As incredible as it may seem to some, the Prevention of Corruption Bill, 2012 has passed the Lower House on its journey to being proclaimed. Hopefully this will be done before the Prime Minister rings the bell for the next general election. One suspects though that Prime Minister Stuart will deliver on this piece of legislation, this is the stuff legacy is built. Perhaps the one regret is that yet again Hansard will NOT record a contribution from the leader of the Opposition Owen Arthur.

A listen to the debate disappointed yet again. Members of parliament on both sides joined hands to paint a picture of a courageous group who has had to bear the brunt of vilification from the public. References were made to the #16 ranking which Barbados holds on Transparency International. The Prime Minister referenced the need to recognize that there is a perception that many in public life engage in questionable behaviour, therefore the need to have integrity legislation.  The listener was left with the impression that the government although tabling the legislation, has done so kicking and screaming.

To state the obvious integrity legislation serves many purposes. In private enterprise rules governing code of conduct is routine. It ensures that all employees are aware of the consequences of certain actions. It helps to feed a culture of excellence. BU posits that many practices which currently fly under the radar may be discontinued or forced into the open with the advent of integrity legislation. Should we remind the Attorney General that Transparency International’s ranking is based on a perception index? It is known how PSV permits were procured by may as a good example. A read of the Auditor General reports from 2006 also helps to form positions unfavourable to politicians and others in the public sector.

Finally a word to Minister Ronald Jones who spent some time attacking Barbados Underground and Barbados Free Press. Other members of parliament made veil references to social media. BU freely admits that some commenters abuse the cloak of anonymity. We take the opportunity to remind them that to whom much is given much is expected. to One of the greatest ironies is those most culpable are members of the House and their surrogates.

Mia Mottley is on record of the need to censor the blogs and it seems Minister Jones is so minded. It is only five years ago when the blogosphere was DLP friendly and of course Jones had no such worries then. Good news maybe coming for local politicos who want the blogs monitored. The draft Communications Data Bill is currently being circulated for comment in the UK. The bill proposes that “internet providers having to retain records of all their customers’ online activity for 12 months.” Further that the authorities would have the authority to access “email and the internet. The authorities would be able to see details of who communicated with whom, and when and where, but they would not be able to see the content of the message.” BU will continue to monitor this matter closely given the implication for Barbados adopting UK legislation.

Despite the comments from the government side that this legislation is complex which explains the time taken. BU believes it is the lack of will which is responsible. The government cannot win a political debate on economic policy therefore it is forcing other pieces of legislation through parliament to shape their election platform agenda. BU could care less. Proclaim the damn legislation. All the same kudos to the government for moving the Prevention of Corruption Bill, 2012 through the Lower House. We will continue monitor its progress.  It is unfortunate the Freedom of Information Act is not in the frame. One would have imagined this is an easier piece of legislation to enact.

282 responses to “Government Moves Integrity Legislation Pass the Lower House”

  1. David Thompson is deceased, Owen Arthur, Mia Mottley, Dale Marshall, George Payne, Gline Clark are not. Why are these people sitting in government and not in jail??? Puzzling!!! Why does the country even want Owen Arthur for prime minister? He is corrupt and a drunk.

  2. Yet another election gimmick … I can’ wait ta see the back of that Christian Jack Ass …


    David | December 8, 2012 at 1:05 PM |

    This is a note to PLANTATION DEEDS:


    WE dont want sympathy , we want freedom of info, so we all can see the truth and move on


    Believe it, all we know is true, massive land fraud and cover-up. was The followings are also cover-up stuff: Al Barrack, VECO Corporation, that Arch Cot Land mess, etc.

    The BLP started a fire when the S&P downgraded Barbados to junk bond states, but Barbados before 2008 was financially stable. Three S&P downgrades proves this. Donville Inniss started his own fire alike David Thompson, Owen Arthur, Mia Mottley, Dale Marshall, George Payne and Gline Clark.

    So much has happened in Barbados, more bad than good. It’s just a shame that so many corrupt lawyers and politicians have freedom to right to walk around Barbados, stand before the people and even campaign for office.

  6. If the Government of Barbados (Civil Service) is the beneficiary of this fraud and NOT the political parties, well then again I will still be a little short of sympathy … But then again fraud is fraud, and there is NO way that land transactions take place without the involvement of Lawyers, lawyers that virtually comprise the power sharing network of the political parties.

  7. David

    Here is an idea. Why not take the information that is given by this Deeds guy, fancy it up a little since he will be your source and publish it as an article for discussion …? If you have already done so I may have missed it …!

