If a mechanic and a lawyer give their opinions on why a car is not starting, we would likely believe the mechanic.  If the subject is an interpretation of a law, we would likely believe the lawyer.  In Barbados, we tend to believe persons who give opinions in their field of training.

Every profession has its activists who aim to influence Government’s policies.  Some activists become radicals, where they pursue similar aims, but by any and all means imaginable, including nightmarish.

Professions are responsible for policing their radical activists, lest they bring their professions into disrepute.  Radicals can do this by consistently making claims, that are easily disproved with credible evidence.  For that reason, radical activists rarely provide evidence to support their claims.

It was therefore a modern miracle, when historian Trevor Marshall did the unthinkable.  He recently revealed the main evidence that the government relied on to trash Horatio Nelson’s reputation, and remove his over 200-year old statue.


Trevor Marshall revealed (in a letter to the editor, published in the Nation on 2 Dec 2020) that historian, Dr Marianne Czisnik, “documented Nelson’s involvement in the slave trade” in her book titled, ‘Horatio Nelson: A Controversial Hero’.

I read the well-researched book, which is based on Dr Czisnik’s 2004 doctoral dissertation.  Dr Czisnik critically reviewed the available evidence, to strip away any myths about Nelson.

The book contained no information that “documented Nelson’s involvement in the slave trade”, as Mr Marshall claimed.  Mr Marshall is free to dispute this, by providing the page number on which his evidence can be found.  Our journalists, poets and politicians who actively promote his claims as truth, should encourage him to do the same.


I have come to accept that in Barbados, an Engineer is unlikely to be believed in a dispute with a historian, when the subject of the dispute is history.  It does not matter that the historian’s claims can be easily disproved, they can only be disputed by other historians.  If they are not disputed, they are accepted as true by our politicians, and used to direct government policies.

Radicals can make obvious false timeline claims, like Nelson killing Martin Luther King during the civil rights era in the 1960s, and no amount of evidence that an Engineer can provide can make a difference.  Notably, Mr Marshall has made easily disproven timeline claims against Nelson, which our historians would not dispute – so I decided to do it, but I should not have to.

It is time for honest and brave professionals to evidence-referee claims made by their radical activist colleagues.  They need to be brave because radical activists normally respond to request for evidence, with insulting accusations intended to intimidate everyone.

Historians with integrity may be denounced as racists if they are white, or traitors to their race if they are black.  The aim is to intimidate independently-minded journalists, teachers, poets and politicians not to attempt such folly – and it has worked.  In modern Barbados, evidence about radicals’ claims can neither be requested nor discussed – without persecution.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at NextParty246@gmail.com

97 responses to “Difficult Conversations: Stay in Your Lane – Part 2”

  1. @Hal Austin January 14, 2021 2:22 PM “To any intelligent person I do not put myself in that category)”

    At last we agree on something! Because none of us put you in the category of intelligent people either.

  2. @ Hal January 14, 2021 2:22 PM

    You will not hear meaningful dialogue on the topic. We have a lot of idiots in high places in this country. Talking about that ,it seems that impeachment of Trump is one big joke. It seems that the authorities knew before hand of the assault. How can you charge a man about his speech being an incitement when the authorities are admitting there was first hand knowledge that the incident would occur and that Trump was not informed.. Let me repeat what I have said before, that if I were Trump I would tell my supporters to take up arms. What a set of idiots: charging a person with out having all the evidence.

  3. Wait bosie! Wonder Woman got very much time fuh me lately! And now somehow she has concluded that sex trafficking does not bother me. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Then some fool will say I started it. Steupse! I have not even bothered to read the whole dust up on the USA Burning blog yet! Came here and found the lunatic has taken it to another blog.

    But here’s where my mind is –

    A good woman is dead. Her two sons who sat in my lap and called me Auntie have lost their mother. Her sons and my son are friends. He is not happy today.

    No time for WURA. She will have to seek attention from her husband.

    You are safe from my prying eyes today! Get busy in the bedroom!

  4. @ Robert

    I am following the debate closely, both on BU and out of the US. I have suggested that we should now talk about Trumpism, since it is unimaginable that someone who got 74m votes, while his rival got 79m, can be ignored. Trump is gone, but Trumpism remains.
    Worse, how can a private company such as Facebook or Twitter tell us who deserves the right to be heard? We have had the same in the UK with Brexit.
    Four years ago the UK was split down the middle on Brexit, with a 52 to 48 majority. It is as if people now way the decision has been made, so those who believe in remain should shut up and go away.
    We have got Brexit (two weeks in the Brexiteers are already complaining), Farage is gone, but his form of English nationalism remains under the banner of Boris and the European Research Group.
    Banishing people is not the way to settle differences. It is about persuasion, winning hearts and minds.

