Photo credit: Barbados Today
Photo credit: Barbados Today

BU has no issue with the private sector leading development especially if the result will translate in benefits for a wide cross section of Barbadians and not a few. The news that a new cement company to be called Rock Hard Cement is to be built at the Flour Mill, Spring Garden has generated valid questions by the public. Bear in mind the citizenry has been taken for granted under successive government when approving large private sector projects, the Greenland landfill comes to mind. Town Planning Department stipulation which requires Environmental Impact Assessment Studies and Town Hall meetings have long been accepted as a checklist item. Always the 9-day noise erupts from the population and abates until the next project.

One of the principals behind the project is the omnipresent Mark Maloney, a member of the Bjerkhamn/JADA consortium, who on the 24 January was quoted in the news as saying, “ …We are at the stage now where we are going to be building a plant at the Flour Mill. We have all the land identified and we are going through the regulatory processes and all that now but, in the interim, we are building a temporary plant [adjacent to the Flour Mill site], which is in construction right now, and we hope to be able to have the cement to market by the end of March, early April”.   We have subsequently observed a pullback from Maloney’s position after questions were raised by the public of the level of Town Planning involvement. What Maloney’s statement confirms however is that the tail continues to wag the dog.

BU notes public concern about the potential impact on the environment, a valid concern for citizens of a small tourism based economy to have. Let us hope in the days and weeks ahead Barbadians are able to be informed about the downside risks associated with a cement blending plant located next to a flour mill. Another observation is the lack of robust enforcement of standards in Barbados by successive governments especially when it comes to environmental encroachments.

BU’s concern remains firmly anchored in the lack of transparency that shrouds public and private public transactions. It is no secret the Bjerkhamn/JADA consortium of which Maloney is a member replaced Leroy Parris’ CLICO as the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) campaign financer for the last general election. It is payback time. The elevation of Bjerkhamn (not to be confused with his son who shot his son)  to the Board of Directors of the Central Bank and the award of several contracts like the Adopt a KM project, the restoration of the Old Empire Theatre to house a mini beer distillery (what is the status?) among many project support the point.

We note the vested interest of the Bjerkhamn group in a cheaper cement, after all they are in the business of construction. What BU and likeminded citizens do not want to surrender is our right to know to ensure the best decisions are taken in the national interest and not those of a few.

69 responses to “Transparency Required for the Rock Hard Cement Project – Mark Maloney and the Bjerkhamn Gang Championing ANOTHER Project”

  1. Please remember to visit BU’s LAWYERS in the NEWS.

  2. On another post a circular, as inbreed as it is, logic argues for the virtues of unmasked disclosures. We are afraid that’s a Fourth Estate requirement which has no place in a Fifth Estate world.

    Moreover and as a matter of philosophy, we would prefer to be guided by Oscar Wilde. Wilde says ‘give a man a mask and he’ll tell his secrets’. So Wilde was operating in a Fifth Estate paradigm 100 years before the Internet.

  3. John Hanson 1781-1782, I SERVE 1788-1792 BARBADOES, Avatar
    John Hanson 1781-1782, I SERVE 1788-1792 BARBADOES,

  4. John Hanson 1781-1782, I SERVE 1788-1792 BARBADOES, Avatar
    John Hanson 1781-1782, I SERVE 1788-1792 BARBADOES,

    We just hope they have clear title to the land , It will be a shame to have to hand it over one day.

  5. Caswell Franklyn Avatar


    Please remember: he who pays the piper calls the tune.

    Maloney seems to be assured of Town Planning permission even before the application is submitted. Could it be that he is calling the tune?

    I hardly ever use flour but for those of you who make it a staple part of your diet, you should use flour from St. Vincent when this plant gets going or make prunes a staple part of your diet.

    I think that I should give you a story about my experience with Town Planning. A few years ago a friend of mine rented a piece of land at Green Hill to erect a shed and place a container. He intended to make furniture on the site. The container would have been used to store his tools, raw materials and the finish product before sale. The shed was intended to provide shelter while he worked: it would have been made of four poles and a permaclad roof.

