Submitted by Ras Jahaziel

black-whiteTHE MOST DAN­GER­OUS WHITE MAN IS THE BLACK ONE… because the white mind and its white agenda that oper­ate in his black shell are camouflaged.

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93 responses to “The Most Dangerous WHITE Man is the BLACK One…”

  1. well i guess i have proven that i am correct and that all of you are wrong.
    do you see the part with the Irish boy slaves 10 of them.point successfully
    proven.we was there first………eat my junk beoches..
    aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well well

  2. whites was on barbados first. long befog you imported africans.
    how ironic as you now will soon go crashing down as you African Barbadians
    continue to destroy barbados with your filth.

  3. Well Well, release your anger, my friend. It will set you free. The churches do a lot more good than all the hatred thrown at them.

  4. Good article by Ras Jahaziel.
    Ever since their ascension to power in Europe , the European Albinos (Caucasian) have dedicated all of their time and energies towards creating false / bogus European and African history. Many people of African decent have remained content regurgitating the lies . Until these people take the colonial chains of their minds they will never be free.

    This is the Genesis of White Europeans:
    We know with certainty that they were Albinos because ancient writers described them as such.

    The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus (56-118 A.D.) said this about the Germanic tribes : All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, huge frames, fit only for a sudden exertion.

    The article, ”The Roma as victims of racism or World History ” exposes what Caucasians have been hiding all this time. THE FACT THAT THEY ARE ALBINOS OF ASIANS / INDIANS.

    The Roma as victims of racism or World History :
    After the White world was Apprised that a “Brown” Roma family in Greece had a little White girl named Maria, termed a little “Angle” with Blue eyes and Blonde hair, in their care, it elicited outrage and many conspiracy theories. They reasoned that there was no way that this little White girl, with Blue eyes and Blonde hair, could possibly be legitimately in the company of those Brown skinned Roma. Some publications speculated that she had been kidnapped by the Roma, so that she could be used for sexual purposes or to beg money for them.

    A world wide hunt was soon launched to find Maria’s real (White / Caucasian) parents.
    Days later: A couple believed to be the real parents of the ‘blonde angel’ found in the Greek gipsy camp were arrested in Bulgaria. Bulgarians Sasha Ruseva, 35, and her husband Atana Rusev, 37, were interrogated by police officers before being released. The couple said that they registered the birth of a child four years earlier at a Greek hospital an hour from the settlement where the blue-eyed Maria was found.
    She told told Bulgarian TV that she gave birth to the girl while working in Greece several years ago, but that she had to leave the child behind because she didn’t have enough money to take her home.

    DNA test revealed that Maria, the ‘blonde angel,’ is the biological daughter of the Roma couple (Sasha Ruseva & Atana Rusev ) from Bulgaria .
    The positive test ended speculation that a Greek couple had abducted the four-year-old child, but also proved racial profiling and persecution against Roma people continues across Europe, advocates said.

    Shortly thereafter, a blond-haired girl who had been taken from a Roma couple in Ireland was reunited with them after DNA testing confirmed that she was their biological daughter.

    Irish police return blonde girl to Roma family.

    Sasha Ruseva did something that Whites the world over, have never been able to do – admit that they are Albinos, or derived from Albinos!
    Sasha Ruseva told the press that she had eight children, several of which are Albinos like Maria.
    Roma/Romani, also known as Gypsy’s:

    The Romani are widely dispersed, with their largest concentrated populations in Europe, especially the Roma of Central and Eastern Europe and Anatolia (Turkey), followed by the Kale of Iberia and Southern France. They originated from India and arrived in the Middle East first, and then in Europe by the 14th century.
    Genetic evidence for the South Asian origin of the Romanies came in the late 1990s. Researchers doing DNA analysis discovered that Romani populations carried large frequencies of particular Y chromosomes (inherited paternally) and mitochondrial DNA (inherited maternally) that otherwise exist only in populations from South Asia.

  5. Akonu

    Who gives a monkey’s where someone comes from other than to say we all come from one small planet and will be buried there?

  6. Konkieman… call it anger, but in reality it is called total awareness, as i said, there are a few of us, sorry you are not one……but some of us are blessed in that we don’t view the world in color like most people do, so illusions and delusions more often than not escapes us, it’s a gift to be thankful for..

    Iabingy…….i am so happy if i contributed in some small way to you going totally around the bend, bonkers, crazy like a fox…coo coo, coo coo…you should take a look again at your rant on the first thread….if you were pretending to be sane for the time you have been on BU, you totally blew it, everyone now knows you are SHIT CRAZY………..LOL!!!!

    Akonu….everyone knows they (‘the whites’) are ALBINOS with African DNA, they know they are ALBINOS with African DNA, getting them to accept it and realize that now blacks of African descent now know they are ALBINOS with African DNA is what is driving them CRAZY……….lol…unfortunately, European, North American and Caribbean blacks, descendants of slaves are among the last to know that the ‘white’ is merely an ALBINO with African DNA…….that should make Iabingy even crazier….LOL!!

