The promised Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) was legally constituted today. Acting President of Barbados Reverend Jeffrey Gibson administered the oath in the absence of President Sandra Mason. Some will say it is better late then never. Prime Minister Mottley promised before the last general election that a review of the Barbados Constitution was high on the agenda should her political party be returned to office. The former government attracted criticism in some quarters by moving the country to a republic in November last year without substantive change to the Constitution.

The country awaits the opportunity to submit feedback to the CRC. We live in hope the opportunity will be grasped by ordinary Barbadians who have shown themselves to be increasingly apathetic and cynical to governance issues.

The blogmaster is disappointed the decision was not made for members of the CRC to come from a non political background. It is also unfortunate the calibre of some members appointed to the CRC do not command this blogmaster’s support. How ecstatic some of us would have been if Judge Jefferson Cumberbatch was seconded to the CRC.

See Related Link:

214 responses to “Constitutional Review Commission Established”

  1. supremacy of God ..
    (not sovereignty of God)

    A Brave New World
    Barbadians should acknowledge the divine soul or spirit within themselves

  2. A sovereign reigns supreme.

    Just another way of putting it.

    You will notice that the Constitution of Barbados applies not only to people who acknowledge the supremacy/sovereignty of God.

    Those people also acknowledge the dignity of the human person, have an unshakeable faith in fundamental human rights and freedoms and recognize the position of the family in a society of free men and free institutions

    So if you don’t acknowledge the supremacy of God, or don’t go in for the dignity of the human person and think nothing of family, then the Barbados Constitution is not for people in your pay grade.

  3. So, by definition, a Marxist would do away completely with the preamble!!

  4. over $256 million being borrowed from China.

    “The Barbados Labour Party through its negotiating team has made sure that we not only protect Barbadians, but we also are able to work alongside people who have greater expertise than us to be able to help to rebuild and to restore our road infrastructure.

    It will be executed by the Chinese company Complant which will employ some Chinese workers. However, Bradshaw said the labour split will be 80/20 in favour of Barbadians.

  5. How many jobs and for how long?

  6. Anyone who would remove the preamble of the constitution is either:
    A Marxist
    A Communist
    A Fascist
    A Socialist
    Any combination of the above
    Or …………………..
    Operates at a pay grade way below that at which the people of Barbados operate …. just plain dumb.

  7. “Supremacy” is a loaded word used for Better Ordering and Governing of Negroes
    a Slave Code

    the Divine Spirit or Soul within
    is the freedom of a true spirituality

    Man and Woman are their own Gods and Goddesses

  8. Religions are opiates of the masses
    There are many white folks in AmeriKKKa hooked on smack
    There are no Trump Troll Boys in Republic of Barbados
    They should fuck off to Hell

    Jah would never give the power to a baldhead
    Run come crucify the dread
    Time alone, oh, time will tell
    Think you’re in heaven but you’re living in hell

    Misty In Roots
    System Own Dem, Babylon Control Dem

  9. So, by definition, a Marxist would do away completely with the preamble

    Enlightenment means the knowledge or wisdom, or awakened intellect, of a Buddha.

    check out preamble jargon of the slave codes like a good boy

    They were designed to oppress black people by a systemic negation of human rights.
    Within the laws, Africans are described as a heathenish brutish and an uncertain dangerous pride of people who needed harsher punishionary Laws for the benefit and good of the colonies.
    The law dealing with African offenders replaced the term ‘master’ with ‘Christian’.

    The Fall of Babylon the Great

    After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. And he cried [a]mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.”

  10. Talkin’, Rastaman Chant, The Wailers

    Hear the words of the Rastaman say
    “Babylon, you throne gone down, gone down
    Babylon, you throne gone down”

    Said I hear the words of the Iyaman say
    “Babylon, you throne gone down, gone down
    Babylon, you throne gone down”

    And I hear the angel with the seven seals say
    “Babylon throne gone down, gone down
    Babylon throne gone down”

    I say fly away home to Zion (fly away home)
    I say fly away home to Zion (fly away home)

