News broke this week that Barbados Labour Party (BLP) member of parliament George Payne has filed a defamation action against fellow BLP member of parliament Edmund Hinkson. To say that the action is mind boggling is an understatement. BU continues to try all effort to procure the court filing.

One has to question the motive of filing such an action by Payne and what on earth Hinkson would have stated publicly that was so damaging to the reputation of Payne. One would have thought that both BLP candidates would put party first and thrash out what differences appear to exist between the two away from the public glare.  BU believes if this matter is pursued it will reflect poorly on Mia Mottley early in her stint as opposition leader a second time around.

It is no secret there is bad blood between Hinkson and Payne which spilled into the public domain during the battle for who should represent the BLP St. James North seat in the 2013 General Election. Observers opine that Payne used his full weight as Chairman of the Barbados Labour Party to support Skeete. In the end the Rawle Eastmond anointed Edmund Hinkson won the nomination and the general election.  Why would Payne, the plaintiff in this matter see sense in pursuing a defamation action at this time? By so doing he has disrespected MAM’s position which is no surprise.

If politicians continue to demonstrate that they lack the ability to resolve personal conflicts, how can we expect them to resolve issues of national import?

187 responses to “George Payne v Edmund Hinkson: Storm Clouds Hovering Over MAM”

  1. Knight of the Long Knives Avatar
    Knight of the Long Knives

    @ Amused great contribution as always
    @ David I have observed some leaning in your positions but I believe you to be as balanced as any bajan can be. I have my leanings as well but it wont stop me from speaking up. Keep up the good work and ignore the critics.
    Generally I believe George Payne and Hinkson should work out their differences outside of the courts but Payne I am sure has no problems causing chaos and apparent disunity in the BLP, as it would embarrass Mia.
    Government needs to realize the increase in VAT is causing absolute chaos in the economy and it cannot continue to sacrifice the entire private sector to keep the public sector in its current inefficient stance. Coming into government in 2008 and recognizing the problems they should have looked to make government more efficient, not add more burdens to the public purse, via constituency councils, jobs for yardfowls and the like. If the current tax levels continue, with significantly reduced, retail trade and port activity Government will soon be bouncing cheques.

  2. The notion of two MPs suing each other may not be unique, however it would be front page news in most countries in the world if the two MPs are on the same side of the House but alas Barbados is not like most countries it exists in a special cocoon reserved for the exceptional.

    About the reporting on this matter, Ann Yard should get off her duff and see what’s going on with the newspaper that she purportedly runs, if indeed she really calls the shots.

  3. @Amused
    We differ most definitely on the party politics.I have zilch confidence in the DLP post Errol Barrow and I do not apologise for reaffirming my confidence in the OSA BLP in spite of present day poor public relations on his/their part and his seeming tendency to frivolity at times e.g.the illegal Guyanese artisans in
    his employment,the note to Stuart and the platform confession in St Joseph.

  4. @Sargeant

    To add to your point, it is reported in said Nation today that OCM, the parent of the Nation newspaper, reported a healthy 1st quarter profit. Of interest is that the Tobago and Barbados general elections contributed significantly to the windfall. Connect the dots.

  5. Payne and Hinckson are two peas in a pod so the law suit suprises no one. It beggars belief that these two humbugs who are not intelligent by any standard sit in the highest representative body in the land. Neither deserve to be MPs, to rub salt in the wound Payne whose input to Parliament has been zero in twenty years or more plans to run again. To do what? File more law suits against Hinckson?

    The dead man sleep Maria Agard put down in the House first sitting is what in essence jackass Payne been doing all along. Barbados can do better than Payne and Hinckson who on close examination are twins in looks, height and brains. Both are devoid of all three. The people of St. Andrew and St. James deserve better. If this keeps up the BLP will be in the wilderness for a very very long time. Its time for the wife beater to make his move.

