The ongoing dispute between Unity Workers Union (UWU) and government exposes the boast we are an uneducated people. It seems the height of ignorance actors on both sides are unable to resolve a dispute involving healthcare workers during a pandemic. This has occurred in a country with a social partnership established with a mandate to prioritize a space to facilitate consultation, dialogue and collaboration. It must be stated Caswell has written in this space his lack of confidence in the social partnership. 

The blogmaster has no bone in the fight EXCEPT to acknowledge the life of a human being is priceless. If it is the grievances fueling the dispute for whatever reasons cannot be quickly resolved because of weighty imponderables – the raging pandemic has created the opportunity for reasonableness between the parties to be exercised. To maintain intractable positions with omicron starting to spike our rate of infections is an admission of idiocy. Bear in mind Barbados’ heavy dependence on tourism and the negative impact an elevated positivity rate will have on the country’s ability to earn precious foreign exchange. There is the possibility government’s finances may collapse and compromise its ability to service public sector payroll.

According to reports strike action about 100 strong is expected to take place this morning, a clear indication the chasm which exists between the two sides. If UWU backs down it may be interpreted as a defeat especially for the peppy head of UWU Caswell Franklyn who is fighting to increase his share of membership. If the government gives in, it opens the door for the industrial relations climate to become active at the worse time for government managing tanking revenues. 

Of concern to the blogmaster is the role Most Honourable Minister of Health Jeffrey Bostic has been reported to have played so far. It was reported the former schoolmates Bostic and Franklyn had agreed to a third party mediator to move the dispute along. According to Caswell Prime Minister Mottley vetoed the meeting after her request for striking workers to return to work was rejected. This slammed the door shut on possibly resolving the matter or at minimum depositing it in the abeyance bucket. The call of a snap general election eighteen months from when it is constitutionally due ensures the door remains closed. This is the second time Bostic has found himself in a pickle in recent months. His surprising admission he knew nothing about an arrangement between a Mark Maloney led initiative and government to procure AstraZeneca Covid 19 vaccine from a non traditional procurement source continues to tug at sensible minds. It surprised many including the blogmaster that Bostic and the permanent secretary- who signed off on the strange arrangement- were conferred high national honour. Through it all the phlegmatic Bostic has been serving out his final days having given notice of retirement from politics in October 2021.

In the system of government we practice all ‘big works’ related matters continue to lead to the first among equals in Cabinet. Hopefully in the debate to come about reforming the Barbados Constitution, whichever party wins the upcoming election, Barbados will seize the opportunity to create relevant constitutional clauses to ensure decision making by the executive becomes more decentralized from the prime minister led approach synonymous with a dictatorship.

150 responses to “Strike Action During a Pandemic!”

  1. Nurses to march

    About 100 expected to protest through City
    THE STRIKING NURSES will be marching through Bridgetown this morning.
    Head of the Unity Workers Union (UWU), Caswell Franklyn, said about 100 nurses bearing placards will march from Cheapside to Golden Square around 10 a.m.
    He told the DAILY NATION yesterday at his Belleville, St Michael headquarters where some of the nurses were gathered preparing the placards that the COVID-19 Monitoring Unit had given permission for 100 to be involved in the march but others will stand on the side-lines.
    He noted all COVID-19 protocols will be followed and there would also be police presence.
    The action he said was as a result of nurses feeling as if their concerns were still not being addressed.
    “The people are more concentrating on elections and forget that they got nurses issues out there,” Franklyn said.
    He revealed that a planned meeting between himself and outgoing Minister of Health The Most Honourable Jeffrey Bostic had also not materialised.
    “The minister made arrangements to meet with me and then he got overruled . . . and then they called elections. He called me and even gave me the option to name the day and the time and he agreed and then little over half hour before the meeting was supposed to start the next day, he called me and he said he sent off the information to the Prime Minister and we are not meeting – the nurses are not back to work,” Franklyn said.
    This is now six weeks that the nurses have been involved in industrial action which includes not reporting for work.
    Reports indicate that last weekend the strike hit the hospital hard with several wards affected and some nurses on duty forced to do double duties.
    A senior nurse told this newspaper the number of nurses joining the action continues to grow, in spite of more than 100 of them having their salary docked for all of December. “We have been disadvantaged from having not been paid, but we can’t stop now.
    We are in this for the long haul. Some of our members are starting to feel the pressure from banks and credit unions where our mortgages are and where we have outstanding loans, but there is a lot of support out there for us. Some people have been offering nurses financial support because they feel their action in principal is the right thing to do,” she said.
    The UWU held a special Zoom meeting on Tuesday to help prepare for today’s protest action and it
    attracted more than 200 participants, inclusive of nurses from many of the country’s polyclinics, the Geriatric Hospital and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH).
    A source said: “We have seen more nurses from the QEH get involved. In every instance, nurses from the QEH do not always agree with the stance of the Nurses Association and this is an example of that. Many nurses from the QEH are on board with us.”
    Reports indicate that nurses from the Brandford Taitt Polyclinic in Black Rock, St Michael, the David Thompson facility in St John and the District Hospital in St Philip have so far opted not to participate in Unity’s industrial action.
    This is now six weeks that the nurses have been protesting the introduction of safe zones and a number of outstanding issues relating to the terms and conditions of service.
    However, three weeks ago Bostic said he had met with the Nurses Association and a number of the outstanding grievances had been settled.

