Stedson Wiltshire (Red Plastic Bag) gave a vivid description of what is seen on Kadooment Day in a calypso song entitled Something Happening. The joyful song presents a stark contrast to the sobering reality unfolding in Barbados. With a backdrop of Covid-19, the cause of labour unrest is deeply disturbing as it is related to changes in the Severance Pay Act and the refusal of some hotels to pay their potion of the workers’ severance pay. As the reality of this crisis sets in, anguish, lack of information, confusion and frustration confront a large section of the population and now a once docile people seem to be erupting. Protests have become a fixture on the landscape with 40% unemployed predominately in the tourism sector; no one knows how this will end but something is definitely happening.

There is no comparison in recent history to what is now unfolding. Complexity and growth of the economy makes it distinct from the 1930’s but it is noteworthy that there was no labour union to prevent the downward spiral that culminated in the 1937 riots in Barbados. Trade unionism came into existence after the riots to protect the rights of labour in 1941. What is mindboggling is that it was out of the struggle of the black working class that both the Barbados Workers Union (BWU) and the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) were conceived and born. Now the relationship is akin to 2 children abandoning their mother. This should never have become a matter of political expediency as the BWU depends on the black working class for financial support and the Barbados Labour party depends on the black working class (the largest voting group) for votes. The action of both has shown that they have joined forces and abandoned this class.

In contrast with the song, one can see questionable union actions. One can query the BWU’s agreement to the BEST Program as it offers less than favourable relief to the workers than to the hotels. The program provides financial assistance to hotels and a wage subsidy to workers but no severance. It was stated that only $30 Million of the $300 Million dollars has been taken by the hotels. Part of the remaining $ 270 Million dollars can be used as severance for the workers. Essentially the BEST program is fundamentally flawed as it does not contain a severance payment option.

One can also query why the recently held press conference only resulted in a solution for the workers of Club Barbados and did not take into consideration the thousands of other unemployed workers. What was required is an across the board solution for the hotel industry and any other affected industries. There were so many twists and turns regarding the story of the workers of Club Barbados that it is difficult to decipher but yet it does not justify treatment as a special case as it leaves out others whose plight is the same.

Both the Prime Minister and Ms. Moore chastised the Media but one cannot imagine how the secret of 40% unemployed in Barbados could be kept, not discussed or their protests not covered if they take to the streets. A fair Press is not the enemy of the people. Highlighting these stories humanized the suffering of the workers. They became real people with real problems and in need of real solutions. We all felt their pain. Change is never a factor that comes into play with silence or secrecy; with them ignorance pervades. What the media can do in addition to highlighting the protest is to utilize the top corner of the new paper to daily post unemployment numbers, NIS payouts as a show of solidarity with the workers and carry stories of how this crisis has affected individual persons and neighbourhoods.

One can see government as having created an environment for the lack of trust. The role of government in any democratic society is to provide an enabling environment for all to flourish. This is exhibited in the provision of social services and laws. When the Severance Payment Act was amended in August 2020, the reason for its changes and the why now could not be justified as it was the midst of the current pandemic. The changes now extend the layoff period from 13 to 22 weeks before they can file for severance and that employees must give 4 weeks notice to the employer prior to the end of the 22 weeks period. It also states that the employer can contest severance. It is a punitive amendment to the law and has led to much confusion and ultimately the amended act is disadvantageous as the underlying principle is to disqualify workers from obtaining severance payments. The level of confidence in the government with regards to the treatment to workers is now at an all-time low.

One can also see that this is not only an economic issue. It is also a matter of social justice. Less than favourable treatment has been meted out to one specific class of the population; the black working class. The same people who for almost 400 years have been feeling the brunt of what occurs in the Barbadian society. This class has the highest rate of unemployment, highest incidence of crime, the highest rate of minimum wages, have a high cost of living, poor housing, reduced access to potable water, are in need of proper roads and combined they pay the highest taxes. The only positive thing that they as a group possess is votes at election time. It is these same people who are in need and are being denied the money that should be theirs. One of the women, a former Club Barbados worker lamented that she feels like George Floyd with the weight of someone’s foot on her neck and that she could not breathe. Do their lives and livelihood matter?

