The decision to have a national TV debate between the candidates contesting the St. George North constituency seat has been mired in controversy from the beginning. The result is that of the six candidates registered to contest the seat made vacant by the ‘retired out’ Gline Clarke, only candidates Toni Moore (BLP), Grenville Phillips (Solutions Barbados) and Alex Mitchell (BFP) are the three left standing. The other candidates have offered excuses for not participating, the blogmaster suspects the real reason is that there is a fear to speak to the issues publicly in an independent setting.

It is ironic that the current week has seen Barbados experiencing heavy rains which must be negatively affecting house to house and platform campaigning. What an opportunity tonight’s debate offers to convey respective party messages to SGN residents while in the comfort of their homes.


447 responses to “2020 St. George North By-Election National Debate”

  1. It is a blog, all of us will use colourful language, hyperbole, stories (simple simon) for examples. If not it will be a boring place. Any way, to each his own.

  2. Hal Austin,

    Norman Tebbit, Thatcher’s loony toones far right minister, was a big proponent of deporting West Indians.

    What is ironic about Priti is that her own grandparents / parents came from over and away and now she sees herself as more British than others.

    Mind you, I would not want to meet her on a dark night. Especially not near a cemetery.

  3. “No matter what the international organisations do for us, we will be back at square one in short order.”

    social engineering and that’s not even the half of it, you have pretentious leaders who are making exotic plans without thinking it through and then what, their lack of intelligence shows up for eveyone to see. They are creations, not natural, a distraction to destroy…they are not their own persons, they only believe that they are. Don’t have the intelligence to know that you cannot shed a colonial system without first putting a brand new MORE JUSTICE FILLED one in place, problem for the people those in the parliament don’t have the intelligence, again, they dont have enuff of any of it to build a new system, check out the mess they made of this one, it actually worked perfectly but NOT TO BENEFIT THE BLACK PEOPLE WHO FUND IT…..

    can you see them building anyting at all out outside of their comfort zones of selling out and being corrupt…i gotta see that one if you do.

    as i see it, they only care about self, it’s all about how the system works for them, only them, they don’t factor in how it works for the people who elected them and pay their salaries and pretensive lifestyles.

    Some people understand how all this came about, but baby steps.

  4. Priti Patel has cooled with age. She was a member of Jimmy Goldsmith’s Referendum Party; her father, an East African Indian, is (was) a member of the Brexit party; Dominic Raab, the foreign minister is also a second generation foreigner, like Trump.
    Just look for the similarities and you may find the answer. Priti is not exceptional.
    This is the contradiction of immigration. Look at the Africans in the Tory party, and at who is their spokeswoman on race and equality.

  5. David November 3, 2020 12:27 PM It is a blog, all of us will use colourful language, hyperbole, stories (simple simon) for examples.

    I know that one.

    Simple Simon met Someone going to a fair
    Says Simple Simon to the Someone
    I need some money to spend
    I do hope that you care

    Says the Someone to Simple Simon
    First let us have your vote
    Says Simple Simon to the Someone
    Indeed I have not any, but maybe that is not the end

    Says the Someone to Simple Simon
    Then get lost do, you
    I only help those who help me too
    And I will not bend

    Says Simple Simon To the Someone
    But I have the fair to see
    Says the Someone to Simple Simon
    I need your vote and I have pedigree

    Says the Someone to Simple Simon
    I was born under a party and flag
    That makes me twice better than you
    But I do say, I do not mean to brag

    Says Simple Simon to the Someone
    But Grenville got more than you
    He also has qualifications
    And scholarships, John has two

    Say the Someone to Simple Simon
    I care not about them at all
    But please, please can I have your vote
    Then I will get to Parliament without stall

  6. That is the problem with wannabes and their fowls…they all want to be like the Oxbridge pedigrees who were goddamn SLAVE MASTERS….when you are a leader of a black majority country filled with descendants of slaves, YOUR BLACK ASS INCLUDED…you do not want to be just like MASSA….the pedigreed in UK are mostly the descendants of SLAVE MASTERS…and have eleveated yourselves so much in your mind that you DELIBERATELY dish out the same racism oppression and exploitation with an added twist of selloutism and corruption on black people who look just like you….the people have lost billions of dollars and estates and their beneficiaries continue to suffer because of you pedigreed THIEVES….who are now just like Massa, but Massa is not now under any type of investigation..

    that’s the problem right there, that type of elementary stuff…totally escapes them, but somehow they are educated.

