Submitted by Observing

After a lot of long talk and too many minutes of politicking on CBC TV it is clear that elections are upon us. Yes, we have been repeatedly told not to place much faith in promises. BUT, the current government came to power with a 30-0 mandate, promising good governance, transparency and consultation as a norm. It pledged to be a people’s government focusing on what was best for the small man. My how thing have quickly changed. Notwithstanding the current leader’s fixation with international attention, the growing heavy handed and unilateral and arrogant approach to domestic matters, nor the obvious rumblings that have led to some quick retirements swaps, a review of “promises made” tells me that I was fooled once so shame on me.

BLP 2018 Mission criticals

  • Rebuilding Foreign reserves. Yes indeed, with the IMF’s money and no plan to earn foreign exchange
  • Dealing with debt. “Up to the end of June this year, the country’s debt stock stood at just over $13 billion, or 150.3 per cent of GDP.” Enough said
  • Bringing tax relief. Really? The only people who benefited were the corporations and the VAT write-offs and subsidies. Nothing much for the average guy
  • Financial Sector Threat: I guess a National Credit Bureau that stops poor people with no or bad rating from accessing emergency funds counts
  • Helping people to live. Yes indeed, form paycheck to paycheck and if you are nurse from quarter to quarter.
  • Arrears and refunds. Yes sireee!! All in 42 month zero interest bonds. Gotta love it! Protecting people’s health. If the treatment of nurses and the engagement of Million Dollar Mark Maloney is any indication well …
  • Sewerage Systems must work: Yip, directly into the sea, just as planned
  • Getting rid of garbage: Ok, this is actually a promise kept. Kudos
  • Putting buses back on the road: Including the private operators again. Kudos
  • Repairing our roads: Clearly only certain “parts”
  • Alleviating water woes: If we consider running water that’s brown then yes, it has been alleviated.
  • Safety and well being: The crime statistics and gun crimes speak for themselves. Let’s not talk about paying out 2+ million dollars to the current commissioner of police who LOST their court case.
  • Empowering young people: Youth unemployment in Barbados over 30%.

Look, the PM’s press conference was well put together, sought to castigate and criticize those who oppose or have dissenting views. This is how dictatorships start. Every “Average” man understands that any economic growth has not reached them. Every blind man on trotting horses know that the worse is yet to come next year, hence the “rush” to the polling booths. WE also know the waning popularity locally of the current PM. The do as I say, ignore what I do and shut up because I am in charge attitude doesn’t hold any more.

Fool me once, same one me. Fool me twice, that’s all at me.

208 responses to “Fool me ONCE, shame on you.. fool me TWICE”

  1. “I need for us to unite around a common cause, unite behind a single Government, unite behind a single leader and let us unite to fight the threats to our safety, our development and our prosperity,” Mottley said.”

    no one believes those LIES…everything has goneVERY WRONG and this is the LAST CHANCE they got to PUSH THE MAJORITY POPULATION INTO SLAVERY…don’t believe any of the other crap..from political PIMPS…

    ya will get the REAL BAD NEWS LONG BEFORE THAT…given what is being said..

    slavery and corruption are the ONLY GOALS..

    the best solution is to KICK ALL OF THESE SELLOUTS out of the taxpayer funded parliament and watch all of them SCRAMBLE FOR THE SCRAPS..the electorate got all the time in the world, the virus is going nowhere……stay home and WORK THIS…

    this is the opportunity Black/Afrikan people needed to ASSERT THEIR RIGHTS and FULL POWER..

    ..MAKE THIS COUNT…send that long overdue 55 YEAR OLD MESSAGE to traitors….

  2. And there’re off!

    Hyperbolic HITLER heaven for the overseas contingent!

    But not De Cuntry Cunt! Feet still planted firmly on the ground, weighing the facts, acknowledging HUMAN failings, calling balls and strikes in an “intellectual” manner.

    Somebody suggested that we ask ourselves if we are better off now than we were in 2018?

    Yuh got de heart to ask dat question in de midst of a crippling pandemic???

    Do we produce vaccines and anti-virals?