    When he dug the holes for the poles, I happen to pass around and he asked me to hold the pole so that he could plumb it. I rested my shoulder on the poles to keep them steady. That was my total contribution to the project. Nonetheless, a few days later, I received a letter from the Chief Town Planner ordering me not to build on that site.

  6. Cement, Flour, Cruise ships.

  7. It is a ridiculous situation. No way in the world you have cement and it doesn’t create dust, so when those people say there won’t be any dust circling around, is just a total tom foolery ask any one who worked at the present cement plant. Let Maloney & his team come again with the brain washed Government that we have at this time. Even a little bag of cement if it burst at your home look how it create a lot of dust; and the beach at Brighton will be affected, doesn’t any one care about the people living there, and the tourists that frequent that beach?

  8. Shouldn’t the BLP engineer and former Arawak employee know about dust?

  9. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    I went to Town and Country Planning a few years ago to ask whether I needed to apply for permission to build a lean-to roof on the side of my house to cover a verandah. They told me I did, and to come back in with a drawing showing the roof, the existing house, distance from boundary / road etc., which I duly did. When I presented the drawing, the officer told me I had not shown the drainage and that it needed to be shown.
    I told him that there was no drainage as the rain just fell off the roof onto the grass. He was having none of it. The drainage had to be shown. I was told that at a minimum, the existing house drainage needed to be shown on the submission drawing.
    Now I live in an old house, I had no intention of digging everything up to find out where the drains ran and I told him so. Just show something, he told me; they wouldn’t know whether it was correct and they wouldn’t check.
    Pointless application of a set of rules.

  10. You’re merely speculating about the technology associated with the prevention of the spread of dust throughout the environment from the cement plant. Where is your evidence? And why would the government allow the construction of the plant in this specific area, knowing that it might quite possibly jeopardize certain aspects of the tourist industry?

  11. LOL @ Caswell
    Ha ha ha … Mark got you covered skippa…
    The men must have drones following you den…

    Ya better cross all T’s and dot all I’s…

    The very fact that someone could have the gall to come on TV and assert that there will be a cement plant WITH NO DUST tells us the contempt with which Bajans are held by these people….

    What a place….!

    steupsss… man Caswell why don’t you go down there by the site and pull out a tape measure….. 🙂

  12. Some who live outside of Barbados may not be aware of what is happening here. The matter of a cement plant being constructed next to the flour mill was brought to light recently by Mark Williams. If he did not do so Bajans would be none the wiser. From the BT article quoted in the blog Maloney gave an interview confident in the knowledge TP planning would come. It is the right of Barbadians to ask the question and it is the responsibility of our government to answer. We are still waiting on Lowe and the government on Cahill Waste to Energy.

    It is about transparency JA.

  13. The Chief Town Planner is one of the main conservators of White power in Barbados. And Mark Cummins is not the only senior civil servant who is on the payroll of Cow Williams and other White people.

    Black people could own any amount of land anywhere and would not be able to get planning permission for decades but even before they sign an agreement to sell to Cow Williams Mark Cummins will give him permission (verbally) even before the plans are drawn. This is crypto-racism Bajan style 2015.

    There has been always some blue eyed boy who can do whatever dey like ’round hey. Bajans toooo love their White ‘peoples’.

    We talk about the politicians but no Bajan politician can’t even go to the bathroom without permission from the PS. It is with them where the functional corruption rest!

  14. I don’t see why there’s all the fuss here surrounding the planned Cement Mixing plant.
    Last time I passed by Easy Hall St Joseph, there’s a wealth of land to the east of the old Easy Hall plantation compound.
    Mark can put his plant there, away from people, and out of the way of ADM’s flour mill.
    This way we can all be happy and no one is affected by the cement dust.
    And I do mean NO ONE! ( at least no one of consequence)
    Go check it out for yourselves people and see just what I mean!

  15. Caswell Franklyn Avatar

    Anyone remember what the DLP promised in relation to changing the use of agricultural land. If my memory serves me correctly, they promised to change the law so that parliamentary approval would be required for any such change. Nonetheless, they continue to allow prime agricultural lands to be destroyed by their financiers. Do you really think that giving approval to put a cement plant in that location would bother these wild boys as long as they get their cut.

