stanec_engineersThe decision by the previous government to widen the ABC Highway and build flyovers will go down as one of the most controversial in a post-independence era. The issue of a flawed tendering process, and the ballooning cost of the project based on a rolling MOU couple with a haphazard changing to the scope of works became a political hot-potato topic in the lead up to the last general election. It was not surprising to many when the new David Thompson led government fired the hitherto unknown 3S Barbados company on assuming office. It should be noted it was done in melodramatic fashion from the floor of the House of Assembly.

BU’s position on the unprofessional way the previous government managed the project is well documented (search BU using key words “flyovers or ABC Highway).

The DLP government has cancelled, for the moment, the decision to build flyovers and in so doing had to retrofit the highway at considerable cost. We can continue to debate whether flyovers is the answer to relieving traffic congestion in Barbados, BU’s concern remains on the process taken to bring us to this point and the subsequent engineering decisions taken by the current administration to complete the highway.

Before we revisit the Upton Wildey Triangle here is a bit of trivia about the ABC Highway:

Did you know that the Design Engineer assigned by Stantec New York to the project (Bryce Walker) has not visited Barbados.  Stantec has an office in Barbados and is very active here? There has been numerous design errors, the levels near SOL Wildey gas station and the design of the concrete culverts and the pipe culverts under the road are just a few.  Some of these problems BU understands have had to be corrected after 3S left the project.  However, the problems with the pipe culverts under the road can only be corrected by digging up some sections of the road.  The culverts installed are 8″ diameter while the Ministry does not permit anything smaller than 2 feet diameter. According to our source the maintenance of these culverts will prove a monumental headache as time goes on.

BU must point out the information provided by our source does not gel with what is posted on Stanec’s website.

To the death trap at Upton Wildey: the current situation must be arrested in the interest of saving lifes. Traffic attempting to exit from Upton and merge with the traffic zipping down the hill from the CBC end is fraught with unacceptable risk using our commonsense observation. If successfully clearing the Upton junction was not enough of a challenge; the real test awaits when drivers wanting to turn right at the SOL gas station. The challenge is to cross 3 lanes over a 100 metre stretch competing with traffic whizzing from left and right!

We understand the Ministry of Public Works and by extension the Minister John Boyce, himself an engineer is happy with the current set-up!

  1. ‘The Barbados Association of Professional Engineers has lost all credibility on their pre election stance on the highway. Their silence on the Wildey Triangle condemns them either as victims of political manipulation or as active political participants with no interest in public safety’

    Well said

    They have well and truly shown the public what they are made of.
    Their zealous concern over public safety ended the same day one of their own got the job.

  2. Anonymous // August 21, 2009 at 7:48 AM

    ‘It is not fair to say that the Guys from STANTEC never Visited the project. STANTEC has a local office headed by Andrew Hutchinson who is one of the engineers the would have worked on both the EIA and the actual drainage designs for the Highway improvement. So its kind of misleading to say they didnt have a prescence in Barbados’

    Deliberately misleading is being diplomatic, deliberate lies seeking only to discredit the BLP is the reality.
    There are sound engineering reasons for the size of drainage pipes used.
    If BU took the trouble to check the facts with any reputable engineer who has experience in road building.

  3. BU must point out the information provided by our source does not gel with what is posted on Stanec’s website.’

    BU who is ‘your source’?
    Can he tell us how much Abdul Pandor invoiced the government for his ‘redesign’ of the Highway?

  4. ABC Caylypso

    Sitting in my car cooking ma head
    Wishing I was back home laid in ma bed
    Not here in this traffic sweating muh ass
    Why don’t we have no over pass?
    Im so hot o man o man
    why cant I just fly over this jam
    I wish I could fly jus like a swan
    Over this mess down to highway one.


    I am a bajan
    Don’t need this aggravation
    Just hear my plea
    I wanna flow freely down the ABC

    I don’t care what they say
    Someone made a b***s up of the big highway
    Nash Frank and Scantleby sitting in the cool down at MPT
    looka all this stress y’all giving to me
    They done their best they delayed every which way
    Slow down guys aint our money that will pay
    For this , so make it all run real real slow
    That’s the way they did for project free flow.