  7. Konkieman… are your church leaders, the most arrogant, depraved, sexual deviant, lowlife beasts in the world, enjoy them…..hope you are not one, then again, i will not hold my breath….lol

  8. Wow.
    This discussion is heated. So whats the conclusion here? We like, hate, abhor, want to eliminate, care nothing for, or otherwise, white people or their spirits in blacks? Is there a consensus here? OR are we just ranting and spitting in the wind again?
    Want to change the world and the despicable acts that whites have proliferated against all other races? Well start by accepting that whites understand two things, and two things only. Money and Violence.
    Take their money, or give them no more of yours, or kick their backsides with meaning. Otherwise, no amount of talk, negotiation, begging, pleading, ranting and raving or trying to be humane will work
    They’re white and believe they have the right!

  9. Just Commenting……….i wholeheartedly concur, yet, unfortunately the ones who consider themselves ‘white’ are human and most of us have to live with them and their DNA sequence that runs through our veins….now if we could only export/deport most of them a la Iabingy et al to another planet so that they can live and try to survive all by their ‘white’ selves, oh what a glorious day that would be, but alas we have to continually put up with them polluting the lovely earth and continuously pretending they created and own it. see the dilemma now??

  10. If a black guy is screwing you over he must be white in the inside
    if a white guy is helping you he must be black on the inside
    if a black guy is helping you he is all black
    if a white guy is screwing you over he is all white
    If he is a black bajan and screwing you over he is a politician
    if he is a white bajan and screwing you over he is plantocracy
    but you all have the same dna

    Yes I am starting to see your dilemma,…to solve it you should breed outside of family every couple of generations

  11. Well Well, There will always be false prophets among us. If you choose to use the minority of them to paint the entire Christian community in that light, you miss the message. Peace be with you, Brother.

  12. @ Robert Ross .
    Only the truth can set you free , there is no place for ignorance.

  13. Konkieman | November 24, 2013 at 3:37 PM |

    “Well Well, There will always be false prophets among us.”

    Konkieman…….most people, we both know, need something to believe in, even if it’s all lies………..some of us who are blessed with clear vision don’t need messages, that is why we are always peaceful…

  14. Akonu……….so much more education needed particularly for the descendants of slaves from Africa who now reside across the Americas, Europe and the Caribbean…….all the lies have already been told and retold, the only thing left to be told is the truth…..great video..

    Iabingy……..are you still alive…LOL!!


    White and Black is a status of how you behave not of Skin Color, Only Niggers deal with eye sight to deal with people instead of how they behave.

    So be have whites that have black status and blacks that have white status ,, We also have white and blacks that have nigger status,

  16. Plantation……….i was waiting for many months for someone else to tell it like it really is, nigger status is attributed to both whites and blacks, why? because it’s a state of mind, not a skin color………….to reiterate, i have seen the nigger fish in a museum in New York (Museum of Natural History), that area of the museum is not open to the public, it is a white fish with blue and sometimes pink eyes, it’s also called the ALBINO FISH…….education beats ignorance any day.

  17. Well Well those type of fish come in 3 varieties in florida and it is more of a nickname, like dophin, dorado mahi mahi depends where you live. They are noted of having a thick gold band of scales around the neck area, and try to mate with any and every fat fish that ventures on the reef.

  18. Lawson………..i don’t even know what to say to you, but the fish i saw are native to Africa only, and they are no more than 3-4 inches long, where did you get your fish from…

  19. After all the lies have been told and retold for many, many centuries, all that is left to be told is the truth……..

    As i tried to tell konkieman, once, twice, thrice….he, however, still did not get it, some of us don’t need to hear man-made messages and lies, our truths and messages come to us directly from the Divine, no middleMAN involved….that’s the nature of truth, some of us were born already knowing the truth, that’s the nature of the multiple DNAs we carry….genetic memory…..

  20. Well Well if you look up nigger fish in key west Florida you will find three types the yellow the brown and the red as stated by the US fish commission. Now the Niger river in Africa has over 250 types of fish ,some albino and the correct dimensions could it be possible in your rush to get to church or a spa for a Brazilian or that historical baggage that you carry about you may have added an extra g by mistake?.

  21. Lawson………….no, lawson, they keep experimenting on that one poor little fish, you will probably soon see its DNA matching with a relative of yours…lol

    What historical baggage what, you want to see historical baggage, check out the link below, it may be a relative of your buddy Iabingy, now that is what we call a manifestation of pure evil…that’s where all the baggage resides…

  22. I know water finds its own level,but what would this black fella have in common here. I don’t think they would date the same kind of girls, or go the same places so I can only say when this is all over drugs may be at the bottom of it. Drugs seem to make strange bedfellows.

  23. Lawson….they may gave gone to school together, it’s the US, and given their ages would have been in the same classes from very young, the most of the schools in the US have been de-segregated from the 50’s just in case you have forgotten, whites and blacks go to school side by side from kindergarten to University…..also, blacks and whites do socially interact in the US…….the Caribbean, not so much…

  24. Maybe you should look up john mongrel

  25. Lawson……thought you were going to try to make up an excuse for that one too, something like……maybe his mother never hugged and kissed him, he had such a harsh childhood, or better yet,,,Iabinghi would probably tell us that turd was descended from the irish/scottish slaves in Barbados………lol

  26. Well Well you are probably right that they went to school together the killer was 24 and the victim 33 .They might have been in grade 8 at the same time
    Do you even think about what you write?.