    Mia poor soul your closet so packed with skeletons and your leadership hanging by a thread you cant make a move against the two poor rakey nit wits. The BLP looking worse than when Payne and Owing conspire to bushwhack MAM.

  6. Should we start calling the three islands Trinbargo or Trinbagobar?? Bet you the Trinis can come up with a witty name.

  7. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Sargeant | April 28, 2013 at 10:49 AM |
    “Ann Yard should get off her duff and see what’s going on with the newspaper that she purportedly runs, if indeed she really calls the shots.”

    Please leave my friend and past student Viv Anne Yarde-Gittens alone. She is a well-rounded person who has spanned a career of three professions/vocations and still was able to raise a family and ‘look’ after a husband. Now that is what you would call a truly liberated successful woman who has managed to ‘engineer’ her way to the very top without losing her dignity.

    The success of the newspaper she manages is measured by its profitability not by its social or political stripes. She will be in line for a massive bonus based on the first quarter financial results thanks largely to the massive revenues earned from both political parties in the recent general elections.

    It is recommended that you take out your annoyance on the regular yardfowls “NationBLPNewspaper” and “Fractured BLP” for “cussing” the same newspaper, left, right and centre on this blog but still have the hypocritical balls to spend millions with the same rag sheet promoting DLP propaganda tripe to “buy” the elections. The “NO LAYOFFS, NO PRIVTIZATION” mantra worked effectively in true Joseph Goebbels style. We shall soon who were the real beneficiaries of such a blitzkrieg of misleading propaganda. The Fumble-led DLP or the foreign owned Media Houses?

    Let us therefore agree that the ‘outstanding’ profitability of the ‘Private Sector’ OCM group in the first quarter of the year was primarily due to the ‘advertising’ sales revenue earned from the George St. spin doctors and not any mercurial performance by the management of either VOB or your bête noir the Nation Newspaper
    One wonders if similar profitably outstanding performances were experienced by the DLP-controlled CBC or the sympathetically pay- back time Advocate.

  8. I have heard from a reliable source that Mascoll has been writing Albert Brandford’s column for some time now. Can anyone in Barbados confirm?

  9. @Miller
    All hail the modern Superwoman but in this land of the blind media the one eyed newspaper would be King. Since the Nation is the prime source of news for the “poor black man” it is incumbent to report all the news not the news that favors or is inimical to one Party or the other.

  10. @Just Asking
    “But from now until the next election, you should concentrate on St. John. St.John people need to be saved . Light needs to shine in the darkness in St. John.It could only be backwardness and ignorance why those people would vote the way they vote, And now they are voting for a useless candidate like Mara Thompson only because she is representing the DLP. Bare stupidity.Focus on St. John”
    This will be just a waste of time, Just Asking.

    One night during the by-election campaign, I was looking for a park. When I went to park on a side street, two women were outside this house with Mara’s placard on the gallery boards. One shouted out……….dont park in front my house twice. Now I know she had no right to tell me so as I was on a public road, I said not a word to her but went further on because had I come back and a scratch was on my car, she would have heard from me.

    And if you see the house, where windows should be were boarded up and the yard was a mess, grass to the top of the blocks where she had as a step to step into the house. I said to myself, you idiot, look at your condition and you hollering for the Dems.

    Just asking, the people of St John have a mentality that will not change until another generation rises up who have never heard the name Barrow! Or maybe the BLP can run a candidate with the surname Barrow!

  11. @Lemuel | April 28, 2013 at 6:47 AM |

    Nation Blp
    I do not know how you read newspapers and for what reason, but would you consider that CBC and all its radio stations and the Advocate are the propaganda voices for the DLP?. Would you consider that David Ellis has been transformed into the biggest voice for the DLP? I have some comfort you have Ricky Jordan and the daily paper editor Smith on the side of the DLP.

    Tell the Nation Critic that he does not need the Nation. The DLP has the Advocate and CBC lock stock and barrel. Plus they have their own radio station, why do they need the Nation. Is it because the Nation has the biggest readership?

