Ptrict Toppin, Deloitte appointed Judicial Manager of CLICO
Patrick Toppin, Deloitte’s appointed Judicial Manager of CLICO
Click to read the Deloitte_CLICO Report
Click to read the Deloitte_CLICO Report

476 responses to “CLICO Final Forensic Report UNSEALED”

  1. Walter Blackman Avatar

    pieceuhderockyeahright March 11, 2015 at 8:06 PM #
    @ Caswell and Walter Blackman
    “Upon what basis can our Guyanese Director of Public Prosecutions and our Commissioner of the Royal Barbados Police Force ACT ON ANYTHING contained in this Deloitte report??”

    Our Guyanese Director of Public Prosecutions…something about that sounds not right, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

    The CLICO debacle was no accident. It took a lot of planning, facilitation, and collusion among political parties, politicians, and government officials to siphon off almost ½ billion (this is a very conservative estimate) from the insurance company over the last 30 years.
    Personnel had to be carefully handpicked at CLICO itself, in the civil service, and in the government. Equally important, qualified persons with integrity had to be kept far far from critical decison-making positions. Politicians had to be bought and bribed. Elections had to be paid for. All of this was aimed at securing insurance against prosecution forever.

    Each day, as this saga unfolds, more and more of the innocence of Barbadian society gets destroyed. Some Barbadians, who are thinking for themselves, have already raced ahead to recognize that CLICO is just the tip of a national iceberg.The hard-earned money of Barbadian taxpayers has been receiving similar treatment for the last 30 years also.

    Upon what basis, can the Barbadian DPP and Commisioner of police act on anything contained in the report., you ask?

    At 11:42 a.m.on Decembert 30, 2008 the Prime Minister of Barbados, after discussing how to commit fraud against an insurance company, and after plotting to launder money for his client, decided to put the plot and plan into action by e-mailing a fraudulent invoice and leaving an electronic trace. 17 days later the targeted money was pounced upon and placed in a First Caribbean Bank account where it awaited extradition into Mr. Parris’ hands as laundered money.

    A first –year law student, at the bottom of the class, should be able, like Miller, to confidently link the dearly departed Prime Minister’s actions to the low hanging illegal fruit of fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering. Of course, David Thompson’s “living large” conspiratorial associates are just as guilty as he was.
    This evidence now provides an excellent opportunity for the DPP and the Commisioner of Police to strike. If they do, a guilty verdict is almost guaranteed.
    Barbadians know and understand that the criminals in this operation are clinging desperately to the “straws” of protection provided by some crooked members of the political class. Whereas no attempts have been made to defend the interests of policyholders at anytime, every opportunity has been seized to whitewash and portray the thieves as honest, talented, and hard-working citizens. We would therefore be naïve not to expect serious political pressure to be brought to bear on any organization which seeks to expose these miscreants.
    A dangerous game of no cops but proven robbers is now being played out right before our eyes. Will it end in an unexpected violent social upheaval, or will Leroy Parris drag down the political crooks with him and pave the way for a new and better Barbados?

  2. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Mr. Blackman

    Grateful for your response and those of others you categorically indicate that this is worthy of intervention by these “inert elements”

    My purposed “xenophobic” remark about our Director of Public Prosecution speaks to three things

    One. The normal attitude that we bajans have about (i) “low islanders”, (ii) other islanders (Guyana is no island) and of course (iii) people from ovah and away usually Amurica and Englant to whom we Bajans give special obeisance.

    Too, The DPP’s purported predilection to be lenient to criminals from certain countries or those of particular parentage

    Three. And, to repeat point number two, his disposition to things Nordish (Bjerkham)

    This and the fact that he has the proverbial shortman chip on his shoulder (I am a piece of midget myself and 5 ft 10 1/2 inches) who loves to hobnob with the rich and famous I ent got no problem with the indolent of spirit

  3. […] Each day, as this saga unfolds, more and more of the innocence of Barbadian society gets destroyed. Some Barbadians, who are thinking for themselves, have already raced ahead to recognize that CLICO is just the tip of a national iceberg.The hard-earned money of Barbadian taxpayers has been receiving similar treatment for the last 30 years also – Walter Blackman […]

  4. And we still boasting of Barbados being one of the least corrupt nation??? Many in this country will regard this as normal behaviour. I am surprised that the political class haven’t done all they can to bury this report.

    If the dead King was alive I wonder how he would have handled this??? Would we have reached this stage of discussion? Now I wonder why the Fumble and his gang going to do about this revelation? Do not be surprised that Mara and she children migrate to St. Lucia and send her resignation from there.

    The policy holders should file to take the assets of CLICO whatever they have in Barbados and elsewhere. They are too spineless! If this was Jamaica…….

