BU is able to do what we do based on sources, over the years we have developed many. Regrettably sometimes BU gets it wrong because our sources got it wrong. In this case BU is satisfied we got it wrong. BU extends an apology to Minister Donville Inniss for any harm done  –  David

Minister of Health Donville Inniss

BU is acting on a source which has confirmed disturbing information.

It is no secret the cohesiveness of the Cabinet of Barbados currently under the leadership of Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart is under a little pressure. This is in light of recent revelations arising from the ‘letter’. To add to the robust conversation triggered by the letter story, expectation had been heightened that Prime Minister Stuart would have addressed the issue in a New Year message. To date the country has been left hanging at a time when Barbadians hoped Stuart would have stepped up to the plate and projected the decisiveness required and expected by a Prime Minister in dealing with matters of grave national import.

Our source has confirmed that Minister of Health Donville Inniss stormed out of a recent Cabinet Meeting chaired by Stuart leaving a few choice words in his wake. It is no secret Inniss has no qualms if required to resort to words found in the fisherman’s vernacular to express a strongly held view. It would be interesting to know why a minister of government would disrespect the office of Prime Minister by racing out of a Cabinet meeting. The plot thickens!

Prime Minister Stuart needs to come to the people with a position. Where there is a vacuum any crap will attempt to gain entry. There is the appointment of Governor General which remains outstanding. The Prime Minister must understand that as leader he has to do what is required to command the confidence of the people he currently has the honour to serve.

146 responses to “A Flare Up At Cabinet Meeting???”

  1. I think it is an insult to Barbadians whether they are voters or not, not to give a new year’s message; this is unprecedented here in barbados. Any one who can support the P.M on this behaviour is even worse than a political yardfowl. this is tottaly unacceptable.

  2. I think we should have an election sooner than later, let the people DECIDE.

  3. @ Yardbroom.
    Yes there is Education & there is “Education”. Sadly we are put in the sticky position to differentiate between an Educated Idiot & a Street Wise Ass.
    Fool me once, but not twice is what I would say .

    I worked with people who suffer from dementia. When yoh head gone, everything dun wid.
    I relate to the DLP in the same breath as the above.
    I believe these few men & women, how ever “green” they may be would have been able to hold it together a little better if they were not under such heavy manners.
    This party should have hit the ground running, but sadly they are still at the starters line, waiting for the gun to go off.

    My concern lies with the welfare & survival of Barbadians.

    I hear you David (Not BU)
    The youth have spoken.

  4. Scout

    Behave yourself. Your Grand Parents never tell you that no news is better than bad news ..?

  5. Dawn Rollins

    Other than for the religious part, I am in full agreement. I see Erskine “turtlehead” Sandiford all over again almost to a carbon copy.

    David I told you so. Stasis Stuart will disappoint alotta wunna

  6. BU has been working government sources but it appears there is a gag order in position because nobody is willing to offer comment at this stage.

  7. If this is true I support Minister Inniss. Too many of our ministers are selfish and put party and self before before country. I like Mr Stuart but if he is to slow to act and fails to listen what do you expect one of his best miinister to do? The DLP Eager 11 should find out who was is the. Brutus among them.

  8. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Fed up Bajan | January 3, 2012 at 9:27 PM |
    “I think we should have an election sooner than later, let the people DECIDE.”

    Pre-May 2012 is the election date. Carson C. Cadogan will now agree!

    A country gets the government it deserves!
    Bim gone! I feel for Bim!

  9. How very fortunate that we are located on the eastern edge of the Caribbean sea ,and not further along in Africa of back west in Central America,otherwise this question of leadership would have been long settled.

  10. The people put him in they can simply take him out. He ain’t no gorillaphant. Simple,

  11. BU has received a denial from sources close to Inniss and we have updated the blog accordingly in the interest of balance.

  12. Hi Checkit- Out
    (Sorry I am a bit late in replying)

    “@Yardbroom, could you be more explicit? Any examples from the current situation?”

    It is “alleged” that a Minister walked out of a cabinet meeting and if we are to believe all that has been alleged, behaviours were exhibited that are not consistent with what is expected.

    Ps: These are “allegations.”

    It could be that a certain courtesy was extended to the Minister by the Prime Minister and either informally or otherwise he has been told what his fate will be. The Prime Minister regardless of what some people might think of him, has the “authority” of his office and some are always eager to let him know what actually happened when their backs are against the wall; never mind what they say in public.

