Dear People of St George North.

Grenville Phillips II,
Structural Engineer and Solutions Barbados’ St George North Candidate.

My name is Grenville Phillips II. I am the President of Solutions Barbados, and your candidate in this by-election. Let me first tell you about myself, and then about what we plan to do in St George North over the next two and one-half years.

About Me.

I have qualified in several disciplines. I am a structural engineer, highway engineer, environmental engineer, land-use planner, and adjudicator. I am also a teacher and President of Walbrent College, which is a regional institution specialising in construction. Therefore, my Clients benefit from a range of different disciplines for the same fee.

I hold two Bachelors degrees (maths and engineering), two Masters degrees (environmental engineering and planning), and am currently pursuing a Doctorate in Engineering. I do this for only one reason – to provide a better service to my Clients.

If you elect me to represent you for the next two and one-half years, then you become my Clients, and I will work for you.

About Our Plans.

With only one seat in Parliament, I will not have a Ministry. Therefore, we can dedicate most of our time improving the lives of those in this constituency. If we form the Government in 2023, then Solutions Barbados will make similar improvements across Barbados.

Building Houses.

I have 30 years of experience in the construction industry. We plan to set-up a non-profit construction company, to participate in the government’s 1,000 affordable houses initiative.

We will train all unemployed St George North residents, who want to learn to safely construct a house. Training will take two weeks, at no cost to St George North residents. We will then employ them in the non-profit company, to apprentice with senior artisans. If the government’s 1,000 houses initiative does not happen, then we will build affordable houses for any client in Barbados.

Strengthening Houses.

The roofs of most houses in St George North are vulnerable to blowing off during a hurricane. We will offer to economically strengthen the roofs of all houses in St George North, for the cost of the labour and materials, but no profit.

Those who want their roof strengthened for only the cost of the materials, can volunteer their time with the no-profit company one day each week, for seven weeks. They will help to strengthen the roofs of other houses in St George North.

Dilapidated and Abandoned Houses.

We plan to identify the owners of all dilapidated and unoccupied houses in St George North. We will then negotiate with the owners an arrangement, where we will economically repair the house, and get it rented. The rent will be split between the homeowner and the non-profit company, until the construction cost is repaid.

Road Maintenance.

Potholes can lead to costly vehicle repairs and accidents. Therefore, we will organise a dedicated St George North road maintenance crew, staffed by St George North residents, to safely and permanently repair potholes. A volunteer force of 350 people, allows each person to work for only one day each year.

Energy Generation.

We will offer to install a Photovoltaic (PV) system on every roof in St George North at cost, with no profit. It would be connected to the BL&P grid, so that home-owners will have more disposable income.

Those who want the PV systems installed at only the cost of the materials, can volunteer their time with the no-profit company one day each week, for seven weeks. They will help to install PV systems on other houses in St George North.

Tree Planting.

To address monkeys and other crop thefts, and provide some food security for St George North residents, we will participate in the Government’s tree planting scheme. We will plant thousands of fruit trees near drainage courses, open spaces, and wooded areas across the constituency.

Construction Disputes.

Disputes between homeowners and contractors are common. As an Adjudicator, I plan to listen to both sides, and give preliminary rulings on construction disputes. This service will be free of cost to residents of, and disputes within St George North.

Any party may have the matter finally settled by the court. But the preliminary ruling should let them know the likely outcome, and prompt them to settle before starting a long and costly court process.

Finishing School.

Regardless of how well or poorly students did at secondary school, we will train all willing St George North secondary school graduates (in six weeks) to be employable, and/or ready to start their own business. Training will be at no cost to St George North residents.

Participants will learn to speak, write, listen, calculate, draw, and do tasks at an excellent level. We will teach them to become responsible adults, and model employees, and employers.

Wealth Creation.

I am the 2014 winner of the National Innovation Competition. We will train people how to start and grow a profitable business, with no start-up money. The 8-week training will be at no cost to St George North residents.

The aim is for each willing participant to have a viable Internet based business, by the end of the workshop. This should provide each household with a separate income stream.


