Grenville Phillips, leader of Solutions Barbados and candidate for St. George North

The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) is a Caribbean institution. As Caribbean nationals, we should insist that the integrity of Caribbean institutions be protected. If our institutions provide a high-quality product, their integrity is automatically protected.

CXC has one main product – its examinations. There are three basic components of that product. Namely, a syllabus of information for students to understand, an examination that tests the students’ understanding of that syllabus, and correcting and scoring the examinations.

The students are responsible for understanding the syllabus of information, and doing the examination.

The most critically important part of CXC’s product, is correcting and scoring the exams. Therefore, CXC’s integrity is measured by the quality of its examiners.


Qualified examiners provide confidence in the integrity of CXC’s product, on which its reputation is sustained. The minimum academic qualification required to correct and score CXC examinations, is a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent.

Students studying for a Bachelor’s degree may assist teachers to present and correct tutorials. But they are not qualified to correct CXC secondary school examinations. If they did, then that is the root cause of the current dissatisfaction, and no confidence can be placed in the results of those examinations.

If the CXC Board approved the use of first-degree university student examiners, then that is a regional scandal that can damage CXC’s reputation as a provider of quality examinations.

The obvious solutions are two-fold. First, qualified examiners must review all the examinations corrected and scored by unqualified examiners. Second, CXC should mandate that they will never use unqualified examiners to correct or score CXC examinations in the future.

If CXC maintains its secrecy on whether they used first-degree student examiners, and if they insist on using unqualified examiners in the future, then they would have damaged the integrity of the CXC examinations, and the reputation of the regional institution.

The Ministry of Education needs to tell the CXC Board to come clean. If they do not, then another examination body, with more integrity, should be used until they do.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer and President of Solutions Barbados. He can be reached at

113 responses to “CXC’s Options”

  1. What I am seeing is an administrative and public relations fiasco that will damage their reputation, if not handled in a much better manner than it has been so far.

    The lack of appreciation of concerns and the response has been abysmal.

    The first step is to learn effective communication skills.

    Shocking that an organisation such as that is lacking there.

  2. Seems to be some merit in the above re CXC allowing unqualified first degree students to correct examination papers, which means this is even worse than it first appears…but blaming the students who knew nothing about all of that and were just waiting for results, they definitely went too far, threatening them with prosecution is even worse…these idiots with useless titles need to sit their asses down.

    time to get rid of CXC…..and don’t allow them to rebrand, rename and regroup..stop giving these devil organizations IMMUNITY AGAINST OUR CHILDREN…which jackass fake leaders would sink so low to be that damn stupid…and allowed CXC to run wild for decades on end…steupppss..

  3. Well the Chairman Hilary shoudl not be pretending that he knew nothing about any of it, is he not Chancellor at UWI as well, and if he says he did not know, why is he Chair at CXC and Chancellor at UWI too…

  4. It is indeed a huge disappointment to most regionalists and our educators, that one of our better regarded institutions has found itself in this quagmire. We must not allow this embarrassment to define the CXC but work swiftly to regain its footing as soon as possible.
    However, it is indeed a positive development that our students are in the forefront demanding that CXC is held accountable. Not all our youth are out there shooting and engaging in other nefarious activities.
    Forward Ever , Backward Never!

  5. @William

    COVID-19 challenged many similar examining bodies around the world. It appears we made some bad decisions coupled with an aloof approach by management. Let us see what the independent reviews yields.

  6. “We must not allow this embarrassment to define the CXC but work swiftly to regain its footing as soon as possible.”

    William…CXC ha 2 CHOICES..

    fix those kids grades so they can move on with their lives..
    GET THE HELL OUT of the lives of the REGION’S CHILDREN AND PARENTS …and don’t ever come back.

    what the hell is wrong with yall, you have a devil organization who has been destroying the lives of families for decades covertly in instances where neither the kids nor their parents could fight back and you want them to REGAIN FOOTING..are you crazy…no wonder the slave societies that are the Caribbean islands can never be dismantled….get these blighted, cursed organizations out of the people’s lives….they are a social DANGER to the region’s families.

    that way of thinking is a DANGER TO OUR PRESENT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS…it’s the taxpayers who have to pay these CRIMINALS tens of mllions of dollars annually for sabotaging the lives of our children..

    never in my wildest dreams would i think that they would allow unqualified first years students to grade exam papers, the only students who should have been near those papers are the ones who took the exams and were awaiting results. I have known people, mature professionals, who graded papers across the region for decades and are still capable, many are retired…so now we must ask, how long as Hilary them been allowing this clear breach of protocol….to carry out their wicked agendas.

    and stop with the forgiving bullshit, it gets us nowhere.

