Bishop Atherley,

Like many Barbadians, I am exceedingly proud of the bold step which this nation is taking as we embark on our journey to republicanism. It is with that patriotic spirit that I watched the proceedings of the Houses of Parliament as they elected the first President of our coming Republic. I had hoped, like many, that the day would be one of joyous celebration, for we have waited so long for this moment, as well as solemn reflection, as we contemplate the journey thus far and where we have yet to go. It was a day designed to be bereft of partisan rancour, a day for unbridled patriotism.

Ultimately however, that was not entirely the case. In particular, one gentleman, your Leader of Opposition Business in the Senate, sought to bring the entire dignified proceedings into disrepute, in the process affronting the Parliament, the country and indeed, you, as his Leader. While I would never presume to tell you how to exercise your constitutional duties, it no doubt appears that there is no choice but to either ask the gentleman for his resignation, and if he refuses, to recommend to the Governor General that he be replaced in the Senate. I take no delight in that position, but it is the only way to staunch the bleeding. I rest this contention upon three principal grounds.

Firstly, the gentleman has repeatedly been publicly at variance with you. In our system of government, the parliamentary leader and members of his frontbench must be in lockstep. This is particularly so in the Senate, where those appointed on your recommendation, are entirely dependent upon you for their continued service. While disagreement is par for the course, the matter before us is not a resolution to acquire land. The constitutional ordering of this nation at its highest level is of such paradigmatic importance, that any disagreement on that, means that there is an irredeemable loss of confidence on the part of both parties, for how can you agree on the ‘little things’ if the ‘biggest thing’ is so contentious. A man cannot be led by a person in whom he does not confidence, nor can a man lead another in whom he has no confidence. Little wonder then that in comments to the press, he delivered of himself a fatal remark, that to partake in the process would have made him “look like a fool”. Sir, you participated in the process, in fact you advanced a joint nomination. Sir, you cannot lead a man who thinks you to be a fool.

Further, the reasons advanced for his conduct are disingenuous at best. The gentleman pretends that his issue was with the ballot. The fact is, however, that there never would have been a ballot, unless he objected (note that in Trinidad, there is no constitutional provision to allow objections when there is only one candidate). Did he object in order to have a ballot so that he could again object? Is that the philosophy of the PdP: mindless objection? He alleged to the press that there was no way for him to vote against if he wanted to. We now know that not to be true. The Parliament makes rules to regulate itself, and parliamentarians were instructed that with the ballot paper, they could have indicated approval, disapproval or abstention, with a tick, an x or ‘abstain’. What then is the true reason for his conduct?

Worst of all, the gentleman cast a long shadow over one of this country’s most historic days. A survey of the social media platforms suggests that the national conversation was not dominated by this country decisively reaffirming our confidence in ourselves or by the fact that a young woman from St. Philip would be this country’s first President. No sir, these events were seemingly overshadowed by the gentleman’s conduct. Whether it was his intention or not, his conduct gave rise to this distraction. This, perhaps, is his greatest sin. That on a day that was about Barbados, about all of us, about our past and our future, about hope tempered by pragmatism, we discussed none of these things, we discussed a single man all day. 

I don’t know when, but at some point, we began to think that democracy is an adversarial blood sport of scorched earth tactics. I say, emphatically, that it is not. That if we want a solid democracy as we transition to republican status, we must have politicians who exercise maturity, who can disagree with dignity and honestyand still reach across the aisle in times of national crisis and times of national pride. That is the democracy to which we ought always to aspire.

The gentleman may continue to disagree with everything, as is the right of any in this country, but like the rest of us, he can do so outside of the precincts of Parliament, where will not affront our democracy and our nation.

Bishop Atherley, I know you to be a man with an abiding love for our nation. Every second that this iniquity persists is a stain on this country. The people of Barbados do not deserve this. I ask you, sir, simply, to do the right thing.

Yours Sincerely,

Khaleel Kothdiwala,

A Patriot

212 responses to “An Open Letter to the Leader of the Opposition”

  1. When everyone is in lockstep in a corrupt parliament…all ya will ever get is corruption….as has been the norm for decades…hence the DISINTEGRATION of the society

    the people of Barbados do not need to be paying salaries to those who have no morals, prinicple or ethics…or payig a pittance to a weak opposition.

