My fear of a DICTATORSHIP is a very serious aspect of my reason for change. This admistration has clearly shown its willingness to take us down the road of a DICTATORSHIP. Let us address the withdrawal of PETER WICKHAM from writing articles for the Nation and the risk of the halting of CALL IN SHOWS, and from what I have been reading and what I have heard that this gov’t has undertaken illegal means to tap into private citizens telephone calls, text messages and Internet activity such as the interception of emails etc, this was facility was first introduced with the CWC and has since been put into active use to control and monitor the actions of those not favourable to the DICTATOR.

Commenter~Wishing in Vain

peter-wickham-small-potrait.jpgFrequent contributor to the blogs under the moniker Wishing in Vain hinted yesterday that certain actions behind the scenes were unfolding which can be interpreted as restricting freedom of expression among Barbadians. Today, Peter Wickham confirmed on national radio that the Nation newspaper has withdrawn his articles because he has been deemed to be a biased contributor.

We should try to have some more discussion on this matter.


According to frequent commenter Adrian Hinds, he believes that the genesis of Peter Wickham’s censure by the Nation newspaper maybe traced in the following video:



75 responses to “Peter Wickham's Articles Banned By The Nation Newspaper”

  1. Can’t help but notice the public officers that are part of Mascoll’s campaign team. One David Bowen an employee from the central bank and Andrew Connell from the Black Rock polyclinic.
    One question: what will happen if other public officers are seen out campaigning or are even part of the opposition teams?
    Just asking. Thats all

  2. Just sent a comment and it disappeared.

  3. what gine on hay, doh? All de comments written just disappearing jus like dat.

  4. On a point of clarification. Was he banned altogether from writing columns at the nationnews paper, or was this particular article not brought?

  5. Mr. Hinds, it has become clear and painfully so, that yet again the blinders you all have placed so as not to see the points of view of other people remain in excellent condition.

    Fine, Peter Wickham is not the most credible of people and personal dislike for him may be present, but the point you seem to be missing is this: Freedom of speech cannot be seen as being curtailed when there are always articles put in for either side. IF the big bad Government were looking to restrict this ‘free speech’ a term you all are using too loosely to begin with, articles covering DLP events and statements and polls would never see the light of day.

    More importantly if you work for a company and your views are too controversial, radical, mis representative, what have you, then it is within the rights of that company to dismiss you. Peter Wickham isn’t a lowly man on the street writing in, he is a weekly columnist for the Nation Newspaper, if he were to say or do anything to defame anyone, the Nation would be held liable for it. Anyway I am sure all of this is falling on blind eyes so I done before I develop carpal tunnel.

  6. Is Mr. Wickhams column supposed to be on behalf of his work for Cadres, or is his column his opinion to write? So it is quite acceptable for Mr. Wickham to write a column penned in his own name while working Cadres as a separate company.

    He is not mandated only to be impartial, when in fact he has a column of opinion to write.

    Surely there will be more talk about cost overruns and excesses allowed in the media, and the use of non-tenderd offshore partners for roads, prisons and lots of thngs as elections draw closer.

    In the mean time will the Nation ban all the non-balanced partisans who write constantly for the BLP? Will the Advocate cease to be counciled by Joey Harper, who happens to be one of the biggest ups of the BLP? Maybe the news will decide to try and balance when all Barbados has been monopolised by the politics of inclusion, maybe not.

    Free Peter Wickham!
    Reinstate the column in which he may express a view at any given moment!

  7. Supelative1: Freedom of speech cannot be seen as being curtailed when there are always articles put in for either side.


    Don’t generalize it. It is not the freedom of speech of the DLP. We are dealing with Peter Wickham’s freedom of speech. He has met the requirements that the naked pragamatist would call for,….which is, that there must proof of facts that what is being contended is likely to be the truth. Not one article but four consecutive articles where not publish…..But I understand why you would want to suggest that the burden of proof is not met by four consistent rejections of articles.

    I am not missing the point and you don’t seem too convince of yours that you would offer another reason for his censure, seemly in an attempt to solidify the first. Is Peter Wickhams contract with the nation any different than the contract let say Ezra Allyene? yet i can still read his bias opinions.

    ….The only difference between the two is that Ezra Alleyene’s political affiliation are well known and Wickhams is not. So when i look at the what is the publish concern of the PM with regards to Peter Wickhams access to the print media, I am still of the opinion that censure did not have to be a choice at all to settle these concerns, but that this over-reaching denial of Peter Wickham’s freedom of speech is the real intent of a PM intent on not having to answer to questions and situations that will expose him.

