Submitted by P O’Connor to the Barbados Advocate, CCed BU
Anthony Bryan - Publisher Barbados Advocate
Anthony Bryan – Publisher Barbados Advocate

With reference to your article – Straight to the Point: Prime Minister David Cameron should apologise – by Mr. John Blackman in the advocate 30/12/12

I have just read this article whilst visiting the island as a tourist from the UK and I am stunned that a national newspaper from a modern progressive country such as Barbados would employ a journalist with such prejudicial and homophobic opinion never mind put in print the blatant manipulation of a very complex topic such as colonialism. I will explain further but your editorial staff should be ashamed to promote such borderline medieval opinion, Google results alone paint a poor picture of this gentleman’s past rhetoric and his veiled journalistic style.

Mr. Blackman does well to highlight the abhorrent nature of colonialism and the bullying practice, which the west continues to use against its former colonies as well as the Middle East. However he does not seem to recognise that it is as a result of this colonialism that such hatred and prejudices remain. This is certainly something that should not be held onto and celebrated but disregarded along with the emancipation of colonialism. As a developed country one would not and should not patronise you into assuming that you and your readers are not capable of accepting, supporting and understanding basic human rights.

Granted it is difficult to dissect the article it is written in a scholarly tone but that does not disguise the fact it is clearly constructed to direct your readers towards the writer’s homophobic stance. Absolutely no one can justify the criminalisation and persecution (to the extent of hard-labor and death penalties) of homosexuals in the Caribbean and some African countries. To be hetro or homo sexual is an orientation of which we are born life does not make us gay or straight, but an article like this promotes the idea that to be gay is to be somehow morally wrong. Would the advocate promote the prejudicial view that to be born with a disability is wrong? or to be born black is wrong? No you would not.

Cameron should not apologise for promoting basic human rights, or for suggesting that the continued physical and mental abuse of gay people who happen, purely by chance, to be born in the Caribbean or Africa should be abolished. Granted he should not resort to the tactics that are associated with a painful history, however Mr. Blackman and the Advocate should credit Barbadians with a little more intelligence, and moral understanding to recognise that they too would not condone such prejudices to their fellow man or woman.

It is the responsibility of journalists to not incite hatred and as such Mr. Blackman is abusing his position but more over the Advocate is promoting his view placing your publication stuck fast with opinions last seen in the mid 20th century, in the UK it would be acceptable to report such an article to the police on the grounds of inciting violence and your paper would receive a call from the police. Perhaps a homophobic view is in place top down at the Advocate’s offices? I challenge you to print this reply because as a straight married man on the island with my wife and daughter it goes to show you do not have to be gay to be offended by homophobia.

Pull your socks up Advocate and join in with the rest of us its 2013 not 1950.

178 responses to “Barbados Advocate Article Labelled Offensive”

  1. John Blackman has everyright to express his views under a guaranteed right of “freedom of speech and expression” it is funny how the author of the article would deny Mr, blackman’s rights to free specch while fighting for the rights of others.

  2. It is always useful to peer into the thinking of others who are not of our world.

  3. It is always useful to peer into the thinking of others who are not of our world.

  4. Ignore John Blackman. Save yourself the headache.

  5. Since this is the last article to be posted this year …
    Happy New Year to ALL

  6. Mr P O’Connor we in Barbados does not need you and your colonial attitude dictating to us how we shall live. If you are nor aware what is modern and moral is relative to the respective societies. We in Barbados have a soverign right to determine how we want to live what we intend to accept and what we value.
    I soon expect that you and those in ypour society who are living will large and modern off of the backs of my ancestors will soon want to dictate to us that we should soon legalise marijuhuana for personl use like those of your liberal and denmented socities are now doing.
    Please be advised that massa day dun. You are free to express your views but your tone is offensive. We do not need peoplre like you telling use what to do. Tell me what prejudices did the colonial masters suffered from the so call hatred still lingering fron the colonial days. Who are the one that suffered the prejudices. If you want to asked for forgiveness for the brutal murders and rapes and abuse that the people of this region suffered at the hands of the colonial master swallow your pride and ask for it.
    Until then ithink that the USA UK and other should accept that Barbados will not be a satalite for your views. Whether it be homosexuality drug use or what ever sick behavior you pritray under the guies of human rights.
    I do not support the law against the offence of buggery. What has been the error in the debate for years is that there is a law against homosexuality. There is none it is against the act of buggery. It has always been so the former law stated agent and patient were equality guilty, it did not specify a gender. Secondly, the Sexual Offences Act 154 speaks to a person committing buggery again it in not gender specific but includes male and female.
    You all seems always to equate homosexuality to males involvement with each other, are not lesbiens relations also homosexual. What law there is against that. Male homosexuals seems always intent onnhaving to confront society with their behaviour, why, what do they have to prove. No wonder they are so often attacked.
    Does any of use have to flaunt what we do with our wives or girlfriends. Certainly is is viewed as immoral for other sex to publicise the private acts we engage in with our wives. Let the male homosexuals keep their business private. If they make it public they would incurr the wrough of the public.
    You are to state your views but keep that colonial tone and mentality where it belongs in the bosssom of the decendents of the animals that subjected humble loving people to such brutal treatment for material gain.
    If you all needed something to be mindful of examine why in a modern society like Barbados we do not go off our nuts and committ mass murders whether of adultd / children. That is what the USA and Uk should study and learn from us

