Local authorities including the media remain  understandably silent about the the racist comment uttered by Top Gear Host Jeremy Clarkson. He was recorded muttering the nursery rhyme ‘’eeny, meeny, miny moe catch a nigger by he toe’.  After  vigorously denying he used the nigger word lo and behold he was persuaded to publish an apology. The reason for the silence in Little England is explained by tourism officials expecting great things having contracted to host the Top Gear Festival in Barbados on May 17 and 18. Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton of Grenadian parentage is billed to participate. No way the Barbados government wants the festival to be cancelled.

One of many reports in the UK media suggest Jeremy Clarkson is feeling the heat amid calls for the BBC to fire him. Clarkson must feel unlucky at the timing of his indiscretion which collides with that of Donald Sterling’s racist comment.

There is the saying if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. Barbados is a predominantly Black country and the Barbados government must know it cannot ignore this matter. Barbadians are known to be very forgiving of their politicians but in this case the world is watching.   Surely we deserve a response from our elected government? Does the government of Barbados a Black country believe this is mock sport? Barbadians continue to pontificate about Donald Sterling in the USA but appear to be giving Clarkson a pass just as he is about to pack his bags to travel to Barbados for the Top Gear Festival? Is this the kind of publicity we want to generate?

BU holds the firm view Jeremy Clarkson should NOT take the flight out to Barbados in a couple of weeks. There is a price he must pay for his indiscretion. His contrived apology is not enough to remove the insult to Blacks and sensible human beings everywhere. If Barbados – a 90 plus percent Black country – were to welcome Jeremy Clarkson to Barbados it would be a compromise to self which our Black forefathers should rightfully not forgive us.

213 responses to “No Thanks Jeremy Clarkson”

  1. David

    Some questions following recent posts of yours.

    1. You say Sterling had been guilty of “idiocy and bigotry” for years. Is that the same as racist? Again, is racism “doing or saying something stupid”? Or what of making ‘insensitive” statements? And if so, is so much on BU ‘racist’?
    2. You want a man punished , apparently, because of your subjective perception – ‘construed” – of what is racist. I can fairly say “subjectively construed’ because of the range of opinions on this post. Since you refer to the definition of “flack” will you please define ‘racism’ as you understand it?

    3. Following on from that, when you refer to “our” position do you mean, in fact, YOU?

    4. For the avoidance of any doubt, will you please comment on your assertion that the expression “white trash” is not racist? Would you say that the use of that expression demonstrated “idiocy” or “bigotry” or “insensitivity”?

    5. Since you say “we should be prepared to sacrifice anything and everything for the good”, will you please tell us whether, if Clarkson comes. you will organize a march against him with a banner which says the “BU Team”?


    I also share your sentiments about ac’s first post and simply note your comments with the greatest respect.

  2. Case of ac-dc. The part of ac is exquisitely played and we should be grateful for the ingenuity.

  3. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers on BU in the Barbados and the Caribbean and also the fathers who assume the role of mothers.

    It’s being pointed out that Mothers Day in England was a week or two ago, Mothers Day in the Caribbean is today, Mother’s Day is the US is next Sunday, I am still waiting to hear when Mothers day in Canada will be, if it’s today, next week or next month……

    Ross,…….if you think ac is ingenuity at it’s ‘best’ wait until you hear what ac did yesterday…..lol

  4. “It was only when the one man protestor demonstrated with his placards that we knew it was a Bajan white that committed the racist act. ”

    Keeping it real……you see that is why no one takes Bajans seriously, everyone was led to believe that the manager in Bizzy’s store was black, now i am sorry the black male customer did not drop him on his ass with a kick……no one on BU corrected me when i too thought because i was led to believe the store manager was black, and nasty Bizzy had a nerve to get on radio condoning the act…….AND, black Bajans are still shopping at H & B Hardware?? again, that’s why no one takes Bajans seiously.

