Submitted by Unknown

Keeping this purely fact-based with no emotional argument — logic is needed in this time. This is not a conventional opinion piece, but a summary of all the reasons why we shouldn’t have lockdowns. This piece although written in a Barbadian context can be extrapolated globally. 

  1. A positive PCR test ALONE does not mean that you have Covid 19. 

Source the World Health Organization:

They (WHO) changed the guidance the day of the USA Inauguration day. 

A positive test ONLY means there are traces of  virus RNA in your nasal passages or in the oral cavity. It doesn’t mean that there is a clinical infection. 

  1. There is currently uncritical acceptance for widespread state violations of Basic Human Rights.

Source the United Nations

(For convenience I’ve listed the most relevant Human Rights being trampled at the end)

  1. The lockdowns are unconstitutional for most global democracies:

You can see Senator Caswell’s article here:

Netherlands court has stated that the lockdowns are unconstitutional:

  1. The reporting of covid related deaths make no sense to many observers.

Real sources are difficult to come by simply because as noted in point 1 having a virus in your body doesn’t mean you are infected with said virus. The best way to think about this would be to use logic and compare different USA states or various countries to each other. For example many have joked that the UK lockdowns were so effective that at the same time Sweden’s numbers were reduced. 

Different Source:

“The Department of Health includes anyone who had died within 28 days of receiving a positive test for Covid-19 as a coronavirus-related death.” 

This effectively means you could have stage 4 lung cancer and if you happened to also “test positive” for the virus (not necessarily infected) then you would be classified as a covid death. 


  1. You have the right NOT to wear a mask or take the vaccine
    Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights


Article 6 – Consent


      1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention (mask, vaccine, PCR test) is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.

  1. Mental health problems are on the increase globally 

Source (local):

  1. The traditional media has a vested interest in fear mongering since with fear their views go up. This has driven this PCR pandemic, when Trump went against the media hype it was the reason for opposing media houses to effectively dig in and have a death counter and a case counter on every day. You can draw your opinion … just stating what should be factually obvious here.

This article was anonymously submitted in this format so persons could not strawman any of the facts or attack the author. Kindly note that doctors and Mia are human beings and they can both be wrong. Also kindly note that many doctors globally question lockdowns: .

If someone tells you not to question science then it isn’t science. A doctor taking out pieces of a mentally ill person’s brain was considered science and best practice in the past.



Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Human Rights being trampled in Barbados and globally:


Article 5.


No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. (Self isolation is a recognised form of torture)


Article 9.

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.


Article 13. 

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.

(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 20.

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

(2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

Article 23.

(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.

Article 26.

(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.


N.B The fact that none of our elected officials or vying oppositions could point this out means that we could as well be ruled by sheep. Oh wait ! 

197 responses to “Covid Facts You Didn’t Know and Why you Should Protest Lockdowns”

  1. This is mind blowing dumbness in manifestation
    The author should provide his government name
    and put his/her case to courts of law for legal remedy
    BU needs to up it’s quality control standads for fucks sake

  2. Bass/Club/Juke/Footwork
    Killing all these lames
    they should probably
    come arrest me

    + Crisp Biscuit

  3. Horn Chemist / Fatalaist

  4. We Not The Same / B Storm

  5. Murda Dem

  6. And the writer also had a right to remain silent but refused to take advantage of this right to hide his/her ignorance.

  7. Does anybody believe that the powers that be are happy with locking down their respective countries thereby bringing said countries to their knees????

    What do they have to gain by doing so? And please do not tell me that they have all joined together in some grand conspiracy! World leaders never all get together to do ANYTHING!

    P.S. You have the right to catch COVID. You do NOT have the right to pass it to me. Just as you are mandated to wear clothes in public, now a mask shall be added temporarily. Please do not tell me cotton masks do not allow you to breath. Cotton is known to be a breathable fabric. And surgical masks are worn for hours, sometimes for eight hours straight by surgical staff during complex surgery that requires maximum brain function, concentration and stamina that could not take place without optimum levels of oxygen.

    In short, cyah yuh right wing loony ass to Mar-a- lago!