  8. @ Baffy
    Now THAT sounds like another RIGHT and RIGHTEOUS proposal. Caswell claims to have a unique perspective on the issue too,

    From the bits and pieces so far, the whole thing sounds a bit far fetched- EVEN BY BAJAN STANDARDS.
    A bunch of lawyers and politicians getting together to steal land valued at millions of dollars leaving the rightful owner a poor widow.

    LOL, this sounds like wickedness of biblical proportions.
    ….but on second thoughts, this is just another day at the lawyers’ office in Barbados.

    Bushie seconds BAFBFP’s resolution.

  9. No but Bush the man is making the point about Clear Title and Good Title. There was a move on in the closing stages of the last administration to have a land registration process on the way which would negate the need for unnecessary searches and so on. I thought that the reason for the delay for such an initiative was the fact that there was the possibility to lessen the dependence on members of the law fraternity. Now that this guy Deeds has appeared, it is becoming clear that there may be an even more sinister reason behind the tardiness of the registration campaign.

  10. Excellent thinking…You have lots of potential Baffy….. 🙂
    You would give Caswell a good run for the chairmanship of the NSC.

    When you reach Bushie’s age it will be cat piss and pepper bout here skippa.
    We all thank God that you did not choose to do law…. You would have been the devil’s key man ’bout here……. LOL (displacing the Miller 🙂 )

  11. @Baf

    Deeds is welcome to submit and should he decide to do so he needs to take not of the cautionary note BU has provided.

  12. Caswell Franklyn Avatar

    This Plantation Deeds guy is a dangerous man. I can’t verify everything that he has written but I know that most of what he said about the fraud perpetrated against Violet Beckles is accurate. She was potentially one of the richest people in Barbados but died almost penniless because lawyers realised that she was not sufficiently educated and robbed her.

    There were several pieces of land at Sunset Crest that Laforet leased from Beatrice Henry for 25 years that should have reverted to her estate and should now be the property of the Estate of Violet Beckles, deceased. Unfortunately, they were also stolen.

    Sent from my iPad

  13. Bush

    High praise in deed. I glad that you ain’ know who I is, that way I could change my tune and you wouldn’t know … HA HA HA … Look I do not even know who said this but I live by it ..”If you see a just fight, jump in …!”


    Deeds is full of passion but may be short on “wordiology” … You should consider taking the initiative here … Just saying … And where Caswell chooses to back him up serves only to make clear that where there is smoke you could bet something getting burn … (evidence …?)

  14. @Baffy

    As stated above let Deeds submit his view on this matter.

  15. ac now got me feeling foolish … When ROK posted his piece I was interested in the FTC hearings and I guess I thought nothing of it then. But reading thru the comments it seems that the lady Ms Beckles had NO will, no clear claim and further did NOT move to ensure possession of the land thru various actions such as the charging of rent. She is dead now, her employer has a step son and it seems that unless the step son steps forward then the land will continue to be Crown property … How ever if there was fraud involved, I say get the f#ckers …!

  16. The more I read these comments from 2009 the worst I feel about this whole thing. I know the Broome families well, two brothers, one was into building and leasing properties, the other was into making concrete blocks. Both were big on owning properties in St James, St. Peter, St Michael and Christ Church. They were both deeply religious men like GP … Oh oh, this thing ain’ lookin’ good at all at all al of a sudden … I gun call one of the Broome girls tomorrow self and see wah I can find out … hoy hoy.

  17. David this guy plantation deeds is laying the ground work for BU to get embroiled ina class action lawsuit for defamation of character by willing publishing names and companies of defrauding voilet beckles of land and property.

  18. ac

    Wha’ more you want the man to do …? This is the kind of stuff movies are made of (where the names are changed to protect the innocent)

  19. This plantation deeds mess is not a laughing matter; it is refusing to be dead and buried. So, hiding or covering it up won’t work. It just won’t work. Both government parties BLP and DLP surely know this. Violet Beckles now deceased but has heirs. What belonged to Violet Beckles now belongs to her heirs.

  20. Plantation Deeds needs to get his information including names straight. You should not accuse individuals of having done something when you have not done your homework thoroughly. For example, Mark Cummins is the Chief Town Planner not an employee of UDC. Given what the information is intended to do persons’ characters, I see easy law suits…lol.

  21. @enuff

    Let us accept that Plantation has gotten a few names in this scene wrong. The substantive issue remains. Is there a wrong which has to be righted here.

  22. @ david
    It is not just about names!!

