Submitted by Terence Blackett
You work for the corporation or you die! You tow the line or you become expendable.

If Barbados is at the crossroad of an uncertain future, riddled with triangulated dystopia, yet longing for some imaginary bygone era – with many still believing that GOD* is a Bajan (think again) – the question now begs itself and must be asked: “WHERE IS YOUR ‘god’?”

Barbados (like most stagnant nations) are mere microscopic specks of stardust in a vast and measureless universe but that can be said of almost any quantifiably discernible object trapped within the limitless vortex of time and space. The essential day-to-day struggle reaches beyond the cosmic or the spiritual realms. It embraces the very essence of our existence as a nation and as a people. The duality between imaginary utopian values and the silent crash & crescendo of dystopia unnerves and unravels most living on this tiny mass of coral limestone rock in the Caribbean Sea. Yet for most living in this great land, we still harbour this notion that we are the centre of the universe and that our intellectual prowess, our enviable lifestyle of sun, sea & sex and our “PRIDE” (though falsely destructive) can steer us through the murky, treacherous waters of a 21st century world on the brink of the abyss.

This is a myth of Manichean proportions!

The old folks (believing like MANI* that they were and are apostles of light) reminisce and pine for a bygone era when things were cheap and we bowed and kowtower to those who ruled over us while this postmodern generation infected with (Baudrillardian hyper-reality dystopia) believe that antiquated social traditions are outdated; moral values are washed-up and as a result, baby-boomers and anyone over 45 years old are badly out of touch with the ominous perturbations of daily life.

But where have these flagons of postmodernity come from? Who have concocted these bewitching brews? What are the roots of this entrenched belief system that says things must get so bad before it can get better? Are the “ELITES” in Barbados experiencing austerity? Is there socioeconomic “vagrancy” amongst the upper and middle classes? And, is it possible to augur or presage the likely outcome of a generation that believes they are “SECOND” class citizens in what they know is a “3rd” world country ruled by a classist elite who for all intents and purposes care precious little about them or their families?

These are some of the questions which need answers!

As modern sociologists continue to quibble over the mythical notions of traditional nostalgia held by many older folks versus what our kids hold fast to as a capitalist dystopian framework, market saturated with the feeble elements of a mobile phone or tablet computer (made of cobalt mined in the Congo through innocent blood & back-breaking sweat); or a 2nd hand Japanese recycled car (price-gouged to keep most in debt for decades through exorbitant usury) and name-brand clothing made in sweat shops in Bangladesh and China (which are nothing more than “SECONDS” masquerading as quality merchandize) created to satisfy the avaricious demands of a brainwashed consumer-oriented society living way beyond its means – shows how far we haven’t travelled.

Barbadian youth, especially those who have never worked a day in their lives as well as a growing number of university “qualified individuals” (who possess little to no real life experience in entrepreneurship or creative forward thinking talent) find themselves in clear and present danger of no upper mobility and faced with an unlikely future that holds very little in terms of a quality prospects or life chances for them or their peers.

So the “Photoshop Utopia” of our supposed past (in the immortal words of our national anthem – “in plenty and in times of need, our great forefathers sowed…) still rigidly held by many of our old-guard have been vigorously challenged by the rogue dystopia of postmodernity and the seminal flux that goes with it. The question is now – have we been sold an illusion? An imaginary farscape that can never be achieved or realized?

Let’s examine Barbados at the crossroads in June 2013:

v Barbados at the crossroads – CRIME DYSTOPIA

Every culture and nation under the sun grapples with some form of rebellious underground subculture. America leads the way (taking over from Europe after the post-war years) with SEX; DRUGS & Rock ‘n’ Roll. This has now been replaced with the invidious nature of the HIP HOP industry and its mind-altering, subliminal effects of gang-banging, misogyny, rape, drug money, gun violence and the systematic destruction of the Black male child. Barbados has bought into this virulent lifestyle hook, line and sinker with variants of it that is seen in the music you hear on your ZR van, dubs and other forms of socio-recreational activities. Bajan society has become infected with such malevolent and gross criminality that the current authorities are either powerless or complicit in augmenting a specific totalitarian endgame of absolute social control or they have already lost war.