  5. @Donna January 15, 2021 11:02 AM “Get busy in the bedroom!”

    I suspect that your “BU friend” is past it, which is why she has so much time for BU.


  6. Quote):
    Let me repeat what I have said before, that if I were Trump I would tell my supporters to take up arms. What a set of idiots: charging a person with out having all the evidence. (Unquote).

    Isn’t that the option which prevails in “Shit-hole” countries like Uganda and Central African banana republics?

    Didn’t Biden ‘win’ the presidency via the ballot and not the gun?

    Is democracy dying in the ‘United’ States of America?

    Doesn’t Trump have access to justice via the Supreme Court where there is a majority of pro-Republican seats?

    What do you think is on the horizon? Another Kristallnacht where blacks -especially those in churches worshipping a white god which appointed and disappointed the same Trump- will be the easy targets this time around?

    Do you think they, the blacks, would be deserving of such treatment for voting against Trump?

  7. “Then some fool will say I started it.”

    don’t start none, won’t be none.

  8. I see your husband has disappointed you. Back trying to get my attention.

    So sorry but…

    “Yes we have no bananas!”

  9. My husband won’t want you Donna, ya too airhead…get a life.

  10. Cuhdear Bajan January 15, 2021 11:22 AM #: “I suspect that your “BU friend” is past it, which is why she has so much time for BU.”

    @ Cuhdear Bajan

    You forgot to include FaceBook and the other social media sites. It seems as though there isn’t time for household chores as well.

  11. Unable to follow the voyages of Nelson.
    I am not keeping score, but it seems as if the count is different from 1/1/1.
    Hoping we reach stop/stop/stop.

  12. Theo…those who are clueless to what’s really happening are basically comic relief until they see the seriousness, attempt to jump on board and still fall flat as usual…..they were left behind 5 years ago, except for Donna-come-lately, who will never catch up and will stay at ground zero with the others…. …always bewildered….🤣🤣🤣🤣

  13. Don’t blink, keep your eyes on 2021 and listen to the haters when they realize they’ve wasted years on a blog doing nothing….🤣🤣

  14. Likewise, I would not want your husband. I like dark chocolate.

    But I see you missed my point.

    I said your husband had disappointed YOU and had not met you in the bedroom. And so YOU were back seeking my attention.

    But one Bajan saying I have found to be very smart is this –


    You don’t have a clue who your husband would want!

  15. @ Miller January 15, 2021 11:50 AM

    Do you know any thing about probability and statistical anomalies? If not go and take a course in the topics. As for the SCOTUS of America ,it dodged dealing with the topic since it did not want to become embroil in making a decision. As I said last year on this blog. the only way Trump would loose based on constitutional grounds, was failure of SCOTUS to hear the case pleading standing or some such crap.

  16. And she has the gall to tell me to get a life. My BU activity is my only social media presence. All her daily life is lived on social media. I am beginning to wonder if she has a virtual husband!

    I don’t have any bananas but I do have some eggplants. I hear they mean something in the virtual world.

    Since her husband seems to have zoomed out and she has fixed her sights on me, I’ll take pity on her and help her out.
    🍆 Go play with that and make yourself happy!

    And there’s plenty more where that came from!

  17. @Dr. Lucas

    You are aware three justices were appointed by Trump and they all chased his lawyers from the precinct of the SCOTUS?

  18. “Since her husband seems to have zoomed out ”

    low frequeny vibration..your husband didn’t even want you, i have never been divorced.

  19. Learn sonething new ya damn dummy. Focus on the posts that will wake you up.


  20. Mia need to stop RE-ENFORCING a false identity on Black/African people in Barbados…it’s FRAUDULENT just like the evil criminal shite the black face frauds in the parliament have been doing to the people for 54 years…

  21. GOB can go to hell with this fake survey. Everything they do is to criminalize Black people on the island. Why is there no survey on how many billions of dollars belonging to people is missing from VAT, the treasury and pension fund, no survey on how much they all steal from the people with the crooked ass minorities, no survey on going republic…yall frauds…no survey on human rights violations, survey that.


  22. Post something powerful to the blog and all the cowards/crazies/dummies and haters with their big talk and delusions RUN……🤣😂😂🤣

    the BU deep thinkers will evaluate and arrive at the correct conclusion.

  23. Yep..still waiting for Donna the Dummy to post and contribute something to the blog that can stimulate and dazzle me intellectually…wont hold my breath, been waiting on the other crazies/dummies for years to do the same, they haven’t disappointed…they’re still to come up with anything other than the petty bajan shite that’s all they know ànd all anyone expects from them…

  24. Robert LucasJanuary 16, 2021 1:49 PM

    No, the SCOTUS threw out the case because it was utter crap. As anything else that Trump has done.