    .where you think the term got coined…it’s right out of the centuries of 3 or 4 ago…after they tief so much from African people, they gave themselves a mirage of pedigrees…common class thieves, just as yall are doing right now CENTURIES LATER…and ya even too dumb to realize it…and ya aint got nothing to back it up either.

  7. you think you can get Fowl Enuff to tell us how that fowl shit sounds intelligent to her and WHEN did they start putting themselves at the level of the Oxbridge slave master crowd in UK and still be the descendants of the enslaved….or have they cut out all that reality in their DELUSIONS.

    i would more claim African royalty rather than European pedigree….THERE IS A REALLY BIG DIFFERENCE….and many of us did come from African royalty….real royalty..

    too late for yall now anyway, yall have been spouting that slave master pedigree shit since the 70s…you are the lost, no one would even waste their time trying to being you back, you are a liability.

  8. David
    But them staying put in their “paradise” overseas where the likes of Trump and the Oxbridge educated pedigreed rules. I bet their mouths are shut and don’t pollute a single blog? COVID surging in the UK, US and Canada, and the diaspora crew just paint Bdos in the worst light everyday as if those economies didn’t experience economic decline betwern 14 and 30% at sometime during Covid. Them cussing judge only cases, but living comfortably in countries where the practice exists. You would not believe that George Floyd happened and police were the cause; or that the Met Police constantly profiles and criminalises blacks as is evident in the stats on stop and search. I wonder wuh condition yuh duz call dah–‘feel yuh better off….’?

    xXxX xxx xxx xxx xxx





    US$88 X 5DAY WEEK = US$440 OR BD$880 PER WEEK





  9. They have no shame, none of them, these stink things crawl around begging Black people for votes and as soon as they are elected to the haunted house for a parliament. …they got European pedigree.

    …well i upstage your low breed ass BECAUSE I GOT AFRICAN ROYALTY running through my bloodline…….that rules over common breed pedigree any day..

  10. What kind of mentality would prefer to identify with the oppressors of their ancestors rather than with their own ancestal identity..and can’t see what that makes them….too busy craving paper..and pedigree. wonder they are intellectually barren, devoid of ideas..

  11. You’re a clown…Jeezus Croist! You find the info yet to prove people were secretly sent to work pon farms in Hal Austin’s country? You should ask the know-it-all if he knows the Bajan-Brit responsible.🤣🤣

  12. Did anyone respond to the Barbados census?
    Did you answer the questions on pedigree?
    what is your family pedigree?
    What is your pedigree?
    What is your dog pedigree?
    Are you related to anyone with pedigree.
    Would you marry someone with a lower pedigree?
    Should a low/non-pedigree person become the leader of Barbados?
    Should low/non-pedigree persons run for office?
    Would you vote for them?

  13. Fowl slave…it was big news in the papers, no one had to go looking for it, everyone remembered, yall got some yardfowl in UK to volunteer, (just the same way ya got another one to raid a dead man’s bank account and got caught on camera in UK)…. because that’s the only way yall sell outs could have hooked up with that particular entity, it’s a volunteer organization…..which was well researched….short memory syndrome…not everyone suffers from it….pity Ms. Fighting Imperialism was putting on her fraud show as caricom chair at the very same time and got caught….

  14. I like pedigree chum.

  15. Woman you just posting lies as usual. Where is the proof people were secretly sent somewhere as you stated? Wey de link? 🤣🤣

  16. So how are the reparations coming along…heard yall still pimping for slave titles from Elizabeth, although yall made a big show telling her ya are unshackling from the monarchy… what do yall need SLAVE TITLES FOR…………😂🤣😂🤣.

    ya got no shame, ya will soon be begging her to be a colony again, especially when it really sinks in that YA ARE NOT LIKELY TO GET ANY 50 BILLION DOLLARS…who the hell would be stupid enuff to go tief resources from Africa and hand it over to yall crooks, ya must be mad……..yall need real work breaking rocks or something….

