Some members of the BSTU party leaving Government House last night

According to media reports, the meeting between Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart and the Barbados Secondary Teachers Union (BSTU) to resolve the Alexandra imbroglio ended with a promise of more meetings late last night. Further reports suggest that Principal Jeff Broomes did not receive ‘official’ communication from the ministry of education about the meeting.

After four and one half hours at Bay Street yesterday the only reasonable conclusion to be drawn by John Public is that the 30 teachers remain persuaded by the Prime Minister that dialogue is healthy in the circumstances. Whether the reason for the impasse is legitimate or not most Barbadians have become ‘ticked-off’ at how protracted this matter has become. In any industrial dispute there is a time period which is considered reasonable before the hammer drops. Clearly in the Alexandra matter that time has long passed.

Although it is easy to be sympathetic to Prime Minister Stuart given the large number of issues which currently command his attention, the Alexandra dispute involves children, and despite the placatory offerings from some involved in solving the matter, it must be adversely affecting them. Listening to many parents of the affected children it must be a very emotional time especially if we factor the challenging economic times we have to exist.

Then there is the political fallout going into an election year which makes the inability of government to resolve the Alexandra matter quickly a rising concern. Yes BU understands that it is the Public Service Commission (PSC) which must act if the route to solving the problem is to remove Broomes from the school. This appears to be clearly the path of the Prime Minister. If this is the case then the BSTU finds itself in a situation where there is little they can expect the Prime Minister to do in the short term. The wheels of government bureaucracy has never been known to impress by its speed to action. The newly appointed PSC probably needs time to familiarize itself with its work.

One would reasonably have expected after the meeting at Bay Street last night, and given the concerns for/by students and parents, a brief communication to the media to allay obvious fears was a necessity. BU however has come to appreciate that our political leaders prefer to create information vacuums which give reason for the PEOPLE to speculate. Doesn’t make sense but …With talk shows and social media on the rise, Prime Minister Stuart can be assured of one thing, Barbadians will be talking about this matter some more in the days to come.

Enough is enough!

  1. David; Perhaps you should tell us more.

    Striking to defeat a legal conundrum? Advised by a member of the former PM’s chambers? Expecting that striking in such a situation could lead to resolution of the problem with dispatch?

    How does striking resolve any problem related to the law itself? If the PM had power to revoke the Headmaster’s contract it would make sense to strike but if he does nothow does striking help?

  2. Observing (just observing) Avatar
    Observing (just observing)

    Over exuberance and lack of a forward thinking plan that took into account legal, labour and political considerations. That’s what the PM is at fault for and clearly will suffer somewhat somewhere as a result. “Ticking” off the other unions and siding with BSTU without engaging anybody else didnt help. Buddying up with Hal Gollop didn’t help. Callng BAPPS “PAPPS” didn’t help. This has backfired. I hope the Ministry demands sick letters or letters of absences from the “absent” teachers AND withholds their pay. This is BS now. .

    @check it out
    some will see it as an issue of prime ministerial integrity as well. Keeping your word. Not hiding behind closed doors and keeping secrets. Not shutting out members of your cabinet and silently scolding an entire ministry and Public Services Commission.

    I said it from day one and I’ll say it again, this issue is huge beyond belief.

  3. David

    I think it is all parties that are trapped in the legal conundrum and the BSTU is leading the way out.

    Was it Dickens who brought to the public “the law is an ass”!!

    And that was many years ago.

    Obstinacy grounded in political expediency is the last thing we need.

    This situation needs adults with logic and common sense and who will listen and perceive.

    The law will take care of itself.

  4. Observing (just observing) Avatar
    Observing (just observing)

    This situation needs adults with logic and common sense and who will listen and perceive

    That rules out the BSTU. bummer.

  5. @observing

    Are you listening to Lloyd Austin?

  6. Observing (and questioning) Avatar
    Observing (and questioning)

    Didn’t hear the whole contribution. In and out the office. The piece that I heard made some sense. I’m intensely curious about the role of ctusab whenever a “decision” is made. Will listen to the recording. Any thoughts on his substantive points?

  7. It seems clear that the ‘Inspections Report’ which the MOEHR sat on for months without presenting to the PM and the Cabinet is now being used to retire Broomes.

  8. David; This gets even more interesting, as well as curiouser and curiouser.

    I just heard Caswell and a former Headmaster at CP and St Leonards School agree that all that was really required to separate Mr Broomes was for an official “investigation” (for lack of the correct terminology) to be made of AX and that the findings of that investigation could be then forwarded to the PSC for necessary action.

    Didn’t you post the report of such an investigation done last year here on BU? (grateful if you could find it again?). Did’nt the PM indicate in January that his reason for not involving Mr. Broomes in the his discussions was the existence of such a report and its implicit conclusion that essentially all blameworthy roads led to mr Broomes?

