The climate developing countries have to manage affairs of state appears to be very challenging at this time. Barbados the former colony can no longer expect to hide or be protected by England. There was a time we benefited from preferential trade treatment which seemed fair in a dog eat dog world where the ‘strongest’ always has the best chance to navigate challenges.

In a post 54th independence period sensible Barbadians are forced to reflect and to ask – where do we go from here?

Some debate whether the decline of the Barbados economy (and society) started in the 70s, what is for certain is that the decline accelerated after the 2008 global recession. The structure of our economy with an over reliance on services made us extremely vulnerable to significant slowdown in the world economy. Unfortunately we have been unable to patch the vulnerability which has been exposed again by the Covid 19 pandemic.

Reading many comments on BU and listening to commentary elsewhere, it has become painfully obvious despite the dark challenges facing Barbados there are unrealistic expectations the leadership of the country has not address. Barbadians for many years have enjoyed a reasonable standard of living supported by deficit financing in the post Barrow period. There is nothing wrong with spending more than you earn but it is a practice which cannot be sustained. Successive governments in the last four decades have borrowed heavily to pursue national budget objects. We can continue to quibble about who to blame and see where that get us.

The blogmaster is palpably aware from walking among Barbadians on a daily basis that many are suffering from a form of ‘Alice in Wonderland Syndrome’. At a household level commonsense would dictate that supporting a lifestyle of spending more than one earns will lead eventually to a problem. Why do Barbadians expect a different outcome if successive governments continue to engage in reckless financial management? We have spent billions on education, should citizens possess the awareness to translate it to a strident lobby against the establishment to ensure realistic policy decisions are implemented? What about other key stakeholders in civil society like media houses/practitioners and NGO groups?

In the 54 Not Out blog there is a cursory discussion about local media. We have a David Ellis who has been the standout media person in Barbados over the years but a single journalist will not do it. Also we do not have the columnists of the past who provoked deep thought in the population the likes of Oliver Jackman, Gladstone Holder, Leonard Shorey to name only three. Active NGO groups are important as well because interest can be more forcefully represented in numbers. We are at a place in Barbados all problems must be solved by the government. To move forward we must implement a fit for purpose governance model. The reactionary approach to managing our affairs will not deliver meaningful long term results. We fail to plan, we plan to fail.

This morning as the blogmaster sips from a cup of peppermint tea alone with his thoughts, it is clear the country is suffering from a ‘fatigue’, especially wrought by the post 2008 period. This was compounded by a severe policy prescription that has decimated the hopes and dreams of the middleclass forced to witness a manhandling of nest eggs in the most unprecedented way. Finally came Covid 19.

The unprecedented times in which we live demands a degree of planning and collaboration between stakeholders in civil society never envisaged. The blogmaster is unable to reconcile conversations emanating from the mouths of key actors given what the national imperatives should be. Propping up a lifestyle fuelled by conspicuous consumption must be addressed. Calibrating our educations system to produce citizens who can compete to support themselves. Dismantling sub cultures and replace with initiatives to nurture national pride. The forgoing should positively impact crime. Last but not least the environment. We have to care about the space in which we have to exist.

No more tea…

Discuss for 15 marks.

267 responses to “Message to Barbadians”

  1. COOL IT ARTAX December 4, 2020 2:44 PM



    Thousands of Doctors’ Offices Buckle Under Financial Stress of COVID
    Laura Ungar
    December 01, 2020