One hopes that now we are in the post Nelson era, that governance comes with an aspect of social justice; that no decisions are made on the behalf of the people without consideration of how the disadvantaged black working class will be affected and that there will be a living wage, programs put in place not for pit toilets but for creating wealth to remove vicious the cycle of poverty. If the opportunity to create wealth can be provided to the already privileged it should also be provided to the black working class. The government saw it fit to compulsorily acquire property on Bay Street to give to a developer. It must also do the same for the black working class through co-operatives for agriculture, business development and housing. It is hoped that laws which still seem to be derived from the slave codes will be removed from the laws of Barbados. This is in reference to laws being written from the punitive point of view of ‘let us deny them that colonial mentality’; as though some things are still just too good for the black working class of Barbados.

The irony of these developments is that both the BWU and BLP have bitten the hand that feeds them.

345 responses to “Another Heather Cole Column – Something Happening”

  1. NorthernObserver Avatar

    But….Sagicor is not a retail investor? If I read the comments from Fortress accurately, it is their foreign investments keeping their boat afloat.
    The GoB has been getting ‘endogenous money’ from the NIS and CBB (and others) for years. The investments? I don’t trust them with money.
    I have nothing to offer myself. For instead of thinking positively, every idea gets tested as “how can they eff it up”, and how might that be prevented.

  2. @Northern Observer

    We have highly trained persons educated at the best universities. A case of the tentacles of the politicians reaching far and wide.

  3. @Noarethern

    We are losing each other. One conversation was about retail investors, you and your friends; the other was about Sagicor, whose core business is insurance, being allowed to invest in residential property and mortgages.
    Where did Fortress come from? |I know nothing about Fortress and could not care less about a fund that has/had a CEO and chairman as father and son.
    My idea about endogenous money was a proposal for retail investors, one of the benefits of which was endogenous money for local investments, state and business. This has nothing to do with the NIS and CBB. They are different arguments.
    I am talking only about retail investors and their returns.

  4. NorthernObserver Avatar

    yes we did lose each other.
    But I thought you were favourable towards family businesses? (dont bother to reply)
    In any case….I still have a conceptual issue with government being involved in anything with an expectation of gain. Unless they have a monopoly and the good has an established demand. (Petrol/oil) I don’t have a ‘good feel’ about PPP’s in Barbados.

  5. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Forget the training. Learning is a life long exercise. It is the interference. Yet just read BU, and you will see what ‘the people expect from government’.

  6. @ Northern

    How have we moved from retail investors, insurance core businesses to family-owned businesses? That is why I say that in discussions we should always set out what we are talking about. I was talking about how retail investors can invest their savings in a tough economic climate.
    About government, and in particular the Barbados governments (BLP and DLP) we must separate good ideas from government incompetence.
    Yes to good ideas, no to government interference.

  7. @Northern Observer

    You are so right.

    PS. You need to stop writing in code. For some it will drive them crazy LOL.

  8. Mia told G4S
    “Not bout hey “which one can imagine received a lol from management
    However Mia did pull of a slick trick of shutting down Union protest which if Moore had any balls would have said No to govt request
    Moore once again has favoured govt request over workers
    Yes Mia bout hey

  9. NorthernObserver Avatar

    So @ac
    the BWU hasn’t got a single raise for the G4S crew since 2014, and now 36hrs, or 72hrs or 2 weeks is going to make a difference?
    So TM says, “no, we are not waiting”. And is told, “OK then, just keep doing whatever you have been doing for 7 years”.
    The question is…..with this opportunity staring a gift horse in the face,,,,,where is Verla? You mean she is going to slumber, until Caswell decides to do something.

