Some ‘insane’ Barbadians are asking the question again – is the standard of living we have become accustomed tosustainable. Is it sensible for us `a net importer and purchaser of foreign currency to promote and implement policies that guarantee we must BORROW billions in foreign and local dollars to fund the short fall not covered from taxes collected in the case of domestic and foreign earnings?

Many years ago, ironically at the tail end of the last economic boom which Barbados never recovered, former Prime Minister Owen Arthur warned Barbadians about dark clouds on the horizon and the urgent need to make adjustments. To be expected we continued to engage in immature partisan political ranting as the walls of our society cracked are now tumbling around us.

We are a tiny island with zilch natural resources having to depend mainly on the fickle invisible export of tourism to generate foreign exchange to pay for our conspicuous consumption habits. We continue to build oversized homes, purchase fossil burning expensive SUVs, travel to distant lands to fulfil manufactured aspirations , aspire to study at elite universities, select exotic foods from supermarket shelves, the benefits sold to us on foreign cable beamed into our homes 24/7. To any sensible and educated person the dinosauric economic model could not and does not sustain the level of expenditure we have to incur. There is a good reason why Barbados’ economy has been described as open and susceptible to what economists fondly refer to as exogenous shocks.

On top of the obvious challenge of managing a minuscule 6-8 billion dollar economy largely dependent on a fickle tourism product, there is sufficient evidence – see Auditor General Reports outlining a litany of public sector malfeasance (private sector is always complicit) AND corruption to conclude we make a challenging situation more difficult. With revelations coming out of the arrest of former government minister Donville Inniss et al, there is evidence a culture exist that feeds corrupt behaviour. Although not a unique circumstance to Barbados, Barbadians must hold ourselves accountable for the kind of country we want to build for our children.

Many in this space lived through the 2007/8 global crisis and the oil crisis of the 70s. It is evident from the experiences of the two episodes we have not learned enough to commit to implementing resilient ‘fit for purpose’ policies. WE have allowed ourselves to buy into the ‘good life’ of consumption fuelled by an economy built on beach ground. Even in the face of the obvious, we have to listen daily to bull pucky discussions designed to take us no where. Unfortunately with the multiplicity of agendas to satisfy, with social media a ready purveyor of the inane the blame culture has taken deep root.

It is 2022, according to establishment analysts were are on the precipice of another global recession, one that should it occur given our fragile open economy will again wreak havoc on the lives of Barbadians, decimating a debt ridden middleclass and moving the poverty line north. Our visionless leaders combined with a level of disengagement from Barbadians – who the blogmaster has always contended ceded entitlements under our democracy to the political class – will have to suffer again for it until we learn to do better. The reference to a people getting governments they deserve has been recorded countless times in this space.

To the immediate matter at hand summarised in the article shared by a BU family member:

Rising food prices are changing the way we eat and shop

Emily Peck Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; Chart: Thomas Oide/Axios Visuals

Skyrocketing food prices in the U.S. are changing the way Americans eat and grocery shop — they’re buying more store brands, and less costly meat and produce. Some are now just making do with less.

  • Meanwhile, food manufacturers continue to “shrinkflate” — putting less potato chips or cereal in the bags and boxes that we buy.

Why it matters: This is inflation hitting home, contributing to the overall bummed-out mood of the nation.

  • Once upon a time, grocery shopping mainly fell to women, but these days 92% of adults do it. That means most everyone’s noticed rising food prices — and many have adjusted in ways both minor and potentially devastating.

Driving the news: The cost of “food at home” is up 11.9% from last year, the largest increase since April 1979, according to the scorching hot inflation numbers released Friday. Nearly every category of food the government tracks saw accelerating price growth. The most inflationary categories, as highlighted in a note from JPMorgan on Friday:

  • Egg prices up 32% year over year, thanks in part to a January bird flu outbreak that killed about 6% of commercial egg-laying chickens, as Axios’ Hope King explained last month.
  • Fats and oils were next on the list at 16.9%, partly due to the war in Ukraine, followed by poultry (16.6%) and milk (15.9%).

Unusual trend: The increases in prices for food at home are outpacing food-away-from-home, which is up *only* 7.4%.

  • This is “historically unusual,”JP Morgan notes. The growth differential is the widest since 1974, they said.