  16. @TheWatcher

    They probably want the storage facility portside because it makes it easier to mange cost of imports and price point.

  17. @ Caswell….In relation to the use of agricultural lands your memory is correct. The answer that I keep waiting for is to the question that lady whose name escapes memory right now asked. So many people tried and were turned down in the past. How did these maguffies get such speedy approval? One begins to wonder if another maternal bank account is about to become pregnant with corn overnight.

  18. When this government changes expect Dwight Sutherland to teach the West Indian opening batsmen a thing or two about footwork. Back pedaling, skipping and well crafted evasive action is expected to make up his repertoire. Just got to love these politicians.

  19. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    I think Spring Garden is a good place for a cement plant. It’s generally industrial down there. Who else would want to be next to the BL&P electricity generating plant.
    The next thing Is that some joker will be suggesting that it is such prime property that they want to build a Four Seasons hotel around those parts!

  20. I am of the opinion that along with an environmental impact assessment, that a health impact study should also be done since the dust will also be affecting the flour mill and its production of flour. In my opinion the best location for the proposed plant would be next to its direct competitor in St. Lucy. I cannot express how disappointed I am in Mr. Sutherland of the Opposition. For many months he had first-hand information of Ms. Mottley’s struggles to try to remove the DEMS from power. He knows of her stance for morality and integrity in the House of Assembly especially in the debacle against Mr. Carrington. Her actions have advocated that no one is above the law.

    In the Press last week, Mr. Sutherland’s answer regarding permission to build the cement plant was that in his excitement he forgot to get the necessary approvals. His actions are in direct contradiction to the philosophy of his political boss who is the leader of the opposition. I wonder if to date she processed the meaning of what he has done. He has declared his hand, that he has and will be swayed by money. He has shown no allegiance to her based on his actions. He cannot be trusted as, he has placed the love of money above his country. It makes me wonder what his actions will be when the BLP wins an election. If I were Ms. Mottley, as the leader of the Opposition, I would take swift action and fire him by asking for his resignation. He is an embarrassment.

    Here is a study that was done by two students in India regarding air pollution by cement plants.

  21. He is undermining everything she is trying to achieve.

  22. Isn’t this the same Mark Maloney associated with the gas station built at Coverly Town Square that hasn’t opened because of Town & Country approval trying to push thru a cement plant under the same circumstances. Just go out an build it, and no one will notice!

    Confusion surrounds the Rubis Service Station in the Villages at Coverley and its presence in that housing community without Town and Country Planning approval to operate a gas station. More than a year after its construction the gas station is yet to be opened and investigations by Barbados TODAY have revealed that to date developers have not yet received permission to operate in the Christ Church community…Developer and managing director of Preconco Limited, Mark Maloney:”I don’t know anything about that

    – Barbados Today

  23. @ Heather… thanks kindly for sharing the link related to air pollution by cement plants. Very insightful it is, as was a caller to the program who spoke about not working in the industry for more than ten years. Perhaps it was only my skepticism but I found some measure of discomfort in Mr Sutherland’s rebuttal to that claim, especially when it was said to come from his counterparts at Arawak.

  24. Some people are ONLY about money. The fact that the gas station may someday cost human life or present a health danger is of no interest to them because THEY live miles away behind high walls.
    The cement could mix freely with the flour for all they care – they probably don’t eat local flour anyway….and certainly not bakes.

    As a tourism destination why the hell should a big nasty cement plant dominate such an area? …just to save Maloney transportation costs? If we had any damn national vision beyond pandering to people who are addicted to money we would NOT have allowed some of those other industrial plants there either….spoiling the VERY BEST ASSET we own – the natural coastline.

    The arrogance with which these businessmen treat our politicians and public servants however is nothing short of insulting…
    Bushie just waiting to see if Town Planning ain’t going to bulldoze that damn gas station like they did the stall in the Church village park….

    This is where officials who seek and accept ‘favors’ always end up …like puppets and lapdogs…
    …and people who ALLOW their officials to become puppets and lapdogs deserve what THEY get too…

  25. The big problem Barbados continues to experience is the soft corruption. Our politicians of today enter politics for the career rather than a desire to serve the public. What greater insult can be directed at Barbadians if not by Maloney’s quote the TP is a slam dunk?