    This is why I cannot take some people seriously!

  3. “Give me the mumbo-jumbo”

    all MUMBO JUMBO coming from those who have very little intelligence and know NOTHING AT ALL…forever spewing feces from their nether region..

  4. The opposition look exposed and bankrupt of policy except for conspiracy
    They may need to call AC CA Waru and Theo to stand to make up numbers

  5. Interesting political campaign beckons- what will be the platform message from the two main political parties, there is no credible third party.

  6. DLP may not be up to the challenge and could concede defeat and not run any candidates to save face.
    They could provide sick notes to say they do not feel well.

  7. Now…De Country Cunt is in a dilemma AGAIN!

    To vote or not to vote! That is the question.

    A vote for Mia could send a message that I am happy with her attitude which, in my opinion, needs serious adjustment away from colonial master mimickry.

    But look what runs against her!

    There is no space on the ballot for performance appraisal.

    Unless I spoil the ballot.

    Dear Ms. Mottley,

    I am voting for you not as enthusiastically as I would like to but because the opposition is pathetic.

    This is not a mandate for you to continue as you are. This is giving you the opportunity for self-examination and hopefully a reset in attitude.

    None of us is perfect but your imperfections have greater effect than those of any of the rest of us.

    I therefore invite you to spend some time in thinking what kind of leader we need to take our new republic forward- a big stick wielder of the old sort or a new styled leader who treats fellow citizens with equal respect.

    Expectantly yours,

    De Cuntry Cunt

  8. If it where me, I would forego the political platform and hold town hall meetings instead.

    Nobody wants to hear bragging and boasting in this climate!

  9. In summary…better the devil I know?

    Good morning, Donna.
    I see that your choice is “better the devil I know”.
    What about GP2?😃

  10. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, you are being quite obscure with your remark that “[s]ome hard decisions will have to be made, getting a mandate from the people will give the PM the mandate.”

    Hard decisions by whom pertaining to what!

    Surely, with her well entrenched 29-1 autocratic control she can ‘mandate’ her parliamentary or govt to private partnership ‘mandates’ for the people without any problems can’t she!

    So are u talking about hard decisions vis HER party!

    I smile broadly at your other remark that “Here is the chance for the Opposition to put the alternative for acceptance by the electorate”… bro, that’s the case with every election so how EFFECTIVE can it be now with that 0-30 drubbing still stinging us and the Dems!

    The shocking thing (for me) is that I find the Phillip’s appeal quite appealing (using ur word repeat style 😇)!

    Getting very competent people from within the community to step up COULD be attractive as a vote getting strategy … but alas against a well oiled PR machinery that is the BLP led unit it likely would be slaughter.

    But this is new age and the thing called social media is an ‘inexpensive’ powerful advertising medium that can upend !

    Anyhow, let’s see how effective the humbled DLP will be.

    In cricket terms our nation needs them to NOT perform like the Brits currently in Australia: they gotta throw off their despair, and psychological scars of crushing defeat and PERFORM … we will gladly take a draw!

    And @Northern, if @David was a tad obscure you were absolutely opaque…😇

    Wha u mean that “I always said there would not be two defaults in one term. I never said there wouldn’t be two in 5 years.”

    So you ‘clearly’ expected her to pull up stumps before the full term after loading up with much debt that will surely lead to further defaults!

    Your insights here are much too solid to just ‘slip’ that in just so!

    Anyhow, in time we will see the fullness of your prescience!

    I gone.

  11. Well, they cannot fit on the ballot and there will be no town hall meetings only pissparading and pompesetting on political platforms so…..

    Issues I have with this Government:

    The handling of the nurses strike.
    Jobby bonds without interest for bloody old debt to ordinary citizens.
    Plundering of pensioners’ pockets.
    Propping up the garment industry
    (unless it earns foreigm exchange).

    To be continued.

  12. DLP and Barbados Solutions should field first time candidates from the younger generation who are under 30 as a token opposition for future elections after this one.

  13. This haste to a Republic and now to an election is really scaring me.

    Did we get a six for a nine? Wha in dat con-stetushun dat we missed?

