Bishop Atherley,

Like many Barbadians, I am exceedingly proud of the bold step which this nation is taking as we embark on our journey to republicanism. It is with that patriotic spirit that I watched the proceedings of the Houses of Parliament as they elected the first President of our coming Republic. I had hoped, like many, that the day would be one of joyous celebration, for we have waited so long for this moment, as well as solemn reflection, as we contemplate the journey thus far and where we have yet to go. It was a day designed to be bereft of partisan rancour, a day for unbridled patriotism.

Ultimately however, that was not entirely the case. In particular, one gentleman, your Leader of Opposition Business in the Senate, sought to bring the entire dignified proceedings into disrepute, in the process affronting the Parliament, the country and indeed, you, as his Leader. While I would never presume to tell you how to exercise your constitutional duties, it no doubt appears that there is no choice but to either ask the gentleman for his resignation, and if he refuses, to recommend to the Governor General that he be replaced in the Senate. I take no delight in that position, but it is the only way to staunch the bleeding. I rest this contention upon three principal grounds.

Firstly, the gentleman has repeatedly been publicly at variance with you. In our system of government, the parliamentary leader and members of his frontbench must be in lockstep. This is particularly so in the Senate, where those appointed on your recommendation, are entirely dependent upon you for their continued service. While disagreement is par for the course, the matter before us is not a resolution to acquire land. The constitutional ordering of this nation at its highest level is of such paradigmatic importance, that any disagreement on that, means that there is an irredeemable loss of confidence on the part of both parties, for how can you agree on the ‘little things’ if the ‘biggest thing’ is so contentious. A man cannot be led by a person in whom he does not confidence, nor can a man lead another in whom he has no confidence. Little wonder then that in comments to the press, he delivered of himself a fatal remark, that to partake in the process would have made him “look like a fool”. Sir, you participated in the process, in fact you advanced a joint nomination. Sir, you cannot lead a man who thinks you to be a fool.

Further, the reasons advanced for his conduct are disingenuous at best. The gentleman pretends that his issue was with the ballot. The fact is, however, that there never would have been a ballot, unless he objected (note that in Trinidad, there is no constitutional provision to allow objections when there is only one candidate). Did he object in order to have a ballot so that he could again object? Is that the philosophy of the PdP: mindless objection? He alleged to the press that there was no way for him to vote against if he wanted to. We now know that not to be true. The Parliament makes rules to regulate itself, and parliamentarians were instructed that with the ballot paper, they could have indicated approval, disapproval or abstention, with a tick, an x or ‘abstain’. What then is the true reason for his conduct?

Worst of all, the gentleman cast a long shadow over one of this country’s most historic days. A survey of the social media platforms suggests that the national conversation was not dominated by this country decisively reaffirming our confidence in ourselves or by the fact that a young woman from St. Philip would be this country’s first President. No sir, these events were seemingly overshadowed by the gentleman’s conduct. Whether it was his intention or not, his conduct gave rise to this distraction. This, perhaps, is his greatest sin. That on a day that was about Barbados, about all of us, about our past and our future, about hope tempered by pragmatism, we discussed none of these things, we discussed a single man all day. 

I don’t know when, but at some point, we began to think that democracy is an adversarial blood sport of scorched earth tactics. I say, emphatically, that it is not. That if we want a solid democracy as we transition to republican status, we must have politicians who exercise maturity, who can disagree with dignity and honestyand still reach across the aisle in times of national crisis and times of national pride. That is the democracy to which we ought always to aspire.

The gentleman may continue to disagree with everything, as is the right of any in this country, but like the rest of us, he can do so outside of the precincts of Parliament, where will not affront our democracy and our nation.

Bishop Atherley, I know you to be a man with an abiding love for our nation. Every second that this iniquity persists is a stain on this country. The people of Barbados do not deserve this. I ask you, sir, simply, to do the right thing.

Yours Sincerely,

Khaleel Kothdiwala,

A Patriot

212 responses to “An Open Letter to the Leader of the Opposition”

  1. I could not have said this better myself.


  3. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I never said it was contrary to what the recently passed Constitutional Amendment No:2(?) proclaimed. It was a trap for the Senator because it provided no leeway for him to object as he did. Hence why I suggested how he might have approached his objection.
    Would you like me to quote from the National Insurance Act on the reporting requirements? For clearly no GoB in the past 15 years understands them.