    Ignore the idiot, he/she has been saying the SAME thing for the last five years!

  12. Prodigal………………i swear, the same mentality existed in the Laventille areas of Trinidad for decades, the area was a sorry sight to behold but the ignorance of the people was absolute when it came to party politics, until they got smart within the last few years, on my last trip to TT the areas looked a lot better, but the crime rate is still horrible. That is when politicians play on the low level of education and utter ignorance of people, then you get areas like St. John, certain parts of St. Michael, eg. Bush Hall, the city, orleans, chapman lane, during and after Billie Miller the place is still a disgrace, only the Indians reaping sweets, ask Billie about that, parts of Christ Church…………those are the kinds of areas politicians will hold on to the people’s ignorant support for decades.

  13. …….For some reason he continues to write the global recession out of the local economic story. The DLP may be accused of overusing it to hide their own policy weaknesses. Whether that is true or not, the global recession and the structure of the barbados economy means that there will be major fallout ( as Sir Courtney seems to recognize). is very real and a critique that completely writes it out of the story lacks credibility with me…………………………….

    I would take anything Courtney Blackman says now with a pinch of salt. I distinctly remember he gave an interview to the Nation shortly after the crisis broke out in the USA due to the housing bubble. He said to the nation that this crisis will not have a devastating effect on Barbados because Barbados does not issue mortgages like the US and any fallout will be minimal.

    I said, wow and this man is a learnt man, how is that for him now? I dumped his opinions since then in the dump heap! Trash!

  14. David you must know by now that I am losing interest in BU … Help me nah … I even mek friends with Amused ..

  15. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    From a past Nation newspaper article.

    POLICE LAST NIGHT issued a “Wanted Man” release for a 53-year-old attorney-at-law.

    Mark Winston Goodridge, of Cattlewash, St Joseph, is wanted for questioning in connection with the report alleging the beating of a 15-year-old boy in Highgate Gardens, St Michael, on October 6.

    Police are also seeking the assistance of a male member of Goodridge’s family for questioning about the same matter.

    Police sources told the DAILY NATION last night detectives were unable to locate Goodridge over the weekend …

    Investigations into the Highgate Gardens incident were reopened last weekend after the SATURDAY SUN published a story and photograph which involved the family of the 15-year-old boy crying racism and charging that the Wildey, St Michael youth was so badly beaten about the face they could not recognise him.

    Welcome to our newest QC:

    Mark Winston Goodridge

  16. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Also I am noticing that Nigel Jones is now a QC as well.

    He is a die hard BLP member. I recall him fighting tooth and nail to get Sweet boy Leroy elected and then keeping him there.

  17. I noticed Goodridge name on another site as the latest queer counsel and i am curious to know who sent his name to the GG recommending he be one of the latest jokes to be named qc, is that the job of the PM..??, who in their right minds who is not a dumb ass would do such a thing……….now i know those whorehouse sounding titles are useless, this guy assaulted a child and is still in the BAR association, i hope paying fees, and still making decisions………….Barbados is worse than a joke.

  18. I saw Highgate Gardens recently and for all the so called status this little village is supposed to have, it looked like nothing more than a neglected dump to me.

  19. By the way Goodridge paid out the family, idiots that they are should have been happy to see such wannabe white trash locked up, it just continues to show us the mentality of a people whose minds are locked away in never never land.

  20. Mia as leader has to get these two men together and thrash out whatever is this matter. Personally, as much as I support the BLP, I never really cared for George Payne, he has always been a pompous person who seems to only care about George Payne. For him to do this at a time when the party is trying to consolidate around Mia is selfish.

    Yes CCC, I can say that of a party member. You would never say a word against the DLP. This too shall pass and we shall watch and see the descimation of Barbados by Stinkliar.

    I was told today that Sherbourne has laid off a lot of staff due to lack of bookings. It has only just begun!

