Submitted by Pachamama
Is Capitalism about to crash?
Is Capitalism about to crash?

Complex societies collapse by continuing to do the same kinds of things that cause that collapse – Derrick Jensen, Philosopher

The mass cling to its masters, loves the whip, and is the first to cry ‘crucify’.” Emma GoldmanAnarchist, Political Philosopher, Social Activist

Recent comments by the Prime Minister of Barbados Fruendel Stuart (FJS) in relation to the perilous state of the world economy come mere months after similar remarks by the Prime Minister of Saint Lucia. Both maximum leaders rightly located the problems of their countries outside of their respective spheres of influence, even spheres of control. More precisely, Kenny Anthony told us that Caribbean countries were on the brink of collapse while Stuart went straight to the crux of the matter in stating, clearly, that no minister of finance, in the world, knows what he/she is doing. What a profound statement! And in this, he is absolutely correct!

While we have had occasions to publicly indict FJS for governmental malpractice of the highest order, at this time, we are indeed happy to see that what we have been saying for more than ten years is now just starting to be mouthed by the backward political elites in the Caribbean. This time we hold out no expectation that the clock to disaster will stop for one moment. We do not expect that there will be any vigorous debate about an alternative political-economy model. We do not expect, that for one moment, the regular cut and thrust of the petty adversarial politics in the Caribbean will cease to bring a wider understanding to the words of these two prime ministers. Words that are pregnant with meanings.

Instead we would, this time, expect the commentariat and scribes, here and elsewhere, to deliberately ignore the gravamen of this historical moment and press for the continuance of a politics of trivia. Not even the titanic collapse of capitalism could distract the party loyalists, on both sides and around the edges, from an irrational, binary, predilection. These scribes always fail to connect the political to the economy at the higher levels. The levels of invisibility where it matters most. For they are too wrapped up in the marketing of nonsense. A nonsense deliberately intended to distract from the central issues. For the commentariat will never connect the failure of the economy to the grotesque disparities in the distribution of wealth and the growing tendencies to exacerbate these distortions. And they may be thinking that they are doing the likes of Bizzy Williams, Kyffin Simpson, COW Williams and other petite elites a favour, but what they are really doing is failing to alert the elites that the serfs are arising and the protection they once had will not hold. The centre can no longer hold. This is an issue that has recently come to the fore in China.

In the past decades the number of billionaires in China have gone from six (6) to sixty-one (61). So, on the one hand, we have a political system that, for all intents and purposes, is a communist system. At the economic level however, gross distortions in the distribution of incomes and wealth have long appeared therefore forcing the Chinese Government to export people to the Caribbean and elsewhere, for many reasons. These are to include relieving the massive pressures of growing demands of a once galloping new middle class. Even though Chinese investment capital has started to influence Caribbean politics more than could have been expected, at home, the Bank of China has recently decided to institute curbs on the foreign currency exchange market for reasons inexplicable to most China financial watchers. This is merely the most recent sign of a slowing of the 7-plus percentage rates of ‘growth’ for more than a decade. In the USA the signs of capitalism’s demise are no less obvious.

When Bernanke came to the Federal Reserve (FED) its assets were 830 billion, now they are 4.1 trillion. This represents printed money ostensibly lent to commercial banks. The fed’s capital ratio was 3.22% now it is 1.34%. Bernanke found a DOW at 10,954 now it is 15,776 at this time on 1/30/2014, 80% of which is supported by high frequency trading, computers trading with computers. This fictitious expansion has been characterized by a contraction in the ownership of stocks with 10% of the population now owning up to 80% of stocks. The 10 year bond rate was, on Bernanke’s arrival, 4.5% now it is merely 2.65%. Readers will be well aware of the other indices of a generalized failure of the US economy and by extension the global economy about which this writer oftentimes opines. These economic failures when coupled with ecological and other systemic problems at least point in the direction of the collapse of capitalism but more importantly may signal a demise of humans. All these signs were visible for decades, and more, yet Caribbean elites neglected to properly inform their populations of a new world order that beckons. Thanks for nothing ‘the Bernanke”.

