Prime Minister Mia Mottley will address Barbadians at 11:30AM, 02.02.2021. Her address comes on the eve of another ‘lockdown’ designed to combat the surge in COVID 19 infections.

Attached are the usual 2 charts showing progress in Covid incidence up to 29th Jan. The data was taken from the latest (last night’s) Worldometer updates. There have been major developments re. Covid-19 incidence during last week. The Barbados authorities reduced Active cases by 360. The rationale for the underlying major releases from quarantine was explained in Government’s Press releases. A new shutdown starting from 3rd February for 15 days was announced. The Barbados Chart above shows significant fluctuations in daily cases that might be primarily reflections on major problems encountered in the last 2 weeks in testing. Those problems seem to have now been corrected. However, the overall picture seems to be that there has been a trending down of new cases over the past week, suggesting that the Covid contact tracing and testing teams are in the process of regaining the upper hand in the fight against Covid-19. The other major development is the announcement that the British variant is here, not unexpectedly. We all need to follow the Protocols to the utmost best of our individual situations, to have a chance of controlling Covid-19- Lyall Small

277 responses to “Covid 19 Update – 02.02.2021”

  1. Some was warning a bout this a week ago.

    “Vaccine nationalism means that poor countries will be left behind
    In some, coverage won’t be widespread until 2023, if ever

    Graphic detail
    Jan 28th 2021
    THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO) has often been the bearer of bad news during the covid-19 pandemic. It was among the first public-health authorities to warn about the emergence of the coronavirus; it was also early to sound the alarm about the risks of a bungled response. It was thus no surprise when, on January 18th, the agency issued yet another dire forecast. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s director-general, declared that the world was “on the brink of a catastrophic moral failure” because of the unequal international distribution of covid-19 vaccines. “Ultimately,” he warned, “these actions will only prolong the pandemic, the restrictions needed to contain it, and human and economic suffering.”

    A report by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), a sister company of The Economist, arrives at a similarly dire conclusion. It predicts that rich countries with access to proven vaccines—including America, Britain and most of the European Union—will manage to inoculate their most vulnerable citizens by mid-March. (The EU’s timetable may slip owing to a bitter spat over delayed vaccine deliveries by AstraZeneca, a British drugs giant.) Other rich countries should catch up by the end of June. Most middle-income countries, meanwhile, will not be able to do the same until late 2022. The only exception is Russia, thanks to its home-grown “Sputnik V” vaccine. (China and India also have their own vaccines, but will probably be stymied by the size of their populations.) In poorer countries, meaningful vaccination coverage—enough for life to return to normal—may not be possible until 2023, if ever.”

  2. So, this piece of trailer park trash, calling himself white in Barbados, one Cliff Corbin….is on video calling Black Bajans fcuking niggas who don’t know how to behave and he don’t know what they brought yall out of Africa to Barbados for……all because he hit a Black woman’s car and don’t want to pay for the damage….ah told yall to starve these evil mothafuckas, leeches and parasites living off Black people’s lives…. off the island……it’s a little bit of them, if everyone leaves, they will have to leave anyway..

  3. BTW…the video was sent to the continent so everyone sees and hears what bajan white trash sounds and looks like…especially when they’re spewing hatred at black people… case they get any ideas.

  4. So was he part of the visa stamp crowd…

    “A BRITISH millionaire businessman who recently moved to Barbados to start a new life in the sun drowned after he was warned not to take a swim in the sea.

    Mark Smith, 61, was told by locals not to venture into the water as the current was unsafe.

    But a rescue operation was launched when he went missing a short time later at around 8.30am last Sunday morning.

    Mr Smith had recently moved to Barbados from his £1.2million home in Sheffield, South Yorks,”

  5. Cuhdear Bajan

    Quench what thirst?

    We thought that you were denying man entry into the kingdom of your heaven. LOL

  6. ” was told by locals not to venture into the water as the current was unsafe.”

    Even locals ignore the warnings when the sea is rough.

  7. Records no.15 COVID death
    Are the borders still open to visitors

  8. Sandals Barbados ad was on Toronto TV last night.

  9. Greed and selfishness is going to destroy barbados
    COVID should have taught that lesson by now
    Govt must now face the reality that controlling COVID comes with risk that takes lives

  10. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    “37 million will buy a lot of anal swabs!!”

    Yes we can buy all types and sizes to match the various types of pooches!!!!, John Boy, judging from your posts, I want to volunteer you to try out the mop size swabs that should be suitable to you!!!!!

  11. HAVANA (Reuters) – Most travelers entering Cuba as of Feb. 6 will be quarantined for up to a week, the government announced on Saturday, and flights from the United States and some other countries reduced to no more than one per week per airline.