  2. I grow concerned about this term “patriot” as it is being used worldwide to excuse all types of bad behaviour.

    We should be wary of attempting to muzzle the senator in an attempt to have a “dignified” process. Let loud, dissenting voices be heard! Win the public over with calm reason!

    Let Atherley worry about his image and his senator!

  3. Et tu, BU?

    I say that anyone who pretends that the Bishop is anything other than a pawn is Frankly n clearly part of the problem, and not even worth wuh paddy shot at. That includes masters of blogs that suckle and give succor to whippersnappers and wannabee queenmakers.

    Yuh mean duh en got nuh more men dat cud call a pappy show a pappy show, left in Barbados?
    None atall?

  4. No one is in impressed that a colonial agent in the Americas first slave society is now the first president of the first slave society…..intelligent people see NOTHING TO APPLAUD AT…

    blame the usless colonial curricula that parliament idiots are proud to keep in play as it’s is teaching our children and grandchildren nothing about history but repeatedly push them psychologically into a continuation of being “patriots” of La La Land…

  5. I stopped reading at this. .
    “While I would never presume to tell you how to exercise your constitutional duties, it no doubt appears that there is no choice but to either ask the gentleman for his resignation, and if he refuses, to recommend to the Governor General that he be replaced in the Senate ”

    Would love to see the GG/President attempted replace Caswell.

    “The gentleman may continue to disagree with everything, as is the right of any in this country, but like the rest of us, he can do so outside of the precincts of Parliament, where will not affront our democracy and our nation.”

    And do what I side of Parliament? Be a rubber stamp.

    There is more I can disagree with, but not really worth the effort

  6. Anytime you have a baby politician cutting teeth by carrying water for the Dear Leader you know yuh got more of the same and that your “country” is unavoidably destined for a future of anti-development

    Certainly, again complaining to a titular leader of a make-believe opposition about a man who, like him, spent his entire adult life supportive of that part of the duopoly which currently forms a one party dictatorship sinks to a level of cultural decadence not even OSA could have foreseen in his masterful insights about the “demagogue”.

    Only an advance cultural degeneracy could find it so impossible to tolerate a modicum of pretense at opposition within an Alice in Wonderland where the overt consolidation of all power in the hands of a Dear Leader and party is proving to be a monumental failure of collective imagination.

    We are seeing the height of what the political culture has long been seeking – a cultural death.

  7. There is no republic without an ENTIRE constitutional change…..they still don’t get it…..all ya got is a president of a colonial system…rush and hurry screwed up again…

    that wasted Forde commission should have seen a draft constitution started during that time back in 1998 and revised over the years until they got it right…… ya hearing, oh, we will go republic first and then attempt to draft a new constitution….assbackwards…

    i would run from such a cockup…before it blows up..

  8. The “whippersnapper” has the right to express his opinion on the blog just as the senator has a right to express his in parliament.

    Except in extreme cases such as yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre or inciting violence through hate speech, we should allow reason to fight the nonsense rather than attempt to silence the speaker.

    Granted reason may not always win but the alternative outcome would be far more damaging.

    We must not go down the slippery slope of arbitrary censorship in order to “keep the peace”. That kind of peace is not worth keeping. It usually means peace for some and silent war on others. It is not true peace and therefore is not sustainable. Eventually, like gas contained under pressure, it will look for an opportunity to erupt.

  9. Barbados is under a curse first the volcanic dust now the Sahara dust
    Scams and shams
    Then tire place is in desperate need of a bush bath followed by an exorcism
    Worst govt ever to trampled on the Constitution and lied and misled the people

  10. Can’t even call it a half assed republic because they do not have the constitution to back it up and the president was NOT CHOSEN by the people….but through the usual cronyism crap….and talking shite about an electoral college but have no electoral rules…your constitution is STILL BASED on a 16th century colonial framework….drafted and ratified by Whitehall..

    “A constitutional republic is a form of government in which a representative is elected by the people to govern over them, according to the rules established in the law of the land. An example of a constitutional republic is the United States’ form of government. U.S. citizens elect a President, and other representatives, who then govern them as the Constitution directs them to. To explore this concept, consider the following constitutional republic definition.

