The blogmaster has sympathy for small open, tourist dependent countries. Developing countries with meagre resources that were struggling to manage poorly performing economies have been struck for SIX with the onset of COVID 19 pandemic. The challenge for governments to implement policies which balance shoring up livelihoods with public health priorities is real.

The blogmaster will not enter the toxic arena of blame gaming. At this juncture it is not a constructive exercise. Unlike New Zealand, Australia and a few other countries which are commodity driven economies and can support an aggressive quarantine protocol, Barbados has been caught out by operating at the margin which conflicts with the proposal from the local medical association of doctors (BAMP). The proverbial between a rock and a hard place.

  • Have we made mistakes managing the pandemic, YES.
  • Did the country become complacent, YES
  • Do we need to find ways to earn hard currency, YES.
  • Do we need to ensure COVID 19 screening is robust to adequately protect residents, YES.
  • Do we need to ensure authorities enforce laws to signal to those who compromise public health safety are penalized, YES.
  • Do we need to make the local economy less reliant on services, YES.
  • Have successive governments been unimaginative and lazy in charting a more sustainable economic path for the country post independence, YES.

The blogmaster could have added several more bullets to the list.

The harsh reality is that the country is ‘broke’ and to close the country again if it can be avoided to “keep out the virus’ as some promote is silly. The COVID 19 virus will be with us for the foreseeable future. Even if 100% of people take the vaccine health experts are unsure how new strains/variants may compromise the process. Even if the vaccine is 100% effective it will take possibly two to three years to immunize the global population to achieve heard immunity level. Then there is the issue of countries operating outside the purview of WHO like China, Russia…

Obviously Barbadians are concerned given the recent surge in COVID 19 positive cases. It is what it is, we have to deal with what is before us and move on. Have a look at the BU Sidebar Covid 19 Tracker and COVID 19 Update Page. Barbados is not waging the COVID 19 battle alone.

The government needs to ensure that our COVID 19 protocol is relevant/fit for purpose.

Residents need to ensure we adhere to the health protocol – wear your mask properly, wash your hands and physical distance please!

We can do this Bajans!


685 responses to “Fighting the Good Fight Against Covid 19”

  1. Into the realm of the hypothetical we venture.

  2. “Forbes

    TOPLINE The coronavirus mutation first identified in South Africa last year is 50% more contagious than previous strains, the country’s top scientists announced Monday, as high numbers of new daily coronavirus infections continue to put South Africa’s healthcare system under massive pressure.

    Salim Abdool Karim, one of South Africa’s leading infectious disease experts — dubbed in the media as “South Africa’s Anthony Fauci” — confirmed suspicions that the country’s recent surge of infections is likely being driven by a new strain first detected in October, known as 501.V2.

    Abdool Karim told The Sunday Times a mutation in the strain changed the shape of the small protein spikes on the surface of the coronavirus cell, allowing it to better grip onto human cells and increase chances of infection.

    “Almost one out of three tests are now positive and that is higher than anything we saw in the first wave,” he told the newspaper.

    However, there’s no evidence to suggest the new variant is any more deadly or causes more severe symptoms, Abdool Karim said, though studies are being carried out to determine if coronavirus vaccines are effective against the strain, according to AFP.

    The strain has been detected around the world, including in Ireland, Israel, France and Japan.

    South Africa is struggling to manage its second wave of the pandemic, with the country counting 130,000 new infections and 4,000 deaths in just the past week. The increase has pushed the country’s hospitals to the brink. “As soon as beds open, there are more than 10 people waiting to fill them – we cannot cope,” a healthcare worker in Johannesburg told Al Jazeera. While the infectious new strain is a likely factor behind the surge, government officials have also blamed a recent festival period and people failing to follow social distancing measures. Late last month, the country announced nightly curfews and a ban on alcohol sales in a bid to stamp out new infections.”

  3. Would bet my last shirt Bartow would have pulled these small nations together under a COVID banner of All We are one
    These lazy leaders would have been forced to look within themselves and mapped out economic paths from amongst their people
    Right now what these leaders are doing is that of dragging their country and people into a hell hole of Covid depending on a vaccine that can have long term effects after many years of being in their system
    Leaving borders open for more infections to arrive hence more contamination of the people
    Dont forget something as innocent to smell touch and absorb called Johnson baby powder took.many years to show long term negative effect on the chemical changes in the body
    Yet with all other evidence which has shown that the medical profession are not flawless
    These small tin horn dictators are ready to use their people as guinea pigs
    The rght Honourable Errol Barrow was a man who came on the political arena seeking changes for the entire region for building economic self worth and empowerment
    I belive he would have become more active resorting to a cleaner and more powerful message founded on a philosophical policy based on a secure social and economic power for small island nations

  4. most likey this, most likely that

    Some of us are suddenly becoming regionalist but when barbados was “opened” up to the haitians it was insularity mombo jumbo

  5. Mari

    When we blp yardfowls refer to the lost decade or when some one say ” if the last DLP goverment was in power now”do you remember what you tell us?

    well barrow dead and gone now for over a few decades .