    Tourists will have to remain in hotels at their own expense and residents in special centers free of charge until a test at five days comes back negative.

    Visitors already must arrive with proof of a negative test for the new coronavirus and take another one at the airport.

    Some resorts isolated from the population may have looser rules, and diplomats, businessmen, foreign students and journalists will each have their own locations and protocols.
    COVID-19 cases have surged in the country since airports began reopening in November with more than 13,000 cases so far in January, more than four times the monthly toll last year, with deaths now at 213, for a rate of 0.87%, less than half the international and regional percentages.

    The government says more than 70 percent of the cases are directly or indirectly linked to travelers, mainly Cubans living abroad visiting family, who disregard home-based quarantine rules.

    Flights from the United States, Mexico, Panama, the Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Haiti and a few other countries, and which carry many Cubans, had already been reduced this month and now will be cut back further

  12. Four employees of the Barbados Port Inc. (BPI) tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and the contact tracing exercise is now underway.

  13. Check the dengue experience, 2008-2016.


  14. Israel has a problem, in fact the world has a problem.

    Millions have been vaccinated but cases and deaths continue to rise.


    dependenct tourism has always been a BIG PROBLEM FOR BLACK PEOPLE ON THE ISLAND…from the 1700 when it was started to keep the black population as SLAVES AND SERVANTS to white trash so they can live off Black people’s lives comfortably…look how long it too DLP to realize that….decades..BLP seems to still not know to get this nasty curse out of Black lives….

  16. The local racist trailer park trash, parasites in Black lives, have attained world wide fame, they must be so proud….maybe now Black people in Barbados will learn to STOP SPENDING BLACK DOLLARS WITH THEM, save your money and circulate it within the Black communities..

    no one circulates their money with Black people, no indian, local or foreign white, syrian or others……starve the racist bitches out.

    take no prisoners.

  17. “If I had my way I would ban the importation of scarfs, ties, waistcoats, long pants, ALL long sleeved garments, and any fabric containing any wool.”

    banishing long trousers seems a tad harsh
    especially as you can buy thin materials like cotton
    and some people have skinny or fat legs issues

    but it seems to me that bare black skin is like clothing in hot countries like Africa that tribespeople used to wear who would often be topless
    Europeans covered up their glowing white skin and became obsessed with breasts and cleavages etc and called blacks savages for being naked or semi naked

    “Israel has a problem, in fact the world has a problem.”
    High proportion of Orthodox Jews in UK have caught the virus. This may be from small community meeting up in groups.

    The eschatological saying, “The first shall be last and the last first,” is understood to mean that there will be a reversal of lot in the world to come, a humbling of the high and an exaltation of the low

    But blacks were first on planet earth does that mean they will be the last on planet earth
    whites were last on planet earth does that mean they will be first to depart the earthly plane
    (LIFO Last In First Out)

    Daily Zohar
    Bones and sinews are chariots and forces for the inner aspects of the body and soul. The sinews are the aspect of soul level Neshama of the garment. The bones have the aspect of the level of Chaya of the garment. Bones and sinews are garments to the supernal man that is inner of the garments.

    As explained before, the man in the lower world is the soul that is in the body. The garments below are like the ones above. Bones and sinews represent different forces. The flesh that covers bones and sinews is another secret that connects above. The skin covers and protects all from the outside.

    The skin is like the sky that is above all. On it, there are markings that conceal many secrets. These markings have the aspects of the planets and constellations that were installed in the heavens. The people with a wise heart can read the markings and look into the inner secrets of man.
    Isaiah 47:!3
    “נִלְאֵית בְּרֹב עֲצָתָיִךְ יַעַמְדוּ נָא וְיוֹשִׁיעֻךְ הברו [הֹבְרֵי] שָׁמַיִם הַחֹזִים בַּכּוֹכָבִים מוֹדִיעִם לֶחֳדָשִׁים מֵאֲשֶׁר יָבֹאוּ עָלָיִךְ.”
    “Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, And the monthly prognosticators Stand up and save you From what shall come upon you.”

    Our body is 99% space, which means that our senses deceive us. What we see as the corporeal presence of the body is actually forces of energy ‘locked’ in a form determined by the soul that keeps all the elements of the body together. When the soul leaves the body all elements break down.
    The secrets of the soul are ‘registered’ on the skin of the body, especially on the palms of the hands and the face where there are expressions of the Ten Sefirot.