  7. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | December 31, 2012 at 6:02 PM |

    So you think freedom of speech entitles you trample on the rights of minorities? Don’t you think gay people should also have the right to exist without fear of persecution or denial of basic human rights?
    If the writer had said that blacks in Barbados are intellectually inferior to other races and lack the ability to control their own economic and social destiny how would you react to that?
    In the UK both John Blackman and the publisher would have been arrested and charged for inciting hatred against a minority group with the newspaper facing closure from a boycott by advertisers and readers.
    This is one good thing this backward child called little England can learn from its former mother. Get the stupid laws off its books starting with the death penalty! Why have a law on the books that is totally unenforceable unless, paradoxically, some big up white person is the victim?
    It took three white women from the UK to bring justice to a black man is it going to take a ‘straight’ white man to bring legal equality to Bajan bullers and wickers?

    There was once a man called John Buller who was a myopic stupid man living in the closet with a lot of gay skeletons tripping him up.
    Live and let live. And may these moral crusaders stop playing God who made these same homos some of whom are called “Johns”.
    Now that is freedom of speech.

  8. i might not like what a person say . but i would defend their right to say it. the author seems tobe intolerant of the freedom of speech which Joh Blackman has every right of having . Btw you noticed i never attack what the article said about johns article but i am at lost at how the writer talks about peoples right but have no problem denying others their rights.

  9. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Benny | December 31, 2012 at 6:29 PM |

    It’s a pity that people like you still have your begging bowl out and hat off to the same ex-colonial masters for your day-to-day existence.
    Don’t you realise that the majority of tourists you are begging to come to this country to save your sorry asses are the same people you are condemning in your contribution?
    Stop begging and tell them to piss off if you are so independent, then.
    Be a grownup and stand on your own economic feet. Who are you going to blame for the economic subservience and disenfranchisement you are currently witnessing? The ex-colonial white man? Shouldn’t you be blaming the Trinidadians? You are no longer the white man’s burden but the Trinidadian sucker.
    You are just parasitic homophobic backward idiot worse than the Islamic fundamentalist. Benny, this is 2013 not 1913.

  10. Smooth Chocolate Avatar

    the writer seems to be some kind of filthy homo who expects that others have to accept that way of life. it is perverse, it will always be preserve no matter how much it is sugar coated. u cannot put a plate of food inside a garbage can and tell anyone that is okay to eat the food, it is clean…homosexuality is like that, the only ones who will actually eat the food will be the rodents, the others will look at it analyse it accept that the food is healthy, but say that they like their food the natural way, on a table or a clean box. whatever u do with homosexuality, it will never leave man’s mind that it is not natural.

  11. A very happy new year to the BU family.Here’s hoping for all good things,and the return of Onions in 2013.Again,all the best to everyone.

  12. @Benny

    u r stupidly naive, myopic and living in the past. U r dealing with a matter, that is human rights, regardless of your objections, we must deal with the issue.

    Why have countries like trinidad and Guyana start to have dialogue on the subejct of same sex relations?

    Have a good old year’s night and a healthy new year.

  13. millertheanunnaki | December 31, 2012 at 7:03 PM |
    @ Benny | December 31, 2012 at 6:29 PM |

    It’s a pity that people like you still have your begging bowl out and hat off to the same ex-colonial masters for your day-to-day existence.
    Ouch!!!!! Miller. The truth hurts.

  14. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    A Happy and Healthy New Year to the BU Family.

    A special shout out to Old onions Bag. Man, we miss you bad.
    Please come back in 2013 to spice up the coming political boiling pot.