    • Cormay Caine misses a full day of work and drives more than 130 miles round trip to take five of her children to their pediatrician. The Sartell, Minnesota, clinic where their doctor used to work closed in August.
    • Caine is one of several parents who followed Dr. Heather Decker to her new location on the outskirts of Minneapolis, an hour and a half away. Many couldn’t get appointments for months with swamped nearby doctors.
    • “I was kind of devastated that she was leaving because I don’t like switching providers, and my kids were used to her. She’s just an awesome doctor,” said Caine, a postal worker who recently piled the kids into her car for back-to-back appointments. “I just wish she didn’t have to go that far away.”
    • So does Decker, who had hoped to settle in the Sartell area. She recently bought her four-bedroom “dream home” there.
    • The HealthPartners Central Minnesota Clinic where Decker worked is part of a wave of COVID-related closures starting to wash across America, reducing access to care in areas already short on primary care doctors.
    • Although no one tracks medical closures, recent research suggests they number in the thousands. A survey by the Physicians Foundation estimated that 8% of all physician practices nationally — around 16,000 — have closed under the stress of the pandemic. That survey didn’t break them down by type, but another from the Virginia-based Larry A. Green Center and the Primary Care Collaborative found in late September that 7% of primary care practices were unsure they could stay open past December without financial assistance.
    • And many more teeter on the economic brink, experts say.
    • “The last few years have been difficult for primary care practices, especially independent ones,” said Dr. Karen Joynt Maddox, co-director of the Center for Health Economics and Policy at Washington University in St. Louis. “Putting on top of that COVID, that’s in many cases the proverbial straw. These practices are not operating with huge margins. They’re just getting by.”
    • When offices close, experts said, the biggest losers are patients, who may skip preventive care or regular appointments that help keep chronic diseases such as diabetes under control.
    • “This is especially poignant in the rural areas. There aren’t any good choices. What happens is people end up getting care in the emergency room,” said Dr. Michael LeFevre, head of the family and community medicine department at the University of Missouri and a practicing physician in Columbia. “If anything, what this pandemic has done is put a big spotlight on what was already a big crack in our health care system.”
    • Federal data shows that 82 million Americans live in primary care “health professional shortage areas,” and the nation needed more than 15,000 more primary care practitioners even before the pandemic began.
    • Once the coronavirus struck, some practices buckled when patients stayed away in droves for fear of catching it, said Dr. Gary Price, president of the Physicians Foundation, a nonprofit grant-making and research organization. Its survey, based on 3,513 responses from emails to half a million doctors, found that 4 in 10 practices saw patient volumes drop by more than a quarter.
    • On the West Coast, a survey released in October by the California Medical Association found that one-quarter of practices in that state saw revenues drop by at least half. One respondent wrote: “We are closing next month.”
    Decker’s experience at HealthPartners is typical. Before the pandemic, she saw about 18 patients a day. That quickly dropped to six or eight, “if that,” she said. “There were no well checks, which is the bread-and-butter of pediatrics.”
    In an emailed statement, officials at HealthPartners, which has more than 50 primary care clinics around the Twin Cities and western Wisconsin, said closing the one in Sartell “was not an easy decision,” but the pandemic caused an immediate, significant drop in revenue. While continuing to provide dental care in Sartell, northwest of Minneapolis, the company encouraged employees to apply for open positions elsewhere in the organization. Decker got one of them. Officials also posted online information for patients on where more than 20 clinicians were moving.
    The pandemic’s financial ripples rocked practices of all sizes, said LeFevre, the Missouri doctor. Before the pandemic, he said, the 10 clinics in his group saw a total of 3,500 patients a week. COVID-19 temporarily cut that number in half.
    “We had fiscal reserves to weather the storm. Small practices don’t often have that. But it’s not like we went unscathed,” he said. “All staff had a one-week furlough without pay. All providers took a 10% pay cut for three months.”
    Federal figures show pediatricians earn an average of $184,400 a year, and doctors of general internal medicine $201,400, making primary care doctors among the lowest-paid physicians.
    As revenues dropped in medical practices, overhead costs stayed the same. And practices faced new costs such as personal protective equipment, which grew more expensive as demand exceeded supply, especially for small practices without the bulk buying power of large ones.
    Doctors also lost money in other ways, said Rebecca Etz, co-director of the Green Center research group. For example, she said, pediatricians paid for vaccines upfront, “then when no one came in, they expired.”
    Some doctors took out loans or applied for Provider Relief Fund money under the federal CARES Act. Dr. Joseph Provenzano, who practices in Modesto, California, said his group of more than 300 physicians received $8.7 million in relief in the early days of the pandemic.
    “We were about ready to go under,” he said. “That came in the nick of time.”
    While the group’s patient loads have largely bounced back, it still had to permanently close three of 11 clinics.
    “We’ve got to keep practice doors open so that we don’t lose access, especially now that people need it most,” said Dr. Ada Stewart, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
    Caine, the Minnesota mom, said her own health care has suffered because she also saw providers at the now-closed Sartell clinic. While searching for new ones, she’s had to seek treatment in urgent care offices and the emergency room.
    “I’m fortunate because I’m able to make it. I’m able to improvise. But what about the families that don’t have transportation?” she said. “Older people and the more sickly people really need these services, and they’ve been stripped away.”

  3. Artax,

    I have agreed at some point in time, with EVERYBODY on this blog. With Baje, with Mariposa, with Lorenzo, with Hal Austin. With people who consider me a pea brain, mad woman, yardfowl, moron etc. etc. etc. and doubtless, I shall do so again. It amazes me that big men find it so hard to do.

    Men often dismiss women as being too emotional to be logical and objective. This I always knew to be false but BU has proven that men are no different in that regard. No different at all!

  4. We received the same information and we did not panic here. We did what we had to do and we solved the problem. We now walk around and do our business without undue worry. If Americans had done what we did, they would have been up and running. The problem was not the panic but the stupid ass people who refused to take reasonable precautions.

    The End.



  6. Artax,

    I have agreed at some point in time, with EVERYBODY on this blog. With Baje, with Mariposa, with Lorenzo, with Hal Austin. With people who consider me a pea brain, mad woman, yardfowl, moron etc. etc. etc. and doubtless, I shall do so again. It amazes me that big men find it so hard to do.

    Men often dismiss women as being too emotional to be logical and objective. This I always knew to be false but BU has proven that men are no different in that regard. No different at all!








  7. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    $54 million of our tax dollars given to two men in a one door office in the UK.

    And the AG saying that if he had to do it again , he would do it again.

    Now MAM is walking about the place cap in hand begging for money.

  8. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    You all notice that the unemployment in Barbados is only among the BLACK POPULATION.

    Among WHITE BAJANS unemployment : 0%

    Among INDIANS unemployment ; 0%

    That only leaves us with all the unemployment. .