  18. Switzerland’s medical regulator has said it cannot authorise use of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine based on the available trial data, a further setback for the rollout of the Anglo-Swedish jab.
    The vaccine, which is already being administered in the UK, was given authorisation for use across the EU last Friday, but health officials in France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Poland have advised against its use for older people. Switzerland, which is not a member of the EU, is the first European country to rule against approving the jab…..(Quote)

  19. Embarrassment after embarrassment for black face sellouts, it’s as though Karma is fully awake FOR GOOD, but will they learn anything, not holding my breath.

  20. If Mia don’t do something about her parasitic, racist minority masters…by the summer she will come to regret it….but may not know anything until a year later…..let’s call it DELAYED REGRETS…..remember those words.

  21. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Yesterday I posted the sale of CIBC in the Caribbean had been blocked by regulators. More recent articles provide an interesting twist, as it was not clear yesterday on early reports (at least to me), as to WHO blocked the sale.
    This from Barbados Today
    “The much-touted plan by Canadian bank CIBC to sell most of its shares in the Barbados-based CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank has been shot down by Canadian regulators.”(quote)
    This from the Financial Post
    “CIBC didn’t specify who had objected to the FirstCaribbean deal. However, the Central Bank of Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank were reportedly among those looking at the transaction.”

    I am reasonably confident Canadian regulators have no jurisdiction in the Caribbean.

  22. Northern…don’t mind them.

    We should be seeing a rise of Black owned, black directors only banks on the island, but first they will have to be vetted to weed out the sell outs, these leeching foreign banks have outlived their welcome…the main problems are the local thieves who sit on those boards and the wicked lawyers the banks employ….hope they sell it soon and the population remove all their money in the interim.

  23. Bad reporting. Which regulator Canadian or Caribbean? If CIBC is a subsidiary or branch of a Canadian regulated enterprise, then the Canadian regulator will have a say. Caribbean regulators are not that sophisticated as t o intervene in a sale.
    The problem is bad reporting. How can Nation executive allow such shoddy reports to be published.

  24. Morning Health Qigong Liu Zi Jue practice
    One of the official systems in combating Covid 19 (coronavirus). the Health Qigong® Liu Zi Jue.
    Making sound vibrations to heal your internal organs practise (starts at 14:06)
    warming up exercises have chinese music and subtitles which can be turned down while listening to your own playlist
    (like Fantan Mojoh Good Meditatioin / Hold Dem Heads and Dub versions Aerophonic Dub and Dub Change I) to boogie down like it’s 1999

  25. CIBC is First Caribbean, a company incorporated in the region. This is not a secret.

  26. Better report in Barbados Today. They say the Canadian regulators intervened. Not surprising. Caribbean regulators would have rubber stamped it.

  27. Sounds like the PCR test can now differentiate between COVID and Flu!!

    Is this why flu has completely disappeared?

  28. Above video Zoom has some connectivity issues
    the playlist below is good to go

    Banking Industry is incestuous where banks in various jurisdictions have holdings and interests as shareholders which is often the case with mergers and acquisitions

  29. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “CIBC said that the transaction did not receive approval from First Caribbean’s regulators and would not proceed.”
    I am ‘guessing’ it is regulators ‘somewhere’ within the +/-16 locales where First Caribbean operates. Maybe (likely?) more than one?
    Recall it was Antigua who called out Scotiabank for its deal with Republic for not offering Scotiabank Antigua assets to a local bank. (vs a regional one).
    there is no cross ownership here. After a failed bid to launch First Caribbean as a separate entity (failed NYSE IPO), CIBC were providing very generous funding to the proposed buyer. Forget what they say officially, they are desperate to unload the operation.

  30. @NO

    Your assessment makes sense. CIBC would have cleared the domestic hurdle first if one assumes CIBC wants to dump their interest in the Caribbean operations.

  31. The potential buyer must be thanking his lucky stars to be forced to dodge this.

    Any loan portfolio held by Caribbean banks will have taken a massive hit from Covid.

  32. @Crusoe

    Even before Covid 19 Caribbean banks were in deep dodo. Unfortunately CIBC and Royal got trapped before they could get out, Scotiabank partially.

  33. The much-touted plan by Canadian bank CIBC to sell most of its shares in the Barbados-based CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank has been shot down by Canadian regulators.
    The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), which owns the majority stake in CIBC FirstCaribbean, announced in November 2019 that it had agreed to sell a large portion of its holding in the bank to GNB Financial Group Ltd for $1.59 billion (US$797 million).
    But reports out of Canada on Wednesday indicated that corporate regulators have refused to approve the mega-deal. Had the green light been given, it would have resulted in CIBCFCIB giving up its Canadian control to GNB Financial, owned by Colombian billionaire Jaime Gilinski…..(Quote)

    Here is an idea: the government of Barbados should buy (using gearing) the local branch of CIBC, establish the post office/cooperative bank, put them together and in one fell swoop, establish the biggest bank on the island.
    Management would be hands off from government, with an annual report to parliament. The bank will be given a clear mandate.