  7. And as for that one Hilary with his big dreams about a “a Caribbean civilization” did any of the 40 million BLACK people across the Caribbean tell you that is what they want with their reparations money for THEIR FUTURE GENERATIONS that all of you social crabs dream about nightly….DID YOU ASK THEM…yall goddamn colonial slaves only live to create dumb shit and view ya SLAVE NAMES adorned on buildings built with African PEOPLE’S MONEY with ya false pride admiration and self absorbtion….or was it the idea of the crooked, racist minorities yall love to PIMP FOR….you are nowhere near as entitled as you believe ya are….and neither are they..

    this crap about creating your own fantasies and delusions while projecting it onto the society as if its what they want and their idea, without asking them what they really want….GOTTA GO ….JUST LIKE ALL OF YOU…

    look at the goddamn mess that is CXC…and someone should be crazy enuff to put reparations money belonging to the descendants of slaves in YOUR HANDS…oh really.

    never in my wildest dreams would i think that they allowed unqualified first DEGREE students to grade exam papers…and there exists grown people who would still trust this wicked organization to continue…madness.

  8. @ Mr. Skinner

    It’s about time we ‘resist’ quoting the SAME silly rhetoric, with monotonous regularity, and applying it to EVERY issue that confronts Barbados and by extension, the region.

    I agree with the RATIONAL sentiments you expressed in your September 30, 2020 9:51 PM contribution.

    David BU also made an interesting observation relative the challenges COVID-19 presented to world, from which examination bodies have not been exempted.

  9. Instead of striving to forgive criminals…how about we start seeking JUSTICE for the evil shit forced upon us by our own BLACK FACES for endless decades in Barbados and Caribbean…injustices that destroyed countless Black lives that can never be fixed.

  10. When African descended people start operating at a HIGHER VIBRATION…then they won’t be on blogs complaining day and night about the same injustices over and over, year after year.

  11. The Caribbean Examinations Council as the name suggests is a regional entity read owned by the respective countries of the region. It is imperative that as a region we do what is required to make the institution stronger. It had served us well for many years and is respected for the work it has done. The blogmaster will not join anyone in denigrating CXC. CXC, CDB, Windies Cricket and a few others help to define who we are as a people.

  12. @ William

    The answer to the CXC scandal was simple: launch an inquiry as soon as was practicable, send copies of the marked papers to the students (I know you are not keen on how they do it in Europe, but all marked paper are available free to students aft er the exams), set in motion procedures for appeals and persuade local colleges and universities to freeze offers of places until the review was complete.
    The only victims of this incompetence are the students and its impact will last for the rest of their lives. Where is the president? Her minister? Senior technocrats? And, where is the press?
    The problem with the media is that local readers and viewers are so accustomed to mediocrity that they do not expect any better.

  13. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Artax
    I have long ignored those who believe that we are some backwater region that is incapable of creating our own solutions and solving our own problems. We all shout that most of our problems are created by exogenous circumstances but yet we prefer to dip in that same pool to find solutions.
    The CXC has served the region and our children well. One only has to find time, to research and realise it is a highly respected organization. I will bet you a billion dollars , that some would be less critical if it were a mess up coming from London with the GCEs and LCCs. To this day there are some who believe that they are not well qualified or educated unless they went to some British university.
    I unapologetically remain a steadfast regionalist. There is plenty pain, I admit, witnessing basically visionless leaders who have failed to complete the Independence experiment.
    However when I open the papers and see young articulate students fighting for and demanding that their rights be respected, I am convinced that throughout this country and region, we will eventually get it right.
    @ WURA
    I am not “forgiving” anybody at CXC but I was taught that if a person does you right for 99 years and then does you wrong once; you cannot judge the person by the one time they do you wrong. Therefore while I often identify with many of your positions, it is obvious to me that you know very little about the CXC.