    On Sunday, 15 February 2015, Barbados Underground wrote:


  26. Miss Miss Mottley must NEVER EVER be allowed to be prime minister of any government of this country.

    Mottley must NEVER EVER become any prime minister of this country.


    Now that three prominent members of the rag tag BLP have presented their respective positions to the general public of Barbados on the issue of the proposed siting of a cement installation on the environs of the Flour Mill at Spring Garden, St. Michael, the question that must be asked is: what is the position of the worst opposition leader so far in the post-independence history of this country, on the said issue?

    What it is that Mr Dwight Sunderland, Mr Joseph Atherley and Mr Mark Williams know or are representing on the issue that Mottley does not know or could not represent?

    That Mottley’s conscience has not yet been sufficiently stirred for her to make a public position known to the PDC appears to show how outpaced, outwitted, overawed and overcome she has been by the strength of the feelings of the major actors – some within her disgraced party – on this a most important public issue of whether or not a cement plant and its hazards should be placed next to the Flour Mill and other facilities and residents in the immediate area or vicinity.

    So, once again – as is foreknown by the PDC – this so-called opposition leader is to be weighed and found wanting on another issue of major national importance.

    What a gross and stark failure for a supposed national leader!!


  27. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    I am inclined to support the building of the Rock Hard Cement Plant for one single reason, a reason which negates all other contrary issues presented here such as

    (i) the emotive reasoning that surrounds this obvious “slam dunk” confirmed by the evidence where this initiative has been announced BEFORE obtaining the requisite Town and Cvntry Planning permissions (Wunna is wrong, Mark Cummins CTP is not going to grant DEM anything)

    (ii) “the experience of people living next to the Arawak cement plant in St. Lucy” and the equally spurious claims by liars and detractors about “dust in their houses, over their vehicles and in their lungs” is also another emotive point because assuredly our Ministry of the Environment fellows, all these years hence, would have determined that all of this environmental blabber is poppycock. We the public KNOW THAT cement dust from the plant is not the same as “dust from a burst bag” that the blogger above commented on, and cannot do anyone any harm

    (iii) another emotive argument about how “said dust could go into the flour next door” and how “an Environment Impact Assessment (conducted by a student at Lawrence Gay Primary school) would disclose the potential health problems of some proximate buildings

    (iv) “that tourist liners sailing into the port may be visually accosted by a cement plant with its billowing dusts” Don’t these illiterate people know that dust from cement plants are electrostatically cleansed and that is impossible that said dust could go into the houses of the peoples in Deacons? Do you people realise that these are poor people, from Chris Stinkliar cuntstituency, who, even if de cement get in DEM plate and DEM eat it and it kill DEM, it dont really matter given that between the taxes, the 25% unemployment and the fact that the economic stagnation is killing them anyway?

    As I said on commencement I support the building of the plant here, not because DEM already done been got the permissions to do what them like, but for the simple reason that it got the last part of my name in it “ROCK”

    Wunna really think that any detailed reasoning went into this other than it made economic sense to have a “port of egress” for shipping available? or that, as a legitimate business involved in imports, it would be an excellent transhipment point?

  28. Have the owners/operators of the Flour Mill expressed an opinion thus far?

    On another point, it would appear as if the foundation is being already laid for the purchase of Ministers from the next government. Mr Southerland being the first. Offer juicy jobs and consultancies while in Opposition, establish friendships and business relations now so that when an election date is announced, a natural progression is to make funds available to your “friend”. Once elected that person then becomes the business mans bitch…. and the people pay!

  29. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ FearPlay

    You raise an interesting issue regarding previous jobs, consultancies, integrity concerns and political allegiances arising therefrom by your “businessman’s bitch remark”

    For example, if the ole man can recall properly, (once) Minister Haynesley Benn worked for Dacosta Manning or one of those companies and may have worked there for some time.

