Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler updated Barbadians in November 2014 that the Paradise deal was very close to being finalized – “…new equity partners have been found and are now doing their due diligence and once that exercise is completed, they too will sign up. Once that happens, Government will then be repaid its resources, and the project can get started shortly after that…”. In the absence of confirmation Barbadians remain hopeful this is the case.

Special thanks to BU family member Due Diligence

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37 responses to “Paradise LOST”

  1. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    I don’t know about you but I have great difficulty believing anything that Sinckler says, so I never paid any attention to his Four Seasons promises.

    Our system of Government is so broken that a minister can tell any amount of untruths and there are no adverse consequences to himself. Four Seasons is just one such example.

  2. It is so unlike Barbadians to have to experience such colossal embarrassment. Ministers can knowingly lie,mislead and obfuscate
    and not made to suffer the consequences?Is the Prime Minister really in charge of the ship of state?Better yet,who the hell is in charge of Barbados?

  3. The Govt also said that there will be “No Layoffs and No Privitization…..truth of the matter is they lied to us before….who is to say things are any different now.

  4. The Hon. Freundel Stuart don’t lie and never lied.

    The same cannot be said of David BU!

  5. Fractured BLP | December 1, 2014 at 11:33 PM |

    “The Hon. Freundel Stuart don’t lie and never lied. The same cannot be said of David BU!”

    “PUBLIC SERVICE employees who were worried about losing jobs because of the troubled state of the Barbados economy can rest easier. PRIME MINISTER FREUNDEL STUART says THE FINANCIAL SAVINGS MINISTRIES AND DEPARTMENTS NEED TO MAKE TO PROTECT JOBS ARE “WITHIN SIGHT”. He made the comment Sunday night while addressing a Democratic Labour Party (DLP) branch meeting at the Hilda Skeene Primary School. Stuart said this optimistic picture emerged after a meeting last week with public service leaders.” [ October 14, 2013]

    “GOVERNMENT HAS NOT taken a decision to lay off public sector workers but will take whatever action is necessary to make the Barbados economy stable and viable. This is the word from PRIME MINISTER FREUNDEL STUART who, in response to media questions on the recent statement by the National Union of Public Workers that there was the possibility of layoffs following talks with the Minister of Finance and Governor of the Central Bank, said that layoffs would be a last resort.” [ – December 5, 2013]

    Yuh hear lie….. that is lie!

    On December 13 Minister of Finance Christopher Sinckler announced that over 3,000 public sector jobs would be lost this year as part of Government’s restructuring plan.


    “Barbados Prime Minister Freundel Stuart has promised that his administration would undertake a “careful analysis” before deciding on the 3,000 public workers who will be sent home next year as the government seeks to revive its ailing economy.”
    “However, Stuart said that he wanted to assure the country that “we are not going to be sitting down and, by the elegant flourish of a pen or pencil, throw people’s life in disorder.”

    Former Transport Board, NHC and Drainage Unit employees had to wait almost 7 months before receiving their severance payments.
    Former Beautify Barbados and NCC employees still waiting to be paid severance approximately 8 months after being retrenched.

    “Yuh hear lie….. lie, that is lie. Teacher Percy say if you tell a lie you going to hell as soon as you die” Freundel the king liar.

  6. The PDC has been for some time now asking many people that they come in contact with to focus on the appropriate sub/national political, material financial and other policies and strategies that will lead to the removal of these very corrupt and backward DLP and the BLP factions from the parliament of this country in the shortest possible time.


  7. Where was Miss Mia Mottley when the Greenland landfill was constructed and for a long time was not used for the purposes intended during the years of gross and reckless BLP misrule – 1994 – 2008?

    Where was Miss Mia Mottley when there was the perpetration of that huge financial scandal called the GEMS project during those years of gross and flagrant BLP maladministration – 1994 – 2008?

    Where was Miss Mia Mottley when there was foisted on the country that financial wreckage called the Kensington Oval Redevelopment Project during those times of gross BLP incompetance – 1994 – 2008, and which today still remains totally unfinished?