  9. @ Carson

    Spot on. Most Indian businesses operate in cash only and when they get US dollars,, they go straight in to their pockets. The is why government should outlaw the use of the Greenback as effective legal tender,

  10. My man, are you lacking in comprehension skills? How on earth could you read that and deduce that I am seeking attention? I don’t go on facebook, instagram, twitter. Don’t post photos or anything of the sort. The only place I come is BU. I made a simple observation and I stand by it. And as I recall you were the one who first insulted me by calling me delusional.

    Every day you come on the blog trying to convince people that if they are not miserable with their life in Barbados, then they should be. If they are happy you call them delusional. Every post seeks to belittle anyone who lives on this “2×3” and attempts to make you into some sort of collossus.


    You think your belligerence can frighten me? I will continue to post on DAVID’S blog as I please until DAVID has a problem with it. But I know he feels as I do about YOUR posts.

    Cuhdear Bajan and I tell stories about our lives That is how we relate. That is how many women relate. It was Cuhdear Bajan’s stories that encouraged me to get started in my garden. I simply hoped my stories could do the same for some silent female reader.

    Look piss off do, JACKASS! I was replying to Artax. You have serious problems. Seek help!

    Obviously happier than you on the 2×3 island. You are one miserable SOB trying to convince others that they are miserable. Misery loves company, I hear.

  11. We Barbadians on the 2×3 “don’t know our ass from our elbow”. Wow! And if I say something about overseas Bajans, William Skinner will jump out and talk about peace.

    All day long insults directed at those of us who live on the rock and we are supposed to believe you care.

    That will do it, guys! Thank you for your inspiring words.

    It is a good thing I don’t give a rat’s ass for your stupid opinions. Unfortunately, there are others less confident than I.


  12. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Donna
    I use “ Peace” as it was used in the 60s/70s after a rap or greeting. Some say “ Peace and love “. It’s really out of the music and culture of that time.
    So, that’s just to explain why I sign off these days using “Peace”.
    Everybody on BU knows , that all last year I was constantly using the term “ Duopoly”.
    My grandson told me to find another word or phrase and I just say “Peace.” It’s honestly not a defense or call for anything or anything like that. Eventually I may come up with another word or phrase.
    Peace .

  13. because overseas barbadians dont live on the island
    So What
    just like those living on the island can read and tell all and sundry about USA politics never mind most of what is written is influenced by the lilly white media
    so can overseas barbadians read the carribbean news paper and give opinions
    furthermore many overseas barbadians making comments here more likely than not visit one or more times of the year before covid
    I will bet that some barbadians talking big and loud about USA politics may in their lifetime made the most five seven day visits to the USA
    i think some of wunna living on the island need to know wunna place and understand that none of wunna have no more birthrite to the 166sq miles than those living outside the island
    You guys are friggin rude and comes across as bullies

  14. @ Mariposa

    Always be wary of converts, they are the most fanatical. Remember 9/11, the most dangerous of those terrorists were the converts. So in politics, converts and first generation nationals: Trump, Priti Patel, Dominic Raab, Boris |Johnson, the list is endless, of those Brits born in India and East Africa and who now are more British than those born in the UK.
    We also have it with the Irish and their offspring. But, ironically, now the UK has left the EU, all these people who once claimed to be 100 per cent Brits, are now rushing for their Irish passports.
    Just ignore them. They are in urgent need of counselling.

  15. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    The integrity bill was supposed to come from DAY ONE of a new Barbados Labour Party Govt. It is two and half years now. We are going to get some kind of WATERED DOWN VERSION with no teeth. It will let the WHITE BAJANS AND INDIANS off the hook.

  16. Spot on!

    Was Errol Barrow a convert?

  17. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “A promise that Integrity in Public Life Bill is coming”….the Minister added it would include Private Life too….and a Freedom of Information Act….and a Public Investment dashboard…..meanwhile are unable to table any recent reports from multiple public bodies? Long on talk, short on accountable metrics.

  18. @Northern Observer

    On point.

  19. Likewise I think that you, being the most miserable man on the blog, should seek counselling. Mine is done by my plants, bees, butterflies, earthworms, birds and ladybirds.

    As for Mariposa, she needs one of those former cult members who rescue the blinded from cults. That is beyond the capacity of most professionals.

    P.S. Were newspapers available to overseas Bajans between 2008 and 2018?

  20. William Skinner,

    I, being a fanatical “come yuh” convert and one who lives ignorant and enslaved on the 2×3 barren rock, bereft of hope and in need of urgent counselling to help me to distinguish my ass from my elbow, humbly bow before all overseas Bajans whose vastly superior brains enabled them to escape from a terrible fate in Barbados living among the savages to an enlightened and perfect life among the white people.

  21. And oh….peace.

  22. David December 5, 2020 5:44 AM #: “A promise that Integrity in Public Life Bill is coming.”

    @ David BU

    ‘We just have to wait and see.’

    I remain very wary of politicians from both the BLP and DLP. They have been promising to enact integrity legislation for several years now, and we’re yet to see it materialized.
    Remember, the Democratic Labour Party promised to enact ITAL within 100 days, if they won the 2008 general elections. They did not fulfill their promise and REMAINED SILENT on the subject during their ten year tenure.

    We’ve heard the BLP making similar promises during the 2018 general election campaign and, after over 2½ years, all we’re now having is all talk and no action from Mottley.