    If i understand you correctly you are intimating that if Dacosta Mannings supplies Liquid Petroleum to the general public and government, before Benn’s appointment, and then Benn gets to be Minister and DM continues to supply said gas but (a) there is an increase in the orders or (b) Lord forbid that that increase is in Benn’s ministry that such may itself be an impropriety? (euphemism for kick back otherwise called a Lowedown manoevre)

    It would seem to suggest that this “bobo” issue necessitates that there are some stringent and transparent processes associated with how these matters of government orders are managed because it would seem to be almost impossible to elect someone from the community at large with there being some previous linkages to some job etc., unless you came for Mars.

    I dont seek to diminish the importance of your point though but just would highlight the inherent challenges you present with all of the bitches that are lurking as potential House of parliament occupants

  30. @PUDRYR

    How does John Citizen test your hypothesis in the existing system?

  31. Mr Dompey, my husband worked at the cement plant, and he know what he is talking about, DUST, DUST, and more DUST, so we are not talking –it, like you.

  32. Interesting. David did you read this?

    “IT SEEMS THAT as a country’s economic situation deteriorates, it signals to the citizens, both high and low, and not excluding the politicians and holders of white-collar jobs, that corruption is the order of the day.”

    See more at:

  33. @Hants

    Some JAs who troll BU make it seems it us a BU view.

    On Monday, 16 February 2015, Barbados Underground wrote:


  34. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ David [BU]

    The test I would have to say, very sadly to say, is in a cvntry without any baseline records of what you as a politician had before your ascension to the House of Parliament and/or all other public servant appointments, quite a poorly one.

    You does watch TV and all these NSA and CIA pictures as a matter of fact just pick up a newspaper from Amurica and you does see a politician get arrest for embezzlement of public funds, den he get tried, imprisoned and lost way in prison, where Bubba and the Aryian Nation try to loss way dem doggie in them vitals.

    Ask Stanford!

    Round heah it is a badge of honour on the chests of our ministers and public servants to tief and swindle. And not a body doan get lock up.

    Then we have the gumption to talk about the Nigerians and their scams!!

    We as a people are the biggest most corrupt set of peeple there is.

    How does one test my hypothesis?

    The answer is quite simple as was found in the famous Lowedown SMS text “where is my cut???

  35. heather what has Dwight sutherland done that is wrong and merits his resignation, can you tell we the general public how many politicians from his side or the other side who in their professional capacities work for all and sundry? I think I heard of a certain attorney at law being the lawyer on the four seasons project did you?

  36. Togetherness aka waiting Avatar
    Togetherness aka waiting

    Mark Williams leads a protest against the location of a cement plant at the Harbour. The facts on the cement project are not yet fully known. Let us wait for the full picture. What is known is Mark Williams reputation and his name immediately sends up a red flag. Persons should tread carefully Mark as the old people say is no sweet bread. Tread careful my friends.

  37. is it a cement plant or a cementpackaging plant,i believe there is a difference in processing,

  38. Interest choice of Dwight Sutherland as engineer by the Maloney people.

  39. how many here commenting have ever visited a cement packaging plant. instead of intervening with the same dribble that most have exercised themselves constantly on BU most of the time using innuendos and poppycock ! fear and frenzy as Facts ,it would be of interest rather to do fact finding and access expert advice before putting mouth to computer.

  40. The PDC has very recently been made to understand – in the opinions of many local masons using the concrete that is coming from Read Mix, in the casting of floors in home construction, etc, that it is not now as good as it used to be.

    It has been alleged by these artisans that, with Ready Mix now using the sand that has been derived from C O Williams having been lately processing it from already existent raw materials, and with Ready Mix in turn having been using it in the making of the concrete – and too with the said Ready Mix having been – for financial reasons – no longer using the sand from the sand hole, in St. Andrew – in the making of the concrete – the quality of the concrete provided by Ready Mix now is not like before when they used to get the sand from the sand hole and used it in the making of the concrete.

    The sand from the sand hole seems to be of a far better quality in the making of concrete than the processed sand from C O Williams.

    Thus, it has been alleged by these artisans that the sand presently used by Ready Mix in the production of the concrete has not been holding together the concrete like the sand that used to come from the sand hole.


  41. @PDC

    How does one measure ‘quality’ of cement feedback not withstanding?

  42. David,

    The comment we provided at 7.01 am earlier today on here, was and is not about CEMENT or its quality or lack thereof – as you seemed to have thought.