State of play: For a good snapshot of how rising food prices are changing behavior, we checked the most recent Beige Book — where the 12 regional Federal Reserve banks report on economic conditions in their area (h/t Planet Money’s Indicator podcast on this one):

Read full article

451 responses to “Cost of Living Matter (2) – A Time to Remain Unborn”

  1. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WARU
    It gets funnier: A man looks you straight in the eye and tells you that your country has been set back 20/25 years . Then without blinking an eye , the same man tells you the economy is experiencing some recovery. In the meantime your major foreign exchange earner is in deep distress.
    It’s a comedy……………

  2. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Yep…and the only people think all of that is funny are the mirror imagine mindsets….while the shit already hit the fan and CASCADING…

    “(4) Links between Bajan banks and career money launderers, who turn out to be among the largest depositors at certain banks..”

    bonne nuit William….am on bed rest for several months…so gotta take it easy, i will let the EXPERTS handle this and it’s way past my bedtime..

  3. Rather than IGNORE and mind their business, why would someone find it necessary to waste his/her time, with multiple contributions, in which he/she continually focus on people they say “got time for petty strife?”


  4. Oops Artax and u left out one of most.importance
    Have a pleasant night

  5. angela cox June 20, 2022 7:39 PM #: “Oops Artax and u left out one of most.importance…

    My friend, please note I mentioned, “cyber-stalker.”

    But, “one of most importance” is…… it’s a known fact that you’re not ‘the brightest bulb’ in this forum.
    So, I’m not surprised that ‘big word’ went ‘way over your head.’

  6. ArtaxJune 20, 2022 10:17 PM

    angela cox June 20, 2022 7:39 PM #: “Oops Artax and u left out one of most.importance…

    My friend, please note I mentioned, “cyber-stalker.”

    But, “one of most importance” is…… it’s a known fact that you’re not ‘the brightest bulb’ in this forum.
    So, I’m not surprised that ‘big word’ went ‘way over your head
    Oops my bad
    Never even read or notice the word cyber was made in a comment
    In any who I not being so bright clearly remember calling u a stalker
    My making mention of the word stalker was in reference to the many ways and manner some reference u
    The word stalker included as just a reminder of a word u might have forgotten
    But then again a cyber stalker was also adequate

  7. 1/1

    My friend, I’m not going to engage you in any silly ‘back and forth,’ or trade insults with you today.

    But, I’d rather be called a “stalker” than the “many ways and manner some reference you.”

    Have a wonderful day. 😊

  8. “Oil exploration switches to Woodside Energy

    A new company has been awarded the rights to explore for oil and gas in the territorial waters of Barbados.
    Acting Prime Minister Santia Bradshaw announced on Monday that her Government had approved Woodside Energy to take over the work started by global resources company, BHP Group (BHP) after Woodside bought it out late last year.
    “As the Barbados National Energy Policy diversifies the energy mix, it also advances the Government’s thrust to continue the exploitation of this country’s hydrocarbon resources potential,” Bradshaw said.
    “The Government of Barbados has endorsed the merger and has agreed that Woodside Energy will now continue the work on the blocks,” Bradshaw told a stakeholders’ workshop on Facilitating the Planning of Economic Diversity and Investment in the Energy Sector in Barbados at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre (LESC).
    As far back as 2007, the then Government of Barbados formally launched the Barbados Offshore Petroleum Programme as part of its strategy to promote the island’s oil and gas potential and attract investment.
    Under this programme, Barbados subdivided its offshore acreage into 26 license blocks and developed a suite of legislation – the Barbados Offshore Petroleum Legislation – to govern all exploration, production, and development activities offshore.
    Barbados launched its inaugural licensing in late 2007, issuing a formal call for the submission of bids and offering 24 of the 26 blocks for competitive bidding. This process led to the award of the Carlisle Bay and Bimshire blocks to BHP Group (BHP).
    “I wish to assure you that the Ministry of Energy and Business will continue to license Barbados’ Offshore acreage under clear rules for developers, and to increase the cultivation of data relating to the geological and geophysical conditions of the oil and gas sector,” the acting PM declared.
    “Additionally, the current minister, the honourable Kerrie Symmonds must be heralded for almost every week bringing a number of papers aimed at improving the legislative and regulatory environment to enable the sector to contribute towards Barbados’ economic development in a meaningful way,” Bradshaw observed. (EJ)”

  9. “So much trouble in the world!”

