the Lowe one? “Go France yuselves! Yuh ain’t getting me outta muh job”. And what will we do about it? Nuttin. Long may the rats rule.

  8. @ are-we-there-yet June 1, 2015 at 8:37 AM #

    “Glad to see that you’ve taken up this question after I flagged it on BU 2 days ago. I asked Due Diligence then for any info he might have had or could get on the subject but I think he didn’t see my post.”

    Sorry – I did not see your post, but am pleased that David opened this blog.

    I hope some BU members, or Dr Lowe, can shine some light on the Cahill plasma gasification plant, and the US$300 million Jada, Jada, Jada contract.

    BTW – see also my recent post to the Jack Warner blog

  9. @ David

    Please come to know that instead of this government or any other increasing communications with their publics the reverse is true. Governments everywhere are spying more and more on their citizens. The information is going in the reverse!

    They may be mad, but they ain’t foolish!

    They know that the people of the earth don’t trust them, know that their time is up, have brought them under divine judgement. So they are so afraid of the people that they need to know every word spoken, every keystroke made.

    Governments everywhere are more and more afraid of global uprisings against their rulerships.

    Let it be so!

  10. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    You need to understand Dennis Lowe and this government that consents to wrong doing. If the call Dennis the Lowe made to a contractor about not forgetting to put in his cut holds true, then there is no need to worry about the silence of this government on this project. If the deposit of millions into his mother’s account hold true then you know the silence is to ensure the deal go down both ways. Dennis Lowe is about money. And when money is at the forefront of this government they all believe silence quells resistance as it makes everything golden and true. But I really do not blame them. This is the first government that have really pelt some scare in the hearts of bajans. I mean when Bree St. John through his puffed up is shite wife started to do shite, the bajan public got so mad there threw his ass out of Illaro Court and out of the reigns of power for operating like a tyrant. Now you got these arrogant, disrespectful to the public crooks pompersetting and doing the dog, to the point that they got the opposition leader like she can’t even talk no more. Have bajans become so darn docile and scared that they are going to tolerate this shite from these shitety lot. I starting to believe that Stuart and his gang got to be bosses in trute.

  11. @ Bushie

    You think these people could be reformed!

    From the time there was a Barbados government, there was always one or more Dennis Lowes, Fruendel Stuarts, el al.

    And there will always be the same, regardless to how many times we believed we could change these people.

    These people are all the same thing, cut from the same cloth and there is only one way to get the rid of these people permanently.

  12. What does anyone expect from drones of “the crown” steeped in corruption.

  13. He wont answer any questions about his mothers sudden wealth, neither will he tell us what the hell is going on in his ministry or how many times they going to spend the same dollar!
    Since when has massa seen the need to tell us worker drones anything?

    They got their salaries,cars and pensions!
    “The working class can kiss my arse, I got the foreman job at last”

  14. $300M more in debt – go ahead and borrow it fool. Have the other fool raise taxes again to repay a loan the we the people have not been consulted on or agreed to but are responsible for.
    And what about the discounted bonds that the genius at the Central Bank wants to issue? Contractor has not been paid even after a High Court order and a personal promise by the minister, income tax refunds remain unpaid after nearly two years, Mr Williams yet to receive a single cent from Government as contractually agreed for waste processing – monies collected from taxpayers for a specific purpose and not directed to that source, and now a promise from this government to HONOR the repayment of a bond issue five years from now. The only thing that will provide greater laughter is if the prime minister (lower case intentionally) ventures out of his silence to inform the his friend who is not a leper will manage the bond issue.

  15. Let us wait to hear how the MOF explains why the solid waste tax was not enough to liquidate arrears for SBRC.

  16. @David
    He will come up with some lie that is so transparent as to be laughable.He will then announce the “imminent signing” of some mega million deal that will save Bim from ruin. This will go the way of all of the mega deals that he has dreamed up.
    The man a fool, working with other fools for a fool.
    The only finance he interested in is personal finance!