In the House of Assembly, we will advocate for the following:

  1. A referendum, to measure the public’s support for a Republic, same-sex unions, and moving the statue of Nelson.
  2. An end to the corrupting no-bid public contracts, where the public must pay up to five times the cost of products, through increased taxes.
  3. Better managed public services to an international standard, where customer feedback is valued, instead of the current ‘like it or lump it’ management method.
  4. A rearranged secondary school curriculum, so that graduates leave school with marketable skills, and the confidence to succeed in life.
  5. An improved justice system, where victims are properly compensated.
  6. The removal of all taxes on healthy foods.
  7. The abolition of taxing land, for which our enslaved fore-parents already paid for with their lives’ work. The Government can find something else to tax, but not our land.

We also plan to critically examine all proposed legislation, to ensure that it is in the best interest of the Barbadian public. That should keep us sufficiently busy for the next 30 months.

The BLP won all 30 seats in 2018. This by-election is an opportunity to do at least two things. Namely, to keep the BLP accountable, and to meaningfully benefit the residents of St George North.

You are in an enviable position, where you have nothing to lose by voting for Solutions Barbados – and everything to gain.

132 responses to “Grenville Phillips: St George North Manifesto”

  1. Dead Sheep Politics.

    It is assumed that modern Barbados is a two-party (BLP and DLP) state. Our political scientists promote this unverified assumption as fact. Therefore, most Barbadians are convinced that third parties are not viable in modern Barbados.

    If that assumption is true, then it does not matter how qualified and accomplished a third-party candidate is, that person can never be elected. The BLP and DLP can both run the carcasses of dead sheep, and be confident that Barbadians are so politically abused, that they will happily elect one of them.

    The St George North by-election is an opportunity to test this assumption. Barbadian voters may be relied on to vote for BLP and DLP candidates in a general election, to get their party in power. However, the results of the St George North by-election, will neither change the Prime Minister nor the party in Government.


    Voters in St George North have been presented with a wonderful opportunity. They can vote for the person who they believe has the best plans for the constituency, and the capacity to implement them.

    The BLP and DLP have had, between them, over 50 years to improve the lives of persons in Barbados – including those in St George North. Yet, many Barbadians are still living hand-to-mouth, and are one paycheck away from poverty.

    Solutions Barbados cannot save Barbados at this time. But we can save St George North. St George North voters have a chance to escape their financially vulnerable situation, and show the rest of Barbados how they too can prosper, even in a pandemic.

    We have presented our plans for St George North’s prosperity, and our capacity to implement those plans without Government support. This should be the bar for the other Candidates.

    If the BLP and DLP present significantly weaker plans, but still get massive support, then third parties may not a viable option in Barbados at this time. The only thing that can frustrate this test, is if the media decides not to give all candidates fair coverage of their plans.

    Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer, and the Solutions Barbados’ candidate for St George North. He can be reached at

  2. My third party choice is upp but from the posting I read their candidate disappointed me. He is a swiper that misses more than he connects but think he is Chris gale.

    Pdp gave the best presentation from all the third parties. Patience and exposure if pdp survives

    Solution Barbados? Needs to present a team to be taken seriously if one can over look …….

  3. @ David BU

    I don’t believe politics in Barbados have reached a level of maturity where a BLP or DLP administrations would adopt innovative policy initiatives proposed by opposing politicians.

    We’ve seen this over the years, for example, with how St. Thomas and St. Joseph were treated by the DEMS and St. John and St. Lucy by the BEES.

    If GP2 were to win the by election, unfortunately, all he could do is advocate for the 7 proposals outlined above. He’ll have to wait until Solutions Barbados forms the ‘government’ for them to be implemented.

    However, he should focus on those proposals that could be implemented without parliamentary approval.

    I endorse his innovative policies
    on house building and strengthening, dilapidated and abandoned houses, energy generation and wealth creation.

    If Grenville was actually serious, a SB St. George North constituency branch office should have been opened from the time he decided ‘to run for’ the constituency….. and remained opened after the general elections.

    Not only would he have had a venue to interact with constituents, he could have equipped the office with the relevant computer systems and associated peripherals, to host his 8 week entrepreneurial and other training sessions, rather than reemerging with those ideas at this time, now there is a by election.

    I could only imagine, for example, how many youths from SGN Grenville would have trained into businessmen …….. or how many houses would have been constructed and structurally reinforced, providing employment as a result, over the past 2 years and 4 months.