    What then stopped the PSC from proceeding?

    I remember reading the report and concluding that it was not detailed enough or properly structured or focused to be seriously used in that manner but perhaps another report could have been done if there were indeed deficiencies in that report.

    There must have been something that stopped the old and new PSC from progressing the matter rather than the existence of the report on the school. I’m certain Caswell will respond, if only to clear up any mistakes I’ve made in reporting the small segment of the discussion I heard on VOB just now.

  9. David
    Is this the same LLoyd Austin that was principal of Grantley Adams School? If the BSTU didn’t move to censor him when he was principal of that school, they should leave Jeff Broome along, since he is an angel to compare to that man.

  10. I think that the findings of any report must lay charges which are specific to performance or lack thereof and the PSC must in its deliberations give good cause why the person so named must go. Once a person reaches a certain age you must still find cause which may not be difficult to find. One should check out if the former Drector of BVTB was so summaritly sent on retirement. The implication which Caswell’s stateament would seek to imply was that one could just set up a case let it go the the PSC which may act in a particular way and that is the end of it.
    This case now has a political dimension and any action of a PSC or anybody must have to force of law as well as the concurrence of public opinion. Justice must not only be done it must manifestly appear to be done in this case. If it is Mr. Broomes today it may be me or you tomorrow. This must be avoided at all costs. Think on these things

  11. As I see it the teachers at AX have gone on strike because of the PRIME MINISTER not the principal. They worked at the same school as him for the bewtter part of last term and there was no serious matters, what has caused this is a POOR decision by the P.M, therefore he MUST carry the blame and not Mr Broome nor the BSTU. One way or the other the P.M should have made his decision, right or wrong.

  12. The entity who used to be known as Chris Halsall Avatar
    The entity who used to be known as Chris Halsall

    @true to form: “This must be avoided at all costs.

    So, then, you are saying that this is be be avoided no matter the costs?

    What if the costs are infinite?

    Are you willing to underwrite infinite expenditure?

  13. The Inspection report is below

    Read it and objectively say if this report could be equitably used to terminate someone’s career in your view. Comments welcomed from:- AC, Onions, Miller, David, Observer, Random, Islandgal246, Observing, Caswell, even John again, etc,

  14. Observing (just observing) Avatar
    Observing (just observing)

    @David and Check it out
    The report cannot be used “solely” as the reason for termination. It does infer the serious problems at the school, but it doesn’t lay blame at the Principal. It is easily contestable in any court of law or public opinion. The question to be asked is what type of documentary paper trail does the BSTU have. Once upon a time they may have been able to depend on the ministry but clearly Jones and co. have been tossed out with the bath water. It’s all PM and the new PSC.

    Quick question… would it be a conflict of some sort for a member of a board at a school to sit on the board of the commission which he sends decision to for ratification and approval??? i.e. he takes part in making decisions and then sends them to himself for ratification??

    Just observing.


    agreed. a decision is needed. whatever the outcome.

  15. PM Stuart rules: a Commission of Inquiry will be set up at AX with terms of reference to investigate all the issues. The Board of Management apparently has made complaints as well Stuart confirmed. The Commissioner will be retired judge Frederick Waterman.

  16. The entity who used to be known as Chris Halsall Avatar
    The entity who used to be known as Chris Halsall

    @BU.David: “The Commissioner will be retired judge Frederick Waterman.


    Will this Inquiry be open to the public (as is appropriate), or closed (as is nominal)?

  17. Observing (and questioning) Avatar
    Observing (and questioning)

    I heard that as well 10 mins ago but I really hoped I was hearing wrong. U gotta be bleeping kidding me…..

  18. old onion bags Avatar

    Wha losss………….can’t believe me ears…..more play. more play…..what was said today, could have been said since the first intervention, don’t you think ?

  19. more long term drawn out theatre but in the mean time the teachers still need resolved and broomes as of now laughing at it all.

  20. The entity who used to be known as Chris Halsall Avatar
    The entity who used to be known as Chris Halsall

    @more long term drawn out theatre…

    How does a politician appear to be proactive while ensuring that nothing happens?

    Form a committee to study the issue, and pay someone a lot of money to head it….

  21. Observing (and questioning) Avatar
    Observing (and questioning)

    Magic question now is, will the bstu teachers go to work and allow the commission to do its work???

  22. old onion bags Avatar

    @ ac
    But there was an Inquiry done before The King Report…not true ?…so what will happen now ..that was not highlighten then….the finger pointed ALL one way .. the Board , the teachers, other staff >>>J.Broome …well well never in all my life… ..laugh-a -bull

  23. The PM referred to the King report which means by the decision made it was found to be inadequate as checkit and others have opined.


    The BSTU has no choice to return. It maybe that it was orchestrated anyway.