  10. Waiting to hear part 3 of the
    I know G4S laughing cause govt has no holds on them to increase salaries

  11. If the Union cant do any thing and govt dont have an answer yuh think Verla can be of help
    This is a private company whose top management is in the UK
    These rogue companies could not care less
    Furthermore govt have contracts with them which begs question if govt is in any position to use these contracts as leverage or bargaining tool to support the workers

  12. @Northern Observer

    Has Artax not correctly posited that Mia occupies the space in her head rent free?

  13. It must be pouring over here
    Look who just show up with not one but two umbrellas
    David who call u doah
    The workers struggling Mariposa on the workers side
    Whose side are u on
    Tommorow meeting gonna separate bs from reality
    A reality which says that Mia cant fo s.hit

  14. Waiting to see the DLP strategy for the upcoming general election. Possibly another by early next year. Are you ready? A word to the wise should be sufficient.

  15. I suspect something is rotten in Denmark which is holding govt hand back from being harsh with G4S
    My suspicion serves purpose to say that any contractual agreements govt might have with the company payments due might be outstanding which is making it difficult to make clear cut decision for both sides in other words dont rock the boat
    Smoke and mirrors at work
    Big works

  16. Speculation is what you are doing.

  17. “My suspicion serves purpose to say that any contractual agreements govt might have with the company payments due might be outstanding which is making it difficult to make clear cut decision for both sides in other words dont rock the boat.”

    Okay, that sounds reasonable. But, have you also taken into consideration G4S may have been tardy or delinquent in preparing and filing corporation tax and VAT returns or remitting NIS contributions?

    Let me give you an example, which may not be exactly similar to what’s going with G4S. I recall the contractual agreement Transport Board has UCAL, which, at one time, payments outstanding were in the ‘millions of dollars.’ This resulted in UCAL employees not being paid for several weeks, VAT payments due were in arrears and so too was NIS contributions. Employees ‘down tools’ in protest. Then transport minister Michael Lashley promised payment. Sinckler made sure the relevant agencies deducted VAT arrears and NIS contributions from the first payment.

    So, it just goes to show ‘government’ could ‘rock any boat.’

  18. So what is wrong with speculation
    There are many comments over the years here on BU who have given speculative opinions

    In any case i would bet that the underlying problems have financial attachments between govt and G4S
    The recent out burst and govt tardiness to hold G4S feet to the fire tells a lot more

  19. I suspect G2S is the only company in Barbados that is allowed to screen passengers according to TSA standards

    This seems to be a sticky wicket if that’s the case .

    I support the workers as usual

  20. I am not an expert on the Barbados Companies Act either.






  21. Gordon Seales states the Best program is costing hoteliers money which they cannot afford
    He further states that the financial stress of the Best program can be cause for hotels closure
    More and more everyday one gets to see how govt policies ate hindrance to the economy of barbados
    One can expect that the private sector would be having more lay offs