    Source: Nation

  2. The Barbados Opposition are weak
    They’re milking a handful of criticism
    Plagiarised when people spoke out
    But, they have not bought the Cow

    13 days to go.
    Kung Fu Fighting

  3. Soundclash Round 3
    King Tubby vs. Dreadzone
    Dub the Right Way
    In the Right Way

  4. Another faux pas out or arrogance on the government’s part.

    How could UWU present issues and grievances. Not receive a response or a meeting. Take the action it deemed necessary. Then be publicly castigated and condemened aby the PM at a social partnership meeting. Then the PM disappears from the scene and calls an election. All the while Bostic negotiates with the BNA who does not represent the nurses in UWU.

    No dog in this race, but, a PM who cares would seek to SOLVE the problem rather than letting personal feelings about Caswell cause her to overstep her bounds and INFLAME the problem.

    The other unions if they were worth their weight in salt would seek to work WITH Caswell towards a SOLUTION rather than running behind a coattail to sing stupidly for supper.

    BSTU – Mary Redman hasn’t said a peep in months
    BUT – Pedro has on his running shoes
    BWU – Toni Moore as an MP and BLP spokesperson can NEVER be unbiased.
    NUPW – Akanni successfully killed that Union with the PM’s backing. Akanni Maths: 23% = 4.5%
    CTUSAB – Edwin O’Neal. Now Security consultant with the Marijuana Authority

    All public servants should take notice.

    Just observing

  5. Didn’t realize Edwin O’Neal was co-opted and now also compromised.

  6. MM’s tactic to distract the populace during an election campaign is in-comprehensible rather than deal with a MAJOR healthcare pandemic staffing issue. The world is struggling with healthcare capabilies and staffing issues and pulling out all stops to protect the healtcare of their populations. MM is instead flexing her powers to the detriment of citizens healthcare.

    Welcome to the new REPUBLIC DICTATORSHIP.

  7. This strikes brings to mind the a similar scenario the Alexandra issues which originated under the blp and took almost twelve years to resolved
    Stubbornness and arrogance by this govt is in part the underpinnings of the strike long life
    Never mind the problems with which the strikes brings to the health care system
    Never mind that the short staff of nurses has become burdensome for thoses nurses on staff who are overworked and frustrated trying to make up for the shortages
    All this PM sees is a Strike and by all means govt will stay the course no matter whose life’s are affected
    Leaders lead

  8. Deepen
    Bajans are just going to have to learn how to be healthy and strong mentally physically and spiritually adopting self care and self healing practices so they don’t need hospitals or healthcare services as hospitals and healthcare services do not have the resource capacity to cope with current situations as they are understaffed due to Covid + Strike Action. They will have to revert to old traditional wisdom that has been developed and used for thousands of years called exercising as their only remedy for curing themselves.

    There are a plethora of eastern disciplines available to learn but they will have to be willing to do them.

    What does it mean to deepen your practice?

    I think you have to know, or be curious about, your why in order to answer that question.

    And look, you don’t have to know your why.

    But you can commit to the process of finding it.


    In this practice we deepen our relationship with the subtle body and contemplate breath as spirit.

    Breath as your true self.

    What if?

    When we take time to nurture the relationship with our subtle body and breath, we are creating a sense of wholeness, of feeling complete, more true.

    This can then lead to us feeling more confident and more capable of loving ourselves.

    And that of course can have a beautiful ripple effect, a movement beyond ourselves.

    So as we begin to add more vocabulary and depth through visualization and imagination remember,

    How you move matters.