  23. Any I done. Carry on smartly.

  24. The Plantation Deeds person on the internet is STOPPING TRAFFIC and embarrassing Barbados. Surely, both government parties BLP and DLP know this.

    The plantation deeds mess alike Al Barrack, VECO and CLICO roots from the BLP administration with Arthur at the helm. Arthur we know is a drunk; he stutters and his mind is a lot less stalwart (See Youtube videos) but now he’s racing for prime minister title, AGAIN. His previous terms of fourteen years produced more negative than positive – lots of embarrassment. He will just produce more embarrassments.

    There is need to implement a prime minister term limit. There is a need to implement corruption laws and freedom of information. There is also a need to upgrade the Barbados judical system. It, the judical system could and should handle its corrupt lawyers and government officials like the United States – have no mercy. Also, Barbados relies on to few things to survive, mainly tourism, should consider another cash crop maybe cotton. Makes more sense than that Nigerian Water Heater mess and a loss of 2.4 million dollars.

  25. if as said it is a probabilty that the named accusedare not the villians as stated that is even further cause fior defamation given that such allegations are serious and can cause irreversible harm to those who have been falsely accused. this guy has a ticking time bomb ready to explode and remants which might fall into the laps of BU . just becareful when trouble comes a knocking. information of that nature must be factual and not be bourne out if happenstance

  26. @Plantation Deeds

    You need to start producing documents or nobody will take you seriously.

  27. “His previous terms of fourteen years produced more negative than positive – lots of embarrassment. He will just produce more embarrassments.”

    Like delivering the feature address at the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the trans-atlantic slave trade? Some people just need to stop talking shoite.

  28. Agree, this individual Plantation Deeds has a ticking time bomb.

    This plantation deeds mess is not a laughing matter. It is refusing to be dead and buried. So, hiding or covering it up won’t work. It just won’t work. Both government parties BLP and DLP surely know this. Violet Beckles now deceased but has heirs. What belonged to Violet Beckles now belongs to her heirs. Agree also that this planation deeds person he/she should produce his/her documents on his/her own website or someone elses simply becuse he/she on the internet is STOPPING TRAFFIC and no doubt ruffling someone’s feathers.

  29. @ Plantation Deeds
    Mark Cummins is the Chief Town Planner and there is NO land bank at UDC neither do they own land. Government’s land bank was/is at the Ministry of Housing!!! Up to earlier this year I read somewhere the Director of UDC Derek Alleyne lamenting about the fact they have no land for their houses currently sited on lots rented from private owners. The UDC, as far as I know, deals with urban tenantries under the Tenantries Act by subsidising the purchase of rented lots by tenants from their landlord. In cases where there are no deeds, the landlord refuses to sell or the landlord died, the Registrar of Titles is empowered by law to grant that tenant title and hold the funds in escrow until ownership is settled. The process does not involve the Town Planning department because given the lay out and sometimes small plot sizes of urban tenantries many would not meet the normal conditions for the approval of subdivisions under the Town Planning Act.


    DAVID @ When ever anyone is Ready to see , ,,,

  31. @Plantation Deeds

    Please email BU here.

  32. For what it is worth the Act made it through the House, we await its implementation.

  33. For what it is worth the Act made it through the House, we await its implementation.

    david what’s with it and “the attitude” you need some real hard lashes.

  34. @ac

    We have had this argument already. Until the Integrity Commission is in place with its mandate, BU will suppressed unbridled congratulations.

  35. So o o the question to me again is who the hell did the UDC pay for the land that is in doubt …?

  36. Passage of Integrity Legislation was the right thing to do but not enough. Freedom of Information is still needed. There is need to implement a prime minister term limit. There is also a need to upgrade the Barbados judical system; it could and should handle its corrupt lawyers and government officials like the United States – have no mercy. No mercy saved any of the following in the United States. Kwame Kilpatrick, Monica Conyers, Rod Blagojevich, Italia Federici, Kevin Ring, Barbara Rose Collins, Nicholas Mavroules, Albert Buslamante, Samuel B. Kent, David Safavian, J. Steven Giles, Richard Tonry, Mario Biaggi, etc

  37. “The Governments Urban Development Commission (UDC) recently got drawn into the controversial situation when it was reported the UDC paid 86 million to others for property that belong to Ms. Beckles. This may require the UDC pay a second time for the property”

    More laughter. People go do some research. Firsly, UDC does not sell or buy land and therefore could not have paid money to a land owner. The money would have had to have been paid to the tenants’ lawyer(s). Secondly the Auditor General Special Report on UDC 2006 that gave an account of its operations from inception to 2006, states at 3.12 The UDC received in excess of $8.0 million to pay
    landowners.. So it is impossible the UDC paid $86 million to property owners as alleged. That is 10 times the amount they received in total up to the date of the Auditor General Report. Lastly, UDC could not have been set up to launder money from Miss Beckles’ lands simply because, though UDC was established in 1997, the government’s policy to subisdise tenants on non-plantation tenantries including those in ‘urban’ Barbados was introduced in 1999–two years after UDC and four after RDC.

