Submitted by Kemar Stuart

Barbados is still under a state of emergency and the Emergency Management Act holds supreme as law of the land as it was extended for no logical reason by the Ministry of Health yesterday September 13th. AG Dale Marshall in the press conference sought to defend the state of emergency legislation which de facto keeps the country under a prime ministerial dictatorship.  This state of emergency legislation has a clause that gives the PM absolute power over the country as previously stated in my video and in the nation newspaper. 

(4)    When a proclamation of a public health emergency referred to in is in force, it shall be lawful for the Cabinet to make any Orders whatsoever it considers desirable in the public interest. This is a parliamentary dictatorship 

(6)    In an Order made pursuant to subsections (4)  the Cabinet may delegate to the Prime Minister the power to make such directives as may be required in the public interest. Prime Ministerial Dictatorship 

There is no emergency existing in Barbados, there will be no need to tighten protocols as we proceed full steam into the tourist season.  These dictatorship type laws need to be removed to bring democracy back to Barbados’ political system. The WHO and USA President Joe Biden declared the pandemic over however the government still finds a need to hold onto a power grab not because of a non-existent pandemic but the advantage of side stepping traditional processes under the old independence constitution which have some checks and balances in place.

While the Acting PM Santia Bradshaw and AG Dale Marshall were addressing the issue of relaxing covid protocols as recommended in my previous video and publications, a point also made by the Head of the private sector and also the head of the BHTA. The real PM mia mottley was meeting with the IMF to discuss BERT 2.0 as the countdown to the end of this current IMF comes to an end september 30th having divulged that her team are in advanced stages on pension reform . In her press conference previously she told a reporter that pension reform will indeed happen under this current program which is soon at it’s end.

Having feeling both internal and external pressure Barbados recently announced that majority of the covid-19 restrictions are to be dropped from 23rd September the financial losses are becoming too deep and this decision was announced in a press conference by acting PM Santia Bradshaw The loss of money from absent cruise ships and empty airplanes along with the fact most countries have moved past Barbados months ago is high on the list of reasons for the dropping of these restrictions as articulated by the acting PM.

This was long overdue as we had many mishaps, discrimination in how some classes of persons were treated by these covid laws and public events like general elections, crop over, unctad conference , the Afri – caribbean Conference as the public which includes the PM long ago decided that they will live with the presence of covid and lived life accordingly often ignoring the protocols.

However purposely left out the fact that The public should note Barbados has no declared constitution in place since the transition of the country to republic in 2021 and an update on when the new republic constitution should’ve been on the agenda for the acting PM and Ag’

Barbados is still under a state of emergency and the Emergency Management Act holds supreme as law of the land as it was extended for no logical reason by the Ministry of Health yesterday September 13th. AG Dale Marshall in the press conference sought to defend the state of emergency legislation which de facto keeps the country under a prime ministerial dictatorship. This state of emergency legislation has a clause that gives the PM absolute power over the country as previously stated in my video and in the nation newspaper.

(4) When a proclamation of a public health emergency referred to in is in force, it shall be lawful for the Cabinet to make any Orders whatsoever it considers desirable in the public interest. This is a parliamentary dictatorship

(6) In an Order made pursuant to subsections (4) the Cabinet may delegate to the Prime Minister the power to make such directives as may be required in the public interest. Prime Ministerial Dictatorship

There is no emergency existing in Barbados, there will be no need to tighten protocols as we proceed full steam into the tourist season. These dictatorship type laws need to be removed to bring democracy back to Barbados’ political system. The WHO and USA President Joe Biden declared the pandemic over however the government still finds a need to hold onto a power grab not because of a non-existent pandemic but the advantage of side stepping traditional processes under the old independence constitution which have some checks and balances in place.

This act must be discontinued and government should not pursue another IMF deal or pursue pension reform with this act in place.

