Former Commissioner of Police Darwin Dottin
Former Commissioner of Police Darwin Dottin

The top story of the week stoked by the local media is that a newspaper snagged a video which was circulating on Facebook for over a month and posted a blurred image of two teens having sex in a classroom full in the knowledge they were being video recorded. BU has no doubt the public outcry provoked by this incident like all the others before will pass with nothing material done to address the factors at the root of juvenile and parental delinquency in our society. It must be said that the newspaper at the centre of the incident must have experienced a spike in sales.

This is one week  since the Police Service Commission Report to Retire Commissioner Darwin Dottin was released by BU and ignored by traditional media. How can anyone take the local media and the bevy of talk show hosts seriously when in one breath they pontificate about the moral issue emanating from the sex video, and rightly so, but ignore an issue which attacks a key plank in our governance system.  What separates Barbados from the rest has been our ability to maintain law and order on our little island. Despite all of our challenges Barbadians have always prided themselves in being a peaceful and law abiding nation.

While Barbados was consumed this week by the sex video saga the global media reacted to news that the USA (Big Brother) hacked the phones of prominent persons across the globe. All part of adhering to national security. And in Britain there was the news that the long awaited trial of Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson is set to begin, a case where two journalists are alleged to have hacked the phone records of members of parliament, members of the royal family and others – Phone hacking: Court told of tabloids’ ‘decade of deceit.

BU is convinced there is a lot more to the story of Commissioner of Police Darwin Dottin and his involvement with wiretapping activities in Barbados.  While the Police Service Commission (PSC) had the option to recommend to the Governor General the suspension of Dottin, rather than his removal from office for misconduct which would have involved a commission of Inquiry (COI), the PSC has been delinquent in the view of BU. It should have felt obligated to place its evidence before the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Attorney General and request that Dottin be criminally prosecuted. Such an approach would not have involved an expensive and challenging COI, merely the arrest and arraignment of Dottin and his trial on criminal charges. As far as BU is aware there is no law  which gives a Commissioner of Police immunity from criminal prosecution. The DPP would have examined the evidence, determined whether there is sufficient to charge the goodly gentleman instructing and charge and arraign him and bind him over for trial.  This idea of proceeding against Dottin to preserve his pension is ludicrous.

On behalf of the the late Inspector Anderson Bowen’s, BU pledges to ventilate this matter until the truth is known. The local media and cohorts can continue to do what it does best, pander to the advertisers.


122 responses to “Police Service Commission Should Have Passed Darwin Dottin’s File to the Director of Public Prosecutions to Seek His Arrest”

  1. Let them gather for they shall soon scatter Avatar
    Let them gather for they shall soon scatter

    Mia aka Mianaki,

    This discussion is about Wire Tapping and FRAUD and a Corrupt CoP and a Corrupt Dep Prime Minister and Attorney General.

    This is far more important than your diversions and distractions this matters rocks the foundations of TRUST in both departments and both should be charged and sent to prison and unlike the wishy washy press you control BU has the Balls to give the People of Barbados the information for their own interpretations and trust me even those that do not write on this site have visited to read the story and trust me they may not write on here as you do to support your party thru their corrupt actions but those who are reading are in the far majority saddened and sickened by this conspiracy of Mottley and Dottin to intrude on their privacy those non writers some even your diehard supporters are disgusted by having found out the levels to which a former Deputy Prime Minister and CoP would go for political advantage over the Opposition.

  2. The laws of Barbados permit the Police Service Commission to be appointed by the political directorate.The assumption being that the politcal directorate would not act out of malice aforethought.
    Given the character and performance of the current political directorate, that is
    that it organizes and manages the affairs of state in a manner akin to political one upmanship and scoring political points being their mission statement,it is entirely conceivable that the PSC can be made up of former policemen or at the minimum a majority of them.
    Any system which permits this chicanery is flawed big time and where one can understand the position taken by this PSC chaired by a former policeman,the placement of a priest, considered window dressing,should have served to lull an unwitting populace into thinking that thereby,there would be a counterbalancing influence of probity and sobriety.Lo,no such virtue is attached to this deputy chair.The political Saul is alive and apparently well in the PSC .

  3. Let them gather for they shall soon scatter Avatar
    Let them gather for they shall soon scatter

    Hi Angel Gabriel you seem not to remember your recently had PM Arthur and recent Rogue Dep PM Mottley?

    And you have the Gallows to write here with that Bull Shite you guys are so wrapped in your own importance and greed you are unable to see clearly or think sensibly.