    Definition of Constitutional Republic

    A form of government in which officials are elected by citizens to lead them as directed by their country’s constitution.

    AGAIN….for those who do not understand the definition of a republic..

    “A constitutional republic is a form of government in which the head of the state, as well as other officials, are elected by the country’s citizens to represent them. Those representatives must then follow the rules of that country’s constitution in governing their people. Like the U.S. government, a constitutional republic may consist of three branches – executive, judicial, and legislative – which divide the power of the government so that no one branch becomes too powerful.”

  11. Jesus the writer shows up to tell the opposition leader what to do
    A few weeks ago a raging fire erupts where the good name of Barbados integrity was soiled and caught up in a vaccine scam
    Where was this writer voice
    Man yuh got to be RH drunk to be asking for resignations of a Senator who have a Constitutional right to speak his Peace in the House of Parliament on matters of concerns that are found to constitutionally wrong which contain deceit and illegal manueveurs
    Youngster go back to the drawing board first by starting to read the Constitution on good governance show your findings to the leader of this country and asked her for her resignation
    Also your findings within the Constitution would alert your mind that politics cannot be bred by the politics of gimmicks but policies entrenched by laws and rules directed by good governance
    If govt fails to carry out such rules in favour of selfish motives a call for correction is necessary placed in the hands of the people

  12. So far not a single comment to address ‘process’ which is at the heart of Caswell’s concern. How does this behaviour rank with ‘yuh muddah skunt’?

    How man watch debates in parliament? How many cases are cited for unparliamentary behaviour?

  13. As far as I can tell, this article was not about process.

  14. Thirty zeroes!!!

    Waste of time.

    The leader of the opposition is mock.

    Opposition senators are mock, Senate is mock.

    Parliament is mock.

    Should have been dealt with in 2018 but wasn’t so what do you expect.

    A complete joke.

  15. An aside, Abu Bakr is dead.

  16. DavidOctober 22, 2021 5:18 AM

    So far not a single comment to address ‘process’ which is at the heart of Caswell’s concern. How does this behaviour rank with ‘yuh muddah skunt’?
    Why haven’t yu chimned in on those matters of Caswell concerns
    Instead you throw shade
    This issue came up three days ago
    By now most people have there matters of concerns aired on social media
    You are late
    Three days later when all that is left is smoke u find blp prop to post an article asking for Caswell resignation
    The Senator was within his right to chastise and condemn the process of not knowing first hand and govt using deceitful tactics to undermine the process
    What kind of a govt would produce a ballot that does not provide space or room for dissent

  17. Commenters are free to lead the discussion and not follow the predictable narratives that serve to lead us to predictable destinations.

  18. Watching debates in parliament is too excruciating for me just as listening to Brasstacks is too excruciating for me. I force myself at times to watch but mostly I forget as I did on Tuesday with Walter on Brasstacks.

    Nuff nuff nonsense and lies without panache. No Tom, no Dipper, no Blackman on either side.

    At least Donald Trump was entertaining like Looney Tunes on Halloween night!

    Even on BU where I can scroll, scroll, scroll and it is often excruciating.

    P.S. I usually forget when The Windies is playing cricket as well. Too excruciating, mostly.

  19. Remove “and” replace with”,”.

  20. Who is willing to sit for hours listening to a bunch of colonial agents transporting listeners back to the 1800s with their backward bullshit rhetoric of saying nothing and doing even less…tried that once and it took me days t recover and make it back to reality and the 21st century…

    it’s horrifying and a crime that the young is showing signs of being sucked into that clear path of destruction..

  21. Only the dumbest slave minded people would be proud of a FARCE that has no constitution…except for the colonial framework in place for nearly 400 years…..that’s all ya got, still proud right…steupppss…

    i have no use for clowns and pretenders….pretending a republic with no republic constitution…not even too concerned with the Caswell issue….not everyone will be lured into this fraud…thankfully…

  22. the counterfeit vaccine scam was only brought to light a couple weeks ago TRY TO CONNECT THE TWO…they are no different to each other.

  23. Pacha…could you believe these though, they deserve EVERYTHING THEY GET…

  24. With all the billions govt brags about and high level consultants couldn’t govt not produced a ballot sheet that had a completed official date and separate boxes for an x and tick and not one that looked as if it was draft and drawn by a first grader

  25. Subtract the usual party hacks and throwashade crew, what we have here are a majority of Barbadians who were embarrassed by Caswell’s intervention because we have been wired to accept pomp and ceremony over substance.