The criminality we speak of is at every level of Bajan society. Lawyers who are a law on to themselves – steal, misappropriate, embezzle and con their way to the bank laughing at the expense of the person of the poor. Politician’s lie; take bribes; discriminately massage the populace and the people love to have it so. The priests and the prophets in the land prophecy virulent lies while continuing to rule over the sheeple dumbing them down with a “gospel” of prosperity when they know that the bottom is about to fall out of the pan. Yet the people love to have it so!

Organised crime often goes undetected because the rich folks in the land can pay protection money and the authorities will continue to close their blinded eyes to the shenanigans of a corrupt few. Governmental corruption and abuses of socioeconomic and political power invades our society as there is no transparency, accountability or integrity legislation in the land. The moral decay has reached pandemic proportions and can be seen by those who have eyes to see. The society is now in imminent danger of becoming a byword and a laughing stock to the other nations to whom we once looked down our noses at and are now our “masters” and “captains of industry” – which leads us to the next form of dystopia!

v Barbados at the crossroads – FOREIGN-OWNERSHIP DYSTOPIA

The population of Barbados currently stands at 287,733 (July 2012 est.) a country of 166 sq. miles with the majority (90%+) of Blacks cramped into post-colonial quarters of a ratio of persons to land area of far, far more than 6 per sq. mile as the numbers would mathematically suggest, yet the lingering dystopia is not how cramped we are with no readily available land space but who owns our land and how that land is being controlled and the insane prices vendors quote for a parcel of land once the domain of slaves and indentured servants.

For starters, our economy is ruthlessly run by IBC’s the like of which has never been seen before. The late, great, honourable Mr Errol Walton “DIPPER THE SKIPPER” Barrow is probably rolling over in his grave to see the effect of predatory globalization and its effects on the landscape of Barbados’ economy. But one could easily argue that where there is “NO VISION” people not only perish but lose their land, their self-determination and their ability to rule themselves according to the dictates of their consciences. Our foreparents sowed the seeds and were sold a bill of goods – we are now picking up the cheque!

Today, we are largely a nation of wage earners, post-colonial hawkers and beggars (vagrants in our own land, sleeping by the roadside under bus shelters and in any nook or cranny we can find); 2nd class citizens to the masters of some unknown universe – and we seem to like it so, for the “VOICES” are silently loud on the real pertinent issues that plagues us as a people. One can only assume that is a remaining vestige of the flagon of feudal slavery and the entrenched indoctrination created from the shrapnel end of the bull-whip or the cat-‘o’-nine tail.

The population of Barbados has grown exponentially since I was a young boy and due to its limited resource model of scientific and economic development (given its educational praxis) and its innate inability to create a sustainable future for its young, fledging minds – it has to depend on the outside world for food, clothing and shelter. This has resulted in an astronomical import bill, ridiculous prices for food, goods & services and unsustainable balance of payments to our creditors far and wide. We already live way above our means and it is only a matter of time before the “SEISMIC BUBBLE” bust and as a nation we experience hardships that will make the Great Depression look like a picnic.

This is my 3rd trip to Barbados in 10 months and the levels of despair in this society are ominously frightening to say the least and the real fear is in the imminent danger of a once “godly” society becoming antithetically, socially and biologically Darwinistic in its approach to God, love & family – throwing away all that we once held dear for a mere morsel of stale bread. The sociology clearly tells me that we are no longer our brother’s keeper given the enormous wealth gap between the rich in Barbados and the working class poor. This repugnant state of being is morally scandalous within its own social framework, and to see how the elites use the power of the police, lawyers and the courts to avert moral and social anarchy and to control the starving masses into a form reticence and silent submission is hellish and damnable to any righteous soul. This leaves me with my final thought:

v Lastly, Barbados at the crossroads – PREDATORY CAPITALIST DYSTOPIA

Now that we have sold off the crown jewels; mortgaged away our children future through mismanagement, greed and a moral disdain for our own kind – we are seeing the chickens coming home to roost. For sale signs everywhere (foreclosure properties that the banks will have to eventually sell to foreigners for a paltry pittance). Businesses going bust. Banks pressuring their department heads to augment and sell more loans creating deeper levels of frustration in the workplace and more stress-related health issues amongst a younger and younger population group. More suicides from “dark” depression and a sense of moral, financial and spiritual hopelessness. More mental illness resulting in younger vagrants on our streets sleeping rough and portraying the wrong image of a nation prized for its compassion and helpfulness. While on the other hand, at the apex of the predatory capitalist structure, there is a form of utopia not seen since the boom years of the 1980’s. We don’t need to look at a FORBES* list to see the disparity in the wealth gap between the “haves” and the “HAVENOTS” – it is all too self-evident.

