Some issues it is more effective to avoid being prolix. The blogmaster will make the point by stating the following.

Voice of Barbados (VOB) popular mid-afternoon talk show program should be renamed The Peter Wickham Show on Mondays which is his scheduled day.

213 responses to “Rename Brasstacks ‘The Peter Wickham Show!’”

  1. Exposes their butts

  2. The Black History of our race tells the history of rape and abuse and exploitation of our foreparents is being carried on again right in front of our faces under the banner of progress and success
    Raping and exploitation of our brothers and sisters bodies mind and soull
    Yes our white new slave masters have found a new path to tell us how blacks should act and behave showing up.with cart loads of trinkets in form of money to which blacks bow
    This kind of exploitation should be called out for what it is
    Immoral and modern day abuse of the body mind and soul of Black people
    Respect cannot be earned or bought with money

  3. A small poll seeking a biased result. Reply/comment only if the answer is yes

    Married men
    Would you approve of your wife/daughter wearing that outfit in public?

    Women of BU
    With your beautiful sexy bodies, will you be wearing the outfit?

    Just for cuhdear
    Leh me know when ya coming down de road.

  4. The queen has no clothes …

    I am surprised at my feelings on these costumes. Notice that I have said nothing about PW’s private life. as it does not interest me.

    The outfits make me feel I am getting a six for a nine.

  5. I just had a Damascene moment.
    I want she pon a national stamp. We post office would mel nuff money as people rush to buy de stamp.
    You go girl.

  6. Those outfits exposed the raw nature of how easy it is to exploit the black race rich or poor
    Those pictures takes my mind back to the days of slavery .
    Today the slave mind is in full force driven by greed and immorality and the easy targets are blacks living in fearfulness of not being able to lift themselves out of poverty but relies on the whiteman in helping them to do so
    Why would any one allow their bodies to be marketed in a way that exposes their personnel and private areas of their body in my mind goes either to fear of losing not being in full control of who they are or dirt poor
    There are snakes everywhere

  7. Watching myself evolve…

    Might not fully agree with her outfit, but Rihanna has moved the line forward (here).
    I was wondering if a big belly man with an itty-bitty swim trunk would have drawn such a response from me. The answer is no.

    She may be ahead of my time.

  8. SMH
    How we blacks allow ourselves to be exploited

  9. ac @5.56 am & 6.16 a.m.

    …and AMEN!!!

  10. @ The OGazerts March 2, 2022 6:09 AM
    I just had a Damascene moment.
    I want she pon a national stamp. We post office would mel nuff money as people rush to buy de stamp.
    You go girl.

    What an excellent idea that is, TOG!

    Not only would it be in recognition of the country’s female national hero in all her natural glory as has been done with The Rt. Excellent Sir Garfield to promote the Bajan talent brand internationally but also as a source of necessary financial blood much needed by the Post Office to help defer its technological death knell and prepare it for possible divestment to the local East Indian business community under an upgraded IMF programme.

  11. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @TheOGazerts March 2, 2022 5:59 AM

    A small poll seeking a biased result. Reply/comment only if the answer is yes

    Married men
    Would you approve of your wife/daughter wearing that outfit in public?

    I would approve as it is their choice and none of my business. The wife always wears whatever she wants. Of course the daughter would have to be of age to determine what outfits she can choose from to suit the occasion. If asked, I always give my honest opinion but they know I will always approve of their final choice as it is their body not mine.

  12. It should surprise NO ONE that Rihanna has been named a ‘National Hero’.

    After all this country has become a global model of selling its assets to the highest bidder, and where this is not possible, of borrowing from EVERY POSSIBLE source – thus burdening future generations with the CHAINS of our greed.

    It started with the ‘tourism industry’, which has been modeled on the typical brothel – where the rich, lonely and depraved predators of our world are invited to come and have the time of their lives with our ‘workers’ – provided that they can pay the set rates.

    It did not take long before the international pimps took over the scam, collecting the fees from the ‘Johns’ in their home countries and and just BARELY providing for the upkeep of the brothel (In EXACTLY the same way that the Plantocracy operated in the days of sugar and slavery)

    it has become so bad that during the Covid shutdown, Barbados’ Foreign Exchange reserves INCREASED – when the international pimps were unable to EXTRACT the normal fees and charges to their home accounts.

