The Barbados Labour Party (BLP) in a surprising result won all 30 seats again in a snap election called 18 months before constitutionally due by Mia Mottley.

In the coming weeks there will be robust debate about how our democracy optimally serves Barbadians with a muted dissenting voice. One may argue a healthy democracy requires a strident dissenting voice. Barbados is traveling an uncharted path given the 2018 and 2022 general election results and BELOW 50% turnout (anecdotal). In the coming weeks our attention will turn to government’s management of COVID 19, the economy, the health of political opposition and a few other key issues.

Whither the political opposition?

The blogmaster congratulates the BLP on the win and offers the advice – to whom much is given, much is expected.

493 responses to “BLP Win 30-0, Again”

  1. This is your problem, always. You are limited to labelling criticism of the DLP as destructive.

  2. Everything the DLP did was wrong

    but it was an uphill task anyway

    Foolish pride and flag waving does not cut the mustard anymore

    that is part of trimmings of a limited period of engagement in politics by public/people for a short window of time

    DLP have now joined the General Public and Small Business World

  3. Like the 80,000 being allowed to vote😃, with the low voter turnout we should not minimize the impact of excluding a few thousand eligible voters.

    I am not claiming that they would have changed the overall outcome, but it is quite possible that they they could have changed a few constituencies.

    Decisions to exclude thousands of voters or to import 80,000 immigrants are not just pulled out of a hat (I hope they are not). People run numbers, they look at the upside and the downside and then they decide

  4. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    Welcome William..

    “There are literally hundreds of thousands of young people throughout the region and in the Diaspora waiting , searching and who want some interaction but they simply can’t find it or have no guidance.”

    that’s why everything has elevated and REAL POWER has finally intervened to give these young people the direction that they have CRAVED generationally …decades now..and these useless governments refuse to do their jobs…now NO ONE NEEDS THEM…because we know how to help ourselves and how to PROTECT OUR YOUNG..

    it has come together just as it should.

  5. The dlp leadership as now stand would be challenge
    Looking for some one outside of Barbados would received the same welcome as Hewitt
    Chris and Sinckler are from a similar era
    His age and personality would connect with both old and young

  6. @Dee Wors

    You disconnected from reality. The current political culture is fueled by bottom feeders.

  7. The low voter turnout and covid patients is not the problem we face. It goes deeper.

  8. The DLP as it stands has no ‘leadership’.

  9. Go, Stephen!

    Still a good boy, unlike my other former friend who bears the same surname. Peter still whispers in your ear, even from the grave. Does his brother still whisper in Michael’s? It appears he isn’t listening.

  10. The dlp leadership as now stand would be challenge
    Looking for some one outside of Barbados would received the same welcome as Hewitt
    Chris and Mia are from a similar era of politics
    His age and personality would connect with both old and young

  11. DavidJanuary 21, 2022 9:31 AM

    You disconnected from reality. The current political culture is fueled by bottom feeders

    Along with special interest groups as the beneficiaries

  12. To me the story that needs exploring is
    The number of eligible voters who were not allowed to vote and the possible impact on the election if they were allowed to do so.

    Election done
    BLP won
    Yesterday’s problems are still here
    Can’t solve in one day what we couldn’t in years
    May 2018 done and past
    January 2022 is just a rehash
    Round the mulberry bush we go
    No stopping we like it so

  13. The Bajan Condition
    which Politics Business play the part
    in Public and Private Sectors that FAIL
    while neglecting the poor and humble
    is all about getting a slice of the cake

    SUGAR MINOTT – Slice Of The Cake

  14. William Skinner Avatar

    @ WURA
    I am firmer in my beliefs than I ever was. Every day , I sit here and read some alarming views that nail down that I am right. I warned that the Duopoly will eventually consume itself , the process is on its way. Today we are having some laughable post mortems. What they are ashamed to admit is that a mandate of less than 30% of the eligible votes or those who voted is nothing to boast about. The system is in a serious state of decline and it will continue to decline. All they can do is cuss people who don’t come here and buy into their nonproductive back and forth and almost perennial BS, while the poor and dispossess cannot pay bus fare or feed themselves.
    Poverty is rising throughout the entire region but we Bajans want to deny it. We have little black children going home from school putting something like emasculated macaroni in hot water and using it as a meal.
    Fifty years ago poor children were going home and having something hot in their stomachs. Poor children were drinking fresh goat milk and eating what is now called organic foods. We were filling we bellies with fruit. Every pipe was running. These vagabonds have now successfully starved out black children and got them drinking dirty water and eating junk.
    We take up $300 million and give to a handful of fraudsters while young black entrepreneurs cannot get any help.
    Letthe youth take of their masks and wine wine wine and then……………