The scenarios painted in this piece is not some dark insalubriously-concocted, psychological dreamscape mined in the underverse of a claustrophobically-inward looking society that has been unable to see its true potential and is unable to take the fight to those who have ruled over us for 400 years through trickery, sophistry and subterfuge. Dividing and ruling to the point where we too are so divided as a people that the possibility of common unity is oxymoronic to say the very least.

In 2001, David Korten wrote a book entitled “When Corporations Rule The World” – today mega-corporations rule Barbados with an iron fist and there are no longer possibilities for common virtues like morality, decency, FAITH*, integrity, dignity, or human compassion. You work for the corporation or you die! You tow the line or you become expendable.

My faith and my belief structure assure me that “THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH”!!!

Decide TODAY.

36 responses to “Barbados at the Crossroad: 2nd Class Citizens in a 3rd World Country – Looking for Answers to the Dystopia of a Nation in Religious, Political & Economic Stasis”

  1. Welcome back TB if only for a short while.

  2. So where was Terrence? …off learning more big words?
    Look David, Bushie is tied of these wannabe intellectuals coming to BU to show off how many damn big words they know…
    …can’t you ask these people to focus on the points they want to make and leave out the egos?
    One or two big words are ok , but shite man not three or four out of every six words… Why?
    Steupssss….next blog.

  3. Welcome back Terrence that was a long sabbatical, I hope your hide is still thick

  4. u guys be nice to TB. I believe that he a had a loss in his family or some serious family problems.
    anyhow his concerns for Barbados are real as the island struggles to catch up and keep up with a globalised and universal world that is ever so changing and in the process is feeling the effects and the negativity that comes with change,,

  5. @ BUSH TEA

    Good to see you in fighting form… I expect no less from the bush doc himself…

  6. @ Sarge – thanks very much and yes I have many fond recollections!!!

  7. @ ac – I appreciate your concern and thanks for caring… My wife & I loss our precious angel for a daughter due to medical negligence last year… Our faith in CHRIST* has kept us strong and stoically formidable… But be under no illusion, this life-changing experience will have seismic ramifications for the many families in the UK and beyond… But let’s leave that aside for the mo’ and let the law & moral and natural justice takes its inevitable course…

    @ ac wrote “his concerns for Barbados are real”… Thank you for that piece of subjective analysis…But do you know what is truly tragic – nothing will change until something truly cataclysmic happens – till then it will be business as usual!!!

    Then eyes will suddenly open!!!

    I fear for this great country but especially the POOR* amongst us…

  8. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    For the casual reader with insufficient time on their hands and an aversion to the use of the word “dystopia”, I will attempt to précis and paraphrase TB’s post.
    – Barbados’ future is uncertain.
    – Barbadians think, wrongly, that they are in some way special.
    – Older people think things were better when they were young. Younger people don’t. (I may have that wrong).
    – Rich people may not be suffering in this recession.
    – We are too avaricious.
    – Young people are having a hard time.
    – Can we deliver a decent life for young people? (Not sure about this).
    – Barbados has crime.
    – Crime occurs across all levels of society.
    – Rich people can get away with crime.
    – Foreigners are buying our stuff.
    – We need to fight against it.
    – Imports are too high and that will cause a problem.
    – The country is turning away from religion.
    – The economy is in a state and the rich poor divide is getting worse.
    – We are still under the control of the ex-colonial powers.
    – Big business runs Barbados.
    – Get religion.
    Apologies for the length of the post.

  9. @ St. George’s Dragon

    I think you meant “Get (RID OF) religion”


    Barbados is not a poor country , , We all were robbed and we wait on justice to return. Nothing was moved , It all still here but in the wrong greedy hands.

  11. @Bush Tea

    You know we all have our own style of deliver. Some are equally ticked of at you references to the BBE like Miller for example.

  12. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Wow the writing is deep but too much to read. Sorry but could not get past the third paragraph

  13. @TB. Welcome back. Very pleased to see you here alive and kicking. Naturally, I will be taking a few licks at you from time to time, as will many others. But it is surely great to have you back.