  4. This is the best man for the Constituency. His plans are a sure winner for the Constituency. Too bad he may not win.
    the WHITE BAJANS AND INDIANS will go all out OF THEIR WAY to make sure that their Barbados Labour Party fill this hole. Even though the woman is no HELP to the constituency. They will throw their consider wealth given to them by the 97% of Barbados, the

    A big disadvantage he will suffer , POOR MEDIA COVERAGE of him during this event. Even BARBADOS UNDERGROUND will speak ill of him every chance they get. He will always be portrayed in a bad light.

  5. I am reminded of Aron Truss in St. Michael Central. He was the best man for the Constituency. But the people voted for Sir Roy Trotman instead. A joke then and still a joke now.

    And to add insult to injury Aron Truss was poorly treated by another idiot. Owen Seymour Arthur!!!!!!!


  6. Question, whatever was the result og GPII ‘s big able “bring and idea and come” to Combermere School hall and I’ll make you a success? I would never vote fuh GPII! But if GPII wins who gine be de real Opposition Leader?🤣🤣🤣

  7. @ Enuff

    We all know you won’t be voting for GPII. However, you asked a very interesting question.

    I’m also curious as to what would happen should Grenville win St. George North.

  8. ‘If that assumption is true, then it does not matter how qualified and accomplished a third-party candidate is, that person can never be elected. The BLP and DLP can both run the carcasses of dead sheep, and be confident that Barbadians are so politically abused, that they will happily elect one of them.’

    Has an independent ever been elected. The answer tests the truth or falsity of the statement.

  9. @ Enuff September 28, 2020 7:19 PM

    What a very interesting question there, Enuff!

    Didn’t know you had it in you like the design of the Hyatt.

    Isn’t it reminiscent of a scenario painted on an earlier blog involving the ‘practicalities’ of getting a majority from one ‘opposing member’ dissected into many pieces to be the LoO?

    Maybe you can get your little ‘red’ page boy KK- the Koochie red cool-aid drinking Kid- to advise you on how get many opposition leaders out of ONE.

    Now who would be that opposing member receiving the majority of support of those two ‘Opposing’ members in Parliament?

  10. If the two cannot agree to which one would be the loo the the GG will select

  11. There is a circulating whatsapp message about Gline Clarke”s retirement package.If that is true then who would not want to be a member of Parliament and then take up an ambassador pick. I do not forward messages that I am not the author.

  12. @Grenville Phillips, we have had discussions and I know where your heart is. If I was in St George North you would be getting my vote. I must say I have found you to be a person who is genuinely sincere and care about people, as well as a person who is not motivated by a title, money or prestige.

    Sadly our voting literacy is minus base points and critical analysis to differentiate substance from fluff is alien to majority.

    Be reminded its difficult to free those who don`t accept or understand they are in mental bondage. Our society is one where free thinkers are despised but blind clones are fed emotional and largesse crumbs to buy loyalty.

    Good luck for the journey to make a difference is always lonely and dangerous. I admire your tireless persistence in pursuit of providing, a new dawn, a new way, for the average bajan.

  13. Wunna bread buttered on one side and got cheese paste pon de udduh nex side, so wunna cud afford tuh talk pretty.
    At de end of de day, people still gots to get cricket bats and laptops fuh duh lil trildren. Wunna all rite yuh.

    Grenville betta get wid de program cause he gline need moore than luck.
    Hear wuh I tell yuh.

  14. RAW BAKE

    you full of baking powder.

  15. Raw BakeSeptember 28, 2020 11:24 PM Prexactly. And den we does complain when the politrix does not get wuh we want.

    We musse chupid as the Trinis say. Yuh cyan sow onions an get yam. De dollarz is wuh get de vote. Because we likum so. Out worthy leaders teachus is dat is whuh to expeck. A lil dolla fuh de vote.

    Because we vote cheap. We wud sell fuh a penny. A Queen Vic penny too. Corn beef an biscuits is whuh de Grynner sing bout. But he said none, but he was mistaken. We like um. Fake hightops, laptops and cash.