    One bright morning when my work is over
    Man will fly away home

    One bright morning when my work is over
    Man will fly away home

    One bright morning when my work is over
    Man will fly away home

    Say one bright morning when my work is over
    Man will fly away home

  11. How I Got Over

    Soul Power ’74, Maceo Parker, Soul Power, Maceo and the Macks

  12. Deliverance Dub, Kingdom Dub, Jah Shaka & The Disciples

  13. Born Free, Splashing Dashing (The Lord’s Prayer)

    Oh Lord, Why Lord/Prayer, Parliament, Hare Krishna, Ruth Copeland

  14. Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Elect of God
    Easy Squeeze
    1 / 66

  15. Be You
    Yabby Yabby You
    Beware God Is Watching You
    God Is Watching You (Dub Plate Mix), Beware, Yabby You

    Lord Tanamo-Keep On Moving

  16. I have seen in my vision the Rastaman (Jah)
    I have seen in my vision the Higher man (Jah)
    I have seen in my vision the Higher man (King of King Lord of Lords)
    I have seen in my vision His Majesty
    In the green green pasture I meet my Master
    In the green green pasture I meet my Master
    It was a wonderful time
    Such a wonderful time
    It was a wonderful time
    Such a wonderful time
    He is humble like a lamb yet he is the lion
    He is humble like a lamb yet he is the lion
    He was planting seeds in the ground
    He was planting seeds in the ground
    I have seen in my vision the King of Kings (Jah)
    I have seen in my vision the Lord of Lords (Jah)
    King of Kings (King of Kings) and Lord of Lords (Lord of Lords)
    Conquering Lion (King of Kings) from the Tribe of Judah

    Oh Jah

    “This Foundation is in the Holy Mountains of Zion
    The Lords loves the Gates of Zion more than all the Dwellings of Jacob
    Glorious things have been spoken of the might city of Jah
    Princes and Princesses shall rise up out of Ethiopia
    I-thiopians shall stretch forth their hands unto the most high Jah Rastafari
    Rastafari Selassie-I lives”

    I meet my Master in the green green pasture
    I meet (King of Kings) my Master oh Jah
    Whoa oh Jah
    I have seen the Sign
    Seen the Signs of Time
    In my Vision
    I’ll never leave Jah alone
    Oh no
    My visions my visions my visions
    In my visions I have seen I have seen seen the signs
    Seen the Signs of Time

    In the green green pasture I meet my Master

  17. Figured that would set you off!!

  18. 555dubstreetJune 23, 2022 1:09 AM

    “Supremacy” is a loaded word used for Better Ordering and Governing of Negroes
    a Slave Code


    BTW, the Constitution came into existence in 1966 more than a century after Quakers who recogniized the supremacy of God had seen to its abolition.

    Quakers of the day were Christian, not Negroes.

    Christians recognize the supremacy and sovereignty of God.

  19. Of course, atheists would not recognise the supremacy or sovereignty of God either.

    Agnostics neither.

    Agnostic: “a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God”

    Marxists, Communists, Fascists and Socialists are atheists or agnostics and recognize only the supremacy of the state.

    They don’t recognize the dignity of the individual or the importance of the family.

    … hence the Armenian Genocide, Stalin’s Holodomor, Hitler’s Holocaust,, Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot’s Killing Fields and the various genocides that have taken place around the globe.

  20. “Bank to Bank Unrealised Profits Millionaire Plantation John’s” Poop and Big Shit and Ass Stink
    {{{sarcasm ON}}}

    It’s a mighty good job cunting hypocritical “christians” “white pagans” “devils” did not kill many souls ever ever ever and they diligently religiously sincerely followed the yogic principles of ahimsa peaceful non-violence that Yeshua (aka Jesus Hebrew Bible) took from practices he learned from the mystic ascetic gurus when he traveled east during his missing 18 years
    {{{sarcasm off}}}

    there is nothing worse on planet earth than a frigging in the rigging trump troll doing the devils works

    Scratch sings Bob in Bullwackies Style
    Satan kicked the Bucket
    Keep on Moving

  21. Satan’s Dub

  22. John’s list of human dignity denying events omits the two most major ones, the African slave trade and the native American genocide. But it is the case that the Constitution does not seek to advantage one religion over another. However, in the case of Barbados, because of the Englist colonial period, Christianity has a major imprint on the Bajan culture. The drafters of the Charter have struggled with this, according to public comment. The New Constitution should reach the right balance in the interest of the people. The Constitution may contain idealistic aspirations, but must also acknowledge the reality of the people’s culture.