  8. @David et al, it really boggles my mind how COVID-19 has facilitated governments to be so bold as to say you cannot leave lest you be arrested. How do we reset our so called democracy when lawyers are politicians the same lawyers who are silent on erosion of civil

  9. Bajan Yankee,

    Stay where you are! When we get COVID under control we shall leave home again. If any politician tries to stop us then, they will see.

    It would not have come to this if we had acted sensibly.

  10. I ain’t no lockdownologist if such a specialist exist, but let me share with you what i see as the results of these Lock downs.

    Before the stores were closed on a weekend and the store hours shortened, I could walk right into both cost u less and Massy Warrens with no lines and no fuss. There was no traffic in and out the carparks and all was well. Then came the weekend Lock downs. Brugadung just so the lines get long as hell and the crowds all outside line up up under one another. Yes I pass by Popular and see it with my own 2 eyes.

    So from a layman my conclusion is all the lockdown does in increase the density of shoppers on a Thursday, Friday and Monday. So what then is really the purpose of a lockdown? Should we not in fact do the opposite and open the weekends and in so doing remove the heavy shopping density on Thursday, Fridays and Mondays?

    Then we are told to work from home which is a good idea. But guess what if I needed a computer cable every computer store was closed. Also dont let the cell phone brek down neither cause all them cell stores did close too.
    So the lockdown logic and the ability to work from home logic, when tested in real life terms didn’t seem to work so good. So what is the alternative to devastating the economy once more then with a lockdown?

    Well lets start by mandating masks wearing with an immediate fine of $500 for each offense. Let us open the retail places from 8 to 6 7 days a week and ensure that protocols are followed. Finally let’s turn the security of the private quarantine hotels over to the defence force.

    If we accept that lockdown result when the enforcement of protocols fail, then is a Lock down not a case of closing the barn door after the horse has bolted? Just throwing out the observations of an independent thinking Individual I now leave others to share their views.

  11. @John A

    Some good points.

    You heard Bostic begging this evening?

  12. @Bajan Yankee

    You appreciate these are not normal times? The government is managing a public health crisis.

  13. @ David

    I have alot of time for Minister Bostic and the calm way he handles things, but I think the desired result is not the actual result.

    You can think that if you close doors traffic will drop but it doesn’t work that way. For instance if you have water flowing through a large funnel and you plug it, then yes no water passes through the funnel, but when you unplug the funnel what happens? The backed up water comes out along with all that is behind it until normal flow resumes.

    The solution is to mandate mask wearing and enforce rigidly the protocols. As I said stop and think how smoothly before the changes the traffic was flowing at the supermarkets, then compare it with the last 2 weeks. From the time people felt their access to free shopping was impaired, the impulse to overshop cut in. It’s a human survival instinct like if you knew you had to cross a desert you would stock up on water and food.

    Let us hope that common sense prevails going forward and the supermarkets are returned to 7 days a week and other supporting sectors are reopened under enforced protocols.

  14. @ David

    I would say we did a reasonably good job up until the end of December, however we should of closed our borders from the first week in January.

    The reason I have said this now and before is the South African strain was first found on October 20th after presenting itself in a community in The Nelson Mandela Bay area. By the end of October the virus was recorded in other areas of South Africa. By late November this strain started popping up in other countries and if you recall shortly after that the UK suspended flights between South Africa and there. Shortly after that other countries followed. Around that same time the UK also started recording cases of the more contagious variant if you remember as well.

    With the UK being our major travel destination I thought we should of followed suit and closed our borders then as well. Now some will find all kind of foolish reasons why this couldn’t happen ranging from ” what you would of do with the Brits here” and a whole other bunch of nonesence excuses why it couldn’t happen. But could Christ David if we going to close the 1st day in January, a little common sence would of dictate we would of given all involved notice of this. We would hardly of wake up today and say we closing borders tomorrow would we? The Brits and the rest would of had time to prepare repatriation flights for the few tourist that was here. After all I hear the BHTA say January was down by 95%, so we would of hardly of need 10 jumbos to tek home de few that was here. We also know this last spike was caused from imported sources, after all we was covid free for months.