  17. …and while we are at it, why stop at requiring a tax clearance certificate before seeking permission to send YOUR money overseas? Let’s the little Putins really go to town; how about demanding a tax clearance certificate before purchasing groceries from the supermarket, before settling a utility bill, clearing personal effects from the port, refueling your vehicle, getting medical attention.. and the list goes on. Matter of fact the little Putins could even enlist the services of beach wardens who would be tasked to check your tax clearance certificate before allowing you to go into the governments ocean!

    To think that the clergy came out in their numbers when it was reported that the demon Charlie, Charlie had invaded our schools. Where were they for the last seven years while the nation was force to ask “Frundel, Frundel, are you there? We need to know who our demons truly are.

  18. @David
    ” Government has just signed a US$300 million agreement with the Jada Group of Companies for the construction of a plasma gasification plant. Does this mean Jada is building the Cahill plant?”……………………………………….

    Were Barbadians not told that the Cahill group was going to provide the funding for this plant?

    Lies, liars and the lied!

  19. @Hamilton Hill June 1, 2015 at 6:54 AM ” show more concern for CHARLIE CHARLIE ”

    @FearPlay June 1, 2015 at 1:51 PM “To think that the clergy came out in their numbers when it was reported that the demon Charlie, Charlie had invaded our schools”

    Can someone explain to me since the demon is described as Mexican how come he is called Charlie, instead of being called Carlos?

  20. If anybody could ask Lowe’s mother I am sure that she would tell you that he was, is and will always be a dutiful and loving son.

  21. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    Mitchlans June 1, 2015 at 9:46 AM #
    But lets face it, Mitch, any smart rat , at this time with the whole island covered in festering garbage, would not be easily tempted to eat rat bait.
    Perhaps we should withhold all of the Members of Parliament allowances for a month ,and use that money to purchase the bare necessities, like Rat Poison, and Plastic Cards to update driver licenses.

  22. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    Simple Simon June 1, 2015 at 9:57 PM #

    Can someone explain to me since the demon is described as Mexican how come he is called Charlie, instead of being called Carlos?
    Skippa we got a Bajan Demon right here ,who answers to a Jewish-German name , …………….plus lots of others.

  23. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Pachamama et al;

    You said at 10.40 am yesterday;

    “From the time there was a Barbados government, there was always one or more Dennis Lowes, Fruendel Stuarts, el al. And there will always be the same, regardless to how many times we believed we could change these people.”

    I beg to disagree. There was never a Freundel Stuart before this one.
    …… and because of that, the Dennis Lowe’s of this world were unable to give full rein to their full potential as have the “Dennis Lowes” of this administration.

  24. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Didn’t Minister Jones give us some forewarning of the presence of Demons in our schools a few years ago? Perhaps he has the remedy!

  25. @ awty
    Perhaps he has the remedy
    ….or is it that he knows the source?

  26. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Bush Tea;

    I think you’re right!
    I stand corrected.

  27. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Prodigal Son June 1, 2015 at 9:17 PM
    “Were Barbadians not told that the Cahill group was going to provide the funding for this plant?”

    Now where would Barbados find people to invest $300 million under the current administration without the IMF’s approval? It certainly can’t come from Jada. Another scam to bilk the tax payers by way of consultancy fees and phantom mobilization fees to help pay back Jada for financing political campaigns and putting money in politicians’ pockets (like the lowedown in the dumps of garbage and immorality crook).

    BTW, Prodigal, nice to see you back. Have you received your special invitation to the grand opening of the D T Mausoleum in St. John scheduled for June 30th (????)?

  28. What is minister Lowe now suggesting? He is talking to the waste haulers? And they are making sense i.e paying $25 per tonne or part thereof? This did not make sense before it was implemented?


