President Obama in a dog fight to get reelected

And if getting turned away from the polls weren’t enough of an indignity, some of those 180 people ended up getting their cars towed from the parking lot across the street, according to a Miami Herald reporter.


The world will again tune in to the outcome of the US Presidential Election 2012 on Tuesday. Obama intoxicated not only Americans with his message of hope in 2008 but the world.  A few short years later that message has dissipated and the latest polls show that Obama is in a statistical dead heat with Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

President Barack Obama promised the world so much. His historic elevation to the Oval Office captivated the world for those who dared to dream. His message to introduce change to Washington has failed and some suggest he did not even try. He appointed the same Wall Street faces he criticised when he was on the campaign trail in 2007. A look at his foreign policy – led by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton – paints a world still gripped in the turmoil Bush left it.

In the Caribbean many support Obama for re-election because historically Blacks have had a love affair with Democratic Party. This time around the support is stronger because the pigmentation of Obama makes him someone a predominantly Black region can identify. The questions some us who dare to ask is – Why should Americans vote for Obama? What has he done in four years to suggest as leader of the great USA he can change Washington and the world?

The performance of the US economy impacts how the global economy of which we are a part performs. In the case of Barbados there is growing pressure to defend the parity of the Barbados dollar which is hitched to the USD 2:1. BU’s interest in the US Presidential Election this week is about who at this juncture brings a policy approach that is likely to improve the global economy. So far Obama’s approach has been more of the same. Romney as a businessman appears to have achieved some success. Maybe he deserves a chance.

  1. @AC
    You talk about rich Americans taking advantage of manufacturing in China.
    BO has had 4 years to change banking, change Corp Tax, CHANGE, CHANGE was his mantra in 2008. WHERE was all the change BO PROMISED????? Please dont tell me he is BOUGHT and PAID for by the RICH! How come the same BANKERS run the TREASURY?????

    The peeps are being CONNED regardless of Pol Party! The only change is WHOSE pocket the Wall St $$$$$$ landing in!!!!! You see I cant be conned easily because I leave the BS emotion out of the equation and look at the facts! Why does Govt not move quickly with
    1 educating the masses utillising computers/ internet? NOT TOUGH!
    2 energy self sufficiency is attainable in the US in 3-5 yrs by changing truck/ autos etc to Liquid Nat Gas which is exceedingly abundant. Indeed, the US should EXPORT LNG to Asia where the price is 4-5 TIMES HIGHER $15-17 versus $3. BO has done nothing to help BUT spent money on Altenative Energy Corps that have gone BANKRUPT with $BNs of Govt assistance!

    I dont have time to waste pointing out the REALITY but neither side of the Political spectrum in the US/ Bim or anywhere else is that good!

    The problem is that when I relate the TRUTH people like you will cry RACISM because the Pres is not white. Really!!!! Race has NOTHING to do with my assessment because Bush/ Clinton et al were all less than mediocre leaders!!!

  2. money brain i don.t remember your herperventilating and posturing during the bush administrtion when innocent lives were being killed in war and now you come to lecture me on what is right and wrong about blacks and minorties voting for obama.

    You mussee blind rass, since I just wrote that I was totally unimpressed with Bush/ Clinton!! Have they become darker in the last 24hrs? So your lame, excuse for a brain, thinks I am racist.

    BO attacked Libya with his jets, escalated Afghanistan ( while I dont fault him) one could argue he is also a warmonger.

    It has NOT been my intention to defend Bush or pick on BO. Intelligent peeps pun here realise that I am just making the point that clowns like you want to focus on whites being racist instead of acknowledging the progress in race relations.

    Just so you know many Latinos chose to vote for BO because he FAILED to accomplish HIS PROMISE to develop a Comprehensive Immigration Policy within his first year, 2009 (when he had a Dem Congress majority). Naturally they are concerned that an efficient President might actually deal with the 12MN people, mostly Latinos, who are illegals. Most Latinos seem to believe that there is no such thing as Illegal Immigration. Maybe they will vote for an illegal immigrant for Pres in the near future? Maybe they will empty out Latin America into the US soon. Who do you think will be hurt most by that?????

    I appreciate that your emotions over power logical analysis.

  4. My god yiour crantings/and ravuings exoposed your racist venom now yiou are all iover the oplace to the point where yiu are attackingb the latinos even calling them ignorant by suggesting that they might elect an illegal president reminescent of the comments the right wing lunatics which you seem to be a member says about OBama legality as an american citizen carry on smartly soon break a blood vessel . now who is the racist.i bet you suport i never lie or steal Richard NIXON!