    Who exactly is unaware??????

    Little itty bitty Donna cannot control what is going on out there. Some with oversized egos may fool themselves that they are a big part of achieving that control.

    But …let us assume that the egos are right-sized!

    There are big time operators and there are small time operators. Donna is a small time operator. Small time operators are necessary, I find. But always undervalued by “The Lofty Ones”.

    Right now, despite all the upheaval in high places, promises from “big time operators” of a collapsing and a building back of a better financial system, the reality on the ground is that people need to eat. And it would benefit them well to eat nourishingly.

    This small time operator posits that we can walk and chew gum at the same time.

    In other words, we can “cuss Mia” while working in our kitchen gardens. Phones are now mobile and internet connected so we can call Brasstacks, listen to news and even visit “progressive websites” while standing erect for a few minutes to rest our backs from the bending.

    We can do what is within our immediate power to ensure that at least we don’t die from starvation whilst waiting for “big guns” to change the world.

    The rains appear to be in. No need for government water!

  10. I made a comment that was disagreed with and attributed to motives MOST FOUL. I defended and explained my comment and this earns me the title of petty nitpicker, wasting time.

    It was thinly veiled criticism, this idea that I am blinded to the suffering of others because things are good with me. It is not the first time it has been noted. If I hadn’t developed a thick skin over the past few years, it would really bother me. This remark is directed at a person who can be caught crying while watching the news! This remark is made to a person who has constantly been counselled by both mother and father against trying to do “too much” and trying to solve other people’s problems and ending up too far out of pocket herself!

    One-sided people! Another problem to be solved.

  11. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha…i see the end of unipolarity has been predicted.

    The strikes are gearing up….

    “UK Economic Apocalypse Warning: City Bosses Predict Recession”

    There they go William….let those who can only focus mentally on ONE THING AT A TIME FOR DECADES AT A TIME, because they don’t have the skill sets to do otherwise…….work with this..

    i see they are looking for a 10-year tourism plan, the way they were on an on with pure crap, thought they had one already….they should crawl over to PLT..and BEG…cause not a fella cares about them with their know nothing selves posing with shite titles..

  12. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Oh how FAR the MIGHTY LIARS, PRETENDERS, FRAUDS and their Fowls have fallen..out to SEA and DRIFTING…

    and the corrupt part is about to EXPLODE, the longer it takes, the BIGGER the EXPLOSION…no mercy on them……they have had a decades long run (9 DECADES), with no mercy for the Afrikan population, time to reel them in..

  13. Donna June 21, 2022 7:03 AM #: “Phones are now mobile and internet connected so we can call Brasstacks, listen to news and even visit “progressive websites”……”

    @ Donna

    You are correct.

    And, it amuses me when some people come to BU to give us the impression it’s only them that have the patent or monopoly for information…… and, we’re somehow dependent upon them for its dissemination ‘as they see fit.’

    Because some of us prefer not to repeat the same ‘sound bites’ in this forum everyday, with monotonous regularity, does not means we’re unaware of ‘what’s going on in the world.’

    As you correctly mentioned, “phones (and tablets) are mobile and internet connected.” As such, information is readily available ‘at our fingertips.’
    I believe we’re intelligent enough to identify credible sources and ‘separate fact from fiction.’

  14. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    William….where they FELL DOWN…they think people don’t know their handicaps and mental weaknesses….which will now be on DISPLAY for the whole world TO SEE..

    …they have been WINGING IT for decades, stealing IDEAS and EVERYTHING ELSE….the only ambition they have or know..

    can’t anymore though….too bad, so sad…

  15. As you correctly mentioned, “phones (and tablets) are mobile and internet connected.” As such, information is readily available ‘at our fingertips.’

    Yes, same information was available but can people process information for manifestation are they ready

    3 stages of data processing
    1 Input Data
    2 Process Data
    3 Output Data

    3 stages of spirituality
    1 Ganesha, god of beginnings, education, input worshiped before any major enterprise
    2 Buddha, god of meditation, processing, “awakened one”
    3 Kali , God of manifestation, output, master of death, time and change

    4 stages of learning
    1 beginner
    2 intermediate
    3 advanced
    4 master

    I think very deeply.
    As a daily practice..
    when people are input with information data they need to spend time thinking contemplating meditating waiting anticipating for deeper meanings to percolate in their psyche.

