In the Friday Nation newspaper of October 23, 2020 Commissioner of Police Tyrone Griffith AGAIN revealed to the public that “guns are still coming”. His comment comes in response to public concerns about gun crime. The COP remains adamant that although there has been a tightening of the security at the Barbados Port, unfortunately it has not arrested the problem. The blogmaster understands that a system is only as good as the integrity of the operators of said system. We also have other ports of entry where the security is questionable and there is the additional headache that Barbados is an island with many many areas that allow those willing to take the risk to land contraband. This is an enforcement issue BUT there is the systemic issue we have also failed as a society to even scratch the service..

Listen to the following exchange between Social Scientist Corey Layne and Community Practitioner and Veteran Journalist David Ellis from 4 minutes into the clip.

Veteran journalist David Ellis and Social Scientist Corey Layne



236 responses to “Arresting Crime @Source”

  1. This info re statistics came from CDC… will give ALL TOURISM ONLY DEPENDENT JACKASSES ..pure gripe.

    See if ya can wrap this around ya heads…

    39,400 Black people in US have died from Covid, representative of 21% of all cases..

    … not surprising since Black people are frontline workers in every sector, from the post office and on and on….

    all the other deaths 79% are whites and others…

    .sad that the disease is cutting a wider swath across the US….many more will die…

    on the continent of Africa, just over 40,000 have died from Covid.

  2. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Hal
    It is known that the only race that has no phobias about any other race is the Black race. Name any other race that you can put your children in the care of , while you killed , raped and maimed their people outside your door step. Look at the USA Blacks being shot but who are the majority of care givers in the home of wealthy whites.
    There are some of us that know nothing about our race. But they believe saying that Barbados has black on black crime is equivalent to what is going on in the USA.
    The truth of the matter is very simple:the black race was never uncivilized. Our race was building universities and communities while others were still in caves. If that statement of fact makes me a racist that’s ok. I was first called a racist before I reached age 14.

  3. @ William SkinnerOctober 25, 2020 5:53 PM
    “It is known that the only race that has no phobias about any other race is the Black race. Name any other race that you can put your children in the care of , while you killed , raped and maimed their people outside your door step.”

    An excellent observation, there.

    Blacks in general welcome all other races with open arms with their childlike innocence.

    Just look and see how easy it is for minorities of other ethnic groups are able to accumulate wealth so easily through the loyal ‘commercial’ support of blacks at the expense of their own kind as identified by our Artax in an earlier blog?

    How can a people who are the closest to God be so self-loathing?

    If only blacks can extend such God-given tolerance to other minorities among their own kind such as the disabled and those in same sex relationships.

  4. @Carson C. Cadogan “The big joke was, the ”MISSING WHITE WOMAN” WAS NOT REALLY ”missing” at all. Let ”ÉNUFF” OR ”CUDDEAR BAJE” OR ”TRON” OR ”JOHN 2” OR ”JOHN A” tell you what happen.”

    Wha’ you calling my name for?

    I did not make the woman [or anybody else] go missing.

    i did not go searching for her.

    You want the police to come brekking down my door now, so see how many missing people I have in my house?

  5. @Carson C Cadogan October 25, 2020 9:32 AM “But that is what you get when you have a cadre of poor people, people working from pay check to paycheck and they are some how are in the majority.”

    I’ve lived pay check to pay check too, and even now from pension check to pension check, but just like Hal I have never used any illegal drug, nor dealt in illegal drugs or guns, or violence, and no white person, indian or syrian can make me do so. Couldn’t make me do so when I was a young and foolish teenager, can’t make me do so now that I am an old fogey.

    I wonder why?

  6. Carson C. Cadogan

    You sure you int mekkin’ excuses for bad behavior?

  7. @William Skinner “I heard people from other islands being called lower islands.”

    I was always under the impression that the phrase low islands or lower islands, referred to islands west of Barbados, because remember we Bajans say lowside when we mean west of, and we below when we mean west of.