    Rather the comment was essentially about the allegedly poorer quality of sand that is now being processed by C O Williams out of existing raw materials, and that is now being used by the C O Williams affiliate – Ready Mix, and too that is allegedly helping to produce a poorer quality concrete to be used for various construction purposes in Barbados.

    Such a situation is in contrast to the apparently better quality of sand coming out of the sand hole in St. Andrew, and that was once used by Ready Mix, in the making of concrete.


  43. @PDC

    You can get as pedantic as you want but your comment about poor quality sand was meant to convey to the reader it has had a negative effect on the quality of cement.

  44. David,

    The People’s Democratic Congress (PDC) had no discussion about cement or its quality or lack of it.

    We had a discussion only about the things we have already made subjects in our two last posts before this one – not even a discussion on mortar, which has to contain sand here in Barbados – as that the discussion did not go so far for reasons of time constraints.

    Still it would be interesting to get to know from many more masons and other relevant artisans – what are their opinions about the quality of the sand from C O Williams, as against that of the sand from the sand hole, and what are their opinions about the textures, compositions, and applications of the final products (mortar, concrete, etc), once either of the two sands has been added into them – to the extent of opinions on the ‘right’ amounts that have to be added to achieve the desired results ( if a certain amount of a particular product will require more or less of either sands in it); to the extent of opinions on the compatibility conduciveness of the various structures the final products are used in or on (buildings, concrete roads and pavements, kerbs, etc) and to the extent of opinions on the adaptability of these products to what ever conditions (wet, dry, humid, etc) these products are used under, to come to better points of view on which is of a better quality, in what ever senses.


  45. @PDC

    Here is your original comment:

    The PDC has very recently been made to understand – in the opinions of many local masons using the concrete that is coming from Read Mix, in the casting of floors in home construction, etc, that it is not now as good as it used to be.

    It has been alleged by these artisans that, with Ready Mix now using the sand that has been derived from C O Williams having been lately processing it from already existent raw materials, and with Ready Mix in turn having been using it in the making of the concrete – and too with the said Ready Mix having been – for financial reasons – no longer using the sand from the sand hole, in St. Andrew – in the making of the concrete – the quality of the concrete provided by Ready Mix now is not like before when they used to get the sand from the sand hole and used it in the making of the concrete.

    The sand from the sand hole seems to be of a far better quality in the making of concrete than the processed sand from C O Williams.

    Thus, it has been alleged by these artisans that the sand presently used by Ready Mix in the production of the concrete has not been holding together the concrete like the sand that used to come from the sand hole.

  46. David,

    We do not see your point of the copying of the particular post and the bringing about of the bold highlights, either to support whatever point you are attempting to get across to readers, or to contradict our central arguments.

    Why we do not see the confirming or disconfirming point you are making, is because there is really none on your part.


  47. @ Pachamama, Stop the race baiting. COW has been on the calling programs many times lamenting the fact of the sometimes years he has to wait to get planning permission on some of his projects.

    And on another note, if it was anybody but Mark Williams leading this charge I would be more supportive. He feels this need to be the de-facto representative of that constituency. But he just wants to stay relevant and run a lot of long talk. Years ago he and others used to call Brasstacks for an overpass, underpass or stop-lights by Parkinson school and at Brandons. The government build one in the Pine, then all you hear that its a waste of time and money. Then only last week on the same Brasstacks Mark William said that building an overpass at Brandons will be a bad idea because noone uses the one at the Pine. Chupse. He just want to hear he-self. As Kid Site lovely winning calypso perfectly entitled ‘Bajan dont know what they want’.

  48. Mark Maloney rumoured to be next LIAT Chairman?

  49. God help Barbados!

    Are there no other Barbadians who can hold positions or get contracts in this country other than Mark Maloney or Bjorn Bjerkham?

    These DLP morons have gone past ridiculous. And to think that these scammers always protrayed the Barbados Labour Party as a party of the white and rich.

    Bjerkham is a Central Bank director and from what I read on Barbados Today, this Mark Maloney was made a director of LIAT three months ago and not a word from this wicked incompetent government.

    What will be next for these two greedy brutes? One for PM and the other for Minister of Finance?

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