  14. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    The official response of CXC to this debacle typifies the arrogance displayed by practically all persons we have elevated to high decision making positions whether it be the CXC registrar, Ministers, Board Chairmen, CEOs or otherwise when faced with a true crisis.

    The power and the big salary we confer on them seems to go to their head where they believe they have all the answers and whatever they say goes and we either have to take it, like it and be thankful or lump it. The one thing COVID has show us, if not anything else, is which of the people we have elevated to these positions are capable of handling a true crisis and deserve to be there.

    It was clear to everyone from the start something was very wrong when students sat exams and mere attendance was not even recognized. They came with the heavy-handed response typical of too many people in power ready for a fight instead of simply stating ‘We have recognized an unusually situation with larger than expected failure rates and lower grades across the board in various subjects. We are currently undertaking an urgent investigation into the situation to identify any problems that occurred whether related to COVID exam changes or otherwise.’

  15. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Hal
    You are correct. This matter has been handled rather badly. What you saw is the usual blame game both locally and regionally.
    However , CXC track record , up to this point, has been more than impressive.
    Quite frankly , there are many regional institutions that do quite well but our visionless politicians get in the way and we pay little attention to how positively these regional institutions impact on the region. We spend so much time on Trump, Biden, Trudeau, Johnson and others and how they mess up the world that many of us are embarrassingly uninformed of what goes on in our region outside of parochial political drama. We need to put our vast intellects to more scrutiny of the region and assist with its development in all areas.

  16. William…ya can stay in ya little world, but CXC did not do one shite for anyone, they are paid tens of millions of dollar annually from TAXPAYERS ACROSS THE REGION since the 1970s…they never did not one favor for any family in the Caribbean..and will NEVER DO ANYTHING FOR FREE….
    yall remind me of the Botham Jean family from St. Lucia, always displaying self destructive, self defeating tendencies… a murderous racist walks into his apartment and kills him in cold blood…the mentally weakest of the family hugs this evil killer AFTER she was convicted talking about, i forgive you, days later the witness who helped convict her GOT MURDERED…since then not one person has offered support to the family, because they were warned that racists are toxic poison, you do not touch them nor interact with them PERIOD… what happens recently, someone holds some type of memorial for the Botham dude and never invited the family, i would bet my last dollar it’s the killer’s supporters involved and raised money to free her….no one needs mental midgets and their self defeating, self destructive nature…

    i know more than enuff about CXC and none of it any good….so you can sing their praises all you want, all they will do is KEEP the Caribbean as intellectual BACKWATERS as they have done for DECADES…….cause that is what yall allow..

    don’t know if yall have noticed in the last 8 years, but what impresses you NEVER IMPRESSES ME.. call it what you want, i operate at a different level, that will never see me or mine being oppressed and exploited..

  17. The problem with too many Black people, when they get these little picks on boards and in other areas, they believe they have arrived and owe these organizations something, well more fool you..

    keep forgetting your history and you are DOOMED TO KEEP REPEATING IT PERPETUALLY.

  18. “The one thing COVID has show us, if not anything else, is which of the people we have elevated to these positions are capable of handling a true crisis and deserve to be there.”

    that’s it in a nutshell…they always claim to be the most intelligent in the Caribbean if not the across the world, one little crisis, because that is all Covid is, a SMALL GLITCH…and look at the low level they have operated on, and truth be told, that is what EXPOSED THEM as they have needed to be exposed for decades…

    to hear them tell it they are stable geniuses, them and the idiots who believe they are so dynamic….so explain what happened why don’t ya…..instead of trying to deflect, cover up and shift blame to innocent students, be they the ones who had nothing to do with any of it, or those they HIRED from UWI but am sure did not pay to FCUK up all the marks……..

  19. Only 2 PMs across the whole Caribbean publicly made their feelings known and threatened to pull out of CXC, that i know of, hopefully they follow up and don’t do the destructive forgiving shit…..Santia was half hearted in her condemnation….AND I KNOW WHY…

    all the others are silent except for their little meet to decide what to do and no doubt cover their own asses for what they have allowed to socially and intellectually POISON THE CARIBBEAN FOR DECADES..