    The alleged incident at cabinet must be seen against this background. It is like the employee who has been dismissed from his job and in the yard decides in his final hurrah, to tell the boss what he thinks of him before the assembled workers.

    When and if there is a major cabinet reshuffle, it will give us a clue as to the timing of the next general election. With major changes, Prime Minister Stuart must give the new Ministers time to make an impact in their positions before going to the electorate. We must see green shoots starting to sprout. A long wait can be expected.

    If he favours a snap election a few might pay for their perceived treachery.

    As to Prime Minister Stuart and “honest man” is being pilloried for being what he is when he was appointed. Some believed in his appointment he could be pushed around; he has proved them wrong. Some of the electorate expect him to be like previous Prime Ministers…he is not.

    We often want talk and swagger over “substance”…we love it that way, that is why we are repeatedly seen as “invisible people.” Despite our supposed “education” we are never taken seriously, as everytinig we have that should be cherished, is thrown away.

  13. miss rollins the DLp did not spearhead free education in BARBADOS,they expanded upon the foundations laid by the BLp under sir grantley adams.

  14. @Caswell

    Inniss, lashleys, Mcclean,Boyce,Stuart,Kellman,Brathwaithe,Linton,Suckoo,Todd et al were all gainfully employed before they were Ministers. Kndly provide your information that they were not .

  15. barbados is a class society. the problem in my view is class not race and black barbadians like a certain type of person to lead them. persons of mr stuart’s ilk would always have a difficulty in enamouring himself to the negrocratic barbadian psyche. we blame race but the truth of the matter we are still slumbering under the psychological whip of massa.mr arthur for example except in my view for ill-advised managerial decisions like greenland, kensington,sale of bnb and a few political gaffes which cost his party the election managed the fickle economy of barbados well during his term of office and this is recognised by the international community and this is borne out by the comments from the us embassy on wikileaks; yet mr arthur has benn pilloried as a thief and drunkard by his own kind. on the other hand, mr thompson after losing three elections on a trot and running from the leadership of his party only to return conveniently and surreptiously to oust the real grass roots leader has been labelled a great prime minister. i ask again . what did mr thompson done during his political life to make him great other than he was a reasonably good looking brown skin fellow with immense political charisma. rather than making mr thompson accountable for his deceptive role in CLICo, we are trying to impose undeserved hero status upon him and erect monuments in his name. mr stuart’s problem is not his leadership style is that he in belong.

  16. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Stuart is no fool but the way he thinks he needs to be as a Prime Minister certainly is. He definitely is not too popular with the people and maybe he knows that his days as a PM are numbered.

  17. Balance

    None of the above rings true to me ..sorry!

  18. @David

    Are u sure the word should be flair and not flare?

  19. @Blogger2012

    Good one!

  20. Yardbroom | January 4, 2012 at 4:15 AM |
    Nonsense from yardbroom pure nonsense
    Accept the fact that Stuart is not endearing himself to the masses nor to his party
    And that with Stuart at the ‘hellum’ the DLP is highly unlikely to win the next election

  21. balance !
    Some of what you say is true but all of it does not apply in Stuart’s case. Stuart is seen as lethargic

  22. Yes Porter;
    Seems to me that Yardbroom has wrapped himself up in knots trying to defend the indefensible while trying to give the impression that he is fair and balanced.

    Also. I agree with you that much of what balance has said is true but not all. Stuart’s problem is not one of belonging but appears to be that of being apparently aloof and slow to act.

  23. @Porter and checkit-out

    Perhaps you should add the caveat that the qualities identified are fatal in the situation Stuart finds himself as a PM operating in harsh economic conditions with a disgruntled team. More and more one looks at it maybe Stuart although he has the upper hand by way of the power the office is cloaked the current reality is he has little wriggle room to retrieve this situation. The longer he remains silent and is perceived to be inactive in the office the pressure mounts on the party and the country.

  24. Hi Porter
    Jan 4 @ 8:10am

    You have an opinion and no doubt it has some merit but I simply ask of you – please give evidence to show some sort of analytical thinking – who is available in the present DLP Government. Who has the experience, honesty, integrity and “loyalty” to turn the economy around, win the next election and put Barbados forward on this glorious path…over to you, name him with “evidence”.