  23. NorthernObserver Avatar

    And according the Barbados parliament website, there hasn’t been an official gazette since January 2020. Not even an extra ordinary one as implemented for a while in 2019. They published 12 in Jan 2020 alone, and then…..

  24. NorthernObserver Avatar

    here, I believe, is the relevant quote from the article posted by @David above
    “Caddle said that agreement needed to be reached where it was understood that integrity legislation was not just for Government, but extended to the private sector where they too would be subjected to the same sanctions as public officials.”(quote)
    You already know that is tantamount to an extra 50 pages and a 2 year delay. Sounds sweet, but……

  25. @ David December 5, 2020 5:44 AM
    “A promise that Integrity in Public Life Bill is coming.”

    Caddle said that agreement needed to be reached where it was understood that integrity legislation was not just for Government, but extended to the private sector where they too would be subjected to the same sanctions as public officials. (Unquote).

    Just another load of diversionary political bullshit!

    There are already a wide range of laws (including the Companies Act) to govern the behaviour of the private sector.

    The ‘challenge’ for Barbados is NOT the need for more laws but the application and enforcement of the existing laws without fear or favour; that is, ‘Fairly’.

    If the law enforcement agencies cannot deal with the large number of uninsured vehicles (including the large gang of motor bike bandits) on the 2X3 country’s roads how on earth can they be expected to enforce laws to ‘police’ white collar ‘colluding’ criminals both in the public and private sectors?

  26. “There are already a wide range of laws (including the Companies Act) to govern the behaviour of the private sector.”

    they are always telling the public lies complete with misdirection….but I didn’t SEE NOT one minority racist or crook defending Donville, bet ya he can’t call up any of them either, not now and not in the future, although he made it his priority to put them before the people who elected him…they have no time for losers who is also black, but frauds will never learn that….even if they see it themselves in letters as tall as the empire state building.

  27. I do not engage in the white/Indian conversation for a simple reason.

    It may be simplistic thinking on my part but I believe that with blacks being the vast majority and with political power for over 50 years, these inequalities continue to exist because of our failing of our black political leadership. It is not the white/Indian fault that we are unable to make progress, it is the fault of the two sets of jokers that we elect every five years.

    Their laws and policies are not meant to liberate blacks and tend to enriched others We continue to pretend to be a two party state, whilst others groups stop pretending to have that binary split; Mark Malone and company thrives in B or D.

    Keep this in mind.. It takes effort to keep a man down; unrestrained he can change his position; tied down his actions are limited.

    Free your minds and free yourselves

  28. It is not my intention to throw shade to the blogmaster. I am glad that he is still a believer
    Let me throw out a few phrases as we have seen this promise repeated over and over

    ” A promise is comfort to a fool”
    “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”
    “The proof of the pudding is in the eating

    Let torture a phrase
    “Insanity is hearing the same lie over and over and believing it”

    A word to the wise is sufficient


    At some stage, (I hope) all of us are passionate lovers whispering sweet nothings into the ears of our partners.

    This woman has been repeating this speech like 20 years now. Sisyphus was more productive

    Excerpts from BT
    “The BBA welcomes recent comments by the Honourable Attorney General to the effect that legislation is coming to deal more effectively with attorneys-at-law who misappropriate clients’ funds. For many years, the BBA has advocated for a more efficient and robust disciplinary regime.

    “The new legislation is not only timely but overdue. It is possible that recent cases have been the catalyst to bring the issue to the fore once again,” Smith-Millar said.

    She recalled that in 2016 the BBA submitted feedback on a wide range of proposed changes to the Legal Profession Act, but noted that, “nothing came of that draft legislation”.

    She said that draft and the recommendations had again been submitted to the Attorney General and the new Chief Justice Patterson Cheltenham for further consideration.
    If you are going to tell me what her powers are or what she can or cannot do, then you missed the point. She has been a longtime player in the charade for years.

  30. Changes are coming. The people are becoming increasingly demanding. But we have some work to do on ourselves to keep it going to the end. Otherwise we will revert to status quo when the waters calm ever so slightly. We must not stop until the job is done!

    Onward and upwards, Barbados!

  31. “Keep this in mind.. It takes effort to keep a man down; unrestrained he can change his position; tied down his actions are limited. Free your minds and free yourselves.”

    Should be recommended as an additional BU motto.

  32. Whenever I hear of an Integrity Bill the title of the Supremes hit “you keep me hanging on” comes to mind. In the fall of 2007 David Thompson made a speech to a group of Bajans assembled at a hotel in Mississauga, Ontario that if the DLP was elected his Gov’t would introduce a Bill under the heading “Integrity in Public life” within six months of being elected. This was music to the ears of those who had assembled as many of them were being bombarded by tales of profligacy by members of the then BLP Gov’t.

    I don’t have to detail what has transpired since then and in 2020 and some of us are still hanging on and hanging in but we are resilient lot and sometime come hell/ highwater/pandemic or Republic we will agitate for an Integrity Bill.

  33. The cheap laugh brigade reporting for duty
    “We drafted an integrity bill, but somebody stole the copy”
    “Did you say integrity? I heard thievery?”
    “Speaker did you say integrity? I heard get the tea”
    “Did you say integrity? I heard, it is gritty”

    I think my brain just shut down and is spewing random nonsense. Will try to reboot.