    Where was she when these and many more outrageous things were happening  during the last BLP administrations?

    Under NO circumstance must Miss Mia Mottley ever be allowed to become prime minister of this country – none whatsoever!


  8. Paradise would never be lost so long as there is Hope and the Residency of the Human Spirit as a guide.

    No our paradise isn’t lost because I fail to buy into the notion that we are unable to regain that which was despite what we’re seeing in the political affairs today. I am of the belief and the testimony of history as a guide to validate this belief that with the resiliency of the human spirit, we can regain that which was. This is the kind of message we hope to preach to the younger generations of Barbadians today and not a message of despair and hopelessness. Hope my friend, has been that one message which sustained and continue to sustain our present human civilization.

  9. Where was Mottley too when there were established under those said years of gross and reckless BLP mismanagement of the political and other affairs of this country the following, which have clearly amounted to a colossal waste of time and energy –

    The Social Justice Commission

    The National Reconciliation Committee

    The Casino Gambling Commission

    The Constitutional Review Commission

    The Law and Order Commission

    The Commission of Inquiry into the St. Joseph Hospital

    The Commission of Inquiry into the QEH

    Where was Mottley when such and other so-called investigative groups were seen to have got money from local financial institutions, whilst their reports have largely gone ignored by very crass and stupid BLP and DLP governments since their compilations and publications?

    What a joke BLP “leader”!


  10. Forgive me because it is yet too early, I meant the Resiliency of the human spirit.

  11. @Dompey

    Do you understand when what Paradise is all about?

  12. I am convinced now that Fractured , Ac ,Dompey are planted diversions…..part of a smoke n mirror strategy… cover (hide) face. Who can forget David…”I SHALL NOT LIE CHEAT OR STEAL pledge”..Low be still D # 1 Alibaba… $ 3.33 Mil CLICO money, then came the Deloitee Report….Now Four Seasons…$400 Million of good tax payers money just lying down there propping up vines and bush ……Now we hearing ask what more we can do for your country…..DEMS are just a damm Chitty Chitty Bam Bam piece of work……lie , cheat and steal….you ask?…stupppes

  13. Surely it must be a travesty of moral justice a piece of prime beachfront property is allowed to go ‘rab’ in a country where land resource is scarce and is a tourist driven economy.

  14. @ David
    Surely it must be a travesty of moral justice a piece of prime beachfront property is allowed to go ‘rab’ in a country where land resource is scarce and is a tourist driven economy.
    travesty of moral justice?
    …Boss this is the exemplification of brass bowlery and the epitome of idiocy. It is the result of political greed and crass shortsightedness.

    Four Seasons?
    How about the whole stretch down Bay street after Brown’s beach?
    How about the WHOLE damn west coast?

    Those people who constitute the government and Public service of Barbados HAVE to be complete jackasses. It does not require a single cent to redress these problems….only a national policy on the maintenance of all (especially beach) property and a little creativity…

    …but that is like asking Dompey to read and understand issues BEFORE responding with shiite,,,,,

  15. @ Dompey | December 2, 2014 at 3:59 AM |

    “Paradise would never be lost so long as there is Hope and the Residency of the Human Spirit as a guide.
    No our paradise isn’t lost because I fail to buy into the notion that we are unable to regain that which was despite what we’re seeing in the political affairs today.”

    Dompey, this article is about the area in lower Black Rock which was once called Paradise Hotel and is now the present site of the Four Seasons project.

    However, your comments definitely have merit and would have been appropriate if the topic was suggesting Barbados, as a paradise, is lost.

  16. How any one can believe anything this fat pos says is beyond me. Every week he comes out with a statement that a big sum of money will be provided/is coming from overseas investment to be earmarked for yet another project.
    Tell me,I may have missed it, how many of these projects have seen the light of day?
    This fool has spent the same dollar so many times that it is now worn smooth!
    The only thing this fool is good for is raising taxes based on spurious facts. How a house worth $500,000 housing 2 people can generate more waste and be waste taxed twice the sum than a house worth $250,000 housing 6 people is beyond me!
    The PM has shown himself to be a moral coward only interested in completing his term for a nice fat pension.What other explanation can there be for Sincklers survival as MOF?

