Peter Wickham, Head of CADRES

A couple questions about the recent CADRES Poll.

With less than one year to go before a general election is constitutionally due, why would those (entity) who commissioned the poll not have requested constituency polling and also sought to adjudge the size of the swing for or against the government?Isn’t this the information which would be in demand at this time?

Who commissioned the poll and what was the role of the Nation newspaper in delivering the information to Barbadians?

  1. Constituency polling is indeed the information that would be relevant if one was interested in the likely results of an actual poll

    HOWEVER, if one was interested in INFLUENCING the said results by suggesting to the ‘sheep’ which pasture they should wonder onto, then one contrives a “poll”, (the results of which ANY IDIOT could have predicted based only on reading the news) and then proceeds to make it a self-fullfiling prophecy.

    WHO would do such a thing?

    The same people who have infiltrated this country and taken over the news, banks, and the businesses….fronted by the NATION.
    The same people who promoted the desimation of our immigration laws – and recruited O$A to “debarbadianize” this country in the name of CSME.

    …obviously they are intent on resuming their mission in earnest…!!

    Need Bushie speculate as to why they are hiding their identities…?

  2. Wait you mean it was Arthur Lockjack and not Harold Hoyte that commission the poll …?

  3. David you want me find out …?

  4. Let’s start by confirming that The Poll was commissioned. And paid for by The Nation NewsRAG.

    What was not printed was what was not to the liking of the former President of The Senate Sir Fred Gollop etal.

    There is more left unsaid than was said by the Nation NewsRAG the RAG that it has become has not said that some sitting members of the BLP are facing a 12.5 % swing away from the BLP sitting member, nor has it published that across the island in every constituency the opinion of the registered voters is that by far the quality of the DLP Candidates and representatives is far superior in quality compared to the offerings presented by the BLP!

    The Nation NewsRAG would do well to for once abandon their political agenda and report sincerely and honestly to the people who keep them employed.

  5. You are going to get the shock of your life on election night! Stop spreading lies, the Nation did not commissioned the poll. Stop lying!

  6. Freundel Stuart: Owen Arthur A Now Naked Man

    JULY 12, 2008 1 COMMENT
    There is a saying. It’s loney at the top. Having read Attorney General Freundel Stuart contribution to the Budgetary Proposals over at the Barbados Advocate online edition can anyone not come away impressed with the brilliant way in which the gentleman made his case for debilitating the former PM.
    Not only that but we now have for the first time [some may say] in public solid documentation of strained relationships between BLP politicians and Owen. Ripping off layer after layer without leaving a stitch behind Freundal displays his brilliance in reducing the former PM to a mere shadow of his former self. From no other than a parliamentarian colleague. Excellent presentation. This one for the records.
    From the Barbados Advocate