  24. So is this phase two?

  25. *whistles and skips away*

  26. truthfully i can’t back the PM on this one i suppose he thought that other options given to BSTU would have suffice and calm the waters. , now it is on to plan B and all this is going to do is prolong the pain and suffering , i think mary has stated that she would give some lead way for the cxc.

  27. @Prodigal Son

    Did you listen to the PM?

    He said that in his first press conference he said the AX matter because of its complexity had to be managed in stages. He said he never stated time frames. In fact he said he passed stage II long time…lol.

  28. Seems to me that the PM changed his tune completely after meeting with Cabinet. A small victory fo the “eager 11”?

  29. It is a good thing Glendairy burned down under the BLP because there is no way this government with PM Stuart at the helm would have been able to even organise Harrison’s Point far less build Dodds. After all, fixing a few houses damaged by Tomas has been made into a herculean task, and please don’t tell me it is due to lack of money.

  30. Observing (and questioning) Avatar
    Observing (and questioning)

    Bstu doesn’t have a history of acting “rationally” I agree the ball’s in their court, and any further strike will expose them to public condemnation and labour isolation. We’ll wait and see.

    Regarding time frames — “with dispatch”
    Nuff said.

    Big change from the image of the lone gun slinger across the desk, ain’t it.

  31. @David

    I have been vindicated. i have said all along that the pm has no authority to remove mr. broome, and it is clear that he did not understand his role, he has alienated his moe and found himself alone. i have been informed that the Minister of Education had revommended the establishment of a committee but the pm haf dished him, now he used the cabinet as an excuse to save face. I wonder what all his advisor are saying. What have happened to all the gurus who pontificate on the removal of mr. brromes. Mary Redman dont understand industrial relations and should be removed as head of the union. She has brought her union into disrepute,

  32. I am going to bet u that the commission of enquiry is going to be a waste of time and i hope that the pm is also investigated for his role in this sordid mess.

  33. The PM is definitely something else, yuh. He just invoked the use of a Commission of Enquiry to solve a problem at AX. Surely the most innovative use of a Commission of enquiry I’ve ever seen, not that I have knowledge of many CofEs.

    I think it would still be interesting for the BU family to read the AX inspection report that is linked above and see 1) that it couldn’t be used as originally envisaged by the PM and 2) that this matter could go on for a long time as the case against the Headmaster is not at all clear cut, if the inspection report is any indication of the sort of evidence they have against him.

    Indeed, setting up a Commission of Enquiry for this matter seems to be a solution that could well backfire eventually if legal grounds are not found for his removal. In the meantime will Mr Broomes be suspended while the enquiry is ongoing. Will the teachers go back to work immediately?

    In addition the PM has himself effectively condemned his own imputed earlier actions re. perceived promises to the BSTU.

    Why did the teachers go on strike? Did they think that the Commission will not operate swiftly enough or did their action lead to the Commission brainchild today?

  34. @ Blogger

    “Mary Redman dont understand industrial relations and should be removed as head of the union. She has brought her union into disrepute”

    Therefore the same can be said about the PM too?

  35. I did’nt hear the press conference. Could someone tell us if the PM indicated that Mr Broomes would be suspended while the commission is doing its work? Will the teachers return to work minus Mr. Broomes? Could there be an interim legal challenge to any attempt to separate Mr. Broomes from AX in any way before the Commission’s findings are in? What are the arrangements for teaching the students from tomorrow. How is the MoE going to function in all this?

    This is huge! as Observing says. The involvement of Cabinet seems to be a face saving device and suggests that the PM has probably seen the error of his go-it-alone ways. But could it also spell further action against Mr. Stuart eventually along the eager 11 continuum?

    Where is an “an observer” in all this? he’s very silent these days. This matter should be right up his street where he could educate us laymen on the various aspects of this use of the Commision of Enquiry heavy equipment?

  36. the teachers went out on stike because the PM couldnot ! did not ! and failed to deliver their request the removal of broomes. and as long as Broomes remains the problem would continue!and nobody in the MOE or even the PM have the balls to be straightforward with Broomes but would rather avoid engaing BRoomes on the Need for him to Go . it seems like everybody afraid of BROOMES and wunna think the teachers got it bad here is a man who has singlehandely hijacked the system and have the government crawling on their knees with the BSTUBB

  37. It must be obvious that the BSTU were clued into what the PM has proposed. The Commissioner is expected to do his work through the long summer holiday. The PM exuded a quiet confidence that the BSTU will return to work. He also hinted that if per chance they do not the MOE will do the necessary. He was very clear that a PM cannot fire any headmaster but pointed to naughty practices in the education system which Commissioner Waterman will have to ferret out and his findings used to update the law.

