Nurses defend their strike action against attacks from the government, employers and BLP aligned trade union leaders

Submitted by Tee White

On Wednesday 16 December after a meeting of the Social Partnership which brings together the government, employers and trade unions, Prime Minister Mia Mottley hosted a press conference in which she unleashed a scathing attack on the striking nurses and, in particular, Caswell Franklyn, the opposition senator who is also the leader of the Unity Workers Union (UWU) which represents the striking nurses. Prime Minister Mottley accused the nurses of prematurely initiating strike action without following the accepted procedures and accused their leader of using the strike action to further his own political ambitions. She further denounced the UWU leader for encouraging its members to abandon patients and declared that since the nurses were on strike, the government would dock their pay.

The Prime Minister’s attack on the striking nurses was, not surprisingly, fully supported by the Barbados Private Sector Association but, more surprisingly, also backed by the leaders of various trade unions including the Barbados Association of Medical Practitioners (BAMP), the Barbados Nurses Association (BNA), the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW), the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) and the Congress of Trade Unions and Staff Associations of Barbados (CTUSAB). Openly violating the basic principles of working class solidarity, which as leaders of workers’ organisations they are supposed to uphold, these trade union leaders distanced themselves from the striking nurses and made common cause with the government and employers in their attacks on the nurses. The members of these unions will need to hold these leaders to account for their betrayal of basic trade union principles.

In the face of the onslaught from the government and the forces it had mobilised against them, the nurses have held their ground and more nurses are joining them in the strike action in defence of their rights. The trigger for the dispute was a botched attempt by the government to introduce its mandatory Covid 19 vaccination policy under the guise of ‘safe zones’ at the geriatric hospital. The management of this institution put up a notice at work identifying unvaccinated nurses who would have to undergo weekly PCR tests. The UWU had previously made it clear to the management that any attempt to impose the mandatory vaccination policy, without consultation with the union, would be met with strike action. Although the Ministry of Health backed down and stated that the management of the geriatric hospital had acted prematurely since the mandatory vaccination rollout had not yet been approved, this action nevertheless triggered the nurses to take a stand on a number of other issues which had remained unresolved for years. These included better pay, better working conditions, health insurance, continuous training and better nurse to patient ratios. These are issues which the nurses have been raising for years and which successive governments, including the current one, have failed to address. Therefore, any claim that the nurses initiated strike action prematurely is clearly false. In fact, the nurses have put up with unacceptable conditions for too long and it is the government who is in the dock on this issue. Speaking about her lived reality in the Barbados health care system, one nurse declared, “We are standing in solidarity with our colleagues against the authorities trying to implement safe zones without consultation with us. We also have our own grievances at Edgar Cochrane, such as not having enough resources – gloves, blood collection bottles, gauze.

Enough is enough. Imagine having to tell a patient they have to buy their own catheter bag; some of our patients can barely afford the bus fare to get to us”. Another nurse complained that nurse to patient ratios could sometimes reach 1 to 32 patients to nurse per day while the suggested ratio is 1 to 6. Directly addressing the despicable claim by the Prime Minister that the union had encouraged the nurses to abandon their patients, Kathy Ann Holder, a registered nurse of 12 years declared, “The whole entire time, never have we abandoned or left our patients for the last two years, with or without pay, with or without the testing, with or without the vaccine when there was none”. In fact, another nurse made the point that the nurses’ struggle is actually aimed to benefit the patients, when she stated, “We are not only standing up for ourselves, but for the patients too”.

In the face of the just cause of the nurses, the government has initiated extreme measures to suppress their’ struggle. On the 18 December, the UWU claimed that the government had put a freeze on some striking nurses’ bank accounts to prevent them accessing some of their money in addition to not paying them their December salary. Director of Finance, Ian Carrington denounced the claims as “total and complete foolishness and utter rubbish”. However, a recording of a nurse speaking to her bank and asking why a portion of her bank balance was unavailable has been circulating on social media. In the recording, the bank’s customer service representative explains to the nurse that her money has been frozen because the government of Barbados had placed a hold on a portion of the money in her account. In the lead up to the holiday period, the oppressive measures of the government against the nurses must be condemned and they give the lie to the Prime Minister Mia Mottley’s claim that she would not “unfair workers”.