    Former Prime Minister Owen Arthur has been described as “a naked man, stripped down to the skin, of all of the arrogance and all of the hubris that the people of Barbados had to endure particularly over the last ten years”.
    That unflattering picture was painted in Parliament on Wednesday night by Attorney General and Minister of Home Affairs Mr. Freundel Stuart while speaking on the 2008 Financial Statement and Budgetary Proposals presented by Prime Minister David Thompson two days earlier. He congratulated the PM “for the thoughtfulness and imagination” which he brought to bear on the document:
    “I have listened to, with amused interest, to the Honourable Member for St. Peter who has delivered economic and policy statements in this Chamber for the last 14 years and as he spoke I kept asking myself if all that he was saying was true, what it was that the people of Barbados was dissatisfied about in the month of January.
    “What it was that they were dissatisfied about for the last three/four years in this country if all of these solutions were within his embrace. Are the people of Barbados stupid? Dont they know when they are feeling pain? Dont they know when a government has divorced itself from their interests? Dont they know when the policies of a government are inimical to their ideals? And I am prepared to err with the people of Barbados rather than to get swept along by all that I heard from the Member for St. Peter over the last half of an hour.
    “The most reassuring part of the Member’s speech was that no private citizen in this country had to fear tonight being abused from the floor of this Chamber. No Civil Servant had to endure today  although telephone calls were made over the last few days  any threats from the Member for St. Peter and for the very simple reason that he spoke in this Chamber tonight as a naked man, stripped down to the skin, of all of the arrogance and all of the hubris that the people of Barbados had to endure particularly over the last ten years.
    “He did not even speak in here tonight as a man with any special motivation to see the Democratic Labour Party never rule Barbados again. Even that was missing from the contribution which he made to this debate. And if there is any lesson in all of this it is that we should never forget the source of our power. We should always remember that power comes from the people. It is theirs to give and theirs to withdraw.
    “So tonight, this very lonely man stood up in this Chamber, can reach out and touch no one in Barbados really, not even anyone on his side of the House, because when I survey, not the wondrous Cross, but the Opposition benches, the Member for St. Michael North has no particular reason to love him since he had to throw a Cabinet position back in his face. He cannot expect the affection of the Honourable Member for St. Thomas since the Member for St. Michael North East has pre-empted that affection.
    “The Member for St. James North has been treated like a football, abused and insulted by the Member for St. Peter for the last ten years or so and I know whereof I speak; and although the Member for St. James North is perhaps the most rounded and most intelligent politician in the Barbados Labour Party, he has had to take insults and abuse from the Member for St. Peter for a good ten/twelve years and tonight sits in his seat a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief. The Member for St. George North, of course, is perhaps the only friend that the Member for St. Peter has on that side and for obvious reasons. Their habits are not dissimilar. Missing from his seat is the Member for St. Andrew.
    “Now I have to congratulate the Member for St. John because whatever else this Budget did not do, it certainly made the dumb to speak. So the age of miracles is not ceased. The Member for St. Andrew stood up in this Chamber today and made a full speech. But he too has been at the receiving end of the implacable ire and rage and spite in some cases, of the Member for St. Peter, and you know I dont think anybody in Barbados rejoices more than the Member for St. Andrew that the nakedness of the Member for St. Peter is now so cruelly exposed.
    “The Member for St. Joseph  well, he will follow anything. You dont have to bother about him. He will follow anything; but I know this: the Member for St. Michael North East, too, was at the receiving end of no small bit of undermining abuse, backstabbing from the Member for St. Peter. Again I know whereof I speak and the Member for St. Michael North East also knows whereof I speak. Politeness may make her nod her head to say no and I appreciate the politeness, but I know whereof I speak.
    “So tonight, what we saw in here was the unmasking of power and I hope that all Barbadians looking on, listening to this Debate would have learnt the lesson that he that humbleth himself shall be exalted but he that exalteth himself shall be abased.
    “Having said that Mr. Speaker, I think it bears reminding the country that the Government responsible for the Financial Statement and Budgetary Proposals for this year has been in office for 175 days today  175 days. And listening to the speeches coming from the other side, with the exception, of course, of the speech for the Member for St. Michael South East, one got the impression that all of the manifesto pledges of the Democratic Labour Party should have been satisfied in 175 days.
    “So, as the Member for St. Michael North East ended her 3 hour and 10 minutes speech, as she entered into her peroration  perhaps I should withdraw the word ‘peroration’, that word I think is reserved for speeches that are well structured and elegantly delivered. I should say as she entered into her perspiration, we heard how the policemen are not happy and the nurses are not happy and the teachers have been let down because the DLP has not fulfilled the promises it made in its manifesto  in 175 days!
    “We came to office on the 16th day of January 2008. There were just under 30 000 people in Barbados waiting on the National Housing Corporation [NHC] for either a house or a house spot. This Government is being chastised tonight and has been chastised ever since yesterday evening for not providing just under 30 000 houses or house spots to people in Barbados in 175 days!
    “When we came to office on the 16th of January, even using the figures relied on by us from the other side, there were about 50 000 people in this country trying to find jobs. Every single member on this side of the House knows that when you go to your constituency clinics that is what you hear about  jobs or houses or house spots. In 175 days the DLP in Government was supposed to provide 14 or 15 000 jobs.
    “When we came to office on the 16th January, the current account deficit was to the tune of about $485 million. This Government in 175 days was supposed to wipe out that deficit so that it could attract the praise and kudos of the Opposition. When we came to office, the inflation rate was about 4.4 %. We left office in 1994 with the inflation rate at 0.1%, came back and found it at 4.4% and we were supposed to, in 175 days, wipe out all of that so that the other side of the House could stand up and say how great a Government the Democratic Labour Party was. Can all of this be for real? O judgement thou art fled to brutish beast and men has lost their reason.
    “But the speech of the Member for St. Michael North East, which was the leading speech delivered on that side of the House, lasted 3 hours and 10 minutes and if I have to confess, I am entitled to an opinion like any other Barbadian, I thought it was a very childish speech and that is a trajectory on which I cannot make contact with the Member for St. Michael North East.
    “I have always tried my best never to forget how to be childlike but I frown on bringing childishness this far into my adulthood. That is why, with apologies to St. Paul, I have always felt able to quote that famous passage in his Corinthian letter: When I was a child I spake as a child, understood as a child and thought as a child, but now that I am become a man I have put away all childish things.
    “That is perhaps the fundamental distinction between the Member for St. Michael North East and myself, because even though she may have become a man, she has not yet put away all childish things.
    “Now the policy of the Government revolves around two concepts: the concept of family and the concept of social care. You cannot understand what is contained in the Financial Statement and Budgetary Proposals for 2008 unless you understand and can relate the concept of family and the concept of social care. For the last 14 years we have had to listen to a politics rooted in arid arithmetic that really had very little to do with the hot immediacies of peoples’ everyday lives.
    “What the DLP has tried  and it doesnt even have to try because this has been our policy ever since the inception of the DLP  was to restore politics to its human dimension where we can get back to the use of power, not to satisfy abstractions, but to deal with the real concerns of actual men and women.
    “We start from the position that in any post-colonial society you have to deal with an inheritance, a social contradiction, an economic contradiction, an inheritance of colonialism and in all post-colonial societies, certainly the ones in the Caribbean  and it still manifests even in the great United States of America  the subject peoples and, in the case of the Caribbean the subject peoples are the majority, the demographic majority in the society is at one and the same time not just a numerical majority but it is also an economic and sociological minority; and the demographic minority is an economic and sociological majority.
    “That is a fact of life in all post-colonial societies in this region, whether the colonising power was the French, the British, the Spanish or whoever. That is the reality in the Caribbean and in Latin America as well. And public policy therefore has to target the vulnerable wherever the vulnerable can be found.
    “For the last 14 years we have had a version of economics  I dont call it economics. I call it arithmetic which started from the position that as long as you fatten people from the top there would be a spillover and people at the bottom would necessarily get the crumbs from their table  the so-called trickle down variable of economics. I believe the liberal economist J.K. Galbraith put it beautifully when he said that trickle down economics is another way of saying that if you want to give the birds more feed you have to give the horse more oats. And that is really what has governed Barbados for the last 14 years.”

