Submitted by Old Onion Bags

Say what you like. Time is right for Barbados to have a  serious  political third alternative.For sure, there is more than enough interest by both those fed up and looking for a new alternative and  those totally disillusioned who believe that they have something new to offer the charged political landscape.

With another three years now before the next general elections,someone with enough motivation and testicular fortitude to see this country rise like a phoenix from the chaos and grapple,has more than enough time to place the necessary machinery in gear. All it takes is the will.

Listening to the call in programs, one could  also discern there exist a search and seeding for a new body to present itself as a third alternative. However,the history of third political parties in Barbados and the Caribbean (for that matter) is  fraught with failures, and by no means is a motivator to any potential candidates who is bold enough to put themselves forward as a new leader.

For sure, given what prevails, he she should have no shortage in finding new recruits, for within both the DLP and the BLP there has been discontentment.

Could the current morass engulfing the Speaker be that spark to ignite the emblems? Could the political meeting tonight Nr. President Kennedy Dr.,the stomping ground for firework eloquence tonight be that catalyst to feed that ever growing embryo for change? We await with abated breaths…

144 responses to “Time for a Third Party to Enter the Fray”

  1. When the sand quarry’s principals increased the price of sand by 85%, a media reporter sought a comment from one of the largest consumers of that mineral.The response was words to the effect that they had nothing to say on the increase,neither for nor against.That was March 2014 or thereabout.
    Yesterday’s Sunday Sun gave the rationale for the response.Add another consumers’ rippoffer to the growing list in Barbados.

  2. Almost choked when Donville called for a more mature conversation discussing politics in Barbados. The same Donville along with St. Philip cohort Braithwaite who told Duguid about his ‘outside’ child from his wife?

  3. The voices for change but where are the
    changemakers nuff intellectual rheorteric coming from behind the computer but not one so far has the balls to step up to the plate. sitting here with baited breathe waiting to see how all this long talk become action

  4. I wish OSA would change his mind and return to steer Barbados to prosperity once again.I will not join any of his detractors in sending him into any retirement.OSA is the nemisis of Freundel Stuart and his bandits aka the DLP.
    Those of you who think otherwise can do an Eric Williams and “get the hell outta here”.Further if I were OSA I would not carry any deadweight like Barney Lynch on my team.

  5. Hants is correct …. Barbados should follow the example of Greece……and vote a bunch of white people in LOL 3rd party ? …is there not enough people at the trough now?

  6. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ AC

    Dear Legion, begrudgingly thou are right for after all the brilliant rhetoric about the need for a third political party you and the other BLP rapists may indeed not have anything to fear because of the rampant stasis that grips us Bajans

    If the ole man could remark on the psychology of offering oneself for national service I would wish you to think of the relationship of a pig’s throat and a knife.

    The candidate must expose all facets of their life to public examination, commentary and ridicule AS WELL AS the imaginations of, not one, but two incumbent political parties

    You have to have balls of Teflon or a pudenda protected by a Kevlar shield if you are going to present yourself for national service and unfortunately, as you have said ole men’s like me wid pretty nom de plumes, and real real mens like The one’s who use their real names, irrespective of the assorted reasons, don’t present a real threat to the BLP or DLP AT THIS TIME

  7. I have just read the article below. The Author could have well be describing Barbados.

    Africa’s ‘Dome of Shame’

    If African governments “allow their people to learn by doing”, Africans will build their “monuments of glory”.

  8. Easy Squeeze (make no riot) | Avatar
    Easy Squeeze (make no riot) |

    There’s only one Party Policy worth anything Birds do it, Bees do it, Americans do it, Jamaicans do it, Students do it, Brixton Possie do it, Decriminalise it, Free The Prisoners

  9. listen to Dr gonsalves, barbados is unique build on it, help to improve it but stop breaking it down.
    If the BLP yardfowls and misfits want change there is the voting booth . but calling for change using language that is septic, does more harm than good
    In the end all lose, opening a way for leaders that govern by sword and fist firstly eroding the human and guarantee rights of all, i smiled as i read some of these comments because there is an hidden agenda mostly known to themselves . Castro used it skillfully to sway and influence his people
    Here on BU there is more of the same and some are bold enough not to hide ..
    The democratic process might not be perfect however it is the process that allows civilized societies to control and to dictate their preference of govt at the voting booth.


  10. We so sorry….if we can’t help but speak out ……affa all is we country too ….so sorry if we punching holes in Carri ,LowDung and Byer crucks or awaking dat sorry ask Sleeping Giant……we cunt wait like U want til 2018..Ok pet ?

  11. David Chihuahua Estwick is back!

  12. @ are-we-there-yet January 26, 2015 at 10:58 AM #…Like Artaxerxes, you also are an adept at shaping words and ideas in a clear, succinct and absolutely focused manner that leaves no room for misunderstanding…——————-


    The Honorable Speaker Bushie of this august assembly had recently called me out-of-order for inarticulate and ‘wrong’-headed remarks.