  22. BWU blamed in G4S dispute
    EVEN AFTER almost six hours of intense talks Monday night, Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley still could not get the hierarchy of G4S Secure Solutions Barbados to yield to demands of the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU), which is fighting for wage increases and equal pay for security workers.
    But rival trade unionist Senator Caswell Franklyn has described the labour dispute as “laughable” and just a ruse to rebuild the waning confidence of the BWU’s membership. He also knocked the BWU for failing to act earlier.
    Mottley summoned the leadership of the BWU, Minister of Labour Colin Jordan, Acting Chief Labour Officer Claudette Hope-Greenidge and other ministerial officials to the talks at Ilaro Court, following an emergency meeting of the executive council of the BWU. She intervened in the labour dispute after BWU general secretary Toni Moore called on the union’s membership to take part in national industrial action planned for yesterday.
    However, after a breakdown in negotiations, Mottley told the workers to give her 36 hours to seek legal counsel on a way forward and to refrain from industrial action for the time being.
    Hold off
    “I will wait for the legal opinion before we announce the next step that the Government of Barbados will take with respect to G4S,” she told the media around 12:45 a.m. yesterday. “It is against this background that we have also asked the BWU to stay their hand with respect to further industrial action for the 36 hours.”
    However, Franklyn, who heads Unity Workers Unions, told the MIDWEEK NATION
    yesterday that “the entire situation is laughable and pathetic”.
    “Those people had these issues going on for years” he said.
    “This is all about building back BWU numbers and the Government is collaborating with the union to achieve that end. Toni Moore has failed the workers and they are leaving in droves, so this is a way to get back some. This has nothing to do with G4S workers; G4S workers just happen to be the catalyst they are using to get matters going.”
    Wrong issues
    Franklyn added that some G4S employees had joined his union recently and took membership forms for other colleagues.
    “The problem is that they are dealing with the wrong issues. For example, the Grantley Adams International Airport Inc. (GAIA) started procedures way back to take over the functioning of G4S at the airport. . . .
    “Some of those people have already been offered jobs if they want to continue working at the airport, and they would be getting twice as much as they are getting at G4S. So this is not any strike-breaking nonsense; they are using this to create an issue so that people can sympathise with them.”
    Over the weekend, G4S workers assigned to GAIA staged a sick out, which impacted the operations. Chief executive officer Hadley Bourne initiated a contingency plan utilising airport security personnel.
    It was only after he announced that he was planning to put measures in place to prevent a similar situation that things escalated.
    As to breaching International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions, Franklyn said the private sector was replicating actions in the public sector.
    “The Prime Minister complained that this was a breach of the ILO convention but Government breaches it every day in respect of other people and other matters.”
    Disgruntled G4S security guards had staged two protests recently in front of the company’s Brighton, Black Rock, St Michael headquarters, making several demands, including a 12.5 per cent wage increase, which would cover the period 2014 to 2019, and the placing of all the company’s security officers on the same level.
    Some Government agencies have contracts with G4S but the number is unclear.

  23. PM awaits legal opinion
    PRIME MINISTER Mia Amor Mottley is expected to announce today Government’s next move in the G4S Secure Solutions Barbados labour dispute.
    After she intervened in the matter between the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) and the security company on Monday night, Mottley asked the BWU to hold off its planned national industrial action for 36 hours so that she could get a legal opinion from Attorney General Dale Marshall. This was to ensure Government, through its central operations and its stateowned enterprises, was not breaching any International Labour Organisation (ILO) laws.
    Mottley said: “I have asked the Attorney General not only to present one on Central Government but also the state-owned enterprises . . . that we would also want legal opinions from them in the next 36 hours, so that we may examine all of our rights as Government or as a state-owned enterprise in these matters.”
    Throughout the almost six-hour negotiations held at Ilaro Court, which eventually broke down, Mottley said: “In spite of the company G4S conceding that they have in fact been paying lower wages to a category of worker called a security steward than they would have paid a security officer, they refuse to correct this situation . . . . “The company also conceded that it has not hired a single person as a security officer since 2014, and . . . has not promoted a single security steward to being a security officer, earn at a higher level. The company further conceded that there have been salary increases for only members of the administration . . . .” (SB)

  24. Good comments from Reader’s ection to Nation article.

    CeeJay Bowen: All security and cleaning firms pay very low wages and expect long hours of service. All of that needs looking into.
    Rainz Franklyn: This is worthy of applause, but I have to ask, have we been sleeping? These kinds of things have been going on unchecked for years. A combination of management purposely withholding important information from staff that is beneficial to them, and people not knowing their rights, creates the perfect work environment for this type of nonsense.
    Alicia Archer: No legal opinion necessary. They’ve been flouting the law and business ethics for years. Simply put to them that if they expect their contracts to be renewed, they will sort their business out. The Labour Department needs to take a good hard look at itself as well with the manner in which they have dealt with complaints against G4S.
    Wayne P Hoyte: Labour issues in Bim go beyond G4S. If Bajans were to list the worst employers and employment practices, those who don’t pay in the statutory deductions, those who pay poor salaries/wages, those who provide poor working conditions, some interesting individuals and/or companies will make the list. So it’s G4S today, but who tomorrow?
    Tyrone Corbin: Government getting involved in this and done nothing in the others. Is this because they have a member involved? We have a ton of places ’bout here paying workers bus fares.
    Rich Andrew: Now this is where all the businesses/merchants that have contracts employing G4S need to take a stand in solidarity and end those same contracts, forcing G4S to have no other option but to comply with decent employment practices or pack up and go.

