Submitted by Old Onions Bag
Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart has the responsibility to fix the general election date

How does a Prime Minister go about choosing the right day to have General Elections? What must be the essential ingredients that will weigh to his party’s advantage to secure another term? Constitutionally that nominal day is set as five years from the date of the last elections date with a ninety day grace in the eventuality of an unforeseen emergency. Given this criteria, the latest this election date should be set is April 30th, 2013. It would take some fortitude to postpone the upcoming elections until that date, as such might be seen as desperate and lack of confidence.

So what is left to be considered using most likely decision trees and PERT (project evaluation and research techniques) analysis  as necessary inputs to these models? Using today’s date as the start or current date, what other factors of interest would be of interest to the Hon. Prime Minister, should he, if being a scientific mind, consider as relevant and most crucial to aid in his decision making? Here is our rack, what we considered as most relevant :

  • Crop Over
  • Rihanna show
  • End of most businesses financial year
  • Month of October..deadest month of the year
  • St. John’s polyclinic completion
  • Independence celebrations
  • Start of the 2013 tourist season
  • Christmas season

We consider these to be our red letter days as input to our models. These are times of worthy note and could play a crucial part in decision making. Prioritizing and repositioning events with probabilities responsive…. dates of most likeliness, with margins of error, place that day as..XXXX…(Much guarded secret)…..Do your own calculations. Have fun !

161 responses to “Choice Of An Elections Date”

  1. old onion bags | July 5, 2012 at 4:22 PM |

    After Independence day celebrations… has great possibilities and as such a High Probability of occurrence Prob.(0.65) and also a High emotional response weighing of 85….out done only by Rhianna’s event positions well on the decision tree variable rack. Nov-Dec…very, very likely ..


  3. Winner winner, chicken dinner…..

  4. DLP holdin on til the last sinew….to the tether…..for what nah ?….. I call it
    Wed. 12th December……any takers ? taking bets here….( cannot bet money here but braggin rite …David do you ‘date page site’ nah…. like pinning D donkey tail )


  6. Elections Day will be either on the 21st or 28th of February (if we having one)……who would want to put elections on a 28th day of February. anyway???…

    Answer: a..Q Factor……lol

  7. @ David

    Which day is it….I confused?

  8. Confirmed as February 21st

  9. At the risk of being chased off BU for again over analysing the matter of the choice of an election date. I just heard that it is set for 21st February.

    This means that there is now no need to have the Estimates passed prior to the General Elections since the new Government (whichever one) would have just enough time to mobilise and get the estimates done as the first order of business after taking over.
    It also means that Automatic dissolution was avoided but the taint of the Freundel Stuart’s Government going past that date for the actual elections still remains.
    It also means that there was never really a need to extend the date to 21st February since the Elections could have been called on Errol Barrow day or slightly earlier to ensure that it took place before the Automatic dissolution date of 12th February. This is so since little was carried out by Parliament on the days they met after Errol Barrow day and the Housing PR campaign does not need a sitting parliament to be carried out.
    It also means that there was no need for Hal Gollop to have been brought into the fray to fly the kite of an even later elections date.
    Could it mean the Hal Gollop honestly thought (and was probably directed to fly that kite) that the elections would be held much later in the 90 day regime when prior passing of the estimates before dissolution would have been necessary to ensure continuance of the financial affairs of Government?
    Could it mean that FS, the resolute one was persuaded that it wasn’t in his or the country’s best interest to draw out the date any longer?
    Could the inputs of some elder statesmen, even perhaps including the Excellent one (who is a great tactician and brain and DLP loyalist) overseeing the campaigning, might have been influential in these matters and might have wrestled the FS beast to the ground in this matter?
    Could it also mean that there might be a slight schism in the Party re. the politics of setting the election date?
    Looking forward to the revelations and gossip over the next few days.

  10. old onion bags | January 25, 2013 at 9:36 PM |

    Elections Day will be either on the 21st or 28th of February (if we having one)……who would want to put elections on a 28th day of February. anyway???…

    Answer: a..Q Factor……lol

    They say self praise is no praise…nor do I seek any having been

    completely foiled by Stuart…..BUT at least Ole Gibberts is still entitled to a

    LAST laugh …Laughs BEST…..AS I STILL GOT HE…….bup bup bup!

    Ps. The best is yet to come…….(he he he)

  11. @ Fractured BLP

    Constitutionally that nominal day is set as five years from the date of the last elections date with a ninety day grace in the eventuality of an unforeseen emergency. Given this criteria, the latest this election date should be set is April 30th, 2013.

    old onion bags | January 25, 2013 at 9:36 PM |

    Elections Day will be either on the 21st or 28th of February (if we having one)……who would want to put elections on a 28th day of February. anyway?

    I had to go to the ARCHIVES to pull this one up and redeem myself from your jocose. Take that ! LOL

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