There can be no reasonable doubt that the 12 month Barbados Welcome Stamp initiative has brought the destination an almost unparalleled level of media and public awareness and kudos to all those involved in its conception and ongoing content enhancement.

Amongst, the latest exposure is the planned Lion Television Scotland 60 minute documentary, which in their words, will ‘follow adventurous British families and individuals as they take an almighty plunge and relocate in the middle of a global pandemic, to work remotely from Barbados’.

According to the news release ‘the documentary will follow millennial Ashley, who only needs his laptop to work as a 3D digital animator, young family Kris and Brigitta and their three children who have been enrolled in a local school and Steve and Amanda. Amanda has recently retired and plans to get to know the island and its locals, while Steve works remotely for a pharmaceutical company’.

When filmed and edited the show will be aired on the UK’s Channel 4.

Popular shows on this channel, like Celebrity Bake Off have recently attracted overnight audiences of 4.4 million and Googlebox, a television reality series, 4.9 million. Interestingly, the TV Station reported, following extensive research, they have recorded up to a 38 per cent year-on-year growth to the number of 16 to 34 year olds tuning into the channel, bucking past trends. This at a time, when many conclude, that younger demographics are almost exclusively sourcing information and entertainment through other social media options.

Jo Street, Channel 4’s Head of Daytime and Head of Hub, Glasgow, who oversees the UK wide daytime commissioning team, said ‘Welcome to Barbados will bring audiences some much needed sunshine and give them the chance to escape the harsh realities of 2020, whilst dreaming about life in a hammock, on the beach… Now where do I get my Visa’?

This sort of extensive coverage can only impact positively on a destination, while helping drive additional long term visitors.
Each of these so-called ‘digital nomads’ of course requires somewhere to stay, a rented apartment, house or villa. They all have to eat, whether shopping in supermarkets or dining at our myriad of eating establishments, possibly hire a car on a long term basis, whilst paying their fair share of taxes to Government.
It has to be a win-win for everyone.

Since the Barbados Welcome Stamp was launched it has been expanded to offer a number of goods and services of particular interest to visa applicants, to make temporary relocation less challenging.

Hopefully all our tourism partners will fully evaluate the potential of this new market source and target their particular product by offering added special concessions and discounts. After all, they are beneficially piggy- backing onto this pioneering proven concept that has not cost the individual sector players a single cent in promotional costs.

123 responses to “Adrian Loveridge Column – Barbados Welcome Stamp a ‘Hit’”

  1. ” So far, Canada has secured nearly 414 million vaccine doses — more than 10 doses per-capita for a country of 37.9 million people.”

  2. Interesting comment about staycations. Also the blogmaster has been observing the liming spots on the south coast especially are well patronized.

    Staycations a lifeline for hotel sector
    Barbadians are giving hotels a lifeline by taking advantage of staycations.
    Chief executive officer of the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA), Senator Rudy Grant, yesterday described as “extremely good” Barbadians’ response to staycations in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    He said efforts were being made to see how those Barbadians opting to holiday at hotels could be encouraged to visit attractions, patronise restaurants and generally give a boost to the industry while making a contribution to employment and the economy.
    Several hotels have reopened since the COVID-19 lockdown, but without the customary level visitor arrivals. Most of them have been experiencing very small occupancies. As a result, they have been offering attractive packages for Barbadians to occupy rooms that would otherwise remain empty.
    Fielding questions from the media during a virtual press conference, Grant said this support was vital, since the island would not be experiencing the bumper 2020 that had been anticipated.
    BHTA chairman Geoffrey Roach said the organisation was working on a revised programme it hoped to
    put out very shortly that looked at staycations “from a much broader perspective”.
    That initiative, he added, would not be limited to a hotel stay but would incorporate all the attractions and experiences which Barbados had to offer, and of which only visitors took advantage in many instances. (GC)

  3. Carson C Cadogan Avatar

    I am still asking the question without any answer.

    Who will this initiative benefit ???? Which ”’Barbados????

    The WHITE BAJAN AND INDIAN BAJAN Barbados WHICH FORM THE 3% of the population ?????

    Or the BLACK BARDADIAN POOR which form the 97% of the population?????

    We see how the HOTELIERS are DISCADING the BLACK WORKERS without giving them a cent after they have worked their whole lives for the WHITE PEOPLE, THEY DONT CARE ABOUT THEM. Make them fair promises to pay which they have no intention to keep and all this in broad daylight and then throw them off like so much garbage. Now we to give them $300 million dollars for them to do that again?????

    Don’t you think it is time to stop fooling BLACK PEOPLE?????? Using them only as hewers of wood and drawers of wood????? When is this to stop???? These HOTELIERS don’t pay MUCH NIS payments but are saying let the NIS pay them. For years these WHITE PEOPLE made BILLIONS of dollars now they don’t want to pay the workers with the convivence of the BARBADOS LABOUR PARTY who change the laws that the workers are disadvantaged.

  4. It reminds us about you and the light bill incident.


  5. Carson C Cadogan Avatar


  6. Carson C Cadogan Avatar

    More interesting news:

  7. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @Carson C Cadogan November 21, 2020 7:53 AM

    I am still asking the question without any answer.

    Who will this initiative benefit ???? Which ”’Barbados????

    The WHITE BAJAN AND INDIAN BAJAN Barbados WHICH FORM THE 3% of the population ?????

    Or the BLACK BARDADIAN POOR which form the 97% of the population?????