  7. @Bush Tea

    All can agree that the poll gives a snapshot view of public opinion.

    All can agree also that opinion polls can influence public opinion.

    It is therefore important that the handling of a poll is done in a transparent manner.

  8. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Budget day is approaching Seethru, dont get cold feet now!!!!

  9. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    DAVID dont forget to record the Budget proceedings and and put it up on a sidebar.

    Even though it will be embarrassing for your BLP friends.

  10. @ David

    Chris Sinckler is facing a defeat in his constituency, that part of the poll was not released in the final report. Why not?

  11. @BAFBFP

    Looks like you may need to step up if you can. Was there polling done which was not made public?

    Who commissioned the poll?

  12. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Rational | June 24, 2012 at 11:50 PM |
    It’s an interesting paradox that a man who is now the PM could have “denuded” the current leader of the Opposition to the extent where the vast majority of Barbadians are prepared to “re-dress” him in well laundered political regal garments and reinstate him as their Preferred Leader of the Country.
    You know what happened to the Judaic mythological boy Ham who saw his father Noah’s nakedness. He was cursed to damnation up to this day.
    Karma, my friend is a bitch! The same haughtiness and vindictiveness previously displayed by OSA, and indeed was the cause of his undoing, will be your man’s hubris. It took Owen over 10 years to arrive at such -to use a good old Bajan expression- a “powful-foolish” naked state. Your man is achieving a higher “exposed” status in less than 3. The higher one recklessly climbs, the harder the fall, naked and all!

  13. To Miller ananki:
    Why this viciousness for OSA?

  14. Dis Peter Wickham Poll like it got in Epsom Salts. It wukking like a table spoon of castor oil when ya drink it early a Sunday morning pun ya empty stomack. Moving all aroung ya navel and cutting wid de bad feels. If ya tink dat dat is all it moving de waste matter fast fast. It wukking like crazy. At the end of the day tings will be better. Better rename de poll De Salts Poll. Want to get rid of sludge, then tek SALTS.

  15. @Miller etc.