  5. St. George Dragon said:
    “I am appalled …. that a Government in 2011 would be dealing with a group of white conservative rich people. I am saying Mr Speaker that the Barbados Rally Club is a group of White …. conservative people…”

    I am no fan of Gline Clarke, but how does that statement translate to racism, yall over dong the statements attributed to racism, nigger is racist, jewish is NOT, Pigmy is racist bcause hey should be called BAKA, Eskimo is racist because they should be called INNUIT, the slave masters and colonizers created those words to demean the people of those days that they wanted to enslave, steal from and demoralize…….get with the program and stop talking crap….conservative, rich white is not a demeaning or racist characterization, yall making up nonsense as you go along

  6. How else do we judge a man except by his words and/or his actions. The Sterling case is more complex in it’s resolution. But, it drew immediate response by all interested parties. What have we heard from local officials re:Clarkson…..nil! The resolution in this case is much easier. Simply withdraw the invitation, or cancel the contract and make it known Barbados is not tolerant of these kind of racial slurs no matter who says them. To para phase this; someone needs to have the “balls” in this government to do so!

  7. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    I find this discussion hypocritical. BU is frequently racist.
    Clarkson cannot say the N***** word but it is ok for people posting on BU to say things like:
    “”Trash” or “Red Leg” or “Bumpkin” or “Hill Billy””
    “The White people from Guyana run and tek all there (sic) money with them. They were an exploitative tribe that needed to be reeled in.”
    “whites are involved in the drugs trade on many levels.”
    “Don’t you see the physiological damage the Sun has done to [the White] race not evolved to handle the Sun but the cold?”
    “…. i would definitely not marry a bajan white, most unattractive male i have come across, definitely not my cup of tea, i don’t deal with melting candles and because of the inbreeding they all look like melting candles.”
    “The bajan ‘white’ has to import females to stave of (sic) the destruction caused by the inbred bloodline, as Miller was stating if they don’t start practicing miscegenation, the couple bajan ‘whites’ on the island will effectively die out….”
    All from one thread.

  8. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    @ Well Well
    Go back and check out the fuss at the time. Clearly a lot of people thought Gline Clarke was making a racist comment or it would not have been such a big issue.

  9. Say and debate what you want but here are a couple truths: Steerling banned for life from the NBA and will be forced to sell his team and Clarkson was forced to apologize and received a final notice from his employer the reputable BBC. In addition social media is abuzz. Thank goodness White America and the UK see the error of the ways here. Because we have given others a pass in Barbados is in no way related to the two matters at hand. What is says to us is we have to tidy up on the home front.

    On Sunday, 4 May 2014, Barbados Underground wrote:


  10. David

    You are being disingenuous. You know very well it is called ‘political correctness’ – acting the hypocrite to keep the peace. And consider whether personal likes and dislikes are rationalized in ‘racist’ terms.

    Now: address the questions you were asked and stop fudging.

    As for “we have to tidy up on the home front” – let it begin with YOU/BU. Will you now repudiate “white trash”?.

  11. Here is an extract from the BBC:

    Labour MP Jim Sheridan, who sits on Parliament’s culture, media and sport committee, also noted this was not Clarkson’s first offence, and called for him to be sacked.

    He said: “Already he’s insulted nations, he’s insulted disabled persons, he’s insulted people with mental illness. Every time he apologises, and every time the BBC say that they’ve told him to cut it out, and he’s not doing it.”


  12. I personally hate the ‘N’ word. I will never understand after all those years of the ‘N’ word being derogatory and associated with racism etc. how any black person could find it acceptable to use or be referred to as a ‘N”.

    I think black people need to decide once and for all whether the ‘N’ word is acceptable or not and not have all these foolish rules that is ok for a black person to say it and not a white.

    In my opinion Jeremy Clarkson was very wrong to use that word as he is supposed to be a professional but its probably a word is uses regularly in his vocabulary but not in the public ear as probably do many other people.