  16. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Love to share good news….the victims…who SURVIVED…and their families are all DYING OF LAUGHTER.. much different to their decades of black on black misery…they only need to conserve energy so they can LAUGH MUCH longer and HARDER…

  17. Less is more.

  18. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Still waiting for BU to show some EMPATHY for the thousands of innocent Afrikan victims and OTHERS who have lost estates/properties and BANK ACCOUNTS over the last 90 YEARS…

  19. More is less More or less
    When people talk poo daily, should others make robust arguments to challenge them, or not bother to be hassled

  20. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WARU
    “ i see they are looking for a 10-year tourism plan, the way they were on an on with pure crap, thought they had one already….they should crawl over to PLT..and BEG…cause not a fella cares about them with their know nothing selves posing with shite titles..”

    Less than two days ago, William Skinner said in a post, he would like to know what is the natural competitive age that our tourism has as was stated by one of the heads of the organizations representing the industry.
    In today’s Nation, the current minister of tourism asked the The Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc (BTMI) ;
    “ What will our competitive age be “
    It gets funnier , the said article stated:
    “ The BTMI, has less than a decade to come up with firm plans concerning the future of the island’s tourism product.”
    This is an industry that we were told is on the rebound and the one that will rescue the country.
    Finally listen to the head of the BTMI :
    “ Let’s be honest- this is a more expensive (destination) and there are other options out there and a lot of the neighboring islands haven’t slept during COVID-19. There are new products out there and sometimes it is cheaper getting to those islands, so why should anybody go to Barbados.”
    Now here we have a man that was employed by us to improve our industry bluntly saying it’s not competitive. Here we have the minister asking what will our competitive edge be.
    I say no more: the truth will out !!!

  21. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Less than two days ago, William Skinner said in a post, he would like to know what is the natural competitive age that our tourism has as was stated by one of the heads of the organizations representing the industry.”

    yep…i remember and the Fowls immediately went after you and started LYING by reflex…as ONLY fowls CAN…

  22. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    William….and STILL they don’t know, and STILL…they can’t see…

    well…all goodwill is now USED UP and redirected to the much MORE DESERVING….

  23. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved


    “German authorities preparing to declare state of emergency over gas supplies” – Die Welt

    makes us wonder why they allowed it to reach this stage..

  24. The Guardian

    How the cost of living crisis is hammering UK households – in charts

    Highest inflation rates since the 1980s and wage stagnation have squeezed household budgets

    Niels de Hoog, Ashley Kirk and Hilary Osborne

    Tue 21 Jun 2022 12.59 BST

    Britain is facing the highest rates of inflation since the early 1980s, with households suffering the biggest hit to their incomes since modern records began. Energy bills are soaring, as is the cost of petrol. Food inflation is at a 13-year high, running at 8.3%, the market research firm Kantar said on Tuesday.

    The government has announced billions of pounds in emergency financial support, but has faced heavy criticism over its handling of the cost of living crisis as millions struggle to afford the basics.

  25. Road works program. $ 250 MILLION loan from CHINA.

    nuff jobs.

  26. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    ya also very liable to get another Redjet…

    could not keep a puddle jumper up in the air, can’t pay its pilots their severance after 2 years…but here comes another plan or is it SCAM…

    looka de scams dey, look at de scammers dey…

  27. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    Typo : should be competitive advantage not “age”. Apologies

  28. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    “The Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI) has less than a decade to come up with firm plans concerning the future of the island’s tourism product.

    Minister of Tourism and International Transport Senator Lisa Cummins issued the challenge while delivering the feature address at the BTMI’s inaugural Visit Barbados Industry Forum yesterday at Hilton Barbados.

    “The BTMI has been given the mandate to build a global strategy for the expansion of Barbados’ tourism product. While we have had the UK (United Kingdom) as our lead market and the US (United States) as our secondary market, what is your high-level vision for where we go next?

    “We cannot maintain the status quo forever. Every country that has moved forward has been able to invest in transformation, in change. They had grown uncomfortable with where they were and we have to be uncomfortable with where we are, with what we have and with what we see. We have . . . to plan a strategy which takes us global in the shortest possible time,” she said.

    Cummins added that the BTMI has therefore been asked, by 2025, “to give us a footprint of where we need to be and by 2030 to give us a further footprint of where we need to go”. (CA)

    The truth one drop at a time. This is the condition of the industry that we were told is our only hope. Just employed a man and now wants to know where we need to be by 2030.
    The question is: where are we now ?