    All other Caribbean islands are lowside of Barbados, below Barbados, that is west of Barbados

  8. @john2 October 25, 2020 12:19 PM “How come the poor black women are not struggling to survive and there doing any killings/ robberies?”

    We poor black women struggling to survive do not kill nor rob poor black men because in truth we love them too much. Ok, maybe every 20 years or so one of us women knocks off some poor black man, but typically that is only after a decade or more of aggravation.

    We love them real-real bad, and even when they owe us $100,00 or more in child money we refuse to kill them.

    Although sometimes we does “pray fuh dem”/leave dem in the Lord’s hands.

  9. Cuhdear
    I don’t know why he calling my name either. He needs to talk about the unfinished school meals building, the credit union and the constituency council he did big up in etc.🤐

  10. @Artax October 25, 2020 12:28 PM “Those minority groups have a culture of assisting those among them who may require help, financially or otherwise. Why can’t Black people do likewise?”

    But we have long done likewise.

    Why are you forgetting meeting turns, also called in other islands su-sus, box hand etc., and which we brought with us in our heads from West Africa.

    Largely run for centuries by poor black women who pooled their money with other poor black women and lent cash to other poor black women so that black children could be lifted up. These meeting turns paid school fees, bought books and shoes, paid for private lessons, even paid for tickets to England for some of the same people who now cuss us daily. None of this money went to rum, cigarettes or drugs.

    Now I hear that in Trinidad, MEN some of whom look nothing like a poor black woman have corrupted the centuries old and honorable name of su-su/esusu, and have created something called DRUGS SU-SU..

    MEN [all colors, all religions, all social/economic statuses] are wicked as sh!te, greedy too, like too much fast money

  11. Artax when I was young and the bank thought that I was not working for enough to service a mortgage it was another poor black woman who co-signed the 25 year mortgage document with me.

    When I needed to send a kid to university I asked a poor black man to cosign with me at the Student Revolving Loan Fund, and he gave me some frigging elaborate nancy story. I asked a poor black women and all she asked is “what time?” and when I got to the Ministry she had already signed the 12 year student loan form. A dozen years later I did the same for her. And the kid a poor black woman herself repaid the student revolving loan find in full and on time.

    Just today I got a Whatsapp message from another poor black woman, a pensioner, telling me that she had just put $100 in my bank account.Int got nuffin’ to do with drugs nor nuffin’ so. Just that she can afford to give me a tral-ya offa she pension.

    Just last week I myself put $100 in the account of another poor black woman who is currently laid off.

    I’ve recently run into a house problem which may cost $1,500 to fix, and another poor black woman told me that if i need some money she is happy to give me some.. I told her not at this time, but I will let her know if circumstances change.

    I think that you need to cultivate some genuine friendships with poor black women. I have found them to be wonderfully resourceful people, not inclined to bull shit.

    I expect that they would do the same for you.

  12. @Artax October 25, 2020 12:28 PM. “All you have to do is stand outside a Courtroom and hear the applause a guy who has been charged with two counts of murder receives from his adoring fans.”

    Some human being real-real deceitful hear.

    Same sort of people who adored Jesus on Palm Sunday, and on Good Friday said “crucify him”

    These young men need to understand that when they are serving 25 years up de road , not a fella gine help them serve that time, not a fella gine care to visit.

    if their poor black mothers do not find their way up St. Philip on visitation day, then they will not see a loving face for 20 years or more.

  13. Black people, including men, lend money to other black people all the time. I have done it. My brother has done it. My parents have done it. My grandparents did it.

    Thousands and thousands of dollars lent by black people to black people.

    I don’t know why we persist in painting all black people “black”. Some of us are loving and caring and some of us are not. I know both kinds.

    We mostly have our little friendly circles just like other races do.