    The speaker did partially rescind the vexed ruling subsequently, so I do appreciate that my recent remarks have in fact made some sense to another member of this congress.

    I fully anticipate that I will again be upbraided by the Speaker but until then we all continue apace to rant with passion.

    LOL !

  13. David January 26, 2015 at 7:19 PM # David Chihuahua Estwick is back!

    Barking at the fence again?

  14. @ AC,
    You certainly are in a combative mood.
    What is your solution for eradicating the practise of corruption within our political system?

  15. ”Easy Squeeze (make no riot) | January 26, 2015 at 5:20 PM # There’s only one Party Policy worth anything ”

    Lol. Easy Squeeze like she is bare sport yuh, uses older married fellas gine stay quiet, but wunna young fellas like Baffy got to do a ting !!

  16. ”BAFBFP January 26, 2015 at 11:03 AM # ”

    I was surprised, he seemed to be an unusual umpire today, what , orders from above, company got a deal?

  17. @ AC said ” January 26, 2015 at 1:43 PM # …. with baited breathe waiting to see how all this long talk …”

    The correct grammar is ‘bated breath’.

    Now we see why we is in trubble.

  18. Exclaimer
    you speak of corruption.
    as a voter, you have a right and a civil duty to exposed openly and lawfully those advocating or being involved with corrupt activity . relinquishing such a right is equal to that of being an enabler . always remembering that the best interest of the country comes first and actions that are cultivated in a climate to deter can activate progress (which leads to) and is the ultimate sign towards reformation

  19. cruoe,,, your are so smart ,you are too smart ,go check google and you would learn the meaning of baited and the context it was used , smart ass

  20. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Actually both “baited” and “bated” are allowable and though bated is more regularly seen given its truncation of the verb abate, the older version is (technically) correct given that the verb bait not only means to lure but also had been used to mean to stop ( for provisions)

    Having been baIced, teased, lured and enticed to look at a transitive verb I wonder AC if you would answer the question posed by Exclaimer and echoed by many Bajans of “what is your solution for eradicating the practice of corruption within our political system?”

    And please do not return with that drab response of “standing up and speaking out and that bs” because, depending on which minister, or whose son (remember Pele) or which socialite you are entangled with, that stand up and be counted litany DOES NOT WORK

  21. @ PDYR . i gave a very clear and logical solution, i guess having to speak alone is a fear that stand in the way of getting the truth unfold .
    however given the tenacity and the many wild and explosive accusation on this blog over the years arising with the concerns of self interest and the tentacles involved with corruption one would have expected that by now a collective group coming out of BU would have been the driving force necessary to accomplish such a task.
    THere are no short cuts either one is bold enough to face the music or simply leave these issue up to the ballot box,

  22. @pieceuhderockyeahright

    The bottomline is this: in the lead up to the 2008 general election the DLP leveled accusations of corruption left right and center. You may recall Hardwood, 3S, Coastal Zone Management, Urban and the others. Now a few years later what do we have? The same allegations yet no proof, no lock up no fowl and the only group happy with this state are the purebred yardfowls. You see why ordinary citizens on the rock are feeling disenchanted and disengaged? What do you think will be the next progression?

  23. nobody happy with ‘Wrongdoings” it i a wild and crazy assumption propagated by :”so called political activism” which has lost not only it way but mind ! soul! and body because of being heavily steeped in sensationalism rather than “truth ! fact and evedience,

  24. BAFBFP January 26, 2015 at 8:28 AM #
    “Any Political Administration that assumes office with a ten per cent turn out will do the same shite that could be expected with the usual 60% turn out … the difference will be that the WHOLE WORLD will be made aware that Barbadians NO LONGER consider the process a valid one.”

    DLP and BLP politicians were having lunch around a large table. One amongst them started a conversation.
    “Gentlemen and ladies”, he said, ” I know that all of you read the blogs. And by the blogs, I mean Barbados Underground. You have no doubt observed that, emerging out of the 9-day “Speaker” wonder are calls for the populace to find a way to break the stranglehold that we now have upon them.

    One by the name of Baffy has started a crusade against both of us. He is imploring Bajans not to vote so “that the WHOLE WORLD will be made aware that Barbadians NO LONGER consider the process a valid one.”

    Poor Baffy, he has no idea of how brilliant his idea is for my party. Let us suppose that Baffy succeeds in keeping, as he says, 90% of the electorate away. The 10% would vote for the government of their choice. The turnout would be considered low, but a new government would still take over. Everything would be deemed legal. No reason for the outside world to interfere. Business as usual.