  26. David

    What process what!

    The process argument is merely a device deployed by debaters and politicians to mount an objection where substance and circumstances overwhelm them.

    Simply put. Within the circumstances of a hyper-one-party-state and a regime desperate for notions of success all the actors already know that process is only of one kind, serves one interest, has one purpose – to serve the Dictator or Maximum Leader

    That at least 28 in the House are dutiful in obedience all this time is vastly more important than the process argument of an unelected opposition senator, as best described..

    Where were these process arguments previously. When Mottley unilaterally decided that a second throne speech was the corrective for government’s inability to deliver manifesto promises. You did not then rest on the rightness of an election as the right process then, maybe not even now.

    David, you have given this monster a cookie. Now it demands a cup of milk. Process what! Everybody knows that that can only be what Mottley deems it to be. And that is an established point of departure.

  27. Where your mind goes your energy flows
    Where your thoughts go your energy flows
    Where your attention goes your energy flows
    Where your intention goes your energy flows

    Get into the flow state

  28. As i commented on another thread, in my view Mr Franklyn, s behaviour was deplorable.I magine his leader Rev Atherley supporting the resolution and Mr Franklyn who was appointed by Rev Atherley voting at odds with his leader.When asked about it Rev Atherley trying to divert the question.Mr Franklyn is an attention sweker in my view and would never had risked that with Mr Barrow, Mr Adams or Mr Arthur.All like now in my view with those aforementioned he would have already been fired.As Mr Farley told him there is a time and a place for everything.This was supposed to be a historic dsy for GG Dame Sandra Mason not about Mr Franklyn and he was rightly condemned by most on Brasstacks yesterday except by the moderator Dr Krystinna Hinds who unsurprisingly looked for all kind of excuses for him.She is fast becoming another Maureen Holder in my view.Well it is up to Rev Atherley now
    I gone.

  29. “That at least 28 in the House are dutiful in obedience all this time is vastly more important than the process argument of an unelected opposition senator, as best described..”

    salary sucking laggards……of no use to the majority population and EVERY ONE OF THEM SHOULD LOSE THEIR SEATS in 2023…the people must SEND A LONG LASTING and IMPACTFUL MESSAGE……..because with all their flying high and pretending they are untouchable…they will very soon have to climb down to earth to BEG FOR VOTES from the Black population whom they SELL OUT, DISRESPECT and OPPRESS…

  30. There are not many ways to explain this, but this is my last try..

    Mason has been a colonial agent for ALL OF HER PROFESSIONAL LIFE….personally colonial agents do not and never willl impress me… she is slated to become president of a republic with NO CONSTITUTION that is INTEGRAL to reflecting the island as a republic……simply because the SAME stale colonial system and framework is being used to perpetrate that LIE…

    continue living in La La Land…this is SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT THE PEOPLE OF BARBADOS and a republc status with the accompanying CONSTITUTION, that is missing…….this is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE about colonial agent Mason…wearing a new title…but the Slaves will always be Slaves and can NEVER define reality..


  31. DavidOctober 22, 2021 7:13 AM

    Subtract the usual party hacks and throwashade crew, what we have here are a majority of Barbadians who were embarrassed by Caswell’s intervention because we have been wired to accept pomp and ceremony over substance
    How do u know such
    Did u take a population vote on the issue
    U are just as crooked as them (govt ) in your thoughts process
    The blp foot soldiers are now embarrassed that the exposure of govt plans and policies lends itself to ask questions

  32. Waru jackass, Dame Sandra Mason is a highly respectable lady in her professional life in the legal field.She has always been nary a bad word from my memory.Instead of trying to pull down the goodly lady tell us what your accomplishments have been other than repeating the same boring shit3 about crooked lawyers, thiefing minorities and people being slaves everyday for the last ten long years.Go off the blog nuisance as you cannot hold a candle to Dame Sandra Mason.You aren, t fit to even tie her shoe laces .I gone.