    Y’all want a good talking to from yuh Grandmuddas. Cou cou stick an all.

  25. Hal AustinJanuary 15, 2021 11:17 AM who got 74m votes, while his rival got 79m, can be ignored. Trump is gone, but Trumpism remains.

    I disagree partly there, because the US is like Barbados, B’s and D’s. Most of that 74M voted Republican, not just Trump, 4 or 5 probably are Trumpers or on the fence persuaded Trumpers.

    Country Tom’s dog could run and the Republicans will still get 70Million votes.

    Hal: It is about persuasion, winning hearts and minds.

    How do you propose to win the hearts and minds of Christian Evangelical zealots? Waste of time.

    Bunch of lunatics.

  26. Robert LucasJanuary 15, 2021 10:47 AM .. Let me repeat what I have said before, that if I were Trump I would tell my supporters to take up arms.

    Ah, so you support authoritarian rule? That you also complain about an independent judicial decision says it all. Your man did not win so, pull up stumps and take the bat and ball (even if they are not yours) and go home.

    What recent events have shown is that it is not only trash who support Trump, with their cousin / wife and double-half brothers etc, but people who have been to the best universities and at the top of their careers.

    Proves that bias affects the viewpoint of all.

    But interesting to know that people like yourself, DR.GP TMEE and John The Braptist all support authoritarian rule. I am sure that a few are reading your contribution with growing glee. Makes me worry for the future in Buhbayduss.

  27. Mia, take note, if you do not head the warnings coming at you, our ancestors will have to do something about you, this is not a trend, it’s a REVOLUTION.

  28. “I am sure that a few are reading your contribution with growing glee. Makes me worry for the future in Buhbayduss.”

    let them be gleeful, Donville’s turn is later this month, then it’ll be their turn….what goes around.

  29. now isn’t this cute….the fowls and “patriots” can critique…lol

    “The obtuse self-proclaimed “political class” its regulated agents, bloated with false pride and fake titles, gliding along every five years into respective parliaments with inflated chests and empty heads, while incapable of copying any elements of the positive that the former triangle traders have to offer, and seem to have been engineered to replicate and implement all the negatives the system has to offer.”

    Copyright ⓒ 2021

  30. https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js

  31. David:

    The criteria should not be “links to racism and colonialism” since that is too wide a net. The criteria should be actual crimes against humanity.

  32. Wonder Woman,

    I had to ask the police to keep my husband from harassing me to come back. In fact, my mother, to whose home I had temporarily returned, got fed up and did it, not me.

    One thing that has always stayed with me is a statement made on a CBC programme by Richard Browne, a Bajan psychologist, many many years ago when I was a teenager. He said that there is no such thing as a superiority complex, only an inferiority complex masquerading as a superiority complex.

    Did it ever occur to you that if I felt my divorce to reflect badly on me that I need not have disclosed it?

    But I, unlike you, have no need to pretend to be perfectly in control of life, superior in every way, having superior intelligence and abilities “like nobody ever had before”. When I weigh my life in the balance, I have had successes and failures, periods of happiness and sadness, I made some really smart decisions and I made a few stupid ones.

    Still all in all I have a few regrets but I am generally happy with the life I have lived.

    And continue to live!

    But you…. you are older than I am and still have not solved the problem of your inferiority complex.

    You have my sympathy.

    P.S. I find it particularly instructive that you did not even consider the possibility that a woman could have decided she did not want her husband. It suggests that you are one of the desperate women who would hang on at all cost. Whereas I never even took my husband’s name to show that I was married.

    Poor you!

    You may have the last word. We all know you need it.

  33. @Grenville

    Have a problem separating the two.

  34. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Grenville
    I find it very commendable that you continue to take such a deep interest in our country’s affairs. There is a belief on this blog that once you lose an election , that you are a nincompoop.
    That’s why they are often fussing like children among themselves with personal innuendo and essentially useless offerings.
    We have not always agreed , but I honestly respect your efforts to uplift rather than to sink into nothingness.
    You have not failed-you tried. Keep on at it my Brother.

  35. @William

    You are aware Grenville shared public positions on a blog even before BU was established? The problem is that the duopoly is ensconced in the every day way of doing business like Democrats and Republicans in the US or Tories and Labour in the UK to use top of mind examples.

  36. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    I am aware but as a fellow traveler with @ Grenville, in terms of being massacred at the polls, via the third party route, I thought it important , to show and record my solidarity on BU.