  15. “What they are ashamed to admit is that a mandate of less than 30% of the eligible votes or those who voted is nothing to boast about. The system is in a serious state of decline and it will continue to decline. “

    Elections are about choosing who will run the country

    It is what the chosen do and how they do it that makes a difference to lives

    Experts confirm all systems are shit SNAFU situation normal all fucked up

  16. The PM exercised her prerogative under law. What was the national swing? It was not enough to support your view covid patients in quarantine/isolation would have made a difference. Focus on the systemic issue of fixed term limits should be implemented.

  17. “this young dynamic woman was thrown into the trenches at an incredibly young age and SURVIVED….with a powerfully intact mind, there is nothing that she will see as a challenge she cannot overcome..”

    if you see the documentary movie “Knock Down the House”

    she was part of a group of young people who wanted to get involved in politics

    and was selected by them to stand against the incumbent NY Dem who she beat

    and then was elected into Senate

  18. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    ” I warned that the ​Duopoly will eventually consume itself , the process is on its way/”

    and happening just as you predicted, they indeed started the process of self-reduction.

    Mia can’t say she was not warned, i tried to subtle since 2018, they called it a witch hunt because they did not know that there was a 2 pronged approach to dealing with what i was thrown into….but still tried to show them what was ahead anyway…and now right here..

    “These vagabonds have now successfully starved out black children and got them drinking dirty water and eating junk.

    We take up $300 million and give to a handful of fraudsters while young black entrepreneurs cannot get any help”

    there is a price tag attached to that level of WICKEDNESS…

  19. Gazzerts those sour grapes seem real you rambling and swiping like blind elder.Tell us would the 5000 or so who were eligible to vote swing the redults in the dems favour.Youlost 30 to 0 let that sink in not one damn seat in two elections.Tells me neither Mr Stuart nor Ms Depeiza are political leaders and she needs to go into political retirement.As far as the covid persons voting is concerned who would handle those ballots you?It is alright for you oberseas to talk shite but my understanding is thst the majority of electoral officisl unwilling to handle those ballots.Therefore allowing them to vote would be futile.I gone.

  20. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    “U and all in the blp camp call yuhself giving advice to the dlp
    The dlp leadership responded to much of it
    The end result was another 30-0 beating
    That I hope u understand’

    NO, they DID NOT…. How could they have and yet we are here describing the asinine, self destructive comments from your former leader…. The day after Ms. Armstrong’s remarks in St. George I recall us discussing that the DLP President made her issue an apology… however, I do not recall any chatter about said President asking Stuart to come out and retract/clean-up his stupid comments after he said them! Steeupse.

    Immediately, that ‘WOW’ on the tape said it all… supposedly a DLP supporter being shocked by the brazen nonsense… and your team was phreaking CLUELESS of the total damage and couldn’t jump into major damage control….Double Steeupse

    As @Theo says above : “It is quite possible that Freundel could have delivered a speech that would have placated some Bajans’ but he DIDNT…. You guys were NOT listening.. and as YOU exemplify still are not.

    And as the blogmaster pointed out back then … your team couldn’t even get their IT Twitter feeds etc to work without dropout and transmission issues … I am totally shell-shocked that they are people like you still throwing shade (to be euphemistic) at folks here who basically are saying GET OFF THE DAMN POTTY, ALREADY… You and your crew are just totally clueless!

    Jesus, Mary and Joseph… to be discussing the utter decimation and humiliations of the DLP on Jan 21!😢😢
    -.. ————

    PS: re “You disconnected from reality. The current political culture is fueled by bottom feeders
    You may be right bro…. my virtual reality says that if a bottom feeder is continually sucking my life’s nectar then they are absolutely more talented at it than a supposed top feeder… ipso, they are actually a ‘top feeder’ … otherwise WHY am I letting them feed!!!

  21. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    Just saw a video where the dude Saunders, a former diplomat, well known, is saying that 2 Caribbean countries now in the clutches of the IMF will not be able to get out.