    Wake up from your dream !





    Trinidad records first case of COVID-19 variant

    Port of Spain – The Ministry of Health today advised that Trinidad and Tobago has recorded its first confirmed case of the COVID-19 Variant of Concern (UK) – Variant B117.

    The patient is a returned national who travelled from the United Kingdom. As per existing quarantine protocols, the national provided a negative PCR test which was taken 72-hours prior to departure from the United Kingdom.

    Upon arrival in Trinidad and Tobago, the national was immediately placed in state quarantine, in a single room. The patient was transferred directly to an isolation area at the Couva Hospital and Multi-training Facility once the positive COVID-19 result was confirmed.

    The presence of the variant was confirmed via a gene sequencing study at the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies, which has been testing COVID-19 positive samples collected since September 2020.

    The Government of Trinidad and Tobago updated its quarantine protocols for retuning nationals from the United Kingdom from seven days to 14 days in state quarantine. This protocol will continue to be implemented and returning nationals from all other high-risk countries will be subject to seven days state quarantine and seven days home quarantine. (Trinidad Express)

  7. Baje what a brilliant analysis if Trinidad have it it must be rampant in bim.Come to the top of the class idiot.It must be the condition of having three degree as only a complete moron or jackass could jump to such a conclusion.I know that is what you, Austin , Mariposa CCC and few others are hoping for for your petty political purposes although it will not help the political nightwatchman or the Dems but let, s wait and see shall we.

  8. john2January 21, 2021 3:56 PM


    When we blp yardfowls refer to the lost decade or when some one say ” if the last DLP goverment was in power now”do you remember what you tell us?

    well barrow dead and gone now for over a few decades .

    Wake up from your dream

    Is that your best response

  9. Baje what a brilliant analysis if Trinidad have it it must be rampant in bim.Come to the top of the class idiot.It must be the condition of having three degree as only a complete moron or jackass could jump to such a conclusion.I know that is what you, Austin , Mariposa CCC and few others are hoping for for your petty political purposes although it will not help the political nightwatchman or the Dems but let, s wait and see shall we.







  10. COVID is Now all over Barbados and the barbados cluster govt keeps playing with the lives of the people.

  11. MAri

    Were u dreaming of barrow and his leadership to regionalism during and after the economic crash in 2009

    If those in power then had put the country where u want it to be right now then u would not have to be calling on the ghost of barrow

    U May still have been In power now instead of still licking you two years wounds of the 31-0 licking

    Now go back to slee and keep dreaming about barrow

  12. John2
    Is that all your muddle brain can dream up as a response
    What a waste of free education
    What is your mirror image of self

  13. You is a bu best case scenario of wasted free education

    U show It often everyday

  14. John 2

    But u cant help but read my postings
    Yes u do because your response says that much
    But tell me how can my education be wasted when u find time to read and engage with me on my postings dunderhead

  15. Well whaddayouknow! I am here watching the CBC news , not Barbados but Canada. All the same damn complaints just as my cousin who lives there said.

    Steupse! Wuh Bajan Condition wuh! Steupse! Wuh Failed state wuh!

    Politicians doing shite all over the damn world!

  16. We’ve been hearing this for months and months, no surprise.

  17. Ronnie Yearwood lecture this evening under the Heading of the Errol Barrow Day was an eye opener chock full of solutions for Barbados social and economic problems
    Bet Mia was listening with intent to grab hold of some of the solutions just like she grab hold of the Welcome Stamp from PTL

  18. angela coxJanuary 21, 2021 6:45 PM

    Is that all your muddle brain can dream up as a response
    What a waste of free education
    What is your mirror image of self

    angela coxJanuary 21, 2021 7:05 PM

    John 2

    But u cant help but read my postings
    Yes u do because your response says that much
    But tell me how can my education be wasted when u find time to read and engage with me on my postings

    @ mari

    i may not be educated but i have enuff smarts not to make that mistake

    20 mins

    Were you looking at your mirror image when you said “dunderhead”?

    i withdrawn my comments about wasted education on you. you have proven me to be totally wrong with those two comments. you are just as brilliant as baje with his 3 degrees.

  19. @ Angela coxJanuary 21, 2021 5:30 PM

    Usually there are 10 x more people on the beach.

    You probably live in the north with the whites (DLP Canada?) and know our island only from hearsay. Things have been very different for us for two and a half years now. We have a strong leader who has great visions and is energetic.