  8. Adrian H,

    I was leaving Superlative to deal with your comment, but he lost me somewhere…

    First let me correct your premise – that by agreeing with David you disagreed with both Superlative1 and myself.

    In fact our positions are identical. Where we differ is in that I understand Superlative’s position.

    Morally, it is clearly wrong and undemocratic for the Nation -even if influenced by the PM- to remove a columnist at this time for obviously partisan political reasons.

    We are intelligent people, and given the PM’s strong public (and recorded) comments and the subsequent action we can deduce what occurred.


    Legally, administratively and technically the editorial authorities at the Nation have the management right to determine who they will employ.
    Superlative1 is therefore saying that while we have a strong MORAL case, we should use it ONLY as such, and not anything else – least, given Mr Wickham’s checkered past and propensity to get himself ‘not rehired’, we find ourselves defending the indefensible…

    We have no say in whom the Nation hires., but we can make deductions about their credibility, neutrality etc (..and we done know that they are anti-Barbadian – otherwise known as pro CSME).

    Just clearing the air – and representing my favorite UWI blogging friend…

  9. I don’t support any one party, I’ve always tried to objectively ask the question: ‘Is the party in power, notwithstanding the faulty judgements made from time to time, by both DLP and BLP, worthy of another term; are they doing a relatively good job of managing the economy, etc, etc., in other words, has B’dos benefited from ‘their’ running of our country?’ In all honesty, I have to say yes, as far as Owen Arthur and his BLP administration is concerned. Arthur is a very bright man, has ‘earned’ not only the respect of regional leaders, but, also on the International arena, without question. Yes, we still have proverty, crime, and other serious matters to deal with, like any other nation, big or small. I don’t trust Thompson and his judgement on many issues, he cannot begin to fill, or replace Arthur, at this juncture of our affairs, especially in light of all that is required to deal with Globalization, WTO, and so on.
    As far as Arthur’s tongue-in-cheek remark about never letting the DLP ever hold office again, come on now, to read into this off-the-cuff remark, that he is taking us into a dictatorship, utter NONSENSE, get real!

    Therefore, Arthur and his BLP team, are the ONLY, sound choice to make, we cannot afford to take a chance with Thompson, and a ‘green’ bunch of inexperienced candidates at the most serious point we are at in our development.

    Regarding Peter Wickum, a bright man in his specific field, but, his ‘value-neutral’ system of cultural ‘relevatism’ no absolute TRUTH, according to him, is sad that anyone so gifted in reasoning on other matters, can be so intellectually dishonest, on the subject of Almighty God, morality, when there is so much ABSOLUTE truth all around us. Truth by definition is ‘absolute’ regardless of who denies it. It’s like asking the question, ‘Am I alive, do I exist?’ To that question, the response has to be, ‘Who may I say is asking the question.’

  10. Carlos AKA Jevan red advetising you are so wrong.

    When a PM can make wild and wicked statements as this one has and then we have an article that does not find favour with him being pulled, what else are we to assume?
    This blp is corrupt to the core and his method of holding on to office to continue to carry out his corruption is by methods such as this to alter the course of an election by any means possible and a DICTATORSHIP is right up his alley.

  11. Yea WIV, but at least it is better than cussing and carrying on as they did before.
    The language is all grown up and polite.


    Unfortunately, the logic is weak and pathetic.
    If Owen is so bright how come he could not support his families before on a ‘regular’ job?
    ..and if you want to talk ‘bright’ then the truth is that Thompson wins hands down.

    In terms of his replacing Arthur, that is EXACTLY what we do not want. We are going with David with the expectation that he will be as DIFFERENT from Arthur as his family life is.

    Globalisation? … Arthur and his gang have run us into a big trap. Selling all our assets to the highest bidder…. changing all of our Laws to facilitate foreigners

    Jumping into CSME by heself – and now got bout here mash up….
    Taking Bribes from every Tom Dick and Harry – and bribing or threatening everyone that questions his actions…

    What Arthur What?!?

    You better go back to cussing and threats…

  12. cherry2enpowered Avatar

    Yea Carlos, that was realllllllllll objective!!!!!!!!!!!!.
    So objective that your skirt of disdain is showing right thru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  13. Does anyone think that the management of the Nation should come out and make an announcement on the banning of Peter’s article? Would it not be fair to Peter in the interest of transparency and maybe to give its readers a chance to say what they feel?

