Submitted by GoWeb Caribbean


At the time the Late David Thompson, then Leader of Opposition, had embarked on his unforgettable “Crime and Violence” election campaign, he was he subject of much ridicule, particularly from the ranks of the then ruling Barbados Labour Party.

Today, in 2010, as we look at the collection of recently perpetrated crimes in this society, one cannot help but ask the question, “Was Thompson’s campaign a prophetic one?”

We have had the murder of a Canadian tourist, a story reaching international attention, and a potential blow to Barbados’ tourism drive. Add to that the fire bombing of “Chicken Galore” in Bank Hall. Robberies are no strange occurrence in the Barbadian landscape, but the perpetrators usually vacate the scene without altercation upon securing their loots. It therefore gripped the entire country to hear that these robbers proceeded to fire bomb the still occupied establishment subsequent to the completion of the robbery.

This was unprecedented in Barbados, until it was repeated again, in short order, this time with fatal repercussions. The  robbery and fire bombing of the “Campus Trends” store in Bridgetown, which claimed the lives of six, plunged the island into open mourning. This atrocity prompted choruses of “Somebody got to hang for this” across our beautiful landscape.

With the apprehension of two suspects, people probably thought that was the end of this crime spree unnatural to this nation, but then the recent news of a door-to-door salesman murdered at close range during the performance of his job has raised further public concern. If you aren’t safe while sitting in your own vehicle, or  standing in your place of employment, where can you be safe?

It is my pray that we are able as a nation to control this upsurge in crime which is currently being witnesses in our precious nation.

  1. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “Bermuda’s economic output shrank by 8.1 percent in real terms last year a dramatically worse recession than Government forecasts had anticipated.
    The news that the Island’s 2009 gross domestic product (GDP) slumped by 5.8 percent or 8.1 percent after taking inflation into account was revealed in a release from the Department of Statistics yesterday.”

    While the gangsters in the Barbados Labour Party are trying their best to lay the blame for hard economic times at the feet of the DLP Government all other countries in the world including the Caribbean are finding the going tough due to the world recession.

  2. I would never agree with the idea that a person who was not born in a country should not be eligible to hold the highest office of the land after becoming a citizen of that country. As in the case of the USA, I believe it is wrong to say you can you live here and pay taxes all your life, you can even join our armed forces and put your life on the line for this country, but you can never become president. Barbados should never adopt such in its constitution.

  3. Simply anonymous;

    I disagree. I do not think it is a stretch to consider that the newspaper report that essentially said that DT, on his deathbed, expressed the wish that Mara should run, win the St John seat and then eventually turn it over to one of his children, was outside the realm of rational possibilities.

    The reason is that DT was a really extraordinary man. He planned his life course to the Prime Ministership from his schooldays; He removed every obstacle from his path in realising that goal; His last months was a study in how a politician on his deathbed sought to protects his erstwhile clients (His last Cabinet meeting was solely to work out a bailout plan for CLICO); His sickness was apparently stage managed to ensure that he retained full control of the Cabinet, etc.

    I don’t think it was beyond such a man, with a seeming fixation on the Prime Ministership, to attempt to will that post eventually to his offspring.

  4. @ CCC

    You said, quote:- “While the gangsters in the Barbados Labour Party are trying their best to lay the blame for hard economic times at the feet of the DLP Government all other countries in the world including the Caribbean are finding the going tough due to the world recession.” End quote.
    At last mouth open story jump out! So this being the case why should de DEMS be doing their livid best to cast all blame and aspersions at the then BLP government! You see, CCC, “time longer than twine”. But no problem keep on as you are doing and keep incriminating yourself AND de DEMS!

  5. There are still cells at Glendairy
    The idea is not to send them to Dodds–too new; good; too clean

    Glendairy is it
    By the way 6 pm gone and reports are that the guilty one has not shown up.
    Well the hunt is on–all borders sealed

    his ass is grass –
    -dry grass and it will be burnt

  6. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    “why should de DEMS be doing their livid best to cast all blame and aspersions at the then BLP government!”

    Had the crooked Barbados Labour Party been more prudent with the taxpayers funds, engaged in less squandermania, siphoned off less public funds to their secret offshore bank accounts, maybe the pain that we are now facing would have been less.

  7. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


  8. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    Sixteen billion dollars in vat revenue collected during the time of occupation by the gangsters of the Barbados Labour Party.

    Where did it all go?

  9. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Don’t forget this site.

    Visit and leave a comment.

  10. Scout you pity me? The same way that you CLAIM that you call it like you see it so do I? The same way you have your opinions which come over MOST of the times as being very pessimistic I HAVE MINE!
    I have never once called you a fool YET ……. I might call you a fraud but never a fool and now I hear that you pity me? Why for having an opinon oh well carry on smartly wannah older people is make me laugh LOL!

  11. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “Wannah older people is make me laugh”

    I take exception to that.

  12. To those who are castigation this administration over integrity legislation should note that it was set down on the order paper and the PM died the Saturday before that debate. See below.,%202010.pdf

  13. Fines of up to $500 000; penalties of up to 5 years, or both. These are the consequences under this legislation. It even extends to managers of private companies. Far reaching isn’t it?