    But I am a Bajan
    Please stop this aggravation
    Don’t wunna see
    I wanna flow freely down the ABC

    Now wunna have a highway big and wide
    3 lanes a piece but mama which side
    Aint no one knows jus where to go
    Looks like the new design is project go slow
    We all travel slowly we stop and start
    Dis new highway aint worth a f**t
    We cut across we swerve and turn
    our hearts a feared our stomachs churn


    I am a bajan
    Don’t want aggravation
    Please listen Mr T
    I wanna flow freely down the ABC

    I wanna fly over like a bird
    This new system is plain absurd
    Lines and paint are everywhere
    Somebody save me from this traffic nightmare
    I wanna flyover without no fuss
    Hey Miss Mottley can you rescue us
    Take us where we ‘d rather go
    Smoothly down the highway with project free flow.

    But I am a Bajan
    Don’t want aggravation
    Like a honey bee
    Just wanna go freely down the ABC

    Oh Mr Boyce jsu listen to me
    Wunna stop talking bullshit bout the ABC
    The BLP aint in power no more
    the buck stops here Right outside your door.
    You messed up good and we knows the truth at last
    The solution of the traffic is an over pass.
    I only wanna go as far as Sobers
    But im stuck on the highway with no flyovers

    But I am a Bajan
    Don’t want aggravation
    Please listen to me
    I wanna flow freely down the ABC

  5. Any engineer is free to counter the issue raised regarding the maintenance of the culverts.

  6. Anonymous
    it would be far simpler for the government to implement the original flyover plan for these two junctions. I would remove most of the traffic from the CollymoreRock “parking lot” and allow most of the highway traffic to overpass this area completely.

    However Thompson has said “NO Flyovers” yet one more short sighted decision by a man who is out of his depth.

    The original design was the right one well thought out by expert traffic engineers.

    Whoever gave the PM the disastrous advice to abort the project for political grandstanding has cost Barbados plenty.

  7. David // August 19, 2009 at 6:17 PM

    How can important arteries in the road system be shut down for long periods during peak as a matter of right by MPW et al?
    Because they are idiots.

  8. @ru4real: “The original design was the right one well thought out by expert traffic engineers.

    Care to expand on this?

    Care to share the “design” to the general public, for “peer review”?

    Care to share the names of the “expert traffic engineers”? Or, for that matter, care to share your own name?

    Just asking….

  9. @BU Family…

    If I May…

    Any Engineer, or Scientist, will always be prepared to stand behind, and argue, their position.

    If they’re proven wrong, they will admit this gracefully. But only after they’re *proven* wrong.

    Unlike, for example (IMHO), financiers, marketers, politicians, et al…

  10. Chris have you received any answer yet from your call to MPT?

    Have they ‘found’ the traffic study yet?
    They one that they cant find/ dont know where it is / there never was one anyway?
    The Traffic Engineers were masters in their profession from Panama – a country that has much the same problems as Barbados – congestion in a small built up area where land is at a premium. They gave several presentations here explaining the concept that were seen by many people here including BAPE ( who sniped and nit picked but FAILED spectacularly to offer a viable alternative.)

    However it doesnt matter how highly qualified experts are or how well they they explain a concept if they are talking to those who DONT WANT TO HEAR.

    The DLP has succeeded in overthrowing the flyover project. That they have made a mega mistake needs no proof or explanation just go out and drive down the highway and all the proof that is needed it is there FOR ALL TO SEE.

    Same old same old — silly and dangerous crossings– the lethal Wildey bodge up.
    The congestion at the roundabouts as predicted in fact its all the same as it was baring the double lane highway that most of the public do not know how to handle due to the failure of MPT to give correct directions and traffic signs.

    The visionary concept of a free flowing highway has been destroyed.

  11. @ru4real: “Chris have you received any answer yet from your call to MPT?


    @ru4real: “The Traffic Engineers were masters in their profession from Panama…

    You seem to know a great deal about this ru4real. Perhaps you could provide some additional information on the topic? Like, for example, the Panama Company contracted for the study? The names of the Engineers involved? Your name?

    Presumably the people of Barbados paid for this report…

    Why isn’t it publicly available?

  12. @Chris

    You can get all that information easily down at the MPW- nothing to hide is there?
    As a member of the public just ask.

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