  17. I did not say secretly sent….. I SAID NEGOTIATED IN SECRET….anyway who gives a shit, it showed up Ms. Fighting Imperialism as a FRAUD……that is all people needed to see…and she did it herself….that’s the link ya should be looking for…dumb fowl.

    start counting down, ya will soon be an ex fowl

  18. “While sitting as Caricom chair for 6 months, Ms. FIghting Imperialism voluntarily and secretly arranged to send 50 Black people from Barbados into UKs toxic racist, hostile environment to work for 8 pounds an hours to experience and subjected to being treated as inferior slaves while being observed and monitored like animals in a zoo….”

    Where is the link to prove secret arrangements were made to send people to work on farms in the UK?

  19. secretly arranged ….secretly arranged DOES NOT MEAN SECRETLY SENT….dumb ass, you won’t even make a good lawyer…ya will have to go back 6 months to get at what we found, start digging, chop chop..

  20. Hahaaa…the obfuscation starts because you have no proof. Where is the proof that someone secretly arranged to send 50 people to the UK?

  21. Ah thought ya said SECRETLY SENT..

    ya have no shame, start digging, if ya want to know what was found, ya have nothing better to do….but i got plenty to do, ah might even find another crime yall committed against the people on the island and send ya the link….

  22. I using your own words! Where is the proof?

  23. @TheOGazerts November 3, 2020 7:33 PM “What is your pedigree? What is your dog pedigree? Are you related to anyone with pedigree. Would you marry someone with a lower pedigree?

    What is your pedigree? None
    What is your dog pedigree? Salmon tot retriever
    Are you related to anyone with pedigree. No.
    Would you marry someone with a higher pedigree? Nope. Especially if that higher pedigree includes a history of early cancer or early Alzheimers. I might give them a piece of the business, but most certainly would never procreate with them.

    Please be reminded that pedigree often includes a significant history of inbreeding, and significant genetic disorders, so who the hell wants to be part of that?

  24. @Dullard November 2, 2020 4:02 PM “What has lead to the public statement? I have never seen the QEH do this before.”

    Yes it has happened before.

    Hospitals everywhere sometime reach capacity.

  25. @Donna November 3, 2020 1:13 AM “Trial by judge only should be the choice of the accused. I believe it is so in other jurisdictions. This cannot be changed by any government without the approval of the people. Hell no!”

    Agree with you 100%

  26. @David November 3, 2020 12:27 PM “It is a blog, all of us will use colourful language, hyperbole, stories (simple simon) for examples. ”

    David, I know that it is our blog and everything, but why you and Crusoe, de prize winning poet don’t leave me ‘lone?

    Crusoe: Nope I don’t live in St. George North. I am not aligned to any party. I change my vote virtually every election. Nope I int looking for anything for any politician, here, there or anywhere. Old and healthy. Don’t w’uk nowhere, except in me yard, and on me “plantation” Ask whitehill to explain.

    Old, happy, healthy. Non aligned as ALWAYS.

  27. “Where is the proof?”

    YOU are the proof…

  28. Definition of VOLUNTEER…


    a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.

    freely offer to do something:
    “he volunteered for the job”

    that organization DID NOT go looking for you trash, yall actively seeked it out and VOLUNTEERED to send black people into a hostile, racist environment in UK for 8 pounds an hour, into filthy slave like working conditions, oh yes, i heard about it….then ya so low crawling and nasty, you would deceive the people on the island that UK forced ya to send out slaves…..when it’s DIRTY YOU YOU YOU …..did it on ya own…

  29. Show us the PROOF where UK FORCED yall to do that to ya own people…just one year AFTER Windrush was exposed…

  30. This overseas Bajan will wish everyone a great day.
    Have a great day Barbados.

    Was looking for a reset over here. Which would you choose as your final place
    USA, Barbados or Trinidad

  31. Barbados.

  32. Ah guess Fowl Slaves don’t like being PROOF, although they are the one who JUMPED OUT at me to VOLUNTEER..

  33. So many lawyers and JUDGES/former judges names etc are being called, my head is spinning.

    It indeed may just be simpler to take it ALL to the world court…it certainly will set a precedent and then there will be A REAL “we gathering”……lol

    “registrar, I am calling upon you to do your “Sworn Duty” as Supreme Court Registrar, and to have Ms Valerie Clement immediately removed from our property.
    As previously mentioned, my work is done and I am departing Barbados, however, my other relatives, owners of the said Pegwell, Christ Church California Guest House will proceed to the International Courts of Human Rights if not rectified.Yours truly

  34. Been warning you pedigreed black face FRAUDS for years about VIOLATING Black people’s human rights in Barbados, ya think it’s a game and because ya got european slave titles ya think ya untouchable…WELL THINK AGAIN..