  17. “Surely it must be a travesty of moral justice a piece of prime beachfront property is allowed to go ‘rab’ in a country where land resource is scarce and is a tourist driven economy.”

    I have always felt this property was never to be developed since Paradise Beach hotel unless a clause for a private beach was to be included as promised.

  18. In bringing a close to a lecture entitled: “The Social Implications of Tourism”, as part of a lecture-discussion series put on by the Academy of Politics of this DLP, on the “Social Problems We Face”, that took place in late 1980, at this now very corrupt disgraceful party/faction’s headquarters, Kennington, George Street, St. Michael, Dr Farley Braithwaite, then lecturer in Sociology at the Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies, stated, inter alia, the following: “We have argued that tourism to the extent that it represents an achievement crisis brings not only benefits, but social, economic, environmental and policy problems as well. We have argued that these problems derive IN LARGE PART FROM THE PRIMACY OF FOREIGN AND INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL IN TOURIST DEVELOPMENT, BECAUSE SUCH DOMINANCE PLACES THE CONTROL OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN FOREIGN HANDS. This foreign control of tourism we further argued limits our ability to define and plan the way in which tourism is organised, and to deal effectively with the negative spin-offs from it”.

    Now, it is very pellucidly clear that unless and until there is a proper and careful implementation, by a certain future coalitional regime of Barbados and of which the PDC will be a part, of a variant of such a policy of socialization that Dr Braithwaite had been reported as having referred to at that lecture just near 35 years ago, and too a much vaunted people centered nationalist revolutionary political fiscal and financial regime (the Abolition of Taxation, the Abolition of Interest Rates, the implementation of a National Institutional Productive Money Transfer Scheme, the establishment of a National Institutional Non-Productive Money Transfer Scheme, etc), put in place by such a coalitional regime to support its own policy of socialization (Partnership enterprises being the only multi-member corporate business entities possible in Barbados under that type of policy, where ever necessary any foreign business enterprise must – in order to operate in Barbados – merge with a domestic business enterprise, or set up a seperate partnership with a local one, etc), the fairly important tourism sector of this country will continue to become more and more in shambles and in tatters, and continue to experience greater and greater stagnation, decline, decay and ruin than ever witnessed in the history and culture of the existence of tourism in Barbados.

    See for further reading – Social Problems We Face ( A Symposium) – October/November 1980.


  19. This Four Seasons business is a scam of epic proportions. We need to know who from Government/DLP made what in terms of fees, no?

  20. Mr Watson Parkinson Avatar
    Mr Watson Parkinson

    Four sesons, I’m sure they were a singing group days gone by…!?

  21. Ferry for sale-
    Can seat more than 300pax.

    Location is Indonesia.

    Fuel consumption for both main engine: approx. 800litres with both engine working at about 85% at 1900rpm.

    Sale price USD3.85 mil only,

  22. Georgie Porgie | December 2, 2014 at 3:29 PM |

    Ferry for sale-
    Can seat more than 300pax.
    Try sourcing one for 30 people , with one engine and half tank of fuel , a stuck straight- ahead rudder and no reverse gear.

  23. @ Blue Boy

    Where you planning to marooning DEM 30 Parliamentarians chief? Which direction ya planning to set D rubber North-South-East…..yeah East most probably…on a 1\2 tank of fuel ..they would run-out midway between here and UK. ( ah hear great white outta dey)….Jolly Good Show Mate….

    Ps. By chance, any room for ac, Dompey and Fracture?