  23. The Constitution may contain idealistic aspirations, but must also acknowledge the reality of the people’s culture.

    Too Much Religion

    Barbados seems to have a tradition of many churches of many denominations and accommodates other religions too in the community.
    None of this will change.
    But, what does this have to do with a secular Constitution for the Republic or Politics.
    The world is changing and religion is more of a personal choice than an inherited legacy nowadays.
    After basic principles have been taught to children adults will find their own relationship and understanding regarding God or sense of purpose or meaning in life.

  24. Original Too Much Religion / Religious Dub

    It is better to practice spiritual yoga exercise to meditate and breath in drawing in the higher energy from heaven and earth and all around into your body to make your living a health spiritual practice that relaxes and heals the mind body and soul. If you don’t know what this is, do some research on the net in the aquarian age of information.

    Yogananda’s Energization Exercises

    Guided meditations include focuses on:
    – Inner balance
    – Healing
    – Peace and joy
    – Love
    – Awakening the chakras
    – Connecting to your divine power

  25. We could take a look at the US Declaration of Independence!!

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”

  26. Slavery was in existence for millennia before Christians/Quakers, came and ended it.

    They were simply obeying the Word of God and in so doing acknowledging his supremacy long before any Barbadian constitution was thought of.

  27. Don’t you step in my way
    Look at history of religion it is not a very edifying history
    the crusades
    the inquisition
    religious war
    we have used the bible to justify slavery
    to oppose science and galilleao
    to keep women in second class positions of citizenship
    prejudice and violence against gays
    what kind of signal does that send
    I don’t care about culture or religion if it is a culture or religion not worth saving
    I believe in humanity

    Baba Leslie & Jerry Harris ‘Religious Dub’ (Youths Are Suffering Tuff Kaya Special)

  28. A smart ass troll, who no one wants to engage with, once said that men, women and children were happy to be a slave.

    If they did have any measure of happiness in the lifetime as a slave, it would have been despite slavery, not because of it.

    When Africans were taken from Africa they were neither Slaves nor Christians.

  29. You need to study the Reformation, 1519 to 1648.

    You will find the Bible was not available to most people prior to the period of the Reformation!!

    Get your facts straight and don’t pontificate from a position of ignorance!!

  30. The Religious Wars ended in 1648 if you count the 30 years war as a Religious War.

  31. The Arc Choir – Walk With Me

    Kanye West – Jesus Walks (Version 2)

    “Jesus Walks”

    We at war
    We at war with terrorism, racism
    But most of all we at war with ourselves

    (Jesus walk)
    God show me the way because the Devil’s tryna break me down
    (Jesus walk with me)

    You know what the Midwest is? Young and restless
    Where restless (Niggas) might snatch your necklace
    And next these (Niggas) might jack your Lexus
    Somebody tell these (Niggas) who Kanye West is
    I walk through the valley of the Chi where death is
    Top floor the view alone will leave you breathless
    Try to catch it it’s kinda hard
    Getting choked by detectives, yeah, yeah, now check the method
    They be askin’ us questions, harass and arrest us
    Sayin’ “We eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast”
    Huh? Y’all eat pieces of shit? What’s the basis?
    We ain’t going nowhere but got suits and cases
    A trunk full of coke, rental car from Avis
    My mama used to say only Jesus can save us
    Well mama I know I act a fool
    But I’ll be gone ’til November, I got packs to move
    I hope

    (Jesus walk)
    God show me the way because the Devil’s tryna break me down
    (Jesus walk with me)
    The only thing that I pray is that my feet don’t fail me now
    (Jesus walk)
    And I don’t think there’s nothin’ I can do now to right my wrongs
    (Jesus walk with me)
    I wanna talk to God but I’m afraid ’cause we ain’t spoke in so long
    (Jesus walk)
    God show me the way because the Devil’s tryna break me down
    (Jesus walk with me)
    The only thing that I pray is that my feet don’t fail me now
    (Jesus walk)
    And I don’t think there’s nothin’ I can do now to right my wrongs
    (Jesus walk with me)
    I wanna talk to God but I’m afraid ’cause we ain’t spoke in so long
    So long, so long
    (Jesus walk with me)