    I am really excited to guide you through this practice. You won’t regret showing up today. (Nor will your hips.)

    Showing up and committing to being here no matter what the circumstances – this is one of the pillars of home practice.

  9. emotionally

  10. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    Observing January 6, 2022 7: 7 AM

    If this is how you are “observing” then I recommend you get a prescription for glasses or binoculars. This strike action didn’t follow the usual grievance resolution protocols that serious workers unions follow. Caswell wants a govt to come to him to resolve a wildcat strike. If the govt comes to him to resolve grievances in this way it will “legitimize” all wildcat strike action at least in the public sector. IT CANT HAPPEN!!!! I even heard Ms Depeiza herself commenting that the only issue she had with the nurses demands was if they were all attainable at one time. Going by this, there is scope for negotiation.
    I myself didn’t hear/see any structured “demands/proposals” from the union. We have to separate the issues:- the demands of the nurses from how the UWU itself is trying to resolve the matter. Caswell wants to “strong arm” the govt. How is that effectively helping the nurses getting paid or motivating govt to reach to a point of resolution to the matter VIA THE UWU?
    According to the article that DavidBU posted and also what i heard in the mass media. the Nurses association was able to resolve SOME of the issues via the Minster of Health. It seems to me that the nurses are better off negotiating via the Barbados Nurses Association.

  11. Scores of nurses are expected to take to the streets on Thursday to force Government to address their concerns, including the need for better working conditions and increased pay, health insurance, improved nurse-to-patient ratios, remuneration for degrees and continuous training.
    Meanwhile BAMP says govt exclude them from the process /discussions when making decisions to hold election during the pandemic

  12. It’s clear that the government intends to defeat and humiliate the striking nurses as an example to other workers. That is an outcome that Barbados cannot allow. It is well established in industrial relations what happens when the situation that workers are in compels them to take strike action. The management and the workers’representatives sit down and discuss the problems so that an agreement can be reached which allows the striking workers to return to work. Demanding that the nurses must surrender and return to work before the government would even talk to them shows that we’re dealing with an anti-working class government. Let’s make the government’s attacks on the nurses the number one election issue.

  13. @Tee White

    Where is your assertion established in industrial relations about staying of the job while agreeing to return to the job? The blogmaster’s position s simple, Caswell should have agreed to return to the job and have the sit down with government for two reasons – 1. We are operating in a pandemic and 2. grievances have been long standing, years. (Note the blogmaster is not saying nurses should not be paid their salary).

  14. @blogmaster
    When workers come out on strike demanding negotiations to address the issues that caused the strike, it would make no sense to end the strike until there is a clear agreement to tackle the underlying issues. If the strike is called off short of any agreement, what is to stop the employer from simply dragging on the situation that is unacceptable to the workers? How many years have the nurses been raising their issues without resolution? As for the pandemic, isn’t that all the more reason why the government should urgently sit down with the representatives of the striking nurses, without preconditions, and resolve matters? Doesn’t the government have any responsibility in the pandemic to urgently address the nurses’ issues and stop trying to turn it into a political tussle between them and Caswell?

  15. @Tee White

    Many things do not make sense when observing the table tactics around the IR table. To reiterate the point- we are operating in a pandemic and the issues raised by the union are long and complicated to solve some of them. In the prevailing environment Caswell backed himself into a corner. Let us pray good sense prevails to create a win win position.

    To your beginning point, if Caswell had agreed for the nurses to return to work and discussions failed, he had the option to call back out the workers. Sometimes you have to make it up as you go along.

    That said the blogmaster wishes Caswell and team well. It is the reason for posting another blog on the matter while traditional media is mad on the campaign trail.

  16. Bottom line ( pun intended ).

    She who wipes my wrasse when I am immobile on a hospital bed should be paid her salary on time every time.

  17. @DLPTV
    Based on Caswell’s statements (and I could be wrong) the grievance process was started and was at Gail Atkins’ desk when talks broke down. The concerns raised are not new.

    Therefore, he is within is right to strike OR refer to the Chief Labor Officer. The choice is his, not ours.

    I recall Mary Redman and the Alexandra issue a few years ago that mirror this but was applauded by some now in government….for obvious reasons.

    I will also ask you to look at the Grievance Handling procedure and note the use of the word “may”

    Also, Prime Ministers step in to HELP industrial matters NOT make them worse. Everyone knows that the demands CANNOT be resolved overnight. Caswell is on record as saying that. The issues is that NOONE from Health, the Government or the Civil Service as given UWU the duly required dignity of a response or a meeting to resolve the matter.