    Now them is the facts there. I leaving the party loyalist and the opposition stalwarts to spin the political balls, I done say my piece based on the facts as reported by the CDC and the UK MOH. Wunna could tek it from here now and have a blessed good night!

  15. Mid January, 2020. Two Chinese journalists were sent to Wuhan to investigate a mysterious virus outbreak. This is their account of the three days before Wuhan entered lockdown.

  16. Thanks TLSN. Interesting.

    You have to give it to the Chinese, they announce the lockdown with a few hours notice.

  17. Govt looks to quarantine-approved hotels
    GOVERNMENT is hoping to establish a programme to keep larger households in the country safe from the COVID-19 virus while they await test results.
    Minister of Health and Wellness Jeffrey Bostic last night revealed that discussions would start today about how quarantine-approved hotels could be used to accommodate those who live in crowded conditions across the country and are awaiting results.
    The aim, he said, is to keep those citizens from contracting the COVID-19 virus, as the island continues to grapple with a second spike that has already led to 31 deaths in the country this year. Last year, seven people died in Barbados from COVID-19-related complications.
    Bostic said it was the least Government could do as it continues to source around 40 000 more doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine in an attempt to reach herd immunity from the virus in Barbados.
    “The Government is adamant that where we need to step in to ensure that you can be kept safe and those around you can equally be kept safe, we are prepared to do that,” he added.
    He revealed the numbers Barbados has been dealing with in recent days and weeks were unprecedented.
    “We are continuously working to reduce the wait time and have augmented the transportation system. There will be more buses pressed into action so that we can improve on the times that people are waiting before collection. The Government rolled out its inoculation programme last week, vaccinating more than 15 000 people, most of them front-line workers and elderly Barbadians,” he added.
    The minister said even yesterday’s numbers caused him great concern and he was far from satisfied with the slow decrease in new infections of COVID-19.

    Source: Nation

  18. US hit with half million virus deaths
    WASHINGTON – The United States faces a dark milestone despite a recent decline in COVID-19 cases as it marks a staggering half million deaths this week, nearly a year after the novel coronavirus pandemic upended the country with duelling public health and economic crises.
    While the number of COVID-19 cases fell for the fifth straight week and officials scrambled to inoculate the population, the nation reached 500 000 deaths from the highly infectious respiratory disease.
    “It’s nothing like we’ve ever been through in the last 102 years since the 1918 influenza pandemic… It really is a terrible situation that we’ve been through – and that we’re still going through,” Dr Anthony Fauci, White House COVID-19 medical adviser and the nation’s top infectious disease official, told CNN’s State of the Union programme yesterday.
    The White House has said it will memorialise the moment but had no immediate comment yesterday about its plans. President
    Joe Biden last month observed America’s COVID-19 deaths on the eve of his inauguration with a sundown ceremony at the Lincoln Memorial’s Reflecting Pool.
    More than 28 million COVID cases have rocked the United States and just over 500 000 have died, even as daily average deaths and hospitalisations have fallen to the lowest levels since before the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. The virus took a full year off the average life expectancy in the United States, the biggest decline since World War II.
    While the decline “is really terrific … we are still at a level that’s very high”, Fauci said in a separate interview on NBC News’ Meet the Press programme. “We want to get that baseline really, really, really low before we start thinking that we’re out of the woods.”
    Fauci told CNN that Americans may still need masks in 2022 even as other measures to stop the virus’ spread become increasingly relaxed and more vaccines are administered, and they may need a booster shot depending on how
    variants emerge.
    Less than 15 per cent of the US population has received at least one vaccine dose, with nearly 43 million getting at least one shot and nearly 18 million getting a second shot, statistics show. (Reuters)

  19. Dear Bajans
    Cropover ain’t no human right suck it up all y’all busted + under house arrest
    None of your squads will catch Reggie Sacks we 2 litt

  20. Yesterday Minister Bostic beggrd the people to Stan home
    The realities of the virus has set into the minds of govt officials
    Unfortunately the people are baring the brunt of punishment because of govt failed policies which failed to approach the virus from the source

  21. We agree government policies have failed like many other countries. Where do we go from here?

  22. One thing this pandemic has exposed are some failings in our societies. There will always be disagreements what is the right approach especially in democracies like Barbados; always be a counter argument or position. Our inability to manage efficiently in crisis situations. The distrust by citizens of public officials etc.