  5. @AC aka Rockstonebrain
    I appreciate that you have no capability to examine this situation with logic rather than emotion because you obviously have not read or thoroughly understood what I have written. You just want to cast negative , racial dispersions on anything I write because I am asking questions/ making points about the Golden One? NO Politician is good enough to convince me that they are really working hard for the people of the Country. NONE! In Bim where there is no alternative in terms of race, the leadership is questionable from the perspective of the dominant local racial majority. The scoundrels infesting the corridors of Govt in Bim, US, Canada, UK are almost ALL guilty of playing BS political games to the detriment of the people. Buying Votes and encouraging the populace in nonsenical behaviour is what passes for true Statemanlike Leadership. SHAME on them and on those that support the BS!

    Intelligent peeps expect much higher quality leadership!!! But since I know what NOT to anticipate I will move to protect myself fom poor policy, high Taxes and all the obvious errors of such leadership. The Chinese, Russians, Indians and other Asians are laughing at the WEST and collecting the PROFITS as we slide into the poor house. Best of luck to you BUT I can GUARANTY that I will find a way to stay in the top 2% financially. WILL YOU?? WILL BIM???

    BTW your words were very slurred in your last comment, been at the Seethru before lunch?????

  6. look money brain firstly never in any of my comments did i interject racism until you falsely accused me of such at which point i responded and has continued to.however i do detect a kind of resentment on your part typical of the right wing nuts like Limbaugh and others who permeates the airwaves with the kind of political rhetoric and racist mouthings . i am simply amazed at how my talking about the election of Obama and like it said never once interjected racism you could pinpoint me as being a racist a touch of paranoia on your part the reelection of Obama seem to have brought a lot of skeletons out of peoples closet highlighting their racist and bigoted agendas something the right wings nuts have neverbeen suttle about in their false and accessory labels of blacks and minorities including Obama and has done every thing possible to denigrate him including his religion and identity ,may god bless Oama and give him direction as he walk through the landmines of congress and the hate that have engulfed him by the money brains and the the political right.

  7. @AC aka Rockstonebrain or pisspoor memory!
    You wrote
    1 “whites say no to Obama”
    2 Jews voted against him
    3 you implied that the 47% comment was against minorities
    These and other comments clearly inject race into the equation! There is no debate about that.

    AC you have not read the 47% detail as this was against TAKERS/ DEPENDENTS/ NON TAXPAYERS. Are you assuming that such peeps are all black/ minorities??? Do you have such a low opinion of darker peeps??
    Romney said nothing about race. He was stupid to say anything like this!
    Romney is right however when he says that the peeps will consider BO a better bet for encouraging peeps to be DEPENDENT on Govt, handouts/ free cell phones etc etc. You see that is NOT Govt’s role! Govt should assist peeps to be educated/ trained in the right areas and create the correct environment for JOBS, JOBS…… NOT free money! That CAN NOT lead to a better country for everyone.

    Clinton and Bush were complicit in encouraging DEPENDENCE! BLOODY white IDIOTS! It did not work in China, Russia ,Western Europe, Canada etc and WILL NOT work in the US!

    The principle is simple, “teach a person to fish, but do NOT get them in the habit of being supplied with free fish.”

  8. money brain what in the world would possess your mind to suggest the above quotes were racist when they are indeed factual as relating to the election including the blatant racist remark of 47% made by romney in regards to poor and minorities. now i am convinced that you are suffering from a terminal case of paranoia and verbal diarrhea for which there is no cure. PEACE and OUT!

  9. @AC
    Your info on the 47% is dead wrong.
    Romney was referring to the DEPENDENT on Govt HANDOUTS, some of whom are legitimate and MANY of whom are LAZY BLOODSUCKERS!!!

    The concept is simple…help those who want to progress BUT if you are a lazy ass wanna be looser, who has no intention of working, then that type should be cut off after appropriate warning!!! Most POLS want to tax hardworkers and give the money to Lazy Bloodsuckers which MUST ruin the country eventually ie Europe.


  10. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Moneybrain | November 9, 2012 at 8:35 PM

    Now you can empathize with the miller when one has to deal with that moron ac.
    She has the lying habit of saying things and when she is made to look stupid she blatantly and arrogantly denies ever making such remarks. Thank goodness there is a record of her comments to repeat and expose her.

    Ac preaches the same type of hand-to-mouth and State dependency welfare syndrome as the system of economic governance the DLP should follow. Soak the rich, tax the hell out of the economy to maintain a lazy bunch of materialistic parasites. The only handouts the State should be giving are to those who are vulnerable, incapacitated or genuinely in need. Her arguments against privatization underscore her potentially racist xenophobic anti-business attitude.

  11. hey miller the the capitalist big business live off the taxpayer and working stiff in the form of loans . grants and million dollar subsidizes and when all fails ask fuh bailouts. wunna need to ge get off the backs of the poor and hard working when the bigggest piece of the welfare pie goes to big business not to mention the plenty taxcuts and write offs and who pay fuh dem the small guy who at the end of a days work not got even left to pay the bills.