  5. When will we see the seizure of David Thompson estate and Leroy Parris property? Who are the co conspirators in government department hiding Thompson will? Only yesterday a man got sentence for stealing sweet potatoes. John Nurse and the judges in Barbados should release all petty thieves if the DPP Charles Leacock and COP Griffith fails to take action. Failing action the people of Barbados should riot for justice for sometimes who have to destroy the rotten house to rebuild.

  6. Chris Sinckler the MOF who got a few suits and Parris wife breaking down Jaguar is not to be trusted. Fruendel as one of Parris former lawyers will use his proxies to stop the exposure of Parris and Thompson Money Laundering Scam.

  7. Parris also paid policemen protection money ask Leslie Haynes the lawyer who changed many cheques for Parris in the money laundering scam

  8. All the lawyers who worked for Parris facilitated money laundering I know what I saw but unfortunately I never took a picture of these cheques. Parris would randomly ask for a cheques to go to either one of his companies, his wife name or lawyer and he would get the cash or cheque in turn supported by an invoice.

    Ask Leslie Haynes about the handsome fees he got in turn for facilitating Leroy Parris and Duprey dirty deeds.

  9. @David

    I just read the article attached to “Parris Property” which reinforces my point about “tip of the iceberg”. If I follow Ms. Rayside’s statement the property at Westmoreland was pledged as collateral to BNB to prop up loans advanced to Rayside Co. When Rayside was on the verge of going “belly up” and CLICO stepped in as a “white knight” (perhaps I should say “black knight) to keep Rayside afloat somehow that portion of Rayside’s assets found its way into the lap of the CEO of CLICO. This is a top echelon “piggy bank “ operation at its finest , the fight against the seizure of the 3.3 m is opening more can of worms than expected, now they can’t unring that bell.

    I think the Brazillians are learning from us, a Brazillian formerly included as one of the richest in the world found himself underwater and the judge ordered the seizure of his assets including some very expensive cars, the judge ending up driving one of those cars, somehow I think that he must have heard of the Westmoreland land deal.

  10. @Sargeant

    Didn’t CLICO perform a similar heist on Plantations in Barbados?

    On Friday, 13 March 2015, Barbados Underground wrote:


  11. The facts as outlined in the JM’s report are clear cut evidence that fraud was committed against the insurance company.

    No wonder the Government through its agent. the FSC was seeking to have them suppressed. The claims to integrity of the Government are now in tatters for all to see. Its inaction and that of the DPP, given the revelations, amounts to collusion in the crime.

    Yet not a whimper from policy holders’ group ???????

    If the opposition does not demand justice and action against the perpetrators, it will be painted with the same dirty brush.

    The people are waiting to see justice raped again and privilege prevail.

  12. @ David

    Your report is missing appendix 3 which is an eye opener. Shows the related parties who got land in Crystal Court and Crystal Heights.

    The scope of what happened at that company is breath taking.

  13. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Wunnah know where Mara moved to when the importunate St John people got too much to bear? Check Crystal Court that is relatively inaccessible to the St John plebs.

    David; when you gine get the full report with annexes?

  14. This one is for Douglas, he could write an article pun the DLP wed-site and call it:

    “Parris and Thompy’s Big Bag o blunders, Wunnuh Feel Duh Guilty?”

  15. The Bushman and Dr. Love………read and weep, read and weep, we are onto y’all, not to mention that’s the very topic of discussion in Barbados for some years now, including this very topic….lol

  16. By the way the Bushman and Dr. Love, just remember when the two of you are answering me the witch with the broom, we can abort you, but you cannot abort us…

  17. David
    I supporting AWTY.The Audit posted on BU is minus the appendices.Would you be so kind as to give us those attachments please.

  18. Clerk
    Leslie Haynes now got a massive property on Strathclyde Drive called Ellangowan formerly owned by the wealthy Wards of Strathclyde.Rumour has it that it was on the market for 2 million.
    You say Leslie used to launder money for Clico.All I can say is bet on that racehorse Follow de Money in the Gold Cup race sponsored by Clico.
    If Barrow and Tom were alive all like Leslie Haynes would be in Dodds Prisons or like Michael Simmons,can’t land in Barbados again.Waterman J saw to that.

  19. All of the disadvantaged CLICO policy holders and benfactors, and especially those who had their pensions cut from under thier feet, should get organised and march enmasse on the properties of these shameless daylight robbers and occupy their properties until some sort of restitution is made.
    Here we are , bleating and licking our chops about Reparation for acts committed over 180 years ago , but are unable to forcefully demand from these thieves and rogues what are rightfully ours,taken in the last few years.

  20. David

    Where are the appendix items to the CLICO report?

    Not good enough.

  21. You may find this published paper of interest:

  22. A sneek preview of the results of the Cadres Poll to be published in this weekend Sunday Sun shows:

    If General Elections were to be called now –

    The DEMs will win 21 seats
    Freundel Stuart will remain PM
    Barbadians are wary of Mottley’s……Wicker – ism.

