
Mia Mottley led the call for the voices of ordinary citizens to be censored  in 2007 and in 2015 it is the turn of Donville Inniss. There will always be bad apples in a barrel, however, BU agrees a few may be abusing the privilege social media affords. For the most part the advent of social media has created the opportunity for ordinary citizens to share information and concerns without being dependent on the traditional media. In Barbados the politicians continue to intimidate traditional media  therefore the political class will always have a problem with BU and other social media forums.

Here is BU’s position:

The BU household invites anyone to challenge postings to Barbados Underground if merited. If Minister Donville Inniss or any member of the political class believes a blog post or comment is false, write to BU and share your view, we will post it.   The biggest irony based on BU’s experience is that the commenters who abuse the privilege social media affords are often times the very politicians who are braying like Julian Hunte’s jackass.

118 responses to “Donville Inniss, Shut Up!”

  1. AC

    I too agree with you, we should have put a stop to this a long time ago, however we have to start somewhere and at this point in our stage of development our young people have become disinterested in politics. What will happen if this partisan trend continue and we old folks are off the scene, who will govern this country? We MUST bring respectability back into politics and stop burying our heads under some political party. At the end they are, like Gabby sang, the same party. Most, if not all those politicians, in there private life, are friends, they use us like pawns on a chess board. Many of us are sensible who can think for ourselves, we must stop these greedy politicians dictate our lives.

  2. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Prodigal Son April 13, 2015 at 8:43 PM
    “There is a GOD!”

    Yes indeed. The GOD called ‘TIME’.
    It’s just a matter of Time before the Goddess of Retribution- having dished out the curse of social leprosy (ostracism) on David Thugson, Greenverbs Parris and Michael Carrionton- takes its toll not only the haunted living spouses of these wicked evil men but, according to your good book of wisdom, will carry on through the children unto the fourth generation of the inheritors of the Devil’s tainted money.

  3. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    You asked: “You really think that Mara Thugson could outsmart anybody? LOL!!!!”

    But she did! What does that say about the Opposition?


  4. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac April 13, 2015 at 8:29 PM
    “yeah bro yuh right ,,but wuh took u so long tofugure that out some fourteen years later is a long time seems kinda strange,,but i guess know body cared back then..”

    And so it continues 7 years after the 14th year of its birth.
    Why are you so keen to embrace the chief architect and mastermind of the building housing the politics of inclusion? Aren’t you (the chief chorister of OSA’s rebel band of minstrels) afraid of become contagiously infected with the plague of political opportunism and moral decay like rotten meat traded in the market of corruption?

    Why has OSA the black harbinger of demagoguery suddenly turned into a white god of salvation for Barbados and the symbol of a curse on the BLP which has lost its soul to clitoral-philia?

  5. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Caswell Franklyn April 13, 2015 at 9:29 PM

    Says a lot.
    That the political class has closed ranks against the people and Justice.

    How else can you explain the turn of events regarding the Speaker? In any enlightened matured democracy based on the Westminster model the Speaker would have been “pushed’ to resign.

    How else can we explain the bold-faced ‘touch me-if-you-dare’ attitude of Hal G and his client Greenverbs?
    Why is the Opposition so silent on the Republic issue? Why not make it a “rubbing shoulders” matter for debate or pronouncement? Why not put the Fumbler and his gang of budding dictators on the back foot and announce “No Referendum or Elections, No Republic” without the people’s express approval?
    Unless, of course, the political class has already concluded there will be a republic by decree with the support of the silent Opposition not being the people’s guide.

    But what else can we expect in a banana republic where democracy is the currency for bribes, kickbacks and family and social ties?

  6. @ David
    shiite man…. it is not only Pornville who needs to shut his trap…. Did you read the comments of our National “Failure in Chief” – Dr.Justin Robinson?
    He is reported to have said that:
    “Some businesses need to fail. If they can’t grow and go to the next level then they need to move out of the programme and make space for the next level coming through because really nobody should want to spend their life in a small, struggling, marginal micro business eking a living,”
    Who really writes the speeches for these jokers?
    What exactly is wrong with a small business remaining small?
    Who says that every business needs to keep on growing?