    People daon onnerstan, dat selling de vote is selling yuh sould, yuh ancestor soul. But dem doan cay. But den we complain. We complain bout shaddow guvments an contrax. Contrax hey, contrax dey. But whuh wunna does feel de money cum from to get de laptops, hightops and wing dings?

    De worse part ah de time since independents is not dat we ent learn tings, is dat we now indentured to tings, to de bling. De physicals may be unchained, but de mind now just as chained.

    Bob did say, emancipate wunna self from mental slavery. De grandmudda say, who doan hear, gine feel.

    Ah gone.

  16. Lest we forgetSeptember 28, 2020 9:29 PM There is a circulating whatsapp message about Gline Clarke”s retirement package.If that is true then who would not want to be a member of Parliament and then take up an ambassador pick.
    Mebbe so, mebbe so. We all wud like’um. But yuh kno? nuttin if fuheva. It come an it go. We sould is de onliest ting dat everlasting.

    Evating heyso is transiential. Is fuh now, fuh a time, a lil bit. Enjoy while is las, cos it ent fuheva.

    Greed may feed the body, but spoils de soul. Tek dat. Copyrite Crusoe September 29, 2020.

  17. EnuffSeptember 28, 2020 7:19 PM Now dis is where onnerstanin does come in. Iffin GP the Dragonslayer did win, like David an Goliath, he wud be wise to defer to the elder as de Oppositionist leader.

    De reason is dat he should den use de next two years gaining image, an use de elder fuh dat, yuh know, what does rub off. By associationism. Use de image of de elder to big up his own. A clever hunter does stalk, not run like uh madman.

    Wunna gotz to nuse yuh sense.

  18. Piece the Prophet Avatar

    @ Every Barbadian Citizen (with common sense)

    This submission by Bedroom Police is symptomatic of the type of warmed over soup and quixotic ideas that his “one man party” presents.

    It is also consistent with what he has presented from inception of No Solutions Barbados

    Barbadians should see his pompous attitude emerging from his first 4 paragraphs about himself and his non existent Walbrent College which, he was supposed to provide results on enrolees 2 years ago!

    If Barbadians recall his pitch then and compare it with his deliverables it becomes clear that Grenville Phillips’ Waste Foopism is Legendary!

    I, Piece the Prophet, predict that he will get 117 votes, as will lose his deposit as he should.

    De ole man hopes that once this roaming madman loses this time, he eill NEVER EVER SHOW HIS SNUFFLEUPAGUS FACE AGAIN IN BARBADOS POLITICS!!!

    De ole msn is surprised thst he has not commented on how he going disable sex Internet sites in St George North!

    Or get his 350 volunteers walk bout and tek inventory of people’s bedrooms and collect all the dildoes that are in circulation in the parish of St George!

    Bedroom Police you going loss you deposit, real bad

  19. @The Prophet, I have not hear bout dis? GP did propose to police de bedrooms and tek way wunna videahs and ding dong? Wuh ehhh.

    But truly truly, if he is a big up wid a college, a big name one too like Walbrent College, surelz he should be called Professor Doctor and ting, ike udders bout hey?

    De ting is, Professor Doctor Grenzville does sound nuff more impressionist den Grenzville alone?!

  20. Piece the Prophet Avatar

    @ Crusoe the Perceptive

    Long has it been dat Grenville Phillips aka Bedroom Police has been here in Barbados Underground’s cybercorridors advocating for internet censorship my friend.

    When he was accosted about his bedroom investigations he conveniently adjusted his peeping Tom practices to say thst he was only focused on internet predators of which de ole msn immediately became one!

    Purely cause I showed him up to be a raving lunatic with a predisposition to being a tyrant because of his control freak rants heah pun BU.

    De ole man, being prescient in these things, heheheheh, had highlighted this trait in him, MANY YEARS PRIOR to him exposing himself here pun BU.

    There was a time when Grenville ranted about “Defectors from his Military Junta” aka No Solutions Barbados


    If you got time to waste, go and find an article where he comments bout Caswell Franklyn, in particular, or the defectors in general

    Watch he, or he sidekick Freedom Croaker, come and call down Brimstone pun de ole man heheheheheh

    Dem down like me too much heheheheh

  21. @ Piece

    You are right. Junior is a control freak. I was not surprised when he put himself forward as the candidate for St George North. Who are the other members of Solutions?
    Do you notice in everything he says he tells us of his qualifications? He is obsessed with his own genius.