  25. It’s obvious ONLY you “would bet that the underlying problems have financial attachments between govt and G4S,” because it is politically expedient for you to do so.

    The issue with G4S has been going on for years. Recently, during their protest, the guards made several demands, including a 12.5% wage increase, which would cover the period 2014 to 2019.

    Surely you must agree that the underlying problems you’ve alluded to, ceteris paribus, had to be present during 2014 to May 24, 2018.

  26. All this talk about getting new hotels to support local has been dealt with by this government already. But the BU know-it-alls laughed at me.

  27. New senator makes strong case for improved treatment of working class

    Newly-appointed Independent senator Julian Hunte on Wednesday used his maiden speech in the Upper House to call for better treatment of the working class as the Barbados Workers Union trade unionist filled the vacancy left by his boss’ entry into elective politics.

    After being formally welcomed by Senate President Reginald Farley, Government Senator Kay McConney, Opposition Senator Caswell Franklyn, and Independent Senator Kevin Boyce, Senator Hunte, the BWU deputy general secretary took the floor.

    The new senator said he was “honoured” to “carry on the work they have done on behalf of the trade union movement”. He takes the Senate seat of General Secretary Toni Moore, now MP for St George North…Declaring that many workers were being forced to take to the streets to protest for what is rightfully theirs, Senator Hunte said: “I am joining the Senate at this time when too many Barbadians are finding it difficult to have reasonable access to labour relations advice at work. There seems to be a system of a roll back of the gains that have been won by labour over the decades.”

    He added: “I am happy to join this Chamber in this capacity at a time when the labour relations landscape of our country is going through some change. November this year, a time when Barbadians would have preferred if the hardest thing they had to do was to contemplate whether they wanted their conkies with or without raisins, too many members of the working class have had to find themselves on the sidewalks demonstrating their inability to access severance pay that they are entitled to that was owed to them.”

  28. What was so strong about Hunte mouthings yesterday
    Didn’t hear Hunte speaking loud and bold in a chastising manner against a govt policy which has taken away the foundations of the severance Act put in place to protect the workers
    Didn’t hear Hunte specifically chastise a govt which would vocally tell workers not to protest
    His mouthings were usually the longwinded response to oppose but not to offended
    Unions role is to be bold and direct against govt policies which purposely and intentionally pursue paths with an intent of hurting the workers
    Hunte opening remarks were a failure to be frank and direct which should have been timely and no bars holds against govt policies given the mishandling of this six year long problem
    In other words his Conkie was missing raisins

  29. What is the latest on the workers severance pay

  30. Are the workers at G4S getting equal pay?
    Is the wild cat strike over?
    Who will be the winners and losers?

  31. Always late to the party.

    Bigworks to the rescue.

  32. Wow what a historical occasion
    Even rethread leroy Trotman got to hand out knighthood to the G4S workers for their valiant efforts in staging protest while Mia looked on with a smile 😃
    Now what did occur from a laysman perspective
    G4S and govt decided to make a run for minimum wage
    G4S decides to pay workers equal pay
    But there got to be a hook private sector not that generous
    Aww watch out for more lay offs

    Big works indeed
    Profit margin cuts deals and have the final word

  33. ” However, Weir said Barbados was known for its hospitality; delivering on promises; being politically stable; and having a good reputation in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States of America. As a result, he said, more people were enquiring about Barbados’ industry, and more investors were showing interest in coming to the island.”

    more investors were showing interest in coming to the island

    more investors were showing interest in coming to the island


  34. I heard the word “agreements” spoken from the mouth of Mia
    Were these agreements put in writing
    Was there a minister from the opposition party in attendence to ensure full transparency on this issue
    Has Mia become the vocal minister for labour and leader of the Union