    We would welcome a low turnout, so we intend to make Baffy’s suggestion work for us. We have been telling Barbadians how bad your party has been and how much money you have borrowed and “diverted”. We intend to continuing doing so. You will have no choice but to counter by letting Bajans know how much money we too have miasappropriated and borrowed. The result would be to make voters become fed up with both of us, and all of the talk about corruption. With some help from Baffy, we might end up with a fighting chance if most of them stay home.”

    Sorry Baffy, can’t vote for you on this one.

  25. @Walter

    At least Baffy has popular senior journalist David Ellis in his corner who publicly disclosed he did not vote in the last general election.

    Baffy you are in good company!

  26. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ David [BU]

    I have been studying the Bajan psyche for some time now.

    Like you and many others here I feel forlorn that my country, more so a Cvntry now given the abundance of female rabbits governing our once fair land, that it has sunk to such an absolute low (not to be confused with Lowe)

    I have thought long and hard about what denominator could be brought to bear on my people to elicit an improvement rather a radical change in the thinking of Bajans.

    I thought of education but that is 100 years.

    I thought of Act of God but said that would only affect the physical infrastructure and would, depending on the type of catastrophe take months to years, barring obliteration

    I thought of disease and pestilence but then while extrapolating on the Act of God scenario said that it would bring out the single characteristic that all Bajans are renowned for selfishness. If you felt we have crab mentalities now those would exacerbate the me isms tenfold.

    Then David, after thinking of the Rapture as the only thing to galvanize this critical change, I paused and went to the sole other thing that remains for my cvntry…

    And I became sad Blogmaster for, in the face of the rampant inveterate corruption and mediocrity and propagation of incompetence and ineptitude the only thing that is left is …..

    And because de ole man has seen what that brings he became afraid to say the word for words once spoken, have wings…

    Either we change or we die…

  27. @PUDRYR

    Either we change or we die…

  28. balance | 31/12/2013 at 1:42 pm | Reply
    i have already posited on this forum that political parties have outlived their usefulness and to regain trust in our system of governance,the perception of accountibility, and transparency must be improved. To do this we have to take back Parliament from the politicians by having officials elected to parliament from the bowels of the constituencies to look after the interest of the constituents and not the party. Parliamentarians can be assigned certain responsibilties as members of various oversight commiitees or ministries selected from among the members of parliament. These oversight bodies suitably staffed by persons of varying disciplines would decide policy and forward to the technocrats in the relevant administrative departments for execution. In this way, it is hoped that the chances of parliamentarians getting involved in corruption would be limited if not fully eliminated and the characters of parliamentarians would not be open to abuse based on rumor and speculation.. The various independent public service selection bodies would be restored to select persons for employment and to head the various government agencies.Appointments to such critical and important posts like the Chief Justice will be free of bias and gossip.There will be no need for a primus interpares. The role of meeting dignataries and shaking hands can be assigned to the speaker of the parliament or rotated on an annual basis among the parliamentarians. In this system, the role of the governor general and term limits for parliamentarians would eventually come under scrutiny

  29. Some believe that we only need to tweak the system in order for our politics or democracy to ameliorate. I believe that we need to reset the clock.

    Often we blame the problems for our plight on our corrupt political system – I would disagree with this statement. The problems stems from we the people; our apathy is killing this nation

    In a recent post pieceuhderockyeahright and I had an exchange of correspondence. Below is his review of a film that I had posted. This film confirms my believe that the masses will only be able to achieve their objectives if they unite and remain united.

    “pieceuhderockyeahright January 18, 2015 at 12:18 PM #
    @ Exclaimer
    You said and I quote “The greatest film that I have ever viewed was called The Battle of Algiers: a cultural battle between the coloniser and the colonised”
    It is most interesting that this film that you provided an url to, a single footprint in the sand, would have missed the big time of the current silver screen and Hollywood glitz
    It is a primer for war rather guerilla war and the counterinsurgencies which accompany that arena.
    It does not have Bruce Willis, Johnny Depp nor any of the Jason Staton’s of today, in fact it does not even have any of the actors/actresses of mainstream studios of Western studios.
    But for a few of you who are so disposed, it is an excellent picture with sound principles for such insurgencies.
    Perhaps to one seemingly versed in disruptive interventions, a few might be inclined to think that the localizations? of disruptions to the Natural Gas supplies to the West Coast and the tourism belt et al might itself be a soft-type guerilla intervention??
    But then again ole mens like me does talk nuff foolishness when we ready and de food in we guts and nigeritis set in….”

  30. This sprat is thrown out to see if a whale can be caught. Or should we say laying the groundwork for Kerry, Chantal, Thorny and the crew. Use wunna head people. Don’t get caught up. Doing a poll without paying Peter.