  4. @NO

    Some here do not understand process.

    Caswell probably meant well but his intervention would not have been allowed. His action also will be judged against the background he leader of the Opposition and his counterpart Crystal Drakes did not associate with the matter.

    What would have been useful would have been for the party to call a press conference the day before and even leading into the joint session same day to express reservation as a party.

  5. Now your a republic is it okay to kidnap people

  6. Lawson…who did you kidnap..or planning to..

  7. just thinking about trinidad and haiti etc and how you can get forex

  8. yeah…those dudes had the Haitian PM running for his life recently…this is like an end game…


    they are bombarded with the worse types of miseducation and do not get what they need to develop their minds properly and access things critically…that is how politicians with ulterior motives want things to remain..they have been successful with it for decades and want to continue it past the second decade of the 21st century…EPIC FAIL…

  9. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is prepared to give Barbados more assistance, including additional funding, as it battles the COVID-19 pandemic.

  10. Lawson,

    No kidnappings in Canada?


    I don’t know about others but swearing allegiance to the queen was something I would only do at gunpoint.

  11. went and picked up 3 roti platters 69 plus tip. Couple of plantain leaf lettuce and a terrible flap, I want to kidnap a roti cook Waru

  12. Of course Donna its hard to get new immigrants to break old habits

  13. “I want to kidnap a roti cook Waru”

    might be easier to learn to make roti yaself…

  14. The young people say they are noticing a disturbing trend from this government, they say when they ask about solutions they are being told to stop being politicial….since the politicians seem to still live in the dark ages where the generations before us were so cowed and afraid of what would happen to them and their families if they asked questions…i assure yall swine that is NOT THE CASE IN THIS NEW ERA…

    ya will not victimize this new generations, cause ya may get it in ya sick heads that ya can victimize my grandchildren for their rights and I ASSURE YOU WILL NOT AND GET AWAY WITH IT…and none of the other young people watching ya hypocrisy will allow you to get away with it either…..different times, different measures…

  15. David

    You still on this thing bout process. It has no meaning within a dictatorship.

    It’s a nullity compared to the largest crime of a regime imposing its will on the people before it is known what the amendments to the constitution are to be.

    If that sits will with you a mere procedural matter should as well.

  16. United we stand
    Divided we fall
    Crabs (Crips) and Slobs (Bloods)
    There can never be unity among blacks as they tend to be easily divided. Divide to rule MO was easy to implement with warring tribes in Africa. Western troops are still in Africa now as “peace keepers”

    So do the C-Walk (Crip Walk)
    Fuck a Blood
    Crips all day everyday

  17. @Pacha

    Have you named the countries where there is LIMITED democracy practiced?

  18. Last time I check Caswell was taking his dog Snow for a walk
    Meanwhile wunna up in here mumble and grumble
    He said what he had to case giving no apologies in that he said he stands for principles and not for gimmicks

  19. Lawson,

    You are joking, of course. We know you have your fair share of ALL crimes among your kind.

    And if you don’t do as much these days, it’s because you already stole everything from everybody hundreds of years ago and refuse to give anything back.

  20. The search for Utopia continues!

  21. I tried, but unable to contribute..

  22. Good luck with your republicanism. However, truth be told, this shift to become a republic was never planned to bring prosperity and purpose to the life’s of Barbados African population.

    We have known for sometime how this government and the one it replaced have been pushing for an exponential rise in Barbados population. Its preferred method is to do so via the immigration route.

    Foreign lenders and overseas governments are demanding Barbados to liberalise its economy and to accept an influx of newcomers in order to access loans. Some here have registered their surprise at the recruitment of a white foreigner to head our tourism marketing sector. This is not a surprise. It is an indication as to where we are heading as a country.

    Mia will instruct her hand-picked lackey, who is a clone of Queen Elizabeth the second, to pass executive orders which will enable the state to compulsory purchase large tracts of land which will in turn be handed on a plate to foreign investors who will develop the land in order to create a business model and culture which will generate profits for those with the financial muscle.

    Who will be looking out for the welfare of Barbados not so wealthy black population. Do not be deceived with Mia’s justification for republicanism. The best laid plans often never come into fruition.