    … it’s the parents, students and certain organizations making the real PUSH BACK to hold CXC accountable for this clear breach of students’ rights..and they must be commended for STANDING UP FOR CIVIL RIGHTS……but only those impacted will see it as such, everyone else will talk shite until they hear one of their family members got screwed out of their grades, if not this year, another…

  20. Keep singing CXCs praises, not all are THAT BLIND…some of us actually know what’s really going on. So enjoy ya little pretend world, some of us have relatives to protect.

    “CAPE Students of a particular school are reporting that after receiving low grades/ungraded from CXC their grades have now been changed into ONES!

    CXC which days ago boasted in the integrity and flawless delivery of their exams has SWITCHED the grades of a high performing school in Trinidad.

    This follows protests from parents and teachers citing that this school usually cops a sizable percentage of the scholarships and it would be absurd for the entire school to be graded so badly.

    Now we are left with several questions:

    How were the new grades determined?

    How did they receive the erroneous old grades in the first instance?

    Wasn’t the system flawless?

    Weren’t we told that there were ZERO errors reported on the CXC results?

    What about the other numerous schools which reported absurd grades?

    In some cases entire forms received ungraded!

    Will CXC reveal the RAW scores of students in the region so students can determine their actual performance?

    Can they release the raw percentages without revealing the arrogance and lack of integrity buried in their grading process?

    What if the students didn’t protest?

    What if they didn’t have the volume and clout of public figures pushing their cause through closed doors?

    How much can CXC get away with?

    Will the mechanism for grade determination continue to be kept secret for a handful of people sitting behind closed doors in Barbados?

    Why wasn’t this selected regrading announced by CXC?

    Is it time for the CEO of CXC to address the region candidly or resign?

    Anyone know the answer to these questions…?”

  21. @ William

    The issue is not the quality of the CXC; it is about an exam during the CoVid year. Every country in the world was faced with the same problem. Only the incompetent (CXC and England) came out of it badly.
    Whether individually or collectively, once there were complaints there should have been immediate action. I say again, the only victims are t he students and this incompetence can impact them for the rest of their lives.
    Do not apologise or excuse incompetence. Look at Dr Wesley’s obstinacy; look at Prof doctor Sir Hillary Beckles and his smoke and mirrors: we will have an inquiry; but who are the people carrying out this review? Straight out of the Mia Mottley play book. It must be something in the Bajan cou cou. Why can’t we be straight? Do Bajans see being honest and decent as a weakness?

  22. Dear William:
    This did not just start, it has been happening for more years than even i care to talk about but on a much smaller scale. So now you know.

  23. Said my bit elsewhere.
    Will watch as they beat their gumbs,
    Rally around the flag,
    Flood the moat,
    Pull up the drawbridge and
    Repel the invaders.

    The one thing that stand out for me is the changing of grades.

    Regardless of covid-19, the same paper marked by a different grader or marked over by the same person should result in the ‘same’ grade.

    Without this reproducibility, one must wonder about the grading processes and the quality of these processes.

    But let us circle the wagons and pretend this is an attack on Caribbean organizations and not a self-inflicted wound. Let us wave our hands and wish it away.. abracadabra.

  24. Sorry, must big up the teachers across the whole region.

    it’s the parents, TEACHERS, students and certain organizations making the real PUSH BACK to hold CXC accountable for this clear breach of students’ rights..and they must be commended for STANDING UP FOR CIVIL RIGHTS.

    problem with some, they are regionalists in slave societies, a term coined just for them….and not AFRICANS…that is the beginning of all their problems…

  25. “The one thing that stand out for me is the changing of grades.”

    don’t mind the gum flapping…..that is a very clear…. let’s try a thing scenario…and if it don’t work, we can lie, and if that don’t work, we can just give up the real grades and blame it on the students and no one will know which students we talking about….all the shit blew up and blewback and there they are with all their drawers exposed…

    do you notice that the REAL GRADES appeared within days, not weeks nor months DAYS……not the 6 WEEKS or more that it takes to grade CXC or CAPE papers….DAYS…..DAYS….DAYS…for those whose heads are too thick to get it…

  26. And for those who still don’t get it…a thorough regional REGRADE would have taken the same length of time as it took to grade the papers……WEEKS AND WEEKS….unless…

    so the question that parents are rightfully asking, from where and how did these accurate grades SUDDENLY APPEAR….i told yall by last Sat kids were magically getting their predicted grades, but no, naysayers had to chime in with their usual shite talk…

  27. Michael Campbell Avatar
    Michael Campbell

    “Dear William: This did not just start, it has been happening for more years than even i care to talk about but on a much smaller scale. So now you know.”