    What about useless managers in failed businesses like the UWI? should they be allowed to fail too?
    What about academics who sit on boards like the NIS – and can’t even show financial reports ….What?.. promote them to the board of the Central bank?
    What about totally useless lecturers? ..we should make them deans…?

    steupsss…..some serious shiite is wrong with ALL these DLP people yuh….
    David Thompson like he is riding their donkeys at night… or AC writing their speeches…. 🙂

  7. Caswell
    I am of the opinion all along that it was a set up by Mia when she pushed Santia to make that move on that day resulting in Mara and her Privilege Committee solution.Mia should have been the person to challenge the Speaker by moving a No Confidence vote.
    Caswell as far as I am concerned the rules of the House were made for a different breed of parliamentarian not this bunch of poor rakey people.Remember Sandy and his …touch one touch all crap.Where the hell is sandy now.JA’s all.They think they omnipotent.Bunch ‘o dithering old duffers.

  8. @ Miller
    Stop misleading the blog.
    There is no GOD called time. GOD is much bigger than “time”.
    In fact, TIME, like other temporary entities such as all the physical matter of the universe, was CREATED by GOD ….and for a very specific and focused reason.

    Bushie has to keep an eagle eye when you try to sneak in your “anunnaki” mythology… 🙂

    Time WILL end….
    GOD exists outside of the constraints to which your limited mind is bounded boss…where the limits of ‘TIME’ does not apply.

    …so wheel and come back.

  9. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bush Tea April 13, 2015 at 10:22 PM

    It hat your shibboleth to summon the Zionist Zoe from the bat cave?
    Why don’t you let sleeping bats hang from the religious cave of hallucinogens?

  10. @ Miller

  11. @onlooker

    i will tell u why no body cared about integrity or corruption lol 14 years because you had the likes of the millers and the prodigals and the chief bottle washers living high off the fatted calf , Corruption was embraced it was as normal as breathing,, now those days are gone for them , all of a sudden the foot soldiers have become the town criers of virtue and integrity but no matter how hard and long they talk the talk and cry out the past of corruption would continue to haunt the BLP legacy and their voices for bringing a change founded on morality would be punished with laughter ,if and when change is brought about it would never take a foothold on the steps of the BLP and the foot soldiers party, NEVER

  12. @ ac
    LOL…so are you saying it is like Sparrow’s Gene and Dinah…

    So when you bounce up Jean and Dinah
    Rosita and Clementina, in the Gov’ment posing
    Bet your life is something they thieving
    And if you catch them at it
    You can make them opposition…
    Don’t make no row, the BLP gone, and the DLP take over

    shiite woman… you just as shameless as Carry-way-ton.

  13. Every time I make a promise to ignore the AC consortium, they post some shiite that causes me to rescind on that promise.

    The legion of demons mentioned:

    1) “i will tell u why no body cared about integrity or corruption lol 14 years because you had the likes of the millers and the prodigals and the chief bottle washers living high off the fatted calf…”

    I hope they remember Thompson’s famous speech at the DLP’s annual conference in 2009, and to quote, in part:
    “Under no circumstances, however, we will kill the FATTED CALF to welcome any such persons back into our fold.”
    “The FATTED CALF will be slaughtered and shared among those of you who have fought the battles and who have won for us a glorious victory at the polls.”

    I guess Richard Byer being allowed to charge $766,855.24 for a similar job another attorney charged $17,000; Denis Lowe’s millions; losing candidates Jeptar Ince, Irene Sandiford-Garner, Esther Byer, Patrick Todd, Harry Husbands appointed as senators and parliamentary secretaries in the largest cabinet in the history of Barbados, while Hensley Benn is the Barbados’ ambassador to Canada (all of whom stood the course and now getting free money); are just a few examples of the fatted calf being distributed.

    2) “Corruption was embraced it was as normal as breathing,, now those days are gone for them, all of a sudden the foot soldiers have become the town criers of VIRTUE AND INTEGRITY but no matter how hard and long they talk the talk and cry out the past of corruption would continue to haunt the BLP legacy…..”