  20. One man’s opinion
    The GOB finds itself in a very difficult position. Whilst some can spout easy answers without thinking of the full impact of their proposal, the GoB must act in a way that saves lives as well as the economy.

    I have seen a phrase that is something akin to ‘lives before an economy’ or ‘lives must come first’ and the thrashing of the government’s policy of ‘lives and an economy’. Apart from the easy answers and catch phrases have those whose solution differs from that of the GOB thought out the full situation? Have they considered ‘quality of life’ and ‘living with dignity’.

    Faced with a high unemployment rate and very limited sources of income, the government must make every effort not to worsen the situation. I am convinced that a shutdown does not convincingly beats tourism accompanied with strict safety protocols. I will concede that a shutdown is less risky, but a shutdown increases the number of unemployed people (as many hotel workers would now join) the ranks of the unemployed and adds to the already high bill of state provided benefits. A shutdown would inevitably increase pressure on the family unit and would having more people on the street seeking handouts.

    Government cannot embrace the easy answer of a lock-down and the resulting hardship on the people.

    Tourism, sound safety protocols and adherence to safety protocols must remain as a part of the answer to this crisis. It is an answer full of risk, but the alternative easy answer or the low hanging fruit is a disaster in the making.

    We are already aware that supporters of a shutdown, would become the harshest critics if a shutdown is implemented and our society then crumbles.

  21. The GOB has already demonstrated that COViD-19 is not a knockout punch. It can be managed and controlled.

    But we have seen that how people choose to act can derail the very best of protocols.

    Truthfully, I have no solution on how to influence people’s behavior. After 10 months of living with this pandemic I doubt that anything more can be done to educate the public.

    We should not despair, but should continue to emphasize social distancing, masking, hand washing and sensible behavior.

  22. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I note with the passing of Lord High Admiral Vernon Watson, an opportunity has opened for you to head up the Landship. I have two land sharks I can contribute to your “dock”. With your ascension, comedy come become integral to the indigenous body.

  23. Great leaders are visionaries and innovators
    Great leaders seek and make changes for better
    Stepping out side the box of those things that separate them from what is considered the normal path to take
    Great leaders seek solutions that would not impact the health and well being of the people
    Barrow philosophy was one of self empowerment one that if pursued vigorously would have avoided the perils and mishaps which barbados finds itself during this COVID Pandemic

  24. “Barrow philosophy was one of self empowerment one that if pursued vigorously would have avoided the perils and mishaps which barbados finds itself during this COVID Pandemic.”

    Perhaps all those hypothetical and generalized statements you’ve been making about Barrow is your way of honouring him on Errol Barrow Day.

    In my opinion, Barrow was just another politician who was paid to do a job. Similarly to how you and others believe we shouldn’t make a ‘song and dance’ anytime new buses or garbage trucks are bought, because that’s the reason why we elected them, I don’t believe in making ‘song and dances’ about politicians. They offered themselves for public service and “seeking solutions that would not impact the health and well being of the people,’ is job they are being paid by taxpayers to perform.

    But, could you please give us examples of Barrow’s ‘visionary leadership?’ I suspect you may cite from the ‘usual resume,’ however, bear in mind independence and so called ‘free secondary education’ are questionable.

  25. We too like to lionize politicians.

  26. @Artax

    Some people spent all day camped on DLP Facebook pages, therefore it is reflected in their spoutings.

  27. Ethnicity and CoVid spread. Is this also the case in Barbados?

    A LOCKDOWN wedding attended by 400 guests who covered the windows to avoid getting caught was last night busted by police.

    Officers stormed the Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls’ School in Stamford Hill at around 9.15pm to discover guests crammed inside despite the current Covid rules…….

    The school, which caters to the Orthodox Jewish community, was run by Rabbi Avrohom Pinter, until his death from coronavirus last April…..(Quote)

  28. “Great leaders are visionaries and innovators
    Great leaders seek and make changes for better”

    great leaders are not colonial indoctrinated puppets and instead of promoting the advancement of the black majority, elevated the descendants of the slave patrol at the expense of African descended people….those are visionless cowards and can’t or couldn’t innovate shit.

  29. Barrow philosophy was anchored to self respect as a people powered by economic self reliance
    Unfortunately those who controlled the economy of barbados had it there way
    Hence Barrows words stating One day barbados would be a barbados unrecognizable to the people
    Also being beggars at the doorsteps of our economic slave masters has come to pass

  30. Barrow would have had a full slate of candidates and be ready to form the next government to try to lead Barbados where he think it should be

  31. John2
    If the situation within the party had given rise to such present circumstance
    He would have done more than select a few candidates
    But would have drove home a message of unity across the Carribbean basin to fight Covid socially as well ad economically
    He had vision and dreams nit only for Barbados but for small island nations whose leaders had set out a social and economic path for srlf destruction

  32. @Angela

    What is all this nonsense about having a full slate of parliamentary candidates? Has a general election been called? We have two, nearly three years to go. Plenty of time.