The attack on the striking nurses by the current BLP government reflects the fundamental anti-working class nature of this government and is consistent with its attacks on the hotel workers when they were protesting to get their severance payments. While praising the working class activism of Clement Payne and the martyrs of 1937, the government is hell bent on crushing the struggle of the workers for their rights in 2021. Although they claim that it is the leader of the UWU that is using the nurses’ strike for political ends, they are actually the ones who have called on all the political parties in the country to condemn the nurses.

The cause of the nurses is just and the efforts of the government to suppress them are unjust. All out to support the nurses in their struggle!!

294 responses to “All-out Support for Striking Nurses”

  1. Critical Analyzer Avatar

    @Tron December 22, 2021 10:34 AM

    What would you do if you worked last month and got no pay or no pension if you are a pensioner?

    Now if this went on for three months, what would you do?

  2. @ Critical Analyzer December 22, 2021 10:40 AM

    We are a free country. Still.

    If you don’t like it here in paradise, you can emigrate. That also applies to medical professions.

  3. It would, of course, be better practice for the whole transfer to be reversed and a new transfer made.

    But, is there a written guarantee of payment before the end of the month or is it just common practice?

    Could be the Government is legally right but morally wrong!

  4. @Tron
    Seems your long term attempts to dismantle the Senator have failed. It was >2yrs that a diplomatic posting was tossed around. Even the landship!!! Lol
    When he can cause such a stir, one wonders if the castrated members of the BPSA, get a pair, and become more vocal and less fearful.

  5. @Donna

    Good question. You salary file was sent to the financial institutions before officially due and financial institutions posted with that effective value date then there the misunderstanding maybe found? Sargeant do you agree? We need more information to understand what happened.

  6. @NO

    Can the head of a retail outfit effectively lead the BPSA?

  7. Critical Analyzer Avatar

    Barbados is too small for strike funds. We mostly have wildcat strikes which the unions have to rush in and sanction after the fact. But we rarely have bonafide strikes that last more than a day in Barbados.

    What we need is for whenever a strike that can last a period of time is called. Full details of all the grievances must be published by the union in some official press release.

    They are striking but I still have a full picture with the full details on the reasons for the strike. The unions need to do a much better job of informing with their detailed demands if they want widespread support.

  8. @David
    It is just an association? The majority of Barbadian businesses are retail, whether products or services. The ‘head’ is a spokesperson. So why not?

  9. @ Critical Analyzer
    Why are we putting the emphasis on what the unions should and should not do? What about the employers: Aren’t they to be held accountable for all the misdeeds against the workers. And, here I mean, both private and public sector employers.
    Workers don’t just get up and strike . Be it a wild cat strike or any other form, they strike because of some grievance.
    I am not saying that the unions are always right but we seem to be always telling them what to do. Here we have a situation where a professional group’s union has been basically ignored and it’s leader publicly “ flogged” and accused of being “ political” and we are ruminating on what he /:his union is supposed to do while the employer shows that they intend to humble him one way or the other.
    This is no longer about the nurses’ rights; I honestly believe this is now about marginalizing Caswell and by extension the Unity union.
    It’s a power play that may mortally wound Caswell but the price for such a victory will have dangerous repercussions down the road.
    First they came for ………………,,

  10. Did you read I said in this case the return of pay should be on the table when both parties return ?

    Or the government got some correcting to do?

    Where does the u ions fees come from?
    Maybe when the next negiotiate a raise across the board the should include a small percentage for strike fees

    This is all union not only UWU
    This striking fee issues was on the cards probably as long as the nurses issues

  11. @NO

    There is the thought if the head was from a strong producer of forex the voice from the spokesperson may have more bit? Then again if it is just an association why would the government care.

  12. I understand that uwu is a new/small union
    But if it building nothing to prevent it starting a strike fee now
    It not every month / year they will be a strike

    The other u ions should have already had one established

  13. @CA
    So union negotiations are not my thing. But a golden rule is you do not negotiate via the media. Unity did a good job at first. Keeping a lid will be key to a positive outcome.
    They want $$$ and the Gov will be adamant they cannot be held to ransom.

  14. @David
    They care bec they are employers and investors. And campaign contributors? It is an opportunity for an alternative opinion in an environment where much of that has been squashed.

  15. @William

    The fly in the ointment is that Caswell commands a small slice of nurses who are unionized. It begs the question therefore- what is the position of the other nurses.

  16. Barbados may be more broke than the government is pretending.

    Surely the PM would not miss this opportunity to ” do the right thing “.