  23. Waru people say the same stupid things about washing your car or cleaning your house. Donna still on the hunt for reparations I see, none of my family took your ancestors , try eating potatoes for a couple of hundred years instead of that garden you got growing

  24. @ William Skinner October 22, 2021 12:34 PM

    “The irony here is that people want to castrate Caswell for raising his voice while a man who carried out a coup against a government was allowed to function in his county.”

    Barbados breaking off with Elizabeth and embracing whip/whipper politics?

  25. Members who vote against party policy may “lose the whip”, being effectively expelled from the party.

  26. Word on the ground Duguid tendered his resignation and PM refused it
    Don’t know why she refused to let that square peg out of its misery being placed in a round hole

  27. “However, truth be told, this shift to become a republic was never planned to bring prosperity and purpose to the life’s of Barbados African population.

    Who will be looking out for the welfare of Barbados not so wealthy black population.”

    simply becasue they believe they will get away with continuing the same Anti-Black/Afrikan crimes they have perpet\rated for over half century….and are so famous for…

    they better start looking out for themselves…they grew up SEEING that as long as the negros get elected…the Black/Afrikan population who got them there are no longer a priority. until NEXT ELECTION when they present their snake selves to get votes again……if they don’t get it now, they never will and CANNOT blame Mrs. Maloney or anyone else for that….because they AS THE ELECTORATE are the ones WITH THE VOTING POWERS…to bring an abrupt end to it..

    the parliament is no longer in control of the island;s finances…they have borrowed too much and have no choice but to continue along that path indefintely…they are as usual only allowed control over the majority population where they do as they like…the population will have to make up their own minds what they want to do about well…no one has to take it…..not when ya got choices…

  28. “many hands don’t make light work, many hands receive a salary”

    🤣🤣🤣🤣 that video is real hit…….

    so the 6 or 7 parasites they got using their 12-14 hands to receive salaries to screw up everything….one man, Steve Emtage, Director of FInance and Planning…….under both Barrow and Adams did that job….ONE MAN….but they need Straughn, Caddle, Mrs. Maloney, Persuad, Greenidge, Mascoll, Ian Carrington… to suck the treasury dry..

    as i have said all along, ministers are useless..and those locusts for consultants are even worse…..

  29. David
    Whether direct or participatory or representative democracy these are issues that Cole, Mills, Rosseau and many others have talked about in western literature but their ideas are more in line with yours and fail to meet current requirements.

    Our working definition of democracy has to with the equitable distribution of resources. Democracy in the workplace as primary. Examples are Mondragon from Spain and the cooperative movements everywhere.

    At the national level Cuba at times well qualifies as a fairly even distributor of national resouces to its population.

    Libya under Maumar Ghadafi is another well known for distributing resources fairly evenly to the entire population.

    Venezuela which is currently being subjected to sanctions for essentially using its oil wealth for the needs of its people.

    The Cooperative Republic of Guyana under Frobes Burhnam was brutalized for trying to do similarly.

    Argentina under its leader on September 11, 1971 circa who was overthrown, murdered, by your American government for doing to American corporations what the Economic Hitman and the jackals warned him not to do.

    And there are many, many other leaders who have died because they insisted that their people were entitled to the equitable distribution of national resources. Going against those who pretend democracy, like you.

    These and these alone can approach reaching our definition. You have your vote once every 5 years. You spend your time running down behind stinking politicians begging and pleading. We prefer to get to the meat of the matter.

  30. Lawson,

    None of my family doing the kidnapping either.

    But you guys are still squatting on stolen lands.

  31. @Pacha

    Thanks for your reply.

  32. No need for counterfeit vaccine scams…can’t see they can’t find vaccines.

  33. can’t SAY… they can’t find more excuses…

  34. Saw a video yesterday, still working out the details, but it relates to vaccine injury and death in children and in one case, murder charges apparently accepted against a school and the vaccinator in UK, new territory so gotta wait and see if and how that plays out…

    .this is a bad situation all around and getting steadily worse….fasten ya seatbelts..