  12. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | November 9, 2012 at 9:41 PM |

    You are right. We have jada and preconco as fine examples. Not to mention the kickbacks received by the now silent puppets in the wooden cabinet some of whom can’t travel to pick the laundry of fresh notes with the prefix ML to each serial number.
    As for tax write-offs you only have to recall the $19 million VAT write-off by the Thompson led DLP administration.

    What about the CLICO land tax and transfer tax exemptions running into millions and bailouts to say nothing of the $34 million donation of policyholders’ premiums into the Family First Account and the facilitation of the fleecing of policyholders with the large gratuities and the Central Bank $10 million advance as a show of support and confidence in a ponzi scheme.
    Keep your lying mouth shut when it comes to matters like these. Stick to your OSA rants.

  13. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

  14. Earlier in the week I made the point that it would be foolhardy to infer from the Obama win in the United States that the DLP would pull off a similar feat in Barbados. The main point I made then is that it would be unwise to invite a comparison between Obama and our current administration both at a policy and performance level.
    But there are other factors to be considered. Obama has been leading in most polls throughout the year, with Romney seeing some bounce after the first debate, which he won handsomely. But even with the bounce nationally, he never took over in the battleground states, except in Florida and North Carolina. And, as time wore on, his bounce continued to fade away.
    In Barbados where there is limited polling, there is a clear trend towards the BLP. As far as I recall, in 2007 at this time, the DEMS were not as clearly ahead as the BEES are now (i.e. up to the September poll). So unlike online Obama, the DEMS have to overcome a deficit in the polls.
    Obama had a massive advantage on the ground over the Romney campaign. It is unlikely that there would be such a differential on the ground in the Barbados election.
    People in the U.S still voted according to pocket book issues, despite Obama’s win. Exit polls showed that people who felt their family finances were worse voted over 85% for Romney, while people who felt their family was better off voted overwhelmingly for Obama (over 81%). That metric tells us that the American electorate did exactly as others do all over the world by voting on bread and butter issues.
    It would be hard to find a Bajan who thinks that he/she is better off financially than in 2007. Some people will accept the explanation of the international recession as the cause of their condition, but a majority still will be looking forward to a better life.
    So those who wish to ignore these factors can continue to do so; but in the end, unless something dramatic happens, it still looks as though we are on course for a change in government.

  15. @Miller
    Your piece regarding AC is 100% correct as are your points on the “NANNY STATE”
    It is totally incomprehensible to me that anyone beside a VOTE SEEEKING POL could possibly think that CREATING DEPENDENCE could be valid. The reality is that the Pols have the recipients of such largesse believing that they have the RIGHT to sit on their asses or work very minimally at the expense of peeps working hard to make a better life for their family and the country.

    My proposal is very simple anybody that wants to live the Socialist Bloodsucker existance should migrate from Bim, US and Canada to whichever Socialist country will take them. Just leave hardworking, progressive peeps ( and the genuinely dependent ) to make rapid progress.
    While there new found country continues to recede into primordial quagmire.

  16. @AC
    Shocking as it maybe, I do agree with your points on the current aspects of the parasitic relationship between capitalists/ bankers and the US Govt, it is wrong. However, since BO has kept a Goldman Sachs (aka Guvernment Sucks) man at the Treasury, there is no evidence of CHANGE! This is a very serious point that everyone should consider carefully!

    I believe LEECHES SUCKING on the Govt Purse regardless of what genre is the problem. This happens where there are no Statesmanlike Pols that truly CARE for the Country’s FUTURE! You see successful Nations have well
    engendered Long Term Plans which encourage INCENTIVE for ALL.

    Govt should NOT be picking Corporate winners like the BO Admin tried with Solyndra at a cost, before Bankruptcy of $500MN. (Billions more with other Corps). Let me say that other Admins in the US and elsewhere mhave made the same MISTAKE on this!

    Govt needs to create the correct atmosphere for business and then get out of the way. I sent David a cogent analysis on why GM should NOT have been saved in the way it was saved! Maybe David will post it somewhere for everyone to review.

  17. there must be a balance and right now the scales have tipped too far over in the favour of private entities receiving the bulk of the opie while crying poverty and colllecting billions of dollars for too long the cries of the poor and hard workers have been drowned out by big big calling it welfare while they themselves collect millions on dollars in corporate welfare. until a balance is found a public distrust of govt and corporations would continue

  18. Here is Mitt speaking where he mentioned the 47%. If Mitt had said that 47% will vote Democrat no matter what that would be end of story because the same would be true for the Republicans. However Mitt was speaking to a bunch of fat cat Republican donors so Mitt as he is wont to do tried to tailor his words to what they in their hearts believe i.e. that their taxes keep the Nation afloat and that a majority of the people out there depend on the Gov’t for handouts (The latest buzz words which Moneybrain used are “takers”, people like Moneybrain are “makers”). Mitt did the same in the Republican Primaries every time he was faced with a serious challenger he tried to get to the right of that challenger to appeal to the base of the Republican Party but he forgot one thing only Republicans vote in Republican Primaries so he was unable to pivot to the Centre when he faced Obama in the General Election.