  35. Poor Mariposa the hand flaring despot has stepped up like real leaders do not like thenightwatchman or the ex PM.This is how leaders lead from the front.The dispute seems to have been amicably resolved with the workers getting what they were pressing for over 12 years which would have strecthed back to 2008 with the so called great Mr Thompson followed by Mr Stuart.Tell us Mariposa why didn, t your party resolve this years ago and not a word of protest from you or CCC who suddenly care about poor people since 2018.Damn hyprocrites.You all got two more years to bellyache and probably 10 more after that.Tje recent by election showed the majority of people ain,t buying what you selling hemceMr Reifer got his ass kicked and the least said about the mock party the better.As i have stated i believe the economy will rebound to pre covid levels ans it will be good night nurse for all the daily bellyachers on here come 2023 in my opinion.

  36. lorenzo look shut up nothing here has been settled no sign agreements
    oh btw why didnt the blp govt of the time of the alexander saga not find a resolution
    also why did not the same blp govt of the day find a solution for the Al Barrack saga
    Poor fool all govt handed the workers was a promise which supposedly would begin on Jan 1st no sign agreement by the G4S management for a promised of certainty ,nothing govt has provided can compel G4S to keep the promise and you poor soul talking about resolution
    furthermore govt also indicates that coming out of this long drawn out talk another committee at taxpayers expense to decide if low end workers would get a dollar more in wages
    this mulberry PR was another joke place on workers and taxpayers head

  37. Ma riposa

    Name one minister from the opposition parties fior one million dollars

  38. Joe Atherly
    Wouldnt even ask for the million dollars cause i doubt very much if u have it

  39. Which government or political ministry does joe have ?

    Who gave him a ministry and when?

  40. Joseph Atherley is NOT a minister. He is Leader of the Opposition and Member of Parliament for St. Michael West.

  41. Thousands to benefit from wage accord

    Stories By Sheria Brathwaite

    By April next year, Barbados could, for the first time, have a national minimum wage along with fixed amounts for different sectors.
    Currently, the legal minimum wage of $6.25 per hour applies only to shop assistants.
    The groundbreaking development was announced last night by Prime Minister Mia Mottley during a press conference at Ilaro Court after a resolution to the industrial impasse involving the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) and G4S Secure Solutions Barbados.
    “I’m happy to report that on reflection we were able to find that common ground and it is that common ground that would benefit not only the workers of G4S but thousands of workers across Barbados . . . ,” she said.
    “For more than a decade, the Barbados Workers’ Union in its conferences year after year would have called for an establishment of a national minimum wage and sectoral minimum wages to protect the most vulnerable in our society. Whether it was shop assistants who were already getting and domestics, to extend it to gas station workers, cleaners, agricultural workers, general workers, security workers, officers, guards, (and) watchmen.” Mottley said that increasing the minimum wage was part of the Barbados Labour Party’s manifesto before it came to power and the current administration was committed to standing by its promises of $8. The Barbados Minimum Wage, Labour Law and Employment Data Sheet, list the minimum wage rate at $6.25 per hour for shop assistants. The minimum wage was last changed in March 1, 2012.
    “My Government through the Minister of Labour established and appointed the national minimum wage board . . . But equally as important, (we) established a working committee within the ministry that produced this document – a draft proposal – for a national minimum wage for Barbados.
    Heavy lifting
    “And therefore the six months that it took to do the heavy lifting on this document is behind us and not ahead of us and as a result, what remains to be done is for this to go to the National Minimum Wage Board for its comments, acceptance, amendments (or) rejection and then for them to report to the minister.”
    Mottley said the board had to comprise people with a certain level of experience, pointing out that it comprised three people appointed by Government, three by the BWU and three by the private sector.
    She also said that a Blue Riband Advisory Committee was established to advise the Cabinet on what would be recommended by the board. The advisory committee would also consult with the Social Partnership. The committee’s first report to Cabinet is to be presented by February 1.
    “The minister then would review their comments and recommend to Cabinet for Cabinet’s agreement what the national minimum wage would be. One of the things we recognise is that there can be no single figure across the board, particularly since certain sectors have different complexities and different skill sets . . . so that you may have a national minimum wage that is across the board . . . .
    “We look forward to a resolution to this matter that will allow not just G4S workers, not just security workers, but thousands of Barbadians workers to face 2021 with the comfort that come April that there would be in place in Barbados a national minimum wage as well as a sectoral minimum wage for different sectors.”
    Once the committee reports to Cabinet in February and the draft legislation is set, members of the public will have 40 days to state any objections for the Minister of Labour and the the board to review before it is set to bed in April.
    The members of the committee are chairman of the Administrative, General and Professional Service Commission, John Williams; retired educator and trade unionist The Most Honourable Patrick Frost; former general secretary of the National Union of Public Workers and Barbados Ambassador to the United Nations, Joseph Goddard; retired business executive and former head of the Barbados Private Sector Association, Sir Allan Fields, and businesswoman Marcia Martindale. Former Chief Justice Sir David Simmons will chair the committee.
    Mottley added that the labour dispute fast-forwarded Government’s move to increase minimum wages, which she said may have been addressed around June or July next year.