  25. @ Caswell
    I would like to divert a bit and ask you to make your services available to the BSTU/Mary Redman. What is this woman doing to the school children at the Alexandra School? I was a member of the BWU for about 18 months before I left these shores to take up employment overseas. The first thing the Late Sir Frank Walcott told a group of new members of which I was one, was that the Union doesn’t go on strike until it gets public sympathy and support. Where did this woman do her trade-unionism training? A few weeks ago she was all over the news media trying to defend the indefensible i.e a teacher submitting SBA studies late to the CXC resulting in all the students failing the subject. Today teachers at the institution wouldn’t be in the classroom due to a dispute between her union members and the principal. The biggest Trade Union, NUPW isn’t backing her and from all reports the BUT members not losing a day’s pay over a non-issue.

  26. Chuckles

    Leff Pinkie … Dah head master up dey ain’ nah sweet bread. You don’ need public support to deal wid he. That problem (the Head) has been around for over half a decade. No other school has these issues. None. Lef pinkie. When you dealing wid people with super charged egos you supposed to take a sledge hammer to their cheeks …!

  27. Hi Checkit-out
    Quote: ” Seems to me that Yardbroom has wrapped himself up in knots trying to defend the indefensible while trying to give the impression that he is fair and balanced”.

    I “try” to be fair and balanced and I will not get it right all the time, but I try.

    I ask myself what has prime Minister Stuart done that is so unpalatable. He is being himself, he is no different now to the first day “they” elected him as Prime Minister.

    I would defend Mia Mottley or Owen Arthur in the same way if that was necessary. A few have got above themselves and listened to bad advice. It is not Barbados or DLP anymore, it is what “I” can become.
    Many people have worked “years” for them to be in Government the electorate expected great things from them, and they are about to throw it away through “vanity”….it is so sad.

  28. Seeing that no one here seems to be defending Stuart, I shall do that for him. Why do we always crave for “bullies” and “vagabonds” to govern us. is it a throw back from the psychological scars from slavery? Stuart has “his way” and it seems o be working for him. Why are we in a hurry to take from him of that which he most desired from his youth the PM ship?

  29. We are seeing a replay of the DLP in government 1994 and the DLP in opposition during the time when Clyde Mascoll was the leader. They are carrying out the playbook to a “T”. Infighting, joustling for leadership, plotting to rid of the leader and cursing each other. Exactly what happened before. Dont these Dems ever learn? But you know the old people say, history repeats itself.

    Are they going to take it to the extreme and cause the PM to do a Sandi, call the election and cat spraddle all of them because only Jones and two of the Lashleys will be able to get pensions.

    Bajans must be saying, look what we gone and do!

  30. @lemuel and Yardbroom

    Does it matter if Stuart is happy with his style even if his charges and Barbadians seem to be unhappy? Is a leader not suppose to get people to follow his way of thinking?

  31. Bless my eyes
    Bless my soul
    I have never seen a government
    With so many rastassholes

  32. David I am playing Teacher Mildred
    Flair …meaning style and elegance
    Flare …meaning burst into ignition

  33. …”Never seen a government with so many rastaholes….”

    …where you from again Islandgal?

  34. What bothers people is that you do not even see the PM, not even on the DLPTV where the DLP is promoted nightly. Does he not speak at various events that at least the people would know he is alive?

    Sad though it is, one can only come to the conclusion that he does not care what the electorate thinks about him. I mean, could God, he knew that his trip to the Commonwealth Heads of Government caused a uproar in his absence and people felt that he left without saying boo, he knows what people are saying about his style or lack thereof, if he really cared about the people, would he not at least make an effort to engage the public? Adrain Clarke, a known DEM at Cropover sang “Freundel aint saying nothing” and still it did not move him to action. All he said is that he loved the song. WOW!!!

    He has the Advocate and CBC drooling at his feet, any word he utters would be carried fully. There should be no communication problems at all.

    He has a death wish for himself and the DLP, hence the eager 11 wanted to take action. A DLP friend of mine said that part of the plot was to get him to step aside and become GG as that is more suited to his style.

    But you know what? The DLP has known Freundel for donkey years, they know his style, why would they think that electing him as PM would cause him to change his modus operandi!!! Just shows you how dumb the DEMS are!!!

  35. @Islandgirl

    Sorry for the slip got the point when lemmie made it.

  36. Bush Tea | January 4, 2012 at 11:16 AM |

    …”Never seen a government with so many rastaholes….”

    …where you from again Islandgal?

    De same place you come from BT!

  37. I am wondering if Balance understand what they wrote in their reply to one of my comments or they just did not understand my comment?
    OR they wanted to start a debate regarding the subject?
    I am not sure if you are male or female, so apologies for addressing you as “they”.
    Further more, I have never hidden the fact that I am a BLP supporter & again make no excuses for it. I call a spade a spade & I am big enough to say when I get it wrong & graciously accept correction & constructive criticism.
    The Oxford dictionary ( by the way was given to me by Donville Inniss) explains the word “Spearhead” as ‘ The point of a spear. An individual or group chosen to lead, thrust or attack. Act as spearhead of an attack’………

    BUT never a Political Yard fowl I am!