  14. @ Donna
    This is one of the most successful relics of the divide and rule tactic from slavery. We go around talking a lot of nonsense about how bad we are to each other and get on as if our race is the only one that has bad deals camping each other.
    We always seem to not understand that business failures and so on happen in all races. If blacks did not use to help blacks very few of us would have made it. However, I know first hand that whereas the majority of us never could write each other a Cheque for 25 or 30 000 , it never stopped the lady selling outside the school from giving a poor child a bread or sweet drink; it never stop us from sharing a car or “ buying a seat “ to attend a neighbour’s funeral. Little acts of kindness all along the way. I was a recipient of so many acts of kindness .
    I remember Cuz selling at Pebbles / Gravesend . No child , money or not was ever turned away by Cuz.
    I will never doubt the humaneness of our people.


  15. @ Cuhdear Bajan

    I have never heard that geographical explanation. It does sound plausible.
    However, when Viv Richards became captain of the West Indies, a man asked how could we put one of fem lie islanders as captain.

  16. “ one of dem fellows” My apologies.

  17. “because remember we Bajans say lowside when we mean west of, and we below when we mean west of.”

    where did the term originate, i have heard the older people say it and it always sounds degrading and derogatory, said in the most disrespectful manner, even if it started out as you said, it evolved into old slaves believing they are the better slaves than other people in the Caribbean, just as Billie the Goat Miller said in an article that Barbadians were the best slaves in the Caribbean..

  18. @ Cuhdear Bajan

    Do people ‘join a meeting’ to assist other people, or is a method of saving money to assist themselves? If not, then, I stand corrected.

    Whether a grandmother loan money to her grandson, a friend, ‘boys on the block’ or the man on the ‘Cream of Wheat’ box…….. ‘Cuz,’ a brother, aunt or uncle not turning away children without money, is ‘beside the point.’ It would silly of me NOT to acknowledge Black people “are loving and caring,” nor did I mentioned anything contrary to the fact “we mostly have our little friendly circles just like other races do.”

    I SIMPLY presented an opinion based on MY personal experiences over the years, working with entrepreneurs.

    Surprisingly, that opinion has been viewed as one of the “successful relics of the divide and rule tactic from slavery.”

    Some people seem to believe, probably because they ‘rolled’ with some ‘Black power’ group back in the day, while wearing a dashiki and big afro, or calling each other ‘comrade,’ shouting ‘back to Africa’ and reparations, or quoting Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X or Martin Luther King, ……… or having attended school with white people……..make them epitome of the ‘struggle.’

    BLACK lawyers, police officers, members of the judiciary, politicians, doctors, businessmen and women, are “PAINTED BLACK”……. ad nauseam…… as dishonest, money and land grabbing thieves, in this forum on a DAILY BASIS.
    BLACK contributors are ridiculed and referred to as savages, wild beasts and animals that should be in the jungle (a typical stereotype of Black people), fools, idiots, buffoons and ‘buggers.’

    Yet, not a word of PROTEST from the ‘Black activists’ or the gardeners. The silence is deafening.

    That’s why I’ll always maintain there’s a level of hypocrisy permeating BU.

  19. “I was always under the impression that the phrase low islands or lower islands, referred to islands west of Barbados, because remember we Bajans say lowside when we mean west of, and we below when we mean west of.”

    @ Cuhdear Bajan

    It’s a matter of interpretation. However, I agree with WARU.

    Even if those terms originated as you ‘said,’ whenever I hear older or younger Barbadians describe citizens from the other Caribbean territories, especially SVG, SLU and GND, as ‘them people from the ‘low or small islands,’ it’s usually accompanied by some disrespectful, derogatory or degrading comment.

    I believe those opinions are rooted in the mistaken belief, Barbadians are much ‘better off’ than our regional brothers and sisters. Some people are even surprised when they learn SLU is bigger than Barbados.

    I find Antiguans are also of a similar belief they’re ‘better off’ as well.