  29. HAMILTON A HILL Avatar

    Seems to me that since certain sections of the community have finally awaken these clowns have come to the realization that it is just about CRUNCH TIME, hence we are seeing interactive Ministers. With any luck the wider community would insist that this reversal of policy is a matter of TOO LITTLE TOO LATE. How long is too long if it is good? That was our chant back in 1976. We who chanted so lustily back then, today ask HOW SOON IS TOO SOON ? This bunch needs to be gone….like yesterday. Only now you recognize the agony people were speaking of ever since? While the alternative is not very enticing nothing can be as bad as what we have. HE THAT IS DOWN NEED FEAR NO FALL.

  30. @ David
    This man Lowe is a real case yuh…
    Obviously he is building up to concede that the payment of tipping fees for ‘part thereof’ (less than a ton…) can be reversed.
    In other words, the haulers would probably pay for the exact weight.

    What a load of shiite…
    yuh mean that EVERYONE does not know that this section was put into the document in the first place… JUST so that it can be dropped as a conciliating ploy?
    …just like the so-called ‘change’ Stinkliar made in the solid waste tax…..

    That is SO obvious….
    yuh mean that the haulers will fall for this…?


    The tipping fee is just a lotta shiite …just like the shiite tax was…..
    The damn problem is these secret sweet heart deals with Bizzy, and however they turn these scams will burn them in the tail….

  31. and hamilton bellows “the bunch needs to be gone, and bto pray tell the bajan public which bunch u gonna replaced them with,talk is cheap but shite talk gets nowhere, jac

  32. David Epstein Avatar

    This is in the public domain already. Shown is an email that was sent to the Governmunt Ministers on Sunday.

    Guess the good people of Barbados get the wool pulled over their eyes again by our government and the crooks they associate with.

    On reflection and having done a lot of soul searching over the past few days I must finally admit defeat.
    Ihave spent the past few years manipulating people and organisations in an attempt to feather my own nest and have abused the trust of a lot of people and the government of Barbados for far to long. I asked you to create a fictional set of accounts to put in the data vault to create the illusion that Cahill Energy is a real company with real revenues,assets and real people.I realise this was a wrong thing to do and for that I apologise.
    I have been to busy playing God with people’s lives and using their good graces to further the charade which is Cahill Energy. I have promised people and organisations vast sums of money in the hope they would stay the course with me while I orchestrated the sale of the contract with the GOB And with the proceeds of this sale reward them and their organisations for the efforts made and in some cases for the dishonest assistance given.
    I have borrowed, cajoled and even lied to my family and friends to prolong this effort and with the money’s given to me I have done no more than pay the mortgage on my home and squander it on my futile attempt to sell a contract which should have been a lucrative one but instead has become a millstone around my neck which I or Cahill can never deliver.
    I as the CEO of Cahill I am responsible for this in its entirety and must now finally admit that I have failed everyone and apologise.
    In These misguided attempts for financial gain I have caused a number of people and organisations to incurr some in the thousands of dollars but some in the hundreds of thousands which I am not in a position to currently repay. Even with my condo on the market for circa$7M I will be hard pressed to repay all of those I have borrowed money from .

    I will reach out to all those people I have hurt and taken money from individually and attempt to remedy the wrong doing I have committed


  33. I don`t think this is authentic for if so Dr Denis Lowe would not be so bold to be seen in or heard in public. If Dr Denis Lowe is so brazen to get his cabinet colleagues approval to sign off on a US$300M Jada deal then he is more clever than his collegues who hold out to be astute.

    In addition 2018 election will be a watershed for Barbados as some persons will shit themselves after the results for the status quo will be no more. Spain, Nigeria and Guyana are examples of a fed up electorate seeking a new governance model.

  34. Cahill Energy to boost Barbados economy with $240 million clean energy plant. The cost is getting higher by the month. I dont trust this transaction in the absence of full disclosure and Integrity Legislation or a Contractor General. Too many capital work projects in Barbados lack total transparency.

    Read more:

  35. “Cahill Energy to boost Barbados economy with $240 million clean energy plant. The cost is getting higher by the month. I dont trust this transaction in the absence of full disclosure and Integrity Legislation or a Contractor General. Too many capital work projects in Barbados lack total transparency.”