    Are you trying to convince me that the DLP did nothing for this country & that the BLP did it ALL & got it ALL right???????
    I call it as I see it.
    Please reread my comment

  38. @ Adrian Hinds
    ” If Stuart was the Prime Minister of England , Australia or Canada he would have been replaced ever since.”
    I really do wish this person to indicate how this could have been done rather than throwing up a very glib and empty statement and passing it off for authoritative comment. I shall await your response.

  39. @Adrian Hinds.
    To say that the Constitutions of England, Australia and Canada DO NOT protect their Prime Minister is , to use your own word, total HOGWASH. The mere fact that there is a provision in those constitutions for the appointment of a prime minister, there is provided a concomitant means of protection within those same constitutions.

  40. @ David
    The pertinent point is that without Prime Minister Stuart, there might be no DLP Government as well as a few less in Parliament of those who sought to dispose of him.

    Do those supposed great leaders of the Stuart plot, expected they could depose Prime Minister Stuart in a coup, take over leadership of the DLP, select a new Prime Minister of Barbados and the next day things would continue as though nothing has happened and the electorate of Barbados would just accept it.

    To my mind that shows their unsuitability to lead, because of the “naivety” displayed.

    When a member of a particular party is electe, be it BLP or DLP he/she is entrusted with a responsibility, which carries the hopes and aspirations of a people…..that should never be taken lightly.

    It is not about “me”.

  41. @Yardbroom

    Despite what you say if the current reality given the events of recent days suggest members of the parliamentary do not have confidence in Stuart, what then?

  42. @ David

    Are Cabinet meetings not held anymore, there is no reason for a “letter”.

    At a cabinet meeting this could have been said: Prime Minister we have become concerned about the direction we are going and there is a perception that our message is not getting through to the electorate, because of communication problems.

    I am not alone in that view and there is a majority opinion who share it around this table and who are in sync with the views I have just expressed.

    In the open and in Cabinet at a properly constituted meeting, it could have been done….no hole in the corner nonsense.

    That would have shown “real leadership” qualities. If you are a real leader you must be prepared to stand up.

  43. @Yardbroom

    Agree with you that resorting to the letter exposed the ‘unread’ state of the eager group. However it does not address the issue of obvious ‘unrest’ among his charges.

  44. David

    This seems like a replay of Mr.Sandiford in 1994.Party faithfuls defended Sandi stubbornness while the country went adrift.
    Mr. Stuart is an honest man but he is giving the BLP the government slowly every day.
    Barbadians are accustomed to their PM speaking about any and everything. Mr. Stuart is either deliberately letting the situation fester or has some brilliant strategy that cannot be seen by the average voter.
    He could come out and said his government is united behind him and they are making plans for the party winning the next elections.
    He could have reshuffle the cabinet or make it smaller
    No. He says nothing going from into a new year and voters are puzzle at what is going on.

    This style of leadership will surely put them back in opposition for a very long time.
    Whenever he makes the decision it will have no impact in showing he is a strong leader.
    Most of his defenders say it is his style. Is that an effective style for Barbados at this time?

  45. Maybe what the DLP is getting it deserves for unfairing Dennis Kellman for all those years, and too think that he has the “safest” seat. He should be at least have been the official duputy under D. Thompson.

  46. @ David
    The letter was to be used as proof by the Eager 11 later. Cabinet meeting discussions and verbal requests alone would be weak evidence to present to the public to justify removing Stuart. It is called Paper Trail.

  47. Prodigal Son

    You sure that Stuart get elect or like Thompson after Sandiford, he get appoint …?

  48. Tourism drives the Barbados economy. Where is the BLP going to bring tourists from to revive this econonmy- From MARS or VENUS- please – Stop all this foolish talk about Owen rescuing the Barbados Economy- He has never rescued the Barbados Economy – in 1994 when the DLP gave away the government , the economy had already started to recover and the global economy started to rebound.That is a fact !

  49. @David

    There was no disgreement between Mr. Inniss and the PM at the Cabinet meeting that was held at Ilaro Court since the letter was written. The person who passed that information to you had malicious intentions.


    I am still waiting to hear the names of persons who u said were not gainfully employed before they became Ministers. you should be man enough to retract your statement.

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