    Unfortunately I doubt there will be an end to racism in my time but in my opinion by allowing the ‘N’ word to be acceptable when used among black people, let alone other races is just wrong and degrading and should be banned.

  13. ST George……I do believe you, but just as with Bizzy et al putting lying, incorrect information out there about the manager of his store being black, so too would they encourage others to believe that these description of bajan whites are racist………Egyptian Jew could no way be deemed racist because it also describes black Egyptians that are jewish, it’s time to recognize that local bajan whites always have a nasty agenda and it’s always to the detriment of the black majority, they are creating confusion with these lies.

    As regards Clarkson, I am sure his employers would know and are at the end of their tether that he continues to practice his racist and idiotic statements without fail and does not plan to stop, let’s see if the Barbados government has any pride left and tell him to carry his ass…….i would be real surprised if they do, and if they do not i would not be surprised that they have no sense of pride, if the English do not plan to continue putting up with Clarkson’s stupidity, I am sure when Clarkson is among his own ilk, he is even more graphic about the blacks whom he carries much hatred for, and if the government of Barbados wants to welcome him, it will definitely send a message to the world that Bajans still condone racism just for the almighty dollar.

    By the way, now I am hearing that Mother’s Day in the Caribbean is next Sunday, so much confusion, no wonder nothing is going well.

  14. St. George……stating a FACT, is NOT PRACTICING RACISM……again, yall got the definition of racism all SCREWED UP.

  15. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    @ Well Well
    “it’s time to recognize that local bajan whites always have a nasty agenda and it’s always to the detriment of the black majority, they are creating confusion with these lies.”
    That’s racism, not fact.

  16. St. George……THAT IS FACT……not racism, told you yall screwing up the definition of racism on the island, how does that demean, demoralize and show hatred to the local bajan whites who ALWAYS have a nasty agenda as it pertains to the majority on the island??.

    By the way, a very female senior counsel (attorney) in Trinidad was killed this morning, some people think it was a hit.

  17. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    So David – when you say “we need to tidy up on the home front” please advise what you intend to do about Well Well’s racist comments above?
    I find it quite sad that a country like Barbados which places so much emphasis on its history of slavery and oppression can be so far behind the rest of the world in its position and attitudes to racism.

  18. I have been against the use of the ”N” word from as long as I can remember, firstly I don’t know anything about Clarkson as I am not a fan of motor racing so can’t even remember watching the show. I don’t know what his history is unlike Sterling’s who I was familiar with having read about the housing discrimination suit long before the recent news. My initial question what is the context? Was he replying to someone or was he mumbling something that popped up in his memory and odd things do pop up that have no bearing on the present and we would be loath to repeat these.

    Now my take, why are we so taken up with trying to put out these fires when we give a blanket pass to the “rappers” and associated entertainers whose use of the “N” word is endemic in our society? Why do say this is acceptable because it is “OK” for one black to say it to another but if a white says the word it is unacceptable? Why do we allow “entertainers” to promote the use of the word as part of their art? We don’t hear other races or cultures call each other by derogatory names and then try to justify it as a term of endearment. At this moment we can find CD’s and other paraphernalia by the same rappers who liberally use the “N” word for sale in the record stores, at this moment we can watch BET showcasing some of these entertainers who use the “N” word without repercussion. I haven’t heard any call for a boycott or ban or these individuals, I haven’t heard BU call for a boycott or ban of BET.

    Until we as black people learn to respect each other there is little hope that others will respect us so we can ban Clarkson and think we have accomplished something but a free Solomon Northup didn’t mean freedom for thousands of others.

  19. St. George……now tell me who started the anit-racism laws AND were/are you one of the architects of ANTI-RACISM LAWS? AND show me where what i said is racist, as i said idiots like you are making it up as you go along so you can keep the black majority in Barbados in the place that you want them to stay, those same words are used daily in the media and on blogs in the US and Canada AND are not deemed racist, you idiot….how did they get racist in Barbados, because you said so….ha!!