  14. TheO,

    NOPE! I am still in “weighing the facts” mode (otherwise known as seesawing😉). I have made no decision as yet.

    To vote or not to vote has been my dilemma for three cycles.

    Like many citizens in many places, we are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

    We are a society still struggling with a big stick mentality. It is not only the politicians. It is almost EVERYBODY IN BARBADOS who has a little “power” over others. This is understandable when one considers our history.

    What better time to reflect and make the necessary adjustments than now, when we are asking the world powers to do it?

    Parents, teachers, preachers, permanent secretaries, police men, politicians, business owners, managers, PEOPLE, put down the big stick and come let us reason together!

    New republic, new year, NEW ATTITUDE!

  15. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    Fractured BLPDecember 28, 2021 12:42 AM

    January 19, 2022

    CBC Newsnight

    Dems 16 seats

    BLP 12 seats

    Atherley & Caswell…..the remaining 2 seats

    In a 30 seat Parliament

    Mark (Maloney)….my word !

    My advice to you Fractured DLP is to ease off the White Rum please!!!!!!!!. It is poison in a bottle!!!!!!! I partake in a little Mount Gay XO during the holidays but not to excess!!!!!!

  16. Bjans love complaining to build up momentum to gain some traction
    but it looks like Mia called their bluff to show their hands

  17. after another one of our football team losses our coach said you cant make chicken salad out of chicken shit, Mia has the same problem …there is only so much she can do with what she has got to work with just like our coach. So I dont think anyone will do any better but if you think the powers in charge have increased their wealth or that of their friends , let their constituents down, backtracked on promises they could have delivered on etc then boot them out it will make you feel better if nothing else. Remember your a republic now and there is a lot of people that would love to see you with your tail between your legs so you should not care about party you should care about the person and elect the most qualified, capable focused people with hopefully a united agenda to make Barbados the gem of the Caribbean again.

  18. This election is only about one thing
    which is Mia Mottley

  19. I had FULL CONFIDENCE in the PEOPLE in 2018, no reason to change that now, stop listening to idiots…THERE ARE OVER 100,000 BLACK VOTERS….less than 10,000 white and other minority voters….this ELECTION BELONGS TO THE MAJORITY POPULATION….flex that power…….

    don’t mind the political pimps….vote for HUMAN RIGHTS…


    besides the IMF are in control of the island fiscally…..those in the parliament ARE USELESS anyway…there is absolutely NO NEED FOR ANY OF THEM…

  21. TLSNDecember 28, 2021 5:58 AM

    Absolute power has pickled the Prime Minister’s brains. Her displays of petulance are comparable to the man in the moustache.
    Rommel asks his leader what can be gone now to save the country.. Hitler replies he has many ideas in the pipeline. Our leader like Hitler has many ideas, specifically building projects, in the pipeline. She claims the works will be carried out using private money..
    Like Hitler she cares little for her people who she believes have the minds of enfants
    I have shown the link below before. It is too close for comfort. The era of dictatorship has already arrived.


    We all know what happened with Rommel, given the means and told go kill yourself.

    “Rommel was given a choice between committing suicide, in return for assurances that his reputation would remain intact and that his family would not be persecuted following his death, or facing a trial that would result in his disgrace and execution; he chose the former and committed suicide using a cyanide pill.”

  22. Germany was destroyed and ultimately the dictator took his own life.

    Out of the destruction and suicide came a new beginning.

  23. Steuspe

  24. Only one problem, we gave up producing children!!

  25. … missing 80K!!

  26. Dear David et al,

    Firstly, wishing everyone all the best for the season. Following yesterday’s election announcement, I saw a large – for my small blog – spike in access to my 2018 election result data and posts. For those of you who are interested, here’s the link to all of the posts:

    Keep safe,

  27. @Dee Word

    What is so difficult for you to understand that uneasy lies the head that wears the crown for a SIDs like Barbados at this time? Especially knowing how sick the economy was BEFORE the pandemic? There can be no business as usual approach now the gamble of waiting for a tourism bounce will be compromised.