  14. @Terance
    my heart is with your lost child and my thoughts are with you both.
    Love conquers all things.

  15. @St Georges Dragon.

    When we stop talking and start doing?

  16. Actually TB’s piece is quite insightful if not distracted expansive style…lol. by his

  17. LOL @ David
    “You know we all have our own style of deliver. Some are equally ticked of at you references to the BBE like Miller for example.”
    🙂 not only miller….how about Jocky Boremann LOL Ha

    Terrence can take his licks ….unlike Ossie Moore and he no doubt gets the point that great ideas are much more effective when simply put.
    “….dark insalubriously-concocted, psychological dreamscape mined in the underverse of a claustrophobically-inward looking society ”
    INDEED!!! 🙂

    @ St George Dragon
    Thanks for the précis…. Now just explain exactly what it is that we need to “Decide Today”….. 🙂

  18. Is Faith and Love just a inward state of mind affecting an outward perception
    Is God feeding us signs to prompt and direct us like facebook and google

  19. is Barbados really that badly off? A few days ago, a starling revelation was made, seemingly of not much importance to the general public. Barbados Light and Power Holdings, aka Emera ,aka Canada has realised a profit of some $44 millions, most of which will earn Canada some foreign exchange ,to the detriment of Barbados,and we cannot hear a peep out of the same perpetually complining public, or the jokers in Palmetto Street.
    Leaves one to wonder how much Lime and Digicel,who is applying for a work permit for a non-national for the position of CEO as they cannot find anyone suitable in Barbados,has profited in the same period.

  20. @bushie

    It is the opposite of a Utopia.

    You are 100% correct about getting wrapped up in a love of words ,rather than trying to achieve the simple transfer of ideas and feelings.

    I would far rather laugh at the way sometimes ,things are put in this blog BUT
    still be fully aware of what they are trying to show and explain.
    Plus the added bonus of a smile.
    Not keep reaching for a dictionary,which rather “breaks the flow” and 99% of the time ,ending in TOTAL disagreement with the way the words have been utilised.

    When I was in business I particularly adopted a method of communication to the public,by having advertisments spelled wrongly.(Sometimes ALVIN not ALL the time)
    TRY IT
    See that amazing response and the fact that what you wanted to do is “communicate and idea” is acheived 100%.
    (probably as here on the Blog there are many “knowalls” just waiting on a chance to ram your idiocy down your throat rather than look for understanding)
    NO I am not advocating LOUSEY spelling ,rather simplicity,communication rather than a “verbal proliferation”.

  21. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    RE the murky, treacherous waters of a 21st century world on the brink of the abyss.

    It would seem that the world at large is rolling the wicket for Antichrist to bat on.i

  22. @ BOY BLUE
    Interesting,tho NOT surprising.
    To me is a magnificent illumination of the fact our Country is run by Bumpkins, new niggers, Idiot “savants” Men of letters and not men of the people.. .
    Harking back to Bushies comments abour “verabal Diarrhoea” once you have the “runs” its hard to stop.
    The politicians are so blinded by the Hurricane of crap,they produce .
    Relevancy gets forgotten.
    Why was the company ever allowed to be sold to a Foreign entity anyway?How many tourists need to come and spend $ in Barbados to simply cover the return of profit to the parent company
    .Sorry,I didnt realise I was Einstein asking questions that are in the realms of the indecipherable.
    Seems just like common sense ?Doesent it?
    Instead of “flying a kite” about Wave energy generation(an exact political equivilant of “Verbal Diarrhoea).
    Why we do not buy the company back and immediately inject 44,000,000 back into the exchequer.
    How many tourists would then NOT have NOT come to Barbados and we would not have been at a loss.(financially speaking)

  23. Poor and Humble
    Cloning Process
    Mr. Big Man
    Jah Jah Rule

  24. Terrence B is a BOOKHEAD
    time to check my dictionary of synonyms and revert

  25. @ Terrence Blackette

    We stand in agreement with most of your central arguments. We must learn that some foundational issues are at times difficult to confront outside of the language of a complex social science. This is indeed the public discourse that should be engaged by a Barbadian population as a first step towards creating the type of world we seek. Remaking our world! Your reference to the work of David Korten is particular interesting to us. It was Korten who gave us a valuable insight into present circumstances about 12 years ago. The times has come for us to reconsider the nature of the corporation and its usefulness for genuine human development and continued existence. However, we regret to submit that Korten’s work might have underestimated the peril we face as a species. On the reliance in paranormal intervention and given that we would want to avoid reductionism, it is however unfathomable to us that this hell, which you have rightly diagnosed, could be remedied, in the slightest, by ANY dependence on forces outside ourselves. Let the collective imaginations of the peoples of this earth be GOD! If we think we still need this fictional entity.