  33. Yall need to stop invoking dead politicians and let them try to rest in peace.

    it’s the living sellouts we have real problems with…not one them since the 50s and 60s have put the BLACK MAJORITY FIRST..until they do, they ain’t worth shit.

  34. wuh i heard someone already hired consultants for the next election…ah wonder if it’s taxpayer’s money paying for that….while the wannabe slavemaster from the social partnership of crooks is taking the position that he alone can decide who gets hazard pay and who doen’t.

  35. Let us make up our minds, do we need prospective and declared candidates to canvass the constituency to establish roots? Do we prefer candidates to be parachuted in a few months or week before the bell rings?

    William what say you?

  36. @ David BU

    I’m trying to understand what sense it makes for a political party waiting a year or two before an election is called or until it has actually been called……… choose candidates, who would have to rush through the process of familiarising themselves with the constituency and presenting their ‘vision,’ plans and policies to the constituents.

  37. @ NorthernObserver January 22, 2021 6:32 AM

    Thank you for entrusting me with this important office. I feel moved to tears with joy.
    My first official act would be to rename the ship HMS “Empress Mia”.

    However, I prefer to remain anonymous.

  38. @ Hal Austin January 22, 2021 8:35 AM “Ethnicity and CoVid spread. Is this also the case in Barbados? A LOCKDOWN wedding attended by 400 guests.”

    Perhaps we are not so much into this marriage thingy as other people. I’ve gone to some Bajan weddings in my time, but NEVER were the couple and their parents so foolish as to invite 450 people. I mean who the hell wants to feed and quench the thirst of 450 people when more likely than not the damn thing int going last as long as a snowball in hell anyhow. Maybe Bajans aren’t as foolish or as wasteful as British people.

    And tobesides I know for sure that there aren’t 450 Orthodox Jews in Barbados.


    The current limit on weddings in Barbados is 20 people which includes the couple the 2 witnesses and the officiant. And I think that that number is too many. I think that the limit should be reduced to 9. Couple, 2 witnesses, officiant, 4 parents. Done.

    Save the elaborate reception money for the time when the next pandemic comes around, and the unemployment cheque is slow in coming.

    ‘causing wunna understand that Covid19 is not the last one right?

  39. @TheOGazerts at 5:55 AM “We are already aware that supporters of a shutdown, would become the harshest critics if a shutdown is implemented and our society then crumbles.”

    So true.

  40. @WURA-War-on-U January 22, 2021 2:35 PM “Yall need to stop invoking dead politicians and let them try to rest in peace.”

    So true.

  41. @ TheOGazerts January 22, 2021 5:55 AM

    The supports of a hard lockdown sit elsewhere but not in Barbados. These people in Canada, USA and UK are members of the overseas organisation of the DLP and still believe that Barrow is alive and ruling in Barbados. It is time for them to wake up and realise that there is only one people’s party left in our country, namely the Barbados Liberal Party under Mia Mottley as President for Life.

  42. @Hal Austin January 22, 2021 8:35 AM “Ethnicity and CoVid spread. Is this also the case in Barbados?”


    And don’t try to blame covid spread in Barbados on Orthodox Jewish weddings. Jews Orthodox, Conservative or Reform have not spread covid19 in Barbaods.

    The ethinicity of the people who exploded Covid19 in Barbados was your stupid British people. British just like the woman you keep in your bed. It was your bad behaved British people who disobeyed our very sensible protocols. So you won’t get away with your anti-Semitism.

  43. @Tron January 22, 2021 3:52 PM “…still believe that Barrow is alive and ruling in Barbados. ”

    It is many years since I told DEM that Barrow is duppy dust.

  44. Funny how the blp faithful fowls asking for DLP to present candidates
    When during past election when the question of the blp economic policies for the country was asked of Mia she kept mouth shut
    This issue of asking the Dlp to present candidates well two years ahead of the general election is all positioned in malicious politricks
    Notice no mention was made of Ronnie Yearwood speech yesterday

  45. let all ah DEM wait till a year before the election and with people leaving the party. 30 – 0

    after next election it will be 61 – 0

    Dont seem like DEM learned anything from the snap SGN by election

  46. MARI

    i remember when the skipper call for ” all hand on deck”
    he had the smarts to know he had to be leader of Barbados first before he could even get a sniff of leading the wider region. He would have “patched” his party, hold it together and be prepared to lead.

  47. let the fool continue thinking they have another two or three year.

  48. MARI

    Didnt the night watchman promised to present the candidates on Errol Barrow day?

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