    To the hustlers, killers, murderers, drug dealers, even the scrippers
    (Jesus walks for them)
    To the victims of welfare feel we livin’ in Hell here, hell yeah
    (Jesus walks for them)
    Now, hear ye, hear ye, want to see Thee more clearly
    I know He hear me when my feet get weary
    ‘Cause we’re the almost nearly extinct
    We rappers is role models: we rap, we don’t think
    I ain’t here to argue about His facial features
    Or here to convert atheists into believers
    I’m just tryna say the way school need teachers
    The way Kathie Lee needed Regis, that’s the way I need Jesus
    So here go my single, dawg, radio needs this
    They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus
    That means guns, sex, lies, videotape
    But if I talk about God my record won’t get played, huh?
    Well if this take away from my spins
    Which’ll probably take away from my ends
    Then I hope this take away from my sins
    And bring the day that I’m dreamin’ about
    Next time I’m in the club, everybody screamin’ out

    (Jesus walk)
    God show me the way because the Devil’s tryna break me down
    (Jesus walk with me)
    The only thing that I pray is that my feet don’t fail me now

  32. Another decision from the Supreme Court this time on gun rights and the 2nd amendment.

    Roe v. Wade is still to come

  33. What the Supreme Court is saying is if you want the 2nd amendment out of the constitution, legislate it out of the constitution.

    Until that happens we are going by what the constitution says as it is the law.

    Same thing with the supremacy/sovereignty of God in ours, if we want it out legislate it out, but until them that’s how it is.

  34. This is good if you want to understand the Crusades.

  35. @ John June 23, 2022 1:07 PM
    “Another decision from the Supreme Court this time on gun rights and the 2nd amendment.
    Roe v. Wade is still to come…”

    We eagerly await the outcome of such a landmark ‘revision’.

    If, in the grand ole USA, it is every man’s right to carry a gun why can’t a woman continue to have the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, as she sees fit?

    Just as a ‘private person’ is entitled to “bear arms” so too should a woman be legally entitled to terminate a pregnancy as long as public funds (taxpayers’ monies) are not involved in the termination except under extenuating circumstances like rape or incest or if the unwanted pregnancy would pose a threat to the woman’s health and/or the ‘proper’ development of the foetus.

    Will the feminists across America take the pending overturn of the Roe v. Wade decision lying down and make the Republican-selected SCOTUS look more backwardly stupid than the Taliban in a 13th century Afghanistan?

  36. David,

    I, like Vincent, believe that there isn’t that much wrong with our Constitution or laws except that ALL RIGHTS should be extended to ALL PEOPLE. Apart from that, tweaking is not going to accomplish much. The problem is with the enforcers and their enforcement of the laws and the problem is with the inefficiency of our court system. Our access to timely judgments is non-existent.

  37. MTA

    The constitution cannot give rights to one sex and not the other.

    Clearly abortion has nothing to do with the constitution of the USA because men can’t have abortions., only women can.

  38. However, both men and women own guns, in fact the fastest growing group of gun owners in the US is women.

  39. @ John June 23, 2022 1:11 PM
    What the Supreme Court is saying is if you want the 2nd amendment out of the constitution, legislate it out of the constitution.
    Until that happens we are going by what the constitution says as it is the law.

    Same thing with the supremacy/sovereignty of God in ours, if we want it out legislate it out, but until them that’s how it is.

    You make “God” look like an idol or a ‘mock-man’ which can be swapped like some pawn on the chessboard of human morality.

    Which God are you referring to? Certainly not Yahweh since the Jews themselves cannot even agree on it being in their Constitution which has been a work-in-progress since 1948; or even before.

    Why not leave the imaginary guy in the Sky out of the human mess of politics altogether; or in the interest of equal rights and justice, give similar status to his opposite number called the Devil or Satan who, by the way, has the democratically-chosen large majority in Barbados.