Barbados is now a country that has no opposition leader , a country without a constitution and a country with directives that gives a PM such absolute power without any checks or balances in repeat is bordering on rouge governmental practice

Therefore committing Barbados to another program spells uncertainty especially for the future of democracy especially if your livelihood is dependent on government payout .

232 responses to “Countdown to the end of the IMF program Continues (September 30th 2022)”

  1. Information or misinformation?

    There are legitimate questions that should be asked about the debt swap. But absurd alarmist positions do not cut it with this gal.

    Drama can be addictive but it is also tiring.

    Some of us have to save our energy for dealing with actual situations.

    When somebody can talk about CXC changing grades to ensure that black students in Barbados don’t get a scholarship and tout the exception to the rule year as evidence of 3rd class citizenship, I tune out. When I could read that students were denied scholarships because they could not raise the money for queries, I tune out.

    BECAUSE, I KNOW that no teacher or principal in Barbados would allow such to happen. They know the students’ profiles. They know which students can be expected to win scholarships and exhibitions. And they would pull THEIR OWN POCKETS if necessary to fund those queries.

    We have some uncaring teachers and principals in Barbados. But we DO NOT have a whole school of them together in one place!

  2. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Commonsense tells me regarding CXC now and the scholarship grants over the years….THAT’S WHY THE GRADES ARE BEING QUERIED ACROSS THE CARIBBEAN BY THE THOUSANDS…

    i honestly now see why there have been requests for YEARS least 6……….along with all the other valid reasons……not to post certain information to BU…

  3. I just start reading BarbadosToday and PMMIA again in a Photo op with Elias but the article about compulsory acquisition notices is even more “interesting”

  4. @Artax

    Those assumptions were faulty is the blogmaster’s contentious given historical performance of the company and known dysfunctional structure.

  5. There is nothing wrong with a debt swap by definition. The pertinent question is why are we here and is the current trajectory fit for purpose.

  6. @ David

    It is ludicrous, in my opinion, for anyone to implythere is some deliberate attempt to prevent information from being posted to BU.
    And, to also suggest “3/4 of the information needed does not make it to BU,” is UTTER NONSENSE…… RUBBISH.
    How can anyone who DOES NOT administer the blog, make such a ‘DEFINITIVE DETERMINATION,’ especially if such information is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN, where persons DO NOT have any CONTROL over its DISSEMINATION.

    I believe the blogmaster, in his wisdom, rather than compromise the integrity of his blog, knows what information to ACCEPT or REJECT.

    I’ve watched YouTube videos, for example, in which the narrator convincingly announces the death of someone, accompanied by photographs of the person and a coffin.
    And, goes on to say when and how the person died.
    People express shock and offer condolences to the relatives and friends of the ‘deceased,’ in the comments section,
    clearly indicating they readily accepted the news…… WITHOUT first VERIFYING the CREDIBILITY of the narrator or the AUTHENTICITY of his/her report.
    Further investigation reveals the person is ‘very much alive and kicking.’

    Additionally, I seen situations on BU where certain individuals often ‘copy and paste’ comments to BU from other sources, which they…… or the source…… either misinterpreted or misrepresented…… and go on to comment as though it’s FACTUAL.

  7. TheOGazerts September 27, 2022 10:42 AM

    It is on obvious that for a meat an potato man, Ronnie O’s contribution is a full meal.

    I will have to take several bites at it, but one phrase sticks out.

    “This Government is suffering from a problem of competency.
    It seems unable to do
    the smallest of projects. …”

    The great HaHa used to say that our problem was not one of corruption but a lack of competence.

    When two sensible men land on the same square after starting from different position, then you have to
    carefully examine their statements.

    Say what you like
    Ronnie O is right.

    Doubtful about a 10 points plan
    Go with Ronnie O, a 10 points man



    Maybe one of ur wisemen is just a plagiarist
    When I examined the statement I didn’t see the two wisemen starting from different squares. I see both of them in th BU square after the 2018 elections. Ronnie Obama used to submit articles so no wonder he use to and still does read BU

    Rubbing shoulders = New politricks? Figure that out

  8. There is everything wrong with a debt swap if it takes social assets not previously encumbered.

    Stop telling rasssoul lies.