  38. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    The PM of Barbados is in need of urgent help. It is about time the people of Barbados deal with this default prime minister. Under normal conditions I would never disrespect a prime minister, but Mr. Stuart is seriously testing the capacity of people to keep their patience in check. I urge all Barbadians, BEES, DEES, IN BETWEENS, and those who do not even care aboutt politics to help us take back Barbados from this excuse of an intellectual and clear-thinking man. PM Syuart is horrible!

  39. How about George C. Brathwaite for PM? Avatar
    How about George C. Brathwaite for PM?

    George C. Brathwaite | April 19, 2012 at 6:51 PM |

    How about George C. Brathwaite for PM?

  40. The PM’s presentation was unfortunate. Barbados could right now the talents of David Estwick and Mia Mottley. Simple…

  41. A Commission of Inquiry had better be set up to find out how it was possible that the contract for the building of the new BWA headquarters was awarded to Innotech before the technical committee made any recommendations.

  42. Observing (and observing Avatar
    Observing (and observing

    BSTU at Alexandra is on strike. Full stop. the PM has played his hand. It’s their turn. Let’s see how it goes. The commission will not kick in until summer, then it will take a few months to work, investigate properly. Not to mention getting a mandate and involving ALL of the stakeholders. Then the few more months for a report, then a few more months for it to be laid in Parliament, then a few more months for the reccomendations to be followed, then a few more months for them to be appealed….By this time it would have been elections 2018…. Poor Mary.

    Freundel has saved himself “somewhat.” He did something, but maybe took too long, at least he decided. Kudos. The BSTU could call out their entire membership but having been bluffed and “duped” I don’t think they have the balls. Sir Roy ain’t putting a soul in dis one. Off into the sunset we ride until another day (y). Whither the BSTU in the short term.

  43. Just listened to the PM on TV on the AX issue. I covered my face in shame on hearing a chihuahua trying to be a pit bull. It was pathetic and embarrassing to hear our leader, a grown man trying to get one up on his opponents. He has failed miserably!

  44. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    This PM is so very insensitive and insulting to the citizens of this country. After registering them as having barbacued pig tail mentalities; after suggesting the numbers that are Barabbases; he now tells you he does not have to give you any running commmentary about something that was made into a national controversy. On an issue that his ministers failed to bring any resolution; and that the entire Cabinet now stands labelled as being gulity of passing the buck. Shameful! Forget about party politics, Barbadians must see that this default prime minister would not even do a good job on an isolted and uninhabited island. An ‘intellectual’ disgrace is Mr. Stuart and I use the term intellectual in as disparaging a way as he is contemptuous towards Barbadians’ good sense.
    No apology Prime Minister; they place that you occupy is much tooo grand for your presence based on your lack of leadership and performances. Surprise us all and call the darn elections you sorry excuse for a prime minister of Barbados. Call them now man, and stop procrastinating!

  45. Observing; Freundel has saved himself somewhat? Au contraire, I think he has provided some more grist for the mill of the remnants of the eager 11.

    I had the same reaction to the CBC clips as Islandgal247 described above . I fear his chances of leading the DLP after 2012 are getting more remote as the confusion spreads.

    The only hope for FS to regain some face (and BSTU as weell) is for Broomes to make some serious gaffe over the next several months when he will have to coexist at AX with the eager 30. Barring that the slide downward will be sad to watch and could well be chaotic.

    Caswell; practicing holding your nose yet? Your boy has essentially admitted that he tricked Mary Redman into believing that he could sever Broomes from the school with dispatch knowing full well that it ran totally counter to best practice for the trade unions. What will that do to the BSTU’s continuing campaign? Will they whimper off in the night?

    Interesting times!

  46. wuhloss george brathwaite wait you PM in waiting aint no knight in shining armour neither wuh you tink he god gift to mankind . he is just as pathetic as the whole bunch put together or even worse. fuh he quick to stab people in the back and when it comes to the economy he keep he mouth wid shut.

  47. To Hell and Back!!! Avatar
    To Hell and Back!!!

    @ Enuff

    “there is no way this government with PM Stuart” would have organised to have Grendairy burnt either, comprehend?

  48. Observing (and observing) Avatar
    Observing (and observing)

    saved himself somewhat in relation to this specific issue.. lol…. He still over some hot hot coals nationally, politically and internally.

    By making this move he has passed the buck somewhat, taken the “high” road and done what is “right.” All other probelms and issues still exist. Mary Redman is now the wildcard in the pack. Do I hear strike til summer???

  49. To Hell and Back!!! Avatar
    To Hell and Back!!!

    @ independent

    Technical Committee of what?

    Is the BWA a statutory corporation?
    Does the BWA have a board of directors?

  50. @ Hell and Back
    There were different tenders to build the new headquarters and a commitee was supposed to review them. Part of the process was for Deloitte and Touche to have a look at the bids. It’s my understanding that before that process was finished, Innotech was awarded the contract.
    I assume that BWA has a Board.

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