Peter Wickham, Head of CADRES

A couple questions about the recent CADRES Poll.

With less than one year to go before a general election is constitutionally due, why would those (entity) who commissioned the poll not have requested constituency polling and also sought to adjudge the size of the swing for or against the government?Isn’t this the information which would be in demand at this time?

Who commissioned the poll and what was the role of the Nation newspaper in delivering the information to Barbadians?

  1. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | June 25, 2012 at 5:31 PM |
    “wuh kinda a foolish question dat you asked me .”

    Foolish question? We just want to know if your man is still embracing the leper fellow. Seems not since he has been ostracized and can no longer be seen hobnobbing on the ‘cocktail’ circuit or appearing in DLP PR exercises. Leroy who is now a “shut-in’ might not be suffering from a case of leprosy but he is surely a serious political liability.
    What says you, ac?

  2. @ onions
    Dat you would love Steupseeeeeee!

    @ miller
    why you care !

  3. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | June 25, 2012 at 6:01 PM |
    Me care!

    People like you should care since leprosy is a very contagious disease and is spreading right through the DLP party hierarchy.

    Just wondering where your party’s election campaign contributions would be coming from this time around. Certainly NOT from CLICO via Leroy Paris. Jada or the Families First Account under probate? Don’t rely on the financially decrepit Advocate rag sheet for free Propaganda bulletins this time around; or even CBC. If CBC is forced by the DLP to run any free advertising campaign the management of that corporation would be held personally liable and would have to reimburse the Corporation when the new BLP government is formed.

  4. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    The old Bajan people didnt go to school very long but they had the world of common sense.

    One saying old Bajans always used a lot was, “the more the monkey climb, the more he showed his tail”.

    This is a really apt description of “millertheanunnaki(May2012). When he first slithered onto the scene, he tried his utmost to mislead the gullible that “I am neither BLP or DLP” of course the Blogowner DAVID fell for it , hook, line and sinker but not sensible people. He has now completely abandoned all pretense of being neutral and wastes no opportunity to vilify the glorious Democratic Labour Party which put food on his table, a roof over his head and tried very hard to put some education into his thick skull.

    Now he wants people to believe that Seethru is now a reformed man.



    I report, you decide!!!!!!

  5. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    This is the same man who said in a CBC interview at Ellerlise School on the night that he realised that the electorate of Barbados had cut his Ass and he would now be warming the opposition benches, that he will have to get Therapy in order to return to normal life?

  6. You two DLP hacks are doing the DLP no favours by the gutter behaviour being exhibited here. You have reduced the DLP to a cesspool, nothing but filth emanating from it. You two are stinking up this blog, my gosh, ac defends the party to the hilt but nothing like you two. You have gone pass ridiculous to the point where no one will read the nastiness. You are insulting people’s intellect.

    Breaking news for you two! You cannot lie to the people of Barbados again, their minds are made up! Your feast of the fatted calf is over soon. I believe this is hat is causing your out of control hysteria.

  7. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Prodigal Son

    Enjoy your retirement and the money Barclays paid you.

    You are are not making any sense at all.

  8. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    @ Cardboard
    DESPERATE……DESPERATE……sure you could endure til the bell ? Man D whole it has been bare gibberish…

  9. It is so amusing to watch the DEMs scramble as they come face to face with the reality of being held accountable for a term of government defined by lack of action and aimlessness.

    No Frundel need not worry about the eager 11 because they all know that they are a one term government and the jockeying in the DLP is now for position to rise from the ashes after the hammer falls. Hence we see the spectacle of a minister of Government saying he will resign if the government doesn’t take Agriculture more seriously. Not noting that he has been in charge of agriculture for the past few years.

    In this blog we see the same people who lauded Peter Wickham in 2008 now calling his polls “biased”. The polls reflect the reality that is out there on the streets. The Barbadian people have weighed the DLP in the balance and they have been found to be severely lacking in any substance.

    @Rational, indeed I did hear Frundel’s speech in the 2008 budget, however my assessment was somewhat different to yours, yes it was a skillful rhetorical attack on Owen but what was notable to me was that for his whole speech, he said NOT ONE WORD about the government’s budgetary proposals. Perhaps we should excuse him as they were so lacking in substance that he had to retreat to attacks on the former PM. The speech is instructive as the man who was fated to become PM would show time and time again that this was his style. Long on words and short on substance.