The Stockholm syndrome which pervades the minds of Caribbean elites makes them pretend that they are part of the sophisticated communities of which Derrick Jensen spoke. Such a mindset consigns us to the fate of others, solidifies the notion that we cannot avoid the issue of which Merrs Stuart and Anthony were courageous enough to speak about, on one hand. On the other, they provide fertile ground for the party hacks to see a singularity of failure instead of its generalized nature of the problems we face. And therefore, the anarchist- philosopher Emma Goldman is also right for the party pimps can only cling unto their ‘masters’, call for more licks from the whips of the elites and are the first to demand the crucifixion of any one who is a truth-teller.

109 responses to “The Collapse of Capitalism Continues Apace, While Caribbean Elites Dither”



  2. well there u have it georgie porgie,,, the new and improve version of John 3 /16 by mark fenty,,,,,,luv it,,,,,,,

  3. FENTY


  4. Porgie, you sound like a Republican? Well, dude it’s time to stop living in the Ice- Age and get with the plan. You’re a narrow- minded son of a bitch as well as your racist Republican friends. Now piss off …..! David, I am sorry for my use of gutter language but I had give this Georgie Porgie a piece of my mind.

  5. Barbados needs to tighten on the extras GP and the new captain had an aweful game but it is good to be off to a win despite losing the bonus point.

  6. MARK 7
    There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.

    20 And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man.

    21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,

    22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

    23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

  7. DAVID


  8. Porgie, he who is without sin cast the first stone… Jesus said to the multitude….


  10. @GP

    There has been tension between the since the BCA replaced him as captain although being successful last season.

  11. Georgie Porgie, you claimed that you’re so educated but on numerous occasions I witnessed Mr. Bowman correcting your bad grammar. Do I have to ascertain the necessary evidence to corroborate what I am saying Porgie? Your grammar ain’t that great at least not from Mr. Bowman perspective, so give me a break with your stupid remarks dude.

  12. Porgie, I received my education from Capital Community College in Hartfort Ct and the University of Hartford, where I took Liberal Arts and Science.

  13. @Georgie Porgie
    Now have a great time great night. I have get up in the morning do Uncle Sam’s work.

  14. US HealthCare has been a DISASTER for a very long time. It is far too costly, does NOT serve the populace properly/ widely and general health in the US is actually quite poor, ranking like 25th in the World.

    ObamCare is also a Catastrophic Failure even though one may argue that the key Objectives were honorable. The whole HC System requires major redesign again in order to achieve the levels desired. The architects of the system should research the various systems around the World, I would review Canada, Singapore, Germany and Japan for starters.(although those maybe enough)

  15. @MoneyBrain
    “Obamacare has been a disaster”

    Moneybrain, I am quite sure you would agree that irrespective of the imperfections of the Healthcare Act, it has achieved its of objective of insuring those eight -million uninsured Americans? So what if we have to pay a little more out of pocket? I hardly think that the majority of Americans would have a problem paying a little out of pocket, if it prevents those thousands of old folks who used to travels to Canada to get they fixed. Now, lets acknowlege the little good Obamacare has brought to bear upon the American way of life. All in all, the Healthcare Act has done more good than bad. And the main problem I think most Americans have with this Act is the fact that they’re being pressured by the Federal Government to choose they individual care.

  16. Porgie, has failed to convinced me that his friend paid $4000 out of pocket for an Echo Cardiogram. The cheap man went on to insult our intelligence by trying to convince us that his friend paid an addition $1000 copay. Bullshit Georgie Porgie!

  17. @Mark
    Pay a little more??? You call $160/mth becoming $450 a LIL MORE?

    Many younger people are far better off paying the Fine than the costs!

    In most systems those 8mn would have been covered somehow already but that does NOT validate this very poor design!

    What about the MILLIONS that have had their coverage cancelled because of this ridiculous lack of planning?????

  18. Healthcare system in the US has always been a fraud, big pharma rules.

  19. @WW
    They have the populace TOTALLY CONNED into believing that a pill can solve any and everything!