    Just because other unions have chosen to bow down to the master does not mean that everyone has to.

    Lastly you said that “the Nurses association was able to resolve SOME of the issues via the Minster of Health”

    That is great, but workers choose their unions and their representatives, NOT US OR THE EMPLOYER.

    Just observing

  18. @Hants

    From what was reported on the grievances pay is one of them.

  19. @Observing

    What you wrote cannot be refuted BUT the consequences must be managed by UWU in the interest of members given the options possible. Paying the nurses should be an easy fix facilitated by the PAD and Bostic. Too much politics here.

    Again the blogmaster wishes Caswell well and hopes he read the play correctly on the chessboard. Caswell has a very polarizing style of doing things which maybe irrelevant in the prevailing environment.

  20. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    I am happy to see that you have come around o the notion that it is a Board Game. I hope no one gets “huffed”. And there is minimum damage to the citizens of Barbados.

  21. @Vincent

    The blogmaster is aware of many things that are masked sometimes by having to take provocative or sometimes folish positions.

  22. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David Bu
    Thanks for the clarification. This Septuagenarian is losing brain cells.

  23. Do not sell yourself short Vincent! Successful societies are made and sustained by wise old souls.

  24. @DAvid
    “Caswell has a very polarizing style of doing things which maybe irrelevant in the prevailing environment.”

    No argument from me here. Trade unionism in this particular context is however about getting and maintaining the upper hand to move towards resolution. Caswell knows this well.

  25. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    Observing January 6, 2022 10:38 AM
    “Based on Caswell’s statements (and I could be wrong) the grievance process was started and was at Gail Atkins’ desk when talks broke down. The concerns raised are not new.”
    BASED on CASWELL STATEMENTS. What is missing is what happened subsequent to motivate the govt to directly go at the nurses (or the nurses under the UWU)? Going after civil servants is one of the riskiest moves, politically, that a govt can do.

    “Therefore, he is within is right to strike OR refer to the Chief Labor Officer. The choice is his, not ours.”

    Caswell can do whatever he likes!!! The question is if what he is doing/has done is getting the nurses closer to any resolution

  26. @DLP
    “The question is if what he is doing/has done is getting the nurses closer to any resolution”

    Can’t argue with you there my brother/sister. To each his own.
    What’s clear though is that there are more than a dozen nurses who are willing to publicly march and demand their rights. As a people that at least has to be respected.

    Just observing

  27. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, why r mixing ‘metaphors’ so strangely this morn…😇

    You said “… if Caswell had agreed for the nurses to return to work and discussions failed, he had the option to call back out the workers.”

    That’s solid strategic thinking … but then you upended thoughts of planned action from a very experienced IR practioner with “Sometimes you have to make it up as you go along.”

    Do you REALLY expect that’s a winning option in this hard scrabble situation vrs a PM who will cut off your cajones if u are muddling through.

    And this little gem of contradiction:
    “Caswell has a very polarizing style of doing things which maybe irrelevant in the prevailing environment.”

    Seriously, bro irrelevant!

    I imagine you intended to say ‘RELEVANT’ … yes at this stage of strike action and too the ‘cadence’ of the egos involved it all creates an environment of heightened polarization BUT Sen Franklyn is yet still a very self confident, combative persona and his style could be quite relevant when dealing with a similar uber alpha persona! …. Just saying … the term mediation or a mediator would be ‘relevant’ 😇 in cases like this, fah sure.

    Anyhow, all that said I definitely liked your (tongue in cheek) description that:
    “His surprising admission he knew nothing about an arrangement between a Mark Maloney led initiative and government […] continues to tug at sensible minds. It surprised many including the blogmaster that Bostic and the permanent secretary- who signed off on the strange arrangement- were conferred high national honour”

    Indeed, surprising and then not so … they were rewarded for doing as they were ‘advised, not so… as incredulously unbelievable as it may seem.

    That’s what team players do: tow the leader’s directive and don’t be polarizing!

    Some of us real try hard but we can’t ever fit that model perfectly! Ah well.

  28. Q: What is healing?
    A: Healing is a continuous process

    comment #1866054 is awaiting moderation

  29. I should not be commenting because of what has happened to me in the past.

    circa 1970: Had a serious accident that required major surgery and spent a couple weeks at the QEH.

    Forever etched in my memory is the kindness and caring of the nurses.

    If any uh wunna ever had to be cared for by nurses you would understand why I support the nurses who are on strike.