  15. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Smooth Chocolate | December 31, 2012 at 7:31 PM |

    Does your condemnation apply to lesbians or only those that dabble in the ‘chocolate’ channel?
    Don’t you think you should be a bit more understanding and forgiving of those who are “different”?
    Even your god according to your book of myths, forgave Cain for murdering his brother.
    Which is the bigger sin in your eyes; murder or homosexuality? Cain is the progenitor of people like you with the ‘mark’. Who are you to condemn and judge others? If you accept that your god created everything then you should accept that he created homosexuals.
    I expect you to respond by calling me ‘one of them’ but I will preempt you by wishing you a “gay’ and ‘straight’ new year.

  16. SMFH (for those who dont know it means: shaking my f_cking head)
    How many hate crimes are perpetrated against homosexuals in Barbados? How many have been killed for being so? Aren’t ‘they’ in every facet of our society? i.e teaching, government, police, hospital, hotel sector, and even nightwalkers. We in Barbados, does live and let live, we dont trouble de bullers, and they dont trouble us (no pun intended)

    Look at all those countries who have legalized buggery, hate crimes cant done. Young men and women being killed because of their choices.

    As it stands homosexuals have a better chance to live in Barbados, than half of them other countries. We don’t need to legalize anything we are a tolerant people.

  17. The gay lobby has infiltrated governments and as a result aberrant and immoral behaviour has now become acceptable in those countries. But I find it offensive when those governments that have been infiltrated bully others to accept their ways. Cameron would be more credible if he concentrated his efforts to prevent the genocide of the Palestinian that is being perpetrated by Israel. Are the rights of gay people more important than the rights of a people? Or the rights of Islamic or Arab people don’t count?

  18. Caswell this thread ain’ fah you bo … You bes’ stick to labour law and industrial relations ….

  19. John Blackman in the Advocate “Islam all of the major religions have demonstrated a superiority over Christianity. They have remained consistent with heterogeneous relationships and have not been submerged by the tsunami of same-sex relationships which have flooded the shores of Christianity.”

    Here John is quite wrong. There are just as many homosexuals in Islam as there are in Christianity, or among non-believers. Just in Islam it is more deeply hidden as it was once deeply hidden in Christianity. John should live in Arabia, North Africa or the Middle East for a while.

    And of course Islam permits polygyny as well. Don’t think that would go down too well with John’s wife or daughters, or other Bajan women.

    And in practice even if not commanded by the Koran, stoning for adultery and fornication.

    At this point Muslims has nothing much to teach Christians.

    Let me ask John a question. When mature Muslim men of means can have wives, 3 or 4 or more, what do the young wifeless men do for sexual outlet.

    Yes some masturbate, and some much like men in jail practise situational homosexuality.

    And what do young women who are forbidden to date do? Until marriage, yes some masturbate, and some practise situational homosexuality, much like imprisoned women.

    John needs to get real.

    He ain’t see a star pitch yet.

  20. I suppose that John thinks that Muslims practice only abstinence and marriage.


  21. Now 29, Zaynab Khadr….The marriage is Zaynab’s fourth Her father, Ahmed Said Khadr, had arranged her previous marriages beginning when she was just 16. Their marriage lasted a year, ending in early 2010.

    Now if I had started tekking man at 16 and had had 4 by aged 29, and was divorced, [again] by 30, and on the lookout for another man John and Baffy would likely had issues with that.

    But if the foopster is a niquab wearing Muslim woman not a word from the likes of John.


  22. @Caswell “The gay lobby has infiltrated governments”

    But Caswell there were gay people in Barbados’s Parliament, in Cabinet, in the schools, in the churches etc, from the time me and you were little barefoot children.

    Gay lobby what!!!

    One of my elementary school teachers was a gay as a butterfly. Was??? Shoot she ain’t dead yet, and more than 50 years later she is still as gay as a butterfly.

    Damn good teacher too. And on her retirement she went into the church. Damn good pastor too I hear.

    Na foreign “gay lobby” can’t teach we nutten.

    Oh and happy new year.