    …it’s not that they have not had warnings, we tried…


  22. I have voted for the DLP from since the 80s. I voted DLP in EVERY ELECTION until 2018. I voted Michael Lashley three times. I voted Barrow, Sandi, Thompson, Freundel.

    I am not in the BLP camp but I was FORCED to vote BLP.

    Stop with the crap this Errol Barrow day!

    Clean house or die!

  23. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    Politicians think too highly of themselves…

    we were ALL BORN with FREE WILL and the ability to USE our own INITIATIVE.for successful survivial…long before any of those wretches ever entered our earth…….

    .don’t need any raggedy vote begging politician to exercise free will or initiative…..

  24. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    William…you do know that was a WASTED exercise to HIDE THINGS…right…

    just wait for the layoffs…etc to take hold…it’s not like we are not being told what is about to PLAY OUT…

    who is interested in watching the clip just check it out @tbcnews_bds

    don’t need any raggedy vote begging/buying politician to exercise free will or initiative…..

  25. @ Lorenzo January 21, 2022 10:07 AM

    Lorenzo, why do you continue to rub so much salt in the potentially fatal wounds of the DLP; the political pariah of lasting pain?

    Verla has shown contrition in accepting the shame of a repeat of 2018.

    Where is your Jesus-moment of a soul and heart of compassion, ye political yardie?

    Your opposite number, ac, is the one you ought to be bullying not TheOGazerts who has long recognized the flaws in the electoral strategies of the DLP which led to its second red-washing.

    What you ought to be more worried about is the total removal of any excuses for the re-elected BLP administration NOT to come good on its promises to the people.

    With no Opposition to throw any spanners in the works there must be No future mention, either in the media or in Parliament about any lost decade of DLP, about any on-going efforts to collect imaginary evidence to bring trumped-up charges against ministerial actors of that same DLP administration and who happen to be their political bosom buddies bonded with the same ‘red’ financial blood of Malmoney.

    The old DLP is finished. Even the Bajan electorate found time during the Covid pandemic to attend its internment but hoping for a resurrection.

    The electorate has shown to the re-elected BLP administration that even in a ‘virally’ pandemic period projects can be started and objectives can be achieved.

    There is no longer any alibi, excuse or the undermining by politically-opposing forces for any delays in bringing Barbados back from its current social and economic coma.

    Why not find another whipping boy or bogeyman like the IMF or even Britain to pay compensation to its former slave colony in its dire times of need?

  26. @Miller

    Verla wasted the opportunity by vetoing Freundel appearing on the platform and like Dee Word correct my stated strongly condemning his reference to “glorious years”. Her contrition post 60 live defeat therefore rings hollow.

  27. No where have I said that 5000 votes could erase a 30-0. What I would like to see is the count at a constituency level and then we can discuss if a few votes here and there would have made a ‘difference’ – 28-2, 29-1

  28. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    took LESS THAN 48 hours post election for the sleight of hand to reveal itself…

  29. How would you know how the votes would have been distributed?

  30. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    “Why not find another whipping boy or bogeyman like the IMF or even Britain to pay compensation to its former slave colony in its dire times of need?”

    i won’t give these time wasters the time of day…look how many YEARS they have had to take another route that would have brought success, but they too love their delusions…well let them LIVE IN IT NOW all by themselves…many of us have happily MOVED ON years ago…..

  31. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    de pedantic DribblerJanuary 20, 2022 12:41 PM

    “@DLP your 11:35 AM
    is perplexing based on your earlier clear post! …. Do you NOT see that you are making an Orwellian ‘Animal Farm thesis!!!

    How ANY functional political system operate without a cohesive group charting policy! To expect disparate folk to run individually and then coaelse to a collective ideal once elected is cute but is it really practical … if that’s what u are proposing. The issue of a leader losing is not an issue … as a new leader is elected from the parliamentary winners automatically”

    I really had the American system in mind i.e. the House of Representatives. There is a strong duopoly in USA politics but there is less sense of towing the party line in comparison to the Westminster system. The Majority and the Minority leader is a looser version of the Govt and Opposition Leader.