    We actually tax PRODUCTIVE people such as the ZR owners and workers, and give handsome PAYOUTS to these brothels.

    While Rihanna may be an exception to this rule, and may have accumulated her wealth by hard work and business brilliance, In this world, the ability to accumulate huge financial resources is now mostly associated with the ability to CONFORM to the greedy, demented, warped and distorted norms that currently prevail. Putin and Fauchi comes to mind.
    If wealth ALONE is the criteria for honor then may God help us all….

  13. In Da Streets Industry

    A$AP Rocky Wild for the Night from the Power Soundtrack on Netflix with 50 Cent acting

  14. Old pirates, yes, they rob I
    Sold I to the merchant ships
    Minutes after they took I
    From the bottomless pit
    But my hand was made strong
    By the hand of the Almighty
    We forward in this generation
    Won’t you help to sing
    These songs of freedom?
    ‘Cause all I ever have
    Redemption songs
    Redemption songs
    Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
    None but ourselves can free our minds
    Have no fear for atomic energy
    ‘Cause none of them can stop the time
    How long shall they kill our prophets
    While we stand aside and look? Ooh
    Some say it’s just a part of it
    We’ve got to fullfil the book
    Won’t you help to sing
    These songs of freedom?
    ‘Cause all I ever have
    Redemption songs
    Redemption songs
    Redemption songs
    Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
    None but ourselves can free our mind
    Woah, have no fear for atomic energy
    ‘Cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time
    How long shall they kill our prophets
    While we stand aside and look?
    Yes, some say it’s just a part of it
    We’ve got to fullfill the book
    Won’t you help to sing
    These songs of freedom?
    ‘Cause all I ever had
    Redemption songs
    All I ever had
    Redemption songs
    These songs of freedom
    Songs of freedom
    Source: Musixmatch
    Songwriters: John Ashton Thomas
    Singer Bob Marley

  15. @ 555dubstreet March 2, 2022 8:44 AM

    KiKi, are you aware that your boy “A$AP Rocky” is a Bajan by descent?

    At least some ‘Overseas-Bajans’ are doing what the on-islanders are not doing enough of.

    Don’t be surprised if the next trending name for boy babies born in Bim will be ‘ASAP’.

    Are you, ‘555 dub street’, willing to open your own sperm bank in Bim to improve the quality of herbalists and to ensure there are enough musicians to restock both heaven and hell?

  16. “Are you, ‘555 dub street’, willing to open your own sperm bank in Bim to improve the quality of herbalists and to ensure there are enough musicians to restock both heaven and hell?”

    Rihanna x A$AP Rocky’s baby is destined to sing and rap like his mummy and daddy

    Raising Hell
    Sometimes you need to go down to depths of hell and raise hell in order to uplift everyone to send them heaven bound

  17. There is evidence in the Hollywood entertainment industry which is sound and which provides and substantiates that nothing is ways what seems presented
    There is also evidence presented that billionaire and millionaire blacks sooner or later met a sorrowful demise
    Notables such as Michael Jackson
    Whitney Houston and even Bill Cosby
    The moral of the story
    Those that make yuh can break yuh

  18. @ Bush Tea March 2, 2022 8:18 AM

    This modern type of plantation economy ensures that everyone has his or her rightful place in society. Therefore, I strongly support the economic policy of our honourable government to rely solely on tourism.

    Tron, the public court jester

  19. @ Tron the public court jester
    It is not normally an “economic policy” that drives the decision to remain in prostitution…
    It is MUCH more likely to be an admission of incompetence, and the inability to succeed at anything innovative and productive.
    Of course the predators out there (not saying that you are one) can be depended on to ’support’ the availability of such ‘easy meat’…

  20. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @angela cox March 2, 2022 5:41 AM “Rhianna is a billionaire being exploited by the white establishment to sell.a product.”

    How does one go about exploiting an ADULT BILLIONAIRE? Especially one who like so many intelligent others went to the University of Waterford?