  34. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Theo at 12 :55 PM

    Welcome to the club. My brain has been overwhelmed by the abundance of outpourings coming from normally sharp and entertaining commenters. I believe it has to do with COVID-19 lock downs and the consequential effects on our sense of what is important.

  35. SOEs suffer big loss in six months
    By Shawn Cumberbatch
    Government’s reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) has hit a major COVID-19 pandemic snag.
    One year after earning a collective $60.95 million profit halfway through Government’s financial year, the tables have turned for 33 commercial and non-commercial SOEs being fixed under the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT) programme.
    They suffered a $4.9 million loss in the same six-month period ended September 30 this year.
    The problems were compounded by the fact that while over the period the statutory entities cut spending, including $23.73 million less for wages and salaries, their revenue simultaneously fell by $118.9 million.
    Based on a 34-page Mid-Year Review Report April 2020 to September 2020 released by the Ministry of Finance, the financial situation at SOEs would have been worse were it not for $132.86 million in subventions from Government. Subventions were reduced by $41.19 million up to the end of September.
    Faced with what it called a generally “poor” performance by SOEs in the first half of the financial year, the Mia Amor Mottley administration has signalled to these organisations that they have to improve, including reducing arrears owed to suppliers, generating more income and cutting wastage.
    Reviewed performance
    The report, which Minister in the Ministry of Finance Ryan Straughn addressed in a Ministerial Statement in the House of Assembly last Tuesday, reviewed the half-year financial performance of 22 commercial SOEs and 11 non-commercial ones.
    “For the six-month period, revenue collected was less than the corresponding period of April to September 2019 due to the curfew/ lockdown of the country because of the COVID-19 pandemic,” the document stated.
    “However, expenditure was not in proportion to the revenue collected and this resulted in the entities .. . reporting a comprehensive net loss.”
    The biggest loss makers were the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) at $13.52 million, National Housing Corporation (NHC) at $6.37 million, Caves of Barbados by $2.95 million, and the non-commercial Barbados Community College – $1.97 million.
    The profitable SOEs were Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI) $11.43 million, Barbados Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation – $5.16 million, Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC) – $4.04 million, Financial Services Commission (FSC) – $2.79 million, and Barbados Water Authority (BWA) – $2.16 million. Of this group, BIDC and FSC are in the non-commercial category.
    The report, stating that total revenue fell from last year’s $449.2 million to $330.3 million in the first six months of Government’s financial year, said it was noteworthy that some of the revenue-raising programmes implemented to wean some SOEs from the public purse were hurt by the pandemic.
    Lack of ridership
    These included the “Transportation Augmented Programme of the Transport Board due to the lack of ridership; the collection of Garbage and Sewage Contribution due to the closure of businesses; the Health Services Levy due to the loss of jobs, and the Airline Travel and Development fee due to the decrease in international travel”.
    SOEs spent $54.61 less but this was negated by the bigger fall in revenue.
    “For the period April to September 2020, the top five spenders were QEH ($102.12 million), BWA ($69.40 million), Sanitation Service Authority ($28.82 million), Transport Board ($20.46 million), and National Conservation Commission ($17.67 million).
    Government attributed part of the expenditure reduction to SOE operations being negatively impacted by COVID-19, and said the QEH increased spending related mainly to getting the health sector ready for the pandemic.
    Regarding arrears, entities owing the most at the end of September were the BTMI ($10.35 million), Transport Board ($8.31 million), BWA ($6.07 million), NHC ($3.72 million) and QEH ($3.13 million).
    The report added that “although there has been some improvement in the financial reporting of the entities, a greater effort is required if proper oversight is to be achieved”.

  36. Spouge economics and innovative thinking

    You know how I feel about economics in the Caribbean today right? I feel that it is too narrowly focused on numbers, too textbook and formulaic in approach, lacking social, cultural and historical context in analysis and prescriptions and that our economists are prone to speaking in economese and jargon which very few people can understand, but may pretend to in order to appear smart.
    Readers could reasonably assume that I feel all dem so just so fuh so.
    But as with most things, the truth is probably more complex.
    In recent times, colleagues have introduced me to the work of some prominent Caribbean economists of the past whose thought is so contrary to what I currently perceive as Caribbean economics that it makes me wonder: “What on God’s good Bim happened?.”
    Economists like Lloyd Best and George Beckford presented perspectives so creative, innovative and Caribbean that reading them gives me the same feeling I get listening to spouge.
    You ever see Bajans react to spouge? I doan mean react to the mention of spouge, because, mention spouge to many a Bajan and you will either get a blank stare or a loud stupes. I mean how dey does react when a DJ or a live band hit dem wid de spouge unexpectedly, when their defences are down. It is a wonder to behold.
    Something is light up in dem like if the DJ had de code to the microchip in dey brain. Try it. Ask a person how they feel about spouge and then without warning pelt on “ You’re No Good” by Jackie Opel or “ Drink Milk” by the Draytons Two and see what happens. When you listen to spouge you can’t help but wonder: “What happened?”
    The same way we lef’ out good homemade music to import sounds, it often seems to me like we abandoned innovative, indigenous economic thinking to adopt wholesale, economic theory from elsewhere. In all fairness to our economists, this trend is by no means unique to that discipline.
    We do it across the board, from music, to economics, to food, to architecture, the idea seems to be that foreign is better. But we focus here on economists because of the central and leading role that profession and discipline has taken in the development of the region.
    It is possible that it is not our economists who are narrowly fixated on numbers and jargon, and uninterested in nuance and context.
    It could be that that kind of work just doesn’t interest our journalists enough and so rarely makes it into mainstream media. It is possible that I have characterised our economists unfairly and erroneously. Enter Marla Dukharan as exhibit A.
    In a video that has been making the rounds on social media, Economist Dukharan lays out in clear and plain language how the European Union’s (EU) practice of blacklisting countries is biased and unfairly targets smaller and more vulnerable nations, particularly former European colonies. Dukharan characterises the EU’s behaviour as “institutionalised discrimination and economic warfare.” She also calls out the “Europhiles” among us who would make excuses for the EU.
    Wunna know how I feel already.
    The war against the non-western world which began in 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue has never stopped. The global game is and always has been rigged. The Europhiles among us would like us to believe that all our woes are of are own making. That if only we were smarter and more industrious we would easily close the gaps that exist. They suggest we leave Nelson’s statue on high, continue to swear allegiance to the queen, forget about history altogether and just be better.
    Dukharan’s video, available on her YouTube page, suggests that it’s not so simple.
    Yes, we can definitely be better.
    But that may not mean what the Europhiles and Americanised among us think it does. As I’ve said before and Dukharan also indicates, seeking to punch above your weight is not a sustainable strategy. But push back we must.