    Do you feel that your coming’ new slave masters the “communist” Chinese give a rat’s behind whether your ‘stolen’ desert god is mentioned in some document as long as the soon-to-be appropriated airport and seaport are there to welcome the so-called immigrants from the Chinese prisons required to repopulate Barbados just like the British did with their society’s dregs called the Barbadoes red-legs?

  40. @ John June 23, 2022 7:40 PM

    Tell that to the many millions of African-Americans who had to wait until the 1960’s before their inalienable rights were recognized.

    On what basis, then, do you expect SCOTUS to overthrow the Roe v. Wade ruling?
    Judeo-Christian morality?

    Then men should be punished for “spilling their seed” on the ground; or even bul**ing as in your case; not so?

  41. I truly don’t know which scenario would be worse – that John Knox believes what he posts here, or that John Knox does not believe what he posts here.

    Maybe it would be worse if he actually believes it. Because that would indicate astounding stupidity in one whom institutions of learning have rewarded with multiple scholarships and degrees and even hired to teach our vulnerable adolescents. Whereas lying through one’s teeth to support a racist agenda is something old and familiar, what we have been dealing with for four hundred years.

    To confront the devil we know is probably better than confronting the devil we do not know.

    I have decided. I prefer John Knox, Racisto Primero to John Knox, Stupido Supremo!

  42. Third option – he’s just a troll who’s greatest joy in life is to yank people’s chains. Now that would be pathetic!

    Fourth option, he is conducting a study in human behaviour.


  43. Fifth option. It was the blows to the head that PLT told us about.

    Look what happened to Herchel Walker!

  44. MillerJune 23, 2022 8:32 PM

    On what basis, then, do you expect SCOTUS to overthrow the Roe v. Wade ruling?
    Judeo-Christian morality?


    Have to wait and see what happens but if it is overthrown which seems very likely then it will be as I have said before because abortion is a matter for the state legislatures, it isn’t for the federales!!

    Not present in the constitution, unlike the right to bear arms which is and which is thus a matter for the federales.

    Those states with voters who favour abortion will elect legislatures who will do the necessary as they see it.

    For it to get into the constitution, then the two houses will have to vote it in and right now and in the foreseeable future that ain’t happening.

    It is too simple, amazed you can’t figure it out for yourself and see the need to ask me..

    Same thing with God’s appearance in our constitution.

    To get Him out, there first needs to exist a constitutional Parliament.

    Once that happens, that constitutional parliament needs to have a mandate to take Him out.

  45. So where is PLT these days?

    Took too many blows to the head …. nah … more likely he was exposed.

  46. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Avatar
    Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol

    Corruption in AmeriKKKa 101
    Why does Clarence Thomas have a deep held grudge against progressive liberals and Biden.
    in 1991 Anita Faye accused U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, her supervisor at the United States Department of Education and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, of sexual harassment.
    The Senate Judiciary Committee chair was Democrat Joe Biden.

  47. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Avatar
    Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol

    Gun Deaths and Abortions in AmeriKKKa101
    The system break man, child and women into figures
    Two columns for who is and who ain’t niggas

  48. The constitutional right which the Court affirmed in Roe v Wade was the Right to Privacy. The argument has been whether the identification of the right is correctly grounded in the constitution, given the string of cases upon which Roe is based.

  49. Roe vs Wade overturned by SCOTUS.

  50. And what has PLT’s whereabouts got to do with whether or not you took damaging blows to the head several years ago?

    You never challenged his account.

    Do try to stay focused!

    Maybe you should have someone study your brain tissue in one of Margery Taylor Greene’s “peach tree” dishes.

    Maybe we should call the “Gazpacho” police to bring you in for investigation.

    By the way, I understand from Lauren Boebert that Jesus only died on the cross because he didn’t have access to an AR15!
    I guess that means he didn’t really die for our sins after all.

    At least now we understand her Xmas greeting card family “Guns, Sons and Xmas Tree photo. Stupid “wise” men should have brought gifts of Glock, AR15 and bloody bazookas!

    These are the Evangelical Christian faces of the New GOP!

    They don’t really believe the Bible either.


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