  4. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Let them gather for they shall soon scatter | November 6, 2013
    “This discussion is about Wire Tapping and FRAUD and a Corrupt CoP and a Corrupt Dep Prime Minister and Attorney General.”

    These allegations you are making sound like downright criminal acts violating the laws of Barbados. So why don’t you gather your sane thoughts together and focus your criticism at the PSC for letting the CoP off the hook; and by extension his masters and collaborators?
    The PSC by its own words has exonerated or prevented the CoP from facing any criminal charges to be heard before the Courts. What then is your beef other than political ass-licking and prostitution on your part?
    Instead of attacking Caswell and the miller why don’t you condemn the PM for exonerating the same former AG and DPM from any wrong doings while holding public office?

    By suggesting you focus on the economic meltdown facing the country we were just politely telling you to STFU where this issue is concerned. But we forgot you are incapable of making intellectually relevant contributions on more pressing issues other than the silly cat and mouse games played by politicians and their yard-fowl yes men like you.
    You are just a political pimp that needs to deal with the facts and stop the crap.

  5. Let them gather for they shall soon scatter Avatar
    Let them gather for they shall soon scatter

    In true Smoke and Mirrors BLP gameplan you totally ignore the fact that the PSC has said that by removing Dottin as CoP it clears the way for criminal charges to bring filed no but you would not repeat that because it does not suit you rantings and you ravings, settle down let Kerrie take control of that collection of persons called the opposition. Mottley has disgraced Grantley Adams party and all that goes with it.

  6. Let them gather for they shall soon scatter Avatar
    Let them gather for they shall soon scatter

    Can always tell when someone hits a raw nerve within the BLP the vicious nature of that party comes to the fore in a real hurry.
    Anyway only to remind you that both Mottley and Arthur and Dottin took part in a serious crime against honest Barbadians. It is as simple as that.
    No Smoke No Mirrors just bare facts

  7. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Let them gather for they shall soon scatter | November 6, 2013 at 10:59 AM |
    “In true Smoke and Mirrors BLP gameplan you totally ignore the fact that the PSC has said that by removing Dottin as CoP it clears the way for criminal charges to bring filed …”

    Could you tell us where in the report the PSC has said such? Criminal charges to be filed against whom? Which page and which paragraph of the report are these statements/recommendations made?
    Could you then use your “excellent” reading and comprehension skills and précis for the BU illiterates the last paragraph of page 1 and the first paragraph of page 2 of the report as published by BU?

  8. are-we-there-yet? Avatar

    re. your 10.59 post; Congrats! That was a beautiful example of typical classic Cammie Tudoresque misdirection, absolute lies and cynical shamelessness in promulgating such lies to fool the masses.

    Dat is spin.

    Bet yuh can’t answer MillertheAnnunaki’s challenge above!

  9. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    I was out all day and I am now only seeing your comment at 7:33 AM.

    I am usually entertained by your comments. You get it right some of the time and when you get it wrong, you seem to take pride in your nonsense.

    I am not speaking of ORDINARY civil servants: the disciplinary rules for the Public Service do not apply to persons who hold the offices of judge, DPP and Auditor General. All others are bound by the same rules. If you do not know, please do not mislead.


  10. @ Caswell
    Surely you realize that Bushie is not arguing with you about what the Barbados public service rules say….very likely, these are exactly what one would expect for rules conceptualized by brass bowls…
    …Bushie is talking about COMMON SENSE and INTELLIGENT custom.
    What sensible guidelines could expect that “standard procedures” could be used to discipline a boss….particularly a boss of a legally powerful police force?
    …so what would be done? The personnel department write him a warning letter and give him a reprehend? Wuh Bowen just offered an opinion and ended up cleaning gutters and suspended …and now dead…

    Not even you can seriously think that those STUPID rules could be applicable at the level of CoP…….
    …disciplinary action indeed!!! How does one take “Disciplinary Action” against a chief of police charged with a serious offense….and one who has lost the confidence of his bosses the PSC at that?

    ….best answer as far as Bushie can see is retirement. How the hell does the PSC “investigate criminal charges”? …… Wuh them is the polce?
    What would they do? …ask the COP to investigate himself?
    …ask his subordinates to investigate him? …with or without his permission? Does the PDC have the expertise needed to execute such things…?

    SIMPLE solution….. GO away. …..RETIREMENT.

    Bushie can see NOW, that this matter can be PROPERLY investigated and appropriate steps taken….based on the evidence found.

    When top managers LOSE the confidence of their Board of Directors..for whatever reason…they are replaced….. PERIOD!
    It is simply a risk one takes when one accepts a top job.