    Ever so often I hear the name Contractor General bandied about with respect to perceived underhand dealings in relation to contracts. what would be the role of this Contractor General?

  36. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Sounds very much like the “Clare email is a scam letter put out for mischief. But, somehow, there are a number of elements in it that ring true. The smoke seems to contain some incipient fire.

    The main clue is the apparent lack of any kind of progress by Cahill after the agreement was signed and the inability of the Government to show that Cahill was a bona fide company that was competent in this area.

    Kammie; If the early reports and documentation on the various Dennis Lowe scams in BU are true and accurate the man lacks a conscience and is special type and will maintain a fiction until the bitter end so don’t base any rational conclusion on the maintenance of a specific posture by such a person . Also, is it beyond the bounds of possibility that the Barbados Government did not sign a secret agreement with JADA for constructing a 300 million dollar Plasma Gasification plant but that that story was part of the disinformation that was purposely fed Barbados Today for whatever reason? Ask Barbados Today’s Joseph who was the source of that story and how they confirmed it before publication.

    If there is truth anywhere in this sorry mess it will come out soon. Freundel will have to act at long last. He will not be able to ignore it.

    This story bears the seed of a Pandora’s box that does not bode well for Barbados.

    Time will soon tell.

  37. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    This Barbados Advocate article is the latest info I could find emanating from Clare Cowan

  38. are-we-there-yet Avatar


    On reflection, the email is more likely than not to have been a scam. Looking at it further and at other writings of Clare Cowan, she is not likely to have been the author. But there are still troubling things about the “facts”.

  39. With the economy emerging and showing upward movement one can guarantee that the blp footsoldiers will be having a field day throwing slime balls in the public arena.

  40. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Perhaps ac or someone else with inside knowledge would deign to give us the following information;

    Did the scheduled May visit and meetings by Cahill investors and principals with Government Ministers, as mentioned in the Advocate article, actually take place?

    If it did not, why did it not?

    If it did, what were the outcomes?

    What were the outcomes of Minister Boyce’s hurried visit to Guernsey last year? Was Cahill determined to be totally aboveboard?

    Since it is highly unlikely that Government would seek to set up TWO Plasma gasification plants in Barbados, has the agreement with Cahill Energy been scrapped or is JADA now subcontracting part of the original Cahill project or is the JADA story based on pure misinformation or speculation?

    Is Government denying that they have very recently signed an agreement with JADA to construct a plasma gasification plant that essentially replaces the agreement with Cahill?

    If they are, how did Barbados Today get the erroneous information they published?

    Since the information, if true, could be construed as likely to cast the government in very poor light, could you explain why the government has been silent so far and has not, afaik, demanded a retraction from BT. In this regard it should perhaps be noted that Williams Industries ( a competitor of Jada) has or had significant financial connections with BT)

    How did BT get the presumably erroneous information?

    In the face of the above, is the purported “Clare Cowan” email a mischevious false flag operation designed to prompt greater exposure of the facts surrounding the Cahill Energy project? .. or is there information to suggest that the Cahill CEO has indeed cracked under the strain of inability to implement her side of the agreement.

  41. One question I would like a response from Dennis Lowe does not have anything to do with the Ministry of the Environment, but relates to his personal feeling concerning an issue raised by one of his colleagues.

    Recall a few weeks ago PM Stuart sought to chastise Sir Hilary Beckles for comments he (Sir Hilary) made about government’s policy relative to students paying UWI tuition fees.

    Subsequently, Donville Inniss added his voice to the debate and sought to “put spin” the issue by insinuating the funds allocated for the “coronation ceremony” re installation of Sir Hilary as Vice Chancellor of UWI, could be better used to finance the studies of continuing and potential UWI students.

    My question to Dr. Lowe is, how does he feel, after all the furor raised by Stuart and Inniss, to know Stuart attended the ceremony, where he and Sir Hilary could later be seen hugging each other “like two peas in a pod?”