  20. Well, well, well! Gardeners and those who “went to school with white people”….lordie!

    I am not on BU denigrating people every day, not even politicians. Not even Mia. I do criticise and I do commend as I see fit. I am on record stating that ALL people are flawed and that power tends to corrupt most people. I am on record stating that it is up to the people to keep politicians in check.

    I am not in the HABIT of denigrating a whole race, sex, profession, returnees, overseas Bajans or any other group because I have met good and bad in every group.

    Even lawyers and politicians.

    P.S. The family down the road from me is upgrading his family house. People, including me, are still buying the son’s tasty barbecued offerings.

    The same did not happen to my cousin’s wife when she bought her first car. Her customers abandonned her.

    I could give as many for as against.

  21. Correction – THEIR family house.

  22. Who would have thought that such a mild comment would have revealed that “those who went to school with white people” thought stashed away in the back of a mind.

    Hypocrisy, you say! I have spoken out against most of what you highlighted and been called naive because of it.

    Sometimes I speak of individuals in a negative way but not whole categories of people.

  23. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Artax
    I understand your point but we are still fighting with many negatives that are a result of being enslaved. We still need to make the mental jump. We have failed not because we did not teach black studies but because we have an educational system that seems to ignore how we are emerging as a Caribbean civilization.
    Believe me, I am as disappointed as anybody else in how we have been led by people who look like me. As a youngster rallying against KR Hunte and BST back in the day, I could not imagine that today We are now rallying against Maloney and the Williams brothers. I can’t believe that there has been no real land reform; can’t believe that banks still discriminate against blacks; can’t believe that some white owned night clubs still register as private members clubs to keep out black people and can’t believe that until recently we could not become a republic or remove Nelson because we fear offending white people; can’t believe that a white Bajan columnist who writes so beautifully that Blacks were happier when we were controlled by the plantocracy and I can go on and on.
    We maybe reading from the same book but we have to read all the chapters.

  24. The descendants of white minority rejects from UK, turned SLAVE CATCHERS and torturers have been allowed to operate against Black people’s best interest by the corrupt black face thieves and sell outs in the parliament and bar association…that’s why all of that is still happening in 2020…that’s the bottomline.

    it does not even matter to them that their ancestors too were once hunted down, brutalized and murdered by these animalistic beasts….as long as the black faces GET THEIR CUT.

  25. Hmmmmmmm…….. and who would have thought expressing my personal comments would have caused such a ‘stir?’

    I shudder to think what would’ve happened IF I had mentioned a name. But, then again, the reactions to John, john2, Lorenzo and lawson, gives me an idea of what to expect.

  26. To add instult to injury they are STILL LIVING OFF THE BACKS OF YOU, YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN…and the trash from St. Andrew got the nerve to claim Black people were better off being hunted down by them…been telling yall for years they speak openly of their inbred hatred for Black people in Barbados, among themselves, while knowing without your existence their evil, racist asses would starve to death and have to run off to the bigger countries to work on farms…..instead of robbing Black people generationally to pretend they are millionaires with their uppity, arrogant pretend selves.

    but that is what your black faces promoted and elevated in your lives, so blame and punish them too.

  27. wuh if Black John could get on BU pretending for years how white he was, while knowing that he’s not….being a racist as*hole and unashamedly showing his hatred…although many local white, indians, syrians etc are ALSO INVOLVED in stealing his grandfather’s/mother’s large estate….imagine what the other lowlifes do and say…

  28. William …you are right, something must be done, the first thing would be to stop spending your money with minorities in Barbados and if the black governments refuse to stop allowing them to rob the treasury and pension fund,still continue to keep them elevated to 1st class citizens….continue KICKING THEM ALL OUT OF THE PARLIAMENT UNTIL THEY MAKE THE CHANGES…don’t let them develp any roots…it’s the only way outside of revolution and the people are too docile for that…..

  29. Hmmmmm,

    I suggest you read my comment again. You expressed your opinion and I expressed mine. There was no insult or name calling in my comment. You came back with a nasty “those who went to school with white people”.