    Hmmmmm….. “vitue and integrity”, interesting words. I remember reading the DLP’s 2008 election manifesto, and specifically page 47, “Good Governance”. According to the DEMS, good governance have “8 major characteristics”, one of which is “h) Follows the rule of law.”

    In June 2013 the PAC asked the NHC to account for over $40M in monthly advances, without parliamentary approval (which does NOT follow the rule of law). We all know that, in response to this “financial enigma”, Stuart went to parliament to repeal the PAC Act. What do they have to hide?

    Maybe someone could tell me if the Transport Board buses going to Trans Tech and the minister driving a BMW SUV owned by Trans Tech, does not describe some sort of corruption.

    Whatever happened to the integrity legislation requiring (a) declaration of assets by public officials, (b) a Code of Conduct for Ministers, and (c) a new Freedom of Information law, which were all promised to be introduced immediately upon assuming office?

    “There is therefore a need to clean up politics in Barbados. The Democratic Labour Party has selected a team of clean, caring, competent and committed politicians who have signed on to a code of conduct that promises Good Governance.” {DLP 2008 election manifesto, page 47}

    Well, well, well, a team of “clean” DLP politicians. I wonder what Michael Carrington or Denis Lowe have to say about this.
    And I also wonder if these DLP politicians really read their manifesto, since thus far and by their actions, none of them have proven to be “A TEAM OF CLEAN, CARING, COMPETENT AND COMMITTED POLITICIANS WHO HAVE SIGNED ON TO A CODE OF CONDUCT THAT PROMISES GOOD GOVERNANCE.”

  14. You people stop talking bout Guvment deng,. who wunnah tink wunnah is…. the citizenry?

    One has to wonder at the sheer boldness. We are indeed aiming to be a bana Republic, for sale to the highest bidder…. free tax concessions an all.

    Wunnuh pay taxes, no need for the large corporations and investors to do so….dem is special, not like wunnah.

  15. @Artaxerxes April 14, 2015 at 8:14 AM #

    Excellent post, Artaxerxes.

    You have time for the jackass,ac. Nothing ac posts gets to me but I do say, only you, Bushie and miller can put the ac’s in their place.

    Ac is so ignorant, it is a shame that anybody can post such asinine comments hourly on BU. Does ac know that the phrase…”sharing in the fatted calf” came from David Thugson. I have never heard any other leader in any of the parties ever making such an asinine promise. And people praise the dead thug as a leader? One who always thought he should be Prime Minister of Barbados?

    But ac, I will tell you this for the last time, I have never lived off of any benefits from political patronage…..I am not a member of the BLP. So get lost!

    By the way, why does Donville Inniss feel he has to push his mouth in every thing under the sun? He is now attacking the PM of Antigua. Why does he not light some fire under Fumble………every Barbadian is complaining daily about this government.

    What morons!

  16. Tell me something I don't know Avatar
    Tell me something I don’t know

    @ millertheanunnaki April 13, 2015 at 10:40 PM

    As a aside: There is only a handful of people who would properly “nuse” the word Shiboleth… I would guess by your comment that you are on a journey away from the setting sun even if the sun is to be found at its zenith.

  17. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Tell me something I don’t know April 15, 2015 at 3:53 PM

    Relative to your small world Father Sun is always at His Zenith. You are the little orb that spins and dips in the orbit of His journey through his abode of many houses.

    You may refer to the analogy of the setting sugar cane industry to understand your own material existence. Everything has its age.

    But in my Father’s mansion of Light there are many rooms where He rises and sets from the Alpha to the Omega. Where would be our next rendezvous? With the man carrying a pitcher of water? Would you be around to be washed with the water of knowledge? What would the shibboleth to enter that room?
    Now go and figure out that conundrum to earn your first degree.

  18. still read my lips,,,,,,CHANGE under the Banner of Integrity Would NEVER HAPPEN ON THE DOOR STOPS OF THE BLP PARTY … the charades that are now being demonstrated is an attempt to ask forgiveness and open a new chapter but look who are the leading players within the party, dare i say more,,,

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