    What you’re saying is interesting. Please post something to BU to show us what happened the other day at CXC was happening for years.

    Just to let you know what you post from Facebook was a teacher saying he anticipated the situation would happen.

  28. Not only our Governments lacks transparency …. but also CXC!!!

    (1) With Paper 2 not part of the final equation, how were final marks calculated using Paper 1 & SBA’s only?
    (2) SBA’s no doubt weighed more towards the final mark this year …. how did CXC standardise SBA marks which are determined by teachers across the Caribbean? Some teachers mark harder/easier than others!
    (3) Over the years, I’ve seen Multiple choice questions with more than one answer choice correct. How does CXC handle this situation?
    (4) Is the Multiple Choice Paper 1 corrected by man or machine? Are there quality control checks?

    Hal suggested giving back students their marked exam papers….. lol….. educators in Barbados would go to the gallows before that would happen. Even at UWI, such an event does not happen, far less in schools.

    Secrecy is the norm!!!

  29. Michael…i don’t have to post a thing else, you can do your own research…all the infor is available….i already mentioned that i know multiple retired teachers who have graded CXC and CAPE FOR DECADES….

    what i can tell you for everyone to see, is that the various school principals and teachers should be given medals to be able to operate successfully in the BACKWARD SYSTEMS that regional governments continue to provide and then pretend it’s a success with them taking all the credit..

    the schools have their own system that is commendable and it’s DESPITE CXC and the retarded governments, not because of them….they make sure the kids who are on scholarship watch, stay their course and provide all the technical help they need, they make sure kids with potential get the required help to succeed, they provide additional help for those who may or may not get the required grades…and they do all of this on their own…

    it’s ya useless governments and backward system that’s the problem stupid…..paying out tens of millions to CXC annually from the 70s AND FOR WHAT…

  30. All schools will be closed today, October 1, 2020.

    The Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training (METVT) indicated this was due to the predicted weather system and potential for flooding, and in the interest of the safety of teachers, parents and students.

    The Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology, the Barbados Community College and Erdiston Teachers College will also be closed and should engage students using the online modality where possible.

    The City and Guilds English and Mathematics examinations scheduled for today were also postponed and an alternative date will be sent to students writing these exams (BGIS)

  31. WURA-War-on-UOctober 1, 2020 7:11 AM

    Most strange. There is no way those papers could have been regarded that quickly. So, it gives some credence to your allegations of an ulterior motive in the initial bad gradings.

    But WHY?????

    Now they really need an investigation. Not by other educational bodies, but by an official investigative authority.

  32. The more openminded amongst us understand that they tried something nasty in the Caribbean to disenfranchise our children and grandchildren and it backfired. The more cognizant among us now understand that we have to be very vigilant going forward and protect our families from nasty questionable governments and devil organizations.

  33. “Not by other educational bodies, but by an official investigative authority.”

    let’s see HOW the governments handle it from here going forward, then we will know WHO IS WHAT…

  34. was the simplest thing in the world to recognize, i think it was between the 20th and 23rd the BOGUS results came out from CXC, then a HUGE OUTCRY…and protest which was obviously UNEXPECTED….by the 24th Santia was calling for a probe which CXC blatantly ignored and brazenly claimed that nothing was wrong with the grades.

    by the same Saturday, the expected results started trickling out here and there and earlier this week other schools in the region started getting their expected grades….there is no way they could have REGRADED anything across the region that quickly..they know most people will not even consider the timelines, they know there are those who will just accept their evil, devious shit at face value..

    in case some people forgot…all of this happened within the last week…i want to see the proof that they could grade or regrade papers in stealth WITHIN 1 WEEK, but take nearly 2 months normally to grade papers and release results…

    math does not lie…but people do.