  28. Thanks Amit, Best.

  29. Blackmagicwoman. Avatar

    Did anyone else see the smile she let slip and what she was saying when it did?

  30. @ David
    I don’t need a WhatsApp message to be inform. During the 2018 general election campaign the BLP leader was saying words like come George, come Kerrie, we, our, us. Over time the leader words change to I, and my. Karma is real Bro, this is the second revolt

  31. @ David December 28, 2021 4:58 AM
    PM: Project roll-out soon
    PRIME MINISTER MIA AMOR MOTTLEY says she is not worried about Barbados’ economic revival going into 2022, as there are a number of projects about to get rolling that will spur growth and employment.

    How many times have you heard that same repeated BS regurgitated even under the previous administration?

    Wasn’t the Hyatt hotel’s groundbreaking ceremony undertaken in early 2020 with a promised commencement date in May of that same year and with a completion date some time in 2022?

    The persona non grata Bajan-born journalist must be sitting in his centrally-heated north London flat having a bellyful of laughs with the taste of sweet revenge at the politically comics.

    At least the Brits are about to oust Boris, their chief political actor in comic relief.

    Why can’t the politicians of the new “RoB” level with their Bajan subjects and state the real IMF-dictated reasons behind the announcement of an early-election in a most infectious pandemic environment and in the midst of the preparation of the Estimates?

    If Fumble Stuart was able to control his rebellious Cabinet (dubbed the Eager Eleven under the strongman Donville) why can’t MAM read the Riot Act to her ‘wayward boys’ by holding the dismissal sword of Damocles over their heads?

    Clearly the main reason (with a 29 majority sans the feckless red bishop) can’t be the urgent need to get rid of that pesky maverick from the Senate called Caswell!

  32. @watchman

    It is not unusual for a political leader to have to whip the backbench.

  33. @MillerDecember 28, 2021 9:33 AM

    “state the real IMF-dictated reasons behind the announcement of an early-election”

    A good thought. So should we finally get our beloved devaluation of the worthless BBD? Or are cuts in the civil service apparatus looming?

    Our native masses have been living a sweet life at the expense of hard-working northern investors since 1966. This must end now.

  34. Did not expect her ti go so early

    Who dem rally around?

    A. Their prisident
    B. Their political leader

    Imo they are forced to go with the nightwatchman – a weaker position
    If they now Call up a political leader it political fodder for the Bs

    Inswinging yorker?

  35. Yes. The Duopoly show is on the road. And as expected the apologists; propagandists; obstructionists will become complicit and duplicit,
    once more in the sham.
    What really are going to vote for on the 19th of January ? What will be the message to the downtrodden and economically marginalized ? What difference will it make on the 20th of January?
    What will the Barbados Labour Party offer our country on January 19th ?
    What will the Democratic Labour Party offer our country on January 19th ?
    Please don’t ask me What the Republicans or Democrats offer. They offer shit. I know that!
    What do really have here ? One Prime Minister goes past his term and stays in office up to the constitutionally allowed ninety days ?
    Now, his successor halts her term by 15/17 months.
    What state is our island state in with theses two broken , visionless institutions?
    Where there is no vision …………………
    Even here on BU, we tend to look at the language used rather than the truth. We want to hear what Ralph Jemmott calls “ happy talk”. We are drinking something that tastes like Epsom salts but we saying that it tastes like sugar cane juice. (Swank)
    What really are going into the booth to vote for on the 19th. January.?

  36. @ David December 28, 2021 9:33 AM

    With the dissolution of the ‘current’ Parliament are we seeing the end of all investigations into the ‘alleged’ financial infelicities and acts of corruption which took place under the Fumble administration?

    Given the recent vaccine scam the poor Atherley fella must be over the moon to have been relieved, finally, of his moral responsibilities to the taxpayers.

    A ‘new’ parliament should result in new rules of governance.
    It’s time the new model called RoB be given a new president sans the relics and baggage of British Royalty.