    In the case of the Conservancy, strictures will be imposed of fishers others.

    This criminal backloading by Mottley cannot remain in the dark forever.

    Because you are so blinded and would have to wait until this swap which sweetens goat mout bum he tail, the rest of us must not.

  9. Hants,

    Compulsory acquisitions ought always to be rigorously questioned. But they will often occur for legitimate reasons.

  10. ” That Government notice, issued under the Land Acquisition Act, Cap 228, stated that the parcels of land situated in Bath Village, St Lawrence Gap and Dover were needed for “public purposes, namely road improvement, car parking, environmental improvement and tourism development”.

  11. Artax,

    Now they are querying CXC grades across the board.

    This now is PROOF that the governments don’t want to give scholarships to black people.

    What COMMON SENSE tells me is that if too many scholarships were being won, then CXC’s exams were too damn easy!

    All the government had to do was change the criteria for a scholarship to be awarded.

    Or CXC could make their examinations harder.

    But instead they choose to twist themselves into pretzels.

    Or perhaps it is The Informer who twists herself into pretzels.

    Just reading this shit every day gets me soooo tired.

    “QAnon” quack shit all over BU!

  12. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “” That Government notice, issued under the Land Acquisition Act, Cap 228, stated that the parcels of land situated in Bath Village, St Lawrence Gap and Dover were needed for “public purposes, namely road improvement, car parking, environmental improvement and tourism development”.”

    this has been happening since last year when they found their new dictator toy that they don’t want to let go now, first thing they did was seize and destroy someone’s property………… has escalated significantly since then…and were i a property owner i would be very careful…, have been deterring my family from that trap for a long time and finally succeeded when they saw the evidence,

  13. @ Pacha
    Man by now you should have realised if Mottley say so um is so.
    I had to literally lol recently because on two occasions and on two different issues , Mottley said the exact thing , that some people on this Blog were castigated for.
    It’s been happening very often. Her supporters come here and castigate people for taking positions, and then Mottley comes out and support the positions taken by those they castigate.


  14. Hants,

    All vague and in need of details. If the cause is not PUBLIC but private, we will soon know. The lines seem to have been blurred lately.

  15. @ David

    You’re continuing to ignore structure of the business plan, which we could reasonably assume was the Fleet Modernisation Project. And would have most likely included details of its implementation schedule, investment requirements, aircraft acquisition strategy (note LIAT planned to purchase 3 ATR aircraft and lease 3), the airline’s organisational structure, analysis of the market, budgeted and projected financial planning, including the financial projections with realistic assumptions, etc.

    This information would’ve been used as the basis to either approve or reject the loan application…… rather than the “historical performance of the company and known dysfunctional structure.”

    But, as I previously mentioned, I understand your concerns, which are reasonable.

  16. ” By the end of 2022, Government should have completed repairs on approximately 73 per cent of the homes damaged by Hurricane Elsa last year.”

  17. Who does not know about a conservator?

    I would suggest that the “devil” would be in the details.

    Anybody read the agreement?

  18. Back at ya!

  19. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “It’s been happening very often. Her supporters come here and castigate people for taking positions, and then Mottley comes out and support the positions taken by those they castigate.

    lol…that’s been going on for YEARS on here….the parrot fowls made to look FOOLISH and under educated but still they PERSIST…..who are we to not laugh….

    the one thing people are DETERMINED they will no longer do, is mislead the population and lull them into a sense of FALSE SECURITY.= to cause any tragedy……….some believe they have gotten away with it for WAY TOO LONG…

  20. “ Plantation owners and other landlords have been called out by veteran parliamentarian Cynthia Forde for demanding exorbitant purchase prices for tenanted land far in excess of what is stipulated in the Tenantries Freehold Purchase Act”
    Nation newspaper 9/ 28/22

    No doubt that will soon be labeled fake news.