  21. [youtube

    There is forever and always drama going on over there in the BLP house, nothing but drama. The DLP is in the eyes of many are doing just OUTSTANDING. They so EXCITED people there (Barbados) did this too KNOCKED OUT the BLP a second time. They the DLP did it a second time did the MIND BLOWING THING.

  22. @CC
    “He is a die hard BLP member”.
    Does everyone in Barbados have to be a supporter of the Damn Lying Party? Gosh, man , you are nauseating!

  23. Look………………….remember, it was only a “BUY ELECTION”.

  24. @ LOOK
    “They the DLP did it a second time did the MIND BLOWING THING.
    You are so right, yes your victory was mind blowing. For those young minds whom you bribed with money and with drugs!

    Tell Barbados how mind blowing your victory was in a few months time when the shit hits the fan!

  25. CCC
    When is the next sitting of the House?

    It looks as if the Dems are now ignoring the House having made a song and dance about OSA not attending the House last session to sit through poor rakey sessions.

    Now the Dems seem to running scared. I doubt they will meet again this week as I heard today that Patrick Todd is acting Minister of Culture which means that little Hilter is out of the country. Stinkliar just come back from two weeks in the UK and US begging for money.

    CCC, did Stinkliar get any money? Wow!

  26. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    You are salivating at the thought of Barbados collapsing.

    From Feb. 2008 you and your goons were predicting the destruction of Barbados’ economy. Five years later you are still at it.

    I guess you believe that if you keep it up you will be right some wonderful day.

    After all a broken clock is right twice per day.

  27. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    prodigal son

    Don’t worry when the next sitting of the house is.

    For five years(Feb. 2008__Feb. 2013) your beloved Seethru spent less than twenty four(24) hours in Parliament and you had nothing to say on the matter.

    So you are only being a hypocrite.

  28. Prodigal Son……………..the larger economies are having a really difficult time right now, they don’t have 1/4 million people who love dependency, they have 1/4 billion people and more whose welfare is paramount and comes first, Japan’s economy is showing some growth, they just printed a trillion dollars, maybe Sinckler could go begging in Japan; but i gotta tell ya, the interest rates will be a murderer……….none of these countries have time for people who don’t listen, so he may want to sit patiently and wait for that meeting with IMF/World Bank.

  29. CCC,
    You are such a cold liar. You really think any right thinking Barbadian would like to see his/her country return to the days of Sandi in 1991-94? It will, if you have blindly partisan idiots like you involved in the running of this country.

    For years we on BU have been saying do something, things are not going right. You Dems bury your heads in the sand and accuse anyone who dont agree with you as doom and gloomers who want to see the country sink. Keep on doing what you doing, then.

    Can you want any clearer picture of how stupid you Dems are than what came out of Stinkliar’s press conference on Thursday? The Governor of the Central Bank who is an economist said that the MTFS is not working, it has gone off track because the economy is not performing. Out comes a man who has ZERO training in economics and said ……….oh no, the MTFS is working, I did not get that from what the Governor said, you all are mistaken.

    And you tell me that I want to see my country fall? Keep on doing what you are doing!

  30. If we agree that the BA is a joke and has not shown backbone over the years.A good example is the matter fully ventilated on BU about whether lawyers should pay VAT or be members of the BA. Why are we surprised that people who reflect mediocrity would be nominated and accepted as QCs? We really need to prioritized.

  31. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    God bless the people of St. John. The smartest people in Barbados!!!!!

  32. There is forever and always drama going on at the BLP house – REALLY. Tyler Perry I think should recast The House of Pain, put in it the entire BLP gang. Tyler Perry’s Madea I know can handle them, the whole entire BLP gang.

  33. @Prodigal Son

    Please forget engaging in conversations with commenters which will go no where. Also a correction, what Sinckler said at the press conference is that the MTFS has not been a catastrophic failure and will have to be tweaked based on prevailing conditions..