    Chantix can help you quit smoking BUT it can also make normal peeps COMMIT SUICIDE!

    Big Pharma= Big CONS!
    These guys make Madoff look like a Choir boy!

    I worked in consulting with these folks and they are EVIL!

  20. Debt Rattle Feb 1 2014: Meanwhile Back Home The Thumbscrews Are Tightened

    By Raúl Ilargi Meijer February 1, 2014

    It’s been quite the emerging week in the financial markets, but we shouldn’t let that make us ignore what goes on in the real world. The numbers about US and UK real economies may not have been entirely surprising to those of us who peek behind the veil from time to time, , but they were surely as bad as they were probably confusing. The media and “leaders” never seem to get tired of reminding us what a great recovery we’re in. US GDP growth was supposed to have been 3.2% in Q4 2013. And we see headlines like “Consumer Spending in U.S. Increases More Than Forecast”. But we also saw that Amazon didn’t receive nearly its expected part of that increase, and America’s Shopping Malls Are Dying. So what gives? Well, for one thing, as I suggested yesterday, that 3.2% number is “perhaps” a little exaggerated. But there’s more to think about.

    American disposable income fell 0.2% in December, 2.7% over the past 12 months, and if you don’t think that’s a big deal, please note that it’s the largest year-to-year drop since 1974, or 40 years. Still, household purchases were up 0.4% from last December. How is that possible? It’s so obvious you could easily miss it: Americans have cut into their savings to the tune of $46 billion to afford their holiday shopping. So when you see Credit Agricole chief economist Michael Carey claim that “There’s general improvement in households’ financial position; The strengthening labor market will feed back into spending”, you know that the first bit is baloney, and the second bit is about as questionable as claims come. The US is supposed to have created jobs over the past year, or so we’re told, but disposable income has only dropped deeper.

    The truth is that the 3.2% US GDP growth number is based, for very close to 100%, on free money for the financial sector, and on borrowed money and diminishing savings for everyone else. Of course it’s utterly insane that such things are seen as positive and counted as growth, but we know by now that’s the model we’re being fed on a daily basis. A model in which it’s entirely acceptable to fight debt with more debt. If the emerging market crisis lasts, in which case it looks set to drag western stock markets down with it, that model will be tested. And so will US GDP numbers.

    In the UK, both real wages and living standards have kept on falling ever since 2010, the longest period in at least 50 years. The numbers spell a disturbing picture: Real wage growth averaged 2.9% in the 1970s and 1980s, 1.5% in the 1990s, 1.2% in 2000s, but has fallen to minus 2.2% since the first quarter of 2010. Not that this has kept the government from claiming wages are rising. They’ll think twice before making that claim again.

    Continued at:

  21. Money….if you ever worked in the Health Insurance Company themselves in the US, you would definitely get a bright new perspective on the world of fraud and criminal intent…….that is the main reason why the new healthcare players in Barbados need to be watched very, very carefully.

    Europe is complaining that bribery is now so prevalent in their healthcare system that patients have to pay bribes to get life-saving healthcare, corruption and bribery rules the roost from top to bottom of the European system.

    As for big pharma’s r miracle pills, one person I know personally is using a medication for one (1) ailment yet the miracle pill has 65 (sixty-five) side effects, all deadly, one side effect is suicide but the person tells me not so, it is murder she feels like committing on a daily basis, so they still have to work out if the side-effect is suicide, murder or murder/suicide….dangerous people pushing dangerous drugs.

  22. LOL @ Moneybrain
    I worked in consulting with these folks and they are EVIL!

    ….you know the story ’bout birds of a feather right……?
    ….you know that if ya play with dogs ya does catch fleas…?
    Bushie here wondering if um is you that corrupt those scamps…. LOL…cause you is a real persuasive and influential fella….