    The speech serves as a model for his prime ministership.

  10. David (not BU) Avatar

    “indeed I did hear Frundel’s speech in the 2008 budget, however my assessment was somewhat different to yours, yes it was a skillful rhetorical attack on Owen but what was notable to me was that for his whole speech, he said NOT ONE WORD about the government’s budgetary proposals”

    funny you should say that because if you notice, the DLP supporters on this blog do the same thing. they don’t deal the problem at hand, they blame Owen for everything and attack anyone who question anything the DLP government does.

    i’m told that most persons who were run out of St. George St. run because of this same behavior. if this is the line of attack from the DLP in the up coming election they will get a shock of their lives. keep it up DEMS.

    it is funny to me that someone would make a case time and time again that persons could not unseat Payne, Toppin and Marshall in a massive swing to the DLP and they would be moved in a swing to the BLP. add to that, is the fact that one would think they will be 12.5% swing away from BLP in any seat.

    if i for one did not believe it before i see it for sure now, the DLP is drowning and what we are seeing here is an attempt to hold on to anything that moves in the water, even the great white shark coming in for the kill.

  11. old onion bags Avatar

    if i for one did not believe it before i see it for sure now, the DLP is drowning and what we are seeing here is an attempt to hold on to anything that moves in the water, even the great white shark coming in for the kill.
    Masterful….great white shark….nice

  12. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Carson C. Cadogan | June 25, 2012 at 7:55 PM |

    “One saying old Bajans always used a lot was, “the more the monkey climb, the more he showed his tail”.
    This is a really apt description of “millertheanunnaki(May2012). When he first slithered onto the scene, he tried his utmost to mislead the gullible that “I am neither BLP or DLP” of course the Blogowner DAVID fell for it, hook, line and sinker but not sensible people.”

    Look here Carson C.C, I am still neither B nor D! I am for good government. I voted DLP in January 2008 I will be voting B in November 2012 or whenever Freundel’s hands are forced. The DLP administration came in on a wave of goodwill and the people welcomed them because they wanted change and a set of fresh young faces to run things and stop all the rumours of corruption and graft. But you guys have squandered every residue of the goodwill. It took the BLP 14 years to deteriorate but you fast food guys want to do it in 5.
    The electorate will not give you another chance to rot any further.
    I was expecting Freundel to seek his own mandate instead of hanging onto the David Thompson coattail. He failed to call an early election and allowed the DLP administration to rot from the head like a dead fish in the form of CLICO.
    Freundel’s “molasses” decision-making style has defined his tenure as PM in these unusually challenging times. His delay in calling elections earlier than May 2012 will cause him to lose the government. An earlier call would not have allowed the eager 11 to undermine him and create chaos in his Cabinet. He has lost that advantage of appearing more in control and together than the BLP leadership. Now it is too late. Given his style one would not be surprised if Freundel takes us all down to the wire like a sinking ship and no one allowed to jump. Don’t hold your breath, CCC, for a November 2012 SOS date with destiny, though!

    As for “taking crumbs off the DLP table you better look into the mirror and see whom you are referring to. Never in a million years!

  13. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    David (not BU) | June 25, 2012 at 10:12 PM |
    “if i for one did not believe it before i see it for sure now, the DLP is drowning and what we are seeing here is an attempt to hold on to anything that moves in the water, even the great white shark coming in for the kill.”

    Agree with your assessment!
    That is how it appears to the pundits. Even the DLP ardent supporters have gone silent or jumping ship right into the path of the great white.

  14. David (not BU) Avatar

    millertheanunnaki “I voted DLP in January 2008”

    here in is the problem. they don’t understand or see that most persons give them the benefit of the doubt in 2008 and when they should be trying to get those same people on their said this time around, as long as you don’t kiss the coat tails of their government you get curse in the worst way.

    i wonder how many bajans like myself and you who voted for them will now turn around and vote them out or not vote because of there actions and inactions?

  15. @miller and David (not BU)
    There are many who share your sentiments. Some are not going to say, but it is clear. Pity that the DLP machinery chooses not to see it, accept it, and try to mitigate it. The die is cast.