  21. So…..plantation owners are crooked! What’s new or news about that?

    What is new (and hilarious) is that their being called out by Cynthia Forde MP BLP is being used in a dispute about GOB land acquisition shenanigans!

    Reaching…..reaching…….OOPS! He nah reach!

  22. Spin?

    Greenidge: Vote of confidence in Barbados

    STANDARD & POOR’S (S& P) has affirmed Barbados’ credit rating following Government’s recent repurchase of US$77.6 million in bonds from external investors to facilitate the country’s first debt for nature swap.
    The news has been welcomed by Government, with senior economic advisor Dr Kevin Greenidge calling it a vote of confidence in Barbados’ debt management and a sign that the public finances were generally “in good shape”.
    Economic growth was now Barbados’ main target, he explained, as Government moved to sustainably develop the blue economy and other areas of activity, including those with with an environmental focus.
    Stable outlook
    S& P affirmed its ‘B/B’ long- and short-term sovereign credit ratings on Barbados, and its ‘B-’ issue-level rating on Barbados’ debt with a stable outlook last Friday – two days after the debt conversion, backed by the Inter-American Development Bank and The Nature Conservancy, closed.
    The international credit rating agency said the ‘B-’ ratings, which are non-investment grade, “reflect our view that despite external challenges, including the pandemic, a hurricane, volcanic ashfall, and global geopolitical tension, Barbados’ progress under the domestic Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation programme, and its achievement of International Monetary Fund Extended Fund Facility targets, will continue to facilitate access to financing from multilateral institutions.”
    “At the same time, we believe that high reserve levels will continue to provide external liquidity to support the country’s balance of payment position,” it added.
    Greenidge told the MIDWEEK NATION:
    “Standard & Poor’s affirmed the ratings that they would have given Barbados just before the pandemic, and that is when they upgraded us by six notches from default to ‘B’ negative. We went through the pandemic without a downgrade, we arrived where we are, then we did the debt for nature swap.
    “So when they come out now and say they affirm our rating, it spells
    confidence in the economy but it also spells confidence in the debt conversion transaction itself.
    “They think that this is prudent debt management strategy where you are able to retire some of your more expensive debts and replace it with a cheaper debt, and more importantly you have shown a conscious effort towards greening and sustainability by putting the savings you get into the Conservation Fund and the blue economy. So it speaks to confidence all around,” Greenidge said.
    “Our finances are very stable, and the reason for conversion wasn’t just to retire expensive debt with cheaper debt, which makes sense in any part of the world, and makes sense in any debt management strategy, but the focus was really to grow the blue economy and put savings in there that will give dividends and returns to our children and our children’s children going forward and managing that marine space. So it’s totally positive,” he added.
    Greenidge said Government had reduced debt to a manageable level and was on “a proper debt trajectory”, its finances were in good shape, and arrears were “paid down”.
    “What we have to do right now is grow this economy and investing in the blue economy, where our marine space is 430 times the size of our land space, makes good economic sense and will serve in the long run to raise our economic growth potential,” he explained.
    S& P said a credit rating upgrade for Barbados in the next year would depend on various factors, including “if the risks of global external conditions to the economy and Government finances were to diminish sooner than expected”.
    Fiscal balances
    This was in addition to “if incomes and fiscal balances were to return to their pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels on a sustained basis, strengthening confidence in Government policymaking and contributing to improved GDP growth prospects and improved monetary policy transmission mechanisms”.
    “Higher economic growth would facilitate a reduced debt burden, which, together with an expectation of continued access to official funding, could lead to higher ratings,” the firm said.
    S& P said on the other hand that it could “could lower our ratings in the next year should the impact of external conditions leads to larger fiscal deficits than we currently expect, and we believe that the government would not have sufficient funding to meet its fiscal or external financing needs”.
    The rating agency saw the debt conversion as a debt management opportunity accessed by Government, noting that it believed “the government could have fulfilled its financial commitments absent this transaction, and that it was conducted with the purpose of directing funds to conservation efforts for Barbados’ marine environment and to promote a sustainable blue economy”.
    S& P also said the stable outlook attached to Barbados’ credit ratings reflected its view that “Barbados continues to make progress under its BERT programme, having met benchmarks under the IMF’s EFF programme, facilitating access to ongoing financing from multilateral institutions, while high reserve levels continue to provide external liquidity to support the country’s balance of payment position”.