  23. “The Collapse of Capitalism Continues Apace” On which planet are you living? Now that those former hardline communist states like China and Russia along with India with their humongous populations to throw into the mix have joined the clubof freedom to choose; Capitalism has the potential to expand exeedingly fast and furious.Only the bunch of bungling geriatrics who continue to the riegn of power through fer in cuba remain obstinate to the fact that the world for all of its ills depend on free market enterprise forits survival

  24. The architects of the system should research the various systems around the World, I would review Canada, Singapore, Germany and Japan for starters.(although those maybe enough)”

    And Barbados as well. Our health system is not as bad as we make it out to be given our limited resources but people here do have access to adequate free and private care. Yes, i too believe obamacare has been a disaster with persons coerced to fund their own health insurance under threat of penalty. I see nothing innovative or caring about that. What should have been done is to try to put mechanisms in place where stes either by building more hospitals freely accessible to the public .

  25. @Bushie
    Yes BM I have heard about Birds of a Feather and playing with Dogs and that is precisely why I am no longer interacting with such people.

    I am not that persuasive or influential or I woiuld have had wunna pun here seeing the light!!!

  26. where states shouldbe encouraged to build more hospitals freely accessible to the public to perform services like Kings County in Brooklyn. .

  27. “You’re a narrow- minded son of a bitch as well as your racist Republican friend”
    Mr Fenty , American history would record the Democratic party as the party of Slavery and Crow laws. Robert Byrd former senior member of the Democratic party for mny yearswasonce a Gran Wizard ‘ in the Ku Klux khan. The majority of white people in the world are genetically racist, so the label cannot be attributed to one and not the other.

  28. @balance
    Indeed, even Cuba has started leasing land for agricultural Businesses and Productivity per heactare has gone through the roof!!!

    Incentive Systems WORK!

    Continuous GIVEAWAYS without the discipline of results can NOT work!

  29. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ balance | February 3, 2014 at 11:30 AM |

    You forgot to mention Raul Castro is slowly but surely dismantling the archaic communist system of doing business more and more capitalistic line.

    Cuba is planning to open a massive free trade zone to accommodate trade with China via the expanded Panama canal.

    The deliberate handshake between “los dos presidentes” in South Africa is a sign of things to come within the next decade.
    American FDI is just waiting for the inevitable green light as soon as Fidel is given his last rites.

  30. millertheanunnaki | February 3, 2014 at 11:59 AM | @ balance | February 3, 2014 at 11:30 AM |

    You forgot to mention Raul Castro is slowly but surely dismantling the archaic communist system of doing business more and more capitalistic line”

    ‘Slowly, Mr Miller, but surely not’surely’ is indeed the operatinve word so do not hold your breath. My sources inform that some of these initiatives to promote free market and innovation have already been rolled back.

    Please advise accordingly,


    Kern Romero


    Please advise accordingly,


    Kern Romero

  31. @Moneybrain

    You should post a graph to show how many are on food stamps in the USA. Also identify the ‘pork’ in the budget for us.

  32. @David
    I dont have a graph but it has gone up to 47Million +. In forty years from 2-16% of the population is CRAZY! Stop the politicking and Educate the peeps! ( dont even review prison. Peeps in dey for selling Maryjane! Utter nonsense!) Educate the peeps and legalise it!
    Additionally, the unemployment numbers are PURE LIES since millions of people are no longer eligible for payments and PRESUMED Employed! the real Unemployment rate is at least 11.5%.

    I dont have audited numbers for Pork but most Governments WASTE 30%+.
    For example at Toronto City they pay $30/hr for work in the Private sector that is worth $15-20/ hr. Uneducated workers ie Subway Cashier with minimal overtime can make BDS$ 150,000/yr for very easy work as in occasionally in Rush hour maybe 3 hrs/ day sell tokens and make change.
    So then poor workers must pay BDS $5-6 for a ride as little as mile or 2.

    US “:leadership” has been PISSPOOR for at least 30yrs! Republocrats or Demicans it does not matter!

  33. @Moneybrain

    What it tells us therefore is that even in the capitalist system humogous provision has to be made for citizens who are not ‘engaged’.

  34. @David
    The problem is that the US is NO LONGER Capitalist but Socialist ie giving away the Treasury to both normal citizens and Banking WELFARE!

    The USA is a mess! They have TOTALLY FAILED to plan for the Future
    1 Demographic—- aging of population—MASSIVE FAIL!