  22. “Watch he, or he sidekick Freedom Croaker, ”

    these days the SYRIAN CARTEL is busy COVERING UP their own corrupt, criminal asses..

  23. “@The Prophet, I have not hear bout dis? GP did propose to police de bedrooms and tek way wunna videahs and ding dong?”

    he even called me a pervert when i told him to stay out of people’s bedrooms and why must he know what sex tape people are watching and why must he view and approve them first…

    ….he was ranting all over FB and other media….FB was unforgiving and cussed his ass and chased him away, it took some time for him to get the courage to return..

  24. What makes GPII a good candidate? I ask again, where is the evidence to demonstrate that the gentleman’s bring an idea and come seminars work? Where is the much touted zero tax economic plan that was to be made available for public scrutiny? GPII wouldn’t even beat me a nobody, so Moore would be real bad to lose to him. Privilege and ego, eh. Stupse! 🤣🤣🤣

  25. “They are in danger of being forced to sell out future generations to meet their present debts.”

    nothing new for Barbados, that’s a nobrainer for them, the ministers won’t even blink, they sell out generations of the people just to take bribes, now it’s to pay debts incurred due to all their corruption over the last 40 years….nobrainer.

  26. Everybody in SGN have heard the whispers over the years about the original wuk fuh wuk.
    After 26 years of rumoured duplicity, a few handouts and stellar representation of self; we hear “well done good and faithful servant” and he receives a golden handshake. Now pray tell, what have the King of SGN ever done during those 26 years to justify this continued expense to overburdened taxpayers?

    GPII, look contest the election but use your platform to speak to broader national issues and forget SGN. You ain’t gine win, look at Ambrose, he got the right idea about Gline’s so called representation and he can’t get a bligh eider. Target the middle and upper classes with yuh speeches, who knows, 2023 might even be interesting.

    I say the moore the merrier.
    When it’s all over, it’ll just be moore of the same.

  27. Look for more seats being vacated as 2023 approaches. We have Cynthia and Ronald next. Say what you want the PM is lining up preferred candidates from early. A word to the wise should be sufficient.

  28. Crusoe,
    I have told you that Grenville is a control freak. I have told you that Grenville is leader of
    a ghost/duppy party. I have told you that Grenville is a Trump supporting, feeble minded monarchist, Nelson loving, fanatical Christian.

    And he calls all those who criticise him “haters”.

    Childish as well.

    You should go into the BU archives and read his positions and his interactions.

  29. How was the supposedly sleep-walking FJS able to successfully lead Bajans into the depths of economic despair?
    Was the DLP, with the slightest majority ever, allowed to inflict untold damage to the psyche of Bajans in a calculated plot that would guarantee their self-destruction and banishment for at least 15yrs?
    Are we now in the early stages of writing another footnote on history’s page?

    If not the greatest, then surely the longest serving is up for grabs. No?

  30. @Raw Bake

    What are you saying? If we think you are saying what you are saying then Hobson’s choice comes to mind?

  31. David, all I’m saying is that the worst administration the country has ever had occurred simultaneously with the strongest opposition (numerical) we’ve ever had. A BLP win in 2018 was a foregone conclusion. A cake walk for the best and brightest. Yes?

    Some politicians have been known to play the long game.
    Time being still longer than twine.

  32. @Raw Bake

    Reading you now. As you know this blogmaster is not the brightest.

  33. At least you have a blog and sense of humour. So there’s that. 🙂

  34. I challenge TONI MOORE or any body else to put BETTER PROPOSALS on the table than GRANVILLE PHILLIPS II. And work on them from day one.

    TONI MOORE is a Trade Union “””leader””, she is an “”Independent”” Senator, she is a member of the Barbados Labour Party. Who really is TONI MOORE???? She said NOT TOO LONG AGO THAT SHE is not Political. Her WORDS CANNOT BE TRUSTED. Where are WORKERS in all this????

    Are they only a means to her personal AGRANDISDMENT?????

  35. GRANVILLE PHILLIPS II is a creature of this blog, yet the vitriol that is passed his way by means of this same Blog is astonishing.