  14. A lot of persons keep asking questions like can we see the original highway plans for the 60M US, and see the revised. And the prison 270M one, to see how it changed.

    And so when one voter D axes the question, “Am I alive, do I exist?”

    Then B says: ‘Who may I say is asking the question? Uh……………no!’

    Some is of the higher plane, the rest got to go at the register and pay they own groceries.

    Inclusion paying some down now for the vote.

  15. Does anyone think that the management of the Nation should come out and make an announcement on the banning of Peter’s article?
    David, Adrian, Bush Tea and the lot. It is fact that all newspapers temporary cancel political contributors from the time elections are called. This action was part of the fourth estate from the Barrow regime. Even Ricky Singh’s articles were stop during the Adams period, Gladsone Holder’s articles were stop during the Adams/Sandiford period. Even Call-in programmes are canceled during elections run-up. So Peter, it is incorrect to state that your articles are banned. After elections, I hope that you would come and apologise after your articles are re-appear.

  16. How could a man who wrote the constitution of African nations be considered as such a bad person?
    I think you have to be of a very high calibre to do this….but hey I am young and naive to politics.

  17. To WIV, Bush-Tea, and Cherry2EP, your arrogance is exceeded only by your ignorance. Can’t reason with those who CAN’T reason. Facts are stubborn things, and only the stubborn refuse to accept them!

  18. I knew you could not sustain a decent logical discussion Zoe / Carlos… but you didn’t have to give up so easily…

  19. The banning of Wickham’s articles in the Trinidadian paper, the NATION, certainly gives credence to the scripture at John 3:19 that teaches that, men do not love the truth nor come to the light because their deeds are evil.

  20. The arrogance stems from the fact that B see no need to show how the hundreds and thousands of millions are planned and spent. They do not tender, they call a friend who brings them from UK to form an offshore. We cannot see nor understand, nor account for it. That is the true arogance, because they are taking our taxes but cannot set out the justification.

    The ignorance is because they hide it, and if one does axe you are not allowed to see. So we are ignorant.

  21. Carlos, your argument like all others who advance it is weak.

    The BLP refer frequently to having to “save” Barbados in 1994. Their candidates then (including Owen) were also green and untested, yet were given a chance.

    Despite a “relatively” good job of running the economy the government has done a horrendously poor job of project management, efficient use of taxpayers’ money, transparency, freedom of information, accountability, integrity, management of day to day social services,
    and response to relevant issues raised by the public and more recently by the opposition.

    Do not trust Thompson all you like. It’s the cabinet around him and the civil servants who I’m putting my trust in to ensure that Barbados continues on a positive path, both financially and socially.

    I used to trust Owen, and despise the incompetence of the ministers around him. Now I don’t trust any of them.

    As for the tongue in cheek remark, it speaks to the mindset of a leader of a nation in a democratic state. As a political leader the comment may “slide” past public opinion. As a Prime Minister it’s unforgiveable.

  22. I worte this submission six hours ago on BFP and it is still saying “in moderation” yet I see comments posted up to a few minutes ago.

    I am concerned with people jumping on the band wagon talking about “Death Threats”. I sympathise with Adrian Loveridge who have been threatened on these blogs by some ‘sick person’ who revert to violence. But I have a problem with Dr. Marshall’s statement of ‘he being threatened four times at a BLP meeting’ I thought that the person who might receive such threat would have been Peter Wickham. What type of threats were there, about your person, your dog, your home? Let us know the seriousness of these threats that were used against you to make you reach such a conclusion. Mascoll have been threatened morning, noon, and night and even up to this date and did he hold a press conference? Hammie Lashley has been threatened by people from his own constituency which is a violent place to live and did he hold a press conference? Nassar jump from party to party and did he hold a press conference? Have you committed a sin that someone might be against you? Four times in one night – How many different people threatened you that night? Are you that popular that you must have a press conference. Are we abusing the real reason of a ‘press conference’?

  23. At any rate, guess whose column I saw in its usual location on the pages News for Hire? PW seems to be still a-contributing. Meanwhile, someone sent a warning to the wrong person about my blog going so far as to mention a certain purple dinosaur winning his case against a non-CBC radio company.

  24. In today’s Nation on page 8A, you will see the Peter Wickham’s article. Where are the Forth Estate critics?

  25. […] Over the years, we have heard of many abuses, like the wrong political affiliation costing you your job. We will not reveal everyone involved, as many expect […]

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