  37. Where is my UPP?

    Unfortunately i think they should start preparing fo the the 2027 due elections

  38. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    Calling a Jan 19th 2022 General Election on Dec 27th 2021, nearly 1 1/2 years before it is due partly tells the reason Miss Mottley did it. It is political strategy designed to take the other parties totally off guard. Another reason could be that the piss poor DLP administration of 2008-2018 is still relatively fresh in most people minds. It was the reason the DLP was overwhelmingly rejected in May 2018, It can be capitalized upon to win an election 3 1/2 years later.

    Add the current 30-0 majority the BLP administration has and you have a sure fire recipe of having no chance at losing a election. The BLP has to lose 16 seats after 3 years which is hardly going to happen with any govt. The Mottley Administration has enough room to lose more of the popular vote, (as has happened with most incumbent govts) and still win the election without loosing any seats

    The “country divided” preface heard in Ms Mottley address last evening I practically dismiss as politicing. There has been the typical disagreements and bellyaching over what this govt has done and that is expected for any incumbent govt. I don’t think it reached
    to such a level to be a fundamental reason to justify calling a (early) general election. What i will state is that wanting to gauge your support among the electorate, after fighting Covid-19 for nearly 2 years, forcing through ( for lack of a better term) the Republic issue, having to repair the economy via the IMF would, be in mind valid reasons to call an election early in a new year 2022. Ms Mottley can gauge this support with minimal risk of loosing the govt.

    How I see it, navigating the Covid-19 pandemic has been the most taxing event that any govt worldwide would have had to endure in the last 70-100 years. In Barbados, the govt would fell a sense of relief by having going through the debilitating Delta variant waye without having to take draconian measures of a (third) lockdown, It can only get relatively easier from here going into 2022 and onward. In my mind, this would add to the reasons of taking “fresh guard” early in 2022 .

  39. @Willam

    You should ask where are the third parties in the interest of being complete.


    Yes, all matters will have to be restarted in a new parliament. Unfortunately the promise to push through integrity legislation after it ‘failed’ on the floor of the senate on the last sitting remains a vexing issue for thr blogmaster.

  40. John…why would you want to bring children into an anti-black slave society…except to turn them into mindless slaves starting at the primary level…look at the mess we get on BU and in the society at large…

    …..our Divine will SMITE all who are so goddamn arrogant in these new beginnings. POLITICIANS only have power GIVEN to them by the PEOPLE..

  41. “gauge this support with minimal risk of loosing the govt”

    hell of a lot easier to LOSE than loose..

    no one cares of any half ass pretend winning the virus battle…all protocols and measures ame from outside Barbados,,,they don’t have the requisite intelligence to get anything right on their own and still managed to cockup what was handed to them…

    how can we ever forget the vaccine SCAM…did St. Lucia ever get back their 7 million dollars…

    was the 5-6 billion STOLEN dollars ever returned to the treasury, VAT and pension fund…..

  42. “spur growth and employment.”

    wannabe slave masters expect slaves who have no human rights and don’t expect to have any…

    “Why can’t the politicians of the new “RoB” level with their Bajan subjects and state the real IMF-dictated reasons behind the announcement of an early-election in a most infectious pandemic environment and in the midst of the preparation of the Estimates?”

    don’t say a word, let the political pimps find out for themselves AFTER THE SHOW..

  43. @ David December 28, 2021 10:01 AM

    The anti-corruption bill failed because a dishonourable union leader sabotaged the vote.

    Just for the record.

  44. @Tron

    Even if it had passed the upper house was there time to send it back to the lower house?

  45. Finally, the Hyatt is coming! It will solve all our financial problems. The word of our Supreme Leader is absolute truth.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if next year there were also fusion reactors, interstellar space travel, first contact with aliens and victory over all varieties of cancer.

  46. @ David
    The political leader had no backbench of sort, a sledgehammer attitude was used to create the backbench. the same attitude drove the leader to the President.

  47. @ David
    In simple language: The third parties are not serious. There has not been a real third party since the NDP .

  48. don’t say a word, let the political pimps find out for themselves AFTER THE SHOW..

    why? they love being kept in the dark anyway, and would much appreciate a late new year’s present…makes them feel important.

  49. One would be tempted to think that ole Lawson cares.

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