  17. Tron

    It seems as though some people haven’t realized as yet that you’re being PROVOCATIVE and SHOULD NOT be taken too SERIOUSLY.

    You were often referred to as a ‘Royal Court Jester,’ who, as I’m sure you know, was used to provide entertain for guests of the monarch and noblemen.

    However, since Barbados has moved away from the monarch to Republic status, we’ve seen, for example, the word, ‘Royal,’ being removed from our Police Force, which has been appropriately renamed, the ‘Barbados Police Service.’
    Similarly, ‘Royal’ and ‘Court’ have to be removed from your title.

    So, under these circumstances, should we now refer to as, Presidential Jester, Supreme Leader Jester, or simply, ‘Jester?’

    By the way, a few years ago we had another ‘Jester,’ whose surname was Ince.

    Perhaps you could provide the forum with any surname……. and ‘we could move from there.’

  18. If I was gov I would pay the nurses but make it clear that that would be the last time such would happen – to all public workers/ unions

  19. @ NorthernObserver December 22, 2021 10:47 AM

    You have obviously realised how dangerous the situation is for our Supreme Leader. For years, I have been doing everything I can to neutralise the outspoken senator. The senator is a tough nut to crack. Unfortunately, he is not easily corrupted, for example with rich consultancy deals, useless medals or titles of nobility.

    I therefore recommend to our Supreme Leader the so-called embrace tactic, i.e. give the senator an irrelevant but titled office. Like the ambassador from New York, OSA or Sinckler. Please, a task that the senator must fail at and over which he will break down. Like OSA.

    How about the position of Chairman of the Supervisory Board at LIAT?
    Or better, the post of chief tax collector at BRA?

  20. Caswell better be prepared the government don’t wait him out.

    Can the nurses continue without pay for another month?

    It in everyone’s interest to return to the table. Who is going to pick up the phone or write that invitation?
    Do we need a third party to get involved?

    David Ellis ???

  21. @ David
    The attempt to cause a rift between the nurses is a political move. We note that the BRNA, seems to have sided with the administration and the NUPW is going down a similar path. As I have opined , Caswell may very well be the tragedy of this dastardly exercise. But , a price will be paid by the entire workers movement and with a fractured and fully controlled Labour movement, by the government, regardless of the party in office; our days as a democratic society will be in serious jeopardy.
    Fortunately , for Caswell, at this moment, his public ratings are very good and his members seem to be holding firm. But, regardless of whom I offend: The duopoly is skilled at politically, socially and economically destroying citizens.

  22. @ Artax December 22, 2021 11:25 AM

    I am and will remain the Supreme Advisor to our Supreme Leader. Queen or not. We are a republic in name only, de facto we are a monarchy with Mia Mottley as uncrowned queen. Her informal power is limitless and not bound to any constitution.

    What and island is still missing is some kind of Caribbean version of Leni Riffensteel to adequately represent our Supreme Leader in the media. So how about a dome of light for the first anniversary of the New Republic? It worked well for Star Wars.

  23. Critical Analyzer Avatar

    @Tron December 22, 2021 10:42 AM

    @ Critical Analyzer December 22, 2021 10:40 AM

    We are a free country. Still.

    If you don’t like it here in paradise, you can emigrate. That also applies to medical professions.

    I ask you a simple question “What would you do if you worked for months and did not get pay?” and that is your response.

    My response to you is that that exact mentality is reason number ONE,TWO and THREE why we can’t find Bajan nurses to work in our health facilities even though we training nurses here and have to beg Ghanian and Cuba nurses to come and work.

    Do you know there is a worldwide shortage of nurses and they have to wait on handouts. They ONLY fighting with this nonsense because they love this country but idiots like you that talk a bundle of fecal matter playing political games with people livelihoods when nobody can play with your money.

    I have nursing family that loved the work at the government health care facilities but resigned because many months they would not get paid and getting calls asking why they can’t come to work but other nurses in the same situation can when they can’t get $3.50 to catch a bus to go work and begging for lunch money like if they back in school. When they finish their studies, I fully expect them to emigrate as you say and leave and go Canada, US or UK because they will get offers.

  24. @ Critical Analyzer December 22, 2021 11:42 AM

    You are absolutely right that we risk the collapse of our health system. However, our honourable government should not resolve the problem through the rebellious union, but negotiate directly with the nurses. It must not have the appearance that our government is giving in to the predatory blackmail of the ourspoken senator.