  26. @Pacha

    So we are at this place again.

    One could reasonably have expected given the foreboding economic conditions that it would have created an at the X road moment for key players in civil society.

  27. @ David
    As you know this writer has always contended that the people of Barbados cannot rely on the establishment to save us from the dystopia of which Mr. Blackett has eloquently adumbrated. David, we must stop complaining when we know full well that the very people we are complaining to are largely unhelpful and continue to trap us in a senseless, fictitious, political duopoly. As far as we are concerned nothing less that the collective demands of the people can overthrow this failed order and establish peoples’ centered societies in the world. The only people who will fear this paradigm, of which we speak, are the very interests that have led us to the dystopia of which Mr. Blackett rightly spoke. There is no excuse for us to leave our fate in these people hands any longer. You are right all roads lead to the pressing need for radical transformation everywhere. No amount of hiding from this fact will change our steadily deteriorating reality.

  28. @ David
    “One could reasonably have expected given the foreboding economic conditions that it would have created an at the X road moment for key players in civil society”
    Skippa, you is some kind of comedian or Wuh?

    What do you NOT get about a brass bowl?
    -Have you EVER known such a vessel to respond to logical stimuli?
    – Can a brass bowl change behavior just because it makes sense to do so?

    …so how can you “reasonably expect” Bajan brass bowls to respond sensibly to foreboding economic symptoms? Brass bowls will continue to do the same jobbie right up to the bitter end…,

  29. Wait Pacha, you almost as wordy as Terrence yuh.
    Fortunately, Bushie’s has translated for those of us less endowed with such verbosity…

  30. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    @ Brudah-Bim
    “I think you meant “Get (RID OF) religion”.
    I am on record as saying that I do not understand why the majority of Bajans still believe in a religion imposed on them by their former colonial masters, who incidentally have now pretty much decided they don’t believe in it. I have merely tried to simplify TB’s post which appeared to say that faith in God would sort things out (I think). That is not my position.
    @ Dr Love
    “When we stop talking and start doing?”
    No idea. I worked hard today. Ask TB.
    @ Bush Tea
    “What is that we need to decide today”
    A good question. I did my best with the re-interpretation of TB’s post but I can’t answer that. Perhaps TB can.

  31. irie eyes ..

  32. Such instances of horrific rape and unwilling sexual union between Irish female slaves and Black slave-drivers, was actually implicitly encouraged by many of their White masters. Mulatto children, who resulted from such unions, both willing and unwilling, were seen by the plantation masters as a potentially unlimited breeding stock of future native-born slave labor, acquired free of charge and without the costs of transportation. Existing public records on Barbados reveal that some planters went as far as to systematize this process of miscegenation through the establishment of special “stud farms” for the specific purpose of breeding mixed-race slave children. White female slaves, often as young as 12, were used as “breeders” to be forcibly mated with Black men.
    could this have anything to do with the mentality of the black bajan men?????????? it has been handed down!!!!!!!!!

  33. Incorrecto…………..believe it or not that cross breeding is the only thing keeping the white race in existence today, read any European or North American newspaper, almost daily it is being reported that whites who are only 9% of the worlds population is starting to slide into the minority in countries where they were once majority, in 50 years they are expected to be minority worldwide, google it.

  34. “White female slaves, often as young as 12, were used as “breeders” to be forcibly mated with Black men. could this have anything to do with the mentality of the black bajan men….?”
    Probably not the “MENTALITY”…. ..but whatever it was ( or is) we should probably try to locate those who are forcibly causing those tourist lasses who return year after year to our hardworking beach bums…
    …and get Adrian L to calculate how we could increase that business… 🙂

  35. So Mr Incorrecto,are you finally admitting that you do indeed have a touch of the tar brush?

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