  19. @Moneybrain

    Here is what Bill Maher has to say about the Repubs…lol.

  20. @Sarge
    Yes there are loads of people who love the concept of the NANNY STATE BUT practically it has NOT worked in Western Europe farless the Socialist/ Commis Countries that have moved to INCENTIVE SYSTEMS!

    Let me explicitly state that I am NOT a member of or believer in any Political party in Canada, US or Bim. I can relate to you that because a friend of a friend was running for the Conservatives in Toronto a few years ago and because my home is in a very strategic location I agreed to put up Conservative signs at my house. Well our “loving lefties” ( those that pretend to be holier than thou) who control my Ward made sure I paid for that decision by throwing bags of DOG excrement on my porch as well as other transgressions. The weird part is that the Conservatives dont threaten to win in this area and would have a good showing by winning 20% of the vote!!!!

    I believe in sound education policy, training/ retraining workers, good Hlth Care unlike the US etc BUT the beneficiaries of this MUST be held to account/ act in good faith and NOT expect to mess around and suck the system endlessly.

    Bottomline the current loosey goosey crappy design and pisspoor monitoring/ controls WILL lead to BANKRUPTCY! Any system that TAXES peeps to the range of 50%+ is going to FAIL sooner or later. That is one key reason I migrated from Bim, Tom taxing successful twenty somethings at 70% marginal, does that make sense to an Oxford educated chap????? I voted for Tom too! I knew him, his mother, and Bree. How many good
    youngsters did that policy chase away????? DUMB!

    Giving everything GRATIS to peeps WILL NOT WORK! DISCIPLINE works and that is the foundation to why places like Singapore have been so very successful! Bim has done better than other ex colonies BUT we could have performed more in line with Singapore.

  21. @Money Brain
    Did the govt not obtain returns on investments. Had Obama not saved GM, what would have happened to the economy in those states where Obama was astute enough to pump money into. People like you can only see the dollar, govt has a responsibility to minimise the impact of any recession, and thus Obama saved the car industry. Had he done nothing, the world would be worse off and by estension Barbados, as the economy in the us would still be sputtering. And, by extension, ours. When America sneezes, the world catches the remnant of that sneeze.

    It is evident that pure capitalism has gone mad, the banks in America were allowed to regulate themselves and what was the consequence. The govt
    CANNOT remove it self from the economy, thats why Obamacare is going to be a master achievement. Obama is a realist, why should insurnace comapanies speculate on people’s live, they are not God.

    I want to commend Axelrod and Ploueffe, I consider them to the best strategist around. They defined Romney and he was not able to recover from that. He is one person who deos not have a sense of value, but is that what politics about? I am still wondering, had I been an american and a Republican, that man could not get my vote, he stands for nothing and only the millionaires. Thank God americans see him for what he is, one of the biggest racist frauds that every graced the stage of American politics.

    Barack Obama will go down in history as one who really cares about the American people, both black and white. He and Michelle are two of the most intelligent couples that every lived in the White House, which they have now blackened, even theoy when it was conceived, it was only for whites, that why it has been called the white house.

    God bless Obama. The ending of the wars should allow the country to have more meney to invest locally to boost the economy. By the way dont you think that the business class could have employed more people? I certainly believe so, but the objective was to keep unemplyment high so that Romney could use it as an appeal to voters, everything backfired, and now Carl Rove doesnt know how the investors are going to recoup their investment. Lord have mercy on him and those republicans who believe that they would have won the elections. As stupid as I am, I had predicted that the Democrats were going to win 300 electoral college votes. I had never factored in Florida.

    I bought my tee-shirts and my pins to celebarte when i get back home. By the way every one of my friends uphere voted for obama, except one.

  22. @David.
    BM makes some valid points about poor Republican Strategy. It was a close race ( BO’s spread went down from 7-2% somewhat unusual for an incumbent) and would have been much closer had they chosen Marco Rubio, muzzled some of the Tea Party idiots, instructed fools not to comment on Abortion issues ( the answer to which is the existing law is the Law and a matter of personal decision).

  23. @Money Brain

    if ships had wings they would fly. Post election speculation wont help. Barack and his team are master at marketing, they sold their brand. History has shown in most cases the incumbent loses popularity, and further what do u expect with an economy not grown as it should, dont u expect him not to lose some popularity. Accept that he has won and move on. Hope i am alive when his autobiograpy is written.