    Re David January 20, 2022 1:22 PM
    MY comment was really in response to the nonsense statement that a 30-0 should not be taken as some sort of mandate.
    It definitely isn’t a ringing endorsement of the other parties that ran!!!!!. in terms of voter turnout THIS TIME, I always estimated that the voter turnout would be low. My reasons are:-

    1) The January 19, 2022 elections were called on December 27th 2021, a 3 week campaign just 3 1/2 years after the May
    2018 Elections. It is one of the shortest administrative terms in Barbados’ history. I think most people minds were to navigating the COVID-19 pandemic entering 2022 and not really in “election mode”

    2)There wasn’t a strong anti-govt sentiment. More so there is a Pro Mottley feeling especially in comparison the DLP’s President. Most of the “concern” would be having a “proper” opposition. I’m gauging that the electorate still doesn’t think that the DLP is even ready to form that opposition. In other words it would not be one of those “get the ruling party out” elections

  32. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @William, I am aiming for brevity !… I appreciate your passion but I must imagine that your experience conditions that to more tempered expectations …. When you say you look forward to “…the emergence of a new unified Caribbean State or we will perish economically and culturally” what exactly are you looking for and more importantly why do you perceive that we are not already ‘organically’ forging those unions where practical and economically viable!

    Economic unions will NEVER be forced on anyone… they occur where investors and consumers see the mutual benefits or too where one powerful partner can encourage the other(s) that they are gaining benefits …. And they are several such region wide.

    I do not see where your vision of a “new Caribbean state is the only true real [way] forward’ … a union a la Europe does make sense and we do have many of the benefits of ‘Caribbean Citizenship’ (work movement, cultural exchange etc) now, but any concept of a deeply connected economic monetary union has always been problematic and REMAN SUCH. Anyhow, brevity rules …. so let me end there.

    Quickly to your other point… as I discussed with the Blogmaster this concept of ideological and philosophical differences with our political parties has no real PRACTICAL merit … it does makes for wonderful lotta long talk but on the street it’s IRRELEVANT….. At least he finally admitted it’s principally about how dynamic leadership!

    So tell me sir, what does this mean: “It originates from a deeply held set of core beliefs and how one sees oneself within the broader construct of his or her social and cultural environment.” …. Are you telling me that Richie Haynes had a totally different set of “deeply held set of core beliefs” than Errol Barrow or Erskine Sandiford???….. And if so what were they! Was he more deeply socialist than the other two… and how so, if yes??

    Our Bajan life experience does validate that “We have an essentially non coherent group of political scoundrels whose only ambition is to walk up the steps of parliament and feed at the trough.’… so clearly two of their core beliefs are selfishness and greed…. I do NOT defend this but I merely ask : if it is accepted and seen across our nation that we ALL crave “self-preservation”, enjoyment of simple pleasures and to absolutely avoid physically, emotional pain and dissonance how do we NOT expect a cohort of our MPs to be similarly conditioned!!! HOW!

    If 40% of people vote or even if there is a massive turnout as seen in last US Pres elections the bottom-line remains basically the same: ONLY SOME of the nation are keen on what you are doing. As counter-intuitive as that may seem it’s validated by the simplicity “that people believe their votes can make a difference on electoral outcomes”… THUS so does a non-vote! …. So no, it is NOT that *”there is nothing different to vote for”… no sir. Apathy is activism!


  33. Dribbler
    There is nothing new about candidates throwing political barbs on platforms
    Fuh peat sake cricketers we’re called idiots
    The PM openly made fun of Reifer skill and knowledge when speaking on the st George political platform
    So what is your point
    The turnovers of political utterances goes both ways

  34. @David
    Suppose a candidate lose by 200 votes, we can speculate if allowing covid infected person would have made a difference.

    Much of what we do here is speculation or wishful hoping.

    There is sensible speculation
    ***FS speech hurt his party

    There is not so sensible speculation
    *FS deliver a rousing speech that activated the base

    Both are speculation, one less sensible than the other

  35. Lack of voters may have also been due to lack of inspiration in manifestos campaigns and platforms
    these sentiments may have been skewered against the biggest losers especially the biggest disappointments
    but DLP were not real strong favourites anywhere anyway

  36. Yes we can. From recall all DLP candidates were soundly beaten. The point: there is significant agreement we should have explored a way to accommodate covid patients BUT the EBC’s hands were tied given short time frame election was called and existing law. We need to address the system issue by learning from 2022 general election experience.

  37. the Covid problem is it causes deaths and long and short term health complications

  38. @ David January 21, 2022 11:18 AM

    Come on David, cut some slack for the woman!