  11. Caswell Franklyn Avatar


    I never said that the rules in the Public Service made sense: I am only pointing out what they are. Even when a particular rule makes sense many of those who have to apply them are English comprehension challenged. And in many cases there are many persons who are charged with responsibility to enforce rules and they are not even aware or vaguely familiar with them.


  12. Let them gather for they shall soon scatter Avatar
    Let them gather for they shall soon scatter

    Frankly, Franklyn remind me again which Law School you graduated from and was in with Honours in Writing Utter Bull Shite?

  13. LOL @ Caswell
    Perhaps the problem with the PSC then – is that they became fed up trying to apply the stupid regulations in a hopeless situation, and resorted to common sense….
    LOL…no wonder Bushie is impressed.

    …You can imagine how this would piss off our band of merry lawyers?

    The other situation of a bossman that want changing was that Eager 11 situation….. That was a damn good plot but it had two major faults….

    1 – the lack of clearly better alternatives
    2- they let a woman know what was going on…..
    LOL ..MISTAKE! 🙂

  14. Rational Thinking Avatar
    Rational Thinking

    Funny when the BLP people on here are confronted with the facts of life they either become outrageous or crawl back into their shells and say little or nothing in the hope the matter will go away.

  15. where is this compelling evidence that Dottin committed a crime?? Help me out here someone????
    The allegations made can be explained away.
    So can someone who has a better understanding of the matter please explain it to me

  16. Why?

  17. “The allegations made can be explained away”

  18. So let ,me see if i got this correct

    The Chief of Police is investigated as the central figure in a seemingly customary practice of wiretapping the citizenry, specific citizenry of his country..

    It is thereafter suggested that, since the normal parameters for wiretapping, that is, the subjects being wiretapped are, disturbingly so, not criminals, but politicians, (though it could be argued that criminal and politician are one and the same) it is then argued that the purpose for the wiretapping was for political reasons.

    It is then posited that, since the CoP is not a politician but was recommended for the position by, and continued to report to, a specific person Mia Amor Mottley, that, given that she is a politician, herself with grandiose aspirations to becoming the Prime Minister of Barbados, she might have been the CoP’s puppet master.

    Now it is not desirable to mention the mental agility and intellectual furniture, or lack thereof, of the CoP nor that Seethru Arthur himself has spoken of MAM’s tactics in other venues, what i would focus on this early Friday Morning before the “Feed My Sheep” perambulations of this day, is this.

    In a country that is teetering precariously on the economic precipice of devaluation,and growing social unrest and economic hardship, what would be the wisdom of any PSC, guided by the puppet strings of the DLP Party in Power, to commence (rightful) legal action against the CoP, in an economy totally dependent on tourises en ting, one that needs to portray stability and the rule of law???

    Certainly prosecuting a crooked CoP would be a wise action for Bulbados to effect without any reservation particularly when the country is seeking to instil confidence in investors and foreign development interest

  19. are-we-there-yet? Avatar

    Yuh got de spin correct but the known facts need some work, imho.

    Note that “, and continued to report to, a specific person Mia Amor Mottley,” has not been proven and is actually illogical since, for a large portion of the relevant period, MAM would have had no direct official managerial link with the CoP. You need to provide some more evidence for your case here.

    You also said, with seeming logic, in your piece above;
    “It is then posited that, since the CoP is not a politician but was recommended for the position by, and continued to report to, a specific person Mia Amor Mottley, that, given that she is a politician, herself with grandiose aspirations to becoming the Prime Minister of Barbados, she might have been the CoP’s puppet master.”

    Its logical that your statement, “she might have been the CoP’s puppet master”, might be possible but is not definitively so especially in the way that it has been previously proposed by you and numerous others on this blog. You should include the alternate possibilities that the CoP might have needed no puppet master; might have been acting on his own to carry out the alleged acts; and there might well have been some other well placed politicians who might have been carrying out the role of CoP puppet master in the different administrations if he indeed needed a puppeteer. In addition, wasn’t it you, PUDRYR, who alleged that MAM had been provided with her own Wiretapping machine. Why would she need him to do the political tapping if she had the tools to do it herself? That disclosure alone renders the whole spinning pack of cards totally unstable.

    Your last two paragraphs are, as GP would say, Non Sequitors.


    Caswell Franklyn | November 6, 2013 at 6:18 PM | @ love the classes you give , The next PM Will make you AG ,


  22. […] Police Service Commission Should Have Passed Darwin Dottin’s File to the Director of Public Prosec… […]

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