  24. @David.
    BM makes some valid points about poor Republican Strategy. It was a close race ( BO’s spread went down from 7-2% somewhat unusual for an incumbent) and would have been much closer had they chosen Marco Rubio, muzzled some of the Tea Party idiots, instructed fools not to comment on Abortion issues ( the answer to which is the existing law is the Law and a matter of personal decision).

    Sorry but manged to loose a major section on this and my answer to Point, probably should have broken it up to avoid a major prob.

  25. @Point
    I regret losing a major section in reply to your penultimate comment to me.
    Maybe David could reproduce the piece on GM that I sent to him.

    In reply to your latest comment, I have no problem with BO’s victory, the strategy was excellent. I was shocked at the first debate performance by BO as I would have put money on him winning!

    Leadership by Clinton and Bush did NOT meet my standards. Naturally, I have no way of knowing what Romney would actually have achieved. My interest is in running the US for the betterment of the Nation and the other countries like Bim and Canada which are close to my heart.

    My doubts about BO have to do with his apparent disdain for Business which is the very reason that made the US successful. It makes no sense to hurt the Golden Goose! BO should be working with businesses ie on Main St not just Wall St, to accomplish his critical objective JOBS. I am concerned because of his background ie his Mother’s father was supposedly closely connected with a heavy duty American Commie named Frank??? His Dad was an anti colonial with leftist inclination as far as i can ascertain. ( I understand why he was anti-colonial BUT I dont see any reason for any system that does NOT have an INCENTIVE base) Interesting that the Leftist in the Cbean like Manley/ Burnham left a legacy of poorly performing economies/ societies, whereas Bim et al were NOT so leftist and accomplished more for the Econ/ Society.

    The US has already gone too far with Entitlement spending and this has been the fault of Clinton and Bush! So I believe in having policies to help the populace achieve great things eg Great Education, training schemes, Hlth care etc BUT the peeps MUST perform their part of the bargain and NOT expect to just TAKE! I know some people here think that the problem of Takers is small but it is NOT! Tons of lazy ass peeps out there that would happily bankrupt the country by swilling at the trough ad nauseum. I have heard their comments here in Canada about how they cant find jobs and then a researcher takes a walk along a nearby downtown street and sees job openings posted all over the place for young uneducated types.

    Bottomline peeps must be told we will help you with education/ training BUT if you mess around you will eventually STARVE! Carrot and stick works, always has and it always will! How come immigrants to Canada/ US find jobs and educate themselves? They know poverty and love opportunity!

  26. @Moneybrain

    Here is the link:

    Porter Stansberry: General Motors is going bankrupt again

    Friday, November 09, 2012
    Text Size: increase text size decrease text size

    From Porter Stansberry in the S&A Digest:

    A wise and very wealthy mentor e-mailed me yesterday.

    In the past, this man’s given me what I consider to be the most valuable secrets to life and happiness. He’s taught me to interpret the difference between what people say and what people do. If you have access to this window into the world, everything becomes vastly easier to understand.–General-Motors-is-going-bankrupt-again

  27. My interest is in running the US for the betterment of the Nation and the other countries like Bim and Canada which are close to my heart

    money brain tall order first you got to get rid of the lobbyist with truck loads of campaign money who dangles it in front of the politician as an ever so reminder of who is in charge. but there might still be some hope left because if Obama can win with out the largess of Big Business all hope is not gone seeing all that has happen there may be some light at the end of the tunnel as the small peeps managed to out gunned the big millionaires with million of dollars by numbers .

  28. @AC
    Please do some serious research before chatting pure crap,”if Obama can win without the largess of Big Business all hope is not gone…”

    The Dems and BO received, accepted and used serious money from Wall St and Big Business. They spent more than $1Billion on this election as did the Republicans.

    If Bo and the Dems are so perfect how come BO appointed his Secretary of Treasury from the same Goldman Sachs as Bush’s SEC of T????????????

    It is high time that ALL peeps realise that ALL these POLS can NOT be TRUSTED. I think and thought that choosing a President that was/ is NOT white was a worthwhile change BUT SADLY the key CHANGES espoused by the 2008 message are few and far between, in reality. Why NOT find a person for Treasury elsewhere???? Why NOT jail some Wall St crooks?? Why NOT refuse to take their money to distance them?

    You are absolutely right about lobbyists ( putrid bastards). WHY did BO NOT raise a stink to outlaw this activity and then drop a viscous sentence on any transgressor?

    I appreciate that Cbean peeps and coloured peeps want to love BO for obvious reasons BUT the time is short and we need a saviour NOW. Hopefully he will read this and understand the correct direction to move in.
    I am being critical for objective reasons NOT what some may think. Hint, I would not have said negative things about Bush if I was beholden to any party or Pol.

  29. Moneybrain
    Sorry you had to go through the indignity of having to clean doggie doo doo from your lawn, but people get up to all kinds of dirty tricks in TO when elections are called. I’m sure you read about people with Liberal signs on their lawns who had their brake lines cut not to mention the robocalls from Conservatives directing people to the wrong polls.