    At least she had the political gonads to step up to the plate and, like the boy at the dyk,e placed her finger to stop the blood oozing from the DLP body politic while the same former heavyweights retreated to a place of political secrecy and safety to avoid burning questions from the media and general public,

    She was a rather weakly-positioned leader; with no past electoral success and with many people in her own camp prepared to stab her in the back should she appear to totter at the slightest faux pas.

    Wasn’t she often described by our own Lorenzo as a mere political night watch (wo)man?

    If MAM can forgive Sinckler, the main player in the political game of thrones which pushed Barbados onto the verge of devaluation, with welcoming open arms why couldn’t Verla reach out an olive branch to Fumble who, naively, put his incompetent foot in his too big a political mouth?

  39. @Miller

    You adore effort above performance?

  40. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    William…i can’t think of one politician that would be useful to me in anyway…would interact with GOOD LEADERS…not politicians….you have to know what a good leader signifies..

    .they NEVER hog the spotlight,

    ya have to ask for them since they are rarely ever seen,

    they are unassuming and never believe the sun shines out of their nether region….because they are too busy doing their jobs…of wearing this and that hat, while delegating…

    there are many other traits that signifies good LEADERSHIP…if you don’t know them ya end up picking up any riffraff and appointing them to have control over you..

  41. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    ya have to ask for them since they are rarely ever seen,….and come out when it’s NECESSARY..

    not a Fruendel, oh no, he was just the effigy used to expose the extinct go nowhere party..

    been following a couple of REAL LEADERS across the globe for a few years…you have to KNOW what a leader is….politicians are not leaders…they are OPPORTUNISTS…

  42. @ David January 21, 2022 12:16 PM
    You adore effort above performance?

    How can that be when the miller sees Sinckler in the same light as MAM saw him prior to May 2018 as the worst Minister of Finance ever imposed on the people of Barbados?

    Unless you see the Richie Haynes back-raising of Bree as the greatest ever.

    Hope you will not be too surprised if Sinckler soon finds himself back in good political grazing and the Rt. Hon Fumble made a knight of the realm of the republic of Bim.

    Wouldn’t any of those acts of forgiveness be on par to that granted to Maloney?

  43. @Miller

    The blogmaster has been around town long enough not to be surprised by nada.

  44. De Peiza has resigned.

  45. @ John2 January 20, 2022 11:29 AM
    It is not my idea
    It is law – so I heard last night from wickham . Law made by the blp after 2018 elections

    Why don’t you stop misleading the blog?

    Wick ham is a pollster and psephologist; not a Constitutional lawyer or keen follower of laws passed in the Bajan Parliament.

    Tell us where we can find that amendment to the Constitution to facilitate the appointment of “Opposition” senators other than on the recommendation of the Leader of the said Opposition?

    It was a mere proposal which was not passed by that now dead Parliament.

  46. @ David January 21, 2022 1:13 PM

    “De Peiza has resigned.”

    Best thing to have happened to the DLP for a very long time.

    Time to rebuild by selecting a brand new set of fresh bowlers.

    Let them start with one with the initials R Y free of the baggage of the pre-2018 period.

    That once powerful political institution- vital to the continuation of democracy on the island- can now rise from the ashes of defeat and disgrace.

  47. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    Wonder if it has sunk in yet that AUSTERITY is about to take on a whole new meaning after the sideshow of a snap election….the likes of Sanders/Saunders is hardly ever wrong in their analysis and have more access to critical info than we do…

  48. Wickham misled us. It is still draft legislation to amend the constitution. When Atherley crossed it stopped the change.

  49. Still singing
    This is a good example of two points I have been making:

    We do not know who the independent voters would have voted for, but the fact is that they did not vote for the BLP (or DLP). However, without these candidates a further 19votes may have gone to Mr Lashley. Do these candidates conduct polling? Do voters make promises and then vote differently? Are people running just for the sake of doing so???

    St Philip North
    Party Candidate Votes %
    BLP Sonia Browne 2,393 50.46
    DLP Michael Lashley 2,158 45.51
    APP Nigel Newton 88 1.86
    Inde Omar Smith 64 1.35
    Inde Wayne Beckles 39 0.82
    BLP – DLP 235

    Here we have a difference of just 235 votes. Could it be possible that if covid infected persons were allowed to vote ML would be an MP today? Just think of it?

  50. further 191 (64+39+88) votes may have gone to Mr Lashley.

    I expect that statement to be challenged. Using the ‘a miss is as good as a mile’ the difference of 235 is equated to a difference of 2000

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