    The same haughtiness and vindictiveness previously displayed by OSA, and indeed was the cause of his undoing, will be your man’s hubris. It took Owen over 10 years to arrive at such -to use a good old Bajan expression- a “powful-foolish” naked state

    The old adage goes “Never judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes”. If Owen is returned to that high office will his hiatus mark the return of a more reflective, sober, and even tempered individual? Or will it will be manifested by the same haughtiness and vindictive elements that was a feature of his previous

  16. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @lemuel | June 25, 2012 at 8:18 AM |

    Au contraire, lemuel! He is the people’s preferred leader and I support that position. All I am doing is pointing out to the “irrational” fellow that OSA is just human and the same frailties he succumbed to- and hopefully learnt his lessons from- will attend his opposite number now holding similar office. The present holder should remember that those who are without sin should cast the first stone. If Mr. Irrational thinks a demolition job was done on Owen, then he OSA appears to have the touch of the phoenix. A similar claim cannot be said of the quack currently holding the reins and nakedly riding one of the horses of the Apocalypse on the road to national disaster. The people will take care of that; one day coming soon.
    Relax lemuel, we are on the same side this time around. Nice to hear you again, my friend in politics but foe in spiritual matters (LOL!!).

  17. To miller ananki:
    Why use such a strong word as “foe” to describe our “differences” in spiritual matters?

  18. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ lemuel | June 25, 2012 at 8:50 AM |

    I retract ‘foe’ and replace it with “a person having a different perspective in things metaphysical”.
    Our diplomatic ties still in order?

  19. To Miller ananki:
    Yes, Sir. I have to run see you later.

  20. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Sargeant | June 25, 2012 at 8:38 AM |
    “If Owen is returned to that high office will his hiatus mark the return of a more reflective, sober, and even tempered individual?”

    I am of the view that, OSA, having been psychologically defrocked and removed from his political high-horse, has benefited emotionally from his time in opposition. He might have truly confronted his demons and is now much more aware of his own weaknesses as a human; and most of all his own mortality. A similar journey was followed by EWB but the gods had other plans for our “dear leader”. This misguided notion of one’s unparalleled importance always manifests itself when a leader surrounds himself with too many sycophantic incompetent “yes men” who constantly stroke the ego of the budding megalomaniac. His inflated ego soars like a kite only to be punctured by needles powered by the high winds of change demanded by the people.

    I don’t think we will see the return of a vindictive OSA. He must make good his promise to the clean up the Pierhead Marina corruption fiasco. People must pay for this blatant pillaging of the country’s dwindling financial resources. Heads must roll and criminal proceedings instituted against the alleged malefactors even if it means “grassing” on some old buddies from the old corruption and kickback club.
    Otherwise, he will be counseled by the god of retribution now observing things and waiting to see if he lives up to his part of the bargain resulting from a pardon he asked for as forgiveness for his past political transgressions.

  21. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    You BLP people only trying to fool people.

    The viciousness with which Seethru constantly attacks Darcy Boyce gives the lie to the theory that he has learned his lessons.

    Seethru is on a vendetta against all he perceives “frigg” him up. This “shortmecrutch” dictator is to be be kept out of the Halls of G’ovt at all costs.

  22. Observing (with a rested eye) Avatar
    Observing (with a rested eye)

    @Bush Tea
    What an opening. You didn’t leave much for us remaining batsmen.

    “It is therefore important that the handling of a poll is done in a transparent manner.”

    have any of our corporations or governments ever acted in a “transparent” manner??? It’s up to us to agitate for it.

    re. the poll, public opinion can give a “gauge” as to the swing though not quantify it. I believe that EVERYONE in Barbados knows that there has been a swing away from the government. One that is big enough to sweep at least 4-5 seats over to the opposition for sure, and an additional 3-4 depending on how the wind blows.

    Right now persons are more concerned with overall outcome rather than how it comes and where. Interesting times ahead indeed. The two parties already know what’s at play and where the fight will have to be to swing those 2-3 seats that will determine the next government. The poll did what it was supposed to do for

    a) national opinion
    b) internal party politics
    c) election framing
    d) perception of government

    Mission accomplished

    Observing after a little breather.

  23. Rational | June 24, 2012 at 11:50 PM | Freundel Stuart: Owen Arthur A Now Naked Man”
    must be pretty gullible to be easily taken in by political rhetoric; but on the rational side, i believe Mr arthur is sure of his seat; the same can’t be said for Mr Stuart.