    How can you say Barack doesn’t like business, apart from the new Financial regulations that were imposed on Wall Street have you seen any of the Big boys doing the “perp walk”? There are many from the left who are disappointed that Obama didn’t make an example of some of the folks responsible for the financial meltdown.

    What the heck does Obama’s father have to do with anything? Obama was raised mainly by his “white” grandparents, his parents divorced when he was a toddler and he met his father once when he was a pree teen, don’t bring any Tea Party garbage about his father being anti colonial his father never had any influence on his political development. (Incidentally I said his white grandparents but according to Obama’s mother is descended from John Punch who was a slave in 17th century Virginia, many “white” people in the US have a touch of the “tar” in them.

    Stick to writing about the economy and business but leave out the Tea Party mumbo jumbo, incidentally I notice that you folks with all you so called Business acumen can’t count, did you see Karl Rove on Fox trying to get the decision desk to take back its call on Ohio?

    As Bill Clinton said it’s Arithmetic.

  30. @David
    A few years ago Bill Maher had a show on ABC which was called “ Politically Incorrect”. ABC fired him after the backlash it received after he said that the 9/11 terrorists were brave for flying the planes into the WTC towers.

    Now in his new show “Real Time” on HBO he gets to say things that he could never say on network TV and he gets the same guests drawn from the political, business and entertainment world. He has an irreverent view on many things (you should hear his views on religion) If you are leftist you will love him, if you are right wing you will hate him but that doesn’t stop many right wing politicians from going on his show.

    I think overall he is having the last laugh.

  31. @Money Brain

    The poor must be protected and that is why countries have safety nets to help the less fortunate. As you are aware, the policies government implement also assist businisses and those said businesses are the ones that exploit every loop hole to pay as little taxes as possible, while the middle class or the employee class(the middle to lower class) is called to carry the brunt of the tax burden.

    It would appear that u have not been listening to the arguments the democrats have put forward for the need for the 2% of the population to carry some of the burden. Clearly, people like you believe that businesses should be allowed free reign as they are doing the country a favour by employing people. Those said businesses would have enjoyed concessions to reach the stage they are at, look at the concessions the Obama administration is giving to those in the green econmoy, similarly like what is happening in Barbados. Do you beleive that only the salaried class should be paying high taxes, while businesses declare art.tificail losses while using creative accounting. Look at Romney, what was his effective rate of taxes? Certainly it is lower than what persons in the middle class pay. Why do u think that a number of wealty americans are backing Obama to have tax reform? It is because they know that wealthy Americans can afford to pay more, and by the way the more disposbale income the middle class has, the more spending occur and the quicker the economy turns aroud. .

    Barack Obama, I am backing you and the majority of the voting public gave you the mandate to proceed to transform the tax structure and re-distribute the wealth. Dont mind people will call you a socialist. Every society will have some social element as part of its development strategy.

    The people has given Barack the authority to rule and i am sure that the white house will be transformed and become the black house.

  32. ——————————————————————————–

    By Month Cumulative Cash on hand
    As of Oct. 17 Candidate Party committee Primary super PAC Outside spending Top spenders
    for and against
    the candidates

    Since April 1; amounts may reflect more recent spending than contained in totals. Candidate donors Size of donations
    $2,500 maximum Super PAC donors Size of donations
    No maximum Major donors
    Barack Obama +
    Democratic Party +
    Priorities USA Action Super PAC

    $934.0m Spent
    $852.9m Jan. ’11Feb.MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan. ’12Feb.MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.2011Obama West Coast Fundraising Trip2012Super TuesdaySantorum ConcedesRomney Clinches Nomination$0$250m$931m$937m$250m$5m
    Jan. ’11Feb.MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan. ’12Feb.MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.2011Obama West Coast Fundraising Trip2012Super TuesdaySantorum ConcedesRomney Clinches Nomination$0$50m$150m$151m$50m$0$134.7m Raised Pct. of
    Total Spent Cash
    on Hand
    Obama $637.3m 68% $553.2m $93.7m
    D.N.C $214.6m 23% $245.9m $10.3m
    USA $63.7m 7% $53.8m $10.1m
    Restore Our Future, Inc. $88.6m Against Obama
    American Crossroads $84.6m Against Obama
    Republican National Committee $40.5m Against Obama
    Americans for Prosperity $33.5m Against Obama
    National Rifle Association Of America Political Victory Fund $7.4m Against Obama
    More outside spending » Under $200
    56% $200 to $2,499
    33% $2,500 (max)
    11% Under $100k
    10% $100k to $1.0m
    40% $1.0m+
    49% $3.5m Fred Eychaner An Obama bundler and Chicago media mogul. $3.5m James H. Simons President of Euclidean Capital and Board Chair of Renaissance Technologies Corp., a hedge fund company. $3.0m Jeffrey Katzenberg Chief executive of Dreamworks Animation. $2.0m United Association of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Pipe Fitting Industry Trade union. $2.0m Irwin Jacobs Founder of chipmaker Qualcomm and former M.I.T. professor. More donors to Priorities USA Action »
    Mitt Romney +
    Republican Party +
    Restore Our Future Super PAC