  24. ac, Dompey can be tied to the stern and dragged along
    the horror of the sharks eating dem should cause DEM in the boat to die from heart attacks

  25. Ps. By chance, any room for ac, Dompey and Fracture?

    …if none , we could tie them to the bottom of the boat…

  26. HAMILTON A HILL Avatar

    Oh ye men of little faith….please refrain from your scare tactics for there are investors knocking down the doors to do business in Barbados. Remember from whence that statement came? There is honor in honorable men, no?

  27. Four Seasons needs to be declared bankrupt and creditors paid off according to legislation.

    That is blatantly obvious. Why the delay?

    Then, Government needs to compulsorily acquire the property and place it to be sold as four smaller hotel lots., each with a beachfront.

    That way, some smaller outfits can buy and set up small hotels to run.

    More effective and more likely to get buyers.

    And oh yeah, NO TAXPAYERS MONEY to be used in anything mildly related to it.


  28. Nowhere else in the world do investors expect to be repaid their losses on investment by Governments.

    Ludicrous. Investors take risks, win some, lose some.

    Can I buy shares and if I lose, get back my money from Guvment?

    I remember one local share issuance of an entity in the past few years where buyers of those shares lost all their money. Can dem get it back?

  29. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ HAMILTON A HILL | December 2, 2014 at 6:16 PM |
    “Oh ye men of little faith….please refrain from your scare tactics for there are investors knocking down the doors to do business in Barbados. Remember from whence that statement came? There is honor in honorable men, no?”

    Budget day is Tuesday, 16th December. Right or wrong?

  30. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    Fractured is one of the 30

    Sent from my iPad


  31. HAMILTON A HILL Avatar

    To the honorable Michael Lashley : Rather than the parliament where Mr Speaker can offer guidance, why not use a branch meeting to launch your attack? The higher you climb Mr Minister the better your audience gets to know who you really are. Proper PR …ya think?

  32. HAMILTON A HILL Avatar

    @ miller….Don’t know but either way Barbadians would much prefer to hear someone from the Government Meteorological Office bringing news of a hurricane warning rather than listening to the finance minister, for as unpredictable as hurricanes are there has been more accuracy in the pronouncements from the met office than from Bay street… that once saw my comments as brilliant but now referring to me as a big eye asshole, dat one is for you.

  33. @ Caswell

    Onions….Fractured is one of the 30.

    I did always hear that Fracts….did frm D upper house….Wait F is the same one dat fighten whenever a White fowl cock baptised in blue lavender ….start peckin near benn Hill ..right?

  34. millertheanunnaki | December 2, 2014 at 6:47 PM |
    Budget day is Tuesday, 16th December. Right or wrong?

    Maybe de Finance man overheard a gal talking on Broad Street, saying she would like tuh get sxxxxxd fuh Xmas, and took it the wrong way.

  35. miller,
    Say it aint so.

    Tell me that these dlp morons are not planning to ruin my Christmas with their blatant lying so close to Christmas. I do so remember the scorn the dead king and his sycophants heaped on OSA for announcing the 2008 election in December 2007. The dead rat and the now high commissioner to St James Palace went on a righteous rant saying that never again should the holiness and peace of Christmas be disturbed with politics.

    Oh what a mess these morns have created!

  36. Oh what a mess these morons have created!

  37. John Hanson 1781-1782- I SERVE 1788- 1792 BARBADOES. Avatar
    John Hanson 1781-1782- I SERVE 1788- 1792 BARBADOES.

    Paradise LOST@ only if we let it be lost , We need to fight this crook DLP fraud government , Who is blocking the progress of Barbados,
    Governments and Banks will not invest in Fraud, The word fraud is used in the most painful ways,
    Like the shock of America when Madoff and Standford was put in jail for more than a Life time,
    We still have TIME to save Barbados , We need to get the crook first, and get them out of Office, from the Prime Minister down,
    COP DOTTIN GONE, CJ SIMMONS GONE AND AND THE OTHER QCs and family members in place blocking and hiding the true

    Why dont the GG call in the Queen of England and Mi6 to look in to the pimp title holding crooks of Barbados,

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