  34. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    This thing with lawyers not wanting to pay not paying vat on membership fees.

    I spoke to a lawyer on Friday morning and he told me that vat is payable on goods and services. So it boggles his mind why it is being charged on membership fees by the Bar Association.

    He said has never refused to pay Bar Association fees. Dutifully every year he writes a cheque to the Bar Association for membership fees only and like clockwork they always return his cheque saying that it does not include vat.

  35. @Well Well | April 28, 2013 at 2:49 PM |
    I saw Highgate Gardens recently and for all the so called status this little village is supposed to have, it looked like nothing more than a neglected dump to me.

    Status my left foot. I have a cousin living in there. She is a poor white like the Goodridges. She was renting until the mother, father and husband died and she came into insurance money. What status, less educated than me.

  36. The BA is a joke, I would really like to know which idiot recommended Goodridge for this title………………i really hope we don’t find out it is the office of the PM, the GG also should have known this is disgrace.

    Sinckler was engaging in double speak for the thing is definitely not working as the central bank governor acknowledged……double speak is another evil associated with politicians.

  37. Pat……………..I know what you mean, that area is riddled with wannabes from a bygone era.

  38. Prodigal………… will fare better to ask Carson hard questions, he can’t answer them for fear of losing his little pick, or he does not know the answer…………….deny him the avenue to brag, that is what he is looking for, ask him hard questions.

  39. The 64k question, does MAM have a plan?

  40. @David
    @Prodigal Son

    Please forget engaging in conversations with commenters which will go no where. ……….

    You are so right, I will take heed!

  41. I don’t see her unseating her bosom buddy and pal, they are too close, that is why her party is divided and in total disarray, she should not be opposition leader………….they are all a bunch of jokes and leeches on the taxpayer.

  42. Mottley may and may not have a plan but Trinidad and Tobago certainly does.

  43. That’s a nice little scam the lawyers got going, sending cheques for the last 20 or 30 years to the Bar Association annually like clock work while being fully aware that the cheques will be returned for non payment of VAT, evil does not quite begin to describe this lot………CJs, PMs and AGs allow it to happen.

  44. Look……………..i told them already, just let the Trinis pick a name for the pending merging of the islands, they will fare a whole lot better.

  45. Puerto Rico desires to become the 51st state in the United States union. This will occur – eventually. Trinidad and Tobago desires ownership of the Barbados island. This will occur – eventually.

  46. That old drunk, Owen Arthur still in the BLP house waiting for the opportunity to kick her (Mottley) to the curb again. If not Owen, it will be George Payne, Dale Marshall and or the three of them collectively.

  47. i ‘ve en busy today did not read the “big interview; but given the lucklustre response by the BLP yardflows . Seems like he ain’t say much of nutting but talk about getting the toursist to comr to barbados and to help rebuild the econoimy. Boy OSA dem days dome gone. Remeber under u leadership u had plenty forex to spend everywhich way now all that is left are the crumbs. man i was expecting better from u ,anyhow we can alway privitise,

    sumbudy told mr they saw miller at the QEH ,i hope he alright. kinda quiet recently. .

  48. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    All of them suffering from acute stress. Peter Wickham really let them down. They thought they had it in the bag. Even DAVID.

  49. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    The problem Seethru and the Tourist industry face is the fact that Hoteliers put vast sums of money into the BLP election campaign. They were all confident that the BLP would win and they would get their half of a billion dollars hotel fund to lick out.

    Unfortunately for them the BLP got its mouth washout as the old Bajans say. As a result the BLP cant do anything for them now and they are out hundreds of thousands of dollars. So the best that Seethru can do for them now is to beg for a little electricity relief.

  50. Pain vs the unspeakable or untalkable Avatar
    Pain vs the unspeakable or untalkable

    Hinkson only called Payne a dishonest crooked thief so what’s wrong with calling a thief that he is a thief?
    He very touchy and stupid.

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