    We see how the HOTELIERS are DISCADING the BLACK WORKERS without giving them a cent after they have worked their whole lives for the WHITE PEOPLE, THEY DONT CARE ABOUT THEM. Make them fair promises to pay which they have no intention to keep and all this in broad daylight and then throw them off like so much garbage. Now we to give them $300 million dollars for them to do that again?????

    Don’t you think it is time to stop fooling BLACK PEOPLE?????? Using them only as hewers of wood and drawers of wood????? When is this to stop???? These HOTELIERS don’t pay MUCH NIS payments but are saying let the NIS pay them. For years these WHITE PEOPLE made BILLIONS of dollars now they don’t want to pay the workers with the convivence of the BARBADOS LABOUR PARTY who change the laws that the workers are disadvantaged.

    Why don’t you ask your fellow black bajans who was in power and put the laws on the books that victimizing your fellow black people and before you talk about BLP or DLP. Both parties had their shots at fixing things and what happened.

    Business 101 is don’t purposely incur expenses you don’t have to. Pity government did not learn this themselves and keeps on wasting money but taxpayers pockets are bottomless.

    Was the government blackmailed into putting the 300 million out there for tourism? Was that the only option available?

    Do you know Barbados is one of the few countries that has severance payments in law and many don’t even have unemployment benefits or NIS schemes.

  8. These people were warned in the run up to the General Elections of 2018. But they choose to ignore the good advice which they were given. How unfortunate for them. So what is happening to them now is no surprise. Only to them. They gave the BLP all the seats against better advice.

    The BLP is a WHITE BAJANS AND INDIANS Govt. So it is no surprise, at least not to me, that they are doing all in their power to satisfy the 3% of the Barbados population. These people are their masters.

    The Barbados Labour Party Govt. will not do anything to help the BLACK BARBADIANS workers. Their main concern is the WHITE BAJANS AND INDIANS. They are only important people at election time.

  9. @Artax

    Some had a lot to say when Barbados kicked Antigua out of the Covid19 bubble. Look what Dominica did to St. Lucia.

  10. I don’t believe a word she says.

    This woman’s words can not be believed. She said that the Herbert affair was unfortunate.

    Her words are for the Blog master.

  11. Thanks for sharing the interview.

    Why must I tell you that I’m not a fan of Mia? Because in her interviews, press conferences and strategizing she impresses the hell out of me.

    @CC 12:33
    The LACK of analysis/contribution displayed is not an effective way to combat this woman. The Mariposa’s approach of throwing the contents of the kitchen sink on the wall and hoping something stick is more useful.

    Mia 5 – others 0

  12. Govt tweaking BEST ‘to help hotels’

    Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley yesterday announced there would be several tweaks to the Barbados Employment and Sustainable Transformation (BEST) programme, which would allow for greater buy-in from the hospitality sector.
    Last week, officials at the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA) revealed they had written Government on challenges which some owners were facing in getting into the programme, which is geared at using state loans to keep employees on the payroll at 80 per cent of their salary for the next 18 months. Currently, there are 40 tourism-related businesses, just over 20 of which are hotels, accessing the one-month-old programme.
    During a press conference at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre, Mottley said that after a meeting with the stakeholders on Friday, some changes would be made, which were likely to add to the 1 000 employees already retained as a result of the programme. She added that issuance of preference shares to Government as criteria for accessing the BEST programme was not something which all hotels had the capacity to do, and that Government had committed to finding suitable alternatives.
    Preference shares
    “In fairness, the programme has been in operation for only a couple of weeks and the BHTA has written to us, asking us to tweak the programme because there are others who may want to come in but are finding it difficult. For example, preference shares may not work for them.
    “There was confusion as to whether the Hilton Hotel could benefit, and we have clarified that, because it can, and that is 345 employees there alone. There are some people who are leasing properties and, therefore, for them that would not work, and we need to find a way to help those companies that don’t own assets and determine how Government will treat to them.
    “We have to ensure that there is balance between what we expect and what they expect, so it is very much a work in progress.
    “One of the reasons that we were not floored by the United Kingdom shutdown was because what we have
    done here can sustain us for the next two years. We do realise that in some instances we may have to own an equity position in some of the hotels going forward, but as I explained to the hoteliers [Friday], that is going to require an analysis of each entity’s books and we could not do that in time to stabilise employment and the hotels.” (CLM)


  13. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    Can someone explain to me what is wrong with

    1) Unemployment being extended until March or the end of the state of emergency and
    2) Offering 0% interest Keep the Doors Open loans to assist them to maintain their operations if they can prove significant loss of revenue arising from the current situation.

  14. It is fair to say the travel market has not gone anywhere if we use domestic USA as a measure.

  15. @PLT and Hal Austin,
    There is a program on Channel 4 called “Escape to Barbados” which is showing now on UK TV.
    Your travel passport idea appears to have caught on for a small minority of people.

  16. @TLSN

    I just saw it. Heard Petra Roach claimed @PLT’s idea came from the prime minister. I was not impressed.

  17. I just saw it. Heard Petra Roach claimed @PLT’s idea came from the prime minister. I was not impressed.


    @ Hal



  18. @Hal,
    I have just watched the programme. The final part was concluded by some red-skinned woman. As she spoke, the penny dropped. It dawned on me that, that this programme was probably financed and sponsored by the Government of Barbados. It felt like an advertisement punctuated by government propaganda.

    Hal, please tell me that the government of Barbados did not use taxpayer’s money to finance that programme. Would such a trick be beyond them?

  19. @TLSN

    I agree. I was not quite sure if the poor quality was Channel Four or just the idea. It was very poor. I cannot see why Welchmanhall Gully was even involved.
    It was a programme about a single man, an elderly couple and a young family. But, predictably, our tourism officials will see it as a success.

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