    Should Stuart not stand in solidarity with Inniss’ comments and in the interests of those persons who cannot afford the tuition fees, by not attending the ceremony?

  42. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    This purported email from Clare Cowan has to be the single worst email letter written by anyone seeking to discredit the DLP administration.

    I am putting it to the House of BU for a motion that it had to be written by ** (only two initials) or de american fellow dat recovering from them psycho drugs that has Hopi cussing during a post last night at 11.34 p.m.

    Indeed there is no way that this writer could have de slightest bit of common sense about creating false documents.

    I reminded me of a movie I say recently where someone got killed by accident and the persons who were covering up the crime sought to do so by writing a suicide letter on the victims behalf.

    De Ole man nearly “deaded” from laughter when, after the letter was read, the surviving relative said it might have made good sense IF THE VICTIM HAD KNOWN HOW TO READ OR WRITE!!

    The more I think about it and mindful of the comment at 8.07 am about “having a field day throwing slime balls in the public arena….” I am now inclined to believe that this letter was written by ** since LIKE THE VICTIM “**” DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO WRITE!!

  43. David Epstein Avatar

    Interestin how Cahill has timed there visit to the island to coincide with Sincklers budget on june 15. $$ passed under the table by Caill to make the govunment look like there actually doin sumthin? What a load of Shiite!

  44. David Epstein Avatar

    Don’t know how you people can think this is an honest woman. just look at her mug. it has liar written all over it. she signed the deal over a year ago and tried to BS us into believing she was going to create jobs for the bajans and bring good fortune to our island. what has her company dun in the last 14 months? like I say when you sleep with scum…….

  45. @pdyr…
    Do u know / realise how many barbadians who could not read or write fartherless put pen to paper that build the economy of barbados you are such an intellectual mongrel that your bites to put down other people of less intellect makes u look like an intellectual dic head ole man

  46. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    dear AC

    Why I do you?

    I din call you name!!

    I jes say de one wid two initials and look me crosses…

    Two initials cud have been BT, Bush Tea GP, Georgie Porgie or DE David Epstein..

    Jes so you gone fuh de ole man and cuss me, jes so..

    furthermore why you know bout my fadder?

    You use de word Fatherless which in de word supposed to be Far less!!!

    I going axe de blog master to ban you for insulting me, or me father, either way I gine complain fuh you

    Signed de intellectual dic head ole man

    @ GP you musee having real fun in de rum shop wid dese ignoramuses nah?

    Imagine if an alien was to land in Barbados and have a first encounter wid AC, DEM would go back and report ILF Idiot Life Form encountered DO NOT PURSUE CROSS GALACTIC EXCHANGE

  47. The following is from:

    Published On: Fri, Jul 12th, 2013

    7Th Heaven Properties Appointed To Source Site For $300 Million Caribbean Clean Energy Plant

    Caribbean real estate specialists 7th Heaven Properties exclusively appointed by Cahill Energy to source sites across the Caribbean and Central America to build a $300 million (USD) plant to transform household waste into clean, renewable energy

    LONDON – London-based 7th Heaven Properties, specialists in residential and commercial Caribbean real estate, has been exclusively appointed by Cahill Energy to source and evaluate sites across the Caribbean Basin region to build a $300 million (USD) Waste to Energy plant utilising the most innovative technology available to transform all kinds of waste into clean, renewable energy.

    Cahill Energy, which was established to finance, build, own and operate utility-scale Waste to Energy plants in key markets, has appointed 7th Heaven Properties to initiate a search across the Caribbean islands and Central America for the ideal site which would provide a leading edge, environmentally sound solution to two of the region’s most pressing challenges: waste management and energy security.
    Landfill is currently the most commonly used waste disposal method in the Caribbean and Central America, but with waste generation rates rapidly rising as a result of population growth, urbanization and economic development, many landfill sites across the region are reaching capacity. With the Caribbean Basin region producing approximately 60 million tonnes of solid waste each year, Governments recognise that more efficient, sustainable and environmentally-friendly waste management and disposal solutions are required as a matter of urgency.