    $881.8m Spent
    $752.3m $0$250m$931m$937m$250m$5m
    $0$50m$150m$151m$50m$0$193.3m Raised Pct. of
    Total Spent Cash
    on Hand
    Romney $388.1m 44% $360.7m $52.7m
    R.N.C $342.0m 39% $284.2m $67.6m
    Our Future $131.6m 15% $107.5m $24.2m
    Priorities USA Action $65.8m Against Romney
    Restore Our Future, Inc. $12.8m For Romney
    American Crossroads $6.5m For Romney
    Ending Spending Action Fund $4.7m For Romney
    SEIU COPE $3.6m Against Romney
    Under $200
    23% $200 to $2,499
    35% $2,500 (max)
    42% Under $100k
    14% $100k to $1.0m
    48% $1.0m+
    38% $10.0m Sheldon Adelson Billionaire casino owner and Newt Gingrich’s longtime friend and patron. $10.0m Miriam Adelson Physician; wife of Sheldon Adelson. $10.0m Bob J. Perry Houston homebuilder who was a major financier of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004. $2.8m Oxbow Carbon LLC An oil and gas company based in West Palm Beach, Fla. It was founded by William Koch, the brother of David H. and Charles Koch, wealthy conservative businessmen and founders of Americans for Prosperity. $2.3m Harold Simmons Dallas billionaire who was among the top donors to Gov. Rick Perry of Texas. More donors to Restore Our Future » * The amount raised by each committee represents total contributions and transfers from affiliated committees, but excludes non-contributions such as interest and offsets to expenditures. Combined cash on hand totals include cash held by joint fund-raising committees that transfer money to the candidates and party committees.
    Source: Federal Election Commission
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  33. @Sarge
    I explicitly wrote that BO’s grandfather was good friends with the Commie Frank. ( it seems he, Frank, was on the list to be arrested asap after any possible Communist probs). Psychology would suggest that someone in BO’s family situation, with an absent father, might want to analyse and even idolise his father because he had much success academically.

    So called rich peeps as a group pay a very high % of total taxes relative to their proportion in the population. Buffet (and someof the other Dem Billionaires) talk about how lil tax he pays. Sinc he is worth like $45BN why does he NOT cut a cheque to the Fed Govt for at least $10BN and set the example???????

    Romney gives 30% of his income to charity or so I have been lead to believe. If so that would explain his lower effective tax rate. Sophisticated rich peeps are going to pay legions of Accountants and Lawyers to keep there taxes lower no matter what anyone does. How? These advisors will use the laws passed by the Pols to accomplish this. Naturally, BO and the other Pols are rich peeps too! They are also beholden to the Big $$ types.

    All the BS talk about the Rich ie 2% paying more sounds great except that it is only $60BN which is a piss in the Atlantic Ocean in terms of balancing the books or even to avoid US Bankruptcy! One thing is for sure that since the idiot Hollande became Pres of France and decided to charge a 75% marginal tax on the rich, the rich are moving to the Channel Islands and London. We live in a Global World so dont overtax the Golden Geese or the situation will get worse.

    People like me here in Canada have been paying far too much tax for a long time.Family taxes well into SIX figures, 46% marginal rate, $10,000+ property tax, 13% Sales tax etc so that 3 levels of Govt can waste it ( pay higher salaries than the Private Sector and NOT getting a proper days work out of most employees) and then add insult to injury by creating DEPENDENCE among a broad swath of the populace, bring in refugees that can make more money than a retired Canadian after 40 yrs of working. If that tax formula makes sense to anybody then they are mental.

  34. @Sarge
    Are you suggesting that BO could NOT even accomplish having the White House painted in 4 long years? He needs 8 yrs for such a small job!!

    No wonder the projects that he said were “Shovel ready ” were never started!

    Yes everyone should pay a fair share of tax BUT success should NOT be penalised! Any tax system that takes more than about 30% of my income (or anybody’s) is utter stupidity. Why should I start or expand my business if I lose 50% to Tax when successful BUT if I lose big the Govt wont give me a cheque for 50% of the $$$ lost?

    Sarge have you ever had to meet a payroll every week/ month? It is big risk in the early years, especially, and you do have peeps dependent on you to make the right decisions to ensure everyone does not end up on the unemployment line. ( the owner will not be given unemployment $$ either if the business fails).