  14. @Snipes

    When is this legislation expected to be proclaimed and what about the FOIA.

  15. @ David

    I sense this blog is full of persons with multiple pseudonyms. I hope I am wrong.

  16. snipes how does within 100 days get to be over 1000 days now.

  17. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “Shrinking economy hits all business sectors”

  18. Carson C. Cadogan | December 4, 2010 at 10:10 PM |

    Sixteen billion dollars in vat revenue collected during the time of occupation by the gangsters of the Barbados Labour Party.

    Where did it all go?

    please learn to use addition properly you over by almost 10 billion in vat revenue. as for what it was use for, it used to pay government expenses like they currently doing.

    as for

    they seem to be lacking membership. on 10 people joined in 2 weeks i think you need a better membership drive.

  19. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Turn over tax to be increased by two percent in St. Martin. This as Government seeks to balance the budget.

  20. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    “they seem to be lacking membership. on 10 people joined in 2 weeks i think you need a better membership drive.”

    A thousand mile journey starts with the first step. Remember that.

  21. Okay if you believe so. still doesn’t account for totally erroneous figures your trying to blame people for.

  22. @Enuff | December 5, 2010 at 8:00 AM |
    @ David
    I sense this blog is full of persons with multiple pseudonyms. I hope I am wrong.
    You only now sense that? That has been the case for a very long time and it cannot be prevented.

  23. It is amazing how you guys sit behind your computers and come to conclusions. If people are savy enough to manipulate their IPs what can we do? BU is always open to suggestions.

    For those who use same IP with multiple user names we deal with it. Try to focus on the content of the argument and let the rest resolve itself.

  24. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    “erroneous figures ”

    That is your opinion. Are you trying to rewrite history?
    The only thing erroneous about the The Barbados Labour Party is the mistaken belief, held by a few, that the crooked Barbados Labour Party want to help the country.

    They just want to get their mits back into the cookie jar.

  25. My opinion smh. where did you come up with your figures from now ? Did you make them up in your head? I went to central website and took the vat figure since 1997 and added them up. Really it not my opinion but central banks own now.

  26. @David | December 5, 2010 at 9:07 AM |
    It is amazing how you guys sit behind your computers and come to conclusions. If people are savy enough to manipulate their IPs what can we do? BU is always open to suggestions.
    For those who use same IP with multiple user names we deal with it. Try to focus on the content of the argument and let the rest resolve itself.
    David, that’s a joke. There can be thousands of different names with the same IP because what you see are the IP addresses of ISPs. Even in cases where homes or businesses have their own public IP address, there may be multiple persons at that home or business who post comments here. So how can you possibly know the difference? This is a rhetorical question.

  27. @Anonymous

    You don’t worry about what tools we use, you concentrate on commenting.

  28. David | December 5, 2010 at 12:24 PM | @Anonymous

    You don’t worry about what tools we use, you concentrate on commenting.

    LOL David !!!!!!!!

  29. @David | December 5, 2010 at 12:24 PM |
    You don’t worry about what tools we use, you concentrate on commenting.
    Whatever you say captain. But I will put you to the test.

  30. I am looking foward to the next election in Barbados.The women in Barbados should get ready for a revolution.Here’s hoping that many more young women answer the call of politics.

  31. @ Raymond | December 5, 2010 at 4:42 PM |

    You said :- “I am looking foward to the next election in Barbados.The women in Barbados should get ready for a revolution.Here’s hoping that many more young women answer the call of politics.”
    I was wondering if we could have a repeat of 1994 and MARCH DEM out again. They seem to be doing the same exact things they did in the 1970s and the 1990s. When will the DEMs ever learn?

  32. @ Raymond

    Women are taking this “revolution” thing too far. Irene Sandiford is saying that the removal of Mia Mottley is gender violence. If that is so, then it means a woman serving in a DEMOCRATIC system can never be removed.

    What happened to Mia could have been done a little more tactful, but it followed the democratic process. How can that be violence? A majority voted to democratically remove someone, and just because it is a woman (one who is in no way associated with vulnerability) it is violence! When Mascoll was removed, it wasn’t violence. Remove a woman from a post and it’s violence. Let’s be reasonable with this thing.

  33. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    ‘Island needs to pull together’
    George Hutchings, chairman of the Association of Bermuda International Companies

  34. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “Guyana spends USD$321M on imports in first quarter of 2010”


  35. @ Anthony
    It takes significantly longer than 100 days to draft this type of legislation. Expecting politicians to meet manifesto pledges in their espoused time lines is wishful thinking and smacks of naivety. Past experiences have shown that full or multiple terms go by without manifesto promises being referenced.

  36. When will there be a second reading of the Prevention of Corruption Act?

    If this Act was in effect, nobody would be talking about threatening the present Finance Minister with legal action (see AAA blog on BU) for his (Minister Sinckler’s) noble effort of seeking to protect the public’s purse.

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