  34. @ Hal

    The problem is at this point which hungry Caribbean island could raise $800 million USD now. After all we agricultural sector not as ” productive” as Columbia one! Lol

  35. @ John A

    Use debt. That is why I said the local branch/subsidiary. Or, get some Columbian businessman to partner with us. Now we are legalising dope dealing, there will certainly be lots of businesses to invest in.

  36. (Quote):
    Management would be hands off from government, with an annual report to parliament. The bank will be given a clear mandate. (Unquote).

    You really are not au fait with the modus operandi of West Indian politicians, are you?

    Do you mean “hands-off” similar to what pertained under the former National Bank (of Barbados)?

    How do you think the T&T owned and controlled current “Republic Bank” (of Barbados) would react to that proposed reincarnated behemoth calling it self ‘The New Bank of the Republic of Barbados’?

    You need to take your head out of the clouds of fake imagination.

    The future of banking lies in the digital clouds not on the high streets of bricks and mortar.

  37. @ Hal

    Sound like somebody looking for a laundromat to do some laundry. Lol

  38. NorthernObserver Avatar

    the $800M is a package deal for the lot. While heavily financed by CIBC, seems to be what they thought was the ‘best’ solution. Plan C maybe to split it up. They may get more for individual entities, yet it will also increase their costs, and possibly affect ‘senergies’ which they may be unable to package off individually.
    The most likely objections are usually found in the ‘terms of the deal’ or ‘concerns related to the buyer’. But unless those are made public, it remains a guessing game.

  39. A 93-year-old Barbadian woman brings to 16 the number of people who have died as a result of coronavirus (Covid-19).


    The 30 new positives comprise 10 women and 20 men.

    A 93-year-old Barbadian woman brings to 16 the number of people who have died as a result of coronavirus (Covid-19).

  41. @NO
    Yes we probably will never be privy to the grounds for the objection. It will not stop CIBC from trying to offload it in one way or the other down the road.

  42. Another person of the soil an elderly woman of 93 years has lost her life to COVID
    Mia what about the gift of life
    So sad to see that govt policies have in effect shortened another barbadian life

  43. @Ambassador Liz

    Too verbose!

  44. Micro-managing One:

    The president was in a meeting discussing CoVid (lesson one in communications: how can you be having a meeting about the very issue you are simultaneously having a press briefing about?) when she took leave to address the nation through the press briefing.
    This must be urgent ? In fact, it was the president telling the nation that the governor general and chief justice were both isolating because they had come in to contact with someone who had tested positive for the virus.
    Here is the political leader of a country leaving an important meeting to break in to a press briefing hosted by a former minister to announce something that could have been done by anyone at the press briefing.
    Then, having said that, she went on her usual political rant, including attacking social media and the nonsense mantras of we all being in it together.
    This cult is seriously getting out of hand.

  45. John AFebruary 4, 2021 4:22 PM @NO
    Yes we probably will never be privy to the grounds for the objection. It will not stop CIBC from trying to offload it in one way or the other down the road.

    Offload it to whom? Maybe one of the Trinidad entities will take it over for a nominal sum?

  46. DavidFebruary 4, 2021 8:57 AM Unfortunately CIBC and Royal got trapped before they could get out, Scotiabank partially.

    Unfortunately for them, good for the islands. They will have to write down the loan portfolios, no doubt.

    @Hal and John A,

    So it was the Canadian regulator who stopped the deal?

    If so…. that tells a little story…. LOL.

    I ent going there. John A can.

  47. @ Crusoe
    @John A

    If a bank regulated by a jurisdiction was about to sell its interest in a subsidiary/branch to an unknown Colombian, would you carry out regulatory due diligence?
    A bank is not a rum shop. The government can buy the local interest, using gearing to do so. It can then establish the post office/cooperative bank it proposed in its Sept 15 Queen’s Speech, and amalgamate the middle and back offices.
    In this case, there will be no need for even cheap, off the shelf technology for the post office bank, since CIBC is already equipped with the necessary apparatus.
    Such a move will immediately reduce the influence of Republic Bank, provide alternative financialisation to the business sector, and develop a dynamic wholesale and retail investment environment, including the introduction of hew and exciting products.
    Re-asserting our regional influence by example, within a decade Barbados will be a regional financial forace, and a model for small nations all over the world.

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