    But yeah, I do attack individuals who are obvious yardfowls and racists.

    So do you!

  30. And by the way, calling my name would have been better than the snide “those who went to school with white people”.

    You know that. Everybody does.

    Now…enough of you for the day!

  31. You’re still on about that……. and with two more comments?

    As Bajans would say, ‘you like you is uh real MISERABLE woman, yuh?’


  32. @ Mr. Skinner

    My examples were never meant to denigrate an entire race, but to express my experiences. And, obviously, those examples are not characteristic of ALL Black people.

    However, as it relates to your October 26, 2020 8:25 AM, contribution, I prefer to look the situations you outlined therein from a different perspective.

    RE: “I could not imagine that today WE are now rallying against Maloney and the Williams brothers.”

    Please note, I won’t conclude your use of the word ‘WE’ was meant as a generalisation for ALL Black people or to denigrate an entire race.

    RE: “can’t believe that banks still discriminate against blacks.”

    So I’ve been told. But rather than ‘nag’ or complain about it, I joined a Credit Union…… and would encourage people to withdraw their money from the banks….. and do likewise. I remember a few years ago, Republic Bank in SVG announced their decision to reduce interest rates of savings. The next morning, Vincentians formed long queues outside the bank waiting to withdraw their funds.

    I couldn’t care less if “some white owned night clubs still register as private members clubs to keep out black people.” That has been happening for years. I’ve heard of the ‘Yacht Club.’ But, rather than complaining, we should be discussing these occurrences with our parliamentary representatives to advocate for change on our behalf.
    I often wonder why would we want to patronize night clubs such as ‘Harbour Lights,’ when for years we enjoyed ourselves socialising at the ‘Liberty,’ ‘Pleasure Seekers’ and ‘Millie’s Hideaway?’

    What’s your opinion on Black hotel security guards that discriminate against Black guess and patrons?

    RE: “can’t believe that a white Bajan columnist who writes so beautifully that Blacks were happier when we were controlled by the plantocracy…..”

    If the “white Bajan columnist” you’re referring to is Richard Hoad, I DON’T READ his columns……. and so too should people of my colour. Remember, the power is in our hands. The best way to send a STRONG MESSAGE to Hoad, Nation News and OCM Network that we’re upset by his comments, is to STOP buying the ‘Weekend Nation’ and withhold our advertisements in the classified ads and obituaries.

  33. Another sexist term used to shut up women when they stand up to men.

    I have heard them all. Does not work with me. Never has.

    Especially since by your own standard of two more comments, you too would qualify as a MISERABLE WOMAN. I have watched you go on for ages.

  34. Hahahahahahahaha!

  35. Glad to see the shitty little criminal racists in the Caribbean NOW KNOW THAT THEY ARE ALL BEING WATCHED.. and told what time it is by human rights organization…

    low class nobodies…

    “Hon. Christopher Jones, M.P- Chief Whip
    e1tSmS1poneshored ·
    BREAKING NEWS: Inter-American Human Rights Commission has written to Guyana’s defacto President Irfaan Ali informing him the PPP government’s shooting of women and children at Success and flooding the lands and homes of squatters at Success is a violation of international law. Ali was given 5 days to respond to the charge. The PPP is only in government for four months and have brought dishonor to Guyana. I want to put the Police officers and Guysuco personnel who committed this atrocity on notice that they will be held accountable!
    Source: Rickford Burke”

  36. Hmmmmmmm………ironically, someone, I believe it was Quaker John, ‘said’ you’re a MAN.

    Your turn.