  35. @ks.. here is what answer could look like. Assume A and B are correct.
    A and B
    All of the above

    Careful and clever multiple choice questions can separate the wheat from the chaff. I happen to believe that well constructed mc questions can challenge even the best students; if the questions become repititive then that reflects a kind of laziness in those creating the questions.

    #pingpong video
    I think they attempted to “curve” the data. But the clumping made this next to impossible.

    Suspect no regrading was done. The raw scores were issued instead of transformed scores.

    I dun wide this.

  36. On a phonr

  37. Have anyone given thought to the fact that the students may not have done well on the exams because of the layoff for covid? Even the brightest of us do not make the grade sometimes. I was a church going choirister and I failed Scripture at Oxford and Cambridge. Always thought the bible was fairy tales and never took it seriously. A talking snake, talking burning bush, etc., that seemed to me at the time, to have come straight from Hans christian Andersen. Having said that, at O&C, the exam mark was what you got, no complaints, no reviews, and no term marks were included. You either knew the stuff and passed the exam, or you failed. Switching from O&C to Cambridge Schools was because some said the exams were too hard. then they switched from Cambridge to CXC because someone thought they should have their own examination board. Storm in a teacup, as far as I am concerned.

  38. That would sound intelligent, if not for the fact that CXC are the ones screwed up and not the kids…we are too quick sometimes to doubt the abilities of the young generation in our ignorance, so how come they did so badly only last week and did excellent this week per CXCs new results…..steupppsss.

  39. @ Dame Bajans

    Yes. That is why there is called for a public inquiry, and not |Sit Hillary’s secret little cabal. It is why the minister should also ignore the bureaucrats and public the results for each individual school.
    Barbados is a secret society. We love it, since it means we can all gossip. Don’t let facts get in the way.

  40. i do believe that the Trinis, Guyanese and Jamaicans are the ideal people to handle CXC Barbados.

    does anyone disagree?

  41. We need people who are mentally free and are capable of thinking outside the colonial slave box that their evil, lowlife, corrupt leaders left them in, too many people are shamelessly but unknowingly displaying those traits on social platforms in 2020..

  42. Dame Bajans,

    No, most of the work would have been covered before the layoff from school. There are very good online resources which one can use to study and revise. The top students would have done that and they are mostly the ones complaining.

    Also, if nothing is wrong at the CXC end, explain to me how my son is marked absent for two examinations for which we have the receipts. Explain how many of his friends are in the same position. Explain how many of the friends of his friends are also in the same position. Explain the voice note from his former teacher that says many of his students are in the same position.

    You are dead wrong. What you say has long been debunked.


    You may very well be correct. The video gives a pretty good explanation.


    It is the top students who are complaining. Many of these would be the sons and daughters of the “power brokers”. What is the logic behind the conspiracy theory?

    More likely that CXC has found the problem and is trying to sneak in the changes without admitting it. A cover up to save the ass of the pompous ignoramus at the top.

    His ass would not need saving if he had treated the concerns intelligently in the first place.

  43. Donna…people will still try to make excuses although it DEFIES LOGIC….all we can do is protect our families from goddamn idiots…you see how little concern many have for the welfare and futures of these students…..yet they are the head ones who want the younger generation to give a shit about them….

  44. “Also, if nothing is wrong at the CXC end, explain to me how my son is marked absent for two examinations for which we have the receipts. Explain how many of his friends are in the same position. Explain how many of the friends of his friends are also in the same position. Explain the voice note from his former teacher that says many of his students are in the same position.”

    that throws a new light on the issue. I thought it was just poor grades, but absent when the child actually wrote the exam could mean papers were lost. It could also mean that the children’s numbers were mixed up when assigning grades to the names and the weaker students got the good grades. I am assuming that each student is assigned a number to put on the exams and these are later matched to the names. I am from the old school having written in 1965 and 66. Am not really familiar with the ‘new’ process. How does this affect those kids who would be entering college, etc, or do they all write CAPE which is not really necessary to enter university.

  45. Seem to be a reasonable explanation that. Obviously a big foul up that needs to be fixed.

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