    A compromise would be a hefty wage increase while imprisoning the outspoken senator for inciting unrest based on the Corona emergency legislation. Carrot and stick, so to speak. This already proved its worth in 1937.

  25. Critical Analyzer Avatar

    @NorthernObserver December 22, 2021 11:16 AM @William

    So union negotiations are not my thing. But a golden rule is you do not negotiate via the media. Unity did a good job at first. Keeping a lid will be key to a positive outcome.
    They want $$$ and the Gov will be adamant they cannot be held to ransom.

    I am not asking for UWU or any union to negotiate in public. The strike is in the public domain so properly tell the public why you are striking. All I am asking for a formal list of their grievances, preferably in point form instead of a one word lists of grievances which leaves it up to us to imagine what the nurse’s problems are causing them to strike.

    Yours and @William comments indicate you like most people don’t have a grasp of issues at dispute. In you comment, you said ‘They want $$$’.

    I don’t know UWU’s nurses specific issues but let me clue you in by giving you two examples I know nurses in general have you can investigate with your nursing friends and family.
    1) Do you know that for years now, new nurses and some not so new nurses don’t get paid some months and are still expected to go to work and be happy like nothing happen. They can qualify but can’t get a loan for anything when they show up with an employment letter but their bank statement does not show pay being deposited on time every month and some months nothing at all.

    2) This is COVID time and nurses sporting surgical masks on the job that offer little protection to themselves. They should all be wearing N95 masks to protect themselves better from catching COVID in their high risk environment or getting a smaller dose if it is circulating in the facility and they catch it.

  26. The list of nurawa grievances was put in the public domain DAYS AGO….people across continents HAVE ALREADY READ IT.

    WURA-War-on-UDecember 18, 2021 6:33 PM

    “Stand up Nurses

    Calling all nurses to stand up!
    What are we standing for?

    -Resources so we can give Optimum nursing care to our patients- Working equipment ( ECG machines, Suctions, BP machines) , Gloves, PPE, Wound dressing materials, Hygeine products for patients, Disinfectant agents,…
    – Hazard Pay for ALL Nurses
    – Stipend for Nursing students
    – Better working environments (insanitary conditions)
    – Health Insurance and Direct Access to Health Care, investigations & treatment Free & at affordable prices where applicable.
    – Better Security and protection from abusive patients.
    – Training
    – Payment of Travelling Nurses and reimbursement for wear and tear on personal vehicles
    – Outstanding payment of wages
    – Receiving Appointment letters
    – Increase starting Pay for Degree nurses
    – Increase Salary for Nurses
    – No implementation of safe zones without thorough consultation with nurses

    These are only some of the long standing grievances that most if not ALL nurses can identify with, we all may not be experiencing all of them, but some of our colleagues are and we should Stand Together.
    Some nurses may say I agree but why in a Pandemic? My colleagues we have been Resilient from the beginning of this Pandemic, we have neglected our families, we have placed ourselves in the frontline and mantained our Oath to our patients, our other Health Professional colleagues and the Nation of Barbados, We did not Retreat we did not Surrender! It have been almost 2 years in the Pandemic with no ending in the near future with emerging new variants, it may go on for months, maybe years no one knows, so when then would be the appropriate time to speak up?
    We must Stand!
    Madame PM we Care! We Care for our patients, we care for our families, we care for our communities, we care for our country! But we must also Care for Ourselves!

    Stands for Solidarity for standing up for all the outstanding Nursing Issues, Standing up against Safe zones without consultation and for giving Unity Workers Union members whose wages have been DOCKED as they are off the job fighting for Nursing Grievances the forum so their grievances which Most of us can Identify with can be addressed.”

  27. The list of NURSES grievances..

    long week.

  28. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Sen Franklyn was quoted in BT, and the first item he mentioned was pay. “Some of the issues Franklyn wants addressed for the nurses are: better pay, health insurance, remuneration for degrees, advancement, continuous training and better working conditions”
    My point was “don’t negotiate in public”
    I am quite sure there is a list, but neither you nor I need to be privy to that? Unity is representing nurses. They need to know as do the negotiators on the other side. Nuhbuddy else.

  29. @NO

    That said once a fund is setup to support striking nurses many willing to contribute will want to know more about the grievances.

  30. NorthernObserver Avatar

    You mean like Comesingasong or the Lord of the Pine? (I miss the latter’s public statements. His video on with the new garbage trucks is a classic) What did is EddieH get?
    If you wish failure…Head of the NIS?