    As de fella would say “Up and On”

    Full Disclosure: I did NOT attend the University of Waterforf.

  21. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @TheOGazerts March 2, 2022 5:59 AM “Women of BU With your beautiful sexy bodies, will you be wearing the outfit?”

    My response: My birthday is coming up soon. If my chief does not buy me that outfit, [bedroom] business done.

    @TheOGazerts March 2, 2022 5:59 AM “Just for cuhdear Leh me know when ya coming down de road.”

    If you hear a knock on your door at 6 tomorrow morning, you will know who it is that has come calling.

  22. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    Take it easy fellas. Clearly the outfit is not meant to be worn to church on Sundays.

    It is not meant to be worn to work, unless like Rihanna you are a fabulous international model.

    It is not meant to be worn to a job interview, unless you are interviewing for a job as a lingerie model.

    It is not meant to be worn by your son’s girlfriend when he brings her over to meet you for the first time on a Sunday afternoon.

    But as we Bajans say “time and place”

    It is a fine outfit for a honeymoon, or even a second honeymoon 50 years later.

    It is a fine outfit to generate sales of sexy lingerie. However even more sales would have been generated if it had first been modelled a week before Valentine’s Day.

    We all aspire to our youthful beauty and sexiness don’t we?

    Old, stooped, grey haired, no longer sexy ZR woman.

  23. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    TheOGazerts March 2, 2022 6:09 AM “I just had a Damascene moment. I want she pon a national stamp. We post office would mel nuff money as people rush to buy de stamp.”

    Sell the stamp for $100 each to the first billion customers and we could clear off our national debt in about 5 minutes.

  24. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @Bush Tea March 2, 2022 8:18 AM @Tron

    Rihanna nor anyone else should be made a National Hero until they reach age 60 or posthumously. National Hero status should only be awarded after a lifetime of achievement.

    A totally new class of ambassador roles Daughter of the Soil should have been created for young high flyer achievers like her and award them with a diplomatic passport.

  25. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @Cuhdear Bajan

    Finally someone who understands how shrewd business people like Rihanna have successfully marketed her brand at the right time in the right way to cash in for the big bucks. She didn’t get to be the second richest entertainer behind Oprah by following others.

    My current two problems with Rihanna is that she should have known better than to attend the University of Waterford and I have to hope the wife does not see the lingerie or she will force me to whip out the credit card before I can get the chance to surprise her.

  26. @ Critical A

    Agree with your proposed class of award. Logical and practical.

    But of course you err in your two ‘problems with Rihanna’.
    1 – You may well find that it is BECAUSE of her exposure to the ‘university’ that she stands out from the crowd… and that otherwise she may just be another (un-named) BU blogger complaining over and over about how “Bushie don’t like women” (like if they think Bushie name ‘Petra’ or something so..!!)

    2 – Your second error …is this ‘lingerie business’ for the wife…
    Boss, leave out that business hear? Just convince the lady of the great benefits of sleeping naked… You could save a bundle of money ….and time too… LOL
    Besides …next thing you know she looking to model the fancy lingerie to some sexy bushman (Not THIS Bushie, but there are some wufless ones out there..) and then you got problems….

  27. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar


    Knock, knock.

    I am 6 minutes late, but…

  28. Slut and trash is the new norm
    When adults cant see slut and trash as an immoral wrongs weave tightly into success
    Then adults cannot blame the youth for the downward slide in society immoral attitudes and behaviors
    Slowly but surely the morals that bind societies together are being chipped away and adults are to blame

  29. Years ago a picture of that showing would have a black.marking across certain areas
    But society has become immune to immoral actions standard s and behaviour and the word cute as a replacement for any and everything

  30. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    Dear ac:

    Please see page 23 of today’s Nation. A beautiful gentleman by the name of Mr. Brandon Curry, seeking to win the Arnold Classic this weekend.

    And I hope that he does.

  31. Why are we making this about Rihanna? She is the leading pop star in the entertainment business and you can add business woman to the list of achievements. What Rihanna is doing and wearing today is a continuation of decisions made from the moment she was plucked from a 2×3 island at 16 and deposited into the cutthroat and high stakes world of business. It is not her fault our political leadership agrees she qualifies to be a national hero. This is a subjective issue.