  37. Listen to this joker AG on blp platform talking about crime


    Fit for SNL

  38. David who come this video cannot be posted here

    Anyhow the AG put his foot in his mouth trying to explain the death of the 20yr old
    First he told the audience all kind of reason the boy was a criminal with explanations of circumstances about his youth
    Then as if to correct his rantings
    He throws his hands in the air and says he doesnt know if the boy was a criminal

  39. The blp mass meetings should be dubbed “Ready for prime time
    So much drama last night Santia had the audience spell bound with her asinine comments about her being Pedigree
    Now social platforms are making laughing sport of her pictures and all next to pedigree dog

  40. David i notice yuh teking your orders seriuosly
    Any how other social media platforms are not so generous where the truth is not hidden

  41. @Artax October 26, 2020 5:28 AM “@ Cuhdear Bajan Do people ‘join a meeting’ to assist other people, or is a method of saving money to assist themselves?

    In practice and by custom both.

    As for Hal who calls his people/our people nasty names, we the gardeners Donna and I and maybe some of the others frequently try to correct Hal.

    But alas. He may be beyond earthly redemption.

    I am not disputing your experiences in business.

  42. @Artax “those who went to school with white people”.

    Nah. I didn’t go to school with white people. In my rural elementary and secondary schools and at the Barbados Community College I recall 2 white children, and neither of them was ever in my class, so “no” I don’t know them. In my first, second and third jobs my supervisors were black people. Really good people. Still in touch with some of them 50 years later. In all my life I have had 2 really nasty supervisors, one a white man and one a black woman.

    All of the black men were wonderful.

  43. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Artax
    Apparently you ae asking me to Retreat and surrender to blatant racism in my own country. It’s not an option. Rather than enforce the laws against racism and closing down such joints; we must go elsewhere ? I guess enjoying an evening in a night club , on the beach, should be reserved for bajan whites and tourists;
    Black security guards don’t own the hotels, They are given instructions. White gigolos are allowed into the rooms not Black gigolos.
    Are you suggesting that I must put all my investments in one basket because the banks engage in racism against Black business people. So,are you saying that the credit unions only have Black customers because you don’t see white people at credit unuion meetings.. Dont you know that whites never went into to N E Wilson to shop but sent their servants to buy their clothes there? Once more you are telling me to accept racism against our people.
    Then you say we must stop reading Hoad and the week end Nation. Well, in one breath you tell me to support black business and then you tell me to allow one white writer to stop me from supporting perhaps the moist successful Black enterprise since independence.
    My Brother, you ask me to Retreat. I am now beyond my youth but for me the only time I Retreat is to Re-Arm and Re-Attack. Back in the day we called it the three Rs. They are more relevant today than they were fifty years ago.
    BTW , I have enjoyed myself at; Pleasure Seekers, Tradewinds, Edmonton, a club in Black Rock , the name was Liberty and there was one in Jackson, the name espaes at this moment.I think it was the Rio in Jackson, Millies, Gasbros next to Harbour Lights; Castros in Nelson Street, Bel Air Every- single one of them.I even assisted friends in the bar who kept dances all over de place. But I’ll be damned if as a Bajan anybody telling me where the hell I must go, to enjoy myself, in order to please the white people.
    However, I always enjoy our discussions. I know we reading from the same book but all pages must be read. Racism is rampant in Bim and that’s the truth and it must be exposed and rooted out.

  44. @ Mr. Skinner

    Firstly, based on your repsonses, it’s clearly evident you DID NOT read my contribution in its entirety. If you had, then, surely you would’ve seen my comment re:

    Artax October 26, 2020 11:02 AM #: “But, rather than COMPLAINING, we should be DISCUSSING THESE OCCURRENCES with our parliamentary representatives to ADVOCATE for CHANGE on our behalf.”

    Please explain to me how the above comment is “asking (you) to Retreat and surrender to blatant racism or accept it in (your) own country?”

    Secondly, if you don’t understand what I write, perhaps it would be better if you asked for clarification, rather than attribute comments to me I did not make, and then responding accordingly. This is not the first time you’ve misinterpreted my comments. It probably has something to do with my writing style.

    For example, how on earth could you interpret my suggestion for people to save with Credit Unions to means I’m implying “credit unions only have Black customers because (I) don’t see white people at credit union meetings?” Surely you are insulting my intelligence.

