Submitted by Charles Knighton


I had hoped that the advent of March would have put an end to the tedious recitation of the numerous accomplishments  of Black people that have brought change to our lives. Alas, Corey Worrell “In the black” (Nation March 03rd) has now disabused me of that notion.

Once again, Blacks have spent a few weeks looking back to great men and women of the past, while ignoring the calamity in their midst, the destruction of the Black family.  Fifty years ago the great majority of Black families had two parents. Today, less than 40% do and the majority of Black children are growing up with struggling single mothers. The result: an ongoing epidemic of school dropouts, crime, child abuse, and relentless poverty.

This should be no surprise. Children need fathers. And it’s well established that children from broken homes are far less likely to succeed in life. The boys turn to crime and drugs and end up in prison. The girls turn to sex and wind up pregnant, perpetuating the cycle of misery.

How has society responded? By making teen pregnancy easier with cash assistance, medical coverage, and foster care. Meanwhile, good -for-nothing fathers hop from one baby mama to the next without any consequences. We can blame society or racism if we like for these messed up children. But an intergenerational cycle of dysfunction has been unfolding before our eyes, and only Blacks can stop it.

While it was originally hoped Black History Month would foster a sense of self esteem in Black children and adults alike, it seems to now serve more like the child’s finger which is held in front of his eye while he exclaims “Look! My finger can hide the sun!”.

  1. @ David
    “Why do you feel you have to call Bust Tea a liar for expressing a view”
    ….how nice! You defending Bushie 🙂
    Seti is probably correct from his limited perspective.

    Seti sounds like one of those youngsters who ‘recently discovered’ that Blacks are the ones who were made in God’s own image, and who has the full potential to exemplify the characteristics of BBE.

    However, he is still fighting to convince himself that others are “no better” and he feels that he has the research ammunition to make his case against all comers – LOL, including the ‘lying’ Bush man.

    In fact, BT is well past that stage (as you well know) and had Seti been around last year when this matter was discussed, he too may have been more advanced in his thinking at this point.

    If Bush Tea provides his first son with all that is needed for success – the best genes, the birthrights, the personal blessings and the physical attributes, and then that son decides to spend his whole life trying to be a better girl than Bush Tea’s fifth daughter ……who is to blame if ‘number one son’ comes out at the bottom of the list of Bush Tea’s hyarchy of daughters?

  2. I invite all the BU family , and all students to read NATURE KNOWS NO COLOUR LINE , by J.A. Rogers. The Ministry of Education needs to introduce this book into the school system. BU family are you ready / willing to help with this cause .
    This video is dedicated to the lost boys on the block , WAKE UP RISE .

  3. @taseti

    Will put something up soon.

  4. Roman remains in York are ‘elite’ African woman

    Archaeologists have revealed the remains of what they say was a “high status” woman of African origin who lived in York during Roman times.

    Academics say the discovery goes against the common assumption that all Africans in Roman Britain were low status male slaves.

    Remains of the Ivory Bangle Lady, as she has been named, were studied in Reading using forensic techniques.

    She was first discovered in the Bootham area of York in August 1901.

    Her remains were in a stone coffin near Sycamore Terrace in the city.

    Her grave dates back to the second half of the 4th Century. She was buried with items including jet and elephant ivory bracelets, earrings, beads and a blue glass jug……

    BBC NEWS 26/FEB/2010 .

    From The Times February 27, 2010

    Analysis of Roman grave reveals that York was a multicultural society
    Steve Bird

    Archaeologists have discovered that wealthy black Africans lived in Roman Britain in one of the country’s earliest examples of multiculturalism.

    Scientific research techniques have established that a lavish grave containing a woman’s skeleton, an ivory bangle, perfume bottle, mirror and jewellery, belonged to a North African member of York’s high society in the 4th century…..

    Her sarcophagus, which was made of stone, a sign of immense wealth in Roman Britain, was discovered in 1901 in Bootham, York. The city was then a legionary fortress and civilian settlement called Eboracum, founded by the Romans in AD71.

  5. Who is the Black Freising King on the “Coat of Arms” of the current Pope: Pope Benedict XVI ?

    Whites have devoted a great deal of time and energy into hiding the fact that Blacks were the original inhabitants and the creators of European Civilizations.Sometimes their lies are silly, such as with their explanation of the Black Freising King on the “Coat of Arms” of the current Pope: Pope Benedict XVI.

    More proof that blacks were the original inhabitants and creators of civilisation in Europe , see below :

    1) German tapestry “Wild Men and Moors” ,1350- 1400 A.D , Boston Museum of Fine Art. This German tapestry clearly depicts the invading caucasoid barbarians attacking the castles of indigenous Blacks. The Black King and Queen are seen in the front window of the castle.

    2) Cameo of an african king ,Paris.
    3) Who is the black king / moor seen on the famous Drake Jewel .