    The blogmaster is receptive to both sides of the debate raging about Rihanna. What cannot be refuted is that her meteoric rise in her chosen vocation cannot be matched by any Barbadian who has preceded her.

  32. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Marshall said the issue of a secure ID card was a serious one as the current card was basically two pieces of plastic stuck to either side of a card with a picture and that “simply in itself suggests a security breach”. He said that since 1979 there had been no fundamental change to the ID card. Over the years I would have looked at a number of national IDs and over the years I would have also seen that there were a number of areas of security that should be tightened up. Anybody with a laminate machine can replicate that card. It is also highly susceptible to photo substitution,” said Marshall, a former immigration officer.”

    it only took them from 1979-2022 to realize this when North American countries have rejected use of this card in their jurisdictions for just as long…..yall should be thankful that it did not take another 43 years for someone to say, hey, this card is easily duplicated, no wonder the other countries thumb their noses at them….sigh…

  33. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Rihanna is making pregnancy look sexy….end of..

  34. Life force energy is circulating inside you.
    Women now share pregnancies on social media
    Exercising on Vlogs
    Discussing postpartum baby blues
    Motherhood, sleepless nights etc

    Men and Woman who aren’t pregnant can still practice their easy routines.

    My Pregnancy Qigong routine. White Tiger Qigong

  35. (Quote):
    Rihanna is making pregnancy look sexy….end of..

    Let’s say that Her Excellency is setting the ‘right’ example to the Bajan women of reproductive age (CuhDear and Donna made batteries not included).

    Isn’t She a real national hero(ine) by showing the way towards solving Barbados’s demographic deficit by using home-grown reproductive methods instead imported ready-made ‘uncertain’ genetic stock?

  36. “home-grown reproductive methods instead imported ready-made ‘uncertain’ genetic stock?”

    Wider gene pools strengthen babies characteristics

    Barbados was a breeding colony for slaves shipped from around Afrika split and divided among tribes using the divide to rule mantra and mixed with some European spunk for a lighter shade of black product with thin lips small noses etc to make them more freaky and fuckable to the rapists

  37. David

    The blogmaster is receptive to both sides of the debate raging about Rihanna. What cannot be refuted is that her meteoric rise in her chosen vocation cannot be matched by any Barbadian who has preceded her.
    And at what cost
    Have seen rising stars matching Rhianna business success rise and fall at the hands of fame surrounded by those who have been involved in her success
    The Rhianna final.story chapter and verse is being written while all eyes are being focused at her trashy pregnancy wear
    The harder they climb the sooner they fall
    What all are seeing is not happenstance but the same recipe being played out that captivated the minds of those who loved the entertainment quality of Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston
    Blacks needs to never forget these two and their downfall into life of misery and later death
    Questions as to why Rhianna s
    pregnancy clothing wear is being spotlighted in the most disgusting manner should be asked
    Along with what are the real reasons and what underwrites such mischief
    Rhianna is a billionaire and certainly doesn’t need such exposure to be of more success
    The eyes can be deceiving and the tongue sharper than a two edged sword

  38. @555 dubstreet March 3, 2022 8:23 AM
    “home-grown reproductive methods instead imported ready-made ‘uncertain’ genetic stock?”
    Wider gene pools strengthen babies characteristics

    True! But it can also weaken or dilute the gene pool.

    That’s why the word ‘uncertain’ was used.

    That’s why having more mixed-and multi- race children is the way to go to reduce the level of racism and to be in harmony with the designer goals of Mother Nature.

    So why not import sperm from people like you; hence my invitation to you to set up your own designer-baby sperm bank.

    There are loads of university-educated women in Barbados who do not see themselves as mothers; only career wo(e)men.

    Why can’t you lend them a helping hand by supplying them with high quality genetic material after a clean jerk?