    The Nation maybe “perhaps the most successful Black enterprise since Independence.” But, I’ll remind you, the company and StarCom Network are NOW OWNED by the Trinidadian company, One Caribbean Media Ltd. (OCM). Are you asking me to support the Nation based on nostalgia?

    However, our positions on issues seem to vary according to the situation. I can’t remember hearing the Nation is “perhaps the most successful Black enterprise since Independence,’ when political operatives and special interest groups were calling for Barbadians not to support the newspaper, because it is viewed as being pro BLP.

    Yes, Mr. Skinner, I agree we may be reading from the same book. However, your remaining nostalgic about the good old days, may have led you to keep that book’s first edition. Times have changed. Maybe the pages I’m not reading aren’t to be found in the revised edition.

  45. @ Artax
    Ok. Let’s agree that I may be guilty of misinterpreting your positions. I don’t think you can seriously believe that I would want to insult your intelligence.
    You said: “ However, our positions on issues seem to vary according to the situation. I can’t remember hearing the Nation is “perhaps the most successful Black enterprise since Independence,’ when political operatives and special interest groups were calling for Barbadians not to support the newspaper, because it is viewed as being pro BLP.”
    So are you saying because the nation is thought to support the BLP or because it was bought can’t be considered in the manner I suggested? Do you know how many shares are owned by Black Barbadians in OCM ?

    When I said Retreat , it was not meant these matters should not be brought to the attention of the powers that be.
    I meant you were suggesting that we should consider going elsewhere in relation to entertainment etc.
    Yes Sir we have indeed come a long way: black people working for less than $300 per week; hundreds of black children can’t participate in online learning- no tablets; 2020 we still talking about pit toilets; everyday in rural Barbados water shortages; oh we own the majority of car dealerships; every morning I look in the paper and see white people getting fired or living in dilapidated housing; I am told about poor white children eating non nourishing foods; white people waiting for three years to get medical procedures.
    Yes Sir , people like me still living in nostalgia.
    The struggle continues and @ WARU hits the nail on the head all the time.
    A lot of Black Americans thought their struggle was over until recently.
    Be careful, my Brother. The race is far from won. There are many living in really worst poverty now than some of us did 60 years ago in our society and Bim is still full of racism.
    Peace .

  46. Lame! Demented John Knox, your new best friend, actually couldn’t decide. Man, woman or some combination of the two ….whatever.

    I leave the two of you to waste time figuring it out.

    I have no problem with gender including transgender. So… any insult pertaining to that is like water off the ducks back.

    As I have said before, not one of you so -called men can shame me into your gender box or any other box for that matter.

    Now….back to my garden. I am a novice but so many people have already complimented my work. My neighbour passed by this morning, called me Donna darling and told me to keep it up.

    Plenty of showers last night and early this morning and everything is wonderfully green. Flowers of red, yellow, pink and white in my front yard and back yard. Beautiful butterflies, honey bees and various birds, including a hummingbird in my space.

    And to top it all off one brilliant rainbow!

    Tell John to put that in the sex analyser.

    I gone to spray my sweet pepper plants with neem.

  47. Guns bound for Barbados seized by Cincinnati Customs

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in Cincinnati found three handguns and seven ammunition magazines after opening a shipment labeled as automotive parts

    The officers became suspicious when an X-ray on October 16 revealed abnormalities in the shipment, according to a CBP press release.

    There were auto parts in the shipment in addition to guns with the serial numbers filed off and the magazines, CBP said.

    CBP said no ammunition was found in the shipment, which came from a resident of North Carolina and was bound for an individual in Barbados.

    “Our officers are very familiar with the many ways smugglers try to evade inspection,” Cincinnati Port Director Richard Gillespie said in the release.

    “A concern is that these parcels were mis-manifested, which is a tactic smugglers use when a shipment is going to be used for nefarious activities.”



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