  38. Where there is smoke somebody burning somet’ing

  39. @BAF
    You like too much mix up lol. Plantation Deeds could/should keep digging if he/she feels there is a case but he/she has many things dead wrong. When yuh bringing these type of allegations come water tight.

  40. Mark was at many meetings we seen him there more than one time..

    Yes you more than likely saw him there at meetings. Searching through the UDC Act reveals the composition of the Board as follows:

    1. The Commission shall comprise
    a Chairman;a Deputy Chairman;the Chief Town Planner; the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry responsible for Urban Development or his nominee; the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Housing or his nominee; and 7 other members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Minister by instrument in writing.

    By the way if I were the Chief Town Planner I would not meet with you either as it is clear to me your situation is outside the jurisdictional control of the Town Planning Department. The Registrar of Titles seems more apt.

  41. What belonged to Violet Beckles now belongs to her heirs. Period.

  42. Look David said that he will publish documentation. In the real world even water tight might not be enough, when one considers the type of opposition that is in waiting. Sorry Enuff, but I am now addicted to this story and I want to know more. I plan to talk to the Broomes people… passed their house a couple hours ago but could not stop.


    I listened today with pleasure to the passing into law the Prevention of Corruption Bill this is a giant step in the right direction of good governance.

    Sadly the listening public were subjected to the empty headed Bradshaw girl of Pele Parris father’s fame one was subjected to her complaining that it was unfair to her for the public to speak about her theft of over $ 700,000.00 from the EGFL no one should speak about how she managerd to extract $ 700.000.00 in GRANT FUNDING given to her.

    Nor was there a whisper from Dr Boolani Symmonds on the matter of this Prevention of Corruption Bill 2012 maybe because he knows that he should be the last to speak as he maybe the first to be caught in this net.

    The best advice to be given to this Hot Air machine Symmonds is for him to settle his debts and make peace with his clients and pay back the people for whom he has done work and for whom he has not paid over all the funds due to the clients I refer to monies owed by KERRIE SYMMONDS to LEX CARIBBEAN, RAYSIDE CONSTRUCTION, and PRECONCO LTD. He may well be the fist to feel the full effect of this Prevention Of Corruption Bill 2012.

  44. David when will they pass FOI legislation?

    Am I correct that the Integrity Legislation bill does not include FOI?

  45. @ Hants
    Man what pass what FOI legislation what?!?

    BU David passed that act five years ago. LOL.
    Since BU started, Anyone who has had the interest has been able to access almost any information (too much for a poor bushman) and to have wide and varied views on the matter.

    Bushie has VERY LITTLE confidence in these laws being passed. Who will enforce them? The CoP and DPP? Two jokers who should be fired? The RBPF – the confession specialists? The Court system – notorious for losing vital Information? The lawyers of Barbados ?(Amused excepted of course 🙂 ), our Judges? Ha Ha Ha LOL wa-loss!!

    Our best chance for FOI and Integrity Enforcement is right here on BU. This is why it is important that David not fold to threats such as those from The Gold Cup holder……

    ….let dum pass dey laws, but we done know that we got them by the short and curlys….NO LAW WILL BE AS FAST, FLEXIBLE, EFFECTIVE, IMPACTFUL, DEEP and TRANSPARENT AS BU.

    VIVA David
    …good riddance Onions 🙂

  46. @Hants

    If FOIA is passed it will not be in the current term, it is NOT seen as a priority.

  47. Was it not interesting to listen to Senator Benn today in the Senate agree that both parties are guilty of ignoring the Auditor General over the years?

  48. i keeping hearing about the deeds. still no real concerte answer as to have the “WILL” it would be interesting to see documented proof. No lot a long talk.!

  49. @ Enuff .
    your efforts to bring a measure of sanity into this plantations deeds cohoblopot will continue to fail ; the illogical , salacious rantings and liberal name calling are to be preferred . By the way : is the Kesington Oval which is being claimed as Violet Beckles’ property the same one that existed somewhere near Fontabelle and was , until recently the home of the Pickwick Club ?

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