    Adrian Green is a communications specialist. Email: Adriangreen14

  37. Important office of Chief Justice
    By Ezra Alleyne
    Within the past month there have been some headlines focusing on the office of Chief Justice. That this office and news relating thereto attracts the attention of Barbadians and journalists, presents a teachable moment on an important constitutional position.
    The office of Chief Justice is critically important in any genuine democracy. The holder of the office “heads up” (a vulgar expression), the judicial power which is one of the three great powers of the State. People often speak of the power prime ministers exercise. Chief Justices and their judges also exercise awesome state powers.
    Prime ministers exercise what is called the executive power.
    The monarchs formerly exercised this power in real terms, at a moment in history when the office of prime minister had not been established.
    So, the current constitutional position is that the executive power resides as a matter of law within the Head of State, and so, it is strictly speaking, Her Majesty’s Government or to use the jargon of the Throne Speech, “my Government”.
    Made it clear
    And now prime ministers “run things” because one momentous day, in ancient times, the people finally made it clear to monarchs that their sell-by date for the exercise of their “off with his head” dictatorial powers had passed.
    The ensuing political settlement allowed the monarch to keep his constitutional position but henceforth kings and queens would cede the exercise of the major powers by convention to the real masters, who were and are voters and their elected representatives.
    The elected members eventually exercised the right to choose their leader from among them and to have a Cabinet chosen from among them by their leader.
    Thus the executive power became principally exercised by the Prime Minister and the legislative power became exercisable by the elected Parliament of which the prime minister was a member.
    There was some overlap of the legislature and the executive.
    The king’s wings had been well and truly clipped. But hold on, we have to connect with all this to the judges.
    At the same time, the judges who in practice exercised the judicial power, would continue to be appointed in theory by the monarch, but in reality by the prime minister.
    But, and here is the key point, of the three powers the judicial power would henceforth stand alone.
    There would be no overlap with either the legislative power or the executive power.
    The judicial power would be exercised independently of the other two powers.
    Hence, judicial independence of the operators of the two other powers of the state became an immutable principle of what is known as the separation of Powers. The rule of the law would replace the dictatorial judgment of the monarch.
    That is still the position today. Now, and this is an important situation, The Constitution is declared to be the supreme law, and Sir Patterson Cheltenham and his fellow judges have the high duty and task of interpreting The Constitution and what it means whenever a subsequent law is passed by the legislature at the behest of the Executive.
    Any citizen may complain that such a subsequent law infringes that citizen’s rights.
    It is an important safeguard against the modern-day kings overreaching themselves.
    But history had proved that judicial independence has to be nailed down and supported by some heavyweight “hurricane shutter” doctrines, the major one being that a judge can only be removed from office by a complex procedure.
    Protects them
    The Constitution protects them. The removal procedure takes away the capacity to fire a judge from the hands of any prime minister or Cabinet in exercise of the executive power This is important because a year ago in Britain much top floor criticism was heaped upon the heads of the judges who ruled against Boris Johnson’s prorogation of Parliament.
    Unpopular though principled decisions of the courts have provided the justification in times past for ancient kings to remove judges.
    Modern democratic constitutions know better.
    They insulate the judges from this kind of outdated and capricious dictatorial action.
    Our Constitution effectively provides for the security of tenure of our judges.
    Finally, Sir Patterson spoke sensitively on his observing the social history in practice of this formerly agricultural society, as a boy going to The Lodge School. His generation, he said, must never forget they owe their current social well-being to the hard work of those plantation workers. I find this a strikingly profound observation: The law is better interpreted and applied when the courts at all levels remain acutely conscious of the social milieu in which the law laid down in their judgments has to be applied.
    How the law is interpreted deeply affects the social fabric of our society.
    It is after all the habitual obedience and respect for the law that provides the foundation for the peace, order and good governance of the society.