  33. (Quote):
    Bishop Atherley, I know you to be a man with an abiding love for our nation. Every second that this iniquity persists is a stain on this country. The people of Barbados do not deserve this. I ask you, sir, simply, to do the right thing.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Khaleel Kothdiwala,

    Is this the same Koochie the red Kool-aid Kid?

    Is this the same political whippersnapper who has morphed into some patriotic fraud?

    Is that the same red Bishop Atherley which the same K K used to describe as ‘disloyal, a turncoat rebel’ who illegitimately ‘elected’ himself as the Leader of a fraudulent Opposition.

    Is this the same red-painted errand boy who used to argue that the Bishop’s holding the position of the LoO was Unconstitutional?

    Is this the same boy wonder working in the red barnyard who argued that the Bishop ought not be functioning as the LoO since he had sworn allegiance to the Red political party and was duly elected under a MAM carrying banner?

    Is he the same rebel without a sound Constitutional who wanted the GG to revoke the appointment of the same red man of the cloth and take the duties of ‘Her Majesty’s Opposition’ in her own hands?

    Is this the same politically-misguided hothead who hauled the same red Bishop over the parliamentary coals just because he objected to the illegal appointment of a second DCoP as pointed out to him by the same legally sharp-witted Senator?

    Well, well, wonders never cease!

    Piece de Prophet, where art thou? Please return from the spirit realm and send the boy home to his political MAM!

  34. Why would such a goodly lady like you described find herself in a situation to be so used by a prime minister in doing something for which there is no precedent in the Westminster system – a second throne speech?

    Could the answer be to get the first president pick. What a goodly lady that’ll be!

  35. I can even expand on that thought…

    slated to become president of a republic with NO CONSTITUTION that is INTEGRAL to reflecting the island as a republic……simply because the SAME stale colonial system and framework is being used to perpetrate that LIE…

    this is SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT THE PEOPLE OF BARBADOS and a republc status with the accompanying CONSTITUTION, that is supposed to BENEFIT THE MAJORITY BLA CK POPULATION, and the other citizenry….that is missing…….this is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE some sideshow about colonial agent Mason…wearing a new title, the taxpayers still have to PAY HER……but the Slaves will always be Slaves and can NEVER define reality…..problem with yall and those whom the people elect and pay a salary to…you and THEM… believe that everything is all about them and NOT the population..who PAY THEM……in ya IGNORANCE