  35. I guess my family has been in Barbados for the same length of time and has a similar origin as those with ‘pedigree’.

    Perhaps, the pedigreed and I share a relative or two. Just wondering how the pedigree brush got applied to their side of the family and completely missed my side.

    One theory: Are their side of the family house slaves impregnated by massa and mine is from field hands.

    I thought we had gotten over that, but it looks as if we want to reintroduce valuimg some as being worth more than others.

    My POV: The language of pedigree is disrespectful, disgusting and ignorant in a predominantly black ex-slave society.

  36. “I thought we had gotten over that, but it looks as if we want to reintroduce valuimg some as being worth more than others.

    My POV: The language of pedigree is disrespectful, disgusting and ignorant in a predominantly black ex-slave society.”

    The AUDACITY of the black faces in the 21st century residing in a slave master haunted house aka parliament….the laughing stock of the world…public nuisances and clowns looking for attention…and votes..

  37. @TheOGazerts November 5, 2020 7:48 AM “One theory: Are their side of the family house slaves impregnated by massa and mine is from field hands.”

    Your side of the family had some “bombastic angry” black women, and massa knew without being told to keep his dirty d!ck offa them.

    That’s why you like me have no pedigree.

  38. Electors in St. George North

    Let the decisive vote in USA on November 3, 2020 be your guide for your decision on November 11, 2020







    No…MOORE….trickery !


    I saw this being mentioned on a post yesterday and I thought it was in jest.

    Mail in ballots
    Two international airports (1 in St. Lucy)

    I gun keep quiet.

  40. Theo…if you have not met delusional mimicking idiots before, now ya have…

  41. Reifer is a man of his word he has already started projects by way of community action
    Mia told him that he cant do nothing in SGN without her approval
    Well she is wrong
    The people of ST George have said yes said to Refier and has endorsed his help and given him his vote of confidence

  42. Explain: why is it that we have a by-election tomorrow and we on BU are more obsessed with the US presidential elections? Shouldn’t the silence of the president be a key feature of the St George North campaign?
    Why is it that every time there is a controversial matter of race she remains silent, a woman who cannot normally get enough of PR? Voters in St George North, whichever party they support, must for once vote against the president and give her a bloody nose.
    Silence is a Bajan way of not facing reality. It is as old as the hills.

  43. Reifer does it again. Everytime Reifer hits a six Mia takes a nose dive to stop the ball
    But too late Reifer concern for the dump had her scrambling today to pick up the fragments of what Reifer said about the dump
    Tomorrow will be the day when election is due and as the old folks say yuh could hid and buy land but ih cant hid and work it
    This election has exposed the blp party ignorance in words and deeds
    Hopefully the people of SGN would send govt a message telling them they are not idiots

  44. Hal that is called a big Rabbit hole strategy designed to keep BU off the failures of govt failures

  45. @ Mariposa

    I will be greatly disappointed if the voters of St George North do not give the BLP a bloody nose. We have had 2.5 years of policy failure and just const ant waffle.
    When is she going to talk about Sandy Lane? Tonight? She was told by her fan club how great she was and that she was born to be prime minister of Barbados. When she got the opportunity she failed. It was too much for her.

  46. Reifer called out govt on the dump
    The total disarray of the infrastructure of SGN and govt total disrespect for the intelligence of the people of SGN
    All of SGN heard what Bradshaw Toni Moore and the other bradshaw said about them
    Hope the people of SGN not going to settle for the crumbs which govt handed them for 26 years but stand on their feet and make a noise with an X that they deserve better
    Better having a homegrown man of the soil who lives amongst them and knows of their suffering and a man Floyd Reifer who wants to make a difference for them by looking out for their interest

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