  23. Wow, just seen this posting

    A few points to make

    1.Free speech is a cornerstone of democracy and as a democratic country Barbadians have that right, Mr Blackmans view however is in my view at least inciting hatred and that is illegal (UK) I am not sure what the legal position is here

    2.Gay male/female to the post regarding me focusing on “male” please check the descriptor “homosexual” describes same sex orientation for both male and female it does not only describe a gay male

    3. “I’m gay” erm….. Do me a favour and read to the end of the article I am male straight married with a child…. Not gay…. But here is where you fall short I don’t have to be gay to be offended by Mr Blackmans article

    4.everyone born has an equal right to exist as they please so I don’t have to be black to be offended by racism or a disabled to be offended by discrimination or a female to be a feminist

    Hello 2013 looks like a lovely day so enjoy it and treat everyone with the respect they deserve


  24. well if he thinks he did not like what that journalist wrote…………..the popularity of homosexuality we are experiencing on the islands was introduced to the island slaves by (guess who) the same colonial freaks, a learned behavior we now have to accept while watching our own women, children, infants and little boys being savagely raped by those predisposed to this illness, with absolutely no recourse as we have an impotent police force incapable of literate function. Oh, and by the way, not even the animals are safe, horses, cows and sheep are raped when the opportunities arise. Some of us know that beastiality still exists in Europe and the poor animals, dogs, cats, and anything with a heart beat is fair game for rape, easier since they cannot speak. So mister would like to forget what evil your ancestors perpetrated on the world-FORGET ABOUT IT. YOU DONT GET OFF THAT EASILY. GO TELL THE ISRAELIS TO FORGET HITLER. SICKOS. OH, and by the way, I have absolutely no problems with homosexuals or transgenders, so go suck on that.

  25. Happy 2013 to everyone and i mean everyone!!!!

  26. Again Mr.O’connor i can help but notice the inconsistencies of denying a free speech in the UK from opposing views where in the article it is stated that an article such as John Blackman would have been reported to the police on the pretense it incites violence .it begs the question how can acountry who is promtoes itself as a virtue of “human rights can seize on article that has opposing and used communist tactics to silent the opposing view

  27. “the popularity of homosexuality”? sexual orientation is not learnt it is BIOLOGICAL

    you cant state “those predisposed to this illness” and then round off by saying you have “no problems with homosexuals or transgenders” (hint : check your spelling and grammar)

    and where exactly did the animal stuff come from? thats just a touch off-topic….!!


  28. The Criminal Justice Act 2003 requires a court to consider whether a crime which is not specified by the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 is racially or religiously aggravated. The Act requires a court also to consider whether the following circumstances were pertinent to the crime:
    (a) that, at the time of committing the offence, or immediately before or after doing so, the offender demonstrated towards the victim of the offence hostility based on—
    (i) the sexual orientation (or presumed sexual orientation) of the victim, or
    (ii) a disability (or presumed disability) of the victim, or
    (b) that the offence is motivated (wholly or partly)—
    (i) by hostility towards persons who are of a particular sexual orientation, or
    (ii) by hostility towards persons who have a disability or a particular disability.[35][36]

  29. Happy NEW YEAR to the BU Family with special mention to those whio kick my royal a.sss up and down cybershpere. this year should be no different as the call for general elections would be heard and the sounds from bellowing from the bully pulpit of the opposition would be fast and furious! fear and gloom. my new year prediction the DLP would kick the BLP to the curve once again proving once again that the people of Barbados wants a leader who has INTEGRITY and can be respected throughtout the world!

  30. But MR. O!connor wher in Blackman.s article does it promote or demonstarte any of the ioffences in the ACT seems to me Mr. Blackman article was in part based on religious views which he stated was handed to colonial countries by the same colonial masters who now think it best to abandon such teachings.

  31. Some is psychological illness, some is learned behavior, some is biological, there are different categories, and yes, i can round off by saying i have no problems with it, because i know it runs deep. freedom of speech remember??? Spelling aside, you understood every word perfectly. And it runs deep because centuries of certain behaviors become embedded in the psyche as well as the DNA, no reason to get too technical, some people will not understand it.

  32. Mr Blackman incites hatred twice in his article, giving a personal opinion which i have highlighted

    “still RIGHTLY regarded homosexuality as immoral”

    “They have remained consistent with heterogeneous relationships and have NOT BEEN SUBMERGED BY THE TSUNAMI OF SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIPS WHICH HAVE FLOODED THE SHORES OF CHRISTINAITY”

    it is the personal opinions above which mean (in the UK at least) Mr Blackman is inciting hatred

  33. Oh, and the animal stuff is fact, read more foreign news, the european governments are trying to ban beastiality, so save the poor animals. it was in last months news out of europe, cant understand why you did not know that behavior of having sex with animals is legal in some euro countries, what are you, only stuck on bajan news????


    to be homosexual is not an illness, you cannot learn or be taught to be gay or straight

    its not technical at all its just that you don’t understand

  35. Tell that to the young boys and girls raped as children and are now swishing around the place as lesbians and gay men> as a matter of fact tell that to the ones raped by the priest, reverends and deceitful ministers who have been irreparably ruined throughout the world by the vatican and the cover ups, tell that to them.