  31. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Who is the Spiritually Aware Group?
    A plant to elicit what you suggested? To force Unity more into public negotiations.

  32. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Skinner, fah trute re “Caswell may very well be the tragedy of this dastardly exercise. But, a price will be paid by the entire workers movement ….” …… Are we FORGETTING that the BWU Gen Sec has already been fully coopted by MAM!

    I agree with you that surely “The attempt to cause a rift between the nurses is a political move” and will likely lead to ‘a fractured and fully controlled Labour movement”.

    But again let’s NOT get carried away Frank Walcott was a candidate for whom again ! And Bobby Morris (as practical and reasoned as he may have been) was a unionist aligned to whom!!

    So let’s just seize and settle our hypa-ventilating just a tad. ….. Yes, it’s a BIG deal but drag out fights like this are par for any Bajan political scene.

    @Donna, yesterday I attempted to respond to ur remark that logic and critical thinking is a talent … in the context of ur remarks then I interpreted that to suggest that those talents were ingrained and people who didn’t have them were forever doomed to make ‘assholery arguments’ (my words). I refer to it here to get back to the various reasonings above re the pay docking/freezing and to say that surely logic and critical thinking can be taught to even the.greatest avowed ahole commentator.

    1.It’s clearly illegal for any bank to freeze monies on my account unless there is a valid reason established by the laws (of the country). That’s NOT a whimsical act to be done.

    2.So … as @Sargeant’s suggestion is most likely the case here. And thus if “Workers who are contracted to be paid monthly at a particular time […] do not receive their pay on time” It surely can be because the employer advises the bank that that ‘advanced deposit’ for salaries must be deferred because in fact the employee DID NOT EARN the wages non-work.

    On that basic face of the law the worker is in violation of the previously contracted obligation it would appear … not the employer (Govt) .

    But that’s a specific legal issue where lawyers are paid $200/h and more to defend/prosecute. Whatever we say means diddly squat …. it’s what a judge adjudicates.

    But in this court of PUBLIC OPINION and the fight for ELECTORAL votes (and of course the issues the nurses face) … one hopes Sen Fraklyn has game planned his battle carefully … the PM has a formidable army (of lawyers etc) to place against him. Unless he has superb legal and other tactics he is going to be crushed … not a damn thing of whether he has the just and right position.

    This woman is formidable…
    so yes @David it damn well is NOT about “doing what is right when it comes to wining political capital” she has not one ounce of anything “called political morality” and is DEFINITELY all about doing what it takes to win the upcoming election.

    Crushing Caswell the maverick is just another necessary part of the process …

    If OSA was quite machivellian (as Wade Gibbons once wrote of him in a superb piece) then she is MACHIVELLIAN³!

    I gone.

  33. These FRAUDS have no problem dipping in and RIPPING OFF the treasury and pension fund to the tune of MILLIONS OF DOLLARS belonging to the PEOPLE to hand over to minority SCAMMERS but got a problem PAYING NURSES and POLICE…

    the people better WAKE UP FAST and PUT AN END TO THAT….sellouts are dangerous to BLACK SURVIVAL…even worse when they are wannabe dictators and wannabe slave masters..

  34. It’s a good thing the ELECTORATE HAS THE POWER TO CRUSH wannabe dictators AND wannabe slave masters….ask DLP….where the REAL POWER RESIDES…they PAID TO LEARN….

  35. @ CA, @ NO
    I was of the opinion that Caswell had written letters about the concerns. He also said that the Minister of Health sat in on a meeting and took notes.
    Apparently, he was not even treated to the courtesy of a reply. Total Disrespect!
    So, after he was”flogged “ publicly by the PM, what was he supposed to do.
    To say that he’s negotiating in public is quite interesting. Why should we expect him to give in and give respect to those who have given him none.
    BTW, the issues that he’s complaining about are well known; some of them have been in the public domain for donkey years and their transcend both administrations.
    I don’t know how “ $$” can be ruled out, when the nurses are not being paid.
    Like I have to state repeatedly, Caswell is not beyond repute. The public has been drawn into this because the government is bent on marginalizing Caswell. All the statements and attitudes point to the fact that they believe if the public can be convinced that he has a “ political” agenda; and if the other unions continue to distance themselves from him, he would have no choice but to grovel.
    Those who don’t see the power play can continue to do so but it’s there in broad daylight.
    BTW, I can’t recall a union leader claiming that statements made by a PM were “ untruthful “ and the charge not challenged.
    We usually hear: not availed of the facts; poorly informed ; misspoke; is being given bad advice etc.
    Pretty interesting ……..,………

  36. The government won’t even fix any of that behavior that people have complained bitterly about for years and years….just like they REFUSE to pay the nurse on time or at all…or get the medical equipment they need and the list of grievances go on and on…..