    And for the benefit of WHITE BAJAN control Barbados Labour Party.

  36. @Carson Cadogon

    Solutions Barbados is the third largest opposition party in Barbados. This cannot be refuted.

  37. Carson????? Who hold a séance?

    CCC, leh muh ask yuh something. Monique Taitt and Kevin Boyce still belong to the DEMS?

  38. I thought somebody had killed that DLP yardfowl and eaten him.

    Grenville Phillips does put forward some good ideas but he has serious character flaws and backward positions that would make him worse than what we currently have.

    We gave him a chance. We were all hoping and even praying for another option. We wanted Grenville to be it.

    But alas…. oh the disappointment! I remember exactly when the bubble burst for me.

    You should go into the BU archives and see how we welcomed him and what caused the about turn.

  39. Well, it seems that Piece and Donna are still up to their old tricks.

    To the uninformed, I did call Donna a hater. Why? Because 90 to 100% of any negative things she writes about me are lies. Further, she knows that they are lies, but she keeps repeating them anyway.

    She may ask you to look at earlier discussions to give herself some credibility, but if you actually looked at the earlier comments, they will only prove her lies. Having someone disagree with my opinions is not hate, but a discussion. If you read Donna’s comments towards me, they are classic bullying hate. So, I normally do not respond to her.

    Piece is the other BU bully – as you probably guessed from his comments. He also cannot stop lying. I have written several articles against allowing our children smart phones and computers, with direct access to child pornography/rape. I suggested, at the very least, installing a pornography filter, but Piece opposed every suggestion.

    Piece also threatened to overthrow the Mia Mottley administration, and actually raised funds to do so – so he is Piece the Traitor. The PM likely already knows who he is, but seems to be giving him enough rope to hang himself. So be careful agreeing to any treasonous statements he makes. This is Piece’s song.


    No one knows for sure!!!!

    This is a person who with impunity backtracks on her word. A woman whose words can not be trusted. A woman who will easily mislead the Constituents of SGN. A misfit being used by the WHITE BAJAN AND INDIAN CONSORTIUM to fill a hole created by a another misfit. She will further SELL OUT HER POEOPLE to the other races in the Country.

    She must not be allowed to fill this void which has been created.



    Is our SON.

    IS OUR CHILD of whom we shoud be well pleased!!!!!

    We sent him to improved his academic qualifications, we sent him to be better than us. He must shout his qualifications from the rooftops. because we want our children to be better than we are. In so doing he is showing other BLACK BARBADIANS what they can be become.

    GRANVILLE PHILLIPS II is paradigm shift from from obtains in so much of BLACK BARBADOS.


  42. On line 7

    should be “what”.

  43. Mia Mottley stood in the public arena and said barbadians slander and attacked Moore
    But look how Mia did the same to Caswell Franklyn
    The blp govt has stooped to the lowest level lower than a stinking garbage can

  44. CCC…ya still a FRAUD…

    how bout Donville.

  45. When all FAILS ……….RESORT TO NAME CALLING!!!!


    You may have the last word.

  46. Dear Grenville the Clown,

    90% of what I say is negative because that is what you deserve.

    Please note that I have never made any comment re the pornography issue because I really do not know what you said.

    That is how I operate.

    No tricks. Just my opinion on what I have seen of you via BU.

    P.S. I don’t hate you. I am too busy trying to figure out how a man can be so smart and so stupid at the same time. Truly perplexing.

  47. “When all FAILS..”

    yep…30-0 is definitely a FAIL…

    don’t know how you accumulated the fronts to show yaself..

  48. Piece the Prophet Avatar

    @ Bedroom Police

    As long as de ole man has breath in my body

    As long as de body has strength in my fingers

    As long as the mind has comprehension skills

    I, Piece the Prophet shall write in response to your blogs here so that all bajans will see you as a petty, small minded, one man political party who is a nasty pathetic pathological liar WHO MUST NEVER EVER GET IN THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY!

    You Granville Phillips the II are a step beyond Mugabe Mottley because, whereas she is a Dictator YOU ARE BOTH A DICTATOR AND A RH MADMAN!

    When you lose your deposit again this time, de ole man hopes you do the honourable thing and commit yourself to the care of a psychiatrist

    In fact, start treatment soon

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