  29. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    ““We cannot maintain the status quo forever. Every country that has moved forward has been able to invest in transformation, in change. They had grown uncomfortable with where they were and we have to be uncomfortable with where we are, with what we have and with what we see. ”

    William….they should be asking themselves right about now WHY ARE THEY SO INTELLECTUALLY INCAPABLE..

    i already know the answer…they are the ones have to figure it out for themselves, if not in this century, maybe the next…everyone else is moving along and diversifying like it’s second nature, while they are stuck and they and their fowls don’t see that something is DESTRUCTIVELY WRONG…with that..

  30. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WARU
    It’s months now we were being sold a pig in a bag . Sometimes, it’s best to leave people who cannot discuss anything rationally alone. All day long they drink the Kool aid and when their guts are full they come here trying to cross examine people who think for themselves.
    The Minister has said what we all knew. Our product has been underperforming in real terms for several years.
    Tourism cannot save us. Let’s see what happens in 2030.
    Pure crap!

  31. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    It’s very clear they were not going to SEE let alone ACKNOWLEDGE the STEEP downward spiral…if certain information was not now out there….and they don’t have the power to HIDE IT…

    .they and the media and the fowls would still HAPPILY go along with the misleading and misdirecting narratives..

  32. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “All day long they drink the Kool aid and when their guts are full they come here trying to cross examine people who think for themselves.”

    ugly and shameless…..disgusting and disrespectful..

    2030?…. they need to get past 2022, 23, etc first…and if they survive that, then they can get to 2030…they don’t even know what will happen by December 2022…..all they can ask for right about now is debt forgiveness…..don’t hold ya breath though…it may not ever happen….especially since they are still borrowing HEAVILY and drawing down tranches…

    ..AND with their limited knowledge base and cesspool of corruption……that they don’t want to let go….it’s all up in the air anyway…and only their fowls can be fooled..

  33. @William

    You are familiar with strategic planning to ensure survival of any business?

  34. @William

    You are correct OVER RELIANCE on tourism will not save us but for the Caribbean it will always be a sector to generate foreign revenue. We have to develop other streams of revenue. Can we agree?

    Whether it is fishing etc combined with import substitution strategies. Citizens need to shout their dissatisfaction at the political class. This is what engagement in the process means. If elected officials ignore what is sensible we should continue to say it is their responsibility therefore there is nothing we can do?

  35. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    ““We cannot maintain the status quo forever. ”

    this one is funny as in NOT SO FUNNY….

    …imagine in 2022….over a 150 years post emancipation…they are still talking about…”cannot maintain a status quo forever”…mind you the status quo is 400 YEARS OLD..

    .once you are DISCONNECTED FROM REALITY….nothing can help you unless you reconnect…..

    hint, hint… William….am sure it will not even register…

    “The process of slave emancipation in Latin America and the Caribbean was protracted and tortuous, beginning in the late eighteenth century with the Haitian Revolution , an event with profound consequences for slave regimes everywhere in the New World, and finally coming to an end with the abolition of Brazilian slavery in 1888.”

  36. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ William
    I’m also familiar with bull shit. Like I said we’ve been fed a steady diet of pure lies and half truths. There is strategic planning and then strategic lying , better known as propaganda. Nowaday, we call it political PR.

  37. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    Should be @ David

  38. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    The Lost in Cyberspace brigade spent so many years covering up those “lies and half truths” from politicians…. by calling us liars to hide their tracks….that they did not see WHEN THEIR LIES stood up in front of them LIKE GIANTS…..that everyone can see and are talking about… they all look like fools…

    am sure they still believe that Ra is afraid of them and slick talk will get them outta dis…

  39. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ David
    Your idea of citizenship participation and involvement is somewhat ambivalent.
    You call for it and then you proceed to be very critical of those who don’t totally agree with your views.
    There is a reason why you are now being perceived as frustrated. You will perhaps never admit that you placed an over abundance of faith in this current administration.
    The reality is that it has met with obstacles , some not of its own making, but it seems incapable of meeting the challenge.
    This is the problem. The underbelly of this administration is very weak and it is showing daily.
    The next twelve months will be crucial because the pipes may burst. We hope they do not, but……………

  40. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Blogmaster has been VERY determined in the last 3 years to prove himself wrong, don’t care how we tried to tell him, he just had to see for himself…and now he has…

  41. All day long they drink the Kool aid and when their guts are full they come here trying to cross examine people who think for themselves.