    Source: Nation

  23. More tourism stuff…

    Mia: Country poised for take-off

    WITH EXPRESSIONS OF CONFIDENCE both internationally and regionally, Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley says she is confident that Barbados is now back on the investment and development track, from which it was derailed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Speaking at the ground-breaking for the $100 million construction of the Indigo Hotel at Hastings, Christ Church yesterday, Mottley said she expected the pace to be quickened on a number of other investments in tourism infrastructure, which had been stymied by the uncertainties of the pandemic.
    “I expect that we are going to see other projects going forward and picking up in pace. This is the first major ground breaking of a tourism kind. You would recall that two weeks ago I did a ground-breaking for the creation of an accident and emergency department at Bayview Hospital and you are going to see other things coming down the line,” said Mottley, who noted that the Indigo Hotel project was in line with Government’s vision of refreshing the country’s maturing tourism product.
    Mottley said that in terms of evidence of an impending turnaround, people need not look further than the recent decision by international rating agency Standard and Poor’s to maintain the country’s B- rating in a post-pandemic climate that has left 46 countries staring down
    the barrel of a debt crisis.
    “It is ironic that as we meet today, we meet with the shadow of Standard and Poor’s agreeing to uphold our rating and to have a stable outlook on Barbados. And this comes at the very time when there are 46 countries globally that are on the precipice of a debt crisis.
    “The world is in serious difficulty. We see what is happening in the United Kingdom with the pound literally tumbling and threatening to go below the value of the US dollar. I would like Barbadians to appreciate that we can make it, but we’re going to have to walk a very tight rope,” said Mottley.
    She added: “The reality is that Standard and Poor’s judgement for us to be able to have the same outlook, same rating and stable outlook comes after they would have upgraded us in December 2019, prior to the pandemic. Many countries were downgraded during the course of the pandemic and since then many countries have not only been downgraded, but have negative outlooks.”
    She also pointed out that the international capital markets were also judging Barbados favourably, noting the recent take-up of the Blue Bonds by overseas investors.
    “Barbados issued Blue Bonds, becoming one of the first countries in the world to do so, with a pandemic clause included. But more importantly than all of that, for the purpose of the conversation this morning, is the fact that those Blue Bonds were oversubscribed and that 150 per cent of what we
    asked for is what came to the table, better than we anticipated, with better pricing than we anticipated. That is a judgement of the international community on this country.” (CLM)