  6. Are Europeans ‘hybrids’ according to data by conservative scholars Bowcock and Cavalli-Sforza?

    DNA Data comparing Europeans , Africans and Asiatics seem to show that Europeans are not a primary ” race” at all but mixed hybrids between some ancestral Africans and Asians .

    “Cavalli-Sforza shows that the European population is the most genetically mixed-up on earth, being a mix of genes from Asia and Africa. He uses this to poke fun at Arthur de Gobineau, the 19th-century French author of the ”Essay on the Inequality of Human Races,” which helped inspire German racism. De Gobineau, he says, ”would die of rage and shame at this suggestion since he believed that Europeans . . . were the most genetically pure race, the most intellectually gifted and the least weakened by racial mixing.”
    [–Mark Ridley, “How Far From the Tree?” (Review of Cavalli-Sforza’s ‘Genes, Peoples, and Languages’ ) NY Times Book Review, August 20, 2000].

    The White mans division of the worlds people into the three Human races (Black, White and Mongol) is false and self-serving. When a group member of a species with a great variety of physical attributes – such as Black Humans – who exhibit ALL Human attributes: Black skin, White skin (Albinos), Broad noses, Narrow noses, Full lips, Thin lips, Wooly hair, Straight hair, Hair of all colors, Hair of all textures, Very tall people, Very short people, People with Mongol features – breaks away, and forms a “Supergroup” of ONLY those with a “Single” particular distinct attribute, and through some type of isolation – forced or otherwise, breed exclusively among themselves, thus producing offspring with only that one attribute. They create a Sub-species containing ONLY that attribute!

    So when isolate members of a species ALL share a common trait, such as (White Skin – Albinism). They do not form a “New” Race, they form a SUB-SPECIES. Thus Whites are NOT a RACE, they are a SUB-SPECIES!

    So when isolate members of a species ALL share a common trait, such as (Mongol features). They form a SUB-SPECIES. Therefore, there is only ONE RACE – the “All Encompassing” Black skinned Human race: all others are Sub-species.
    Thus Mongol is NOT a RACE, it is a SUB-SPECIES!

    Whites have done countless studies on why they have pale skin, and also on Albinism. Every single explanation that they have offered for their pale skin has been proven false! Much has also been made of the fact that their studies do not say that they are Albinos – as if a people who have spent centuries, weaving a bogus history for themselves, would ever admit to that. The more salient fact is, that despite their many studies, and infinite minutia, they have failed to differentiate themselves from Albinos. And as the saying goes: If it Looks like a Duck…And it Quacks like a Duck…And it Waddles like a Duck…And lacking evidence to the contrary…The chances are really Good…THAT IT IS A DUCK!

    The reason why modern Europeans are still so close to the “Pure Albinism” of the original Germanics, Slavs and Turks; as opposed to the admixture readily apparent in Asians, Middle-Easterners etc, is that the population of Blacks in Europe was not nearly as large as the Black population in those other places. That was compounded by the flight of Blacks from Europe, when hostilities between Blacks and the first incoming Albinos began (approx . 1,100 B.C.).
    Note what Tacitus said concerning just the Germans. Quote: hence too, the same physical peculiarities throughout so “vast” a population. All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, huge frames. Clearly then, just the Germans by themselves, represented an overwhelming influx of people.

  7. Gene Studies confirm ‘Out of Africa’ Theories
    Findings: Africans also have most diverse DNA, fewest genetic mutations

    By Maggie Fox
    February. 21, 2008

    ” Two big genetic studies confirm theories that modern humans evolved in Africa and then migrated through Europe and Asia to reach the Pacific and Americas.

    The two studies also show that Africans have the most diverse DNA, and the fewest potentially harmful genetic mutations.”
    White Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds
    Fox News ^ | Friday, February 22, 2008

    ” White Americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots, a Cornell University-led study finds.

    Researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 20 Americans of European ancestry and 15 African-Americans.
    They also found that Europeans had many more possibly harmful mutations than did African, which was a surprise.”,2933,331949,00.html#ixzz2GrZen7MV


    Study shows surge of bad disease genes in Europe

    MSNBC Wednesday 28th November, 20
    NBC News .

    ” The study finds that in the past 5,000 years, European-Americans have developed a huge batch of potentially harmful genetic mutations – many more than African-Americans.The study, published in the journal Nature, may help explain why so many people develop diseases …”
    Post-Ice Age baby boom might have upped your risk for bad genes

    ” Having lots of babies really quickly had an unintended consequence for Americans of European descent — a huge increase in potentially harmful genetic mutations. A new study published in the science journal Nature reports that the population explosion among European people after the Ice Age that led to rich agricultural societies and a whole lot of babies, and now European-Americans have significantly higher rates of genetic mutations than other ethnic groups, such as African-Americans. ”

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