    .same lazy attitudes can be found in every state owned taxpayer funded enterprise infested with government imps and pimps…..they just collect a salary and don’t believe they owe any commitment to the PEOPLE who pay their salaries…because they believe their loyalty is to the lying governments..

    all of this was bound to COME TO A HEAD after DECADES of DEGRADATION…today is that day…hopefully by the time this is done, MAJOR CHANGES WILL BE SEEN in ALL QUARTERS.

    “I have a few questions which I think are valid:
    If/when the striking public health nurses get all that they are asking/demanding and if I donate to the so-called “Help Our Nurses Fund”…
    A) is the public going to get better service?
    B). Would the public still be shouted at and treated like animals at public healthcare facilities?
    C) are the elderly going to get priority care or will they still be left on gurneys to die while younger persons & friends get the much needed medication?
    D) Will the same elderly be turned and/or rotated frequently so that they don’t get bedsores?
    E) are the nurses going to answer the phones on the wards or will they continue to sit at the desks, look pretty while gossiping?
    F) will a nurse come to my bedside when I press the button or will they continue to ignore because I’m disturbing their sleep or WhatsApps chat period?
    G) is a nurse going to take the time to feed the patients who are incapable of feeding themselves rather than just pushing the food at them (again like animals) and afterwards sending the full tray of food back saying that the patient is not eating?

    If Mr Franklin and/or the nurses associate can guarantee that the public health nurses will change their “you need me but I don’t need you” attitudes, then I will donate my total monthly salary for the next 3 months to the fund!!

  37. Grenville moaned about “activists” who dared to criticise his many musings

    but it seems he is riding on the political activist anti-government bandwagon

    with his clarion call for strike! action and his anti-Republic stance Courts cases

    words are cheap

  38. @ DPD
    No one can seriously question your submission. Although I am at a lost as to the use of hyperventilating.
    However, you may jolt my memory , but I can’t recall a PM buttressed by other unions and pro worker organizations publicly bashing a union leader as was witnessed and I also can’t recall a union leader saying that a PM is “ untruthful. I think , we are heading to another place right now. These are no longer the days of a Heavy Roller ( Walcott) and (De Dipper) Barrow. The society has changed and the workers movement is in spasms.

  39. “The public has been drawn into this because the government is bent on marginalizing Caswell.”

    and it all BACKFIRED and EXPOSED them for who they really are…it was so easy to fix this and all the other STENCH WORTHY THINGS THEY ALLOWED TO DEGRADE on the island…but no, the control freak misused a half of a republic and over reached…

  40. Someone in Gov’t should swallow their pride and negotiate with Caswell, if the Unions didn’t side with the Gov’t perhaps one of them e.g. the NUPW could act as go between but Caswell has no reason to trust them. Isn’t there anyone in Bim that both sides could trust to act as an arbitrator in this mess, not necessarily to offer a solution but to get the two sides to talk rather than talk past each other.

    I note that Caswell said of the Min. of Health “I thought he was an officer and a gentleman” those words gotta sting as I understand the Minister is quite proud of his military career.

  41. Unions are old school and workers are dispensable
    like disposable tissues
    contract work
    zero hour
    minimum wage pay
    youth unemployment
    oldies are liabilities
    and can easily be replaced

  42. @ WURA
    Correct. We are talking years of degradation and to think that both parties while in opposition knew these ills existed but intentionally ignored them.
    What is even more concerning is the attempts by some who are inadvertently burying Caswell but actually believe they are helping his cause.
    Suddenly, he is supposed to do all the compromising while the employer is to be admired for political cunning.
    I have flash blacks of when Barrow was at his zenith, his supporters , with their tongues longed out waiting for political blood to come forth. The duopoly loves drinking the blood of their opponents. It’s a blood sport.
    Caswell is the target.
    Deja vu…………….

  43. Nurses will become temps working for agencies and only hired as required

  44. “The duopoly loves drinking the blood of their opponents. It’s a blood sport.
    Caswell is the target.”