  31. All gine happen is votes getting cut. They cant win a seat. People vex, but they aint want a Mottley. She got Dems and Bees shoeing fuh she. So we aint voting next election to waste the vote. Owen done. Lil money gine flow, economy got to start pulling. Dems win again. Simple. Aint need no poll t work out that.

  32. Dem gine win which……who gine vote for Carrion, Lowdung,10-1 or Sleeping Giant.??…doan be a clown.

  33. Refusal to participate in a process that does NOT work is a natural course of action. There is no other action that can be taken legally to demonstrate objection to the Party stranglehold on this five yearly popularity contest … How could swapping continuously between two shite entities EVER bring about meaningful change …?

    The idea is to get to a Representative Cabinet. But first the issues of legitimacy with the present process must be exposed to all and sundry. insisting that the Parties register and declare audited statements in order to attract continued interest in the electoral process is a natural, responsible action.

  34. Easy Squeeze (make no riot) Avatar
    Easy Squeeze (make no riot)

    Maybe everybody in BBD should stand as an Independent
    and vote for themselves
    and make a coalition Government with everybody in BBD
    instead of not voting and letting some sell out idiot Party get a majority

  35. Its called Money Laundering. Will the Financial Intelligence Unit investigate Denis Lowe and Michael Lashley as well as Transtec?

  36. How could swapping continuously between two shite entities EVER bring about meaningful change …?

    Neither does your suggestion Baffy……what a roll

  37. To Mia …. speak to Andrew Pilgrim, ask him to run in Stuart seat….. seriously.

    The man has street cred and is seen to be brave enough to tell who he has to, to ‘go fly a kite’.

    You need such a person in your fold.


  38. Once again we are hearing that the QEH is in a bind trying to pay its suppliers for drugs.
    Maybe we should get ‘de coolieman’ to supply these drugs,and pay him a lil bit every week.
    A family this week called the Barbados Ambulance Service after a relative took ill,only to be informed that no ambulances were available. But the following had transport to visit the family shortly afterwards, the Police followed by a Doctor,and Two-Sons Funeral Home.
    We may not have made it to the dizzy heights of a First World Country, but is now more than qualified to be a Banana Republic.
    The Best Government By Far.

  39. Breaking News
    Anthony Wood collapsed at UWI this evening and was rushed to QEH where has been admitted.
    More details as they come to hand.

  40. @Colonel Buggy January 30, 2015 at 9:50 PM #

    Once again we are hearing that the QEH is in a bind trying to pay its suppliers for drugs………………………………….

    I heard Dr Dexter James tonight and could not believe that we are still at square one, no supplies. I visited a relative in hospital recently and was appalled at what I saw. The food was nothing……no vegetables really, only some shredded carrots.

    They told my relative no food is to be brought in by family yet they had to endure this food. My relative had to take in everything from toilet paper. My relative asked one day for a cup of ginger tea, the nurse asked if she brought in tea bags, my relative told her no, you all said “do not allow relatives to bring in anything for me”……the nurse said, well we aint got none! Boy, wasn’t my relative glad to be out of that place.

    I am sad…….look what our country has sunk to……………….not one institution is working well in this country. Yet the governor of the Central Bank reported “growth” and is projecting growth. Yet no one the government owes is getting paid………

    No VAT refunds

    No income tax refunds

    No payment to Barrack

    No UWI bursaries

    No money for NCC workers

    No proper bus service

    No proper garbage collection

    The environment is at its worse ever seen in Barbados

    Yet this PM claims no one around him is receiving envelopes. What we do know is that only certain people are seeing yellow, the rest are seeing red. Look at the madness we are hearing …….a cement plant on Brighton Beach when they are still trying to land a Four Seasons hotel on Paradise Beach……….just feet away!

    What morons we have destroying our country!

  41. Prodigal Son January 30, 2015 at 11:37 PM #

    I agree fully with everything you said. Add on the inability to pay for the non-Crop Over, the impending building of a white elephant sugar processing plant and the bad financial situation of the Port.

    The Port used to be profitable. What has happened?

    For transparency, what are the contracts issued by ALL of the major institutions, Port, QEH etc, monies listed, for what services, what companies, who the Directors are etc etc.

    This Government has broken all of its election promises from 10 years ago.

    Cost of living murderous, integrity legislation non existent, social care? With hospital in a mess and poor pensioners paying through the nose for drugs.

    Broken promises from jokers.

    We NEED , and I mean it, to move elections to a three year cycle, if we are to continue the Westminster system.

  42. EVEN, when it did elections, the feeling was in the fray. Third party I mean fellas. If I were a Trick-a-dadian I would seriously try to make my mark. BIM up fa grabs as people totally disillusioned with what’s out there.

  43. @Corwall

    We are in a dark place.

  44. @ David

    On the contrary, a third party may be light at the end of the tunnel for some. LOL

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