    Most Caribbean and Central American countries and territories also face an energy security challenge. Largely reliant on imported sources of fossil fuels to meet soaring demand for energy, they are vulnerable to fluctuating energy prices and struggling to meet renewable energy targets.

    Cahill Energy’s Waste to Energy technology represents a solution to both these challenges. Across Europe, where Waste to Energy goes hand in hand with waste minimisation and recycling initiatives, waste is commonly diverted away from landfill sites to about 400 plants in countries such as Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. A continuous stream of new sites is coming on line in Europe, as well as China, Japan and India. Sweden has even begun importing garbage from neighbouring European countries which is transformed into clean, renewable energy to power homes.

    Cahill Energy plans to invest $300 million (USD) of its own funds in the development of a Waste to Energy plant utilising proven, patented Waste to Energy technology already in use in 4 commercial facilities worldwide; with additional plants under construction in the UK and China. Using plasma gasification technology (the most effective and environmentally friendly method of waste treatment available) the plant would transform almost all kinds of solid waste into clean, renewable energy, providing a new domestic energy source for the selected location and reducing reliance on imported fuel. Unlike landfill, incineration and other less efficient Waste to Energy technology in use elsewhere, plasma gasification produces almost zero emissions.

    Walter Zephirin, Managing Director of 7th Heaven Properties, commented: “We are delighted to have been appointed by Cahill Energy and to be working with Cahill on realising a clean, green solution to the Caribbean’s waste management and energy security challenges – issues of critical importance to sustainable development and economic growth in the Caribbean.”

    Clare Cowan CEO of Cahill Energy added: “I am delighted to be working closely with 7th Heaven Properties, our exclusive representative, to develop opportunities for us to invest in the Caribbean region. We consider that the Caribbean has considerable potential as it has both major challenges in reducing waste going to landfill and a recognised need for renewable energy.”

    DD wonders if Minister Lowe’s mother’s new-found wealth has her living in 7th Heaven due to Barbados’ selection as the ideal site for Cahill Energy’s leading edge, environmentally sound solution for two of Barbados’ most pressing challenges: waste management and energy security.

    Oh, and wonder if 7th Heaven Properties has sourced any other Caribbean Basin countries for Cahill Energy to solve their waste management and energy security challenges.

    Could it be that other countries did their due diligence and concluded that Cahill Energy is all PR smoke and mirrors?

    Just wondering.

  48. DD is copying this from:

    Due Diligence March 21, 2014 at 3:04 PM #

    Hants | March 21, 2014 at 12:55 PM |

    “Please visit and

    Then tell us who you think would be a preferred provider of the WTE facility –
    Emera, with $8.88 billion in assets and 2013 revenues of $2.2 billion, a Board of Directors whose names and bios are published, and has a proven record in the energy business; or Cahill whose website is limited to one paragraph of PR mumbo jumbo, no financial details and no names except CEO Claire Cowan, whoever she is.

    Surely if someone in Barbados has determined that plasma gasification technology is the way to go, Emera could design, build and operate the plant using the technology from Alter NRG.

    As Adrain said, Emera would then be able to cut out the middle-man and make even larger profits or dare I say it, actually bring down the price of electricity. I do not see how this would interrupt he revenue stream from tiny little Barbados – rather it could enhance the revenue stream and perhaps lower the cost to Barbados consumers.

    As to “putting all the eggs in one basket”; the tiny little Barbados basket is too small to have multiple suppliers of electricity.

    Who is Claire Cowan and Cahill and its parent company with (in the words of the MOF) as much as 15 years in business, including some in the area of energy?”

    Fifteen months later the Cahill Energy website is still PR fluff – no names (except Claire Cowan), no numbers and no address.

    I repeat “Who is Claire Cowan and Cahill and its parent company with (in the words of the MOF) as much as 15 years in business, including some in the area of energy?”

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