    Ezra Alleyne is an attorney at law and former Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly.

  38. I have enormous respect for Ezra Alleyne, but it looks as if he has not looked at the theory of constitutional government since his university days in the 1960s.
    The Head of State (the Queen or her representative) does not head up the Executive; the Executive is head up by the Cabinet, in a parliamentary democracy.
    The Head of State’s functions are ceremonial, even in the signing off of Bills to turn them in to Acts. S/he is the embodiment of what we call the State, that mysterious institution that has no real existence, apart from the sophistication of how powers are exercised.
    It is the State (or Crown) which prosecutes a wrongdoer; it is the State (or Crown) which owns property. In shot, think of the idea of the State in much the same way we think of a person having a mind.
    Where in the body is the mind? Yet we talk about it with such confidence that it appears as if we can magic it in to existence. To put too much emphasis on the Queen’s Speech is to misunderstand both the speech and who delivers it.
    When the Head of State says ‘my government’, what s/he is saying is that the government; the Head of State is only the echo of what is being proposed. It has not a single jot on the government’s programme.
    It is ceremonial, not influential, not of any legal significance. It is like wearing black and white to a funeral; if you do not the dead can still be buried. It is ceremony, like soldiers marching up and down in fancy uniforms, and shouting at each other.
    I can understand why he could have such a mistaken view of our constitutional arrangement, since a strong prime minister can usurp the powers of parliament and of the Head of State.
    We have seen that recently with Mottley, both at Owen Arthur’s funeral – which officially was a State Funeral, therefore should have been head by the Governor General – and the Independence Day, a state occasion. We have also seen the abuse of the Governor General during the Queen’s Speech with 52 pages or rambling, rhetorical stuff that could have been delivered in at most 45 minutes, rather than the near three hours it took.
    Mottley gets away with this nonsense because the grand figures of Barbados politics would not whisper in her ears when she is misbehaving.
    Then he gets reality mixed up with constitutionality. If you have a 30/0 (29/1) legislature, a Cabinet that is subservient to the prime minister, a Chief Justice appointed by the Prime Minister, then we have a dictatorship? Or do we?
    Should not judicial appointment s be by an independent Judicial Appointments Committee? How can there be a rule of law independent to dictatorial rule when the laws are made by the prime ministerially-controlled Legislature and Executive, the judiciary is headed up by a Chief Justice appointed by the prime minister, and with a overwhelming majority in parliament, the prime minister can amend the constitution at a whim?
    Then he comes in with some waffle about the constitution effectively guaranteeing security of tenure of judges. Plse explain that in plain English.
    Are Barbadian judge, like those of the US Supreme Court, guaranteed jobs for life, or like the UK Supreme Court, their jobs are guaranteed until thy reach a retirement age? Which is it? What happened to the previous Chief Justice? Did the BLP come to power determined to remove the DLP appointed Chief Justice?
    As a leading and long-standing advocate, I am not surprised that Mr Alleyne is giving a greater importance to the doctrine of precedence than most legal theorists will. Judges interpret law, not make it.
    There is a set procedure for understanding the intentions of parliament in law making. You go first to the social problems that necessitated the call for a new law; then you go to the discussion document issued by parliament; then the responses; then to the Bill, the parliamentary debate, then the final Act.
    If the court’s interpretation of the background to the legislation does not accord with that development, then there is a need for an amended Act.
    Mr Alleyne’s weekly pieces are useful in that they force people to look closely at constitutionalism, rather than the theatre of the courts. But I hope he is not influencing young minds.

  39. My soul brother, Adrian Greene hits the spot again! Just like drinking milk with the Draytons Two.

    And he is right about that spouge reaction. Never ceases to lift my spirits. First comes the broad smile as I recognise the opening bars, then comes the singing at the top of my lungs. It speaks to my Bajan soul. And I wonder what happened? How did we let that gem slip through our fingers?

    And my soul cries out –


  40. @Donna

    It is better if locals have been encultrated to believe it is so. This is the kernel of the issue we have to unpack to move forward.

  41. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    As usual Ezra Alleyne makes an in depth comment on recent events in our blessed country. He uses his column as an educative tool. Some of us commenters can learn a thing or two about exposition. We have a tendency in public conversations to criticize without understanding the social and political reasons for the establishment of state structures.

  42. Donna December 5, 2020 8:15 AM

    William Skinner,

    “I, being a fanatical “come yuh” convert and one who lives ignorant and enslaved on the 2×3 barren rock, bereft of hope and in need of urgent counselling to help me to distinguish my ass from my elbow, humbly bow before all overseas Bajans whose vastly superior brains enabled them to escape from a terrible fate in Barbados living among the savages to an enlightened and perfect life among the white people.“ (Quote)
    @ Donna
    I respectfully think you have made a mistake by sending such a post addressed to me. I have never referred to Barbados as a 2×3 anything. I don’t know why you would direct anything like that to me. I have written nothing to you or anybody else that deserves such a response. This is at least a month or more that I have not made any comments regarding overseas or fellow Barbadians living at home.
    I don’t indulge in such phrases as you have stated above.

    PS .The very last post that I addressed to you was why I use the word “ Peace” at the end of my posts. And that was only by way explanation.