  37. Noted William.

  38. “But I, unlike you, have no need to pretend to be perfectly in control of life, superior in every way, having superior intelligence and abilities “like nobody ever had before”.

    That’s what got ya in trouble in the first place, attributing things to me that are not true, you will have to ask those who know me personally, not many people do, they will tell you something completely different…..am not carrying any man’s name either, never did, never will, ah got my own, that should at least tell ya something about me…it’s all about perception, don’t let other people’s writings cloud yours.

  39. I repeat…a very well know professional on the island wrote a linkedin article suggesting that the Caribbean carry a one currency, open borders policy…if yall wnat to survive (my words)…there should only be one passport across the region.

    Africa is poised to remove borders and have one passport across the continent…it’s the intelligent thing to do.

    now when yall don’t do it and 8 months later come crying about shit, like ya are about covid now, that’s yall business…don’t try to blame me.

  40. The young BLACK/AFRICAN people in Barbados and the Caribbean deserve opportunities. It’s their birthright.


  41. Ah go soon start charging yall…especially that Mia whom i owe nothing but still trying to save her ass.

  42. The fraudulent act of trying to push back the progress of the region’s children by 30-40 years will have to be exposed for the world to see…since September, months later and CXC is pretending that they don’t know not all kids got their grades back and many had to settle for what CXC wanted them to have in the first place….but Karma is a bitch and she bites.

    “BARBADIAN STUDENTS will be taking their issues with the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and its controversial 2020 revised testing and grading methodology to court.

    Spokesperson and coordinator of the Group of Concerned Parents of Barbados, Paula-Anne Moore, announced yesterday that Aegis Law Chambers will be representing the group pro bono.

    In a release, she urged the hundreds of students who still have discrepancies with their first grades and second remarked Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) grades to contact the firm via email.

    “Since September 22, 2020, students and their parents in Barbados and across the region have suffered the inexcusable fallout of CXC CSEC and CAPE results, which were manifestly flawed, and which has occasioned mental angst, as well as material dislocation, in the form of loss of scholarship opportunities, university acceptance, inter alia.”

  43. especially that Mia whom i owe nothing but still trying to save her ass.

    don’t get tie up, saving in the sense that when are ass sinks she’ll take all the idiot Black people who believe in her right along with them while outdoing herself trying to save her racists and thieves, that’s what black sellouts do….sellout to the end.

  44. her ass sinks

    right along with her

    there are no life vests in existence for that level of sinking to the bottom.

  45. @ Robert LucasJanuary 16, 2021 1:49 PM
    “@ Miller January 15, 2021 11:50 AM
    Do you know any thing about probability and statistical anomalies? If not go and take a course in the topics. As for the SCOTUS of America ,it dodged dealing with the topic since it did not want to become embroil in making a decision. As I said last year on this blog. the only way Trump would loose based on constitutional grounds, was failure of SCOTUS to hear the case pleading standing or some such crap.”

    You are right in assuming that the miller is, unlike you a guru, a mere sideshow of a tinker or dabbler when it comes to that branch of ‘inexact’ science of applied mathematics dealing with probability et al statistical theories.

    But what you can do without a trace of uncertainty is to bet your bottom dollar on a 100% guaranteed ‘probability’ outcome that come Thursday this week your man Trump ‘will’ be NO longer the POTUS and most likely and in all probability would be a mere political ‘has-been’ to whom history would be most unkind in its footnotes of political failures.

    In order to avoid the ‘taint’ of ignominy your man – “the great shameless, audacious bawler”- should have started a war overseas (even against a ‘nuclear-weakened’ scapegoat called Iran) instead of shitting bricks made of straws of racism in his own front house called home by attacking his naïve black house slaves as easy targets.

  46. Who said that common sense was a thing of the past.

    “We cannot see the technology as only laptops and tablets, because some children don’t have those things; we have to see technology as involving the media. There are more houses in Barbados with radios than laptops and tablets and there are newspapers readily available. It is my view that the television, radio stations and print media have got to be utilised as well,”

    (Quote) Jeff Broomes.


  47. So yall don’t know when trees look as rotten as the ones that are a lot older than the QEH that line those little roads and are supposed to BE CHECKED REGULARLY AND REMOVED when they pose A DANGER to the public….wuh those been looking rotten and ready to fall for the last 20 years..the elderly, the young and not so young traverse that street on a daily basis and any number of people could’ve been killed because of yall carelessness and DISREGARD FOR BLACK LIVES….the odd minority could’ve been killed too….steuppps.

    Miller…i just saw the video and once again these neglectful clowns cost lives. There is always someone around that area, they are so lucky the tree didn’t fall on them, today is their lucky day, what about tomorrow.

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