  42. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    but….the EXPOSURE for all of them is SO BRUTAL in cyberspace…stupid fowls or not, who are just as useless and helpless as politicians created them, who in turn are just as useless as manufactured by the colonial system……that it’s amazing they are still running around here and there pretending that everything is normal….and it’s business as usual…when, even them have to know by now that THIS IS THEIR COMEUPPANCE.

  43. BS and lies about Barbados tourism

  44. @J2
    You need to say more. What are the lies? Where is the BS?
    Most likely a ‘sex tourist’. Could he have.brought if from Austria?

    “An Austrian man caught a new strain of gonorrhea that is resistant to common treatments. He had unprotected sex with a sex worker in Cambodia, scientists said.
    If such strains keeping spreading, many gonorrhea cases might become untreatable, they added.”

  45. TheO

    For the last few dat UR second man accusing some Person/s of lying ask him what are the lies

    I asked him many times. The excuse was for me ti look it up and some where Alina the he ” Dont cut and paste”
    Today he on the same refrain about lying yet he refuse to give one example of the lie because it suits his PROPAGANDA.
    All this time you typing about lies and you cant type one example of the lies ( if you Dont cut and paste)?
    I remember when the man got on plane to Miami with gun we had no problem trying to make Mia a liar by typing and posting something to the effect – Mia promise we a report soon
    Now all of a sudden to suit u propaganda you lost your balls?

  46. Correction

    The damn liar that said he Dont cut and paaste did just that today with the article about what Lisa said

    Lies and BS.

    Some of you got real short memories

  47. William Skinner June 14, 2022 9:13 PM

    @ Lorenzo
    I stand by what I have said. If you have any evidence to the contrary you must bring it.
    I don’t copy and paste my Brother. You need to read what I have said. Bring the contrary evidence and then we will have a discussion.

  48. William Skinner June 21, 2022 1:54 PM

    “The Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI) has less than a decade to come up with firm plans concerning the future of the island’s tourism product.

    Minister of Tourism and International Transport Senator Lisa Cummins issued the challenge while delivering the feature address at the BTMI’s inaugural Visit Barbados Industry Forum yesterday at Hilton Barbados.

    “The BTMI has been given the mandate to build a global strategy for the expansion of Barbados’ tourism product. While we have had the UK (United Kingdom) as our lead market and the US (United States) as our secondary market, what is your high-level vision for where we go next?

    “We cannot maintain the status quo forever. Every country that has moved forward has been able to invest in transformation, in change. They had grown uncomfortable with where they were and we have to be uncomfortable with where we are, with what we have and with what we see. We have . . . to plan a strategy which takes us global in the shortest possible time,” she said.

    Cummins added that the BTMI has therefore been asked, by 2025, “to give us a footprint of where we need to be and by 2030 to give us a further footprint of where we need to go”. (CA)

    The truth one drop at a time. This is the condition of the industry that we were

  49. Govt ministers fretting because criticism of govt locals are being expressed vocally
    What govt ministers need to understand that the criticism heard stems from govt not having the and financial funding to repay those loans
    People are worried about that debt being passed on to them in the form of taxes and high fees
    Instead of govt handed the people a load of defensive talk as to how and why
    Govt should bring to the people a plan of repayment one which is sustainable and one which can reassure the populace that policies have been put in place that can be of help in debt repayment which would avert necessary measure from placing these debts in a harsh manner on the shoulders and backs of the Barbadian household
    People concerns about govt debt is real and rightfully so as the debt climbs into the billions

  50. Govt ministers fretting because criticism of govt debt are being expressed vocally
    What govt ministers need to understand that the criticism heard stems from govt not having the and financial funding to repay those loans
    People are worried about that debt being passed on to them in the form of taxes and high fees
    Instead of govt handing the people a load of defensive talk as to how and why
    Govt should bring to the people a plan of repayment one which is sustainable and one which can reassure the populace that policies have been put in place that can be of help in debt repayment which would avert necessary measures from placing these debts in a harsh manner on the shoulders and backs of the Barbadian household
    People concerns about govt debt is real and rightfully so as the debt climbs into the billions

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