  35. Dr. Ronnie Yearwood wrote an interesting article in Barbados today titled New Republic old Constitution
    Some one recently dubbed the ongoing events as soulless a correct description of what govt has done to transitioning Barbados into a Republic
    Also a person recently asked if on independence day the logo that represents Barbados Independence would be those written happy independence and Republic Day
    There is a saying when person fails to plan
    Failure is inevitable

  36. From the very beginnning when the word republic was dug up revived and started trending again, it was clear that the intent was to keep the colonial constitution in play OR the first thing we would have heard was….we got a new constitution so it’s time to go republic…..when that did not happen, we knew what was coming. It’s up to yall to accept it or not.

    these wicked little minorities that they love to appease because of their various business partnerships between them and who is fronting for whose business.. will be the END OF THEIR FREEDOM…just like they are all wishing on the Black/African population..

  37. Who would imagine a country on the verge of becoming a republic would have sought to actively encouraged their own citizens to seek “greener” pastures outside of their own country; and at the same time welcome the arrival of newcomers to revitalise Barbados ailing economy.

    These people who are governing this country are evil. There remains a minimum of 250,000 citizens of African descent in our country. Will they share the same fate as their ancestors on the South American continent whose large numbers were culled using a variety of methods to allow for the whitening of that continent.

  38. “actively encouraged their own citizens to seek “greener” pastures outside of their own country;”

    you noticed it’s not even to their ancestral lands where there are 55 COUNTRIES TO CHOOSE FROM…, but to where they could be reenslaved….while the traitors pushed the stinking scum of the earth minorities from Barbados and around caricom to OUR CONTINENT, in disrespect…..that tells ya that they think they can easily dispose of our bloodlines…well i don’t have to tell ya how well that dirty plot is going down and received in Afrika…

    those who know these evil beasts and their little nigas well, saw this coming 3 YEARS AGO

  39. Donna if you mean lands that were” found ” by peoples crossing the Siberian peninsula I guess, your right they never actually just handed it over like in barbados. lol We had to bargain for it. Those beads and mirrors arent easy to make you know .. What do you think that makes your eggplants grow so go good if it isnt Arawak calcium.
    But again you are right Donna we have stolen items from other cultures and used them to our benefit .For example that four sided wheel that your ancestors invented we stole the idea and use the concept to make patio stones.

  40. We are living through RESIDENT EVIL times…and the Black/Afrikan population MUST PROTECT THEMSELVES…

    the dumb Slaves make good sacrifice material…no one will miss them…..

  41. But ya know they will still have the brass balls on them to come very shortly and BEG the same Black/Afrikan population for votes to slither and weasel their way back into the parliament… until they can get their new population in place so they won’t need Black votes anymore…..but they have no FORESIGHT……or….

  42. People so inclined may want to consider this, still your choice, but only because they are ALLOWING IN TOURISTS who are more than likely going to spread that new Delta Plus variant around further complicating everything…the experts say it might be more easily infectious…just how deadly and dangerous , they are still investigating.

    This is Forde from Harrison’s Point.

    “Stressing that his challenge to take the COVID-19 vaccine was “not planned but from above”, he added: “I am going to give the country a challenge, that… by the middle of next month I would love every single Barbadian who has the opportunity to get vaccinated to help us on the ground, to help our challenge on the ground, I really would like you to step forward and do it by November 15.”

  43. It harrows the blogmaster with fear and wonder reading some comments.

    Vive La liberte’ d’expression!

  44. David
    Of whom speaketh thou? For such a comment haveth no purchase unless overstanding is reacheth.

  45. TLSN October 23, 2021 6:59 AM

    Who would imagine a country on the verge of becoming a republic would have sought to actively encouraged their own citizens to seek “greener” pastures outside of their own country; and at the same time welcome the arrival of newcomers to revitalise Barbados ailing economy.


    Sometimes, you ‘harrow me with fear and wonder.’

    Interestingly, I read several of your contributions in which you were highly critical of almost every institution in Barbados, while actively encouraging young Barbadians “to seek “greener” pastures outside of their own country?”

  46. Every year, there is someone who limits access to the beach. Let me state that property owners rights should be respected.

    For those that want to claim MORE than they share or would block public access points, the government should create a task force of 12 workers
    3 armed to the teeth
    One bulldozer
    4 with wire cutters
    Four to remove debris.
    They should be accompanied by an armed police escort.

    Problem solved.

  47. Unable to do the Republic/COVID-19 schtick.

  48. Both are distractions Theo…don’t blink or ya willl miss what happens next..

  49. Seems like BT is about to establish a pay wall

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