  27. Lawson…….yes i do, not only that, i know there are kids who redo 3rd grade, 4th grade, over and over…..

  28. You do realize that it is black guy that is older right

  29. Yeah…….Lawson, i do, anything is possible in the South the education system is WAAAAY behind what obtains in the North, I don’t discriminate because someone is white or black, i am unable to……some blacks in the south are not even aware slavery is over, but that is another story for another time…in saying that, your forked tongue friend, even if he did not skip any grades, viewing his condition, we can safely say the education he received did him no good at all…

  30. Lawson……….seeing all the realities, how can we even pretend it is not what it is………….

  31. Lawson…….i just came across this article, as i said, anything is possible in the South…bunch of ignorant, backward, evil minded rednecks, and totally unaware blacks, bad combination.

  32. Well Well …please stop portraying blacks as simple children, that is the concept a lot of people have been fighting against for years. Having said that there are some extra smart cookies out there when it comes to separating you from your money. The Nigerians seem to have that market cornered and they don’t care who their prey is An acquaintance of mine brought his “cousin” from Colombia over to my home one day .He was up visiting because some money hadn’t made it back home if you think that guy with the tattoos is the scariest dude on the planet ,….you better think again .

  33. Lawson said:
    “The Nigerians seem to have that market cornered and they don’t care who their prey”
    “please stop portraying blacks as simple children,”

    Lawson………i believe you may have missed some of my posts where i specifically said, i believe it was on a thread with Moneybrain, that the only blacks who act like they are children of or beholden to those in power are the blacks who are the descendants of the African slaves, the slave trade that saw blacks taken from Africa and deposited to the Americas, Europe and the Caribbean, in saying that, it is quite obvious that Africans who reside in Africa have a totally different mentality to the descendants of slaves in the western world……….Nigerians are particularly brutal and are of extremely high intelligence, the only Caribbean people i see coming close are the Jamaicans…….the descendants of slaves in Barbados are in a class all by themselves, again, different mentality, the descendants of African slaves in the US do not even come close to the Jamaicans, particularly those in the South, they have been programmed to act like they are children to the majority….i have seen it with my own eyes, i am not the one treating them like second class citizens Lawson, so please get a grip.

  34. Lawson……….these are not my words, it can be attributed to people who refuse to be subjected to continued abuse and harassment………….however, i do not agree with the last sentence in the paragraph..but it is how they feel.

    “From the coast of Africa we were caught together.Across the ocean we were brought together.As property we were sold and bought together.Freedom we sought together.For justice and equality we fought together.When our leaders were murdered we were distraught together.European culture and religion we were taught together.The primary reason we are not together.
    The premise of this post was not to focus on the interracial experience as much as the deterioration of the black family and the abandonment of the institution of black loyalty and unity.That is what got us through the storms and struggles of oppression for the past 450 years until now.The point is we still got a long ways to go and some more fighting to do so why change the format and the personnel.A brother commented that we need to focus less on interracial relationships and more on fighting white supremacy in mainstream society.I tend to agree.But i regret to inform the brother that we can never win a war against white supremacy in mainstream society while sleeping with the sons and daughters of the enemy.”

  35. Well Well Barbados was the first stopping point of slaves ,as it is out in the Atlantic it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see they had first choice and certainly would not have chosen people they thought were unruly don’t see it as a negative the naivety of the bajan is there most endearing quality

  36. The plantocracy was exported from Barbados to the state of South Carolina in the United States in 1600’s. Just check is out if you do not trust what I have to say. Barbadian whites sailed from Barbados to the state of South Carolina in the United States in1600’s, and taught the American whites how to established the Plantocracy.

  37. Any chance of the descendants of the African Chiefs who grabbed the slaves and sold them to Europeans apologising. Can’t see that happening folks. Looks like the marxist have won the argument over slavery.

  38. @wellwell The Negro Albinos in Barbados looks nothing like Europeans! Carer ya RAAss, DON”T Try at that. Whites come from EUROPE and Blacks come from Africa , and the indigenous Indians you claim to become from Alaska all the way down to Venezuela and were mixed with Vikings and Rogue races all the way down! Vikings come from the Norway area and then they are tHe Russians!
    Adam and Eve had many descendants some were accursed and ended up in Egypt .Cannan!DNA has proven that there were whites in Egypt around the time of the Great pyramids! Vikings and Chinese and Phynociens were the first to have a boat and explore! You say we white are albinos and everyone comes from Backman! We say Blacks and Arabs were cursed into Cannan! They are well documented Caucasian albinos and They are nothing like Africa’s Albinos ! But if it makes you feel better to be insulting and nasty that goes without saying in Barbados! Because you say so DON”T Make t so Jack!

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