  43. New Spouge songs ahould be created and arrangerd by our best musicians.

    There has not been enough done to promote this genre of Bajan music.

    This instrumental version of Spouge is top class.

  44. William…ignore the ignoramuses who weren’t even born in Barbados and could never be so disrespectful to any white or other who makes suggestions or have opinions relating to the upliftment of the people for economic and social progress in the UK, they would probably deport her ass just for her impertinence…just speak to people who live in UK and they will tell you.

  45. William Skinner Avatar

    @ WURA
    Keep up the good work. I honestly think all of us are in this together.

  46. William…we have been trying for years before these jokers showed up and think they can change a narrative when many of us have receipts to pull out about what we’re saying, that we can show and don’t have to talk about ..”beliefs” not when we got proof in black and white.

    i came and found people like u on this blog and outside of the banter etc, never took it upon myself to tell anyone living in the diaspora or on the island that they should not contribute with an opinion, idea or radical information that is needed right now, we might dispute this or that, but that’s a normal part of arriving at some semblance of a solution….but these, when they don’t want to hear intelligent discourse they believe they can bully people to shut up….and most times don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.

    on another note, things are moving forward as they should, hope you have been checking out other platforms..

  47. on another note, things are moving forward as they should, hope you have been checking out … platforms..

  48. William Skinner,

    No, you did not make those comments. But others have. Just showing it to you.

    As for Wonder Woman, I would have her know that I am a third generation rebel (my guess is longer than that). My grandfather stopped the school from TRYING to beat my mother into singing God Save the Queen in the 1940s. She was not even 10 years old. My mother went to England in 1962 as an eighteen year old girl and gave the white man as good as she got and even better. Nuff smart lip and on one occasion she bust a white patient’s ass for spitting on her. I have told that story, one of the many I could tell on BU.

    At Q.C. we had many white teachers. A Mrs. Gilmore was mentioned here just last week. I think she was probably the same one who pulled my folded arms from across my chest on the way to assembly when I still young enough to be wearing a tunic. My response was to look into her eyes and put them right back up. The school rules did not permit her to put her hands on me. She got the message and used her voice instead. Then I complied in accordance with the rules. And this was after I turned my back on the queen’s motorcade in 1976. My friends and I also took over the white retreat by the tennis courts. Labelled the benches “South Africa”. Started a war of words after watching Roots. We did all that and escaped without punishment. Nobody wanted to deal with us. They knew we could represent ourselves and they would be exposed. But we earned a reputation at Q.C. When the overseer type Colleen Winter-Brathwaite took over from Elsie she said she had been warned about us and she gave us the name – The Rabble Rousers.
    Do you know what audacity it took to behave like that at Q.C. in the 70s? I have been confronting racist whites and the system since childhood.

    I also belonged to a political group with some serious militants at the age of eighteen. Some of them were Marxists. The young lady who brought me aboard is Bobby Clarke’s niece. I still have her Angela Davis books on my shelf.

    So piss off, you stupid woman! My grandfather, my mother and I have been taking a stand against the stuff you are now jumping up and down about since the 1940s.

    We lived it! Never bowed! Never will!

    I will leave you with another of my mother’s choice titbits.

    Once another white patient asked what the hell she was doing in England. My mother, ever quick of tongue, had the perfect reply –

    “I have come to practise on you as a guinea pig so I can go back home and take care of my people properly.”

    And that is precisely what she did! She gave them her all and sometimes brought them home. After retirement she took care of anyone in the neighbourhood who asked. Dressing wounds, putting in drops, bathing some and literally pulling the shit out of an old neighbour’s ass who suffered with terrible constipation.


    And so I devoted all my time for more than a decade to community work even mentoring at the Juvenile facility and following up after release to the point of standing up to the police at Central police station for unfairing my mentee.
    I left them speechless. I sat in my car after dark for half an hour, with only a pregnant woman as company, in The Orleans where shooting deaths occurred even this year just to prevent them from finding him hiding out and giving him a beating. I took him in as he said that is the only way he was going. He TRUSTED ME to protect him. And I did. Little, petite me! Bloody fearless when necessary! Or when angry! Just as mad as my mad ass mother!

    Not stand up to white people shit. I bought a car from Simpson Motors. They NEVER kept the parts in stock. Wanted me to wait for six weeks or have it sourced and pay more than twice the amount. One night, carless, I walked to Oistins alone. I walk or drive when I am angry. Even if it is midnight on a lonely road. But even though it was only eight, I got attacked by a would be rapist. Tripped him up and he ended up on the ground with me sitting on him. I jumped up still holding a grocery bag in each hand. Refused to run. I walked and HE got up and ran.

    Went into Simpson Motors next morning and ripped hell. White manager was summoned from upstairs. Tore into him too. Told him I would tell everybody I knew not to buy a car from Simpson’s. He apologised profusely and repeatedly. Never had to wait for a part after that.

    And you dare to tell me to do something useful with my nuisance life and that I am a coward who would not stand up to white people?

    You stupid, stupid woman!

    You may post a lot and that can also be useful. I act without even thinking. That’s why I don’t think of myself as an activist. To me, I am just living a normal life.

    Because, having grown up the lone black in a white neighbourhood from six weeks old ( 🙄) a white person is no big deal!

  49. Effing idiot!

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