  20. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    No siree, say it ent so… you mean dat it did not a black man who did push dat fellow head down in de display glass tuh see de price uh de product?

    No siree wunna telling an ole man a lie, pun a Sunday, jes afta i get de insuling shot, man wunna ent got no shame?

    Ole peeple like we is tuh get a little respect doah, tell me dat it ent so and dat Bizzy didnt say dat it was a black man jes to get sympathy?

    Unna is lying, sho’ ting, strangers to de truff, i nearly call the lot of you words dat is now politically inappropriate and dat will get me loss me pick….

    Speaking uh pick, Vivianne Gittens get lock up yet for subverting the morals of the public when Sanka “at any” Price publish de lurid content of dem young chilren wukking up?

    I jes wants to know causing if she get fire maybe jes maybe i cudda did get a pic writing lies down deah …

    En a nex nudder ting.. I get to heah from a reliable source dat de reason Ronald We Jonesing Minister uh Educashon putting TVs at de schools is because dere is a certain school dat have alot of funny tings going on between de boys under dem Hall and in de surrounding canes, I ent calling no names, but apparently he did sharing wid a next fellow dat it is a joint strategy between de Ministry of Education and de Ministry of Culture.

    Apparently dem gine get alot uh Foreign Exchange by airing de Bulling pun a Pay per view basis in places where dat sorta ting is popular englant and ting en dat dis Jeremy fellow coming heah to discuss viewing rights en ting

    I is to axe AC bout it causing she gots de hook up with dem fellows…

  21. Piece…….we in North America are watching with mouths hanging open how Barbados is turning into a true disgrace, if they don’t roll back their crap, they will eventually be a pariah in the REAL WORLD cause America and England are trying really hard to stamp out racism.

    ST. George……..i suggest you cool it, since you have no anti-racism laws in Barbados or the harbour lights crowd would not be allowed to practice racism against blacks when they go to the night club OR lying Bizzy would not be allowed to condone racism in his store OR if that black male customer was me, that bajan white manager would now be looking for a lawyer for assault OR on a hospital bed with his ass broken in half OR Cow and his gang would not be able to have their little tea parties extolling how much they hate black people, who keep them in bread and butter on the island……so push me no further.

  22. Given what Jim Sheridan has said, why is this man still coming to Barbados. Someone just informed that he is bringing hundreds of British visitors so we are giving him a freebee for now. Barbados still continues cap in hand scraping and begging !

    Sir George Dragon:
    Are you the racist examiner on the BU blog? If the private conversations of the so called Bajan whites and the expatriates are play in public (like Sterling) you would catch a stroke! Remember what they were saying when Bizzy Williams married the black woman with having a prenuptial? When you go black you can never come back! Stop horsing around here like Kernel Buggy blowing pretentious steam about racism when you know that your dinner tables are laden with it!

  23. Thing is I should be well known on BU you by now for throwing massive boulders to shatter the biggest glass mansion, that comment by Cow Williams to Bizzy that black women are only to be f**ked not married to still boils my blood, so when shitheads like St George comes on here talking about what and what does not constitute racism when there are not anti-racism laws in barbados and i sit in North America and feel like wringing the idiot’s neck for nothing more than being an idiot, now people see why i stay out of Barbados as much as i can.

  24. I am going to the arrivals hall with my banner, Bajans Love Jeremy Clarkson but we hate ourselves.

  25. @ Well Well. And of course you heard COW tell Bizzy that?
    What a load of BS.
    Didn’t your parents teach you not to believe everything you hear and only 10% of what you see?

  26. @Sam Shank
    It is all in the definition of flack isn’t it. Asking for his resignation is part of the flack. The negative hashtags on Twitter is part of flack. You have your position we have ours.

    And on the position thing. I say vice versa. Because you are the administrator of this blog does not make you always correct.