    Source: Nation

  24. Hello!!!

    Tourism caution
    WITH THE BRITISH POUND taking a precipitous fall against the US dollar to levels not seen since 1985, Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley is putting Barbadians on notice that the situation is “cause for concern” six weeks before the start of the winter tourism season.
    At the same time, she made it clear there was no need to panic, noting that the country must be “nimble” in its response to the market conditions.
    “It is of concern and we are watching it. In the same token, we have to be nimble and respond to the market. Obviously, that is just one contributing factor to the cost of air travel. You would have had that because airlines are trying to recover from the absence of flying for a large part of the time in the pandemic. They are also trying to recover from increased fuel prices and they are now having to deal with currency issues in the UK market,” said Mottley, who expressed confidence that the country would weather this latest challenge.
    The Prime Minister’s caution comes in the wake of an ominous warning from economist Jeremy Stephen, who told the MIDWEEK NATION that the development was likely to be a “major damper” on tourism spend. Similar concerns were
    raised by chief executive officer of the Barbados Hotel & Tourism Association (BHTA) Geoffrey Roach.
    Stephen, a former banking and finance lecturer at the University of the West Indies, explained that the spend was likely to be even further impacted by what he calculated to be 40 per cent inflation for the British traveller to Barbados from last tourist season.
    The pound fell to the equivalent of US$1.03 on Monday, a roughly 22 per cent decline from six months before.
    “We are in a very precarious situation because even if people commit to travelling to Barbados, it is going to definitely impact spend, especially if you are using credit cards. All travellers convert their pounds to US dollars or Barbados dollars. I don’t imagine that persons bought their currency in September for a trip that is supposed to take place in December. They tend to buy it closer to when they are expected to travel. So it is really going to impact the tourism spend which is what the country needs at this time because arrivals without spend does not do much. So even if there are no cancellations it really does not augur well for this tourism season,” Stephen said.
    Serious problem
    He added: “Inflation is another serious problem, and if you add that into the factor the outlook is not good. Since last year this time, you would have had roughly a 40
    per cent increase in prices for the average British tourist. So even if there are no cancellations, then you would expect that you would need 40 per cent more heads here at least to make up for a shortfall in spend.”
    Meanwhile, Roach said while it was still too early to predict the scale of the impact, hoteliers were expecting some cancellations. He said his organisation planned to reach out to stakeholders in order to determine which sections of the sector would be most affected. He pointed out that those travellers who could be classified as luxury tourists might not be as impacted by the sharp dip in the pound.
    “We had a meeting on that just yesterday (Monday) and we decided that we would be reaching out to our members to get a feel from them as to what they are seeing on the ground and then try to aggregate these findings. The fall in the pound is going to affect consumers in different ways – some persons are more resilient to the impact of the decline in the pound,” Roach said.
    He further noted: “When we look at the likely impact, it is probably going to be the same as any other destination because it means that the buying power of the British traveller is going to be less. So those persons with less disposable income may make a decision not to travel; we can’t say that they have made that decision but that is likely to happen.”

    Source: Nation

  25. @ David
    As you are quite aware the Freehold Tenantries Act is considered one of the most progressive pieces of legislation since independence. Along with the building of the Central Bank , it is considered , two of Tom Adams’ greatest accomplishments.
    I just figured that it is most interesting to learn that plantation owners and other landlords are basically and callously undermining, what is considered a most progressive effort to give landless poor people who toiled on the plantations a chance to own “ a piece of the rock”

  26. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    William….there is a lot that has gone on with that and the UDC agency, think there is another too, that handles it…’s appalling what it’s been utilized for, for DECADES……more in the mortar than the pestle.,,

    many names have been called in that setup, because that’s all it has evolved to……..with tons of evidence available.

  27. @Hants

    I would guess that the site(s) are required for a hotel development but surely this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to Gov’ts intentions over the past year. On the CBC Evening news, the PM was breaking ground for a new hotel on the site of the former Caribbee Hotel. The new hotel will be part of the Indigo Hotel chain. The Gov’t has also announced plans for waterfront hotels in the city area and we are still awaiting the delayed Hyatt on Bay Street.

    Only recently the Minister of Tourism was chortling about the imminent opening of Wyndham Hotel on the former Sam Lords Castle location, people are wondering what plans are in the works for the area near the Paynes Bay Fish Market and the last time I was in Bim people were wondering where they would park their cars when a proposed hotel made its appearance on the site of the old District Hospital in Oistins (on the doorstep of Miami Beach).

    It’s hotels or bust in Barbados.

  28. “Just reading this shit every day gets me soooo tired.”


    Yes, I understand what you mean.

    What is also ‘mind boggling’ is how could someone determine what other people know or don’t know.

    I believe there are some very intelligent people who contribute to BU.
    But, it seems as though certain individuals believe they have the ‘copyright’ for intelligence.