  36. tell that to all who have committed suicide because they could no longer handle their confused sexuality. Tell that to the men who are practicing necrophilia (if you don’t understand the word google it). you can spell. And finally tell that to the descendants of slavery who most till this day do not understand the plan that caused some to still be mentally enslaved because of centuries of the same behavior that has seeped into the psyche and DNA resulting in destructive behaviors.

  37. Only a sanctimonius idiiiiiiot who is sitting in front of a computer on a daily basis and am sure consider him/herself christian would be so totally unaware of what’s going on in the world. Hope you are not one of the guilty ones.

  38. It seems to me that the ones who taught the doctrine of hate should be the ones thrown in in jail. afterall they teachings are the result of such thinking like Blackman which had taught hate and intolerance of others .now after hundreds years and a deepseated theology embeded through religious dogma taught as truth people of such mindset are expected to abandon those teachings. not fair. i say round up the intigators and those who exploit the minds of the innocent and throw them in jail .

  39. well well,

    i am sorry but your going off on all sorts of tangents not relevant to my letter to the advocate, and there is not much point in engaging with you


    P O’Connor

  40. As a matter of fact I do think you are one of the guilty party, and just trying to confuse the issue. FREAK

  41. Ah HA, so I am right, and for your information (FYI) it’s all linked.

  42. @Well Well

    If you are going to debate the issue do so with some decorum.

    On 1 January 2013 13:57, Barbados Underground

  43. And you are more than welcome to be exposed for the HYPOCRITE that you are.

  44. We have enough problems without the traditional plan of confusion being added.

  45. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Well Well | January 1, 2013 at 8:32 AM
    “Some of us know that bestiality still exists in Europe and the poor animals, dogs, cats, and anything with a heart beat is fair game for rape, easier since they cannot speak.”

    Well, well, now what are you implying here? That the white man introduced bestiality to the black slaves? Now we understand why black Bajan men like to live with horses like Michelle My Girl and others found dead from human penile insertion and suffocation. Why Bajan black men as little boys made the yard fowls their first sexual mate.

    If you think that Bajan blacks have been exploited and genocidal crimes have been committed against them why not show us how much you have been mentally liberated and demand like the “Israelis” (in your case beg) reparations from the British who enslaved, exploited, killed and brainwashed black Bajans?

    Let us see how brave you are and look P. O’Connor in his blue eyes and say: You son of an Irish bitch we black Bajans demand $20 billion as reparations for the sins your ancestors committed against us. If you do not pay by the end of 2013 we will take matters in our own hand and declare war”.

    The Brits would be real jackasses to accede because you “Well Well”, know that in a twinkling of an eye that $20 billion would find its way to Japan, China, America and indeed Trinidad with blacks like you still mentally and economically enslaved.

  46. Well Another View Avatar
    Well Another View

    When I read these blogs and see Well Well’s comments, I think it is a very sad reflection on our society that in 2013 an educated society like Barbados can still produce people with his/her level of mentality. Child like in fact. We will never be able to move forward with a society as long as we have truly ignorant people in it who bring nothing to the conversation.

    It is just very sad, where has education gone so wrong?

  47. Oh dear the quacks among us are at it again.

  48. Some people will continue to not like the truth regardless, and miller…. I had no idea that guy was white it was just instinct made me realize that his objective was to spread more disinformation among the gullible majority in Bim. Wish he would go to Jamaica and show his blue eyes with that nonsense. Billions of dollars cannot help the damage done and will only be spent on more bleaching cream, fake hair, fake bottoms, fake nails and a fake existence, with the politicians and lawyers of ccourse, enriching themselves. My objective with blue eyes was to expose the fraud. EDUCATION IS THE KEY TO DEACTIVATING PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA AND DAMAGE. Now I have done my good deed for the day. Well another view, I wish you would encourage blue eyes to take a trip to Jamaica and try to indoctinate them to the homosexual culture.

  49. Oh, and another dumb view, I was NOT educated in BARBADOS. See, you know nothing at all.

  50. @ Well Well
    “Wish he would go to Jamaica and show his blue eyes with that nonsense. Now I have done my good deed for the day. Well another view, I wish you would encourage blue eyes to take a trip to Jamaica and try to indoctinate them to the homosexual culture.”

    You need to stop….lmao.

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