  24. The viciousness with which Seethru constantly attacks Darcy Boyce gives the lie to the theory that he has learned his lessons.

    talking about viciousness i do not think that there is any one on bu that attacks mr arthur more viciously than youor is inconceivable that two black barbadians can demonise and vilify a former black prime minister who for all his shortcomings( like all of us have) must deserve some credit for taking a mash up economy and restoring to it the respectability and credibility it was known for prior to 1990.

  25. Balance Arthur is no saint not in this life nor the next, and he is open season for his gross acts of misconduct and massive corruption and theft of state money.

    You can try your best to butter him up but rest assured Barbadians know who and what a beast he is.

    Why not comment on his turn for the worst since being thrown out of office ?

    Why not comment on his weak, frail and feeble appearance over the past 4 years or the shadow of a man that he has fallen to in short order, a tired and exposed despot.

    A tyrant and a terror no more to public sector workers, he has had his fangs plucked from him.

  26. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Carson C. Cadogan | June 25, 2012 at 10:03 AM |

    You and Darcy are two that deserve what you will get.

  27. This misguided notion of one’s unparalleled importance always manifests itself when a leader surrounds himself with too many sycophantic incompetent “yes men” who constantly stroke the ego of the budding megalomaniac. His inflated ego soars like a kite only to be punctured by needles powered by the high winds of change demanded by the people.”

    you are so right. it is difficult to comprehend how educated men are easily willing to sacrifice principle and sell their souls on the altar of political expediency just for the sake of nothing more than a seat on a board or the chance to hobnob with the seat of power.

  28. “Chris Sinckler is facing a defeat in his constituency,”

    wishful thinking. a safe DLP seat.

  29. Observing (with a rested eye) Avatar
    Observing (with a rested eye)

    “safe” may be an exaggeration. A DLP seat yes…safe….maybe not.

  30. The marshmallow guy Dale is a gonner so to The Pain to the people in St Andrew so to Toppin the BLP is in disarray with a frail and weak leader and with Mottley doing her best to soften him up and defeat him, remember it is not this election Mottley is looking at it is the one 10 or 15 years forward as she knows this one will once and for all put an end to the corrupt bastard and he will be history after the next election and he suffers a massive humiliating defeat and she will rise again much to Toppin’s pleasure he would have been taken out by the good people of the constituency and will not be forced to serve under a woman and especially one like Mottley as he has put it before.

  31. old onion bags Avatar

    @ balance
    If FUNDY beats BARNEY….I eat my hat….FUNDY GONEeeeeeeeeeeee

  32. @balance how can one villify a person who has seemingly done a good job of villifying themselves. all that is left to be done is For that person to be “fully exposed” the poll cannot redeem or rebuild his character or image OSA has singlehandely redefined himself in such a way that is reprehensible and hin standing on the world stage as a leader of barbados is nothing to be PROUD OF.

  33. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ac | June 25, 2012 at 12:58 PM |
    ” ………..all that is left to be done is For that person to be “fully exposed” the poll cannot redeem or rebuild his character or image …… ”

    To be “balanced” what is your view of the position taken by your man regarding his steadfast support of Leroy Parris and the excellent management of CLICO? As far as it is known your fumbler has not retracted his support, so one can conclude that he still sees Leroy in a light where the Sun shines out of his backside, loosely speaking that is.

  34. I sympathize with miller, let’s do like the blind man said lets wait see

  35. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    “You and Darcy are two that deserve what you will get.”

    So there is a hit list.

    And you and the other BLP clowns are just doing your utmost to mislead Bajans “that he learned his lessons.”

    You are so predictable.

  36. Lynch can’t even find a soul to canvass with the reports that he had three men of his ilk and liking and two women of Mottleys ilk and liking canvassing with him in the Bay Land and the men on the block run he and them out of the area, remember he ran and left the constituency when he was looking for big money to pay for that Plantation House Gregg Farm Plantation in St Andrew, his bank loan was $ 2,000,000.00 a $ mil to buy and a $ mil to fix it up

  37. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Is this the same Peter Wickham who predicted that the King G’ovt in St. Lucia would be return to office with a mighty majority?

  38. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Rational Son | June 25, 2012 at 1:28 PM |

    “I sympathize with miller, let’s do like the blind man said lets wait see….”