    David BU posts various articles for ‘discussion.’ While some contributors focus primarily on the substantive topic, deviating from to time, there are other individuals whose sole, selfish purpose is to push their specific, personal agendas, by any means necessary.
    They purposely ignore the substantive topics in this forum and deliberately MOVE from thread to thread, where they CREATE opportunities to INITIATE the SAME ‘discussion.’
    Those of us who prefer to ‘stick to the script’ and not participate therein, are accused of NOT KNOWING anything and labeled as ‘clowns’ or being uneducated.

    Sometime ago, I used the word ‘intelligence,’ which prompted a particular individual to ‘say,’ “For those who love to MISINTERPRET the word INTELLIGENCE ….US intelligence uses the word EVERY DAY in its proper context, that “Intelligence is related to the setting of goals. GOALS.”

    ‘Lo and behold,’ a few minutes later, the same person USED ,’intelligence’ in the SAME CONTEXT they PREVIOUSLY CRITICISED me for using.

  29. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    well….with the fall of the sterling, the instability and uncertainty everywhere else..

    it’s hotels that may be empty….and BUST…..moving hand in hand….

    still wondering when they will take a good long look at the INEVITABLE.

    ..we already know they have no solutions or answers to fix anything….and can only see a one pony economy for a one street town…..lacking any skills that would allow them to see further than that……..

  30. @ Sargeant,

    With other destinations devasted by hurricanes some tourists will likely go to Barbados.

    Time to put ads on Canadian Tv.

  31. Anyone cared to investigate the piece ah land to be acquired? Anyone know what’s an MSP? Y’all need to read more, research more and talk less.🤐

  32. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    this is because i have a minute to spare but WHY do we have to continually post definitions for those who also have access to the SAME INTERNET…


    the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills:
    “an eminent man of great intelligence”
    intellectual/mental capacity intellect mindbrain
    the collection of information of military or political value:
    “the chief of military intelligence”

  33. @Artax

    Yes, it is but in the absence of credible evidence you should ignore.

  34. @Artax

    If you understand the blogmaster’s concerns you should appreciate the theory of what is a business plan is not the issue here. Let us agree to disagree.

  35. @Artax

    Continue to make your comments.

    The solution is a simple one for others who do not like how the blogmaster manages the blog, rh leave.

  36. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    there is enuff evidence OUT THERE….no one needs to research what has ALREADY been researched for the last 15 YEARS…

  37. Steupse! We were discussing government “selling the sea” and acquiring lands at St. Lawrence and we were earlier told that “even the Oistins police station is gone”.

    The “fake news” or misinformation accusations were aimed at these comments.

    Up comes you talking about how we will soon call it fake news when it is posted that Cynthia Forde called out plantation owners & co for demanding rates way above those prescribed by the Act.

    Now that I point out the crazy, you come with some nonsense excuse.

    Steupse, man! So why would “Mia’s supporters” (AKA THE APOLOGISTS) call that fake news and why?

    Why the reference to fake news? “MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!” is the new catchphrase.

    Man, sometimes you are as ridiculous as your Cry Wolf friend!

    No better than a Trumpeter!


  38. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha…there is a very valid reason why mainstream media propelled by politics is NO LONGER TRUSTED….from coast to coast people are told to don’t trust anything coming from them period.

    these politicians with such track records really believe that they were going to get away with hiding certain things from the people… they know …THEY CAN’T…not in this new age and with everyone traveling on the information highway….with AVAILABLE EVIDENCE.

    that’s the whole beauty about it, we are able to compile evidence and share it around.

  39. Last/last

    According to the ‘old saying,’ ‘confession is good for the soul.’

    “an eminent man of great intelligence…”

    May 11, 2022 4:06 PM #: “Most persons seem to be more occupied with promoting themselves…… reminding us how more INTELLIGENT they are than the average contributor……rather than having rational, reasonable discussions on the issues.”

    Surely it was within THAT context I USED the word intelligent…… “HAVING or SHOWING intelligence.”

    May 12, 2022 6:30 AM #: “For those who love to MISINTERPRET the word intelligence… US intelligence uses the word EVERY DAY in its proper context”….. “Intelligence is RELATED to the setting of goals. GOALS.”