    I am in favour of many “Socialist” ideals eg proper education/ training, Hlth Care BUT none that are loosey goosey wasteful programs BUT well devised plans that are effectively/ efficiently run and where recipients are not permitted to abuse the system as is very true in most countries today eg Western Europe,Canada , US to name a few.

  35. no you money brain is mental if you the believe the bottom tier must keep lifting up the upper tier someday the bottom would fall out and everthing comes crushing downward , the big corporations are the ones in most part responsible for thefailng economy paying employees what they think are fair wages how in the hell can 2% be so wealthy and the 98% pulling the heavy load something not right and wage suppressionby big business have contributed to america’s depressed economy giving nothing to employees who are spenders and waiting fuh the govt to give back to them what they have already collected in huge tax writeoffs no wonder the social basket is so heavy because big business takes much and gives less.

  36. Moneybrain
    Did you just come back from dinner at one of the ”tony’ clubs? If you are paying six figure taxes you must be in the 1%, I do pay an exorbitant amount in property taxes so much so that I told the wife this will be a major obstacle if we decide to sell but getting back to my original question did you have a few too many Double Black? Why would you bring up the subject of a Commie investigation

    Was this imminent arrest orchestrated by as a result of the witch hunt led by Senator Joseph McCarthy? That would be a badge of honour today as McCarthy is one of the most discredited men in US history so much so that they have coined a word after him.

    By now you know that some of those ‘Commies’ are men after your own heart, the Russians now have all these oligarchs and the Chinese Press has been forbidden about commenting about the prospective leader’s wealth.
    Commies or Capitalists? Can‘t tell the difference

  37. @Moneybrain

    Was it not reported that Romney paid less taxes because his was income on investments which attract a lower rate than income from employment?


    Romney gives 30% of his income to charity or so I have been lead to believe. If so that would explain his lower effective tax rate. Sophisticated rich peeps are going to pay legions of Accountants and Lawyers to keep there

    Charities such as those that collect for VETERANS as was featured on CNN last night . These charities collect money on behalf of Veterans but Veterans never benefit in any big way.

    Some people of European extract feel that they are entitled to all the money in the world and all other should come and beg them.

  39. @AC
    Shockingly I do agree with some of what you say in the latest piece.
    One of the major problems was caused by greedy, beholden Pols who agreed with the Wall St/ Big Bank guys to repeal the laws that were enacted 50+ years out of the terrible lessons of the Great Depression 1929-1954.
    The Pols (both Parties) were supposedly trying to help the bottom 35% of the income spectrum to own homes and they set up Govt backed Institutions to provide Mortgage Guaratees etc. This utter financial stupidity is what caused the explosion in money supply/ cheap money to today. It has created false hope and now blown up.

    The approach was DEAD WRONG. Pols have to be very careful when implementing Socialist ideals with capitalist tools. Govt should have built homes for the bottom 35% on a “Rent to OWN” basis. This would have by passed the interest rate market and the DEPRESSION, that we are in, would not have been precipitated.

    One of the other problems is Executives making ridiculous incomes, even when they are fired for good reason!!! In Japan, if the average worker makes $50,000 then the Pres makes approx 20-25 times more. In the US I doubt there is any Pres that would take that pay. The average is north of 50-100 times and even 1,000 times. VERY EXCESSIVE!

    Another problem the neither Party or Pres has adequately addressed is trade with China. Therefore, with China’s very low labour costs etc the US worker is SCREWED! What has BO done about that???????? The big Multi National Corps can produce goods in China or elsewhere so they dont have to get hurt too much and can pay Execs well. It was obvious 20+yrs ago that the US had to think very deeply and carefully about how to work with China….
    Add the recent trade fail to permitting OPEC/ SAUDI ARABIA to dominate energy when the US is by far the World’s largest Energy user ie 25%+.

    Just add up all the points above and it is a miracle the US has not collapsed yet!!!!

  40. @AC
    So as a member of the very highly taxed class I am caught between the dumbass crooked Pols, the equally dumb/ crooked Execs and the legion of TAKERS ( lazyass parasitic peeps who have no intention of progressing, Govt paygrabbers who do the least work possible.

    AC to lay the blame on peeps because they have money is ABSOLUTELY WRONG! Indeed, the USA has always been about making money and the American Dream. I remember meeting some big black Americans in a train travelling to Copenhagen from Amsterdam in 1979 and having started to chat one gent asks me where I was from. When I said Bdos he says oh yes we have a few black Bajans in NY those guys dont mess around, nose to the grindstone, start business…put us locals to shame!!!! Bajans migrate to the US to improve their financial position same as why I came to TOR.

    Botoomline….dont assume rich peeps are all bad OR that the poorer third are all good, disadvantaged etc!! I have poorer family and it is because they are not determined to succeed!!

  41. @Money Brain

    Your sentiments is similar to Romney’s 47%. Go merrily along with your thinking.

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