    Why give a damn about Caswell
    he is a big man
    who made his bed
    and can lie in it
    Nurses should be the focus of this issue
    Caswell is a firestarter trying to burn down the kingdom

  45. It’s no secret. Two Barbados’ , one law for the Black population EVEN WHEN THEY ARE operating within the law, the same does not apply to whites, indians and syrians no matter how many vicious felonous crimes they commit, no matter how many billions they TIEF from the people’s treasury and pension fund, no matter how many emplyees and black rights they violate…..and these governments expect people to respect them. FIRE BURN….colonial politicians/agents..

    We are the CHILDREN OF RA….

  46. “We are talking years of degradation and to think that both parties while in opposition knew these ills existed but intentionally ignored them”.

    I don’t know what people are thinking…these have been BURNING ISSUES FOR DECADES…Caswell DID NOT MAKE THIS UP, it has been always THERE…and pretending he did is DISHONEST….and hypocritical….

    “I have flash blacks of when Barrow was at his zenith, his supporters , with their tongues longed out waiting for political blood to come forth.”

    the colonial politics WILL KILL THEM, they did not create it, just like the system is killing a whole generation of young Black people …for many of those political PIMPS it will be a good thing, they are useless, mentally and otherwise..

    Heather…if ya reading this, ya got another challenge with websites, LURING programmers/web developers AWAY from their PROJECTS to get yours finished, is an ongoing exercise, hopefully my persuasive skills will do the job soon…

  47. William…maybe people will remember as we have if there was NOT THE SHORT MEMORY SYNDROME IN PLAY..

    don’t know why anyone with intelligence would trust two dangerously corrupt governments who have maliciously spent the last 60 YEARS HIDING OUR TRUE IDENTITIES AND THE TRUTH OF OUR ANCESTRY from us….they can AND WILL NEVER BE TRUSTWORTHY…

    why would you put your life and that of your families in SUCH DESTRUCTIVE, LYING, CONNIVING HANDS…

    and those using their dangerous posts to castigate the nurses, governmentt PIMPS… too have to be treated by nurses when YOU FALL SICK….politicans and government ministers KNOW NOTHING ABOUT NURSING…they only know HOW TO LIE..

  48. William…not a fella can say am lying:

    politicans and government ministers KNOW NOTHING ABOUT NURSING…they only know HOW TO LIE..

    for everything else…they have to HIRE CONSULTANTS…and pay them multi millions at TAXPAYER’S EXPENSE….so what exactly do you need LYING POLITICIANS FOR….

  49. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Skinner, agreed … I also have little disagreement with your post but fah real I do see it as “becoming overexcited” as in heavy breathing ‘hypa-ventilating’!

    This is a serious matter certainly and could adversely affect Bim in the moment … so absolutley we need to get stuck in to fix the matter … but let’s NOT get over excited with quite inflammatory rhetoric (as commentators) despite the fiery stuff from the players.

    And let’s not over-hype the BS palaver from those pols either …

    *Didn’t a US president get called a liar by a sitting congressman over policy comments!

    *Haven’t we just gone through a period where the sitting PM. (former) was called some of the most unkind, disrespectful things possible …

    *We also have had recent years of just simply bold-faced lying by major politicians

    All that to say: should we continue to get over excited by the absolutely unprecedented nasty, undiplomatic adjectives used in political warfare today. Sorry bro, that horse has long bolted the stable and to attempt to ‘corral’ it again is but a fool’s errand.

    Oh, I am a some years younger than the senator and maybe a few older than the minister and from their school cadet days – as I recal as a outside observer – the elder man was an officer leader to the younger… and of course we know of Bostic’s military career raising to the rank just below what the US call a ‘flag officer’ General. He was indeed a very senior military man … as Caswell initially aspired to … before (well we can only surmise).

    So s you wryly repeated above, the Sen is no ‘sweet bread’ ( my words)…. and all THAT to say that you did well to NOTE the very ‘diplomatic’ retort: ““I thought he was an officer and a gentleman””. The senator definitely ain’t going say anything like dat ’bout MAM.

    May the better ‘military strategist’ win this battle to the good of all Bajans.


  50. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Ooops… dat ‘officer’ quote was NOT your reference @Skinner!

    But the point remains: these guys go waaaay back … much more ‘respect’ between them than with other opponents I would imagine.

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