
At the root of many problems plaguing Barbados and the greater Caribbean is the fact that there are “many people not qualified to be in a range of key positions in both the public and private sectors”. This reality is having a silent stifling affect on progress in many public and private organizations due to a lack of KNOW HOW and INNOVATIVE thinking.

If we as a nation continue this “old school cronyism”, “out of date”, ineffective manner of placing unqualified people in key positions we will not be able to effectively meet many of our national public and private section objectives in these troubling economic times.  In the public sector we see under performing career government workers just simply taking up space and wasting government dollars while eager ready to work young folks are coming out of school and can’t find a job.   In the public sector we see under performing managers who got their positions based on who they knew or how many degrees they have on a wall versus what they could do to grow business and innovate, while eager bright young staff wait in the corporate “pick” trenches for the opportunity to shine.

At the end of the day if this internal brain drain continues we will see Barbados and the region as a whole continue to lose many of our best and brighter young minds to the US, UK, and Canada at an economic  time when we need them the most.

  1. That’s what “brain drain” gets you.

  2. Losing our best people is an inevitability. We can’t compete on price and the chance to pursue a myriad of opportunities abound in the developed world. It makes one wonder to what extent are we hemorrhaging at the tertiary level as far as university funding is concerned. Are we getting bang for buck? Is the curriculum at UWI level efficiently aligned with the modern day needs of Barbados and Caribbean society.

  3. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “many people not qualified to be in a range of key positions in both the public and private sectors”

    Does that include you?

  4. @david
    I could not agree more.

    it could if I was in a position i did not qualified for … But that’s not the case however as a business owner and professional i know the impact of having the wrong people in the wrong jobs…

  5. It is so sad but the exodus will continue.The long and short of it is Education is a must to be really effective.I have no idea what is going to happen politically.Who will be left to speak???My consolation comes from ‘The closing of the mind’ by Freeman Charles.The elders must redirect the youth and leave it open..

  6. This is not a good post during the election season.

    Bloggers are focused on DLP BLP warfare.

    and thats the truth.

  7. @Hants

    Are you saying commenters don’t have the capacity to comment on more than one topic? Seems you don’t hold a high opinion of them.

  8. David you is a Bajan? The only thing people want to talk about right now is elections or other bs like farley sennin home children.

    Yes I have a very high opinion of our fellow bloggers on BU but this is the silly season.

  9. Sometime the politics talk get stale. One has to embrace the fact that there are other issues.

  10. I here embracing some serious music.Eric Clapton with Phil Collins on drums.

  11. Substitute with tings bajan…mother sally, limbo, fire eating, drum beating , folk chorale, local girls dancing, local entertainers……ONE NITE A WEEK ON EACH BOAT……picture the employment, and $$$$ exchanged.

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