    Where do we go from here?

  23. We agree government policies have failed like many other countries. Where do we go from here?……(Quote)

    Does this apply to the management of CoVid?

  24. John AFebruary 21, 2021 8:20 PM

    Well lets start by mandating masks wearing with an immediate fine of $500 for each offense. Let us open the retail places from 8 to 6 7 days a week and ensure that protocols are followed. Finally let’s turn the security of the private quarantine hotels over to the defence force.


    What if the source of the virus spread (like polio) is via the public water supply?

    Masks and lock downs are not solving the problem so why not look elsewhere?

    Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.

  25. “What if the source of the virus spread (like polio) is via the public water supply?

    Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”

    Check you facts and revert back John as you are worse than you know who you man crush

    “We agree government policies have failed like many other countries. Where do we go from here?”

    World is in War
    Wars are easy to get in
    but difficult to get out of
    sometimes it affects generations
    sometimes it takes generations

  26. A positive test ONLY means there are traces of virus RNA in your nasal passages or in the oral cavity. It doesn’t mean that there is a clinical infection.


    … and if the Chinese are using anal swabs to test for it then it can end up in the anal cavity and from there to the groundwater and from there to your house … in which you have been locked down!!!

    Masks will not prevent this mode of infection if it exists.

    Boiling the water you consume will.

  27. @ John

    Has there been evidence that the virus can be spread by water contamination? We treat our drinking water here with chlorine before distribution don’t we? To the best of my knowledge we do not tap and pump straight from springs or reservoirs directly Into the mains.

    I really don’t know much about the BWA to be honest so will leave that to someone in the know.

  28. Chlorination kills bacteria, not viruses!!

    That’s why the polio virus can be spread by water.

    UV will also kill viruses and is used (not here) in water treatment.

  29. Here comes H8N5 virus now jumping from animals to humans that was thought to be impossible.

  30. @John

    Who not send your concerns to the relevant authorities if you are sure? Let us know how they respond.

  31. Homeopathy is based of diluting substances down to create /build up resistance
    Ayurvedic medicine is about diet herbal medicines exercise, meditation, breathing and other stuff

  32. Just educating the masses!!

    They know!!

  33. If we did not have such a large at risk segment of the population we would be cool.

  34. @ John February 22, 2021 8:37 AM
    “Chlorination kills bacteria, not viruses!!
    That’s why the polio virus can be spread by water.
    UV will also kill viruses and is used (not here) in water treatment.”

    Quite sound, scientifically speaking (even if biblically misleading)!

    So why not further enlighten the BU readers about the source of you so-called panacea called “UV”?

  35. @John
    and if the Chinese are using anal swabs to test for it then it can end up in the anal cavity and from there to the groundwater and from there to your house … in which you have been locked down!!
    How did you arrive at that conclusion? Sounds like junk science to me, but then everyone is an expert

  36. Was Covid Man + Woman Made like a baby
    or was it God + Mother Nature Made like a baby Jesus
    Man + Woman / Science want the Power of God
    USA and UK want War for Power is God at War with Man + Woman / Human Race

  37. Here’s how doctors dealt with the plague and infection way back when, masks, cloaks and a rod to enforce social distancing..

    All the time it was fleas in rats in the homes of the victims.

    Just saying we need to look at other modes of spread if masks and social distancing aren’t working.

  38. SargeantFebruary 22, 2021 9:16 AM

    and if the Chinese are using anal swabs to test for it then it can end up in the anal cavity and from there to the groundwater and from there to your house … in which you have been locked down!!
    How did you arrive at that conclusion? Sounds like junk science to me, but then everyone is an expert


    What passes through the anal cavity and where does it go?