  36. Free, at last

    By Garth Patterson, Q.C.
    If Errol Walton Barrow, PC, Q.C. was the Father of Barbados’ independence, then the Rt Hon. Mia Amor Mottley, EGH, OR, QC, MP, a self-proclaimed daughter of independence, will forever bear the distinction of being the (single) Mother of the soon-to-be Republic of Barbados.
    To be sure, the seeds of republicanism were not planted by her. That audacious idea was conceived by others who preceded her.
    But Ms Mottley has most definitively germinated that seed; she has nurtured it in her womb, has brought it to term and will, in just over a month, give birth to this fiercely proud, independent-minded, new, small-island, republic.
    The speech that the Prime Minister delivered at the joint sitting of the House of Assembly and Senate to elect the first President of this nation was easily one of the most important and powerful speeches ever delivered by the charismatic and articulate leader.
    Delivered in her usual inimitable style and aplomb and characterised by the depth of substance and eloquence to which we all have become accustomed, her speech’s import and power was made all the more poignant by the historic occasion on which it was delivered – the election of Dame Sandra Mason, GCMG, DA, QC, as our first President.
    Preparatory step
    This significant milestone is just one, small, preparatory step for the long journey of nation-building that lies ahead. That journey begins in earnest when, on November 30, 2021, we proudly declare ourselves (yes, I am a Bajan; not born, but embraced) to be truly independent.
    Free, at last.
    After 341 long years in the bowels of colonialism, including 200 arduous years in the entrails of slavery; after 55 years of orphanage by our colonisers; after far too many years of living in the shadow and subjugation to the will of foreigners.
    Free to determine our own destiny, to make our own decisions, to chart our own path, with nary an obligatory “by-your-leave”.
    Some wonder, what’s the big deal? What changes, in real terms, will this break with the monarchy bring about? To understand this, it is critical to appreciate the historical and constitutional context. Barbados attained independence by virtue of the Barbados Independence Act, 1966, an Act of the British Parliament.
    Our Constitution was enacted pursuant to an Order In Council, made by the Queen in 1966 pursuant to that Act. When it came into effect on November 30, 1966, Barbados became independent – at least, constitutionally. But she remained one of “Her Majesty’s dominions”. The term ‘Her Majesty’s dominions’ signifies the independent or dependent territories under the sovereignty of the Crown.
    Barbados falls into the category of an independent territory under the sovereignty of the Crown.
    Section 5 (Schedule 1) of the Interpretation Act 1978, UK, defines the term, “British possession” as, “any part of Her Majesty’s dominions outside the United Kingdom”.
    Barbados, as one of Her Majesty’s dominions, although independent since 1966, remains today one of Her Majesty’s “possessions”. The ordinary dictionary definition of the noun “possession” is, “the state of having, owning, or controlling something”. Literally and figuratively, therefore, Barbados is owned by the Crown.
    In a historical context, Barbados, like the rest of the English-speaking Caribbean, is all too familiar with the concept of being owned; and we still bear the profound psychological and emotional scars of the vile and insidious institution of slavery that are indelibly etched onto our collective psyche.
    The abolition of slavery and the emancipation of the of slaves in the Caribbean in 1834, almost 200 years ago, served to free the bodies of our black ancestors, but did little to liberate our souls. That journey, for the descendants of slavery, is one that is far from over.
    So, what was the significance of Barbados gaining independence? If it was meant to represent Barbados’ emancipation from England, then it failed dismally, since Barbados remains a chattel
    of Her Majesty, in the same way that slaves were chattels of their white masters.
    When the institution of slavery toppled, emancipated slaves were liberated from the ignominy and indignity of being owned. By contrast, however, despite the advent of independence, the same could not be said of “independent” Barbados.
    Section 1(1) of the Barbados Independence Act declared that, from the date of independence, “the United Kingdom shall have no responsibility for the government of Barbados.” As such, Barbados was classified as one of Her Majesty’s dominions having “fully responsible status”. Section 4 of that Act effected modifications to other English statutes so as to exclude Barbados from the definition of “colony”.
    The Independence Act ushered Barbados’ transition from colonialism to membership of the Commonwealth as an independent state. Constitutionally, however, it only meant that the United Kingdom had relinquished its right to pass laws for Barbados, and had severed any financial obligations to her, but still retained the reigns of sovereignty.
    It real terms, it meant that Barbados was no longer a British colony and would not be a dependent of the United Kingdom; although it still remained a possession of the Queen.
    In other words, still a “slave”, but left to fend for itself.
    While independence assured Barbados’ right of political selfdetermination and was, doubtless, the crowning glory of Errol Barrow’s legacy, it nevertheless failed to deliver on the real promise that the word “independent” implies. Despite his proclamation that Barbados was “satellite to none”, the reality is that, with the Queen as its sovereign, Barbados was inextricably tethered to the United Kingdom.
    That all changes, however, when Barbados becomes a republic.
    Barbados will, forever, cease to be a British possession, or form any part of Her Majesty’s dominions.
    So, the enactment of amendments to our Constitution to facilitate Barbados’ transition to the status of a republic is not just a futile gesture or mere tokenism. It is the realisation of a promise made, symbolically, almost 55 years ago.
    It represents, finally, the emancipation of a nation. And, on that historic day, when Barbados becomes a republic, every Barbadian should rejoice and, like the immortal refrain of Martin Luther King, gratefully proclaim, “free at last, free at last . . .”.

    Source: Nation

  37. This blog too sweet. A backbencher goes against the party’s position, BUers scream and become alarmists. Sitting MPs that are ministers decide not to run next election (not resign yuh!), BUers bawl something must be amiss and scandal chase, even if those MPs have long indicated their intention not to run again. Senator Franklyn repeatedly votes contrary to his leader’s position, the same persons find his actions commendable. Frankly speaking that’s his right and any other who chooses to do so and also Atherley’s to allow his senator to vote by “conscience” even when indirectly he is labeled a fool. The truth is that the senator voted against the election of a person co-nominated by his leader just to grandstand. Here’s the exchange in the Parliament:

    Speaker of the HA – “Dear honourable members it falls for me to ask you whether any member has an objection to the candidate being declared.”