  27. Correction

    @ David

    It is all in the definition of flack isn’t it. Asking for his resignation is part of the flack. The negative hashtags on Twitter is part of flack. You have your position we have ours.

    And on the position thing. I say vice versa. Because you are the administrator of this blog does not make you always correct.

  28. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Sam Shank

    Man you didda had me frighten dere man writing a submission to youself man i did tinking dat you did also a diabetic but had miss you insulin inject like i does do sometimes but when i start rambling, which is most uh de time de madam does stick me quick and whaplax i back right, sort of…

    But jes a fooling question, it din seem strange when you did do dat @ youself befo’ you hit de send key?

    Dere is someting strange bout dat Sam Shank, Dat is de height uh self worship or you is smoking wacky tabaccy in a banana shank!!

    doan mind me doah, i is a druggie who does get off pun insulin… so to each his own

  29. @sam shank

    You can’t try to obfuscate all you want White America and the BBC in White UK have ruled. You may have the last word.

    On Sunday, 4 May 2014, Barbados Underground wrote:


  30. Sam Shank………how do you know I was not there, another idiot trying to disprove what can be proven……..so now i need you to prove that COW did not say that……….just prove it.

  31. Lemuel

    The parameters of ‘racism’ for the purpose of this blog have been set by David who yet perversely refuses to say whether he really regards “white trash” (and by extension ‘black trash’) as a racist expression.

  32. Well Well

    But my heart, maybe it’s a case of giving a dog a bad name in face of borderline language. I thought that in some eyes you really are a full-frontal star now?

  33. Oh and beloved, you know very well from your legal experience that you don’t have to prove a negative. He who avers must prove and all that…

  34. Ross

    Remember the term white trash came out of the black man’s response to nigger, nig nog and monkey. But Blacks only copied from the well off educated white racists who referred to their uneducated rural poor brothers and sisters as White trash.

  35. But Lemuel that won’t do. I don’t care WHERE it came from. The issue is whether it is or it isn’t.

  36. Ross

    i just said that it is.

  37. Or to make the point another way.

    We all know that Clarkson recited a nursery rhyme. A nursery rhyme. Despite the fact that he mumbled the key bit and so was conscious not to offend David is still saying he is racist. He has no regard for the pedigree of the statement.

  38. Ross

    I personally do not get caught up in labels. Real pernicious racism is about economic power. Letting the poor whites and black go after each other while the vagabonds control the entire economy.

  39. Lemuel

    I don’t doubt your intention then.

  40. Lemuel

    Yes, we had that debate and I understand. I take the view that racism begins with me and you and you and you……..and so that’s where you start. For that purpose on this blog.

  41. the link David posted to shine light on clarkson supposedly previous rants is interesting…..in that the BBC had approved and allowed the road slope to be used in racing show in which clarkson was featured,,,,,,,,apparantly it was only brought to the attention of the BBC when asians said the word was derogatory ,,but given the context in which it was used ,,in referencing to a bridge and a structural defect ;;;;one side being higher than the other which made the man standing on the bridge slope,,,,it hard to understand the connection as being racist,,, ..the other incident made by another announcer quotes the announcer directing bigoted statements towards mexicans ……..however the statement was attributed to clarkson when he made a reply to what was said in jest,,, these stories do have a life of it’s own, and i sometimes become wary of other ethnic groups who are openly and blatantly racist against blacks raising the flag of racism only when it suits their purpose,,,,,,

  42. Ross

    Do you really believe that Clarkson did not know what he was saying? He thought it was funny, but Black people can not because those sayings are designed to belittle Negroes and attempt to make them think that they are worthless as a human being. Obviously, the folks here can not be amused with Clarkson.

    Do you understand that the catch him by the toe refers to those slaves who dared to run away and were caught and lynched, a word provided by a Barbadian White man. Lynch wrote a manual on how to control slaves by extreme violence. that is where the word lynching came from. It was effectively utilized in the southern part of the USA.