  39. DavidFebruary 22, 2021 7:36 AM

    One thing this pandemic has exposed are some failings in our societies. There will always be disagreements what is the right approach especially in democracies like Barbados; always be a counter argument or position. Our inability to manage efficiently in crisis situations. The distrust by citizens of public officials etc.

    Where do we go from here

    More education and financial resources should be placed into protecting the environment
    Throughout all that has been happening globally with this virus
    Nothing much has been said about the environment and conditions brought on by polluting the atmosphere that give cause to these catastrophic conditions in producing these massive bombs called virus
    I remember years ago seeing a commercial which hosted an Indian Chief. educating people about the value of the environment
    At the end of the commercial with a tear flowing from his eyes
    He says” it is not nice to fool mother nature” Those words rings true today

  40. MillerFebruary 22, 2021 9:15 AM

    @ John February 22, 2021 8:37 AM
    “Chlorination kills bacteria, not viruses!!
    That’s why the polio virus can be spread by water.
    UV will also kill viruses and is used (not here) in water treatment.”

    Quite sound, scientifically speaking (even if biblically misleading)!

    So why not further enlighten the BU readers about the source of you so-called panacea called “UV”?


    All you need to know is Singapore, an island of similar size and with more than 20 times the population of Barbados has 29 deaths to date they attribute to COVID.

    They are “anal” with they water treatment and actually use raw sewage as a source.

    New Zealand also is pretty strict with its water treatment as you can read in the link posted in the other blog yesterday.

    They have 26 deaths to date.

    All three countries use masks.

    The two with the fewer deaths are also pretty strict on water treatment.

  41. @Quaker John

    Have you been to Singapore recently? Have you ever heard of Laddies Goddard?

  42. Last time I was in Singapore was in 1983.

    Was one of the first through their new international airport.

    It has always fascinated me how such a tiny island could be so prosperous.

    Control of its water supply is the basis.

    Never heard of Laddies Goddard but will check.

  43. @ Quaker John

    Until 1965 Singapore was a swamp; it was so useless that even Malaya dumped it. It was used to train UK troops for guerrilla warfare.
    It was not the control of the water supply that drove it forward, but a little dictator, who was at the LSE at the same time as Barrow.
    What catapulted them forward was their Confucian discipline. Faced with disaster, Barbadians do not even have the discipline to stay at home, and if out maintain social distance.

  44. John A,

    I do agree on closing down the supermarkets That one is common sense. Shorter hours causes congestion.

  45. IHateFoolishness&Stupidity Avatar

    To #1

    All positive PCR tests are subject to further investigation. However, if indeed the persons are infected they should be kept away from susceptible persons until such a time it can be proven that they are not infected.

  46. @ John February 22, 2021 9:37 AM

    Why are you so artfully skirting around the question as if you are skating on thin ice?

    Since you the ‘go-to’ man on BU on all things ‘watery’, why not tell us (again) what is the source of your UV panacea?

  47. John has got verbal diarrhea again with watery shit and will keep on for a few days do not feed the trolls as they shit all over everywhere like pigeons

  48. Closer to home, Dominica puts all three to shame, Singapore included.

    Zero deaths due to Covid.

    134 cases.

    11K tests to date.

    Mortality of Covid there is zero!!

    Tests per million of population >151K

    Our tests per million is about 420K per million.

    They find few cases, we find many!!

    They have zero deaths, we have 31.


    Here’s my theory.

    Having hiked there in 1998 and seen the “water works” at Laudat, I know that its water supply has to be one of the naturally purest in the world.

    Laudat 1200 feet above sea level where few people live.

    There is both hot (geothermal) water and cold water.

    The water is literally straight from the heavens and what isn’t is boiled courtesy of God!!

    Up there is cold as sh!te by Bajan standards.

    It has the highest rainfall in the Caribbean so sheer volume alone dilutes any impurities and renders the probability of finding them in drinking water below close to zero.

    So if there are viruses in the water, chances of getting one is slim, consistent with the tiny number of cases which HAVE NOT SPREAD AND MULTIPLIED.

    Looks like they will be exploiting the geothermal water soon.

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