    Senator Franklyn: “I have an objection Mr.Speaker, I have an objection.”

    When the above exchange is read in conjunction with the applicable section of the Constitution pray tell what the Senator objected to if not the election of the candidate i.e. the GG? Voting was irrelevant at this point and Khaleel has rightly pointed out the power of the Parliament regarding process/rules in this instance. BUers like to talk about power and its influence/use, seemingly often forgetting that it comes in many forms, and at differing wattages, including that bestowed via the Senate.🤐

  38. @Pacha

    Senator Franklyn intervention was about the process?

  39. Barbadians would never be free (at last )until the hands and powers at work controlling the economy are eternally and forever cut off the necks of barbadians
    Barbados govts over the years have relied on foreign influence to direct and control the social economic direction of the country
    Presently the IMF looks over govt shoulder helping to path and steer Barbados direction
    Also on the ground there are those who control the political direction as well as social and economical
    Putting these two forces together barbadians gains after Barbados becomes a republic will remain in the hands of white faces at home and abroad
    Unless that powerful chain is broken a chain that carries a weight of an inability for barbadians to achieve self empowerment
    Repubicism would remain a symbolic gesture and nothing more

  40. ‘@ Miller October 22, 2021 8:09 AM

    Is he the same rebel without a sound Constitutional [cause] who wanted the GG to revoke the appointment of the same red man of the cloth and take the duties of ‘Her Majesty’s [Loyal] Opposition’ in her own hands?

  41. “Barbados becomes a republic, every Barbadian should rejoice and, like the immortal refrain of Martin Luther King, gratefully proclaim, “free at last, free at last . . .”.

    and the bullshit fraud begins…yall need to stop invoking REAL BLACK/AFRIKAN people and linking them to the anti-black corrupt…

  42. @Pacha

    The blogmaster humbly submits the following link for your edification about process.

    Senator Franklyn spells out grounds for objection to election of president

  43. What is the Salemite mumbling and bumbling on about? We are moving toward being a Parliamentary Republic similar to T&T and Dominica.

  44. Well …declaring in the press….we are now an electoral college…..DOES NOT AN ELECTORAL COLLEGE MAKE….and am sure that Dominica like Trinidad will have some kinda rules and procedures in place because it was not Skerritt who took the island to republic..back in the 1978…

    “The ballot paper came from nowhere. There is no statute that guides this process. There are no rules. There is nothing.”

    Franklyn drew reference to neighbouring Trinidad & Tobago, where a president is also elected under a joint sitting of the House of Representatives and Senate, and there are clear rules on how the election proceeds.

    “If you look at the Constitution of Trinidad & Tobago, there are rules of procedure for the Electoral College,” he said.”

  45. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    An elevation of form over substance. Surely we do not need another debate on this issue. Is there a definitive concept as to what constitutes a republic? It seems to be what the dominant narrative is. I believe this is a race to establish the dominant narrative. May I point out that it a waste of time which should be spent on more urgent and important matters of state?

  46. @Vincent

    We comment from the blogmaster on the blog under.

  47. It’s insulting and disrespectful as usual to make this all about Mason…..the intelligent don’t give a rat’s ass about any colonial agent and some title…….they want to see BLACK EMPOWERMENT of the PEOPLE…..who PAY ALL OF THEM…

  48. David
    This middle class Jamaican boy Garth Patterson exudes all the characteristics of the Black upper class of his homeland.

    To conjure the sacred process of fertilization and birth as metaphor for the political acts of Mia Mottley seems anathema to all that she has been.

    Certainly, its cravenness is a supreme violation of all held sacred by those of us for whom the Ankh and all its Divine meanings hold dear.

    We have never been persuaded that Mia Mottley is that way inclined.

    From the first time we read the words of Garth Patterson the Jamaican middle class snobbery could not be missed, on matters of Cpvid.

    Then, we called him out as a partisan doing political work in defense of class interests in Barbados and now we call him out again for saying exactly what we had long charged the class interests in Barbados of trying to achieve through this faux republican constructionism. His is to elevate such a women in the memories of Bajans as some mother of the nation. What a farce!

  49. More scandal chasing. All yuh get through. No different to the covid specialists trained on Google.🤣🤣

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