  43. Lemuel

    The pedigree of the nursery rhyme, which I did not know (so thank you) I don’t see as relevant since I can’t imagine anybody much knowing it. In that sense I simply can’t believe Clarkson knew it either. The rhyme provides a means of choosing between this and that, in this case one car from another car. Given what he subsequently said and the muffling of the offending word I simply don’t think that he intended to offend anyone.

    But that raises the issue I’ve been trying to get people to discuss, viz whether a word becomes ‘racist’ by reference only to itself or by reason of the intention with which it was used. As you know very well, that is all a question of interpretation – which is why, again, I’ve been trying to have David lead us by exploring the concept. So far as I understand him at all, he seems to be saying it’s all a subjective matter and it all depends, like Humpty Dumpty (God, I hope that’s not racist), on who is the master. That effectively means that a black person (David) can legislate for the rest of the world, which is his little world, what he regards as racist – and that that would exclude racial slurs uttered by black people against whites. I simply don’t accept that that can be right.

  44. ac

    For what it’s worth umpteen people on the other blog (including me) said that they didn’t know that ‘slope’ was offensive to orientals in general and Vietnamese in particular. The other expression discussed was ‘no. 9 iron’ as in golf. Now that one is manifestly going too far UNLESS referred to in the specific context of discussion of or reference to an oriental person, as in, eg, ‘all Asians are no 9 irons’ or ‘here he comes, a No 9 iron’.

  45. Ross

    In discussing intent we would have to know in detail what his state of mind was at the time and if he intended any malice by his choice of words. I certainly could not do that as I do not know the man. May be some people here know him well. But the point being made to him and Sterling is that as a public figure they should closet those thoughts and let them not be found in public.

    The Queen’s husband is more offensive than Clarkson, but we Bajans jump when he and the Queen come visiting.

  46. but ross….even…even….if u never heard the nursery rythme ,,,,a person of your intelligence would know by now that the word nigger is a highly explosive word which lends it roots way back into slavery to demean blacks and have no place in a world than is seeking change,,,,,com;;on ross your need to make excuses sometimes befuddles me,,,,,,the word is so highly inflammatory and its origins that it does not take not knowing a nursery rhyme to understand why such use of the word is wrong,,i cannot support you on this …..just step away from playing devils advocate which i hope you might be doing …..and focus on the history and make up of the word,,,

  47. Robert…. please help me..if I were to say eenie meany miney moe catch Well Well by the camel toe…..would that be…. racist…sexist….suicide….or a two man job

  48. Yes, but we would look at all the evidence, what was said, the circumstances in which it was said and what followed, to help sort that one (intent) out. Given the inevitable complexity of that one perhaps we would have to introduce an objective element and ask whether any reasonable person in Clarkson’s position would think that what was said in those circumstances was intended to be racist. The alternative is to say that ANY use of the word is ipso facto racist irrespective of intent – though I suppose that (subjectively) the word would have to be known as racist – so if I say ‘I had no idea that ‘slope’ is racist’ that absolves. But then you might want to confess and avoid, eg ‘Yes I know that that word is regarded by some as racist, but I hear it being used by young black people all the time without offence and I can’t believe that what’s sauce for one isn’t sauce for another.’

  49. islandgal246 Avatar

    Where is my Golliwog Bushie ? Whether yuh like it or not yuh is my Golliwog. I will hug yuh, squeeze yuh and might tek yuh home to meet mudder! Murda LOLL

  50. Unhappytourist Avatar

    Dompney…… Thank you for your comments but just to set the record straight. It was an older generation speaking TO a younger generation and I am female NOT male. I noticed a comment elsewhere on this subject whereby it is ok for local people to use the ‘n’ word to each other but not for ‘outsiders’ to do the same. I can understand that to a point because it happens the world over within families where they say what they want to say to each other but protect them from other peoples remarks

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