    2 Emphasising Education—–CATASTROPHIC FAIL!

    3 Insisting that China/ India play by the rules of trade in all aspects—FAIL

    4 HealthCare—–JOKE!

    5 Appreciating the necessity for DISCIPLINE in Society—- SAD!

    6 Legalising Drugs—-nada.

    What has the US Govt conducted Strategically that is a Positive???????

    Most of the West is a mess because of lose nonsense Socialist Policy that is poorly thought out, impractical. Stupid monitoring of crooked Bankers from who they accept payoffs. The Banks were (are) Bankrupt so why NOT write the Stock price down to zero and then recapitalise with a combination of Government and Private Capital until the Banks recover and then sell the Government portion at much higher price.

    Proper Leadership would have addressed all of the above and MUCH MORE! The problem is NOT with the Incentive System it is with the CORRUPTION by Greedy Humans, mainly Politicians, who dont have a clue what detailed Strategies make sense.

  35. @Moneybrain

    But isn’t the USA the bastion of Capitalism?

    On 3 February 2014 23:38, Barbados Underground comment-reply@wordpress.comwrote:


  36. @David
    The US WAS the BASTION of Capitalism!

  37. LOL @ MoneyB
    How you mean the USA WAS the bastion of capitalism…? What happened to IS….?
    They were only the bastion in the sweet days of growth?…..

    Skippa, capitalism is a multi phased experience….like many of the vices that lure idiots into traps….
    Um does be sweet in the mouth and then burn yuh ass on the way out….

    Just like the Ponzi scheme that it is….sweet as shiite at first…just like Allan Stanford.

    What the USA is experiencing now IS capitalism….in its last phase……and a lotta asses are due for serious burning just now….

  38. AGAIN


    I was never a convert to Capitalism as such but to A Disciplined Socialised Capitalism ie the country and people are better off in an INCENTIVE System BUT one where there is a GENUINE Disciplined plan to help the Populace succeed but NOT to Encourage LazyAsses.

    WE agree that the USA is in deeeeeep trouble BUT that is due to CORRUPTION, IGNORANCE, GREED by Politicians, Bankers and LazyAsses. The richest Nations on Earth have some form of Capitalist base especially China!

  40. @Georgie Porgie
    Do you remember quite recently, Jack Bowman labeled the BU bloggers as a pack of Semi- illiterates? Well, I am quite sure he was referring to you yourself as well Mr. intellectual. Jack, has pointed to your used of bad grammar on more than one occasion, so let not go there any long sir. And more importantly Porgie, your characterization of my intellectual stance, is the psychological equivalence of burning the Candle at both ends.

  41. Proverbs Chapter 26

    3 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool’s back.

    4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

    5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.

  42. Moneybrain, just blame America’s economic trouble on the liberal policies of the Carter, Clinton, and Obama administrations. Only a good conservative would do such a thing Moneybrain.

  43. Georgie Porgie, a fool when used in a Biblical context, reference a person who is devoid of a proper understanding of the word of God.

  44. Porgie it just striked me that you’re an Uncle Tom in the true sense of the term. You have the audacious impudicity to support a political party that has a historical record of Marginalizing black, women, gays and the poor.

  45. Later Porgie, I would love to see how you change your color when you’re among those white folks. You’re the contemporary House Nigger Georgie Porgie…

  46. Capitalism collapse? Some collapse it has succeeded spectacularly even the former Soviets are embracing capitalism and don’t ask the Chinese leaders where they have their money (it can have you barred from the country and jail if you are a citizen). The advantages mostly accrue to the 1% and some of the others in certain countries get the ancillary benefits but it’s still a dog eat dog world for much of the world’s population.

    I posted the following about two weeks ago in another thread:

    Ponder this: According to OXFAM the 85 richest people in the world own the same resources as 3.5 billion of the world’s poorest.

  47. @Mark
    I believe in helping people to Develop themselves through Education, Training BUT via a DIsCIPLINED system, NOT just giving $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ad nauseum to people who have NO INTENTION of making something of themselves. Naturally, people who are Disabled, low IQ etc could qualify for long term help, but most of those types actually want to work/ contribute.