    There you have it……..Dems NOW…Dems……AGAIN.

  23. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Colonel Buggy March 13, 2015 at 3:50 PM
    “Here we are , bleating and licking our chops about Reparation for acts committed over 180 years ago , but are unable to forcefully demand from these thieves and rogues what are rightfully ours, taken in the last few years.”

    Well said Colonel B. And to think that we are dealing not with the chosen and blessed white children of the Anglican god but the cursed black bastards of Satan posing as politicians, lawyers and insurance executives.

  24. A brave man claimed to me, that if they dug deeper, there is even more gold below.

  25. Pollster March 13, 2015 at 5:41 PM #

    Is that with or without Ipads and money?

  26. Dee Ingrunt Squared March 12, 2015 at 9:43 AM #

    Re ‘will to act’ , why do you think I said outside investigators. You think I want thing done after a few phone calls?

    Are we really willing to have people dig up the laundry?

    Like, how contracts are awarded. How folks get jobs?

  27. @ Crusoe

    Money and Ipads did not form part of the questionnaire.

  28. Pollster March 13, 2015 at 6:23 PM #

    In that case, I am worried. You mean, despite all that has occurred, Bajans endorse the situation.

    Ah well, remember what happened to Soddom and Gommorah?

    Go and buy your storm supplies early.

  29. Full document uploaded.

  30. A JA by any other name is still a JA.

  31. You can’t make this stuff up. Why didn’t Parris make the agreement available whe the audit was done? There is that man Thornhill’s name again.

  32. David what kind of speckled fowl question is that ?
    why did the judicial managers in the report state an untruth ? that is the question?

  33. Why prepare an invoice for legal services if this document was available to verify payment of a gratuity?

  34. The challenge to the judges by Parris’ lawyers is interesting.

  35. the suspense surrounding this story would leave one to believe that a morbid attempt in collusion including political anarchist is in involved in the roots and heart of this matter with extraordinary influence to contaminate a process with the ultimate goal to persuade public opinion.
    This case is so seriously contaminated that in any other country it would be deemed necessary to seek alternative jurisdiction in pursuit of justice,

  36. Any comments about the Lawrence Duprey connection in the report?

  37. David why don’t you comment on the article in barbados today which supports evedience in contrary to the judicial managers report ,

  38. The Judicial Manager reported on a fake invoice against which payment by CLICO of $3.33m was made to Thompson Associates and paid into its Client Account at First Caribbean. Not sure what the difference the existence of a witheld contract for gratuities has to do with this case.

  39. @Bdosmike

    Correct, what we have to be sure to do is separate the political, legal and other arguments.

  40. Why is Mia and the other politicians so silent? The whole parliament is corrupt from the Clerk Of Parliament up. If only the whole parliament could just sink into the sea Barbados would be better off.
    June Fowler the fool head of BIPA needs to get of her lazy ass and lead the poor policyholders of Clico to picket Leroy Paris and his corrupt friends houses. If ever there was a time for civil disobedience its now for the 30 crooks in parliament dont care about us.

  41. All indications are that Madame Justice Cornelius is indeed an excellent representative of that position and has integrity.

    We are lucky to have her there.

    That said, I can see where the lawyers may object based upon her familial relationship to an Opposition spokesperson.

    However, this case is clearly headed to CCJ and when it does, the conclusions reached on the Clico affair in Barbados, for ALL to see, will be interesting.

    One wonders what inferences the CCJ will draw on the ‘Barbados’ business system.

    And no wonder then, that certain Gov’t spokespersons have begun pre-emptive wordings re the CCJ.


  42. Interesting, so monies still at CIBC? Scotia does not hold funds anymore. The way it is written they ensured that they were clear of the funds.

    I wonder why that is??

  43. today is going to be interesting on bu as the gravy train of commentators flying high on fake documentation used the intellectual forensic prowess to vilify and mud sling on documentation provided in the barbados today article with sufficient proof,

  44. Comments using the moniker MOF deleted; aka ac.

  45. @ David

    We are surprised that ac would think she has the mind to be two people at the same time. Based on her writings we were never been persuaded that her abilities, as they are, extended to those ranges. LOL

  46. David

    There maybe a possibility that a proper investigation, a general or criminal investigation, will discover tapes of conversations made by Parris, in his offices and elsewhere.

    We know of one instance where a meeting was surreptitiously recorded and then played back to Duprey, the master of Parris. We are minded that this method of operation could have been generalized. For Parris was no more than a tool in the hand of his master. Therefore a wider criminal net should have been long casted

  47. so david instead of putting the focus where it does not matter on ac .. why don’t you pursue an avenue to persuade comments that the documentation provided in the media is skewed .
    btw removing MOF limited comments shows your desire to intimidate through censoring,

  48. Pachaman have you found out who was the man standing on the “grassy knoll when JFK was shot,,?

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