  30. @Observing

    Caswell attracted a good crowd this morning. We are glad for him. Hopefully it may force the issue.

  31. @David
    Just causes usually get support. The PM made this an issue the type it is with that press conference she held. I will say again, the other union leaders should disappear and hold their heads in shame.

  32. I support the march without any reservations. Since many nurses are unvaccinated, they will spread Omicron like a raging fire among the mindless, unvaccinated masses in St Michael.

    It’s called natural immunisation. Any deaths among the nurses are just collateral damage.

  33. @Observing

    Caswell has shown he has reasonable support let us hope the government responds sensibly. This nonsense needs to stop.

  34. He could let them go back to work and if negotiations stall they could go back out.
    Now what if mia legislates them back to work before the election, who would you vote for? Do you really think that a majority back nurses being on strike even though they may agree with their grievances.
    As suggested they the nurses should go back to work before she can act and keep the upper hand..

  35. One suspects the government will string this out until after the election. The blogmaster hopes to be proved wrong.

  36. David do you not think immediate action shows a powerful leader, like reagan and the air traffic controllers. What optic benefit is there for her dragging it out.

  37. Lawson this matter escalated because of politics and not responding honestly to a legitimate union putting forward valid grievances. Somebody in government has to swallow pride.

  38. The masses are serious
    Caswell not backing down

  39. David I agree with the nurses but they are an emergency service and there is an emergency right now so they better get on the right side of optics or they are going to really be screwed. If a bunch of people die because nurses are on strike they will lose the upper hand. A far better way for emergency services is to give up the right to strike for arbitration with a judge accepted by both sides to arbitrate.

  40. @lawson

    Ironically the nurses have been getting growing public support. A lot of it may have to do with Caswell who is regarded as the legitimate dissenting voice in our system of government. Prime Minister needs to explain why she vetoed Bostic’s attempt at mediation. The other question is why didn’t Bostic resign to respond to the slight.

  41. Angela there is less than 150 people walking there give your head a shake, what masses, he is going to lose any bargaining power if he allows her to act first.

  42. David because she wants a strike so she can show who is in charge by legislating them back, if they can pin some deaths on the strike action the nurses support will fade away.

  43. “One suspects the government will string this out until after the election. The hopes to be proved wrong.”

    It will be strung out until after the election because there is no party in power and parliament has been dissolved and a new parliament is formed from the winners of a majority or a coalition is formed.
    Mia/BLP is not leading the country at the present moment.
    The interim Government is run by Public Servants but this dispute is above their pay grade.

  44. UwU is making nuff noise on the streets of Barbados
    As this election draws closer
    The people nerves are being placed on a hot bed of frustration by a govt who made a decision to close its eyes ears and Parliament doors to the nurses plight
    Today the nurses are once again attempting to kick the doors wide open for all to see
    Shame on Mia for her game ship of playing a deadly game of politics on people’s lives
    The above video says it all

  45. LawsonJanuary 6, 2022 1:04 PM

    Angela there is less than 150 people walking there give your head a shake, what masses, he is going to lose any bargaining power if he allows her to act first
    Bro the Strikers were only allowed 100 people by law

  46. I have seen more people in line waiting for a crack at linda lovelace,

  47. @lawson

    We hope it does not get to that stage.

  48. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    Looks like more than 100 hundred nurses on the march given what we are seeing on video.

  49. David what I was saying in my strange way is its not the producers its not the directors its not union management its not the leaders etc in a porn film its always the chick in the nurses outfit that gets phucked

  50. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Lawson, why that comparison to Reagan and the Air Traffic controllers! Quite different circumstances I would suggest.

    That action by the Pres had some long term PROFOUND repercussions for labour undoubtedly and in the immediacy he was able to effectively break the strike by using military personnel, some retirees and picket crossers … where do you see such replacements in this case???

    Moreover, any such legislation would NOT show her as ‘strong’ as it did him … As said above Franklyn is seen as a positive opposition voice of reason and for her to attempt to quash him as the Pres did to that union would not be a popular step, I would suggest.

    Yes, the action by Reagan was considered a seminal moment of the take down of labour … but I don’t see any such similarity to our local case, atall!!!

    Why should the nurses be hated if things go badly awry … when this govt has simply not addressed the legitimate issues that they have raised!!!

    Why should they be asked to possibly give their lives to save us in the face of govt bad faith and seeming indifference to giving them what is needed to save them and us!

    Wholly different situation!

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