  16. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    Since you are so sure of the outcome, can I have your word that they will be more nasty phone calls either late at night or early in the from Seethru busing Bajan citizens that he doesnt stink?

    Will he again threaten to bomb certain people using the task force?

    Or all of that is a thing of the past? Now that, according to you, he is reformed?

  17. @onions

    DLP “drowning” yes drowning in a sea of DEBT left by the BLP. that must be PAID and yet the BLP has not given the answers as how this DEBT would be repaid. However i eagerly await the BLP response on this issue on Budget DAY. by MIA since the Leader the one responsible for this high debt has skillfully exempt himself and not manful enough to give a response, but opt to run and hide leaving “damage control to be delivered by his once arch enemy MIA MOTTLEY. Here is an opportunity for OSA to speak to the public on such an important day. a day where leadership is required but again OSA not one to disappoint “RUNS and HIDES”

  18. Wonder who heard the comment by Peter Wickham yesterday when he opined that were Stuart to lead the DLP to a victory at the next poll, in his shoes, he would relegate Sincler. How does this nestle with his view that Arthur should embrace Mia because of her national appeal and popularity in the BLP.

  19. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    @ ac
    However i eagerly await the BLP response on this issue on Budget DAY. by MIA since the Leader the one responsible for this high debt
    Girl friend (ex)….I know your Cris surely got more sense that to use this opportunity today to try such a invidious act….gamble indeed gamble this time one must weigh all and hope that such works……well bring it on…sounds wholesome.

  20. Can Barbadians take the BLP serious and do they believe Barbadians to be idiots?

    Here we have to take place today a National Budget and the world’s foremost authority on economics is unable, unwilling, unfit and unhealthy enough to respond to the Budget himself mainly in no small part because of ill health and his inability to stand in Parliament for the time it would take to respond to this Budget, mind you this same Frail Tired and insipid old man wants Barbadians to trust him with leadership once again, can you imagine a Barbados in the hands of the
    BLP and Arthur and with him spending no time and being unable to give a days work for a weeks pay, but worst yet to have someone like Mr GLYNE MUGABE leading this country and making decisions for our people to live with?

    I just think what those Wild White Spoilt Rich Boys of The Barbados Rally Club would suffer at his hands or even worst yet what he would do with the lands owned by the hardworking White Land Owners of this Island as Mr GLYNE MUGABE has said before he would take it away from them Lord NEVER be so cruel to this island to do such a thing with it.
    Keep Barbados free of the likes of the Mr GLYNE MUGABE’s of this world and keep Barbados the GEM that it has been long into the future.

  21. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    ” I voted DLP in January 2008 I will be voting B in November 2012 ”

    Nothing you said is outstanding.

    You saw the writing on the wall for your BLP and you decided to jump ship. Voting again for the BLP puts you back into your favorite Political camp.

    There you go again, predicting either when the elections will be held or when Barbados will fall into the hands of the IMF. Now it is November 2012 a shift away from May2012. The fact that all of your predictions have fallen flat of their face is still not stopping you.

    I guess it is the old saying, ” a broken clock(millertheanunnaki(May2012) is right twice per day. I think that is the category you have put your self in.

  22. old onion bags | June 25, 2012 at 12:42 PM |

    @ balance
    If FUNDY beats BARNEY….I eat my hat….FUNDY GONEeeeeeeeeeeee

  23. If FUNDY beats BARNEY….I eat my hat….FUNDY GONEeeeeeeeeeeee

  24. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Carson C. Cadogan | June 26, 2012 at 8:27 AM |
    Hi CCC,
    There is one prediction I will make to ensure the broken clock is not right second time around. There will be no elections in May 2013.
    Neither will there be a DLP government in May 2013 or a CCC on this blog.

  25. time will tell, time will always tell

  26. time will tell, time will always tell, God is not dead he is still alive

  27. ” i want to concu rwith your vision of the returning OSA.Unfortunately, lemuel i cannot share your vision since i did not see th soberness reflected in his inhumane public treatment of Miss Mottley.

  28. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Are you sure ? …are you sure ? …lol…. Stuart shakie ya

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