    You’ve NOW MOVED AWAY from your ORIGINAL position, as indicated in your above comment……

    And, NO WHERE AMONG the definitions YOU posted, was there any REFERENCE to Intelligence being related to the “SETTING OF GOALS.”

    Your problem is, you DON’T WANT to ADMIT when you’re WRONG…… even though the evidence “is steering at you in the face.’

  40. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    keep going….looking good……ya may get a bronze star…

  41. David

    My experience preparing business plans and financial projections are the basis of my comments.

  42. @John A

    You have read about BOE intervening in the market to calm things?

  43. Donna

    Why bother presenting credible information to BU for ‘discussion,’ when the preferred option is ‘to make up things (misinformation and ‘fake news’), just to make things interesting.’

    I remember a particular individual posting INACCURATE information to BU, from someone’s Facebook page, that ‘government’ entered into an arrangement with “Fulcrum Chambers Ltd. (which) is CONNECTED to money laundering tiefing Butterfield Bank and Trevor Carmichael” and “Fulcrum Group and Butterfield Fund Services…….. to form Butterfield Fulcrum Group.”
    And went on to comment on it as FACT.

    If that person had TAKEN the TIME to RESEARCH, as he/she USUALLY SUGGESTS, and do a bit MORE reading, he/she would’ve realized Fulcrum Group was established in Bermuda in 1995, and is described as a leading global fund administrator, while Fulcrum Chambers Ltd. was incorporated in England and Wales as a private company (law firm), on February 8, 2010, under the Companies Act 2006.
    And, specialize in providing strategic legal advice for corporates, public bodies, and private individuals in the field of bribery & corruption, fraud, investigations, etc.

    Whereas the Fulcrum group was established in Bermuda in 1995……..
    ………… Fulcrum Chambers Ltd, came into existence, by way of a name change NINETEEN (19) years AFTER the Fulcrum Group was established in Bermuda in 1995…….
    ………… and SIX (6) years AFTER the Fulcrum Group merged with Butterfield Fund Services on August 5, 2008.

    So, it’s clear the Fulcrum Group and Fulcrum Chambers Ltd. are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES.


    Unfortunately, I’m accused of “cyberbullying, cyberstalking and attacking women,” or called a “clown, miseducated or parrot,” whenever I seek to CLARIFY or CORRECT misinformation that only SERVES to MISLEAD the forum.

  45. Member of Parliament for St Thomas Cynthia Forde has complained that more than a year after Hurricane Elsa and a freak storm damaged about 80 houses in her constituency, many residents were still waiting for repairs to either start or finish.

    Member of Parliament for St Peter Colin Jordan is calling for better road infrastructure and access to water for the people of that parish.

    The Minister of Labour and Social Security and the Third Sector told his colleagues in the House of Assembly on Tuesday that residents are fed up using unacceptable roads which have been damaging their personal vehicles and also public transportation.

  46. @Hants

    Isn’t this why a minister responsible for projects was created? To exert greater pressure on these kinds of issues?

  47. @ David,

    Seems the Government has it’s own internal opposition. lol

  48. @Hants/David

    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, Works and Water Resources Santia Bradshaw has taken her criticism of the work of some state workers to the House of Assembly, chiding them for inefficiencies in the public sector which have the potential to delay projects.

    Insisting that we can do better as a people and a country, Bradshaw insisted that Barbados often falls down as a country because nobody wants to bell the cat and call out others who are failing to do their job.

    Among the wide-ranging comments delivered by the Deputy PM on work attitudes in Bim

    Let’s hope someone “Bells the cat”

  49. @Sargeant

    While the deputy PM maybe correct there needs to be greater efficiency coming from the public service, a scenario that PSs should be held accountable. It is ironic she helps to lead the largest cabinet in history where the content of AG reports has not changed, projects are still being executed inefficiently etc.

    Are we there yet?

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