    Don’t give me your sympathy. Keep it for the DLP. You just wait and see! 23 to 7 drubbing for you lot!

  39. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Wait Cardboard…
    They send you to attack everybody ? Where all the common sense gone.?

  40. To Miller ananki:
    I want to concur with your vision of the returning OSA. I spoke with him a few months after the BLP was put on the opposition benches and he reflected a man who had been sobered by that experience.

  41. To miller ananki:
    One has to aware that if and when the DLP leaves power that another BLP group shall take over. This obviously mean that several bloggers shall no longer have access to the fatted calf or the many high and mighty things they now enjoy. But CCC and his friends need to understand that if we fall into the tit for tat syndrome politically in Barbados, this country shall be destroyed from within. CCC and friends a new day is dawning for others and the bell may be tolling for the DLP.

  42. In all of my twenty something years of following elections in Barbados,I have not seen an opinion poll that was as one-sided and bias as the last so-called opinion poll carried out by Peter Wickham That poll was so flawed that any idiot could have seen the desired result that the culprits behind that poll wanted to achieve.
    No constituency by constituency analysis.No swing analysis. No gender analysis. No age group analysis.No geographical analysis.As a matter of fact, there was little or no in depth analysis done by the pollster Peter Wickham.
    A work mate of mine indicated that a family member of hers who lives in the St George South Constituency was interviewed by one of the canvasser. It was indicated that one of the question ask inquired about who is a better Prime Minister between Freundel Stuart & Owen Arthur.A loaded and a very unfair question.Unfortunately for Barbados that misfit and embarrassment as leader was the Prime Minister of Barbados for fourteen (14) years.Whereas our beloved Freundel Stuart is only Prime Minister for less than three (3) years.
    No decent pollster would structured a questionnaire which such a loaded question if that pollster did not had a mission to achieve.
    What has Owen Arthur done within the last two years since he regained the leadership of the Barbados Labour Party in the most unfortunate manner that would have catapulted him as the preferred leader of Barbados.
    Owen Arthur is drawing a salary at the expense of Barbados taxpayers for work he is not performing.He has not contributed to parliament discussions on a regular basis.As a result that scoundrel salary should be docked.
    Public servants in Barbados would never forget Owen Arthur the despot stating that those workers have bad work ethics.Barbadians would not forget that Owen Arthur the terrible as Chief Law maker became Chief Law Breaker when boasted that he hired illegal Guyanese to build cupboards for his home at West Terrace,St James.Barbadians would not forget that Owen Arthur the windbag cursed Barbadians for Guyanese by stating “hands of the Guyanese”.
    Owen Arthur had inflicted pain & terror into the lives of many Barbadians over the fourteen (14) years he was unfortunately Prime Minister of Barbados.Just ask Terry Allyn

  43. I pity you vicious, narrow minded gutter people. What is really happening to you all? You all sound so desperate and petty. That you are falling apart is pretty clear from the amount of filth you all are spewing on BU. Do not be so afraid, Fumble has up to April to call the election, so there is still some time still to raid what’s left of the fatted calf. Is this what politics is to you low life people operating out of George Street? To villify people and engage in character assassination? The late Harold Blackman was so right about the DLP, a nasty organisation.

  44. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Negro man
    Is only a polls…what you so up tight about..?..if you want a REAL opinion..go talk to the man on the street….I bet you prefer Wickham’s polls anyday.

    Never in all the history of Barbados, has the people on the street been so opinionated and clear…ONE TERM.

  45. The majority of the comments today clearly show why intelligent independent minded Barbadians see polities in this supposedly educated island as a BIG JOKE! We obviously can not define the moot in these debates and the rhetoric certainly is not substantiated by factual or statistical evidence. Why must it always have to be about character assignation?

  46. @Rick

    BU mirrors what is out there, it is what it is unfortunately.


  48. @miller
    wuh kinda a foolish question dat you asked me . seems like you been rummaging in ole onions musty bag. PM stuart is know to be a loyalis unlike OSA who is known to have thrown his friends and colleagues under the bus when it only serves his interest. now you get my drift if you doubt me ask MIA!

  49. it is character that what makes a person. and to truly know the person we must know his character one would not hire a person of bad character to manage their affars or would you RicK? a persons character is a true personification of their identity one which their take with them throught out their whole life.

  50. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    @ ac
    take a break…you on a losing end…..find Clone n hold

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