  39. Miracle of the Human Body and Childbirth.
    What came first the sperm or the egg.
    Men should not be regulated to mere sperm donors jacking their loads after a quick in-out they should be respected as fathers.
    Mitochondrial DNA can be inherited from fathers, not just mothers. While women do inherit 50% of their DNA from each parent, men inherit about 51% from their mother and only 49% from their father.

  40. Rihanna’s exposure to the world in full bloom was an anti war message and timely reminder of the 60’s slogan


  41. @ 555 dubstreet March 3, 2022 9:58 AM
    Miracle of the Human Body and Childbirth.
    What came first the sperm or the egg.
    Men should not be regulated to mere sperm donors jacking their loads after a quick in-out they should be respected as fathers.

    Nice one there, KK!

    Now answer the following:

    Which came first? Male or Female? Adam or Eve (or even Steve)?

    Why not ask which came first; the hen or the cock?

    That should provide you with the perfect answer to your “sperm and egg” paradox?

    Mother Nature would have been a ‘jack’ of a queen not to have contracted-out some of her parthenogenesis (fertilization) process to an ass of a male.

  42. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Isn’t She a real national hero(ine) by showing the way towards solving Barbados’s demographic deficit by using home-grown reproductive methods instead imported ready-made ‘uncertain’ genetic stock?”

    nice one Miller……the original Afrikan female in full bloom…don’t bother with the but…she got Portuguese and this and that bloodline too….so what, so do i, so do all of you………it’s been like that for THOUSANDS OF YEARS…and the Afrikan still CANNOT BE DILUTED….TOO POWERFUL…..too original

  43. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “That’s why having more mixed-and multi- race children is the way to go to reduce the level of racism and to be in harmony with the designer goals of Mother Nature.”

    yep…while bearing in mind that the Afrikan gene pool will ALWAYS BE the world’s first people…then came the others, MUTATIONS from that same pool….to survive…that is where they will ALL have to return…

  44. Now answer the following:

    Why not ask

    The bible book is not authoritative in sphere of biogenetics branch of biology concerned with altering genomes of living organisms, except for guesswork circa 2,000 years back.

    I kick the ball back to you again to answer my question and your questions

    In the Big bang theory of universe (God) is deemed to be male energy and the creator of mother earth and it’s source of life from the exploded stars. Everyone has a feminine left side and a masculine right side. Perhaps you should ask yourself which came first the yang sun or the yin moon.

    String theory is a framework that physicists use to describe how forces usually conceptualized on a gigantic level, like gravity, could affect tiny objects like electrons and protons. In Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, gravity is a force that warps space-time around massive objects.

    Into the Beat
    Welcome to Battleland

  45. Irish NOT Portugese.

  46. “Irish NOT Portugese.”

    there are mixed black and white race players playing for the Irish national football teams and they still look like fat paddies

  47. t@AC “the same recipe being played out that captivated the minds of those who loved the entertainment quality of Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. Blacks needs to never forget these two and their downfall into life of misery and later death.”

    Did Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston die because they wore sexy clothes?

    Or did they die because they became addicted to drugs?

    Rihanna, a product of the university of waterford is a sensible person. She knows to stay away from drugs. Clean sex is to be enjoyed and has NEVER killed anybody yet. And sexy clothes don’t kill either.

    If you or I or any of the BU bloggers start using illegal drugs, or start misusing legal drugs we too may become addicted even if we wear garments down to our wrists and ankles and up to our necks and a big hat too.

    It is NOT the clothes that killed Michael or Whitney. We ALL know this.

    SAY “NO” to drugs.

  48. Cuhdear
    Did Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston die because they wore sexy clothes?

    Or did they die because they became addicted to drugs?
    U would not understand the underpinnings that cause reach a high pinnacle in life also one that had a negative effect causing them to turn to self destruction
    This is too deep for u to understand
    Stick to.planting crops

  49. “U would not understand”

    Black and brown people do not do therapy that is a white man woman and child thing
    They do time instead to clear their blockages
    Damaged nut cases spend 10+ years on Bu dumping and unloading issues and are not known for daily morning meditations of gratefulness but are always moaning

  50. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @angela cox March 3, 2022 12:54 PM “This is too deep for u to understand.”

    ac talkin’ ’bout deep


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