    Politicians who support slackness do so for a few reasons
    1 VOTES
    2 VOTES
    3 some Pols are just plain dumb SUCKERS!

  48. capitalism is not going to collapse in the true sense like it is ggoing to disappear but one cannot help but see that after the financial meltdown that there is vulnerability in some areas of capitalism,,what is missing is a secure foundation a complete overhaul made up of fairness an d reinforced with balance one that gives the bottom tier that is the 99% an fair share of the pie,

  49. Wunna people who think that this current recession and the financial problems besetting the world economies is just one more recession like the others that have come before and once the Ministers of Finance and central bankers can put the correct policies in place we will return to business as usual are living in a fool’s paradise.

    What you are missing is that the current financial crisis is at bottom an energy crisis. With the decreases in the availability of easily sourced and cheaply produced hydrocarbon energy (or cheaply and easily produced alternatives), the concept of economic growth continuing indefinitely into the future is a bust. It matters not how many trillions of barrels of oil exist in underground reservoirs under your feet, the crux of the matter is how much does it cost in terms of money and energy investments to get those barrels of oil out of the ground and into refineries and pipelines where we can make use of them to maintain our existing infrastructure with enough left over to enable expanding the infrastructure as is required for economic growth. See the first response posted to this thread.

    Shake me, wake me!
    By JH Kunstler

    The rot moves from the margins to the center, but the disease moves from the center to the margins. That is what has happened in the realm of money in recent weeks due to the sustained mispricing of the cost of credit by central banks, led by the US Federal Reserve. Along the way, that outfit has managed to misprice just about everything else — stocks, houses, exotic securities, food commodities, precious metals, fine art. Oil is mispriced as well, on the low side, since oil production only gets more expensive and complex these days while it depends more on mispriced borrowed money. That situation will be corrected by scarcity, as oil companies discover that real capital is unavailable. And then the oil will become scarce. The “capital” circulating around the globe now is a squishy, gelatinous substance called “liquidity.” All it does is gum up markets. But eventually things do get unstuck.

     Meanwhile, the rot of epic mispricing expresses itself in collapsing currencies and the economies they are supposed to represent: India, Turkey, Argentina, Hungary so far. Italy, Spain, and Greece would be in that club if they had currencies of their own. For now, they just do without driving their cars and burn furniture to stay warm this winter. Automobile use in Italy is back to 1970s levels of annual miles-driven. That’s quite a drop.
     Before too long, the people will be out in the streets engaging with the riot police, as in Ukraine. This is long overdue, of course, and probably cannot be explained rationally since extreme changes in public sentiment are subject to murmurations, the same unseen forces that direct flocks of birds and schools of fish that all at once suddenly turn in a new direction without any detectable communication.
     Who can otherwise explain the amazing placidity of the sore beset American public, beyond the standard trope about bread, circuses, and superbowls? Last night they were insulted with TV commercials hawking Maserati cars. Behold, you miserable nation of overfed SNAP card swipers, the fruits of wealth and celebrity! Savor your unworthiness while you await the imminent spectacles of the Sochi Olympics and Oscar Night! Things at the margins may yet interrupt the trance at the center. My guess is that true wickedness brews unseen in the hidden, unregulated markets of currency and interest rate swaps.
     The big banks are so deep in this derivative ca-ca that eyeballs are turning brown in the upper level executive suites. Notable bankers are even jumping out of windows, hanging themselves in back rooms, and blowing their brains out in roadside ditches. Is it not strange that there are no reports on the contents of their suicide notes, if they troubled to leave one? (And is it not unlikely that they would all exit the scene without a word of explanation?) One of these, William Broeksmit, a risk manager for Deutsche Bank, was reportedly engaged in “unwinding positions” for  that outfit, which holds over $70 trillion in swap paper. For scale, compare that number with Germany’s gross domestic product of about $3.4 trillion and you could get a glimmer of the mischief in motion out there. Did poor Mr. Broeksmit despair of his task? 

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