    Source: Nation

  42. G4S officers to get same pay
    From January 1, 2021, security stewards employed at G4S Secure Solutions Barbados will receive the same pay as security officers.
    Prime Minister Mia Mottley announced last night during a press conference at Ilaro Court that the Barbados Workers’ Union and the security company agreed to raise the $7.42 pay of security stewards to $8.79 along with a minimum of 40 hours per week.
    “I’m happy to report that after intensive back and forth and conciliation between the parties, that the parties have agreed that G4S will pay all of the security workers, whether stewards or officers $8.79.”
    Mottley said she discovered there were anomalies pertaining to minimum wages for security workers and that G4S wrote to the late Prime Minister David Thompson requesting a set minimum wage for security workers out of concerns of disparities.
    BWU consultant and former general secretary Sir Roy Trotman said the workers were also demanding back pay but gave up that request.
    “We have given up the demand for back pay, that is normally not what a trade union is about but we have decided to make that sacrifice because we have said to the Prime Minister and to G4S that we want not just G4S workers to come out ahead of this in circumstances where they can take home a living wage to their families, we want all security workers to have that same benefit.”
    Meanwhile, G4S legal advisor Ramon Alleyne QC was pleased, saying the company was committed to paying workers equally. (SB)

  43. “ We have given up the demand for back pay, that is normally not what a trade union is about but we have decided to make that sacrifice because we have said to the Prime Minister and to G4S that we want not just G4S workers to come out ahead of this in circumstances where they can take home a living wage to their families, we want all security workers to have that same benefit.”(QUOTE)
    ( Sir Roy)
    Who fooling who ? The above should be read very carefully.
    Things get curiouser and curiouser.
    “ on the abundance of water the fool is thirsty”

  44. MAM and her troop 40 – BU Gang 0 and counting.🤭

  45. @ William

    Smoke and mirrors. Why is the president supervising this settlement and not the minister? Why is Roy Trotman speaking on behalf of the union and not the general secretary? And why should low-paid workers negotiate away their back pay? Is the pay settlement really their own money?
    When are t he redundancies going to come?

  46. Why u don’t read before you write? Wuh kinda journalist or reporter u wuz? Oh gaad!

  47. By April next year, Barbados could, for the first time, have a national minimum wage along with fixed amounts for different sectors.
    Currently, the legal minimum wage of $6.25 per hour applies only to shop assistants.
    The groundbreaking development was announced last night by Prime Minister Mia Mottley during a press conference at Ilaro Court after a resolution to the industrial impasse involving the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) and G4S Secure Solutions Barbados.
    “I’m happy to report that on reflection we were able to find that common ground and it is that common ground that would benefit not only the workers of G4S but thousands of workers across Barbados . . . ,” she said.





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